#Amy Winehouse after before surgery
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What did you eat for lunch today? Nothing, it’s only 1:28AM.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? By a beach, for sure. That would be my ideal vacation.
Have you watched any good horror/thriller movies lately? Not lately. I want a new horror/thriller movie to watch.
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I wouldn’t feel comfortable or safe doing so at all.
What was the last thing you watched on TV? Roseanne.
Do you know your blood type? I actually don’t, despite the fact I’ve had several surgeries, a few blood transfusions, and countless amounts of lab work throughout my life.
Yesterday, did you get up before 9 AM? I didn’t even go to bed until almost 8AM.
How many times does the number ‘7’ occur in your phone number? Zero.
What was your favorite board game as a child? Sorry!, Trouble, and Life.
Are you a coffee drinker? I’m a coffee addict.
When are you going on vacation again? Who the hell knows. :( 
Who did you last have an alcoholic drink with? A group of friends at my birthday party 8 years ago.
What are you going to do after this? I’m going to make ramen.
What is your fathers middle name? I’m not sharing that.
It’s about midnight. Who are you texting? No one. I only ever text with my parents or brother, all of which are here at home at that time and there wouldn’t be a reason to text. 
Who was the last person you were under the covers with? No one. 
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah.
Do you ever keep arguing when you know you’re wrong? No. I’m one to shut down rather quickly.
What did you do today? So far I’ve just scrolled through Tumblr, watched YouTube videos, and did some surveys.
How is your hair? It’s a mess.
Do you like to cuddle? I love to cuddle with my doggo.
Name something great that happened today? Nothing has happened.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over? A few. 
Who was the last person’s voice you heard? The person whose YouTube video I just finished watching.
When was the last time you saw your father? Last night before he went to bed.
Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? No.
Do you like your life as of now? No.
Who was the last person you hung out one-on-one with? My mom. Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant? I can’t get pregnant, so no worries.
Have you ever been cheated on? No.
Whose car were you last in? My mom’s.
Last thing you drank? I just drank some of my Starbucks Doubleshot coffee energy drink.
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No.
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? Nope. Have your parents ever smoked pot? Yes.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I’m great at making everything complicated.
Are you good at giving directions? Nooo, ha don’t ask me. I know nothing.
Has anyone told you they missed you lately? Nope.
If you could seek revenge on someone would you? No. I’m not a vengeful person and there isn’t even anyone I’d even think about doing that to.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? I’m 31 years old.
Did you speak to your father today? Not yet cause he’s asleep. It’s almost 2AM.
What do you think about the weather? It’s supposed to rain today, so that will be nice.
Are you ticklish? Just my neck.
Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen? Nope. My first kiss was at sixteen.
Could you go a day without eating? It happens sometimes.
Ever kissed anyone whose name starts with a M? No.
Are your nails always painted? No. I haven’t painted my nails in years.
Where did your last kiss take place? I think it was in his car. It was 8 years ago now, so my memory is foggy.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? No.
What time were you born? Around 430PM. 
What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? I’m not listening to music right now.
Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Yes.
What color underwear are you wearing? Black.
Do you want a baby? Nopeee. I don’t want to have kids.
What does your mom do for a living? She’s a manager at Walgreens.
What does your dad do for a living? He works at a car repair shop.
What is your pet's name? Princess Leia.
What color are your bedsheets? Mint green.
What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? Nah.
What was the last concert you attended? Green Day over a decade ago!
Who was with you? My best friend at the time, Amanda.
What was the last movie you saw? I watched 27 Dresses on TV a few days ago.
What do you dislike most at this moment? Just feeling blah as usual.
What food are you craving right now? I’m about to make some ramen.
What is your fave piece of jewelry? The ones I have with my birthstone.
What is to the left of you? My Baby Yoda plushie.
What was the last thing you ate? A few shortbread cookies.
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? I don’t have one.
What is a line from a song that is stuck in your head? “Why don’t you come on over, Valerie?”  It’s a song that plays in 27 Dresses, which I mentioned in another question.
What song is that from? It’s a song by Amy Winehouse.
Who last IM'ed you? A family friend messaged me on Facebook chat a few weeks ago.
Where is your significant other right now? I’m single.
Do you have a crush? No.
What is his/her name? --
What shampoo do you use? A salon one for red dyed hair.
When was the last time you cut your hair? Almost a year ago.
Are you on any meds? I just take prescription pain meds.
What shirt are you wearing? I’m wearing a gray shirt that has Ralphie on it from A Christmas Story with a bar of soap in his mouth and it says, “Oh, fudge!” If you’ve seen the movie then you’ll get it.
What time is it? 1:49AM.
What color is your razor? I use disposable razors and they come in different colors.
What is your fave frozen treat? Froyo is good. I haven’t had it in years, though.
Are you sexy? Not at all.
What's your favorite shopping store? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.
Are you thirsty? Not at the moment, I have my Starbucks drink and a bottle of water near me.
Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? No, I honestly can’t.
How many people will cut, paste, and fill out this survey? A few, probably.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 11
71: Sept. 30
MM Anon
MM ANON …… PR gestapo returns … the converted are turning …… never a Dull atonement …… “So quick bright things come to confusion”… 🎼 “A spoonful of sugar”🎼 …… a hostage to her fortune … the grey accountants …… “ death and taxes “…… a Scottish invitation accepted …… “Back home old thing, shame!!!”…… old habits…… new evidence has leaked…… a basket full of eggs.
PR gestapo returns
The PR team returns to London to continue their ‘dark arts’ of deception on madams behalf. They are preaching to the wrong crowd. There is no amount of PR that could change things. It’s far too late, even if she got on her knees(go away filthy ideas), in Trafalgar Square and pleaded forgiveness, there would be none, ITS TOO LATE! Leave her to Heaven, by the way that’s a fantastic film and fits perfectly about narcissism. Jeanne Craine and the gorgeous Gene Tierney who plays the narc so amazingly well! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS FILM!!! Or is this JS hired by PA to do his PR? Likely not because it says returns!
the converted are turning
Many people who were chuffed and liked madam are seeing abs turnings their opinions as they are realizing who and what she really is. That’s the baffling thing about HRC and MO chiming in supporting her. They have no business doing that or do they? Backers??
never a Dull atonement
Atonement,is a reparation for a wrong or injury, (in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin. The statement is never a dull moment but MM ANON has changed it and capitalized Dull. We know she has done fake conversion to several religions through first two marriages, now baptized allegedly into the COE prior to marriage . Atonement has never been on her radar. So what of it, is she going to go whiz bang to Balmoral fall on her sword and beg mercy from the Crown? Is that what this means? I highly doubt it. I am struggling with the capital D in Dull, is the opposite of Dull meant? She will never atone, but she’s never dull either, dim yes but dull no.
“So quick bright things come to confusion”
This is why l love the riddles, teachable moments and MM ANON never fails to deliver. Alas we return to our beloved Shakespeare, this theme A Midsummer Nights Dream . Their relationship, to call it that, began at Soho as a hookup, and progressed to now. It was never ever love for either! However, the public, who so badly want Harry happy believed the story, most of them. As time went on certain people like our 💜🐼💜, and others began to ask questions because they saw cracks and inconsistencies. Fast forward to today, madam is hated, loathed, despised in the U.K. and many other places in the Commonwealth and beyond! I have no idea how she can ever do an appearance in public after the final slap of hiding amw and then showing off live baby in SA, final massive F*** YOU to HMTQ, the U.K. and the Commonwealth! The bloom is off the rose big time, just thorns left. Thank you MM ANON for using Shakespeare, l am wondering how many more riddles there will be, l am sensing a real tipping point.
🎼 “A spoonful of sugar”🎼
Julie Andrews at her finest in Mary Poppins, such a shame a surgeon botched surgery and she can no longer sing, makes me angry actually the world deprived of her voice, speaking selfishly. I saw her interviewed, she was so classy talking about how that changed her life. But l digress, the line is a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, in the most delightful way, l can hear her singing it as I type and sing along! So here’s the rub of it, what is the medicine that needs sweetening, is it actually medicine for madam, that’s way too obvious for MM ANON. I think there is something on offer that madam will tolerate return to,London and trip to Balmoral , what is that? It’s the availability of hobby items, that’s the one thing she needs! Like physically neeeds!
a hostage to her fortune
Ha ha this is funny! Having a fortune, speaking money here, and being hostage or tethered to it. Most of it is ill gotten gains allegedly, of course l know nothing, one would owe home country amazing amount of taxes and if unlawfully obtained money, it’s Literally your fortune as in future. If ill gotten gains, the lawmen come a calling. So the use of the word fortune was very clever as usual MM ANON! Fortune as in financials and fortune as in tell my fortune, the future things to come!
the grey accountants
The brilliant men in grey, behind the scenes doing HMTQ work. Intel, surveillance, interviews, AND keeping track of every single coin$$$££££€€€ earned. I can only imagine the total by now. Given the reception President DT received and the intel that he brought, l am certain the US/IRS is working in tandem with the loyal men in grey forever unknown but giving their all to serve the Crown and HMTQ! God bless them!
