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deefeeme · 3 months
Denuncian penalmente a Kicillof y Kreplak por no entregar ambulancias
#PBA #Política | Denuncian penalmente a Kicillof y Kreplak por no entregar ambulancias #AxelKicillof y #NicolásKreplak enfrentan una denuncia penal del diputado #JoséLuisEspert por no entregar 160 #ambulancias a hospitales y municipios de #BuenosAires, afectando el acceso a la salud pública
Axel Kicillof y Nicolás Kreplak enfrentan una denuncia penal del diputado José Luis Espert por no entregar 160 ambulancias a hospitales y municipios de Buenos Aires, afectando el acceso a la salud pública El gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, y su ministro de Salud, Nicolás Kreplak, enfrentan una denuncia penal presentada por el diputado nacional de La Libertad Avanza,…
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elcorreografico · 3 months
Denuncian penalmente a Kicillof y Kreplak por no entregar ambulancias
#PBA #Política | Denuncian penalmente a Kicillof y Kreplak por no entregar ambulancias #AxelKicillof y #NicolásKreplak enfrentan una denuncia penal del diputado #JoséLuisEspert por no entregar 160 #ambulancias a hospitales y municipios de #BuenosAires, afectando el acceso a la salud pública
Axel Kicillof y Nicolás Kreplak enfrentan una denuncia penal del diputado José Luis Espert por no entregar 160 ambulancias a hospitales y municipios de Buenos Aires, afectando el acceso a la salud pública El gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, y su ministro de Salud, Nicolás Kreplak, enfrentan una denuncia penal presentada por el diputado nacional de La Libertad Avanza,…
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laopiniononline · 8 months
Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca recibe en comodato cinco ambulancias e incorpora tres drones para potenciar respuesta ante emergencias.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/em
Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca recibe en comodato cinco ambulancias e incorpora tres drones para potenciar respuesta ante emergencias.
Los vehículos fueron cedidos por el Servicio de Salud O’Higgins y reemplazarán a las ambulancias que resultaron siniestradas en un taller mecánico de Viña del Mar, permitiendo una rápida acción de los equipos de emergencia en el territorio.
Hace una semana, las comunas de Viña del Mar, Quilpué, Villa Alemana y Limache fueron azotadas por graves incendios forestales que alcanzaron zonas urbanas dejando miles de viviendas destruidas, más de 130 personas fallecidas y numerosos heridos.
Además, se produjo la pérdida de seis vehículos del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota, entre ellos tres ambulancias, dos del Hospital Biprovincial Quillota Petorca y una del Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke, que se encontraban en mantención en un taller mecánico de Viña del Mar, que resultó completamente quemado. Ante esta situación y para mantener la capacidad de respuesta ante la emergencia, el Servicio de Salud del Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins, en coordinación con la Subsecretaría de Redes Asistenciales y el Ministerio de Salud, han solidarizado con la tragedia, cediendo en comodato cinco ambulancias que permitan dar continuidad a la atención de la comunidad.
Así lo destacó la Directora del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, Andrea Quiero Gelmi, quien valoró el aporte del Servicio de Salud O’Higgins.
“Esto nos permite cubrir una primera respuesta de nuestros hospitales Biprovincial Quillota Petorca, Dr. Gustavo Fricke y de la red SAMU. Esta solidaridad nos permite entonces hoy día empezar la jornada y el desafío de mejor manera, en razón de que efectivamente, estamos muy demandados con llegar con una pronta respuesta”.
Por su parte, la SEREMI de Salud, Lorena Cofré, se refirió a este comodato colaborativo que permitirá dar una respuesta oportuna de la red asistencial en el territorio.
“Yo quiero solamente agradecer esto, esta colaboración, este préstamo de estas ambulancias que son de avanzada del Servicio de Salud O’Higgins, y también la disposición que ha tenido el Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota, para dar respuesta oportuna a las necesidades que hoy día están surgiendo en el territorio”.
A su vez, el Delegado Presidencial de Marga Marga, Fidel Cueto comentó tras la entrega de los móviles que “con este aporte realmente vamos a tener una velocidad de respuesta mucho mayor, con un estándar que yo quiero relevar, porque son ambulancias de última generación en absolutamente todos los servicios que prestan. Están tremendamente bien equipadas, tienen estándares que no lo habíamos visto antes, por lo tanto, creemos que con esto vamos a poder seguir en la línea que nos ha pedido el Presidente, que es entregarle a la población la mejor respuesta de parte del Estado en esta situación que estamos viviendo”.
Haroldo Faúndez, Director del Hospital Biprovincial Quillota Petorca, establecimiento que perdió dos móviles de emergencia, durante el incendio se mostró conforme con la gestión del Servicio de Salud.
“Estamos muy alegres, muy motivados porque recuperamos nuestras ambulancias en un plazo de una semana. Así que agradecido a la gestión de nuestro Servicio de Salud, agradecido a la Subsecretaría y del Ministerio de Salud, porque hemos podido recuperar nuestras importantes herramientas”.
También el Dr. Juan Carlos Gac, Director (s) del Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke hizo énfasis en la importancia de recuperar prontamente la ambulancia siniestrada.
“Estamos muy felices, muy contentos ya que podemos continuar con nuestra labor asistencial, podemos continuar trasladando a nuestros pacientes después de una intervención quirúrgica, trasladarlos a una curación. Por lo tanto, la familia Fricke, está feliz, contenta y vamos a seguir con nuestra labor asistencial en estos momentos”
Por último, Jorge Araya, Presidente FENATS Histórica del Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke señaló, como dirigente sindical y funcionario del Servicio de Traslado del Hospital, la importancia de recuperar el móvil gracias a este comodato con el Servicio de Salud O’Higgins.
“Este es un acto de justicia con el servicio de traslado de pacientes y que hoy día ya se ha tomado la medida de entregar un vehículo nuevo, eso ayuda a los más de 1.200 pacientes que se trasladan mensualmente y así llegar a lugares que son de difícil acceso. Hoy día, por cierto, varias poblaciones donde nosotros teníamos pacientes desaparecieron y eso va a complicar mucho más el traslado y la atención de esos pacientes”.
Drones para reforzar la capacidad de respuesta del SAMU
Uno de los principales énfasis de la actual gestión del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, radica en dotar de nuevas herramientas y tecnologías a los equipos de emergencia para un mejor despliegue de la red ante situaciones complejas, resguardando la integridad de los funcionarios y funcionarias que se encuentran en terreno.
Bajo esa perspectiva el Servicio de Salud ha incorporado a la red SAMU tres drones de última generación que permitirán hacer un rastreo aéreo en caso de acudir a emergencias en lugares de difícil acceso y ante condiciones adversas.
Así lo detalló la Directora del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, Andrea Quiero Gelmi.
“La incorporación de drones va a permitir llegar con prontitud, con oportunidad y de manera segura también para nuestros trabajadores, a distintos puntos de accidentes o de situaciones complejas. Llegamos con móviles en un momento de tragedia, y también incorporamos nuevas herramientas y nuevos desafíos, como la incorporación por primera vez a los SAMUs del país, representados por nuestro querido SAMU del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, la incorporación de drones que va a hacer más cercano todavía el trabajo de nuestra red hacia las personas”.
Base SAMU Marga Marga
Otro de los puntos fundamentales que ha acelerado el tranco a raíz de la emergencia es la apertura de la nueva Base SAMU Marga Marga, que se incorpora a las bases Quintero, Viña del Mar, Quillota y La Ligua, para ser la primera respuesta en terreno a las urgencias prehospitalarias en la provincia.
Así lo detalló la Directora del Servicio de Salud, Andrea Quiero Gelmi.
“Desde el año pasado que estamos trabajando en aperturar una quinta base en nuestra red asistencial, sin duda ya estamos mirando las próximas que tenemos que diseñar, pero hoy día y para para dos semanas más, empezando la segunda semana de aquí en adelante debiéramos aperturar en la zona de Marga Marga, específicamente en la comuna de Quilpué, la base SAMU Marga Marga, que nos va a permitir también contar con parte de estas ambulancias y un equipo que está siendo reclutado para aumentar la seguridad de las personas”.
