#Amy Gutmann
channeledhistory · 3 months
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one rainbow to rule them all
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GUYS!! I saw Les Mis! In Munich!!!
Let's recap!
The Cast:
Daniel Gutmann as Javert. He was incredible. Definitely my personal highlight. Everytime he sang his voice just ROARED. And he was menacing holy shit. Aggggggh I'm normal about him
Barbara Obermeier as Eponine. When I first heard her sing in Act 1, I knew she was gonna kill it in Act 2. And she did.
Merlin Farcel aka Enjolras. His voice was so perfect I LOVED all the high notes, BUT:
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The beard. Sorry, but in my world Enjolras doesn't have a beard. Plus, it makes him look like Peter Maffay
Madame Thenardier was PERFECT (I don't remember who played her that night😭) She was so funny and the audience really loved her.
The Music:
At first, I felt a bit underwhelmed by the orchestra. To be fair, I listened to the 10th anniversary recording SO much, that I really got used to that grand orchestra sound.
There was an electric guitar and at one point an electric bass when Javert sang, which I really loved.
During Master of the House/ Beggars at the Feast you could really see the orchestra bopping their heads and having fun and that made me very happy
I really loved the brass section, they really stood out (That French Hurn during On My Own????!)
The Costumes:
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I don't know why, but the Les Amis were wearing these caps all the time. I have never seen a production with them in it. Is this a historically accurate thing?? I didn't really like them, they looked very plastic/shiny and fell out of place
I cannot find a picture but in the beginning of Act 1 Valjean wore a pink vest and then a purple coat which both looked very cheap and which I both didn't like (maybe it was because of the light? The colors felt very unnatural)
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Eponine's outfit. At first I thought it didn't look shabby enough. But it looks so badass I'll let it pass
Why don't you let Enjolras wear his red vest??
What is Marius wearing? Goofy boy
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Big Mad Hatter vibes from Thenardier. I loved his and the Patron Minettes outifits, they looked very edgy
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This is perfect. Perfect. I only wished he had undone his hair for Javert's Suicide (he did, but only for the last 10 seconds)
The Stage:
The stage had a turning middle and stairs that could be moved around, similar like in Hamilton.
They did a cool transition with young Cosette walking up the stairs and old Cosette walking down
Also, they had some cool staging with buildings moving around for Stars. But I feel like there was almost a bit too much happening in the background for this song.
I don't know why they didn't have the Barricades turn and show Enjolras hang upside down. It's such a cool/tragic moment!
During the Barricade scenes, the stage sometimes felt a bit empty. I mean, there were always like 15 people standing around. Maybe the Barricades were to small/not high enough
Empty chairs at empty tables. Where were the empty chairs and empty tables??
In Everyday/A Heart Full of Love Reprise single leaves started falling down on the stage (Like Valjean entering the Fall/Winter of his life) I loved that.
Also, the parallel of Marius learning to walk again using a cane, and Valjean loosing his ability to walk using a cane. I never noticed this before!
There are SO many cool things about the staging I could talk about here. But I want to mention some other topics as well:
The "Spirit" of the Show:
There wasn't a single French flag to be seen. Some red ones, but no French flags.
In the trailer, the director said he wanted to create a more universal setting, speaking to everyone in the audience
I think that's a great sentiment but like. Everyone has French names. There were titles above the stage telling us the year and locations (Places in France) of the events. The title of the show is French.
So I think adding the flags (aka a bit more French nationalism?) would have seemed a lot more convincing for the cause of the students and the whole spirit of the show
But maybe this also has to do with the show being in German? I don't know and I'd really like to discuss it. Maybe someone here made a similar experience seeing it in another language
And last, but MOST importantly:
What about Valvert and Enjoltaire?
In the Confrontation, Javert and Valjean got really close to each other. And I mean fighting each other and then stopping just to sing directly into each other's faces.
Instead of running infront of the court in Who Am I, Valjean just goes to Javert and rips his shirt open? Okay, go off I guess
In Drink with Me, we have a platonic forehead touch between Enjolras and Grantaire. Sadly, that's all I noticed between them 😔
Also, the fact that Grantaire is supposed to be ugly/shabby/a drinker/a sceptic got totally lost, which really takes away from his character.
All the actors were good, some of them were FANTASTIC. I'd watch it again just for the guy playing Javert, if I could. God, he was SO GOOD
The music was all it should be, maybe a bit too reserved (but again, this might be because I am so used to the 10th anniversary concert)
I really loved some costumes and I also really disliked some
The staging was great, some choices confused me (flags, barricades etc.)
