kyriat-stories · 17 days
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- I'm so blessed, Noor thought to herself, when she came home that night. Just look at them! They might not be perfect, but they are such good children.
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Little Rusa Própis was just taking his first steps, and was adorable.
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He was trying to get his mother's attention, but it was not always easy. Most of the time she was quiet, sullen and clearly unhappy.
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There was definitely something going on between her and Teo, but like Eira had said, what could Noor, or anybody else, do about it?
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While Noor's house was full of people, Eira's felt empty. The teenagers where out with friends, like they were most afternoons. Eira did some housework. Then some artwork. But she felt lonely and bored.
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In the evening she took a small visit to the neighbor Kyria Tarina. They talked about this and that, and Eira told her about Noor's teasing her with Yousif. Eh... Kyrios Eláïom.
- Can you imagine, she laughed, getting a boyfriend at my age! It would be ridiculous!
- Hmm. I don't know, you are not that much older than me, and I got married just a few summers ago. Do you think I'm ridiculous?
- Of course not! But it's different. You didn't have children before.
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- I don't believe marriage is just about having children! Although I wont hide that I'm very happy to have the twins, since I more or less had given up on having children. But believe me, I would have married Keftimícharos no matter what. Because I love to be with him, to share my time and opinions with him.
- Absolutely. That sounds sensible.
- Eira, let me ask you. If Kyrios Eláïom is someone you might want to share your life with, what is stopping you?
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- First of all, I don't really know him, secondly I have no idea how he feels about me, and you know, my daughter is married to his son, so it's complicated.
- Nah, why should that make it complicated? On the contrary, it would make it easier to meet without people talking. Unless your daughter has something against it?
- No, I think she would approve actually. Or I hope she would. What is holding me back mostly is probably that I don't know how Yousif would react. What if he doesn't like me? Sweet goddess, I couldn't bare it. So embarrassing.
- How old are you? Twelve? Tarina laughed. If you don't ask him you might never know how he feels. And from what I understand Kyrios Eláïom is a gentleman. He would respond very politely no matter what his reaction would be.
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- But, it's... well... I don't know.
- My dearest Eira, just do it! At our age it's not advisable to waste time becoming happy. Talk honestly with your daughter, and if she doesn't have objections, go for it. You will never regret it, I promise you. But you will if you don't.
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sa-characters · 11 months
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Mpatíni Asijaka (Kitanétou)
GENDER - Female
AGE - Teen
TRAITS: Bookworm, Perfectionist
SIGN: Gemini
PARENTS - Mpistaméni Kitanétou, Própis Kitanétos
PARTNER: Eteokardiás Asijakas
CHILDREN: Rusa Propis, Iliouloùsta*
Download: Not available
Story: Once Upon A Time - The first ones
Family tree: The first ones
Despite her very difficult childhood, Mpatíni has become a hard-working, sensible girl. That's not a small achievement all things considered. Hopefully things will be easier for her in the future.
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kyriat-sims · 3 years
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Oikos Kitanétos / Sim household
They are poor, have made some bad choices, and are maybe even unlucky on top of everything. But they are still a family, and take care of each other.
Própis Kitanétos - Adult - Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Mpistaméni Kitanéte - Young Adult - Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Olimáchos Kitanétos - Child - Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
Mpatíni Kitanéte- Toddler
I’ve included my own recolours Efrosyni for female and children, and used some really nice CC from the following  creators (Go here for full list and details):
@ameyasims - @plasma-jane - Mammut - @teanmoon - @meatballteeth/uxji - @kijiko-sims - @luumia - @natalia-auditore - @valhallansim
Thank you all so much 💕
Info and download link here - (free & adfree always)
Happy simming! 😘
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kyriat-stories · 4 months
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The council was finally ready for the hearing of Lykrevia in connection with the murder of Aranare.
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The king himself were present, but made it clear that he was just observing, and that his brother Prince Heraklis was responsible for the hearing.
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Present was also the victim's family; Aranares wife Amunet, and the two oldest children Qabbaab and Maahiah.
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The defendant was also allowed to bring three persons of her own choosing. She had chosen a spokesperson, Kyrios Monachos Saphiris, and her sister-in-law Kyria Mpatíni Asijaka and her husband Kyrios Eteokardiás Asijakas. With the exception of Kyrios Saphiris, none of them had been participants in a hearing before.
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The council was led by Kyrios Biannas, who asked the defendant if she took any responsibility for the victim's death, which she answered she did not.