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elchaqueno · 8 months
Persiste bloqueo en ingreso a Santa Rosa del Sara por segunda jornada consecutiva
El bloqueo en la nueva carretera a Cochabamba, liderado por la Federación de Campesinos del Norte Integrado, continúa por segundo día, afectando a un centenar de camiones. Los dirigentes exigen la renuncia de magistrados prorrogados y nuevas elecciones judiciales. Se permiten excepciones para ambulancias y emergencias. Dirigentes afines a Evo Morales ratifican que la medida será indefinida y…
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carabanchelnet · 8 months
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📌#27E Plaza de la Emperatriz en Carabanchel Alto: Acto por el derecho a migrar 📌Victoria para los hipotecados: la justicia europea abre la puerta a ampliar los plazos para reclamar los gastos abusivos 📌Convenio abusivo en ambulancias de Madrid: trabajadores consideran paros ante el incumplimiento salarial 📌Estatuto del becario: valentía para acabar con la explotación 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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noticlick · 1 year
Gobiemo de Potosí: Gobernador y 4 funcionarios son sobreseídos de compra de ambulancias
Tras el escándalo de la compra irregular de 41 ambulancias en Potosí, la Fiscalía pronunció el sobreseimiento del gobernador, Jhonny Mamani Gutiérrez, y otros cuatro funcionarios, mientras que otros 12 personas y particulares fueron oficialmente acusados. Los cargos se encuentran entre el falso, incumplimiento de deberes, uso de instrumento falsificado y sociedades ficticias.
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ANO 2023.
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
La Cruz Roja condena los hechos violentos contra sus voluntarios en Rosarito, BC
La Cruz Roja condena los hechos violentos contra sus voluntarios en Rosarito, BC #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Huracanes #proteccióncivil #AyudaHumanitaria #CruzRoja #CruzRojaMexicana #cicr_mx @CruzRoja_CDMX @CICR_DRMX @CruzRoja_MX @cicr_mx #CICR
Cruz Roja Mexicana lamenta hechos violentos contra voluntarios en Rosarito, Baja California Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera                                                        La Cruz Roja Mexicana condenó la agreción sufrida contra uno de sus socorristas ocurridos en el municipio de Rosarito, Baja California, la noche del pasado martes. El socorrista Daniel Corral fue atacado a balazos…
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santacruzuno · 2 years
Destacaron la importancia de la llegada de ambulancias e insumos a los hospitales de la provincia
Ambulancias e insumos
El  Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente, gestionó ante el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación, tres nuevas ambulancias que se incorporan al sistema de salud público de la provincia. través de un trabajo articulado entre Nación y el Gobierno Provincial, se hizo efectiva la llegada de una flota de tres ambulancias, que consisten en una unidad de cuidados intensivos destinada a la localidad de Puerto San…
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kyuala · 5 months
QUEREMOS SIMÓN AMANTE DISCARADO PFVR KYUALINHA PFVRRRRRRRRR 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😩😩😩😩😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 (implorando por pica e fanficagens
♡ faz gostoso ♡
par: simón hempe amante descarado e personal trainer x leitora casada | notas da autora: SEU PEDIDO É UMA ORDEM, DIVA JUJU! obrigada por comprarem essa ideia de maluca que começou aqui e seguiu pro que eu falei aqui... e finalmente veio aí! tentei um formato novo de hc, espero que gostem 🤍 | avisos: linguagem adulta, traição (óbvio), descrições de sexo explícitas, homem gostoso e meio maluco
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♡ tudo começa quando você se matricula no pilates, bem madame pois vai às 15h da tarde e é bancada pelo teu marido
♡ teu marido que todo mundo pensa ser um anjo em forma de gente por te bancar mas na verdade ele não faz mais do que a obrigação porque é um BOSTA - mete chifre em você até o cu fazer bico (já perdeu a conta de quantas vezes já descobriu amantes dele e hoje em dia nem chora mais) e ganha mais dinheiro do que consegue gastar, então é óbvio que você se aproveita da situação para pegar o dinheiro dele e investir em você, tentar distrair a tua cabeça do pesadelo que é o teu casamento
♡ tudo começa mais do que bem, você se dá bem com a turma pequena com quem divide a aula, a instrutora é uma graça de pessoa e o exercício físico e novo ambiente de convívio social fazem você se sentir melhor
♡ enquanto isso, simón já tá de olho em você desde que você passou pela porta - já chegou até a perguntar pra recepcionista quem é a milf que começou o pilates umas semanas atrás (ele não usou essas palavras mas era o que ele tava pensando)
♡ com o tempo, você começa a ficar mais à vontade na academia em que fica o estúdio - sai mais para encher tua garrafinha de água no bebedouro, fica até mais tarde para tomar um banho e se trocar no vestiário mesmo e já até foi assistir às aulas de luta algumas vezes
♡ é nessas que simón aproveita para se aproximar de você, se usando da imagem de bom moço solícito para perguntar se você precisa de alguma coisa ou se está perdida - você dá risada e responde que não, mas agradece pela preocupação
♡ ele então pergunta o que você faz na academia (como se já não soubesse) e vocês engatam no assunto do pilates, conversando sobre a professora, as aulas, os exercícios - tudo que ele consegue pensar ele fala para alongar o assunto com você
♡ quando você acaba citando que começou a fazer pilates para ter um certo resultado (deixando de fora toda a parte do teu marido, é claro), ele vai prontamente dizer que você alcançaria um resultado muito melhor e muito mais rápido na musculação. se é verdade ou não? jamais saberemos (não é)
♡ você fica maravilhada com a informação, fazendo mais perguntas sobre e claramente se interessando, e ele, como o bom instrutor que é, se prontifica na hora para te ajudar nessa jornada; você só precisa começar a frequentar a área de musculação da academia também
♡ você diz que precisa falar com teu marido sobre a mudança antes de qualquer coisa (afinal, o dinheiro infelizmente ainda é dele) e ele faz uma cara de surpresa, perguntando "ah, você é casada?" como se já não tivesse reparado na aliança enorme e cheia de brilhantes que você usa - ele reparou sim, claro, ele só NÃO LIGA
♡ fica acordado então que ele aguarda tua resposta e precisando de qualquer coisa - qualquer coisa MESMO, como ele faz questão de frisar - é só chamar ele que ele tá sempre por ali disposto a ajudar
♡ chegando em casa você fala com o broxa do teu marido, que mal te dá atenção e diz que sim, "faz o que você quiser", na intenção de encerrar logo o assunto
♡ quando você volta à academia com a notícia, simón fica todo feliz por você e vocês começam o treino juntos, com ele te mostrando como se alongar e executar os exercícios adequadamente
♡ e, de início, ele é SUPER respeitoso (faz questão de te chamar de senhora porque sente tesão em lembrar que você é casada e não tá disponível pra ele pegar de qualquer jeito) e profissional - sempre mantém uma boa distância de você e só te dirige a palavra com respeito, te mostra como fazer tudo certinho e é bem solícito
♡ ele até tenta, mas TODO mundo na academia percebe o tratamento especial e diferenciado que você recebe - o gerente do turno já cansou de dar comida de rabo no simón por conta de cliente insatisfeito e são sempre os marmanjos que são deixados de lado toda vez que você chama o nome dele ou demonstra o mínimo de dificuldade em algum exercício
♡ com o tempo vocês vão se aproximando mais, falando sobre coisas que não estão necessariamente ligadas à academia, como o último capítulo da novela (ele não assistiu) ou quem foi o eliminado da semana no bbb (ele não tá acompanhando), ele sempre muito receptivo e de sorriso largo
♡ sempre pergunta do teu marido e ouve com toda a atenção do mundo quando você reclama de alguma coisa que ele fez, concorda com você em tudo mas nunca fala demais ou chega a te dar conselhos - isso estragaria todo o plano dele
♡ depois de um tempinho, as turmas de pilates são canceladas pois a instrutora vai se mudar e não conseguiram achar ninguém pra colocar no lugar (por que será? a pessoa que ficou responsável por isso não deu retorno...) - você fica chateada e comenta com simón, que verbaliza a preocupação dele com o fato de você ter que ir até a academia só para a musculação agora (como se fosse um grande peso) e você diz que tá tudo bem, não tem problema
♡ ele então aproveita a situação para perguntar se você tem alguma área de exercícios em casa, te lembrando da academia super bem equipada que tem no condomínio de alto padrão onde mora. ele logo se oferece para fazer o acompanhamento a domicílio então - você teria mais exclusividade no atendimento, ele poderia focar mais em você, você não precisaria se deslocar para a academia só para treinar por uma horinha e ir embora, ele até receberia mais já que os pagamentos seriam feitos diretamente a ele e não precisaria dar a parte da academia. uniria simplesmente todos os úteis a todos os agradáveis