“ death and taxes “
Two old phrases l love, the only things certain in life are death and taxes. The other one is, you can’t fight city hall. So, if l read this correctly madam has a massive tax bill due from the American tax man. Can you hear his adding machine(those of you of my vintage will know exactwhat l mean🤣🤣) can you hear it Rachel? Can you hear the footsteps of the taxman comets? Can you Rachel? It’s like Poe’s Telltale Heart. Have you even heard of Poe or the story Rachel? Likely not, but the taxman wants his due!!
a Scottish invitation accepted
So, at long last, they will deign to attend HMTQ and give Her the honour of their company at beloved Balmoral, her safe place. . Isn’t that grand and kind of them? I am sure HMTQ is squealing with delight at this visit, NOT!
“Back home old thing, shame!!!”
LG to HMTQ, upon the return of the Sussexes or, since its October, this is the month her respite/vacation to Balmoral ends and she returns to the hectic pace of London life. Although, between BOJO, PA and The Sussexes, l can’t imagine this has been much of a respite.
old habits
Oh old habits die hard! Old hobbies do as well, sniff sniff, snort, snort, swallow, swallow, yes return to London will bring ample time and availability of hobbies and hobby time. I said London, because we ALL know, no one is living at Frogmore except Kermit 🐸. Keep at it, the nose will completely collapse, no amount of plastic surgery can ever truly repair it.
new evidence has leaked…
Is this regarding BOJO ? And his continuing issues of women? I am not aware of any other leaks, but l haven’t read the blog or papers yet. I am still 💤💤💤💤😴😴😴 resting a lot .
a basket full of eggs.
My, my, my, my a basket of eggs is so fragile isn’t it? One wrong move and they crack. The older the eggs are, they are more fragile and they can go off. Now we are definitely not talking chicken 🐓 🥚 eggs here. A woman of her age , those eggs, harvested, must be very near or past their sell by date. When the extraction was done, viable leftovers would have been cryofrozen. Have the 🥚 eggs in the 🧺, cracked, not viable, not healthy? Oh God please intervene make it thus, so no more innocents are created to be used and abused.
Thank you dear PG! I get lost in your words….like a great turn pager….I want more…more …….more! Thank you, sounding good! I love taxmen talk! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
PR Gestapo returns
The SS was the Nazi feared from wiki
The Schutzstaffel (SS; also stylized as Sig runes thin.png with Armanen runes; German pronunciation: [ˈʃʊtsˌʃtafl̩] (About this soundlisten); literally “Protection Squadron”) was a major paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Nazi Germany, and later throughout German-occupied Europe during World War II
SS IS SUNSHINE SACHS!! These things stock in my head and bug me, a light came on, l had to come back to add this.
Ask Skippy submission
72: Oct. 1
MM Anon
MM ANON … 🎼” back to black”🎼…… uncomfortably reunion …… “ AND THE CROWDS WENT…… home”… “blend in with the POC”🤣🤣🤣🤣…… Pressed for time. …… PR with blinkers… don’t Sue the messenger …… Harry on camping…… background colour …… “ bloody African Queen ‘ don’t think so”…… “ returning after their triumphant tour “…… OMG’ it’s definitely her
🎼” back to black”🎼
Amy Winehouse, what a tragic loss, she was working so hard to get clean. So many talented people, artists, musicians, writers, throughout the ages have struggled with mental illness and addiction of varying types. This song is about lots of sex, relationship where her man comes and goes to other women and her dying inside, the couple using drugs together, extremely dysfunctional relationship. MM ANON , are you equating the current ones in discussion to the type of relationship in this heartbreaking song? I miss Amy Winehouse, they tried to make me go to rehab but l said no no no! RIP AMY🙏🏻
uncomfortably reunion
Return to London and interacting with the press was going to be tough back home. But now, l have no clue what’s going to happen. Reunions with the BRF, l have no words. HMTQ , PP LG everyone must be FURIOUS! I can imagine a lot of cocktails, late nights and foul words. This is all so unnecessary, look how our dear Autumn, she married Peter Philips, she’s Canadian, she has seamlessly adjusted. Hasn’t put a foot wrong. This is all down to one thing , evil, manifesting itself in heavy narcissism!
We have had this line before. The ‘crowds’ yesterday at Victoria Yards , what l saw photos of two people, one on each side not standing too close and than two photographers. Others had children running up to her, she hugged them, Today, at uni, she has become patron of the ACU, Association of Commonwealth Universities. The comment in the paper said they ‘hailed her partially because she was black”. No huge crowds, the people didn’t linger long or wait hours and hours.
“blend in with the POC”🤣🤣🤣
She has been doing her own thing, likely all prearranged by PR, right down to someone from the embassy ordering bespoke 👖 jeans for her. She did the shopping walk about at Victoria Yards, buying things here and there. She personally went to puck up her jeans, the designer/maker was so excited, he had made a little pair for amw, they were so cute. So she was at the uni today, blending in, as per the comment l wrote .
Pressed for time.
Busy schedule for both of them during this holiday. I was hoping Harry could get into talks with Angolan government officials regarding becoming a Commonwealth member, that was the goal, his first attempt at a diplomatic mission. Pressed, ironing, l know this isn’t it, but gracious both of their clothes have been a mess. Wrinkled, ratty, those brown suede lace ups, Harry please toss them, please! They all need pressing/ironing. I know, MM ANON, that is not what you meant but it fits well. The press had their flight from London delayed about ten hours l think, they were not permitted at amw and DT meeting, it was all privately hired and now owned by the Sussex team. Now with what’s happened today, my mind is whirling in many directions for this clue.
PR with blinkers
Sirens for emergency, police, fire, ambulance. PR blinkers LLOK HERE something great happening. Or don’t look there, nothing to see at all carry on. I keep reading PR firms use the ‘dark arts’. The paper said that about Jason Stein, PA new PR guy, as well. Just what are these dark arts? PR is going off the charts upon return to the U.K. In fact, blinkers/sirens/looky here have just happened today with the letter from Harry and lawsuit filed against the DM for something they did months and months ago. Why now? Is it a last money grab? It’s nearing the end, Winter is coming, winter is coming.
don’t Sue the messenger
Well normally it’s don’t shoot the messenger, but here we finally have it today, lawsuit filed against the DM and it’s parent company. The stony silent press have been sitting on a dossier of lurid information,a stand-off, so to speak is over. The British Press have kept schtum on a dossier so raunchy, l cannot fathom. Today, shots fired off the bow, and battle has begun. I said it last night in my riddle interpretation, we are near a tipping point, well that was last night, today, NOW , the tipping point has arrived. War has been declared, and it’s going to get very very VERY NASTY!
Harry on camping…
Harry was part of National Geographic and was laying on the ground in Malawi, taking the most amazing uplook photos near and of a Baobab tree. He looked in his element, out in nature, enjoying its beauty and taking photographs for his contributions to a joint project with Nat Geo.
background colour
She has always, professionally and socially identified as Caucasian, this has been her background. Seemingly, when convenient, things change, bronzer goes deeper, she calls herself sister to Africans. Interesting, beyond my comprehension how someone can continue and continue to use others, without any regard, none at all. You’re convenient, if l need something from you, l will take it, when you’re not of use bye bye.
“ bloody African Queen ‘ don’t think so”
Great film with Bogart and Hepburn, the African Queen is. But l digress, these are PP, words of disgust as her self perception of being a sister and POC , and thus more relatable and the Queen of Africa. I think she has the same skin tone as before, before the bronzer face overload. You look at today’s photos her arms and legs are pink, it’s especially noticeable when she is standing next to a local person of a different culture. I am boiling at this point. The powder keg has been lit. We wait for response from HMTQ!
“ returning after their triumphant tour “
Yes, like the Prodigal son returns after doing whatever he wanted and was welcomed with open arms! Ah no, that will DEFINITELY NOT BE THE WELCOME, ESPECIALLY AFTER TODAYS EXPLOSIVES LOBBED AT THE BRITISH MEDIA! They have sat silent on what they know for over two years! Taking to court, something called discovery in the U.S., both sides have to share their data. The welcome home was going to be explosive because of madams behaviour and ESPECIALLY because amw was paraded around like an Olympic medal!
