#Ancient Royal Tomb Discovered at Luxor Egypt
blueiscoool · 2 years
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Ancient Royal Tomb Discovered at Luxor, Egypt
The identity of the figure interred within the tomb is still unknown, but Egyptian experts think it may belong to someone from the 18th Dynasty.
An ancient Egyptian tomb dating back to at least 3,500 years ago was recently uncovered in the Nile River's west bank in Luxor, Egyptian authorities announced on Facebook on Saturday.
The identity of the figure interred within the tomb is still unknown, but according to Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities head Mostafa Waziri, it may belong to someone from the 18th Dynasty.
This would put the pharaoh as part of the New Kingdom, considered by many to have been the greatest of Egypt's golden ages.
The excavation itself was conducted by researchers from Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities and archaeologists from the University of Cambridge.
What do we know about this ancient Egyptian tomb?
The reason it is believed to be a tomb for someone from the 18th Dynasty during the New Kingdom era is due to certain elements in the tomb.
This is further supported by claims from the head of the British research mission at the site, Piers Litherland, who said the tomb could potentially be the final resting place of a royal wife or princess from the 18th Dynasty.
Also known as the Thutmosid Dynasty, this era lasted from 1550 BCE to 1292 BCE and started the New Kingdom. Its name derives from four of its pharaohs being named Thutmose, though it also famously included other iconic pharaohs such as the "heretic" Akhenaten and the two reigning pharaohs queens Hatshepsut and Nefertiti. Its sixth pharaoh, Thutmose III, is remembered as one of Egypt's greatest and has often been given the title of Thutmose the Great.
However, the nature of the "18th dynasty characteristics" inside this newly discovered tomb aren't exactly clear, since the interior of the tomb itself was in poor condition.
According to Egyptian archaeologist Dr. Mohsen Kamel, parts of the burial chambers were filled with sand and limestone sediment by ancient floods, which impacts the condition of the interior, including some of the inscriptions. But the researchers are undeterred, with the joint Egyptian-British mission, led by Dr. Fathi Yassin, continuing to complete the excavation and documentation of the site.
It is hoped that this will further support the idea that this was an 18th-dynasty tomb.
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archaeologicalnews · 2 years
Royal tomb discovered near Luxor dates to time when female pharaoh co-ruled ancient Egypt
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Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a 3,500-year-old royal tomb near Luxor. The tomb was likely constructed at a time when Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh, co-ruled ancient Egypt.
"Partial inscriptions and ceramic evidence suggest this was constructed during the joint-reign of Thutmose III and Hatshepsut," archaeologists said in a statement.
The tomb was excavated by a team of archaeologists from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the New Kingdom Research Foundation mission, which is affiliated with the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of Cambridge. The team found the tomb in October 2022 while exploring an area near Luxor called the Wadi Gabbanat el-Qurud, which is located near the Valley of the Kings. Read more.
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Saint Maurice (also Moritz, Morris, or Mauritius; Coptic: Ⲁⲃⲃⲁ Ⲙⲱⲣⲓⲥ) was an Egyptian military leader who headed the legendary Theban Legion of Rome in the 3rd century, and is one of the favorite and most widely venerated saints of that martyred group. He is the patron saint of several professions, locales, and kingdoms.
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According to the hagiographical material, Maurice was an Egyptian, born in AD 250 in Thebes, an ancient city in Upper Egypt that was the capital of the New Kingdom of Egypt (1575-1069 BC). He was brought up in the region of Thebes (Luxor).
Maurice became a soldier in the Roman army. He rose through the ranks until he became the commander of the Theban legion, thus leading approximately a thousand men. He was an acknowledged Christian at a time when early Christianity was considered to be a threat to the Roman Empire. Yet, he moved easily within the pagan society of his day.
The legion, entirely composed of Christians, had been called from Thebes in Egypt to Gaul to assist Emperor Maximian in defeating a revolt by the bagaudae. The Theban Legion was dispatched with orders to clear the Great St Bernard Pass across the Alps. Before going into battle, they were instructed to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods and pay homage to the emperor. Maurice pledged his men's military allegiance to Rome. He stated that service to God superseded all else. He said that to engage in wanton slaughter was inconceivable to Christian soldiers. He and his men refused to worship Roman deities
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However, when Maximian ordered them to harass some local Christians, they refused. Ordering the unit to be punished, Maximian had every tenth soldier killed, a military punishment known as decimation. More orders followed, the men refused compliance as encouraged by Maurice, and a second decimation was ordered. In response to the Theban Christians' refusal to attack fellow Christians, Maximian ordered all the remaining members of his legion to be executed. The place in Switzerland where this occurred, known as Agaunum, is now Saint-Maurice, Switzerland, site of the Abbey of St. Maurice.