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Then she was asked to tell her side of the story, her relationship with the victim, where she was on the specified day, and why she believed she had been blamed for the misdeed.
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The council listened without interruptions, when Lykrevia claimed that she had a good relationship with her father, that she was at her employer Kyria Amsharu's house on the night in question, and that someone wanted to deprive her of her rightful inheritance to the farm.
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- I see, Kyrios Biannas said, That means we can start the question round. Do you want to start Prince Herakli?
- Of course. Kyria Kitanétou. If your relationship with your father was as good as you say, why did you keep your marriage secret from him, and lie to the people in the temple about having his permission to get married?
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kyriat-stories · 4 months
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Phaidros and his brother got a good laugh when Noor told them about Myrto's plan.
- You can reassure Myrto that there is no plan of marriage just yet, Phaidros smiled.
- I'm glad to here that son.
- That girl is so pretty, Teo teased him, I really don't understand what she sees in you!
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- It's my charming personality, Phaidros answered back, some of us happen to have one!
- So, so, you boys, Noor interjected, no fighting please! Phaidre, I'm actually happy to hear that you like each other. She is such a sweet girl. I hear she is a good athlete too?
- Yes, she is training for the Kretan footraces now. And she has been picked to perform for the king too. She is a great dancer.
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- Ah, is she now. And her father has approved of that?
- I assume so.
- All right. Anyway. Why don't you ask her to visit us? It will be interesting to hear about the Kretan games. And other plans for the future of course.
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A few days later Omera came visiting. She and Noor had some tea and a chat about nice memories from the two families.
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- I hear you are going to give a performance at the palace.
- I am! I'm very excited about it!
- Did your father tell you that I had a performance many years ago and that's how I got to know him?
- No, I didn't know that. Actually I haven't told my parents yet. Just Phaidros.
- I really think you should tell them as soon as possible. It's very important for your security.
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- My security?
- Like I said, I have experience from this, as has many young girls from our area. Maybe the current king is different, but his father and grandfather were known to exploit young girls in the most terrible way imaginable. I would hate to see something like that happening to you. A few years back we were able to stop it happening to your sister Ikadera.
- Kyria Noor, I had no idea about this. I'm so sorry that happened to you!
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- Don't think about it. It's many years ago now, and I've come to terms with it. But not everybody were so lucky. Some women even died.
- That's horrible! Did the king kill them?
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- Not directly. But for sure some were shattered after what happened to them, and unable to return to a normal life.
- I don't know what to say. I don't know if I want to go now.
- I don't believe you can say no to the king, it would be an insult to majesty. That's why your father needs to know, so he can take precautions. Maybe he can find a plausible excuse? He still has good connections in the palace and knows who to talk with. And like I said earlier, they say this king is different. But it's better to be on the safe side.
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kyriat-stories · 4 months
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- Kyria Lykrevia Kitanétou, are you ready to receive the results of the voting?
- Yes Kyri.
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- The decision of the Council is that you did in fact kill your father and hence are to be beheaded on the fith day after this. Do you wish to say anything?
- I didn't do it!! I didn't do it!
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- Please act with dignity, Kyria!
- I can't! I'm innocent! My daughter! What will happen with my daughter?!
- Your step-mother and siblings...
- NOO! They are not my siblings! They can't be trusted! Please don't give my daughter to them, they will kill her!
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- I can take her!
- And you are?
- I'm Mpatíni Asijaka, this is my husband Eteokardiás, and my brother was Olimáchos Kitanétos. He was the child's father.
- And do you have other children Kyria Asijaka?
- Yes, we have a newborn son.
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- Do you have any objections, Prince Herakli?
- No. I believe her husband is from a well known Manthos family, so it seems like a reasonable arrangement.
- Then it is decided. The council is hereby dissolved!
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- Let me take her, we are almost home now. I can't let you carry all the burden.
- I don't mind, she's not that heavy.
- Thank you for being so understanding Teo. I know this wasn't your plan.
- It probably wasn't yours either, right?
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- Shhh! So,so so! No it wasn't, 'cause I was sure they would let Lykrevia go. I'm sure she didn't do it.
- Everything pointed in her direction though.
- I just know she didn't do it. Why are you crying baby, come on now. And why is her skin so red? Do you think she is sick, Teo? Shhh!
- I don't know, we will ask mother when we come home. But who else could have done it? Amunet?