OMG’ it’s definitely her”
Allegedly, can’t recall, ?last week, the alleged sex tape salad tape was sold. Is this meaning it’s in good lawful hands and they are convinced it’s madam??
Is this what people said when they saw her just out shopping yesterday, enjoying the buskers performance, surprising the designer and picking up her order? I honestly was happy for him, because he was so excited and he had been so thoughtful to make a pair for amw. He said he was so shocked to see her there in person. Again l am so happy for him. I hope his business increases through this media coverage!
Thank you dear PG! This looks great! Good things coming! Greatly appreciate the effort you put in on doing the riddles for us! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
73: Oct. 2
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon… Happy Birthday to you!
MM ANON …… A TM visit?…… a pitiful cry for help …… “tears of a Crown”…… “ Philip’ stop swearing!!”…… ink block carnage … a scathing edi-TORY-al……”A Sunday surprise “…… “well,well,well’ fe-MAIL- empowerment”…… Fleet St. circling the wagons …… 🎼 “ Homeward bound, I guess ………” 🎼j…… … ace card archificial …… “SA’ well that was a dud Megs”…… leap-Frog to Calipornia 🤫🤫🤫
A TM visit?
Oh my golly!! Is gramma Tom, Thomas MArkle, going to be visiting?😮😮😮😮 Will this be like when Samantha came to KP, in her wheelchair, that’s was so sad to see, they wouldn’t let her through security. Will TM just show up? I doubt he has that confidence. Ha ha speaking of confidence, did you know that was the original name for con, confidence game, you’d gain someone’s confidence or trust and then use then every which way you can. Anyhow again l digress, back to TM, are they arranging some sort of visit garnering public sentiment? Don’t bother Rachel, the public has developed sentiment and more than a plenty of it, it its far from good! After yesterday, nothing is left, of what little there was. But her MO, HRC AND EDGENERATE LOVE YOU! That makes a perfect life, with the one thing, they’re AMERICAN! Again my American friends, l love you, not bashing you, just a select few. Last time l checked, the titles you bear are British and Commonwealth titles.
a pitiful cry for help
I saw Harry today, in the still photos it was evident, but in the video, l KNOW WHAT HES FEELING BECAUSE I HAVE LIVED IT FOR 12 YEARS, AND LAST WEEK YOU ALL KNOW WHAT L WAS SUFFERING! Something has happened, he has either worked out his anger physically to such a point he’s torn a muscle or he has a slipped disc. The pain, as he stepped up to the podium, this time, him holding onto her, and his involuntary wincing, and trying to cover it up, L KNOW THAT PAIN. Please, PLEASE GET HIM HOME, BETWEEN, his mood, his wasting away, and now this, for goodness sake he needs being seen urgently, an MRI, and REST!! I am certain he has either been given an injectable for pain along with oral meds. Oh Harry, we are slowly watching you falling apart in every way. My heart aches beyond measure, when l saw the pain he is in, the physical pain, l know that, l live it!! Imagine his humiliation having to learn on madam, oh makes me sick.
“tears of a Crown”…
There is an old song, Tears of a Clown, think this is play on that. However, Crown, capitalized, is like the Royal We, it refers specifically to the reigning Monarch. Imagine HMTQ tears, yesterday especially, and today seeing him in pain. She has ruled for decades and decades. Nearing the end of her reign, when life should be treating her kind for her service, it has dealt her a well planned, well financed attack, involving use of her beloved grandson. I feel for her pain, yet l cannot fathom how deep it goes and how it must anger some and pain others in the family. The rage at this attack and the rubble it has left since it began spread far and wide across the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the world. Please let’s once again remember to pray for HMTQ.
“ Philip’ stop swearing!!”
As l speculated yesterday, in the riddle, there would likely be lots of cocktails, lots of foul language and lots of sleeplessness. This clue affirms one, HMTQ begging her husband to cease and desist the language. PP is an Alpha male, strong, Navy man, soldier, stalwart, ever present at HMTQ side. Now in his twilight years, just imagine his anger and feelings of helplessness, he too, is in need of our prayers. How l worry about both of them and their health. All of this woe and strife has to be having a marked detrimental effect on both and all around them.
ink block carnage
Ink blocks can be carved of stone or wood and are used for new beginners or more skilled calligraphers. Now madam has for quite some time put calligraphy on her CV(resumé). This has riled up actual skilled calligraphers who have said what she does, is not true calligraphy, it is flouncy fluffy writing, as girls do in junior high school. This letter, that she dated, signed and sent to daddy has come back to haunt , yet again . The carnage, the use of the media in the U.S. ie p e o p l e magazine, and in the U.K. Funny, it’s ok, for her pals to chatter on in a magazine but the person who the letter was given, to hence his property, cannot. Double standard yet again. The carnage continues. Lawsuit filed, letter supposedly written by a furious PH, accompanied it, all without consulting or informing HMTQ or the Palace. Don’t you worry, not a White happens without LG knowing! Again l remind you of that special wedding ring Harry wears. I will leave it there!
a scathing edi-TORY-al
Piers Morgan, editor of The Daily Mail and host of Good Morning Britain, formally identified as a Tory or Conservative, we call them Tories also, back in 1994. He today, had an editorial ready positive regarding the SA trip. He wrote the editorial but had to add to it. It did include positives, but then turn into a scathing public reprimand of yesterday’s occurrences. I would encourage you all to read it. I won’t repeat it all, but he pointed out the unmitigated gall of madam and the Princess Diana comparison, the usage of the media when on her own terms, madam, l mean. I cannot do it justice, just please read it. It is scathing to put it mildly, he pulls no punches, his cards are all laid out on the table 100%!
”A Sunday surprise “…
Will it ACTUALLY HAPPEN? Finally headlines printing of all the information in the million dollar dossier that the papers have been sitting on for two plus years now! Oh how dee doodee how l hope so! PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR AND A CHERRY 🍒 ON TOP!!!
“well,well,well’ fe-MAIL- empowerment”
Femail is a subset on the Daily Mail website, fluff meant for women, hence the cute usage and spelling. Madam features heavily there. She spoke about female empowerment and female access to education during her visit to the University of Johannesburg yesterday. Again she raised the idea of paying for university, she said she attended but did not, that l read, mention graduating or a degree. She mentioned families helping to finance the cost. She also announced four new scholarships. Earlier in the week she held a private breakfast for female activists.
Fleet St. circling the wagons
Fleet St(Street), is like the Royal we, it’s the term for British Media.Going back to 1500’s this was the street of printing and newspapers appeared several centuries now. It’s the term understood to represent British or London journalists and journalism. Circling the wagons again goes back hundreds of years, when the first settles arrived and moved out west. They were encroaching on native lands and often were attacked. They literally circled their wagons for shelter and protection. Now the tutorial done l can move on. Fleet st circling their wagons oh me , oh my!! Get ready kittens!!! The previews are almost over the main film, no pun intended, ACTUALLY MAJOR PUN INTENDED 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣! The main film is about to begin, it’s all ready to roll and l for one am waiting with bated breath!!
🎼 “ Homeward bound, I guess
Again we have S&G(Simon and Garfunkel) homeward bound, sitting at the railway station……. not to Cali. Oh no no no, this is HOME, LONDON, tee here, no delays. The inevitable must happen, play time over and back to the real world. The usage of ‘lguess’, is hesitancy for her because it’s not her home, for him, because l can’t imagine his feelings and what he anticipates his reception will be!
” 🎼j…… … ace card archificial
You’ve got to have an ace in the hole by George Strait. MM ANON, l highly doubt this is the song you meant but it fits beautifully! It’s all about life, secrets, gambling etc etc. The ace card is from wiki. An ace is a playing card, die or domino with a single pip. In the standard French deck, an ace has a single suit symbol (a heart, diamond, spade, or club) located in the middle of the card, sometimes large and decorated, especially in the case of the ace of spades. This embellishment on the ace of spades started when King James VI of Scotland and I of Englandrequired an insignia of the printing house to be printed on the ace of spades. This insignia was necessary for identifying the printing house and stamping it as having paid the new stamp tax.[1] Although this requirement was abolished in 1960, the tradition has been kept by many card makers.[2] In other countries the stamp and embellishments are usually found on ace cards; clubs in France, diamonds in Russia, and hearts in Genoa because they have the most blank space.
The BRF have archficial as their ace, she thinks she does🤣🤣🤣😂😂
The whole fauxmegnancy, EVERYTHING that went along with it, finally seeing a real breathing baby in SA, many many ramifications. It’s not Harry’s child, DEFINITELY not of the body, may be her egg but surrogate carried alllegedly baby. The whole doll, thing, l have no idea how all this information will be leaked/shared with public.