Would I watch it again?
To be clear, some of the things here might sound more negative than I actually mean. It's just that I have watched SO many different productions online, that I fixated on all the great performances and how I think they should be done. Of course everyone has different opinions here.
Okay thanks for reading if you made it here. Have a great day!
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madamlaydebug · 17 hours
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The University of Pennsylvania has installed a sculpture of a Black female figure at its main entrance. "Brick House," created by prominent Black artist Simone Leigh, has been unveiled as the U.S. welcomes its first Black female vice president elect and as college campuses across the country hear calls to become more inclusive.
“Its enthralling presence of Black beauty with artistic references to the African diaspora will draw the attention of everyone walking or driving past one of the most traveled corners in West Philadelphia,” Penn president Amy Gutmann said of the piece now sitting at the 34th and Walnut Streets gateway to the College Green.
Penn's edition was the second of its kind by Leigh and was gifted to the university by New York City alumni couple Glenn and Amanda Fuhrman. “It’s sweet poetry that this work is being installed within a week of this country electing its first female vice president and its first vice president of color," Glenn said.
“It was a celebration of black womanhood that we hadn’t really heard,” Leigh told the New York Times in 2018. In a Penn statement, she added, “Brick House is not a portrait. It brings disparate forms together in a way that collapses time. I would describe this way of building sculpture as ‘critical fabulation.’”
"Brick House" will be an important addition to Penn’s iconography, said Joann Mitchell, senior vice president for institutional affairs and chief diversity officer. “In some ways, it’s a path breaking move for campus and one that will both add a really powerful and prominent statement about the commitment to inclusion but also be one that hopefully sparks a lot of conversations.”
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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NATO launches Air Defender 23, the largest aerial exercise in its history
In the multinational exercise Air Defender 23, 25 nations come together to train in joint air operations in the skies of Europe.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/06/2023 - 12:00 in Military
From June 12 to 23, up to 10,000 participants from 25 nations, along with 250 aircraft, will participate in Air Defender 23, NATO's largest air training exercise in European airspace, under the leadership of the German Air Force.
Air Defender 23 aims to demonstrate the unity of its members in the face of potential threats, namely from Russia.
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The following nations are participating: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. Aircraft from partner nations will be parked at various locations in Germany during the exercise.
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About 10,000 military personnel are participating in the exercise. Among the 250 aircraft involved are 23 different types of aircraft. About 100 of these aircraft come from 42 federal states of the United States and are being deployed in Europe. The U.S. National Air Guard supplies most of them.
The three main hubs during Air Defender 23 are Schleswig/Hohn, Wunstorf and Lechfeld. The exercises will be carried out mainly in three aerial spaces over Germany. Exercise areas are based on areas that have been used by the German Air Force for routine training for decades. However, they have been expanded to the Air Defender 23 and are partially connected by corridors.
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Flight altitudes during Air Defender in the three training areas range from 2,500 to 15,000 meters or more. No mission is usually flown below that. Refueling usually occurs at altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 meters. Jet fighter training flights take place at altitudes of 2,500 or 3,000 meters, depending on the activated airspace.
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Low-level flights by jets and transport aircraft are planned in a part of the eastern air exercise area known as Fight 1. This training area extends to the north of Brandenburg, parts of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Baltic Sea. The airspace is reserved for these low-level flights for three hours in a row every day from June 12 to 22. In addition, sporadic low-level flights will take place in the military training areas of Baumholder and Grafenwoehr.
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The exercise was projected in 2018, in part in response to the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, although it does not specifically target anyone, explained General Ingo Gerhartz, head of the German Air Force, during the presentation of the exercise.
NATO is determined to defend “every centimeter” of its territory, but “no flight will be sent, for example, to Kaliningrad,” the Russian enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, members of NATO, assured General Gerhartz. "We are a defensive alliance and this is how this exercise is planned," emphasized the general.
However, these maneuvers will also aim to send a message, in particular to Russia, as the United States Ambassador to Germany Amy Gutmann explained to the press: “I would be very surprised if a world leader did not notice what he shows in terms of the spirit of this alliance, which means the strength of this alliance, and this includes Mr. Putin,” the Russian president, she argued.
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The exercise will involve operational and tactical training, mainly in Germany, but also in the Czech Republic, Estonia and Latvia. The exercise aims to "complete the permanent presence of the United States in Europe" and provide training "on a larger scale than is normally performed on the continent," said General Michael Loh, director of the U.S. National Air Guard. "It is about establishing what it means to face a great power in the context of competition between great powers". There are no plans at this stage to make "Air Defender" a regular exercise, Gutmann said. But, she added, "we don't want this exercise to be the last".