♡ você acaba concordando (mais por ele do que por você porque, de novo, não seria problema nenhum continuar indo na academia) e é AÍ, minhas divas, que mora o perigo
♡ sem os olhares curiosos dos outros estudantes e supervisão constante dos colegas de trabalho, simón se assanha mil vezes mais na academia do teu prédio do que na antiga
♡ se aproxima bem mais de você durante os alongamentos e exercícios - de repente tudo que você faz parece que tá errado e ele, claro, tá sempre lá pra corrigir e ajudar
♡ coloca as mãos firmes na tua cintura, te guia do jeito que ele quer, se aproxima sempre que solicitado, gosta de ficar atrás de você quando você faz agachamento, faz questão de dar as instruções falando bem coladinho no teu ouvido por trás, dá risada baixinha e soprada quando você faz algum comentário
♡ e ele não é bobo nem nada, tá? fica sempre bem atento a como você reage a cada toque dele, como se não fosse tocada direito por ninguém há anos (e realmente não é), se segurando mas derretendo cada vez mais nos braços dele
♡ com o tempo as posições e a forma como ele te acompanha vão ficando cada vez mais sugestivas, mais grudadas, mais sensuais e você tenta afastar todos esses pensamentos da tua cabeça, afinal ele só tá fazendo o trabalho dele - você que é uma safada! né? (não) (na verdade sim, mas ele também é e é pior ainda)
♡ os treinos começam a ficar tão intensos que você, pela primeira vez, começa a ter aquela experiência de gozar só com os exercícios físicos - e na verdade não sabe se é só pelos exercícios físicos mesmo
♡ ele nota e te tranquiliza horroressss em relação a isso, dizendo que é super normal e acontece com todo mundo (não acontece), que pra ele não é nada de mais (ele fica morto de tesão) e que se você quiser vocês podem trabalhar mais em função disso (isso é verdade)
♡ a tensão entre vocês vai aumentando tanto que um dia você goza só de fazerem o alongamento grudadinhos, o que nunca tinha acontecido antes e te deixa toda paranóica, se culpando e achando que você tá sendo uma depravada e se aproveitando dele
♡ ele te tranquiliza, óbvio, e isso vai continuando e escalando de uma forma até vocês estarem fazendo praticamente dry humping no chão da academia
♡ vai aumentando a frequência e a intensidade das safadezas de vocês, claramente deixando de ser "apenas coisa do exercício físico mesmo", e se preciso ele vai falar mansinho no teu ouvido e te convencer de que tá tudo bem, isso não é traição - traição é o que teu marido faz com uma mulher gostosa e maravilhosa dessas que só faz amá-lo 💔
♡ e vai sempre escalonando, tá? numa semana não é traição ele estar tão juntinho, traição seria se ele estivesse se esfregando em você. aí na próxima não é traição vocês estarem se esfregando, traição seria se estivessem sem roupa. aí na próxima não é traição tirarem a roupa, afinal ele tá só te ajudando a aliviar estresse; traição seria se ele estivesse metendo dentro de você
♡ e ele leva isso muuuuito na paciência, tá? simón não tem problema ALGUM em ir te cozinhando no banho-maria porque ele sabe que assim consegue muito mais de você a longo prazo do que arriscando te comer logo de uma vez, te deixar se sentindo culpada e te fazer tirá-lo da tua vida
♡ e o resultado de tudo isso é uma tarde que ele diz precisar de um copo de água porque esqueceu a garrafinha, ou precisar de um banho porque vai direto do serviço para um compromisso, ou qualquer outro motivo que o leve pra dentro do teu apartamento
♡ e já dentro do teu apartamento ele não faz nada na primeira vez, tá? espera surgirem mais oportunidades pra você se sentir mais à vontade com ele lá
♡ e nessas ele não muda o modus operandi dele: vai sempre te levando na maior calma, no respeito, na pinta de bom moço solícito (até te ajuda a consertar algumas coisas no teu apartamento que teu marido jamais levantaria um dedo pra ajudar e sempre esquece de chamar alguém), vai ficando cada vez mais tempo lá dentro conversando contigo, te pede pra fazer um tour pelos cômodos e apresentar tudo pra ele, cozinha pra você e te mostra como preparar umas receitinhas saudáveis que ele recomenda
♡ e é assim que ele te convence a levar essas escapadinhas de vocês pra tua cama, afinal não é traição ele meter gostoso em você no lugar que você divide com o teu marido, né? traição seria se tivesse sentimento, se teu marido não tivesse feito isso primeiro - na cabeça dele chumbo trocado não dói e ele vai te falar isso se for preciso
♡ e vai levar o caso de vocês o mais longe possível, te come de absolutamente todos os jeitos e formas imagináveis: na tua cama, na academia do prédio, na escada de emergência, no teu carro, na cozinha, na sala, brinca contigo no elevador e não tá NEM AÍ pras câmeras
♡ teu marido SABE o que tá rolando e nem fala nada porque 1) é um otário broxa que sabe que merece e 2) jamais conseguiria pegar o simón no soco, o moreno se garante. e daí fica por isso mesmo 🎀
♡ sempre que o simón topa com teu marido quando tá saindo do teu apartamento é com um sorrisão no rosto, cumprimenta todo folgadinho e pode até soltar um comentário debochado ou outro tipo "se ela estiver cansadinha não liga não, viu? o treino hoje foi bem pesado" ou "hoje ela ficou bem doloridinha mas relaxa que amanhã eu tô aí de novo pra cuidar dela" 😋
♡ ADORA te comer e perguntar onde que tá o otário do teu marido, se ele consegue te comer do jeito que ele come, qual pau você prefere, tudo - sente um tesão do CARALHO em ser amante, tá? é surreal
♡ e ele SABE que o sexo com ele é infinitas vezes melhor e inacreditável de bom, então vai se usar disso toda vez que você tentar acabar com o casinho de vocês por algum motivo - uma vibe bem "deixa disso, princesa, vem aqui pra eu te lembrar por que é que você tá comigo"
♡ sim, com ELE, porque com o tempo o caso de vocês passa a ser mais público - vocês vão juntos no mercado comprar coisinhas saudáveis pra você, você deixa ele de carro na academia depois dele passar a noite na tua casa quando teu marido tá viajando a trabalho, até pra eventos público que teu marido tá presente você leva ele, então na cabeça dele o relacionamento você tem com ELE, aquilo que você tem com teu marido é só de fachada e não tem significado algum
♡ o final vocês que decidem, mas pra MIM o bônus aqui seria ele se apaixonando por você e tentando te convencer a largar o teu marido pra ficar com ele. fica todo romântico e desesperadinho por você, passa a ter ciúmes de você com o teu MARIDO e começa a ficar muito mais briguento e esquentadinho pra cima dele. ele só quer te amar e viver um romance com você ok 💔
♡ resumindo: simón personal trainer e amante descarado é um safado que te conquista com a pinta de bom moço e respeitoso, te convence a trair teu marido e não sente o mínimo remorso de te comer na tua cama e fazer teu marido de corno do jeitinho que deve ser ♡
masterlist principal | masterlist de lsdln
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ambulanciaviamedica · 29 days
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caostalgia · 7 months
¿Escuchas eso? Son las sirenas de la ambulancia de corazones, pues luego de que jugaras con el mío, quedará en coma por el resto de su vida.
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welele · 10 months
Esa ambulancia está en el espacio.
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viejospellejos · 2 years
La primera vez que veo llegar a la ambulancia a tiempo
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forjongseong · 2 years
ambulancia // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (Part 8 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; BTS (ot7) makes an appearance; making out; oral sex; unprotected sex; creampie. // wc: ~9.7k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 -la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: tension arises as you experience yet another encounter with your ex. Jay, your beloved boyfriend, reminds you who you belong to by treating you so well, in sickness and in health.
author’s notes: welcome to PART EIGHT! I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have come so far, and WELCOME to new readers!!
I know it's Jake's birthday but since I don't write for him, please settle for his screentime here (he appears twice! surprise) LOL
the song chosen for the title of this part is again by Camilo, who is my ult Colombian singer at this point. in this song he features the queen Camila Cabello too!
and now, for the lyrics:
You have me sick, I think I need a doctor My dependency on you is no longer comical I want to know what your genetics have My world spins around you, you're magnetic And how could it not?
I mean.... right????
oh by the way, the look I am referring to in the very last scene is this:
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taglist: @jaylaxies @thots4hee @nyanggk @end-hyphen @jayked @yoursjaeyun @maggstar
(those who have not been interacting with the series have been removed from the taglist. send in an ask if you want to stay in it.)