“SA’ well that was a dud Megs”…
Dud, funny word, not used much these days but to a certain vintage,🤣🤣😂😂😂 like me , commonplace. It is a thing that fails to work properly, another word is lemon, again my vintage. Something that is worthless. However, when my mum used to say get your duds on, it meant hurry up get dressed, put your coats on. For church or elsewhere fancy, it was said you put your finest duds on. Memories anyone?😊. Here MM ANON certainly means the former, not the latter, although some of the duds, a lot of them have been very wrinkled and on madams part buttoned low at the bust and unbuttoned very high at the thigh. Well for the most part, her machinations aside, they were well received. What occurred yesterday by way of lawsuit announce was most bizarre timing. They just can’t seem to stop getting in their own way. The letter that is identified as being from Harry, has many many Americanisms. Taken only on paper, one could say, despite it being attributed as his words, one can say full stop this was written by an American, no offence. The wordage, sentence structure and the glaring use of the word democracy, when the U.K. has been a Monarchy, albeit with Parliament now, it most certainly is never ever defined as being a democracy. How do they let these things slip? These billion dollar PR firms? I know, we only need look who their client is. Full stop.
leap-Frog to Calipornia 🤫🤫🤫
Frogmore is the official residence, we all know they have never lived there. The locals told and continued to say the only time there were lights, vehicles, signs of life were when the builders were there. Interesting MM ANON Cali PORNIA. Good gracious, is this her plan, to hop across the pond back to Cali and earn $$$$££££€€€€ making porn? That just might be the job a madam is most deft at and qualified for.
Thank you dear PG! I love your wit! You make reading your interpretations such fun, I get lost in them! Thank you so very much! This is sounding sooooooo good! Love you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜
Oct 2nd,
74: Oct. 3
MM Anon
MM ANON …… rogue withdrawal …… a petulant rattle slays fleet st. …… royal analysis paralysis ……… “ settlement now!!!! ……TM lawyers up…… tabloid utopia …… “ This is a bloody tape diversion old thing “…………“A spitting Halloween 🎃 “……… “ remember ‘remember, the 5th of Nov.” …… “ Philip ‘ this year you give the Queen speech”…… 🎆🎇😱🇬🇧💩⚖️⚖️⚖️…… GBTQ.
rogue withdrawal
They say Harry has gone rogue by marrying against advice. They say Harry went rogue releasing the statement in November 2016 when madam told him she felt unsafe and race was an issue. I never knew she was not Caucasian until this came out. They say Harry has again gone rogue not so much with the lawsuit, which by the way HE IS NOT SUING!! It is in her name the lawsuit has been filed. Back to they say he has again gone rogue by that blistering angry letter on their website that also listed the lawsuit information. So withdrawal, to remove or take something away from a place or position. It can also mean to leave or cause to leave a place or situation. So , this clue is basically meaning, he/ they have left SA on a very angry tone , things will be interesting as they settle back in London. Just wondering are we back to a doll now? Was the baby SA? Or American? Or who, what, where, when, how and why. These are the tenets of being a good interviewer, getting those basics down. Don’t you just hate it when people use the word basically all the time? I do apologize for that!🤣🤣😂😂😂
a petulant rattle slays fleet st.
Well this is basically saying a moody grumpy baby threw his rattle out of his pram and slayed Fleet Street. I explained Fleet Street in yesterday’s riddle, it’s the street in London for centuries where the newspapers are printed. It’s now synonymous with British/London journalists and journalism. There have been a number of editorials penned, PM being the most scathingly critical of PH. They are describing their assessment of his behaviour as entitled, spoilt, selfish, immature, et al, hence the way this clue is worded. To put things short and simple they see him as a spoilt child whose had a bad temper tantrum, for no logical reason, right after he has been given ten days worth’s of gifts ie positive PR. You decide for yourself, l am just explaining this clue.
royal analysis paralysis
Are they really paralyzed? Unable to take any action? The public has been clamouring for months, for HMTQ to DO SOMETHING! Read the comments in the DM, any media, in pubs, in workplaces everywhere, people are wondering why nothing , in their eyes, is being or has been done to rein her in and by virtue of his proximity to her and what’s happened this week, rein him in also. We know very well she called LG back for help. The things like separating of offices, separating the Cambridges and the Sussexes, the Heads together has happened awhile ago. Their office was moved to BP. PC cut off their funds a few weeks ago. I am 100% certain there have been so many things going on internationally in the background, most of which will remain classified we will never know. International security is at play. Then we have PA and JE with GM. So l would encourage people just to have a think before determining their paralysis analysis is correct.
“ settlement now!!!!
Is Harry demanding settlement? He cannot take anymore? Or is this any number of family, PC, PW, PP, who see him wasting away , want this settled and over? This has gone way past a quick settlement and life goes on as before. The whole plan in its evil agenda, still exists. People are demanding rid of her, take their titles away, ship them off to California and live as private citizen celebrities.
TM lawyers up
TM, Thomas Markle, madams father or daddy as she calls him, has lawyered up? I read all the papers about six this morning, l didn’t read that. A family of grifters, sounds like a country music song. There have been those who have had their doubts about the provenance of madam and whose who in this group of individuals. There have been people who believe they are all working together in this alleged project. I have no clue. If he has lawyered up, it is a very wise thing. This thing just is festering and festering for two years now, how much more can it fester before the boil needs lancing or it explodes on its own? I wonder who his lawyer is and who is paying his legal bills. 🤔🤔🤔
tabloid utopia
Let’s define these words so we all know what the basics are. A tabloid is a newspaper having pages half the size of those of a standard newspaper, typically popular in style and dominated by headlines, photographs, and sensational stories.lets be clear tabloid social media is much more common these days. Utopia is defined an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. So madams PR for , since November 2016 has been thus. Fake relationship kept going through PR, Vanity Fair article. Twitter accounts multiple. All the thousands of PR articles have depicted a perfect marvellous life. Perfect husband, perfect love, marriage, shortly after wedding of perfection followed by pregnancy, fauxmegnancy, that lasted a year, resulting in many a cat and mouse game, born, not born, where, boy? Girl? Name? Photos not photos. It’s craziness. Everyone is fatigued, imagine how Harry feels! He is wasting away and breaking apart right before our eyes. Whether you think him complicit or not, there is no denying, hair loss, weight loss, looks like he hasn’t slept, ratty shoes wrinkled clothes and now the obvious back pain. A caring spouse would not have stood there smugly grinning like a Cheshire Cat next to him while he was giving a speech on obviously agonizing pain.
“ This is a bloody tape diversion old thing “
LG speaking with HMTQ. He is giving her his well educated opinion based upon his knowledge of the intel.This lawsuit is a massive look 👀 here, don’t look 👀 there, nothing interesting to see over there , LOOK HERE ARMS WAVING LOOK 👀 HERE!! This lawsuit is a massive distraction, or diversion to use LG’s words from tape that is now safely secured by LG and in possession of ‘the grey men’. Reassuring her, helping her process all of this stuff happening that is so hard to process. The average person in a lifetime will never encounter a narcissist on this scale.
“A spitting Halloween 🎃 “
Oh my goodness!!!! We heard a week or two back the British satirical puppet television show Spitting Image, was returning. Check old episodes out on YouTube it’s brutally hilarious!Is this telling us Hallowe’en is the first episode? It spares satirizing no one, royals, politicians, celebrities etc etc. Oh my how fabulous this would be🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣. Just IMAGINE the costumes each character would wear🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂Oh the wig, the eye lash glue🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Oh l hope the CBC airs it!! Please share it please!
“ remember ‘remember, the 5th of Nov.”
from Wikipedia, to save my hands, typing more challenging today.
Festivities in Windsor Castle by Paul Sandby, c. 1776
Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in the United Kingdom. Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605 O.S., when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords. Celebrating the fact that King James I had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London; and months later, the introduction of the Observance of 5th November Actenforced an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot’s failure.End of Wikipedia.
Ha ha! Guy Fawkes, BONFIRE NIGHT IN 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 SCOTLAND, This has come up before, l have explained it. In case you didn’t see that, this goes back centuries. This day is still commemorated each year, and in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, it’s fabulous fun. Everyone setting off fireworks 💥 hence the term bonfire night, drinks all around and just a really fun night. One time, the house down the road, l don’t think he planned it well, too close to the house and a rocket crashed into the roof 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. No major damage, likely too much drink involved 🤣🤣😂😂.
