internal-orchids · 2 years
HI ANA!! -Mildred
How’s it goan -Barbz
We are doing quite well-Itward Ana'a big n soft-orchid
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themallows · 6 years
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halenna-asian · 4 years
Anna art ou Hey Ana'a
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dailytafsirofquran · 4 years
Daily Tafsir of Ibn Kathir
It is an aspect of Man's Disbelief that He remembers Allah at times of difficulty then associates others with Him after He has been relieved of His Distress
(And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord, turning to Him in repentance.) means, at times of need, he prays to Allah and seeks His help alone, not associating anything with Him. This is like the Ayah:
(And when harm touches you upon the sea, those that you call upon vanish from you except Him. But when He brings you safe to land, you turn away. And man is ever ungrateful.) (17:67). Allah says:
(But when He bestows a favor upon him from Himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before,) means, at the time of ease, he forgets that supplication and prayer. This is like the Ayah:
(And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him!) (10:12).
(and he sets up rivals to Allah, in order to mislead others from His path.) means, at times of ease, he associates others in worship with Allah and sets up rivals to Him.
(Say: "Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while, surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!'') means, say to those whose way this is, `enjoy your disbelief for a while!' This is a stern threat and solemn warning, as in the Ayat:
(Say: "Enjoy! But certainly, your destination is the Fire!'') (14:30).
(We let them enjoy for a little while, then in the end We shall oblige them to (enter) a great torment.) (31:24)
(9. Is one who is obedient to Allah, Ana'a Al-Layl prostrating and standing fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not'' It is only men of understanding who will remember.)
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addyrockin · 4 years
Dar par kabhi ghairon ke jo tum ko na Jhukna De....
Taufeeq-e-elahi se KuCh aisi Ana'a maango.....!
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bullyfemme · 5 years
I really really hope we get more short stories in the future in all honesty. I liked this one a lot, despite the flaws. Plus it gives us more lore. A few quick comic drawings, a skin, a short story, and jack being confirmed as gay was really good.
Also I just realized, the story is mostly from Ana'a perspective. That means a few things but like I said ik my last post, there are scenes and moments between gabe and jack that we as an audience are privy to that Ana was not. That's writing 101, the audience and certain characters may have different information and that should affect how we interpret the story.
To make a long story short, giving jack a love interest 25+ years ago that is confirmed as being married and implying gabe had a family he had to separate himself from - while also confirming at least one of them was canonically gay - is nothing but good news for reaper76 fans hoping for it to be canon.
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conveyoneverse · 3 years
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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said: "Is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night, prostrating and standing [in prayer], fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, [like one who does not]? Say, Are those who know equal to those who do not know? Only they will remember [who are] people of understanding." (QS. Az-Zumar 39: Verse 9) X - X - X - X - X - X - X - The Obedient and the Sinner are not equal Allah says, `is the one who is like this equal to one who associates others in worship with Allah and sets up rivals to Him?' Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, Al-Hasan, As-Suddi and Ibn Zayd said, Ana'a Al-Layl means in the depths of the night. fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord. means, in his worship he feels both fear and hope. Both are essential in worship, and fear should be stronger during one's lifetime. fearing the hereafter Allah says : and hoping for the mercy of his Lord), At the time of death, hope is uppermost, as Imam `Abd bin Humayd recorded in his Musnad from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, who said, "The Messenger of Allah entered upon a man who was dying, and said to him, How do you feel? He said, `I am both afraid and hopeful.' The Messenger of Allah said: “These do not co-exist in a person's heart at times such as this, but Allah will give him what he hopes for and protect him from that which he fears.'' This was recorded by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah, and Ibn Majah from the Hadith of Yasar bin Hatim from Ja`far bin Sulayman. At-Tirmidhi said, "Gharib.'' Imam Ahmad recorded that Tamim Ad-Dari, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever recites one hundred Ayat in one night, it will be recorded as if he prayed all night. This was also recorded by An-Nasa'i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah. Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?'' means, is this one equal with the one who sets up rivals to Allah to mislead (men) from His path? It is only men of understanding who will remember. means, the only one who will understand the difference between them is the one who has understanding. Also Chec https://www.instagram.com/p/CItcLOQBNm6/?igshid=1uyasxaih857w