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You checked your reflection in the mirror of the elevator. Since it was casual Friday, you opted for a loose, long-sleeved button-down paired with a denim skirt, and a pair of knee-high boots to complete your look. When you were picking your outfit, Jay mentioned how you looked like a K-Pop idol, and to make sure you did not appear too young, you brushed up your hair to a high ponytail instead of letting your bangs and hair down as usual.
Jay opted for a preppy vest to layer over his shirt, but he stuck to his normal dress pants and shoes to keep it semiformal. When he noticed how you look standing next to each other, he thought it felt like it was bring your girlfriend to work day. The elevator dinged and Jay stepped out with you, his hand placed on the small of your back.
Your team scheduled a meeting with you since two days ago, claiming that they had an important presentation to show you regarding one of the projects. Your schedule for the morning was cleared except for this one meeting, so you expected them to be ready once you arrived. However, when you entered the meeting room, you saw only two people at the desk and they both apologized at you repeatedly, saying that the presentation was not ready because they were still editing or rendering the final cut of the video they were supposed to show you.
“Are you serious?” You responded after Theo explained everything to you.
Theo was looking at the floor, afraid of saying something stupid, so Jiung stepped up to answer you. “We just need another 20 minutes, Miss. We’re so sorry about this.”
You looked around and noticed that the snacks in the minibar and the packets of coffee and tea needed to be refilled. You then diverted your attention back to your two employees.
“I confirmed last night that I should be here at 11AM, and now you’re making me wait? Are you aware that I could be using this time to do something else?”
Jiung was now too scared to speak too, and Jay cleared his throat before stepping in between you and them.
“The boss will be waiting in her office,” Jay said, taking back the iPad you set on the table with his hands. “Twenty minutes, guys.”
You stormed off without hearing a reply, while Jay took his phone out and set a timer. Jiung and Theo apologized to him and thanked him before he left and headed to your office. You were already inside, and he gave Hwiyoung a quick nod before knocking once on your door and letting himself in. Jay typed something on his phone before he set it down on your coffee table along with the iPad he was carrying.
“Can you believe them?” You asked, not actually waiting for an answer. “I hate it when people make me wait.”
“I know,” Jay sat on the sofa and stretched his arm. “But it has never happened before, and I’m sure they already feel horrible.”
“What am I supposed to do for the next 18 minutes?” You glanced at the time on your computer screen. Your schedule was always planned down to the minute, so if one gets delayed you did not really have the option to move something else up. And right now, you did not have any work to catch up to, or anything else to do in advance.
“It’s Friday, Boss,” Jay smiled as he shifted his position to look at you. “Just relax a bit.”
You did notice you were feeling a little too tense, so when you walked over to his seat you softened your gaze. “You look relaxed,” you said to Jay as you stood in front of him.
He reached out for your hand and tugged you, making you sit on his lap sideways. You instinctively nuzzled into his neck as he chuckled, caressing your thigh with one hand and rubbing your back with the other.
“We have enough time, you know.” Jay’s voice was deep and low, and you could feel the vibration from how close you were leaning into him.
“Hmm,” you hummed, cupping his face in one hand but still burying your face in his neck. “For what?”
“Anything you want.” Jay tightened his grip around your thigh and your breath hitched.
You pulled away from his neck and made him look at you. “I want a kiss.”
Jay smiled, stretching his neck to peck your lips. You pouted, still caressing his face with your hand.
“Kiss me harder,” you said.
With his arm firm around your waist, he dipped you to the side and kissed you hard, as you requested. You chuckled and smiled into the kiss, letting his lips dance with yours as you latched both your arms around his neck. His hand on your thigh moved to stay between your legs, and as he deepened the kiss, his hand started to move dangerously closer to your core.
You moaned when his fingers grazed your clit through your underwear. “Hands off,” you whispered before you continued kissing him back.
“God,” Jay replied, breathless and into your mouth. “You feel so soft.”
You whined and let him nibble on your lips. The sloppy sounds you two were making sent you to overdrive. You pushed him back so he was leaning on the sofa and quickly straddled him, pulling your skirt up so you can spread your legs better.
“We should have stayed in bed longer,” you said softly, leaving his lips to trail kisses along his jawline. “I would have made you kiss me everywhere.”
Jay closed his eyes and rested his hands on your waist as he let you kiss his face. You did not even care about the lipstick marks that were already staining his cheeks and his chin. He smiled throughout the whole process, even chuckling when he felt like your lips were tickling him.
“We still have time,” Jay muttered. He glanced at his watch quickly before looking back at you.
You shook your head but at the same time grinded your hips against his. He stifled a groan, throwing his head back when he felt his erection brush against your core. In a rush, his hand made his way under your skirt. Within seconds, his fingers were tugging your panties to the side, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Please,” Jay breathed. “Let me touch you.”
You shook your head. “One taste and that’s all. That’s what you get for rushing me earlier, thinking that we’re gonna be late.”
You smirked and cupped his face, kissing him again. He moaned into your mouth and drew a line with his finger along your slit. You whimpered, trying not to collapse on him as he pulled his hand away from you. You stopped kissing him and sat back on his lap, only to see him put his finger in his mouth, the very finger that was already tainted with your arousal.
He sucked on his finger like it was a lollipop and closed his eyes, almost as if he was memorizing your taste. When he opened his eyes again, his pupils were dilated and his gaze on you was full of lust.
“Unbuckle my pants. Please,” Jay begged. You chuckled and brushed his hair back, touching your forehead to his. “Please, Boss, let me put it in.”
“Why would I do that?” You asked, challenging him.
“Because you smell so fucking good.” He jerked his hips and you opened your mouth to let out a gasp. He then shoved his tongue into you, kissing you again as he pulled you towards him by your neck. “You taste so fucking good,” he continued, speaking against your lips.
The vibrating sound on the coffee table made you flinch in surprise. Jay peered over you and noticed that the timer he had set up went off.
“Fuck,” Jay muttered.
“Oh, baby,” you cooed, cupping his face with both your hands. “We’ll play again later.”
You heard two knocks on your door and instantly got off of Jay’s lap. You saw that his hair was disheveled and there were lipstick marks all over his face. You sent him to your private bathroom and you checked your reflection quickly on your phone before inviting Hwiyoung inside.
“The team is ready for you,” Hwiyoung said, fixing his glasses on top of his nose and not bothering to look at you as he just stood there by the door.
You realized there was no need to pretend to be looking at something on your iPad. You slipped it between your arm like a handbag and headed straight to the door.
“Tell Park to follow me asap,” you said as you passed Hwiyoung.
Hwiyoung then looked up and around. “Where is he?”
“In the bathroom,” you claimed, smiling to yourself. “I think he ate something funny.”
It took a while to coax Jay into coming to Taehyung’s housewarming party with you. When you mentioned his name, Jay thought that it was a party exclusive for close friends only, and he figured that you would be fine attending it alone. Deep down inside, however, you were scared that Namjoon was going to be there, and if he was, you would feel much more comforted having Jay by your side.
There was a lot of pouting and whining and stomping your feet softly when it came to persuading your boyfriend, and he eventually gave in because he could not believe how cute you were acting, or how you probably would never let it go if he still refused to come with you.
When it came to picking an outfit, it took you three tries to find a dress that Jay approved of. You wanted to look good and you usually dress for yourself, but because you already asked Jay to come with you, you wanted him to choose what to wear. You settled with a backless black dress with long sleeves that hugged your upper body in all the right curves, with an a-line skirt that reached just above your knees. Jay matched you with a plain black t-shirt and black dress pants, throwing over a brown leather jacket as an outer.
Because Taehyung’s house was located just outside of the city, you opted to ride the subway there and just walk to the location since it wasn’t that far of a distance. The moment the two of you arrived, Taehyung greeted you personally by the door and invited you in. You were instantly overwhelmed by the amount of people who were already gathered, and the sound of a jazz record playing through the built in speakers on each wall.
“Did you buy a house or a museum?” You said, half yelling to Taehyung as he led you to the center of his house.
“A little bit of both,” Taehyung replied, grinning at you with his signature boxy smile.
It turns out Taehyung was popular popular. You ended up seeing friends from back in college, and Jay even found people he knew. The two of you became caught up in different groups of conversations, and you slowly drifted away from him, opting to sit on the sofa where Taehyung and his inner circle were hanging out. You glanced over once in a while to look for Jay, and when you spotted him at the corner of a room talking to a bunch of guys, you resumed talking to your own group.
The room you were sitting in had one huge sofa in the middle, which you were currently sitting on, on the far left, and two smaller sofas on each side. Taehyung’s group of seven, minus Namjoon, were huddled around you. You were relaxed as you began to find similar interests and new topics to talk about with them, especially with Hoseok since he was sitting next to you. You were also secretly relieved that Namjoon wasn’t there, so there was no reason to feel tense or uncomfortable.