“ Philip ‘ this year you give the Queen speech”
HMTQ, speaking to her beloved likely half jokingly and half seriously. The Queen, speaks in the third person, which means she doesn’t say l or me, she says we would like tea or you may leave us now, l hope that makes sense. So with this sentence structure, the way it’s worded, reads to me as if they are having a one on one conversation about the Annual Christmas message. However, it may also be, but l don’t think so, since the word Annual is used,the Reigning Monarch speaks at the official opening of parliament. Since the Courts ruled the proroguing of Parliament was not valid, they can just resume Parliament. I think this is referring to HMTQ Annual Christmas message. I am attempting as l do the riddles, to help the worldwide readership here understand with background information we may take for granted that everyone knows. Each year on Christmas Day, at noontime, we stop and watch HMTQ Annual Christmas message on the tv. It’s a major part of Christmas Day as l was growing up and still watch to this day. It’s about ten or fifteen minutes or so. She reviews the major things that have happened, along with family milestones, weddings, babies etc. She always looks fabulous, but when does she not? She’s amazing! Sounds like things are just hitting her tolerance level and she is leaning on her husband who has been at her side all these years she has reigned.
Fireworks times two, Britain will be shocked and mortified at the shi* that will be exposed in this lawsuit! She made a very very very bad move in the game she has been playing, let me rephrase that, her backers instructed her to make a very very bad move. One wonders , the letter from ‘Harry’ says this has been many months in the making. HRC tweet occurred, just before the U.S.Open. Madam jumped a flight to NYC less than 48 hours later. Methinks that was the genesis of this lawsuit.she played nice, sort of, because her nice is still not nice!!! in SA so the press were manipulated so she could say they were sometimes nice sometimes unbearable. My sentence structure is horrid but l hope my points are coming across! So not months in the making but weeks. One needs public sentiments, in a good way in any PR war, and this is war that has moved to the Courts. Remember we heard months ago, rather obtusely that a nephew was encouraged by his uncle to consult his grandfathers mate, regarding the higher courts? I believe it was in a riddle. I wonder if Harry was anticipating this day and action might come and wanted to prepare himself by getting knowledge from a trusted, well advised court. I cannot recall the title of this person, but he is an old mate of PP. This decision is going to turn out the be the final blow-out battle that has been coming for two years. The Mail on Sunday will not back down, and they have their dossier, she has way more to lose than they do. The public will NOT stand for any more impingement on their freedom of speech. For example, just look what happens in the DM comments when comments don’t appear or are removed, sometimes people banned or doxxed. Online, in social media things of a similar nature have happened, to our dear 🐼also. People will resist, they will not stand for it. There has been such outrage over money wasted, privilege, disrespect towards HMTQ and the citizen of the U.K. and Commonwealth.
Thank you dear PG! How you can do these riddles is beyond me! Wow! Love it! They get more and more interesting all the time! Thank you, I know today is not a great day, so the effort you put into this for us all. Is so appreciated! You are the best! Thank you!🙏🏻💜💜💜
Oct 3rd, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Meanwhile at CH…… A Family meeting’ o dear!!…… “ One is apoplectic with disappointment “… (two red faces)…… “ this isn’t a game of happy f%#@k families!!!”…… an atmospheric cut…… legs and tails …… They Aga successful …… in the brown Windsor soup……a green beret chum…… nutmeg begs…… happy Harry …… SS documentary’s doom
1255 hrs CST
Meanwhile at CH
CH is Clarence House, the former home of the Queen mum. Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall now reside there and their offices are based there also. The clue reminds me of the saying, when life gets very hectic, meanwhile back at the ranch, meaning change of topic to get your mind off it, or in a movie it’s a complete change of scene. I hope that makes sense. I am desperately trying to make terms, words, phrases, for those who aren’t familiar, I WANT EVERYONE 😊😊😊😊WHO TAKES THE TIME TO READ MY INTERPRETATIONS TO BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND! That’s extremely important to me. So interpretation, what’s going on at CH? Imagine the scurrying, the SA tour, amw on display like a medal 🎖 won at the Olympics, but not to his home country, a foreign one. Add to that madams lawsuit, and now Harry filing suit, it must be mayhem. Phone hacking must bring back memories of PC and Camilla whose naught naught private conversations were recorded and made public. They were mortified.They are balancing a dozen glass plates in the air , which one first?? Interesting Harry’s suit was filed last Friday but we are only learning of it now.
A Family meeting’ o dear!!
HMTQ has summoned everyone, this must be discussed and dealt with, l am speaking of madam, her lawsuit, but more pressing is the massive security breach allowing their phones to be hacked. I think a massive security overhaul and everyones mobiles, computers etc etc will need securing.I think decisions have been made in how to proceed, it may be explaining what will happen next. Some may say it’s an intervention, for Harry. An intervention, in the way l am meaning, happens when an addict is confronted by loved ones, usually with a therapist, often a surprise to the individual to be blunt in how they have been affected by the addicts behaviour, give them ultimatum, or choice, go to rehab or we severe or cut off all ties with you. I don’t think that way, l am still 100% behind Harry, he shrunken, depressed, in pain, and massively loyal to his granny HMTQ! I will not be dissuaded from my belief.
“ One is apoplectic with disappointment “
Let us review what apoplectic means, it is to be overcome with anger or extremely indignant, feeling or showing anger or being very annoyed at what is perceived as unfair treatment. Here we have the third person usage of the word One, that means it is HMTQ speaking. She is angry and very disappointed by something. I am certain this phone hacking, which was filed last Friday and made public today brings back memories of this happening before. She must be furious! Again many will say it’s about Harry. I am certain she has these feelings about where his initial poor choices and thinking he could manage madam on his own, and where this has led to.
(two red faces)
Harry and Rachel, is it possible those hacked phones and messages were of a very very VERY personal nature not with each other but others and that would be tres embarrassing. Your face reddens or blushes when embarrassed. I can only begin to imagine what they got on her from her phone. Harry, also, where was their security teams. Those phones should be firewalled up the wazoo. Did they learn NOTHING from the squidgy tapes with Diana or PC with Camilla wanting to be her you know the word!
“ this isn’t a game of happy f%#@k families!!!”
PP speaking, nothing is a game, to madam it’s a game , getting $$$££££€€£, using people, smug look when Harry was obviously so much in pain. This is the most serious game, by the way, have you ever read the story,The Most Dangerous Game ? It was mandatory read in my school curriculum, l can’t recall which grade.THATS A STORY! I can only, l have said this with almost every time l write about PP, imagine his rile, anger, fury even, at the goings on. A man’s man as we used to say, rugged, professional naval veteran, lifelong royal veteran, watching this all unfold. I am certain he has had his advice sought, especially from HMTQ, but he’s retired, he is unable to act, to do anything to stop this. I pray for them both.🙏🏻
an atmospheric cut
Atmosphere is defined as the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet or , the one l think applies best here is the pervading tone or mood of a place or situation. I imagine the atmosphere at BP and with the royals, especially the Senior royals you could cut the tension with a knife. That’s a common saying , things get to intense people are almost frozen, cut it with a knife, literally not metaphorically yes.
legs and tails
Heads or tails are the usual when you flip a coin, here MM ANON has given us legs and tails. Well everyone since day one has had comment after comment about madams legs. Tails, well it does have a raunchy meaning, you either know or you don’t, this l am no sharing!
They Aga successful
William and Catherine met with the Aga Khan yesterday at the Aga Khan Centre in King’s Cross. This was to connect before their trip to Pakistan October 14 - 18,2019. The royal visit has been organized in co-operation with the High Commission of Pakistan. William and Kate met community leaders and business figures as well as musicians, chefs and artists from the Pakistani diaspora. Aga Khan is a title given to the Imam (leader) who serves as the spiritual leader of the Ismaili branch of Shiite Islam The current Aga Khan is 83-year-old Prince Shah Karim al-Husseini, the 49th Imam. The Imam role acts much like a royal dynasty, as the same family has passed down the title for the past 1,300 years. I recall reading in the paper his bloodline goes back to the Prophet Mohammed. He is a very revered and respected worldwide. Our PM and his family vacationed with him. They have known him since they were young when their father Pierre was our PM, Justin Trudeau now serves as his father did. This is all planning so that their visit builds on the success of Princess Diana’s trip years ago, in relationship building. This was a very important meeting and one that went exceedingly well. As usual, Catherine dressed completely appropriately, as she does! So this was a very successful prelude to the upcoming Royal tour to Pakistan 🇵🇰.
in the brown Windsor soup
What’s brown Windsor soup, lots of you are asking. It goes back to the Victorian era. Simply put, is a British meat soup that is said by when food was more scarce. Warm and hearty as it could be, warmed an empty belly. We might call it a sort of comfort food. The term brown Windsor soup became shorthand for horrible food and was used as a prop by comics in the post-war years. So if you’re in the soup, your rations are running low. Is madam broke? Or very nearly?