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kasathedog-jjba · 7 years
Tell me about Mercy in your werewolf au! Is she still a healer? I heard you say something about pharmercy (
At your service!Mercy is still a healer, yes. While she is a Medic for humans, she also learned from Ana how to treat special wounds and diseases related to supernatural creatures during their time in the Overwatch pack. All werewolves have a ‘regular’ life, masking themselves from their true identiy.And, yes, she is a loner. While she is engaging in a close friendship with Pharah (The AU started with designs of these two, I’m not abandoning them Send me more suggestions for the Overwatch Werewolf AU! Find all AU artworks and content on my blog tagged “werewolf AU”
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berjutasepi · 6 years
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Buah Ketapang (Red : Katafa) lalu dlm bahasa kalian apa? Ini adlh salah 1 camilan ala anak kampung terfavoriteku. Buah ini bisa d temuin d Pantai, klu aku sih biasa nyarinya d pantai belakang rumah (Sifahandro). Bukan makanan berkelas memang, tp si Katafa ini asli lebih kres kres d lidah dibanding Kwaci 😅 isinya kecil, rasanya kayak makan kacang, tp rasanya beda dari kacang (gmn cara deskripsikannya y? kamu kudu coba sendiri deh biar tau 😂) Ada byk cara fantastis buat makan ini buah, biasanya sih bisa pake pisau/parang, tapi kalau anak² SD seumuranku dulu mah g demen pake pisau, krn klu kita bukanya pake pisau, isinya bakal terbelah, & itu hasilnya bener² g mantep coy, nah cara yg tjakepnya itu apa, yaitu BOTO FAKE GARA alias pecahin pake batu. Ya batu, kamu tinggal ambil batu, pecahin ketapangnya dari sisi kanan/kirinya, biar isinya ga hancur, ntar keluarnya utuh. Makan satu-satu sih enak, tp klu dikumpulin banyak², skali makan itu yg lbh muantap. Kalau zaman aku dulu, kadang dilarang ke laut sama umak, alasan izin dr rumah nyari Ketapang, pulang² bawa ketapang + badan basah, (ketauan mandi lautnya), Si Umak bakal mulai bawel dgn sgala macam larangan. Dulu, Aku punya bbrapa cara jitu untuk dapat izin buat ngumpulin nih Katafa, diantaranya : ⚫‌Karna dulu aku seorang penggembala, tiap kambing²ku melahirkan, aku bakal diizinkan umak nyari dedaunan Bulu Ana'a, utk hewan menyusui, biasanya kan nyarinya di Pantai, asik dah bisa sklian nyari si katafa td 😂 (Menyelam smbil minum air, begitukan istilahnya wkwk) ⚫‌Ikut umak ngambil daun Zinasa (Bhs Indonesia apa y, 🤔aku lupa guys) pokoknya daun zinasa ini berduri yg digunain buat tikar, kamu pasti tau kan, umakku jg salah satu pengrajin tikar dulunya, aku bakal slalu ikut umak k pantai buat ngambil zinasa ini, diselingin deh ngumpulin katafa, pohonnya berdekatan soalnye hehe ⚫‌selanjutnya ga harus k pantai, cukup muter² nyari coklat + kelapa jatuh smpg rumah, buah katafa ini bakal bemunculan 1-1. Kok bisa? Y bisa dong, soalnya burung² kdg bawa terbang ketapang, tp gagal buka, g bisa dgigit sm mreka² 😂 Jadi deh si Rose kecil ngumpulin ketapang banyak² walaupun hasilnya bolong & busuk sih (di Sifahandro, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
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themallows · 6 years
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humaga-blog1 · 7 years
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Siagru tora'a; pohon hayat/ kehidupan yang terletak di Teteholi ana'a. Lowalangi pada awalnya menciptakan Sigaru Tora'a yang buahnya dierami seekor laba-laba emas. Dari buah itu kemudia lahir sepasang dewa; Tuhamora'anangi Tuhamoraana'a (laki-laki) dan Burutiroangi Burutiraoana'a (perempuan)
Desain kaos yang bertemakan Sigaru Tora’a sudah dapat kalian bawa pulang dengan cara mengunjungi 
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dailytafsirofquran · 4 years
Daily Tafsir of Ibn Kathir
The Obedient and the Sinner are not equal
Allah says, `is the one who is like this equal to one who associates others in worship with Allah and sets up rivals to Him' They are not equal before Allah, as He says:
(Not all of them are alike; a party of the People of the Scripture stand for the right, they recite the Ayat of Allah Ana'a Al-Layl, prostrating themselves (in prayer).) (3:113). And Allah says here:
(Is one who is obedient to Allah, Ana'a Al-Layl prostrating and standing) meaning, one who is humble and fears Allah when he prostrates and stands (in prayer). It was reported that Ibn Mas`ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "The obedient one is one who obeys Allah and His Messenger .'' Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, Al-Hasan, As-Suddi and Ibn Zayd said, Ana'a Al-Layl means in the depths of the night.
(fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord.) means, in his worship he feels both fear and hope. Both are essential in worship, and fear should be stronger during one's lifetime. Allah says:
(fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord. ) At the time of death, hope is uppermost, as Imam `Abd bin Humayd recorded in his Musnad from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, who said, "The Messenger of Allah entered upon a man who was dying, and said to him,
(How do you feel) He said, `I am both afraid and hopeful.' The Messenger of Allah said:
(These do not co-exist in a person's heart at times such as this, but Allah will give him what he hopes for and protect him from that which he fears.)'' This was recorded by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah, and Ibn Majah from the Hadith of Yasar bin Hatim from Ja`far bin Sulayman. At-Tirmidhi said, "Gharib.'' Imam Ahmad recorded that Tamim Ad-Dari, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah said:
(Whoever recites one hundred Ayat in one night, it will be recorded as if he prayed all night.) This was also recorded by An-Nasa'i in Al-Yawm wal-Laylah.
(Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not'') means, is this one equal with the one who sets up rivals to Allah to mislead (men) from His path
(It is only men of understanding who will remember. ) means, the only one who will understand the difference between them is the one who has understanding. And Allah knows best.
(10. Say: "O My servants who believe, have Taqwa of your Lord. Good is for those who do good in this world, and Allah's earth is spacious! Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.'') (11. Say: "Verily, I am commanded to worship Allah, making religion sincerely for Him.'') (12. "And I am commanded (this) in order that I may be the first of the Muslims.'')
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themallows · 6 years
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Ana’a loves his Mallows and from this angle is looks like he’s hugging her tightly. She’d been looking rather ‘mom’ lately. Tired, worn out, and just fallen into that same old rut of looking the same day in and day out. He gave her his wallet and told her to go treat herself. She hesitated at first before taking the plunge and getting her hair done and picking out a new dress and shoes for home. She wondered if he’d like it, even though it seemed to be on everyone else. “The stylist said it was trending.” she told him as he knelt down to her level and looked her over. She looked brighter, happier, like a plant he’d forgotten to water and was doing it’s best to hang on till he remembered. She gave him a lopsided smile, as he reached out and touched the soft clean cut ends free of breakage with a smile before pulling her into a tight hug. The flop of his tail on the stone and rumble of approval in his chest wordlessly showing how he liked it, and silent apology for not noticing her rut sooner.     
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themallows · 5 years
How much is Mallow Haus worth?
While I’m not going to get into the gritty details of it I did some more math to figure out how much the items in Mallow Haus has cost them both. Mind you that they are ICly renting a small home in Ishgard. They have sold some of their old things to make the move easier and have a bit more money to work with. I had Ana’a help me with keeping track of the items currently in the home that can be bought from vendors, and restricted vendors. 
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Their current Small House worth of vendor items?  234,350 gil The rest of the items had to be hand crafted or purchased over time. Ana'a, guaranteed, made or bartered most of their furniture to negate the cost of buying it from a vendor or the Market board. All of Mallows pots, pans, metal baking dishes and knives were made by him since he's a Blacksmith. Very few of her items have been bought. Once again, to put the work they do to make ends meet into perspective, they got their little girls a bunk bed. Right now they're too small to use both top and bottom so they just sleep in the bottom together. Eventually, they'll get a little older and bigger and one of them will be sleeping on the top. For now it acts as a high play area, storage for laundry and toys or a time out spot if they're fighting.   