That is, until Taehyung stood up from his seat to greet the new guest approaching your circle.
You cussed in your head as you scan your eyes across the room, frantically searching for Jay before Taehyung pulls Namjoon into the circle. Hoseok noticed your behavior and was about to ask you about it, but Jay appeared behind you as if from thin air and gently touched your shoulder.
“Babe,” he said, almost bowing down to you to reach your ear. “Kinda thirsty but I don’t know where to get a drink.”
“I’ll go,” you replied, standing up in an instant. You almost hit your head against Jay’s chin during the process. “Stay here.”
Jay wanted to go with you initially, but he realized maybe you wanted him to save your seat. When he turned to face the sofa, he found Hoseok looking at him.
“You’re Heeseung’s friend, aren’t you?” He asked with a smile.
Jay immediately warmed up and sat next to Hoseok, listening to his explanation of how he and Heeseung used to go to the same dance academy. In the middle of the conversation, Taehyung arrived back at the circle with Namjoon, and Jay felt a pair of eyes just observing him from a distance.
Luckily, you arrived in time, carrying two cans of soda in your hands as you handed one over to Jay. “You don’t mind not consuming alcohol tonight, do you?”
Jay just smiled and nodded at you, receiving the drink. You then noticed how Hoseok was beaming at you both, and realizing that Jay probably had felt a little left out, you decided to introduce him to the group. They all gave an acknowledging nod, including Namjoon who was sitting on the far right. Jay then was about to stand up to give your seat back, but you placed your hand on his shoulder, telling him to remain seated.
You sat on the edge of the sofa, the armrest barely serving as a wide enough surface for you to sit on. Jay pulled your legs towards him, protectively placing his hands on your thighs so you did not reveal too much skin. The conversation continued and you gradually became more comfortable with your position, resting an arm around Jay’s shoulder and almost sitting on his lap entirely.
For some reason, Jin, who was the most talkative of the group, suggested that you play a beginner-version of Chinese poker. Since it was just a game meant for four people, you split into groups of two people, with the others just hovering around to watch. You already knew how to play since it was the only fun thing you did during high school, so you quickly gave Jay a tutorial and helped him play the first practice round.
“Okay,” Taehyung clapped his hand, requesting for attention. “Now the real game begins. Place your bets.”
“Bets? We’re betting?” You asked, shifting your position on Jay’s lap. You had been sitting on him for so long, you were worried that he might have felt tired.
“Noona, if I win, can you hire me to work at your company?” Jungkook looked at you with puppy eyes. He was sitting to your left and you had to twist your body to face him.
Chuckling, you merely shrugged and agreed to his request. “Why not? You’re gonna have to pass him though,” you answered, pointing to Jay. Jay raised both eyebrows to Jungkook and he just grinned as a response.
“If I win,” Namjoon stated, clearing his throat. “You’re featuring on my new song.”
It took you a while to realize Namjoon was talking to you, and when you felt all eyes on you, you could only scoff. “Me? I don’t even sing.”
“But you can,” Taehyung chimed in. “We’ve heard you.”
The other guys started to agree and you were flustered, thinking that the game somehow turned into a penalty for you no matter who wins. While the rest of the guys were busy arguing with each other, Jay squeezed your thigh to get your attention. You looked at him for a second and leaned in when you realized he wanted to whisper to you.
“If I win, we’re getting the fuck out of here so I can have some alone time with you,” he said, ever so gently and right into your ear. He then trailed his index finger down your spine, taking advantage of your exposed back, and you giggled because of how it tickled. From across the table, Namjoon was clenching his jaw.
You reluctantly agreed to Namjoon’s request and as everyone finished placing their non-material bets, the game started. You noticed Jay struggling to hold his 13-card hand, so you placed your hand on one side and let him hold the other. The game was over in an instant, since all of you played sets more than singles or pairs, and Jin ended up winning with Jimin groaning since he had to do a favor for his hyung.
At least two more games went by with the winners’ bets unrelated to you, and you could basically hear Jay sighing in relief even though technically he did not win any yet. This next round, however, became more intense since it highlighted the way Namjoon and Jay were going neck and neck. You eyed Jay’s cards and mentally calculated the remaining cards Namjoon might had, and as you were about to give him pointers, Namjoon cleared his throat.
“Yoongi hyung is not helping me this round, so I think it’s only fair if you let Jay play on his own,” he stated.
The circle fell silent as they all laid their eyes on you and Jay. You scoffed, raising both your hands up and slowly standing up to move away from Jay. You remained standing beside him, though, observing the game quietly until it was Jay’s final turn.
Jay was eyeing the pile of cards, and the cards on Namjoon’s hands, before focusing back on his own hand. You had lost track of the cards that were already played, so you really did not know who was going to win. Eventually, Jay played a full house, hoping that Namjoon did not have a set that could win against his.
The set Namjoon revealed was a flush, signifying that he lost.
Taehyung immediately clapped, followed by the other guys shouting ‘beginner’s luck’ to Jay. Jay smiled so wide that wrinkles formed in the corner of his eyes, and Hoseok nudged his side as he mouthed ‘good job.’ Jay looked up at you and found you smiling at him, and he couldn’t help but pull you into his lap again, ignoring the chatter around you two as he rested his arm around your waist.
You leaned into him and kissed his forehead. “Well done, my prince,” you whispered, earning a soft smile from him as he closed his eyes.
Keeping your promise, and since it was getting late anyway, you decided to excuse yourself to the bathroom before going home. You walked to Taehyung and made him explain the route to the guest bathroom, and before leaving you insisted that Jay just wait in his seat.
Jay was talking to both Jungkook and Hoseok for a while until he realized you had been gone for too long. During a pause in the conversation, he looked around the circle and noticed that Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon were also gone. He then politely excused himself from the conversation, promising to text Hoseok later, before standing up to go look for you.
Already aware where the bathroom was, Jay strolled down the hallway confidently until he spotted you at the end of it, by the balcony that faced the pool downstairs. From a distance it looked like you were standing there by yourself, and he thought maybe you were waiting in line to use the bathroom. When he took more steps closer, though, he saw Namjoon right beside you.
Your eyes glinted when you saw Jay, and Namjoon immediately sensed that you were distracted. You smiled apologetically to him before turning to your boyfriend.
“Ready to go, babe?” Jay asked, eyes focused on you without bothering to acknowledge Namjoon’s presence.
You nodded as you reached for Jay’s arm, hugging it and half-heartedly saying goodbye to Namjoon. As the two of you walked away, you hugged Jay’s arm tighter and he leaned in to kiss the top of your head.
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at us.”
You looked over at Jay who was lying down on the sofa, hair still wet from the shower and mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
“Like what?” You said, carrying two mugs filled with hot water and setting it on the coffee table. An hour had passed since you both arrived from Taehyung’s party and none of you were feeling sleepy yet.
“Like it was a crime for me to touch you,” Jay muttered. He watched you plop down on the sofa with him, pulling up your legs to your chest. You looked cozy in your shorts and cropped t-shirt, which was always your go-to lounge fit.
You smiled and checked your own phone. “Sometimes you have a way with words. Like you paint with it.”
Jay groaned and stretched his arms out. He did not respond for a while, but then he scooted over and made himself comfortable by lying down on your lap. His damp hair tickled your thighs but you were more than happy to have him snuggle up to you. He observed your focused face on your phone and began stroking your arm. He then reached up to caress your cheek, and as a response you kissed his palm.
“Is it childish if I say I don’t want you seeing him again? I have no idea what his intentions are but I have a bad feeling,” Jay confessed with a pout on his lips.
“He was still making excuses and finding ways to see me,” you replied. “I understand where you’re coming from.”
“Is that why you were talking to him for so long? If I didn’t come to look for you, what do you think he would have said?”
You frowned and set your phone aside, resting your hand on Jay’s chest. “I don’t know but I’m glad you came to rescue me.”
Jay linked his hand with yours. “So what will you do?”
“I have a company. I can always use that as an excuse to turn down every single invitation from him. And the next time Taehyung invites me to an event, I’ll make sure he won’t be there before I say yes to going.”
Jay smiled and pulled your hands to kiss your knuckles. You brushed his hair back before kissing his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he melted into your touch. His next move almost startled you, though, since he propped himself up with his arms and turned sideways to kiss you properly.
“All I wanted to do all night,” Jay sighed, cupping your face with one hand, “was to shove my tongue in your mouth so everyone will know you’re mine.”