a green beret chum
What is a green beret some ask, was the official headdress of the British Commandos during WWII. It is still worn by members of the Royal Marines after passing the Commando Course and personnel from other units of the Royal Navy, Army and RAF who serve within Third Commando Brigade. and who have passed the All Arms Commando Course. The Duke of Sussex attended the revered has presented them with their green berets at Bickleigh the 42 Commando Royal course. Is Harry spending time with veteran chum to help him with his PTSD and the huge stress and strain he has been under? Only a veteran can truly understand the horrors and be entrusted to be there. I sincerely hope that is what this clue is, because Harry needs help in every facet of his being.l prayed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 so long for him last night.
nutmeg begs
What is she begging for l wonder?🧐🤔🤔 Is she begging to rescind the lawsuit with the blow-up. Is she begging please please not to share the information obtained from her mobiles, l am sure she has several, after all how many twitter accounts does she have☺️☺️🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Fearing the blowback of the MOS revealing what all they have kept schtum on all this time. I don’t think she thought through the ramifications of what she has done by filing suit. But, then again, thinking has never been her forté nor her job, her backers did and continue to do all the thinking, planning and ordering her actions.
happy Harry
This is a crazy clue because the only time l saw Harry happy, like for real happy, in the last two plus years, was the day he attended the Anzac Day service with Catherine. Now, within the last hour, word has been announced that he has filed lawsuits against The Sun and The Mirror and the owners for hacking his phone. This is way more serious that madams issue. There would, if in fact this happened, would have required very skilled intelligence people because of his status l a certain his mobile is very very secured OR IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!! I cannot fathom what would make him happy, unless her begging is for a divorce and leaving , or just plain leaving. The only rabbit l can pull out of this hat, is that his mission is complete now that the SA and other African country visits are complete. He can now heal and resume some semblance of a life! I hope and pray l am correct!
SS documentary’s doom.
A whole lot of bang for your buck or should l say the backers buck eh Rachel?? One might even think they had two clients, the one that paid more wanted them to pretend to be her PR the while working against!, Dont cry for me Argentina, song from Evita! the play/film 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 make that don’t cry for me Rachelina 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂Since SS has come on board things have gone from worst to unimaginable worse🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. They’re not long for this world, likely they have already been sacked.
1430 hrs CST Oct 4
Thank you PG! This looks interesting….fun times coming! Much appreciated
Oct 4th,
76: Oct. 5
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON …… chocolate sundae …… don’t give up your day job …… single exit west …… a SMALL diversion … “ is he mine?” …… home alone ………… “ I fear for them Philip” …… Duty calls …… 🎼” you wore out your welcome with random precision “🎼……… “ we must talk Harry”……… jack and Jill went up the hill ……… “ it’s all on This memory stick.
October 5,2019 2030 hrs
chocolate sundae
What’s better than a chocolate sundae? Hmmmmm maybe a chocolate MOS(Mail on Sunday) 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 MM ANON are you cleverly telling us that there will be oh so sweet tidbits of final exposure in the MOS and or other media? Chocolate may be colour, or maybe chocolate sauce was used in lieu of salad dressing in the tossed salads! My mind never knew these things before, madam has affected or infected all of us in filthy ways!
don’t give up your day job
This is an expression used when someone is doing something very very poorly like singing at the karaoke, or something like that. I am surmising here that madams performance in the video that allegedly exists is not Oscar worthy🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. What’s the difference, none of her others have been, especially the penultimate role as DOS,!!! I wish they had a spitting emoji!
single exit west
Is this suggesting that madam will do an exit stage left, as they used to say in the cartoons, and leave by herself and head west across the pond? Please go, we will all pitch in for the one way ticket, just go away!! Is she going to take archficial?? Who will care for him??🤣🤣😂
a SMALL diversion
Diversion, is a distraction, SMALL in all caps, that’s done to elevate that word. So what is the diversion and who is using and needing it? All roads lead to Rome , but in this case all roads lead to madam. She thought her lawsuit was the cats meow, she must have been thunderstruck, sorry AC/DC reference..see l am learning from MM ANON😁! But she must have been thunderstruck to learn Harry had filed suit a week ago bit more now, against hacking. Her proverbial goose is really cooked, as l have no doubt hacking was used to gather intel on him, William Catherine any of them, this plot has been in the planning for years! Her searching for Harry’s mobile so furiously, l am SOOOOOOO glad whoever sought that on film!!
“ is he mine?”
References back to Morocco when Harry made the comment “is it mine” Everyone in the room laughed except madam, l am sure she was seething with rage! So here we have is HE mine? So one wonders at what this means, is this a typo, or did l get it wrong? Nevertheless, the meaning and interpretation is the same.Those who were already sceptical took this as a major clue from Harry. The bulk of people thought he was just being silly. The line he said before that was something like Oh, you’re pregnant?? So we know it’s not Harry’s child, they were never intimate post wedding, grounds for annulment! MM ANON clue is telling us that we are going to shortly find this out, ok shortly is my wish but it’s all going to come out. If madam does a runner to the U.S. won’t that be interesting. She has no idea what her backers are really capable of, she should be afraid very afraid of who she’s tethered to and how much information she knows!
home alone
Poor archficial, all alone, outlived his usefulness. But madam is home alone or not depending whose sofa she’s sleeping on or staying with. Harry is back to Not Cot with his dog, l am sure his dog will give him a royal welcoming. Those of you who have dogs know how therapeutic they can be.
“ I fear for them Philip”
HMTQ sharing concerns for Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they take on this high risk Royal tour of Pakistan. There are many, including sugars who would delight with glee if something untoward would occur. Security will be very very very tight, the outlay of the tour states it will be their most complex tour yet. The itinerary will be kept close at the best as to where they are visiting specifically etc etc, it will be a pure military and RPO nightmare to keep them safe. They , on the other hand will represent HMTQ with aplomb, they will be relaxed or appear so and l foresee thus being a hugely successful Royal tour. We must pray for all involved!🙏🏻
Duty calls. Harry has several appearances , as Prince Harry on October 10,2019 international Mental Health Day. Back to duty he goes, he , you can never dissuade me , is 100% loyal to HMTQ. He will resume his duties. I hope in the interim there has been time to debrief, talk about what happened in the field upon return to home base . I have led many debriefings, they take place in many firms, people of crimes, military after a tour of duty, firemen or police officers after a bad scene or officer involved shooting, healthcare staff after assault or violent incident etc etc you get it. 🎼” you wore out your welcome with random precision “🎼
MM ANON returns to Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Song someone wanting it all willing to do anything, end up dark and exposed by the light. This is a marvellous lyric to describe the situation that is now happening? HOW DO YOU DO THIS MM ANON? YOU’RE BEYOND BRILLIANT! I THINK WRITING THESE RIDDLES FAR JARDER THAN SOLVING, I TAKE MY HAT OFF TO YOU! I AM WRITING UPPERCASE BECAUSE I WANT TO RESPECT HER AND HAVE HER TAKE NOTICE.
we must talk Harry”
HMTQ, His attorney, PC, PW or all talk about what is really going on, make a plan and figure out what the next step should be. I think the most important thing is, talk about how he is appearing, depressed, thin, stressed and in agony with his back. I am certain they are all worried sick at the toll this has taken on him in every way as are many of us.
jack and Jill went up the hill
Old child’s nursery rhyme it goes Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water , Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.
Isn’t this a perfect description of where our Harry is at with a lot of people? He paired up with this Jill, sorry to all the Jill’s that read this, nothing personal, and since then it’s been one long for lack of better word sh** show of lack of respect for HMTQ, merch fest, etc etc. Harry’s crown or reputation is in tatters and now the media are furious by his statement, his altercation with Rhiannon Mills of Sky news and on and on. The ultimate fall, for her, is coming. She will tumble lower than low once the dossier on her is in the public realm and the alleged video!! I am waiting with bated breath for the MOS tomorrow!!
“ it’s all on This memory stick.
Yep everything about her, what she’s done, the backers, her calls back and forth with them, emails, videos, her yachting history, the lost years, the ‘Markle family’ everything is on this memory stick and LG has and it will be put to use. They have her, she got cocky in SA and invaded her own privasy☺️🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. All laughs aside this has been a deadly serious plot to bring down the entire BRF! Justice is coming, the people of the U.K. and Commonwealth who aren’t taking the time to look beneath and take PR as truth will be shocked into disbelief. The process of truth telling will be a measured approach to be sure.