Tags: Air DefenderMilitary AviationJoint ExercisesNATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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usnewsper-politics · 6 months
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newsource21 · 1 year
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A Day of Two Anniversaries: 75th Berlin Airlift/60th “Ich bin ein Berliner” Speech
On a sunny June evening, the John-F.-Kennedy-Platz in front of Berlin’s Schöneberg City Hall set the scene for a celebration of two significant anniversaries in Germany’s post-war history.
The flags of France, the UK and the US were flying in honour of the three Allied powers who occupied Berlin after World War II. Tents with benches underneath were fringed in matching white, red and blue bunting.
And underneath the flags of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 and of Ukraine, a stage was set up with musical instruments, an antique carved wooden podium, and a VIP area in front that seated about 180 special guests.
The massive steps of the City Hall were at first deserted except for a blue, white and red flower arrangement underneath two tarnished memorial plaques. Above it, the balcony.
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Photograph: Scene in front of the Schöneberg City Hall, June 24, 2023. Photo: Edith Haimberger. Public domain.
After 5 p.m., guests trickled into the VIP area to be served water and Bouvet sparkling wine. Locals had gathered in greater numbers, standing and sitting in the square. A small wedding party drifted by from the registry office at the far side of the City Hall. And the US Air Forces in Europe Jazz-Band from Ramstein began playing jazz and swing music.
🎶 The Stars and Stripes Forever 🎶
🎶 A Tisket A Tasket 🎶
🎶 Straighten Up and Fly Right 🎶
🎶 Sing, Sing, Sing 🎶
In the VIP section, former and current city officials, as well as members of Germany’s Bundestag, took their seats.
Berlin’s current mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) was joined by predecessors Franziska Giffey (SPD; she is also Wegner’s governing coalition partner), Michael Müller (SPD), and Eberhard Diepgen (CDU).
Diplomats from Austria, France, Ukraine, the UK, and the US joined them.
Jörn Oltmann, district mayor of Berlin-Tempelhof-Schöneberg, greeted everyone in his opening speech. He paid tribute to the 87 people who died in the Berlin Airlift that began 75 years ago, delivering supplies to the half of the city that had just been cut off by the Soviet government’s land blockade.
The Berliners in the audience applauded warmly when Oltmann mentioned Gail Halvorsen. In the Airlift, Halvorsen was the US Air Force colonel who pioneered the ‘Rosinenbomber’ drops of chocolate, gum, and other candy for Berlin’s children.
It’s also the 60th anniversary of the “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech that John F. Kennedy held at the City Hall.
Oltmann said of the President, “You are still a Berliner in the hearts of the people of our city.”
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. - John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address (1961)
Mayor Kai Wegner took the stage next. [Two or three people booed. So perhaps he was being ironical when he said “Vielen Dank für die freundliche Begrüßung” (’Thank you very much for the friendly welcome.’).]
Wegner himself is too young to have been an eyewitness. Yet his father joined the almost 500,000 people who gathered before the City Hall to hear President John F. Kennedy on June 26, 1963. It was a troubled time, but Kennedy’s words inspired.
“Mein Vater verließ diesen Platz voller Hoffnung.” (’My father left this [City Hall] square full of hope.’)
Wegner’s conclusion: “feiern wir jeden Tag die Freiheit in unserer Stadt” (’Let us celebrate the freedom in our city every day.’)
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Photograph: U.S. Ambassador Amy Gutmann speaking at the Schöneberg City Hall, June 24, 2023. (CC BY-SA 4.0)
US Ambassador to Germany Amy Gutmann signed the guest book of Tempelhof-Schöneberg. She received a small sculpture from district mayor Jörn Oltmann, as the US Air Forces in Europe Jazz-Band from Ramstein played another song.
In her speech, Ambassador Gutmann recalled the nerve-wracking, high stakes of the Cold War era with its bristling arsenals of nuclear weapons.
Like the other politicians on the stage, she seemed to be putting herself in the shoes of Kennedy and imagining what it was like to navigate the era as a statesman. Certainly Kennedy gracefully managed to conduct himself as a “global citizen,” in her phrase.
Thanking Berliners for “opening their homes and their hearts to victims of war.” she was likely referring to over 200,000 Ukrainian refugees passing through the city since early 2022.