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- I don't think she likes me. Here! Take her back!
- She is probably just hungry. And she definitely needs a bath. Give her to me.
- Maybe Kyrie Troizenas had other enemies, just remember what he did to my brother. Maybe it wasn't the first time? I don't know, but I know Lykrevia didn't do it.
- How can you be so sure?
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- I just don't believe it. How did you stop her crying? She really doesn't like me, does she?
- Don't be silly!
- What do you think your mother will say Teo? It's another mouth to feed, and the farm is not big.
- Don't worry. My mother will welcome this child in the family, as if it was her own blood, I'm quite sure.
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- Teo, do you mind if we let her keep my brother's name? I want her to be proud of where she's coming from, and my brother didn't have anything else to give her.
- I don't mind, if that's what you want. Now let's get home so we can give this little stinker a proper bath.
- Ah-gwa!
[End of chapter 11]
A huge thank you to those of you who have followed, liked and commented on my story so far. It means a lot, and I am truly grateful. 💕
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kyriat-stories · 5 months
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- ... and one choriatiko psomi, parakalo.
- Of course Kyria mou! Have you heard the tragic news? About the murder?
- Murder?!
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- Who was murdered? Here in Manthos?
- It was Kyrios Troizenas. They don't know who did it yet. His wife found him this morning.
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- Kyrios Troizenas?! Aranare?! That can't be! Who would want to hurt him? Holy Astanna! I can't believe this is happening!
- Yes it's shocking. Maybe his wife killed him? Apparently she found him this morning, but he was dead. Stabbed with a knife. I didn't believe it myself at first, but then the king's guards confirmed it. Here are your goods, Kyria Eira.
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- This can't be true Eira! Maybe Kyrios Vrentésios is exaggerating, and there is some logical explanation. And I don't believe for a moment that Amunet killed Aranare. That's ridiculous.
- I don't know Noor. It was unbelievable that Aranare fought with Olimáchos too, wasn't it? And now this.
- My Goddess, you are right.
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- You don't think Mpatíni could have anything to do with it do you?
- Mpatini?! Of course not! Are you out of your mind?
- For it sure it can't be Amunet, and who else ...
- Absolutely not! I don't believe it for a moment!
- Poor Amunet. And the children!
- This is terrible. And the day started so well...
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It was not easy coming home telling Mpatíni what had happened. Noor did her best to put on a neutral face. She didn't want the girl to suspect that she doubted her innocence.
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- What?! He more or less killed my brother, but murder? That's terrible! Who killed him?
- They don't know yet. He was well liked by most, so ...
- I see. Oh Noor, do you think that people might think it was me?
- Nah, Noor tried to sound convincing, people are not that stupid, I'm sure.
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kyriat-stories · 4 months
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- I..I.. I meant to tell him. I just wanted to find the right moment.
- And why did you lie to the temple clerks?
- Olimachos and me were in a hurry cause I was growin' a belly, so we couldn't wait.
- But you knew your father wouldn't accept such a marriage, didn't you?
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- Diamartýromai! Kyrios Sahphiris protested. The girl can't possibly know what went on in her father's head.
- Well, she claims she had such a great relationship, and yet she spit on her father's honor through getting involved with a man she knew her father would disapprove of. Please answer the question Despinis.
- I guess I was just trying to avoid my father's wrath. And I was right to, because look what happened to my husband.
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The hearing went on for days.
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There were tough questions asked.
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Juridical challenges and discussions.
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Accusations were made, refuted and sometimes redirected.
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There were loud shouts from the audience.
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And more quieter emotional outbursts.
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A few witnesses were heard.
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And then there were the final discussions and the vote. Lykrevia's fate would now be decided.
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kyriat-stories · 4 months
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- I'm not sure if you should do this heavy garden work in your condition Mpatíni. You work too hard.
- Don't worry, I'm used to it.
- I know dear, but there is no need. I can manage, and if not, Phaidros can also help after his classes.
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- Mama Noor, I overheard the conversation you had with Despinis Omera yesterday. And I wondered, if I can be so upfront, is this was happened to my mother? Was she assaulted by the king?
- Mpatíni, Noor hesitated for a second before she answered, Honestly, I don't know. But it's possible. I would even say it is likely.
- My poor mother... To go through all that... And then have to endure the backbiting and shaming from people on top of it all. It is not fair.