You chuckled softly, landing a kiss on his cheek. “That sounds very romantic.”
Jay grabbed you by your thighs and made you lie down on the sofa completely before joining you, lying sideways and lovingly stroking your hair as you looked up at him.
“What else did you want to do?” You asked playfully, putting your hand flat against his chest.
Preferring to just show instead of tell, Jay kissed your lips once before moving to your jawline and down to your neck, sucking your soft spot. His hand that was stroking your thigh moved to spread your legs open, and as he fingered you through your shorts you moaned right into his ear.
“I can’t believe he got to smell you like this,” he muttered. “You smell like love.”
“Baby,” you moaned, jerking your hips up. You did not care anymore that you were clearly blushing from the way Jay was talking to you. “Take my shorts off.”
Jay had no choice but to oblige, especially when you were moaning breathlessly in his ear. He tugged your shorts and panties off in one go, discarding them on the floor before he positioned himself between your legs. You sighed as he planted kisses on your inner thighs, and as he made his way up and closer to your core you began to close your eyes. You felt his hot breath against your cunt, and suddenly you felt so needy.
“Jay,” you whimpered, locking your fingers in his hair. “What are you waiting for?”
Just as you finished your sentence, Jay shoved his tongue inside you without a warning. You groaned and arched your back at the sudden contact, and as he continued to abuse your folds you were struggling to keep your legs open. He kept you down with the weight of his arms as he continued to suck your clit. You were already losing your mind from the way his tongue was working wonders, and as he kept alternating between sucking, kissing, and licking your cunt you made sure to let him know how good he was making you feel by letting out the loudest, most obnoxious moans.
He did not give you time to get used to the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm creeping up. Your shirt was riding up your chest at this point, and Jay conveniently placed one hand on your boob, squeezing it so you can reach your high faster. You had lost the ability to form complete sentences, or even utter actual words, so when the pitch of your voice hit a higher note, Jay went even harder, shoving his tongue as deep as he could and supporting you by grabbing your ass.
“Oh my God,” you cried, feeling actual tears forming in the corner of your eyes. “Baby…”
You opened your eyes to look at Jay, who had his eyes on you the whole time. His nose brushed against your pelvis as he lapped up your juices, licking you dry before finally detaching from your core. He was drenched around his mouth and in that moment, you thought it was the most handsome he has ever looked.
“Why did you make me cum so fast? I want you inside me,” you whined, pulling him by the collar of his shirt so his face was level with yours.
“Don’t worry,” he said, dipping his head to leave a peck on your lips. “I’m not done with you.”
He pulled you by your hands so you could sit up and take your shirt off while he undressed himself completely. He then rested on the sofa, his back pressed to the pillows while you were now lying facing him. He wrapped an arm around you, securing your place so you wouldn’t fall, and you brought your leg up and rested it on his waist.
You began kissing his lips, caressing his cheek and brushing his hair, basically showing him every loving gesture that you could name. His skin was warm against yours, and as you continued to kiss him you felt his tip grazing your folds. You whimpered into his mouth, wanting nothing else except feeling him full inside you.
Jay caressed your back and held you in place by your waist as he slowly eased himself into you. You let out a shaky breath before touching your lips with his again.
“Mine,” he whispered.
“Yours,” you breathed.
And with that, the two of you continued to make love through the night, without thinking about anything else, focusing on the way your bodies fit into each other perfectly.
It was the middle of the week, and it was usually the busiest day for you at the office despite it being hump day. You woke up with the sunrays blinding you since the curtains were already open. Blinking several times, you then heard the sound of water running in the bathroom. You looked at the clock and realize that you woke up on time, so you decided to join Jay in the shower.
However, the moment you tugged your blanket away, you felt the sharp, stinging pain similar to the one that caused you the black out a while ago. You placed a hand over your lower abdomen as you searched for your phone, checking the calendar for your cycle. You were sure your period ended more than a week ago, so it could not be PMS. Once you ruled that out, and after finding out that you were ovulating, you just sighed and placed your phone back on the night stand, tucking yourself back in bed.
You lied down with your eyes wide open and your head empty, just staring into the distant sky through the window. After a while, Jay came out of the bathroom with only a towel covering his waist.
“Baby, are you up?” He called out to you as he walked over to the wardrobe to grab the clothes he had planned since last night. “If we want to be early, you need to shower now.”
You shifted in bed, curling up into a fetal position. Jay noticed this once he was done putting on his pants, and he chucked his towel away before walking over to your side. “What’s wrong?” He questioned you softly, kneeling on the floor and trying to get a good look of your face.
You closed your eyes and shook your head, finding it hard to explain the pain with words. Your arms were tucked in front of your stomach when Jay carefully lifted the covers away. He stroked your hair and touched your forehead to check your temperature before he moved his hand to rub your back.
“Was I too rough last night?” He asked again, voice lowered to a whisper.
You realized there was no reason to make Jay feel bad so you looked up at him and smiled weakly. “It’s just cramps. It happens sometimes when I’m ovulating.”
“Oh, okay,” he said, still rubbing his hand on your back. “Do you want to stay home? I can cover for you and call Hwiyoung. Or do you want me to stay?”
You did not answer for quite a long time, weighing the options in your head as you blankly stare at Jay’s arms.
“Fuck it, I’m staying,” Jay stood up without waiting for your response. His head turned left and right as he looked for his phone.
You sat up and rubbed your face with both your hands, taking a deep breath. You were not sure yourself if you could even stand up and function like a normal person, but then you quickly calculated the moments you stayed at work late and thought that maybe you did deserve a day off.
Jay rushed back to sit on the edge of the bed next to you, typing something on his phone. You calmly took his phone away from his hands and the way the shock washed over his face almost made you laugh.
“Cover for me, and take care of that one meeting we have scheduled for the afternoon,” you said, locking his phone and placing it beside you. “I’ll be f…”
Your sentence hung in the air as you winced, feeling the sharp pain returning. Jay scooted closer but froze, worrying that if he’d touch you wrong it would bring you more discomfort. When you felt the pain subside, you reached out to touch his face.
“I’ll be fine. The pain comes and goes, I just need to find a way to ignore it,” you continued. Jay frowned and placed a palm over your hand on his face, kissing it.
“If that’s what you want,” Jay said, moving closer to hug you. You accepted his embrace and as you put your arms around his neck, you realized he was maneuvering you to lie back on the bed. You chuckled at his action and let him do so. “I’m gonna fix something for you to eat before I go, okay?”
“Okay,” you answered softly. He leaned in to kiss you softly and you smiled at him. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you, baby,” Jay replied without missing a beat. He kissed the back of your hand before standing up and leaving the bedroom.
It took a while for him to get things ready before it was time for him to leave, and when he went back into the bedroom, he saw that you had fallen asleep again. Grabbing his phone and jacket, he observed your face for a couple of seconds before tiptoeing away, closing the door slowly behind him.
Jay let himself inside the front door and frowned as soon as he heard laughter coming from the living room. He took off his shoes and loosened his tie, walking over to the sofa to find you and Jake just uncontrollably giggling over a show you were watching on Netflix.
“Looks like you two are having fun,” Jay announced his arrival and spoke louder on purpose.
“Oh, shit. You’re back!” Jake almost flinched when he heard Jay’s voice.
Almost not acknowledging Jake’s remark, Jay walked over to where you were seated and leaned in as you stretched your arms to give him a hug. “How are you feeling?” He asked softly, not forgetting to rub your back for a second before pulling away.
“Fine, but I think you calling Jake to babysit me is overkill,” you eyed Jake, who was still laughing to himself as he paused the show on the screen. “And thank God you’re here because I need to use the bathroom and he won’t leave me alone.”
“Noona, I can’t leave you alone,” Jake emphasized before glancing at Jay. “He gave me very specific orders.”
To tell the truth, Jay was too scared to leave you alone, especially knowing that the last time you were sick he wasn’t there to take care of you. Heck, he even missed the first call you made. So after preparing breakfast for you earlier, he made the genius decision to call his friends, seeing who was available for the day so that they can take his place in supervising you. The poor man was just worried sick that something horrible might happen.
“How was she?” Jay asked as Jake followed him to the kitchen.
Jake took a seat by the counter and watched as Jay took out three mugs. “Almost gave her a heart attack when she walked out her bedroom and found me just lounging there on her sofa. Why didn’t you tell her again?”
Jay shrugged. “If I introduce the idea of having you over, she would have said no real quick,” Jay answered. He started boiling water and going through your drawer filled with boxes of tea. “Did you order in lunch for her? Did she ask for painkillers?”