So reads the earliest account of their martyrdom, contained in the public letter which Bishop Eucherius of Lyon (c. 434–450), addressed to his fellow bishop, Salvius. Alternative versions have the legion refusing Maximian's orders only after discovering innocent Christians had inhabited a town they had just destroyed, or that the emperor had them executed when they refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods.
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Saint Maurice became a patron saint of the German Holy Roman Emperors. In 926, Henry the Fowler (919–936), even ceded the present Swiss canton of Aargau to the abbey, in return for Maurice's lance, sword and spurs. The sword and spurs of Saint Maurice were part of the regalia used at coronations of the Austro-Hungarian emperors until 1916, and among the most important insignia of the imperial throne (although the actual sword dates from the 12th Century). In addition, some of the emperors were anointed before the Altar of Saint Maurice at St. Peter's Basilica. In 929, Henry the Fowler held a royal court gathering (Reichsversammlung) at Magdeburg. At the same time the Mauritius Kloster in honor of Maurice was founded. In 961, Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, was building and enriching Magdeburg Cathedral, which he intended for his own tomb. To that end,
in the year 961 of the Incarnation and in the 25th year of his reign, in the presence of all of the nobility, on the vigil of Christmas, the body of St. Maurice was conveyed to him at Regensburg along with the bodies of some of the saint's companions and portions of other saints. Having been sent to Magdeburg, these relics were received with great honour by a gathering of the entire populace of the city and of their fellow countrymen. They are still venerated there, to the salvation of the homeland.
Maurice is traditionally depicted in full armor, in Italy emblazoned with a red cross. In folk culture he has become connected with the legend of the Holy Lance, which he is supposed to have carried into battle; his name is engraved on the Holy Lance of Vienna, one of several relics claimed as the spear that pierced Jesus' side on the cross. Saint Maurice gives his name to the town St. Moritz as well as to numerous places called Saint-Maurice in French speaking countries. The Indian Ocean island state of Mauritius was named after Maurice, Prince of Orange, and not directly after Maurice himself.
Over 650 religious foundations dedicated to Saint Maurice can be found in France and other European countries. In Switzerland alone, seven churches or altars in Aargau, six in the Canton of Lucerne, four in the Canton of Solothurn, and one in Appenzell Innerrhoden can be found (in fact, his feast day is a cantonal holiday in Appenzell Innerrhoden).Particularly notable among these are the Church and Abbey of Saint-Maurice-en-Valais, the Church of Saint Moritz in the Engadin, and the Monastery Chapel of Einsiedeln Abbey, where his name continues to be greatly revered. Several orders of chivalry were established in his honor as well, including the Order of the Golden Fleece, Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and the Order of Saint Maurice. Additionally, fifty-two towns and villages in France have been named in his honor.
Maurice was also the patron saint of a Catholic parish and church in the 9th Ward of New Orleans and including part of the town of Arabi in St. Bernard Parish. The church was constructed in 1856, but was devastated by the winds and flood waters of Hurricane Katrina on 29 August 2005; the copper-plated steeple was blown off the building. The church was subsequently deconsecrated in 2008, and the local diocese put it up for sale in 2011. By 2014, a local attorney had purchased the property for a local arts organization, after which the building served as both an arts venue and the worship space for a Baptist church that had been displaced following the hurricane.
On 19 July 1941, Pope Pius XII declared Saint Maurice to be patron Saint of the Italian Army's Alpini (mountain infantry corps). The Alpini have celebrated Maurice's feast every year since then.
The Synaxarium of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria does not mention Saint Maurice, although there are several Coptic churches named for him.
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thehereticpharaoh · 7 months
An ancient tomb belonging to Amenhotep, guard of the temple of Egyptian deity Amun, has been discovered in the southern city of Luxor, the Egypt’s antiquities ministry said on Tuesday.
“The tomb contains many stunning scenes with bright colours painted on plaster,” Antiquities Minister Mamdouh Eldamaty said in a statement.
“Many of scenes represent the tomb owner and his wife in front of an offering table and a view of a goddess nursing a royal child as well as scenes of the daily life,” he added.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The sarcophagus of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II is to return to Paris in April for the first time in almost 50 years, in a rare loan of the relic outside Egypt.
The ornate coffin will be on show in the French capital from April 7 to September 6, the star attraction alongside an exhibition previously shown in San Francisco and which will conclude in Sydney -- minus the sarcophagus.
"I almost wept for joy that I would be seeing him again here when they told me he was coming to Paris," said Dominique Farout, an Egyptologist at the prestigious Ecole du Louvre art history school who is scientific commissioner to the exhibit.