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- That's true. It's not fair at all. But, if I may give you an advice, cry your tears for your mother, for your family and yourself. And then let it be. Don't spend your time and energy on something you can't possibly change. It's in the past.
- But it isn't in the past! Because it's happening to women over and over again! That's why you warned Omera like you did. I hope I'll never have a daughter! It's too painful.
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- Oh sweet Mpatinoulla mou, I know what you are saying, but also with boys there are problems and things to be afraid of. I sent two of my sons to war, it's was the hardest thing I've ever done.
- Maybe I'm not fit to become a mother.
- You are very fit. Because what I hear is that you will love your children and protect them, at great length, and no matter what. This pain you are talking about is something you share with all mothers. And they with you.
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- Do you think my mother had this mother-pain?
- Undisputedly. One reason why she never talked about her personal pain was probably to protect you.
- It's hard to think about, but I feel like I know her better now. And I believe she loved me as much as her pain allowed her.
- I'm certain she did. Absolutely certain.
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Just a few weeks later Mpatíni did become a mother. To a big healthy boy.
- Look Eira! I'm a giagia! A grandmother! I'm so happy!
- Uaa! Uaa! the little boy tested his lungs.
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- No-no-no, we are not gonna cry now are we? Giagia is just going to show you off to the whole world, so you better get used to it, aren't you? Yes, that's right my big boy, with a big nose like his father. *kiss*kiss*kiss*
- He is really strong and healthy isn't he, Eira commented, And the mother, is she okay?
- She is fine, she's just resting a little bit, now that she has the chance.
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- Of course! As she should. Have they thought about any names for the boy.
- It's still early, but Teo asked me if I would mind if they called him Rusa, after our father.
- Awww. How sweet. A lovely gesture!
- Yes, I was really touched when he asked. And he looks a bit like him too, don't you think?
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kyriat-stories · 5 months
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- I'm not sure if I can help Noor, but I will try. Of course Kyrios Sahphiris is retired now, but we can ask.
- So you think he might consider it, even if there was this "thing" with his daughter and my Teo?
- He is a very honorable person, and his daughter is now engaged elsewhere, so hopefully that wont influence him. I feel for young Lykrevia too, she hasn't had an easy life, so I will do my best to convince him.
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- Thank you so much Figaleía. But now to some happier news. It's Areth. She has a good eye to the boy next door, and I was hoping you could help us with the formalities?
- That is good news indeed! Of course I will! Small private wedding? Or something more public?
- You will have to talk with the groom's parents as well of course, but if it is up to me: A big happy wedding party!
- Oh how exciting!
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The preparations for the hearing dragged out. The king wanted to attend all the interviews with the council members himself, and not just anyone was selected. Only candidates who had both wealth and knowledge, and who had unassailable morals, were selected.
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In the mean while Kyrios Sahphiris had accepted the assignment to represent Lykrevia. Already he had made sure that the conditions were more acceptable, and that Lykrevia, who was still breastfeeding, were able to keep her daughter with her.
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One evening Amunet was passing by and she was not happy.
- Noor! You back-stabbing snake! What are you trying to do to me! Destroy my life?!
- Amunet, I'm not doing anything against you...
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- But you are! You are helping Aranare's killer! I never believed this about you! How could you!
- Amunet calm down!
- Don't tell me to calm down! You are destroying my family! I can loose everything! Is it that h*re you took in that has poisoned your soul?
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- Is it me you are referring to? Mpatíni shouted from the background. How dare you!
- Don't talk about my daughter-in-law like that!
- So you are on her side now are you! Her brother destroyed our family and now she will drag you down to the underground, mind my words!
- I think you should have a good look at your own behavior before you start pointing fingers.
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- How could you betray me like this, Noor? I thought you were my friend!
- I am your friend, but I also have to do what I think is fair and just.
- I will never forgive you. NEVER! Πόρνη!
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kyriat-stories · 5 months
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There was a lot of speculation and different opinions in Manthos about the murder. But people were also upset about the new taxes, and the reckless spending by the royal family.
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Everybody agreed that the prices at the Agorá was much higher than last year, and then the taxes came on top of that. People were angry and most of them blamed the new queen. Expensive dresses, jewelry, and on top of everything; a brand new temple being built for some foreign god. It was outrageous.
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Two weeks after the murder the news hit Manthos like lightning: Lykrevia, Aranares daughter had been arrested for the murder of her own father. It was beyond belief.