“Yes, and no,” Jake scrunched his nose as he caught a whiff of the scent of herbal tea. “I offered her some but she settled with using a hot water bottle.”
Jay nodded and pouted as he leaned towards the counter, hands grabbing the edge of it. “Are you good? You didn’t skip meals, did you?”
The face Jake made was that of a boy who seemed horrified at what he had just heard. “Mate, are you good? You’re being so attentive to me and that’s creeping me out a bit.”
Jay rolled his eyes and turned his back to Jake, checking the water he was boiling. Jake chuckled softly and shook his head.
“I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. I’m glad I came to look out for her,” Jake continued. “From the looks of it, it seemed like she just needed to talk and have company.”
Jake said it in a good way, but it still made Jay feel horrible for leaving you at home while he attended to all your office work. He began wondering what the day would have turned out like if he was the one staying home instead.
“Thanks, man,” Jay said, pushing one of the mugs filled with hot tea towards Jake. “Drink this, it’s good for you.”
Jake merely chuckled and followed suit when Jay carefully sipped his own tea. You came out of your bedroom and immediately walked over towards the counter where Jay was standing, hugging him from the side as his hand was occupied with his hot drink.
The three of you continued to talk over tea, with Jay lightly cleaning up and listening to both you and Jake making comments about the show you were watching. After he was done with his drink, Jake figured it was time to go, and mentioned that his shift as a part-time waiter was about to start anyway. You thanked him and gave him a tight hug before he left.
The moment the front door closed, the smile on your face slowly started to fade. The pain started kicking in again and Jay immediately noticed the shift in your expressions.
“Oh, no. Again?”
You admitted you were holding it in most of the time because you didn’t want to make Jake worry. Jay swiftly lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom, making you rest on the bed while he preps dinner for you. He let you eat on your bed and accompanied you as he pulled a chair and ate with you, trying his best to distract you from the pain as he tells you what happened at the office.
Once you felt your pain subside again, you went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower. You cut your skincare steps short and made it to the bed as quick as you could, and the moment Jay finished washing up you were already half asleep.
“Do you want the hot water bottle refilled?” Jay asked, putting on a clean t-shirt and brushing his damp hair back.
You shook your head and extended your hand, signaling that you wanted him to join you in bed. He smiled at you and quickly climbed into the covers.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked as he gently rubbed your waist.
You pointed to the right part of your lower abdomen, and he tried to move as carefully as possible as he pushed your t-shirt upwards. You were in no position to protest, because as soon as you realized what he was doing, all you could do was sigh in relief.
Jay caressed your belly and stroked your sides, aware that his body temperature was still warm from the shower. He then kissed the part where you said hurt, and placed his cheek on it, using you as a pillow. You found the gesture oddly comforting, so as a thank you, you began stroking his hair until you both drifted off to sleep.
The sound of pitter-patter against the window woke you up along with the subtle shine of the sunrays hitting your eyes. When you opened your eyes completely, you were greeted with the peaceful image of Jay sleeping right next to you. His hair was tousled to the side, and he had a tiny bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. His tan skin appeared golden under the bits of sunshine, and for a second you thought he was glowing like an angel.
You scooted closer to him ever so gently, careful not to wake him up. Bringing one hand up to his face, you rested it on his cheek and started caressing him with your thumb. You did not know if it was the rain, or your hormones, or just the fact that the love of your life is in bed with you that morning, but you just felt an overwhelming amount of love in your chest that almost made you choke up.
Jay scrunched his nose in his sleep and you stopped caressing him. You pulled your hand back to yourself and rested both under your cheek, still facing him and adoring the view. You then moved to kiss him on his cheek before turning around to face the other side, knowing full well that the tears in your eyes were about to fall.
You lied sideways and let your warm tears stain your pillow. Sometimes this happens—instances where you feel a sudden fear, or a certain anxiousness about something you hold dear—and when it does, you really could not find any other solution than to just let it out. You did not expect, though, to feel Jay’s arms snaking around your body and pulling you close to his chest.
Wiping your tears away in a rush, you took several deep breaths before placing both your hands over Jay’s. His grip tightened and you could hear him yawn behind you.
“Are you awake?” He asked, voice croaky.
“Mmhm,” you hummed as you pulled his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles.
He snuggled closer to you, making your back press against his chest. His other hand reached upwards, tugging your shirt and sliding under it to give your breasts a light massage. You chuckled as you place your fingers over his elbow, letting him do his thing. Eventually he stopped, breathing heavily over your ear before leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You decided to turn around to face him and caress him properly, and when you did so, you found that he was still closing his eyes the whole time. You cupped his face with both your hands and he nuzzled into your palms. It made you choke back a tear, but it sounded like a sob, and as a result Jay slowly opened his eyes.
“Are you crying?” He asked, sounding tired but also panicked. “Tell me what’s wrong. Are you hurt?”
Jay’s show of concern only made you even more teary. You sniffled and blinked, and more tears streamed sideways down your face. Jay furrowed as he pulled you into him, making you bury your head in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, love,” he whispered as he rubbed your back. “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I’m sorry,” you said against his chest, your voice almost a squeak. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“That’s okay,” he replied. Squeezing your shoulder and kissing the top your head, his hand then moved to your waist. “But can you please tell me if you’re hurting anywhere?”
You made an effort to shake your head no, hoping that Jay would understand that the pain you felt was not physical. He then continued to rub your sides with one hand and stroking your arm with the other.
“Listen,” Jay spoke with the gentlest voice he could muster. “It’s Sunday and we don’t have anywhere to be at least until the evening. You don’t even have to leave the bed if you want to. Just tell me what you want and I will make it happen. Anything.”
You chuckled softly in between sobs. “You sound like a genie.”
Jay pulled his head back to look at you, to make sure it was safe enough to crack a joke. “I mean, I kinda already am. Your wish is literally my command.”
You took a deep breath before looking up at him, the view being oddly funny since all you could see was his chiseled jawline from this close. “How many wishes do I get?”
“Unlimited,” Jay answered, without missing a beat. “Although to grant a wish, I do need you to rub my magic lamp.”
You punched Jay in the chest lightly and he winced dramatically, earning a hearty laugh from you. “Can I really just stay in bed?”
“Yes. Tell me what you need.”
Clearly Jay was taken aback by your quick answer because of the way his hands stopped caressing your body. “Are you saying you want me to keep doing this?” Jay began stroking your hair again.
You hummed in satisfaction, nudging your nose against his chin. If you were a cat, you would practically be purring.
“How about this?” Jay moved his hand downwards and started rubbing your shoulders. You nodded in approval and started hugging him tighter. “I’ll do you one better.”
Jay started groping your ass aggressively, pushing your hips into his and it made you cackle. His eyes were crinkled on the corners by the way he was laughing with you, looking at you through his eyelashes before he closed the gap by kissing your lips. You sighed into his mouth, letting the warmth of his body take over you as you desperately hold on to his biceps for support.
“Your lips are chapped,” you commented, still breathing into his lips.
He merely hummed, biting your lower lip playfully and making you smile. “That’s why I’m kissing you to make them wet.”
You threw one leg over his waist and let him pull you even closer, as if the two of you couldn’t be any closer. For a while your tongues were just dancing against each other’s, and the way his hands were roaming all over your body made your shirt ride up. You smiled again into his kiss and placed a palm on his chest, stopping him even though he was so ready to chase your lips.
“You’re blushing,” he whispered, after getting a good look of your face.
“You’re hard,” you giggled, clearly feeling him between your legs.
“Wanna do something about it?” He proposed, hooking a finger on the band of your shorts. He waited until you nodded at him before tugging them down to your feet, and you kicked them away in a rush as you moved back into Jay’s arms, palming his erection against his flannel pants.
Jay brought your hand up to his lips to kiss it, and then pushed himself up to get rid of his pants and his boxers. He rarely goes to bed with a top, so he was now naked in front of you, snaking his arm under your waist while his other hand caressed your thigh. You rested both your hands on his neck, and your leg over his waist, while you let him align himself with your entrance.
He entered you and completely bottomed out in one go. As he observed your face, eyes closed and brows knitted, he gently caressed your thigh again to let you adjust to his size. The moment he saw you begin to relax, he started rocking his hips into you ever so slowly.
You sighed and opened your eyes, searching for his. You then pulled him into a kiss and let him quicken the pace, gradually moaning louder into his mouth. You wanted to feel him deeper, so you hooked your leg around him and placed your hand on his ass, pushing him into you. Jay groaned, letting go of your lips as he breathed shakily over your mouth. You rocked your hips with him and matched his pace, and within minutes you both came one after the other.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time sex with Jay was this slow and sensual, yet completed in such a short time. The effect it had on you was just like any other session with him, though, and you took a second to appreciate how full you felt with him still inside you.