"I was 16 in 1976" when Ramses II was last in Paris, Farout added. "I had a big poster in my bedroom. I went eight times in a row."
Farout said Egyptian authorities had made an exception in loaning the yellow-painted cedar-wood sarcophagus to France. It did not travel to San Francisco and will not be included when the rest of the exhibition packs up and heads to Sydney.
The gesture marks gratitude towards Paris, where scientists preserved Ramses II's mummy by treating it against fungus when it was exhibited in 1976.
This time, the sculpted coffin will be shown empty, as Egyptian law now forbids transporting royal mummies abroad.
It depicts the recumbent king in bright colours with his arms crossed on his chest holding his sceptre and whip of office.
'Sacrificed to the gods'
His eyes outlined in black, he wears a striped pharaonic headdress and a braided false beard.
One of the best-known pharaohs, reputed as a great warrior and builder of temples, Ramses II ruled from 1279-1213 BC.
Inscriptions on the sarcophagus' sides detail how his body was moved three times from 1070 BC, after his tomb in Luxor's Valley of the Kings was raided by grave-robbers.
Its final resting place was discovered in 1881, just as it too was being pillaged.
As well as the coffin, the Paris exhibition will include vast numbers of ancient Egyptian objects, solid gold and silver jewels, statues, amulets, masks and other sarcophagi.
Only animal mummies will be on show, including cats which were "raised and sacrificed to the gods", Farout said.
Other treasures come from the capital Tanis that Ramses II built east of the Nile Delta, including a solid silver coffin, finger and toe sheaths and solid-gold masks decorated with jewels.
Exhibition organisers hope large numbers of people will make the trip to the La Villette exhibition centre in northeast Paris. A previous exhibition about Tutankhamun drew 1.4 million visitors to the same place in 2019.
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egyptatours · 7 days
Sanctuary Sun Boat IV Luxury Nile Cruise: Best 5 Days From Luxor
Upon arrival at Luxor airport or station, our representative will transfer you to your Nile cruise via a private air-conditioned van. Boarding before 12:00 noon. In the afternoon, you will discover the eastern bank of Luxor including the Karnak Temple Complex, the largest structures ever built in human history. The main building is the building of the god Amun-Ra, as it was considered the house of the god on earth.
The oldest structure dates back to the Middle Kingdom, but there are some references that indicate previous buildings dating back to the Third Dynasty. Later, you will move on to visit Luxor Temple, built by one of the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty, and completed by the famous King Ramesses II.
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This temple is located in the heart of ancient Thebes and, like Karnak, was dedicated to the chief/primary god Amun-Ra. After completing your daily tour, you will be transferred back to your ship to rest and refresh. At night, an Egyptian folklore show will be played by the staff. Dinner and overnight stay in Luxor will be provided. 
Note: If your arrival time to Luxor is very early, we will start the tour directly upon arrival as the check-in time for the cruise is at 12:00 PM and we don’t want our guest to waste their time waiting in the lobby for check-in.
Meals Included:
You end your first day on Sanctuary Sun Boat IV Luxury Nile Cruise 
Breakfast on board Sanctuary Sun Boat IV Luxury Nile Cruise. Then you will begin your magical tour of Thebes, the Holy Land by exploring the west bank of Luxor including the Valley of the Kings, which is considered the royal tomb of the Theban kings and rulers of ancient Egypt, and the place where our pharaohs lived. Buried. After that, you will move to visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari.
This temple is considered one of the finest architectural examples in ancient Egypt because it is completely carved into the mountain. At the end of the tour, you will visit the two Colossi of Memnon belonging to King Amenhotep III. You will then return to your ship for lunch.
 Afternoon, free at leisure. Dinner and overnight on the Sanctuary Sun Boat IV Luxury cruise.
Meals Included:
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Unveiling the Marvels of Ancient Egypt: A Journey Through Egyptian Architecture Tours
When you think of Egypt, visions of towering pyramids, majestic temples, and enigmatic sphinxes undoubtedly come to mind. Egyptian architecture, with its grandeur and mystique, offers a tantalizing glimpse into one of the world's most ancient and advanced civilizations. For enthusiasts of history, culture, and architectural prowess, Egyptian Architecture Tours provide an unparalleled experience. Here's why these tours are a must for anyone looking to delve into the splendor of ancient Egypt.
A Walk Through History
Egyptian architecture is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of a civilization that has fascinated the world for millennia. From the monumental pyramids of Giza to the sprawling temple complexes of Luxor, each structure tells a story of pharaohs, gods, and a society that valued architectural grandeur. These tours allow participants to step back in time and explore these historical treasures up close.