I am in awe of you two ladies! Wow! You speak the same “language”…..this again is amazing, and very informative…things are coming…fantastic! So appreciated! Thank you, dear PG and MM Anon!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dearest MM ANON for the absolute honour and privilege of interpreting or at least attempting to, your riddles. 💜🐼💜🙏🏻☺️🐼☺️ Thank you for doing me the continued honour of allowing me to do my interpretations of MM ANON’s brilliant riddles and for posting my work! This has been so good for my brain 🧠 and exercising my. Rita al thinking skills! Let this be my small contribution to your blog and to being aTruth Seeker as Christ calls me to be. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Callum Hudson-Odoi attends the premiere of new Diego Maradona documentary
Callum Hudson-Odoi attends the premiere of the new Diego Maradona documentary in London
The film is made up of more than 500 hours of previously unseen images James Dutton for Mailonline
Chelsea Chelsea Callum Hudson-Odoi decorated the red carpet in the center London on Monday night when he premiered of the new Diego Maradona documentary.
The 18-year-old was pictured without the support of crutches at the event in Picturehouse Central
International Hudson-Odoi from England is recovering from surgery for an Achilles injury in April, but his progress now seems to be step up
<img id = "i-ffe139bf6dd0940f" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Wp5yp3 /22/14620588-0-image-m-48_1560202954230.jpg "height =" 581 "width =" 634 "alt =" Crocked Chelsea younger Callum Hudson-Odoi has honored the red carpet in central London "Odoi adorns the red runner in central London "
Crocked Chelsea younger Callum Hudson-Odoi shines on the red carpet in central London
<img id = "i-12218dd4bc692125" src = "https://dailym.ai/2XA2uaN" height = "920" width = "634" alt = "The international Enge lsen attended the premiere of the Diego Maradona documentary "class =" blkBorder img-share "the Diego Maradona documentary
England forced the death of the Diego Maradona documentary to end of the Chelsea season – including their victory in the final of the Europa League
He was crowned as the young player of Chelsea of ​​the year last month, but is in a race to be fit in time for the start of the new season in August.
The new Maradona documentary is the latest offering by director Asif Kapadia, who also shot portraits of Ayrton Senna and Amy Winehouse.
Constructed from over 500 hours of unprecedented images, this documentary
He admits that he was entranced by the Argentinian icon and wanted to discover why he still creates & # 39; chaos & # 39; as he approaches his 60th birthday
The Maradona documentary shows never before seen images of his career "
The Maradona documentary will never have seen images of his career before
[Italiaans] & # 39; It became an idea of ​​what happens there when you grow old and you have a great gift? & # 39;
& # 39; Also, I suppose there was a matter of it, why does he do the things he is doing?
I thought I'd like to see you again and I'll tell you the truth. see this in Argentina with a crowd, or Naples with a crowd, or even in England. So it's been a while, so don't worry about it, and don't worry about it.
& # 39; And I didn't do it I don't know what the story was going to be, I didn't know if I would like it or not. It actually happened along the way. & # 39;
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ixhor · 7 years
All of the TMI questions - Danny
1: What are you wearing?-jeans and my chorus polo2: Ever been in love?-yes and im very much in love still
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?-nah
4: How tall are you?-5′3
5: How much do you weigh?-like uhhh 186lbs i think 
6: Any tattoos do you want?-LOTS okay i want two full arm sleeves, some on my back, and after i get top surgery then ill get some on my chest
7: Any piercings that you want?-medusa piercing and a rook maybe
8: OTP?-me and olympia 
9: Favorite Show?-atm its probably bojack horseman, ive been binge watching it for a while
10: Favorite bands?-a day to remember and linkin park tbh
11: Something you miss?-this one house i used to live in that i loved so much, it was two stories and it had such a beautiful spiral staircase 
12: Favorite song?- a toast to the future kids by emarosa 
13: How old are you?-2 
14: Zodiac sign?-sagittarius sun!!
15: Hair Color?-dark brown
16: Favorite Quote?-like i said before, the iconic quote from olympia “do you think god leaves angels on read”
17: Favorite singer?-amy winehouse
18: Favorite color?-yellow!!!
19: Loud music or soft?-loud 
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?-my room ??
21: How long does it take you to shower?-like 30-40 mins
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?-10 mins
23: Ever been in a physical fight?-lots
24: Turn on?-here lets see uhh (multiple busses pass by) and those are all my turn ons thanks for listening to my ted talk
25: Turn off?-
26: The reason I joined Tumblr?-i have no fucking idea at this point
27: Fears?-large bodies of water and drowning 
28: Last thing that made you cry?-my anger
29: Last time you cried?-when my mom decided to be a fucking asshat to me and i got so angry at her i cried oof
30: Meaning behind your url-the url “ichor” was already taken so i substituted the ‘c’ for an x
31: Last book you read?-a solitary blue cos i havent read it in forever
32: Last song you listened to?-help by papa roach
33: Last show you watched?-freaks & geeks!!
34: Last person you talked to?-shay
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?-my friend
36: Favourite food?-yall already know its empanadas 
37: Place you want to visit?-greece!!
38: Last place you were?-uhh my kitchen
39: Do you have a crush?-ya
40: Last time you kissed someone?-recently
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?-again, recently and he called me a cunt (IN A JOKING WAY THO)
42: What colour underwear are you wearing?-blue 
43: What color shirt are you wearing?-dark blue
44: What color bottoms are you wearing?-light blue
45: Wearing any bracelets?-dont wear em
46: Last sport you played?-its not a sport but i had to chase anthony around campus today cos he stole my fucking phone
47: Last song you sang?-some music for chorus
48: Last prank call you remember doing?-i dont remember
49: Last time you hung out with anyone?-couple weeks ago actually
50: Favourite movie?-idk 
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guidetoenjoy-blog · 5 years
What makes celebrity meltdowns entertainment instead of tragedy? | David Ferguson
New Post has been published on https://entertainmentguideto.com/must-see/what-makes-celebrity-meltdowns-entertainment-instead-of-tragedy-david-ferguson/
What makes celebrity meltdowns entertainment instead of tragedy? | David Ferguson
Spurned in the Grammy nominations shortly after a hospital stay, Kanye West is just the latest celeb whose mental health is tabloid gold
When I was in my 20s, I remember my therapist patiently listening to me complain about how out-of-my-depth I often felt around other gay men. I was asking her why they always seemed so effortlessly aloof and cool, whereas I was and to some extent, still am a slobbering golden retriever of a person, quivering with eagerness to be your new best friend.
Youll waste a lot of time and spoil a lot of happiness comparing your insides to other peoples outsides, she told me.
I think about this a lot when I see famous people rock stars, celebrities, politicians going into meltdown mode. Trainwreck TV is one of our cultures most avid pleasures. In the words of Edina Monsoon from Absolutely Fabulous, Its the only blood sport they havent banned, darling.
Right now, everyone is waiting to see what the next eruption from Kanye West will be now that hes out of the hospital after months some would say years of erratic behavior, bizarre concert spectacles and public meltdowns. Its almost expected, since the Grammy nominations were announced this week and West was again shut out of the major categories.
A few years ago the spectacle du jour was Amanda Bynes, and before that, Britney Spears when she shaved her head and ended up under psychiatric care.
Weve shaken our heads and tutted over the breakdowns of Mariah Carey and Courtney Love, Amy Winehouse and Gary Busey, Katt Williams and Dave Chappelle, Lindsay Lohan and Anna Nicole Smith any celebrities who have had the misfortune to exhibit symptoms of mental illness while living in the public eye.
We take a certain sanctimonious pleasure in these peoples public disintegration and show shockingly little compassion, as though their wildly successful careers and personal fortunes make their pain more acceptable than that of mere mortals.
If a random woman we dont know starts babbling nonsense and getting hysterical while were out shopping, its tragic. We avert our eyes. We tell our families when we get home how unsettling and upsetting it was. But when Spears does it, its a Rolling Stone cover story that we consume with the eagerness of kids tearing into a bag of candy.
Its the same mentality that allows a racist troll like Milo Yiannopoulos to airily wave away the steaming, reeking mountain of harassment his followers and supporters firehosed at Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones, mostly on Twitter. Leslie Jones is a rich and famous actress; who cares if people say nasty things about her on the internet?
At what point do we stop valuing celebrities humanity?
Is it an income-level thing? Kanye West has got a lot of money. Hes one of the most well-known performers on the planet who isnt Beyonc or Beyonc-adjacent. He has broken paradigms and yes, over-extended his brand, as it were, in a couple of areas, but hes also a creative young person with a young family under tremendous pressure who lost his beloved mother nine years ago.
He has written openly about his love for liquor, cocaine and other intoxicants. It does not take a tremendous amount of imagination to piece together what may have happened here to a stressed-out artist in pain.
Lets pretend for a moment that it isnt Kanye West, but Keith West, who you knew in college who works for a life insurance company now. What if his mother died in surgery and he began a multi-year downward spiral?
Would you be gawking if Keith got placed on involuntary hold in a psychiatric unit? Would you be sharing links about Keith on Twitter and Facebook and marveling that someone could become such a mess?