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Most people, including Prince Heraklis and Captain Trypitis, believed that a swift execution would be the correct way to handle this, but the king insisted on a hearing.
- The girl swear she is innocent, and I'm not convinced she is guilty. We should give her a chance. We will set up a council of ten righteous men, and then see what they decide. Herakli, you will be in charge.
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Like everybody else the arrest and the coming hearing were talked about in the Asijaka household.
- That girl was always a bit strange, but do you think she killed her own father Noor?
- I don't know what to think. I do feel sorry for her though. And her child. It's terrible to be accused of something like that, but even worse when you have a child.
- I can only imagine. Maybe they will go lightly on her because of the child?
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- I don't know if the council would even consider that. I also heard that Amunet will testify against her. Which is... As much as I love Amunet, her testimony would be biased. She has everything to win on Lykrevia being convicted.
- How so?
- First of all Amunet was pointed at as a possible killer herself, and if Lykrevia is convicted, she is off the hook. And second, she will keep the farm.
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- And if Lykrevia is ruled innocent?
- Then the farm will go to Lykrevia as the oldest child, and Amunet would be at her mercy. They might even be homeless. And the investigators might look for other possible killers. Like Amunet. Or even you.
- I would never have done something like that! I hope you believe me?
- I do dear, but the investigators will see that you could have had a reason. I mean, to avenge your brother's death.
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- That would be ... Mpatíni swallowed. It would be a nightmare, because nobody in this village would ever believe anything I say. People hated me even before this.
- They don't hate you, but I can see why you feel that way. Let’s hope it never comes to that.
- Nevertheless, I wish we could help Lykrevia, she must be feeling so alone and sad! First losing her boyfriend, then her father, and now this. She could at least need some kind of spokesman.
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- She must be terrified. And if she is in fact innocent...
- I wish I knew someone that could help out. Someone that wouldn't judge her from the start.
- I just got an idea. I will talk to Kyria Figaleía in the morning.
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kyriat-stories · 6 months
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- I don't know if the girl knows or not, but you will never guess who attacked him!
- Well tell me! Who?
- They told me that Olimáchos had a thing with Lykrevia Troizena, and that Lykrevia's father was very upset about it and beat him up. Badly. Some say he might not survive, but I'm sure they're exaggerating.
- Lykrevia's father did that? Aranare? Amunet's husband?
- Yes! Can you believe it?
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- Holy Astanna! Who would have thought ... I'm shocked...
- The situation for Mpatíni will be even more difficult now that her brother can't protect her. Even if it's temporary. At the moment he can't even stand on his feet they say. And if he dies...
- Oh no! This is terrible news! Well that's it. I can't let this happen. The girl will move in here. As Teo's wife to be.
- Are you sure Noor? People might talk.
- Oh, I'm sure they will. People will always talk. In the past it used to be me they were talking about. And Mpatíni doesn't deserve it, she is a nice girl and didn't do nothing wrong. Eira, will you support me? Will you stand by me? And Teo and his wife?
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- Of course Noor. Always. You are my sister. And I feel for the girl as well, I never understood why people were so mean to her.
- I can always count on you Eira. Thank you. And now we will have a wedding to plan, I guess! I bet you didn't see that coming when you came over for a tea and a chat!
- I sure didn't haha!
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It was Teo that got to brake the news to Mpatíni, both the good news and the bad news. The circumstances may not have been ideal, but the young couple were very happy to be able to tie the knot.
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Just a few months later they got married. Spring was on it's way, but it was still cold when the young couple had a simple home marriage. Mpatíni was looking very pretty (but a bit cold) in a dress Noor and Eira had remade from one of Simadhne's dresses, and with a beautiful braid made by Areth and Bansabira.
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It was of course unusual to have a wedding at this time of the year, and there were not many guests outside the family. Mpatínis brother was still not well after the fight with Aranare, but was helped, or should we say carried, to the house to be able to attend.
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Kyria Figaleía had politely declined at first, but changed her mind when Noor and Eira hinted that they soon would have to discuss the marriages for three young ladies: Areth, Khará and Bansabira. The presence of Kyria Figaleía was very important, especially for the bride, because no one could turn the tide of public opinion like Kyria Figaleía.
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It was a smart move, and a successful one. When the summer came, nobody talked about Mpatíni anymore. Despite of (or perhaps precisely because of) the fact that her brother Olimáchos never recovered from his injuries after his unpleasant encounter with Aranare. A few weeks after his sister's wedding his condition worsened, and he past away. And fingers pointed at Aranare.
