#Ancient Haleion
ashitakaxsan · 6 months
Lions Gate
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Hi.It's a short one,a poem,more as song i conceived and i wrote with intuition.
The story begins in the city of Galaxidi(Γαλαξειδι),near Delphi,in modern Greece:
A kind,positive and smart Greek young man,Zephyros Adamantiou,crosses a gate of sculpted lions,so he arrives to a parallel world. There he encounters a mysterious,strong and formidable girl,called "Elysia". Despite her first aloofness and reluctance for any cooperation they team up to save her world,unravel what subtle things connect them. In fact Zephyros begins to suspect that "Elysia" has her ancestry in ancient Greece.
Leave good comments. if you're about to reblog it give the creator credits:
I'm seeking the answers, about the weird artifacts of our family.
Now,since the moment I walked through the Gate of Lions I arrived to a strange and wondrous land.Very soon ,due to a misuderstanding,I got into a peril.Suddenly someone saved me:The Mysterious Girl.I can tell she's a caring one.
Mystery girl ,what is happening? Who are you? Why are you wearing such a scary mask,hiding all of your face?However I keep coming to see you.
✨Mystery Girl,under your guidance I am learning how to awake my power and how to use it.You're teaching me how to fight,how to navigate wisely.It's so nice that the Mystery Girl smiled to me.
⚔️We’ll use weapons up against the evil regime.
Sword,lance,shield,calibre and arrows. And the spellcasting too.⚔️✨
We belong to each other, during this Adventure.
As we're walking through these fields,as we’re entering the haunted,old castle we're sensing their angry,belligerent glares on us.But we’re not afraid to!
We’re coming through ancient ruins seeking for answers.
Not all the creatures around are evil,there are benevolent as well :There are the elves,the demihumen and the lionmen too.The latter ones will gladly tell me what and how happened.
🎭✨Oh great girl,you revealed to me your pretty face,you smiled to me. You shared to me your story, because you have faith on me.And me to you 😄
We have faith to each other.And we’ll make it to find the truth and beat the evil forces.🎭✨
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物語は、現代ギリシャのデルフィ近郊のガラクシディ (Γαλαξειδι) の街で始まります。
優しくて前向きで賢いギリシャの若者、ゼフィロス・アダマンティウは、ライオンの彫刻の門をくぐり抜け、パラレルワールドに到着します。そこで彼は、「エリシア」と呼ばれる、神秘的で強くて恐ろしい少女に出会います。彼女は最初はよそよそしく、協力を渋っていましたが、彼らは彼女の世界を救うために協力し、2 人を結びつける微妙な事柄を解明します。実際、ゼフィロスは「エリシア」の祖先が古代ギリシャにいるのではないかと疑い始めます。
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