#Amunet Troizena
kyriat-stories · 1 month
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The council was finally ready for the hearing of Lykrevia in connection with the murder of Aranare.
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The king himself were present, but made it clear that he was just observing, and that his brother Prince Heraklis was responsible for the hearing.
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Present was also the victim's family; Aranares wife Amunet, and the two oldest children Qabbaab and Maahiah.
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The defendant was also allowed to bring three persons of her own choosing. She had chosen a spokesperson, Kyrios Monachos Saphiris, and her sister-in-law Kyria Mpatíni Asijaka and her husband Kyrios Eteokardiás Asijakas. With the exception of Kyrios Saphiris, none of them had been participants in a hearing before.
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The council was led by Kyrios Biannas, who asked the defendant if she took any responsibility for the victim's death, which she answered she did not.
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Then she was asked to tell her side of the story, her relationship with the victim, where she was on the specified day, and why she believed she had been blamed for the misdeed.
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The council listened without interruptions, when Lykrevia claimed that she had a good relationship with her father, that she was at her employer Kyria Amsharu's house on the night in question, and that someone wanted to deprive her of her rightful inheritance to the farm.
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- I see, Kyrios Biannas said, That means we can start the question round. Do you want to start Prince Herakli?
- Of course. Kyria Kitanétou. If your relationship with your father was as good as you say, why did you keep your marriage secret from him, and lie to the people in the temple about having his permission to get married?
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sa-characters · 1 year
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Amunet Troizena (Sadek)
GENDER - Female
AGE - Elder
ASPIRATION - Fabulously Wealthy
TRAITS:  Goofball, Romantic, Materialistic 
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - Unknown
PARTNER - Aranare Troizenas
CHILDREN - Maahiah, Qabbaab, Raamiz, Zoï,
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
ELDER: The murder of her husband and the traumatic hearing afterwords, where her step daughter Lykrevia was found guilt, aged Amunet before her time. It was also difficult to maintain the farm and everything else at the level it had been, although she had a lot of help from Qabbaab and Raamiz. Amunet felt tired and bitter. 
ADULT: Of course Amunet found her dazzling farmer! And he also gave her three wonderful children (so far) - the greatest joy in her life. Amunet is blooming and love her new life. There was just a small fly in the ointment, her step-daughter Lykrevia did not adjust as well to the new family situation. But on the other hand, she was not going to stay in her father’s house forever. Or was she?!
YOUNG ADULT: Amunet was violently taken from her family and home country, as many men and women were during wars in ancient times. These war prisoners (or slaves) usually met difficult conditions, hard work, sexual abuse, violence and what not. With that in mind, Amunet considered herself lucky. No, it was absolutely not fair what had happened to her, and she knew that, but she also knew it could have been worse. She thanked God that Simadhne was treating her fairly and teaching her things, like cooking and knitting. Itaja was the head of the house, but  Amunet tried to keep busy with work whenever he was around, and avoid contact as much as possible. She knew what was best for her.
Amunet has dreams. Dreams of being free, dreams of owning property, having a family and children, and most of all meeting a dazzling, charming, wealthy farmer. Not unlike the dreams young girls have had later in history about the handsome prince on a white horse.
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kyriat-stories · 1 month
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- Kyria Lykrevia Kitanétou, are you ready to receive the results of the voting?
- Yes Kyri.
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- The decision of the Council is that you did in fact kill your father and hence are to be beheaded on the fith day after this. Do you wish to say anything?
- I didn't do it!! I didn't do it!
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- Please act with dignity, Kyria!
- I can't! I'm innocent! My daughter! What will happen with my daughter?!
- Your step-mother and siblings...
- NOO! They are not my siblings! They can't be trusted! Please don't give my daughter to them, they will kill her!
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- I can take her!
- And you are?
- I'm Mpatíni Asijaka, this is my husband Eteokardiás, and my brother was Olimáchos Kitanétos. He was the child's father.
- And do you have other children Kyria Asijaka?
- Yes, we have a newborn son.
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- Do you have any objections, Prince Herakli?
- No. I believe her husband is from a well known Manthos family, so it seems like a reasonable arrangement.
- Then it is decided. The council is hereby dissolved!
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- Let me take her, we are almost home now. I can't let you carry all the burden.
- I don't mind, she's not that heavy.
- Thank you for being so understanding Teo. I know this wasn't your plan.
- It probably wasn't yours either, right?