Mahogany Bunk Bed 4 Mahogany Lumber (Limsa/Costa)   - 12 logs 5 Undyed Felt (Gridania, Thanaland, Coerthas Central)   - 5 natron (effervescent water & rock salt) , snurble tuffs, 10 fleece 5 Apkallu Down (Limsa/Costa) 2 Steel Rivets (free Ana'a is Blacksmith) Travel cost to gather by hand: (Note is is only travel no meals, rest or mending) Starting in Ishgard Camp Dragonhead - Free travel by foot/chocobo South to Gridania - Free travel by foot/chocobo Further South to Thanaland - Free travel by foot/chocobo or pay 120 gil in Gridania to take the Airship or cut corners and go to the Gold Saucer for free and then take the free airship ride back to Ul’dah. (Mallow’s extreme gil saving techniques at work) To Limsa next. The options, ride to West Thanaland to Vesper bay and take Sea Ferry for 80 gil to Limsa and then ferry again to Costa for another 40 gil but round trip back to Limsa will cost 80 gil in total. Airship back to Ishgard 150 gil  (Grand Total 310 gil) Or Go to Ul'dah and take airship for 120 gil to Limsa and then pay 80 gil for round trip to Costa. Airship travel to Ishgard 150 gil (Grand Total 350 gil)   Or Take sea ferry to Limsa in Vesper Bay for 80 gil and then ride to Costa through Eastern La Noscea before traveling back to Limsa and paying 150 gil to travel back to Ishgard. (Grand Total 230 gil) OR Take sea ferry to Limsa in Vesper Bay for 80 gil and then ride to Costa through Eastern La Noscea before traveling back to Vesper Bay for 80 gil, and ride all the way back up through Thanaland, Gridania into Coerthas. (Grand Total 160 gil) All in All the cheapest route is going to cost a total of: 160 gil This isn't including how much TIME it will take to reach these locations, sleeping at an Inn or outside, meals, mending or chocobo feed. ...Putting it that way she'd probably see him in about a year. :D I'm kidding. Mahogany Bunk Bed with all the travel expenses, meals, gear mending, inns in total cost or estimates to be around 3000 gil or higher. That's not including the time to craft all the parts and make it for the girls and set it up for them.  
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Thankfully their little girls are too small to understand the cost of living and what their parents go through to make sure they’re fed, warm and happy.
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themallows · 5 years
Jingly-shine Wine
The cost of Living in Eorzea an in character role-play perspective.  Ana'a and Mallow struggle to make ends meet and live comfortably despite him being a full time blacksmith and she being a culinarian. For those of you just joining us here’s a brief run down of the situation they are currently in Rp wise.  Now currently Ana'a and Mallow are in Ishgard, having moved there due to business opportunities since the gates are opening. The city is heading into a new era and direction as well as rebuilding. They're banking on being new revenue since the gates have been closed for so long.  Ana'a's essentially taking a gamble on it with Mallow and their two kittens, Berry and Dulcie along for the ride. They have sold everything and taking the money they got from their home, furniture and items being sold off they enter the gates into the snowy north.
OOC Lore-ish roleplay analogy tid-bit ... and MATH I got curious on exactly how hard it would be to live in game if you literally existed off what currency you got rewarded from doing the fetch quests for people and the cost of items in shop from the vendor.  Eorzea isn't cheap and this isn’t a complaint rant. It’s just putting the cost of living into perspective and just how hard our characters would have to work in order to make it.    While looking up quests and their rewards I found that on average for Stormblood main scenario quests, reward you less than 1,000 gil. Around 600-800 gil per quest with the really important ones jumping to 2-4,000. A dungeon, which is considered a life or death situation/adventure, nets you 5,000 gil. The average Heavensward MS quests get you about the same reward. Though around a 100 gil less, 500-700 gil. To put these numbers into perspective I went to the Jeweled Crozier in Ishgard and looked at shop/vendor pricing. Mestonnaux the Carvery (meals) are on average 400 gil per. Meaning if you have 3 meals a day you need to make 1,200 gil.  Just to eat.  Norlaise the Armorer for a level 50 chest piece  14,000 - 21,000 gil. That’s just for the chest piece. An entire level 50 outfit, normal quality and left side only costs: DoW  96,998 gil (left side only no weapons) DoM 78,463 gil  (left side only no weapons) That’s not including your weapons or right side accessories, or the cost to mend them back up.  (Mallow is a caster and Ana’a is physical melee or ranged.)
So what does this have to do with Ana’a and Mallow?  Look at how much just the left side of a level 50 outfit will cost them out of pocket. That’s normal quality, no bells or whistles, no materia, or dye job, just your average available gear set. To be able to even afford DoW gear they or he would need to successfully live through a dangerous dungeon 19.399 times providing he receives 5000 gil at the end of each one.  DoW lvl 60 141,775 gil (left side only no weapons) 28.355 dungeon runs with a 5000 gil reward at the end That’s a lot of dungeons, and odds are stacked against you and when you’re the provider for a family some risks are worth it but death is never an option. Now jumping back to the basic bits of living such as food. 