Kanye West may be, as President Obama once said, a jackass from time to time. But hes also still a person.
Millions of dollars in the bank doesnt mean anything when you want your mom and shes gone, I suspect, any more than the significantly less princely sum in my own checking account does. You cant buy five more minutes to be with your dead mom for any amount of money, large or small.
So, maybe the next time you start to click on that Perez Hilton link about whichever celebritys mind has most recently hit the big bug-zapper, take a second. Ask yourself how youd feel if your lifes most humiliating, confused, disoriented moment was out there for public amusement.
If the person suffering at the other end of that hyperlink was Keith and not Kanye, would you still click it?
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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rollstroll-blog · 8 years
Lady Gaga: 24 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know - http://rollstroll.com/2017/03/23/lady-gaga-shocking-facts-about-lady-gaga/ #Celebrities, #Facts, #LadyGaga, #Music, #Pop, #Shocking
New Post has been published on http://rollstroll.com/2017/03/23/lady-gaga-shocking-facts-about-lady-gaga/
Lady Gaga: 24 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know
Her real names, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, Lady Gaga, was born on March 28th, 1986. She is a renowned American songwriter, actress, and singer. She was born and raised in a Catholic family residing at Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Lady Gaga went to Convent of the Sacred Heart, an all-girls private Roman Catholic school. She later joined CAP21 before dropping out of the school, at the age of 19 to pursue her music career. She describes her academic years as being full of dedication, studious and discipline. These are the common stuff you will certainly come across in the dailies. Peruse through some of the shocking facts about Lady Gaga mentioned below that you probably didn’t know.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She was Still Starving Until Last Year
Lady Gaga admitted in an interview in February 2011 that she was bankrupt until eight months ago. Despite making a lot of money, she decided to invest everything back to her theater shows. This paid off relatively well as it can be evidenced from her overwhelming changes in the last eight months.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Viscous and Prankful Friends
She describes her friends as the best company she has been having. They travel and go to tours together. However, she is subjected to many pranks during the tours. Among them include food pranks as her friends know that she has to stay fit for music videos. However, they leave mouthwatering stuff like mountains of cheeseburgers and similar tempting content in her dressing room.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She Has Maintained the Same Coach Since She Was 11
For quality soundtracks, Lady Gaga does a 30-minut warm up every day. She has been doing this activity since she was 11 years old. Her mentor and voice teacher, Don Lawrence, has been her coach since then. The vocal warm up has proven essential for her success in singing and performance.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: ‘Telephone’ was Originally From Britney Spears
Britney Spears released her sixth album called ‘Circus.’ Among the songs that were thought would feature on the album include ‘Telephone.’ However, this song didn’t make it to the final track listing of the album. Therefore, Gaga, in collaboration with Beyonce, recorded the song as a collaboration for her second album, ‘The Fame Monster.’
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: The Reason for Blond Hair Color?
As a celebrity, establishing your own brand is all that matters. Gaga decided to dye her hair blond after an interrogator confused her with Amy Winehouse. Embarrassing! Isn’t it? Following this, she sought out to be known and associated with her own appearance.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She purchased the Entire Thierry Mugler Collection
Lady Gaga made her debut runway rocking some Thierry Mugler cloths. The collection was a perfect blend of utmost creativity. It consisted a lot of skin-tight latex pieces that undoubtedly would blend perfectly with Gaga’s wardrobe. This is basically the reason why she purchased the entire collection.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She Paid for Her Father’s Heart Surgery
Her father was discovered with a fatal heart condition. She narrates that doctors told her that the old man couldn’t even get a heart attack. Gaga would just drop dead. She, therefore, had to make quick arrangements for his surgery. She even left her projects a bit to organize for this.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She is Among the 20 people Who Were Lucky to get NYU’s Tisch School of Arts Admission
The NYUs Tisch School of the Arts was among the prestigious schools back then. Gaga was among the 20 individuals who got an early admission to the school. However, as mentioned before, she dropped out of the school to pursue her music career. She began by performing in Burlesque Shows on the New York city’s Lower East Side.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She Performed in New York City Clubs up to 2006
Lady Gaga didn’t leave the city clubs that built her success with ease. She maintained her performance even after her breakthrough. She could occasionally perform alongside Stefani Germanotta band otherwise known as SGBand.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She Worked as a Songwriter Before
During her time at the Interscope, Lady Gaga worked as a songwriter for various artists. Some of them include Britney Spears, Fergie, New Kids on the Block and Pussycat Dolls. It is during this period that she met and caught the attraction of Akon. Akon recognized her vocal abilities and signed her immediately to his record label, Kon Live Distribution. This is where her music journey began.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Six Tattoos!!
Gaga rocks six tattoos in her body. The tattoos include:
Peace sign located on her left wrist
Rilke quote on the left inner bicep
White daisies on her left shoulder blade
‘Tokyo Love’ on her left shoulder
A small heart written ‘Dad’ inside in her left shoulder
Roses and vines on the left side of her lower back
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She had a Catholic upbringing
Gaga’s parents were all Catholics. Therefore, she underwent through the catholic system including schooling at the posh Manhattan all-girls Catholic school. Other celebs who attended the same school include Nicky and Paris Hilton. However, she hated high school due to bullies besides feeling out of place.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Smart Brains!
Gaga learned how to play the piano while she was only four. She wrote her first piano ballad at the age of 13. By the age of 14, she had begun performing at open mic dusks. Quite a legend! Isn’t she?
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Does She Use any Drugs?
Gaga admits that she initially used to take cocaine. Her main reason for this being so as to get inspired. However, she completely quit the drug to concentrate on her music.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: What About Frequent Teacups and Saucers?
Gaga often carries purple teacups and saucers in public. She states that this makes her feel at home as she was used to taking tea with her mother. Interesting!
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Cited for Indecent Exposure by Chicago Cops
In 2009, Chicago cops cited Gaga for indecent exposure. This was after she wore teeny-tiny hot pants as she appeared in public. However, to her, she wasn’t amused at all. She states that she is an artist rocking fashion and its fun to her.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Source of Inspiration?
Contrastingly, or rather interestingly, Gaga is inspired by rock ‘n’ roll. Her early collaboration with RedOne, ‘Boys, Boys, Boys’ was inspired by Motley Crue’s fashion of the song ‘Girls, Girls, Girls.’
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Reality Shows?
Lady Gaga appeared on MTV’s episode on ‘The Hills’ in 2008. She also appeared on the network’s hidden game show, Boiling Points.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Meat Dress?
Her infamous meat dress attracted much attention and reactions from the social media platforms. The details of the meat dress are fascinating. She sourced the meat from a local butcher in Los Angeles and Peter Cacioppo, a butcher, analyzed the dress. The dress weighed approximately 50 pounds and was a combination of cheap cuts of beef. No expensive cuts, no real steaks. She states that it was the most comfortable dress he has ever worn.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Piano Rehearsals with a Couple of Martinis
Gaga states that she tries to find time to rehearse and do jam sessions with her band. Asked about how she likes to rehearse, she says that she likes to have a couple of martinis beside her.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: She Made an Appearance on ‘The Sopranos.’
At the age of 25, Lady Gaga made an appearance as one of AJ Soprano’s female friends. She was dressed in a black sweater, seated on the bleachers with a bottle of soda.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Her First Major Touring Gig?
Lady Gaga’s first major touring gig was in 2008 which was an opener for NKOTB. This also marked the comeback of the boy band’s since early golden years of the 1990s. Following this, they did a song dubbed ‘Big Girl Now.’
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Why Her No-pants Look When She is on TV?
Lady Gaga justifies her no-pants look when appearing on TV claiming it is because of her grandmother. She states that she is basically blind but can notice lighter parts including her skin and hair.
Lady Gaga Shocking Facts: Do Not Call her Gaga in Bed!
Despite that everyone refers to her as Gaga, she prefers Stefani when getting intimate. She surprised viewers that she would freak out if someone yelled Lady Gaga during sex. Ha-ha!
Probably among the most famous electropop and dance-pop artists right now, Lady Gaga is certainly a fascinating character. Since her entry into this field, she has won several accolades reflecting her sheer passion and the hard work she puts into music.
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larrymucine · 10 years
New looks Amy Winehouse just after having completed plastic surgery
New Post has been published on http://www.aftersurgerypics.com/new-looks-amy-winehouse-just-after-having-completed-plastic-surgery/
New looks Amy Winehouse just after having completed plastic surgery
Amy Winehouse may have more than what we think. She can be her best even after every issues thrown at her. She knows how to stand up even after a really hard fall. She can be very motivated.But we all know what they say, even the best fall out sometimes. And she did. Once memory from the past...
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