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- Shhh! So,so so! No it wasn't, 'cause I was sure they would let Lykrevia go. I'm sure she didn't do it.
- Everything pointed in her direction though.
- I just know she didn't do it. Why are you crying baby, come on now. And why is her skin so red? Do you think she is sick, Teo? Shhh!
- I don't know, we will ask mother when we come home. But who else could have done it? Amunet?
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- I don't think she likes me. Here! Take her back!
- She is probably just hungry. And she definitely needs a bath. Give her to me.
- Maybe Kyrie Troizenas had other enemies, just remember what he did to my brother. Maybe it wasn't the first time? I don't know, but I know Lykrevia didn't do it.
- How can you be so sure?
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- I just don't believe it. How did you stop her crying? She really doesn't like me, does she?
- Don't be silly!
- What do you think your mother will say Teo? It's another mouth to feed, and the farm is not big.
- Don't worry. My mother will welcome this child in the family, as if it was her own blood, I'm quite sure.
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- Teo, do you mind if we let her keep my brother's name? I want her to be proud of where she's coming from, and my brother didn't have anything else to give her.
- I don't mind, if that's what you want. Now let's get home so we can give this little stinker a proper bath.
- Ah-gwa!
[End of chapter 11]
A huge thank you to those of you who have followed, liked and commented on my story so far. It means a lot, and I am truly grateful. 💕
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kyriat-stories · 1 month
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- I..I.. I meant to tell him. I just wanted to find the right moment.
- And why did you lie to the temple clerks?
- Olimachos and me were in a hurry cause I was growin' a belly, so we couldn't wait.
- But you knew your father wouldn't accept such a marriage, didn't you?
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- Diamartýromai! Kyrios Sahphiris protested. The girl can't possibly know what went on in her father's head.
- Well, she claims she had such a great relationship, and yet she spit on her father's honor through getting involved with a man she knew her father would disapprove of. Please answer the question Despinis.
- I guess I was just trying to avoid my father's wrath. And I was right to, because look what happened to my husband.
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The hearing went on for days.
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There were tough questions asked.
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Juridical challenges and discussions.
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Accusations were made, refuted and sometimes redirected.
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There were loud shouts from the audience.
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And more quieter emotional outbursts.
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A few witnesses were heard.
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And then there were the final discussions and the vote. Lykrevia's fate would now be decided.
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kyriat-stories · 2 months
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- I'm not sure if I can help Noor, but I will try. Of course Kyrios Sahphiris is retired now, but we can ask.
- So you think he might consider it, even if there was this "thing" with his daughter and my Teo?
- He is a very honorable person, and his daughter is now engaged elsewhere, so hopefully that wont influence him. I feel for young Lykrevia too, she hasn't had an easy life, so I will do my best to convince him.
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- Thank you so much Figaleía. But now to some happier news. It's Areth. She has a good eye to the boy next door, and I was hoping you could help us with the formalities?
- That is good news indeed! Of course I will! Small private wedding? Or something more public?
- You will have to talk with the groom's parents as well of course, but if it is up to me: A big happy wedding party!
- Oh how exciting!
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The preparations for the hearing dragged out. The king wanted to attend all the interviews with the council members himself, and not just anyone was selected. Only candidates who had both wealth and knowledge, and who had unassailable morals, were selected.
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In the mean while Kyrios Sahphiris had accepted the assignment to represent Lykrevia. Already he had made sure that the conditions were more acceptable, and that Lykrevia, who was still breastfeeding, were able to keep her daughter with her.
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One evening Amunet was passing by and she was not happy.
- Noor! You back-stabbing snake! What are you trying to do to me! Destroy my life?!
- Amunet, I'm not doing anything against you...
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- But you are! You are helping Aranare's killer! I never believed this about you! How could you!
- Amunet calm down!
- Don't tell me to calm down! You are destroying my family! I can loose everything! Is it that h*re you took in that has poisoned your soul?
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- Is it me you are referring to? Mpatíni shouted from the background. How dare you!
- Don't talk about my daughter-in-law like that!
- So you are on her side now are you! Her brother destroyed our family and now she will drag you down to the underground, mind my words!
- I think you should have a good look at your own behavior before you start pointing fingers.
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- How could you betray me like this, Noor? I thought you were my friend!
- I am your friend, but I also have to do what I think is fair and just.
- I will never forgive you. NEVER! Πόρνη!