There are 4 mouths to feed in the family, Ana'a, Mallow, Berry and Dulcie. If they bought meals from the Carvery three times a day Ana'a and Mallow need to make 4800 gil per day to feed themselves and their children. But Mallow knows how to cook, so how much would it cost her to make their meals? I did several maths for this. Buying strictly from shop vendors first, then from the market board, and once more if gathering is possible. Retainers not included but I can definitely see them barely affording one from time to time after gathering up enough ventures to pay them for a while. So retainers for Ana'a and Mallow would be considered a luxury that would happen once in a blue moon depending on how good the year's been and how long their ventures to pay the retainer lasts.  How much does it cost to feed a family of 4?  Boiled Egg Chicken Egg 5 gil   Mineral Water 4 gil ___________________ 5*4 = 20 4*4=16 20+16 = 36 gil  just for a single Boiled Egg for breakfast.
Orange Juice 7 gil from vendor Orange Juice crafted  3 La Noscean Orange 8 gil per orange You get 3 bottles of juice per craft Current MB price as of 12/16/2018 La Noscean Orange 150 per orange 3*150 = 450 gil Mallow will need 6 oranges then so that everyone gets a bottle. 6*150 = 900 gil BUT MALLOW! I can hear everyone yelling. You can gather them for FREE! Why yes I can! If I pay the airship ferry fee in Ishgard to get to Limsa which is 150 gil one way, so 300 gil for a round trip. Plus the chocobo feed if she uses Toby or the cost of a rental chocobo and the time it will take to gather and get back home. So approximately two days ‘role playing’. That's not including the gear she would required for the botany or the mending that will be needed once finished gathering. You're nutty if you think she'd spend 300 gil and come back with just 6 oranges. (This of course is nulling the teleport fee, and not including the shards/crystals/clusters required to make the item) 7*4=28 gil - vendor bought juice 150*6= 900 gil - Market Board bought ingredients for juice 300 gil + 2-3days time - gathered orange juice Best option for them? Vendor purchase. IF the vendor is available in the location. Ok Mallow but a Boiled Egg isn't exactly a meal. Let's see you actually create something you'd feed the family for breakfast.Breakfast in Mallow Haus. Orange Juice 28 gil - vendor purchased  Dodo Omelette 75 gil - vendor purchased ingredients  Honey Muffin  38 gil - vendor purchased ingredients ________________________ 141 gil in total for homemade breakfast to feed four mouths not bad at all! Compared to the 2000 gil total in Market board ingredients (my server fluxes in prices) Of course this is only for one meal and its low end easy to make. Going higher into the Heavensward meals I can only imagine the cost of Royal Eggs. A recipe that includes items such as:   Okeanis Egg Hollandaise Sauce Seema Patrician Ishgardian Muffin
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themallows · 5 years
Also known as the Eternal Work In Progress Page
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See these posts Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (this background is loosely still accurate considering I wrote it more than 3 years ago despite the publish date)
Mallow has been saving up for 3 years  before having enough to purchase a small home. 
2 years later she opens Mallow Haus of Cakes in Lavender Beds- Income is decently steady on a really good day making around 50,000 gil in current and future sales
Shrouded in fucking mystery because it’s Ana’a and that’s how he operates.
Ana'a answers her help wanted ad using the location as a hideaway and escape to start his life over.
A year, year and a half later he makes it known that he's actually interested in her. His feelings solidified. She however doesn’t think he’s serious as she feels he’s too good looking to be with her.
Ana’a spends several months assuring her that isn’t the case.
She takes what money she's saved up from her business and pays for him to learn a trade. He chooses Blacksmithing in Limsa Lominsa since it didn't require too much prior school knowledge to swing a hammer.
Fateful hunting trip occurs, Ana’a is sent out to gather up some raptor shanks. He realizes he has killed a mother raptor and left its hatchling orphaned, took the baby home with him to Mallow. The hatchling is later named Shanks....Mallow fed him his own mother that day too.
Ana'a eventually saves up from his small commissions and buys her a ring.
She says yes!
Ana'a and Mallow begins to save up for their wedding
Several hard working months later-enough saved up to make the trip cross country to pray to the 12 and get married, invites immidiate family (Ana's family mostly: His step-mother Bevelle, father A'nulloh,  younger step brother and sister Asterron and Natividad, and her husband W'kohxah)
Roughly a year and a half to two years later, Mallow becomes pregnant with their first child Berry.
They have Dulcie, their second born, barely two years later. Running joke of his pull out game being weak ensues.
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