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Everyone was sure that Aranare had killed him, but there was no way to prove it. Nevertheless, he had to pay a heavy price. It turned out that Lykrevia secretly had married Olimáchos and she was also with child. Now she refused to have anything to do with her father, and survived by picking fruit and olives around Manthos, as her husband had previously done. Evil tongues meant she was also becoming a bit insane, but, you know, people have always had something to say about single mothers.
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Anyway, on this winter night, after Mpatíni and Teo's wedding, it was all peace and happiness. And maybe, (well we don't know this for sure, but we can speculate, right?) just maybe, the foundation for a new generation of Asijakas were laid, just this night.
[End of chapter 10]
Truly, I appreciate so much all the likes and comments on my story so far. It does mean a lot, and I am very grateful. 💕
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kyriat-stories · 7 months
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- Kyria Noor, it's an honor to meet you! Mpatíni greeted Noor with a deep bow.
- It's a pleasure to meet you too, Despinis Mpatíni, Noor replied politely. I'm so glad you are able to give us a hand in the vegetable garden.
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- Yeah right! Pleasure my ass, Teo mumbled to himself. My mother is such a hypocrite!
- I'm sorry we can't accommodate you, Noor continued, but Teo assured me that wouldn't be a problem.
- No Kyria, me and my brother have a small camp not far from here.
- That's lovely dear. Now, I'm sure Teo will show you what to do before he leaves for his tuition, but if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. I will be inside with my aunt.
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- Yes, Kyria Noor. And thank you for this opportunity. I will do my best with the garden, I can assure you.
- I'm sure you will. Good luck! Kali douleia!
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Mpatíni started immediately, and much later Noor admitted that after a few weeks the garden hadn't looked better since a long time. It was true, Mpatíni was a hard worker, and she really knew what she was doing.
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Teo and Mpatíni continued to meet secretly, often in the twilight hours. Noor heard about the rendezvous, but, following her new strategy, she didn't make a fuzz about it.
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However, the young couple didn't drift apart, as Noor had hoped. On the contrary, their relationship grew stronger and deeper as the weeks passed.
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Noor was however occupied elsewhere, since Simadhne's health turned to the worse. She was not longer able to follow a normal conversation, and if she said something it was totally out of place. Since she also at times became hostile towards the children, Noor had to watch her every minute of the day. It was so sad, especially for Tychon who didn't understand why is beloved giagia was mad at him.
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So when Simadhne's spirit that autumn left this earth, the nearest family had mixed emotions. On the one hand they grieved deeply, but there was also an element of relief.
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kyriat-stories · 7 months
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Not all glances were unwelcome though. Mpatíni and Teo usually met in secret, but Manthos is a small place, so they were bound to bump in to each other from time to time.
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- It's lovely to see you, Teo whispered
- I was hoping you would be here, Mpatíni whispered back
They always tried to hide their emotions when in public, but sometimes they couldn't resist a small kiss or a short embrace, when they thought nobody saw them. But, like we already said, Manthos is a small place, and in small places people are very observant. It didn't take long until Noor had learned the news. She was furious.
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- Eteokardiás Asijakas!! How dare you to go behind my back like that? I'm sooo disappointed, Teo!
- But mother, I just ...
- NO, Teo! There is no excuse! You promised! I really don't know what to do with you. First of all you are too young. Second, that girl has no future Teo! No money, no family, no standing, no ethics! When the time comes I want you to find a nice girl. A respectable young woman you can build a family with!
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- You don't know her!
- I don't have to know her, to know her kind! She is burnt papyrus! I can't allow you to destroy your future because of a fling.
- But mother, you don't understand!
- I understand more than enough thank you! Now go and finish the garden work. And there will be no more trips to the Agorá, that's for sure!
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That evening Noor sat down with Kyria Figaleía, and explained that they were now looking for a suitable wife for Teo.
- Isn't he rather young? Kyria Figaleía asked, I mean, I don't think it's been that long since I was here to discuss your and your sister's marriage?
- Well, time flies Kyria Figaleìa! It must be at least twenty winters back, and Teo is almost fifteen winters now. But how do you think his chances are for a good marriage?
- I'm sure we can find some nice girl for him. I actually have one in mind, but she is of course a tiny bit older than him.
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- That wont be a problem, as long as she is from a nice family.
- But of course!