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kyriat-stories · 1 year
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On a hazy afternoon, at the beginning of the olive harvest,  it was finally time for Amunet and Aranare to recite their wedding vows. 
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The wedding was informal, and held at Simadhne and Itaja’s home. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves, and Simadhnes food was exquisite. Amunet was not used to be at the center of everybody’s attention, but she enjoyed it.
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She was exhilarated to start her new chapter in life with her farmer-prince, but there were downsides.
- Mamu, vely pletti. Love Mamu!!
- Oh thank you my sweetest! Amunet was touched by this declaration of love, Mamu loves you too, and for sure I will miss you very much.
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After all the guests had left it was time for Amunet and Aranare to say goodbye as well.
- Thank you for everything you have done for me, Amunet said
- Thank you for everything you have done for us, Simadhne answered. May Astanna be with you and give you strength in your new role, and I hope you will come and visit us every now and then.
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- It will be very quiet now that everybody have moved out, Simadhne admitted. Thank the Gods we have Nashuja! I hope Amunet will be okay. Marriage is not as easy as she might think.
- I think she will be fine. She is clever and strong willed, and Aranare seems to be a very decent man. I’m more worried about Noor actually. She seemed a bit down.
- Yeah I noticed that too. I will pay her a visit one of these days. I want to see little Pamesijos as well, I haven’t seen him for weeks now, with the wedding and everything.
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The next morning Simadhne knocked on Noor’s door.
- Oh hello, it’s you. Noor didn’t seem very happy about the visit.
- Aren’t you glad to see me? Did I come at an inconvenient time?
- No, it’s just that... I didn’t want you to see me like this. The house is a mess, I’m a mess. Everything is a mess.
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- It’s all falling apart, and I don’t know if I can take it much longer. Telamon is never here, and when he is, he is always drunk. We don’t have any money, because he spend it on tavli and wine, his father probably thinks everything is my fault, and I simply don’t know what to do.
- Is he... you know... mean to you?
- No, not mean, but he is very selfish, and don’t provide for us. Sometimes he tries to make up for it, and brings me pointless gifts like, flowers and aroma, but who needs that, when we don’t have bread?
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kyriat-stories · 2 months
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- ... and one choriatiko psomi, parakalo.
- Of course Kyria mou! Have you heard the tragic news? About the murder?
- Murder?!
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- Who was murdered? Here in Manthos?
- It was Kyrios Troizenas. They don't know who did it yet. His wife found him this morning.
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- Kyrios Troizenas?! Aranare?! That can't be! Who would want to hurt him? Holy Astanna! I can't believe this is happening!
- Yes it's shocking. Maybe his wife killed him? Apparently she found him this morning, but he was dead. Stabbed with a knife. I didn't believe it myself at first, but then the king's guards confirmed it. Here are your goods, Kyria Eira.
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- This can't be true Eira! Maybe Kyrios Vrentésios is exaggerating, and there is some logical explanation. And I don't believe for a moment that Amunet killed Aranare. That's ridiculous.
- I don't know Noor. It was unbelievable that Aranare fought with Olimáchos too, wasn't it? And now this.
- My Goddess, you are right.
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- You don't think Mpatíni could have anything to do with it do you?
- Mpatini?! Of course not! Are you out of your mind?
- For it sure it can't be Amunet, and who else ...
- Absolutely not! I don't believe it for a moment!
- Poor Amunet. And the children!
- This is terrible. And the day started so well...
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It was not easy coming home telling Mpatíni what had happened. Noor did her best to put on a neutral face. She didn't want the girl to suspect that she doubted her innocence.
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- What?! He more or less killed my brother, but murder? That's terrible! Who killed him?
- They don't know yet. He was well liked by most, so ...
- I see. Oh Noor, do you think that people might think it was me?
- Nah, Noor tried to sound convincing, people are not that stupid, I'm sure.
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kyriat-stories · 3 months
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- I don't know if the girl knows or not, but you will never guess who attacked him!
- Well tell me! Who?
- They told me that Olimáchos had a thing with Lykrevia Troizena, and that Lykrevia's father was very upset about it and beat him up. Badly. Some say he might not survive, but I'm sure they're exaggerating.
- Lykrevia's father did that? Aranare? Amunet's husband?
- Yes! Can you believe it?
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- Holy Astanna! Who would have thought ... I'm shocked...
- The situation for Mpatíni will be even more difficult now that her brother can't protect her. Even if it's temporary. At the moment he can't even stand on his feet they say. And if he dies...