Referring again to the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, she said that today: “’Wir sind Ukrainer.’” (’We are Ukrainians.’)
Caroline Kennedy, the sister of John F. Kennedy who is serving as US Ambassador to Australia, spoke in a pre-recorded video message. She translated the “Ich bin ein Berliner” message for the present day to “Slava Ukraini.”
Finally Timothy Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics and nephew of Caroline Kennedy, took the stage.
Lightening the mood and radiating charm to which the crowd responded enthusiastically, he reminisced about his experiences at the time when his uncle Kennedy visited West Berlin.
His mother Eunice had organized a “Camp Shriver” back in the United States, inviting children with intellectual disabilities. Three-year-old Timothy was playing amongst them; his only responsibility was ‘to have fun.’
But Shriver noted that while the Berlin Wall divided sibling from sibling, children from parent, etc., families were separated for more than one reason in the 1960s.
Children with intellectual disabilities might be secluded  from the family home, and from their communities, behind the walls of institutions.
The Kennedy family’s own experiences with institutionalization inspired Eunice to organize the Special Olympics.
In the meantime, the Berlin Wall has fallen. “The world can change.” But people with disabilities still face barriers when they participate in schools and in the workplace.
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Photograph: Scene in front of the Schöneberg City Hall, June 24, 2023. Trees belonging to the Rudolph-Wilde-Park. Photo: Edith Haimberger. Public domain.
Recollections of then-mayor of West Berlin, Willy Brandt (d. 1992), after President Kennedy’s speech
“In der Geschichte Berlins war solch ehrlicher Jubel noch keinem Gast zuteil geworden.”
“Den Augenblick vor der Kundgebung, da er lachend in meinem Amtszimmer die berühmten vier Worte -- ‘Ich bin ein Berliner!’ -- einübte, werde ich nie vergessen.”
“Den Dokumentarfilm über seinen Berlin-Besuch hat er sich wiederholt vorführen lassen; so erzählte es mir seine Witwe am Abend nach der Beerdigung.”
(Willy Brandt. Erinnerungen. Berlin: Ullstein, 2014)
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(’In the history of Berlin, such honest rejoicing had not been shown to any other guest.’ ... ‘The moment before the speech, in which he laughingly rehearsed the famous four words ‘I am a Berliner!’ in my mayor’s office, I will never forget.’ ... ‘He asked several times to be shown the documentary film about his Berlin visit; that is what I was told by his widow on the evening after the burial.’)
Photograph of John F. Kennedy at the Schöneberg City Hall on June 26, 1963, by Cecil Stoughton. Credit: White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston
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oceansoulmatesblog · 1 year
NATO prepare unprecedented air deployment exercise over Europe
AP , Wednesday 7 Jun 2023 Germany is preparing to host the biggest air deployment exercise in NATO’s history, a show of force intended to impress allies and potential adversaries such as Russia, German and American officials said Wednesday. From left, United States Air National Guard Director Lieutenant General Michael A. Loh, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Amy Gutmann and German air force chief…
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channeledhistory · 1 year
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kulturell · 1 year
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carlphilipptrump · 2 years
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I have informed the US ambassador to Germany Amy Gutmann to use my unicorn massage vibrator stick to orgasm hard and especially many many times in a row to finally back a policy of sharing what we have which will allow us to truly democratically rule and finally experience the common good. 🦸🏼‍♂️
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rmpmw · 2 years
NSA Transmissions - The Lawsuit they didn't want you to read and the truth they don't want you to know to continue your brainwashing! ARE YOU A TARGET!....Matrix unwittingly in your daily communication or body?
MIREILLE TORJMAN                                                                      CASE NO.:     TBD
1143 Wrightswynde Ct                                                                                                          
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Amy Gutmann, Chair Bioethics Committee
Office of President Univ of Penn
1 College Hall Room 100
Phila, PA 19104
Carol Corillon, Committee on Human Rights
500 Fifth Street Suite K529
Washington, DC 20418
President Harvey Fineberg, Institute of Medicine
500 Fifth Street 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20418
Diane E. Griffin Chair, National Academy of Science         
Committee Science Technology Intelligence Professionals
500 Fifth Street DEPS 11-02 AFSB Room 905
Washington, DC 20418
Cass Sunstein Room 10201
Office of Management and Budget
Remote Naval Station, Bldg 40 Door 123
250 Murray Lane SW
Washington, DC 20509
1.   Plaintiff, Mireille Torjman hereby brings this action for the submissions of public comments pertaining to a current investigation requested by President Obama regarding Electronic Warfare and torture on civilians. Plaintiff is unable to verify or submit full evidence and proof including Science, climate, and nefarious abuse with torture, corruption, and mind manipulation during DELAYS, exceeding recent Senate and Chief Joint Staff targets, and NSA revelations worse then that of the CHURCH COMMISSION REPORTS.  Related suits have been filed for injunction relief and other allegations with attempts to save lives and was also provided for reference since last year. There are 4,500 victims so far coming forward out of Millions, of wit on their mind control, thus body and systematic psyops tactics. The remaining are unwitting ALL Americans and not limited to techniques, ills, or sabotage, subsequently.