- Great! Let's talk about the details again in a few days.
The two women were very pleased with their preliminary agreement.
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Teo on the other hand, was not pleased. He had overheard the conversation, and his heart froze to ice. The thought of being married off to someone he hadn't chosen himself was devastating.
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kyriat-stories · 7 months
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When Noor came home, she was met by total chaos; the toddlers unattended, crying and peed down.
- Areth! Why haven't you put on your sweater and warm clothes? It's freezing! And where is grandma?!
- I couldn't find them so ... I think grandma is sleeping.
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- Sleeping? Okay, I see. And Teo? Where is he?
- Phaidros says he is with his girlfriend down by the riverbank.
- His girlfriend?! But what... Phaidro, run down and tell him to come home immediately. And Areth, you will go and look again for your winter clothes! I don't think you've looked carefully enough.
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- Theía? Aunt Simadhne?! Are you okay?
- Oh, I must have dozed off. I was just a bit tired and dizzy. I will be fine soon. Are the toddlers okay?
- The are okay, theía, don't worry about it. Don't get up. I will just give them a bath and put them to bed, then I will come with some food for you.
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- I'm not hungry...
- You have to eat something, don't you? Maybe that's why you are dizzy?
- Well maybe a little piece of tiropita then. And some orange juice.
- I will bring it to you in a minute.
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Later that evening Noor did something she seldom did: she gave her son a real reprimand.
- I am so disappointed Teo! Running around with harlots while your grandma is sick and leaving the kids unattended. How could you?
- Mpatíni is not a harlot...
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- Teo you miss the point!! You behaved in a very irresponsible way! Something could have happened! I thought better of you!
- But grandma was here, and I didn't...
- Grandma is old and not well, and I specifically told you to help her with the toddlers. You know she can't handle them alone!
- I'm sorry...
- Yes, I'm sorry too, but this means I can't trust you.
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- But you can! I won't do it again, I promise!
- No you wont, because you will not leave the house for the next twenty days unless you have a very good reason. Now, promise me.
- Yes mother ...
- And you are not allowed to see that girl again, or any other girl for that matter. You are much too young for that kind of thing. Understood?
- But mother! I love her!
- You love her?! Nonsense! You are fourteen! Now, go to bed. This conversation is over.
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It was not often Teo defied his mother or break his promises, but the following weeks he continued to see Mpatíni behind his mother's back. As you know, young love can be very strong, and especially when parents try to stop it.
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kyriat-stories · 7 months
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For some time life was quiet and peaceful, and Noor felt calm and happy spending time between the children and animals, and of course visiting her sister from time to time.
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Noors relationship with Mpatíni was much approved, but it was still fragile. Mpatíni had asked a couple of times about her mother, but Noor avoided getting into the details of the matter, and Mpatíni was afraid to pursue the topic further.
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Mpatíni and Teo were still very much in love, and met on a regular basis, even if Mpatíni now was helping with the garden and house only a couple of days a week. However, Noor had managed to get her a job as a cook at the Amsharu household. It was a small, but important, step up for Mpatíni, but Teo accused his mother of just trying to keep them apart.
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Now that Noor had a trustworthy babysitter at home, it was also easier to meet with her sister at the Agorá whenever she wanted.
- There you are, I was just looking for you. Here are the eggs I promised you!
- Thank you dear, now let's find some good onions and some mushrooms.
- How are things Eira? Everything good?
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- Well you know, it's the same. The kids are busy with their homework, Teteriu is working on a big project and is never home, and I have nothing to do except washing and cooking, so I'm bored out of my mind. As usual haha! And you?
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- What can I say? It is the usual procrastinations. I didn't ask Kyria Figaleía to forgive me for refusing to marry Teo to that girl Strangépolis, I didn't take Simadhne's larnaki to the temple yet, I didn't have that very difficult talk with Mpatíni about her mother, and Teo is still mad at me because he believes I helped her to find a job as a cook to keep her from him. So everything is just fantastic haha!
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- Haha, Noor, you are killing me! How did we become such grumpy old women?
- Grumpy? Is that's why you are laughing so your teeth are rattling.
- Stop it! Hahaha!
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- KYRIA! KYRIA! A young man came running towards them. Kyria Simintha! You have to come at once!
- Holy kounoupidi, what's going on?
- Kyria Simintha! It's your husband! He collapsed on the floor!
- What?! Where?!
- At the library Kyria, please come immediately!
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