- Oh no! This is terrible news! Well that's it. I can't let this happen. The girl will move in here. As Teo's wife to be.
- Are you sure Noor? People might talk.
- Oh, I'm sure they will. People will always talk. In the past it used to be me they were talking about. And Mpatíni doesn't deserve it, she is a nice girl and didn't do nothing wrong. Eira, will you support me? Will you stand by me? And Teo and his wife?
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- Of course Noor. Always. You are my sister. And I feel for the girl as well, I never understood why people were so mean to her.
- I can always count on you Eira. Thank you. And now we will have a wedding to plan, I guess! I bet you didn't see that coming when you came over for a tea and a chat!
- I sure didn't haha!
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It was Teo that got to brake the news to Mpatíni, both the good news and the bad news. The circumstances may not have been ideal, but the young couple were very happy to be able to tie the knot.
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Just a few months later they got married. Spring was on it's way, but it was still cold when the young couple had a simple home marriage. Mpatíni was looking very pretty (but a bit cold) in a dress Noor and Eira had remade from one of Simadhne's dresses, and with a beautiful braid made by Areth and Bansabira.
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It was of course unusual to have a wedding at this time of the year, and there were not many guests outside the family. Mpatínis brother was still not well after the fight with Aranare, but was helped, or should we say carried, to the house to be able to attend.
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Kyria Figaleía had politely declined at first, but changed her mind when Noor and Eira hinted that they soon would have to discuss the marriages for three young ladies: Areth, Khará and Bansabira. The presence of Kyria Figaleía was very important, especially for the bride, because no one could turn the tide of public opinion like Kyria Figaleía.
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It was a smart move, and a successful one. When the summer came, nobody talked about Mpatíni anymore. Despite of (or perhaps precisely because of) the fact that her brother Olimáchos never recovered from his injuries after his unpleasant encounter with Aranare. A few weeks after his sister's wedding his condition worsened, and he past away. And fingers pointed at Aranare.
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Everyone was sure that Aranare had killed him, but there was no way to prove it. Nevertheless, he had to pay a heavy price. It turned out that Lykrevia secretly had married Olimáchos and she was also with child. Now she refused to have anything to do with her father, and survived by picking fruit and olives around Manthos, as her husband had previously done. Evil tongues meant she was also becoming a bit insane, but, you know, people have always had something to say about single mothers.
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Anyway, on this winter night, after Mpatíni and Teo's wedding, it was all peace and happiness. And maybe, (well we don't know this for sure, but we can speculate, right?) just maybe, the foundation for a new generation of Asijakas were laid, just this night.
[End of chapter 10]
Truly, I appreciate so much all the likes and comments on my story so far. It does mean a lot, and I am very grateful. 💕
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kyriat-stories · 1 year
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- Amunet, I want to discuss something with you. You have served our family for many winters, and I think that we have taken good care of you?
- Absolutely, Kyria Simadhne. I’ve been as content as I could be, under the circumstances.
- Tell me, if you could, would you return to your home country?
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- To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve heard that the war has destroyed everything in our region, my closest family are dead, so what am I supposed to do there?
- But you have relatives maybe?
- I don’t really know them, and I don’t know if they would accept me. It’s a shame to have been away from the family like I have, and nobody asks if I could have avoided it or not. I’m damaged goods, and also considered too old to get married, and I would probably just be a burden for them. But why do you ask? You want to get rid of me?
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- Not at all! But I would consider an emancipation if you should want that. But if you want to stay, we could reward you in a different way. Maybe a piece of land of your own?
- I’ve.. I... Actually...
- Yes?
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- You know the Troizena farm? Where we get our cow’s milk? You know Kyrios Aranare is a widower, right? I... I kind of like him you see. And I think he likes me. He definitely needs someone to help him with his daughter and the general work on the farm, and his parents are old, you know. So, if I was free, and had access to dowry, he might consider to marry me.
- That’s a great idea Amunet! I think we can work something out. We should talk with Kyria Figaleía, so she can approach Kyrios Aranare with the idea.
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- Kyria Simadhne, I’m so happy! And grateful. But what about Kyrios Itaja? Would he accept this?   
- Don’t worry about him. He owes me. We women must stand together, you know. Now let’s get some work done.
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The same night Simadhne suggested the possibility to Itaja. He was not dismissive, but he had concerns about the expenses. A third marriage, and the emancipation, would be another dent in the family economy.