2.   This case is about the electronic harassment, torture behind the spying surveillance, civil rights violations, privacy, communications technology, and crimes of humanity, in use by the U.S. Intelligence Community, which has been refused in completion by the defendants. This information is critical to investigations, and cooperation has been impeded in numerous ways. Plaintiff has made exhausting efforts to provide assistance and save lives.  New evidence with VALOR is being impeded and is time sensitive. This includes ADDITIONAL hand written notations on Doctor’s work previously published to assist fact findings of Plaintiff and discoveries since then which cannot be overlooked. Plaintiff has been impeded for 5 years in numerous ways consciously and 3 unconsciously, by the public and the uses of Synthetic Telepathy Remote Viewing Psychotronics Weapon of Mass Destruction. (Exhibits A-1-23 and A-1-16)

Operation CHAOS and PIQUE admitted and covert mind controlled crimes, illnesses population control -Directed Energy weapons Conspiracy in shadow taking us down!
Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons cause and are responsible for MOST ILLNESSES,  INDUCED ERASURES & DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Misplacing your own items in trash, etc. Programmed MISFITS playing mind games since milk carton missing children recruited by coercion called Handlers.
Secret Gov’t CointelPro has been responsible for much worse crimes and torture covertly and would never sit on this kind of power with weapons nicely tucked away, even knowing that we are not threatened by Russia and China’s Mind Control Weapons. (not launched) Sweepings with no radiation from enemies!
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
The University of Pennsylvania has installed a sculpture of a Black female figure at its main entrance. "Brick House," created by prominent Black artist Simone Leigh, has been unveiled as the U.S. welcomes its first Black female vice president elect and as college campuses across the country hear calls to become more inclusive.
“Its enthralling presence of Black beauty with artistic references to the African diaspora will draw the attention of everyone walking or driving past one of the most traveled corners in West Philadelphia,” Penn president Amy Gutmann said of the piece now sitting at the 34th and Walnut Streets gateway to the College Green.
Penn's edition was the second of its kind by Leigh and was gifted to the university by New York City alumni couple Glenn and Amanda Fuhrman. “It’s sweet poetry that this work is being installed within a week of this country electing its first female vice president and its first vice president of color," Glenn said.
“It was a celebration of black womanhood that we hadn’t really heard,” Leigh told the New York Times in 2018. In a Penn statement, she added, “Brick House is not a portrait. It brings disparate forms together in a way that collapses time. I would describe this way of building sculpture as ‘critical fabulation.’”
"Brick House" will be an important addition to Penn’s iconography, said Joann Mitchell, senior vice president for institutional affairs and chief diversity officer. “In some ways, it’s a path breaking move for campus and one that will both add a really powerful and prominent statement about the commitment to inclusion but also be one that hopefully sparks a lot of conversations.”
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Lawmakers Call for Action: UPenn Faces Criticism Over Anti-Semitic Incidents on Campus #accountability #AmyGutmann #AntiDefamationLeague #antiSemiticincidents #collegecampuses #concretesteps #diversityandinclusion #hatecrimes #highereducationinstitutions #Holocaust #Jewishfaculty #Jewishstudents #lawmakers #proactivemeasures. #studentssafety #swastikas #transparency #universitiesresponses #UniversityofPennsylvania #UPenn #zerotolerancepolicy
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usnewsper-business · 11 months
University Criticized for Failing to Address Anti-Semitism: Prominent Philanthropist Calls for Action #antiSemiticincidents #antiSemiticvandalism #antiSemitismoncollegecampuses #educationprograms #hatecrimes #hatespeech #highprofileincidents #inclusiveenvironment #InternationalHolocaustRemembranceAlliance #leadershipcriticism #MarcRowan #riseofantiSemitism #securitymeasures #toleranceandrespectfordiversity #UniversityofPennsylvania #universityresponse
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