Jay, on the other hand, was staring at you as if honey was dripping from his eyes. His hands never stopped caressing you—your thighs, your back, and your shoulders—and it was like there wasn’t an inch of your body that was left untouched.
“Breakfast for the queen?” Jay asked, brushing your hair back to kiss your forehead.
You smiled. “I think I need a shower first.”
“With me?”
“Just me.”
Jay pouted at you and you could not believe how cute or how innocent he looked, all the while still having his cock between your walls. You scrunched your nose as you clenched down there, earning a soft grunt for him as you pulled away.
“I have zero energy right now,” you said, smiling apologetically.
“My bad,” Jay replied, smiling sheepishly. He landed one last kiss on your lips before you disappeared into the bathroom.
You stared at the four boys huddled in your living room, staring at the TV as they yelled at the screen and screamed into each other’s ears. Jay was sitting on a lounge chair, still dressed in his black undershirt tucked into his black dress pants because he went out to get groceries with you earlier. His denim jacket was randomly thrown on the chair by your desk. Heeseung and Sunghoon occupied the sofa, or your loveseat, as they gripped their consoles in their hands. Jake was on the other side, sitting on the floor and leaning comfortably on your coffee table, cheering on Heeseung’s character on the screen.
A loud groan came out of Sunghoon’s mouth as he saw his character fall down dramatically in slow motion with the words K.O. on the screen. Jay was laughing hysterically, while Jake immediately turned around to give Heeseung a high five. You shook your head and smiled to yourself, turning around to browse your cabinet to find hot drinks that you can serve to the boys.
“Noona, your TV is a 55-inch, right? Our TV broke and it’s game night, can we come over and use yours?”
When Jake called you on the phone and immediately popped the request, it made you realize how comfortable Jay’s friends were with you now, and how they basically were your friends too. It was a little complex when it came to Heeseung, though, since he was technically employed by you, but you were grateful that the boys welcomed you the second they saw you for the first time.
Or maybe they were just getting too comfortable with you now. Honestly, you couldn’t tell. Of course you said yes to Jake’s request, which was met with loud noises in the background of the call, and you could barely make out Sunghoon yelling thank you to you.
You decided to unbox the new hot chocolate packets that you got from the store. As you dig your nails into the box to rip it open, you heard the shuffling of slippers and noticed that Heeseung was now joining you by the kitchen counters.
“Need hot water with that?” He asked, smiling as he went to wash his hands in the sink.
You pointed out the location of the teapots and mugs, and as he boiled the water he stayed there to talk to you. You glanced over to the living room once in a while, noticing that Jay was now playing against Jake.
“So I heard about the L/N Tech Awards,” Heeseung cleared his throat. “That’s open for any of your employees, right?”
“Anyone who is not an executive, yes,” you answered without a thought. Then you blinked. “Wait, how do you know that?”
“Sometimes when I arrive early to your office, I chat with the guys there. Your other secretary, Hwiyoung, seems to be sharing a lot of information, you know,” Heeseung explained as he leaned on a counter.
You frowned. “So what now, you’re buddy-buddy with Hwiyoung too?” Heeseung shrugged and you moved to place five mugs on the counter. “Why do you ask?”
“Well,” Heeseung stood up straight and fixed his posture. “I know I don’t work in the office, but if it’s allowed, I would like to apply.”
You turned to face Heeseung and smiled. “You want to study?”
Heeseung sucked the air between his teeth as he figured out a way to express his thoughts. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Hanging out around your staff, and you, made me want to do more.”
You fell silent and just stared at Heeseung for a while. You were reminded of your teaching days and how every single positive comment from your student would stay on your mind for days. You always thought of yourself as someone who would rather move in silence—not wanting to be perceived and seen. So when you see your students, or anyone else for that matter, get inspired by your actions and go on to achieve more than you could ever think of, it always makes you feel immensely proud.
After what felt like a long period of silence, you smirked and nudged Heeseung’s arm with your elbow. “Yeah, you can apply. Why not?”
Heeseung whispered a dramatic ‘yes!’ and jumped in his place once, earning a soft laugh from you. You continued to talk to Heeseung, almost not noticing the way Jay was approaching the two of you since you were facing the stove and not the living room.
“Why are you flirting with my girlfriend?” Jay asked, obviously joking. You were about to say something but he playfully put you in a headlock, gently dragging you away from Heeseung. You chuckled and placed both your hands on his arm, hanging on to him for dear life.
“I’m talking to our boss,” Heeseung defended himself. He then glanced over at the sofa and saw Jake calling him over since it was his turn to play. He quickly left and you just stared at the other three boys for a while, still in a headlock.
Since Jay wasn’t letting you go, you experimentally licked his arm and he flinched from the sudden contact, instantly letting you go. You laughed because his face was in between shock and disgust, and you immediately placed a hand affectionately on his face to caress his cheek.
“Your friends are being too loud,” you said. “If my neighbors come up to me and complain, it’ll be on you.”
“Yeah?” Jay took your hand off his face and placed it on his shoulder, then he pulled you towards him and encased you in his arms. “They don’t seem to have a problem when you’re being loud.”
You knew exactly what Jay meant and you just scrunched your nose. “I’m never that loud. They are literally screaming like they’re being murdered.”
“So do you want me to make you scream that loud?” Jay leaned into you, nuzzling your neck and speaking right against your skin. “I can do it, you know. If you’d let me.”
Your eyelids fluttered shut as your hands moved down to stroke his arms. His delicious arms, you thought. You had seen Jay naked countless times, so why is the image of him wearing an undershirt turning you on more than usual?
“JAY!” Sunghoon’s loud scream almost slapped you back into reality. “It’s your turn again, buddy!”
At the same time, the water started boiling, so with a chuckle, you let go of Jay and sent him back to the living room. After pouring the packets of hot chocolate into each mug, you carefully poured the hot water into them. You then glanced over at the boys and noticed that Jake was not playing.
“Jake, can you give me a hand?” You asked, raising your voice.
Jake turned his head towards you so fast and immediately stood up and ran to you. You asked him to fetch a tray and he marveled at how luxurious it was and even commented how expensive it must have been. You just laughed at his random comments as you placed each mug onto the tray, and then made him bring it to the coffee table.
The round ended not long after you served the drinks to the boys, and as they placed their consoles aside for a second, you watched as they all took different mugs.
“Careful, it’s probably still piping hot,” you said, eyeing Sunghoon warily since he seemed to be the one who was the most eager.
Jay took a sip after blowing gently into his mug, and then his face froze. A frown then gradually formed on his face as he looked at you, eyes staring at you in protest.
“Oh no. Is that my mint choco?” You asked, holding back a laugh.
Jay groaned and the other boys just laughed at him, glad that they dodged the mint choco bomb.
“I’m sorry!” You said, taking Jay’s mug away and handing him yours, which you hadn’t sipped from yet.
“Kiss the taste away from me, please,” Jay demanded, setting his mug on the table.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, and Heeseung let out an airy chuckle as he grabbed the console on the table. Since you established that you were comfortable with the boys around you, you moved to sit on Jay’s lap and as he adorably pouted his lips towards you, you kissed him gently.
“Oh my God, PDA. Get a room!” Jake dramatically covered his eyes, blindly reaching for the other console.
“This is literally my house,” you said, snuggling comfortably into Jay’s lap and holding your mug close to your chest.
Jake blinked to himself like he just got a sudden revelation. Sunghoon then complained and asked Heeseung and Jake to start the next round. You stayed seated on Jay’s lap, handing him his mug and letting his arm rest around your waist.
“Thank you for doing this,” Jay spoke softly into your ear.
“Doing what?” You asked, not taking your eyes off the TV.
“Hosting game night for the guys,” Jay continued. “You really are a keeper.”
He planted a chaste kiss on your cheek and you smiled, putting your hand on his face to press his cheek onto yours. “You’re welcome, baby.”
“Baby? That’s something new,” Jake chimed in after having listened to your not-so-subtle conversation.
You eyed him fiercely before spitting a response. “Oh shut up, I wear heels bigger than your dick.”
And with that, you managed to earn a huge, hearty laugh from the boys. Heeseung found himself in tears as he seemed to be aware of Jake’s actual size, and Sunghoon was wheezing and absolutely speechless to have seen you snap. Jay, on the other hand, squeezed his arms around you tighter, happy to know that you will always have his back no matter what the context.
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© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
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