- I doubt if the dowry would be that much, Simadhne remarked, after all Kyrios Aranare is in need of help on the farm. I would be willing to sell some of my jewelry if necessary, because this means a lot to me. And it would help a lot on repairing the trust between us, if you did this for me.
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sa-characters · 7 months
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Zoï Troizena
GENDER - Female
AGE - Child
ASPIRATION - Multi Skill - Playtime Captain
TRAITS:  Cautious, Inquisitive, Music Lover
SIGN: Aries
PARENTS - Amunet Sadek and Aranare Troizenas
PARTNER - none
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
CHILD: When her father died under suspicious circumstances the whole family were crushed, but Zoï especially. She found a comfort in music and played the little fiddle her father had made for her.
TODDLER: Zoï follows her father wherever he goes. She loves being around the animals, and has become quite an expert of chasing chickens.
INFANT: There was quite some drama when Zoi was born, as she didn't breathe and had a really ugly color. Her mother, the poor thing, in desperation probably, held her upside down, gave her a couple of really good slaps, and thanks Astanna, the little girl coughed and gurgled a bit, and then soon was breathing normally. After this, her mother decided to give her the name Zoï, which means "Life".
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sa-characters · 8 months
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Raamiz Troizenas
AGE - Teen
ASPIRATION - Rambunctious Scamp, Bodybuilder
TRAITS:  Independent, Active, Paranoid
SIGN: Aries
PARENTS - Amunet Sadek and Aranare Troizenas
PARTNER - none
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
TEEN: His fathers death had shook him up terribly, and in his teens Raamiz was not able to connect with strangers easily. He was a strong boy, and could have been an award-winning athlete if he wanted to. But preferred his own company, his closest family and the animals on the farm.
CHILD: His mother found out a bit late that she had probably been too forgiving with Raamiz' mischievous acts. Now she tried to be more strict, but probably fell in the opposite pitfall. Parenting is not easy, and childhood neither.
TODDLER: Raamiz was the born leader and already he played his other siblings around his finger.
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sa-characters · 8 months
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Qabbaab Troizenas
AGE - Teen
ASPIRATION - Lord of the Knits
TRAITS:  Hot Headed, Squeamish
SIGN: Libra
PARENTS - Amunet Sadek and Aranare Troizenas
PARTNER - none
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
TEEN: One thing Qabbaab hated about growing up on a farm was the dirt and the insects. He preferred sitting inside, preferably by the fire, and doing craft work with yarn.
CHILD: Qabbaab's temper was often set off by the sneaky behavior of his sister Lykrevia. More than once he was just minding his own business and then she came and threw a spanner in the works. She was so irritating!
TODDLER: His mother complained that he was a handful, and he was.
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sa-characters · 8 months
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Maahiah Troizena
GENDER - Female
AGE - Teen
ASPIRATION - Renaissance Sim
TRAITS:  Good, Dog Lover
SIGN: Virgo
PARENTS - Amunet Sadek and Aranare Troizenas
PARTNER - Vanios Rethymiotis
CHILDREN - Loukas, Ramphias
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
TEEN: She is so incredibly beautiful this young woman, simply stunning. Her mother thinks she is much to thin, but Maahiah doesn't want to put on weight. She believes she is fine the way she is, and she doesn't like milk, cream and fat. So what?
CHILD: As she grew up Maahiah realized that her half sister Lykrevia was not okay. Whenever the grown ups didn't pay attention Lykrevia bullied her younger siblings. Maahiah early learnt not only how to avoid that for her own sake, but even tried to protect the toddlers. It was not always successful, but she tried.
TODDLER: Maahiah adored her father, he was her hero. She loved her mother two, but she was a daddy's girl, no doubt about that.
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sa-characters · 1 year
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Aranare Troizenas - DECEASED
AGE - Adult
ASPIRATION - Country Caretaker
TRAITS:  Adventurous, Cat Lover, Glutton
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - Kameo and Morgidis
PARTNER - Amunet Sadek
CHILDREN - Lykrevia, Maahiah, Qabbaab, Raamiz, Zoï,
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
A kind and decent man. Hardworking and passionate about the family’s farm, and everything living. He loves Amunet because she shares most of his values and her commitment.
This peaceful man surprised everyone when he thought someone in his family was treated badly. Understandably maybe, but he was misinformed. The whole thing turned into a terrible family tragedy, including for Aranare himself.
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