Highlights of Egyptian Architecture Tours
The Great Pyramids of Giza
Iconic Landmarks: The Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure are among the most recognizable structures in the world.
Engineering Marvels: Learn about the techniques and labor that went into building these colossal tombs over 4,500 years ago.
The Sphinx
Mystery and Legend: Discover the secrets of the Great Sphinx, the colossal limestone statue with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.
Symbolism and Purpose: Explore theories about its origin and significance in ancient Egyptian culture.
The Temples of Luxor and Karnak
Spiritual Hubs: Visit the Luxor Temple and the expansive Karnak Temple Complex, dedicated to the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu.
Architectural Wonders: Marvel at the grand columns, intricate hieroglyphics, and colossal statues that adorn these sacred sites.
The Valley of the Kings
Royal Necropolis: Explore the burial grounds of pharaohs and nobles, including the famous tomb of Tutankhamun.
Rich History: Gain insights into ancient Egyptian burial practices and beliefs in the afterlife.
Expert-Led Tours
One of the standout features of Egyptian Architecture Tours is the presence of knowledgeable guides who are often Egyptologists. These experts provide deep insights into the historical and cultural context of each site, enriching the experience with fascinating anecdotes and detailed explanations.
Cultural Immersion
Beyond the architectural marvels, these tours offer opportunities to immerse yourself in modern Egyptian culture. Engage with local communities, savor traditional cuisine, and enjoy authentic experiences that provide a well-rounded understanding of Egypt's past and present.
Tips for an Unforgettable Tour
Plan Ahead: Popular sites can get crowded, so consider visiting during off-peak times for a more intimate experience.
Stay Hydrated: Egypt's climate can be hot, especially in the summer months. Carry water and wear comfortable clothing.
Respect Local Customs: Be mindful of cultural norms and dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites.
Egyptian Architecture Tours offer an extraordinary opportunity to explore the awe-inspiring remnants of one of the world's most influential ancient civilizations. Whether you're an avid history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone looking to experience the wonders of Egypt, these tours provide a journey filled with discovery, learning, and unforgettable memories.
Embark on your adventure today and witness the marvels of Egyptian architecture firsthand. Let the stories of the past captivate your imagination and inspire your soul.
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lookategypttrips · 2 months
Journey Through History: Egypt and Jordan Tours
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The Ultimate Middle Eastern Adventure
Egypt and Jordan, two neighboring countries with a wealth of history and culture, offer travelers an unparalleled opportunity to explore ancient civilizations, stunning landscapes, and vibrant traditions. Egypt and Jordan tours combine the highlights of both countries into one seamless and unforgettable travel experience.
Why Choose Egypt and Jordan Tours?
Combining the historical treasures of Egypt with the natural and cultural wonders of Jordan, these tours provide a comprehensive Middle Eastern adventure. Here’s why Egypt and Jordan tours are an excellent choice for your next vacation:
Rich History: Explore the timeless monuments of Egypt and the archaeological marvels of Jordan, gaining insights into ancient civilizations.
Varied Landscapes: From the Nile River and lush oases in Egypt to Jordan’s deserts and the Dead Sea, experience a wide range of stunning natural environments.
Cultural Experiences: Engage with the local cultures, tasting traditional foods, participating in local customs, and enjoying warm hospitality.
Highlights of Egypt and Jordan Tours
Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza
Begin your journey in Cairo, Egypt’s bustling capital. Visit the Pyramids of Giza, where the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, and other pyramids stand as testaments to Egypt’s ancient glory. Explore the Egyptian Museum, home to thousands of artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun.
Luxor: The World’s Greatest Open-Air Museum
Travel to Luxor, often called the world’s greatest open-air museum. Discover the grandeur of the Karnak and Luxor Temples, walk through the Avenue of Sphinxes, and visit the Valley of the Kings. Here, the tombs of pharaohs reveal the secrets of ancient Egyptian burial practices and beliefs.
The Majestic Temples of Abu Simbel
South of Aswan, the temples of Abu Simbel await. These colossal structures, carved into the mountainside by Ramses II, are a marvel of ancient engineering. The temples are particularly famous for the biannual solar phenomenon, when sunlight illuminates the inner sanctum.
Crossing into Jordan: Petra and Beyond
Cross the border into Jordan and prepare to be amazed by Petra, the ancient city carved into rose-red cliffs. Enter through the narrow Siq and emerge at the Treasury, a breathtaking sight. Explore the extensive ruins, including the Royal Tombs, the Monastery, and the amphitheater.
The Vast Wadi Rum Desert
Wadi Rum, known for its dramatic landscapes and unique rock formations, offers a true desert adventure. Take a jeep tour or camel trek through the desert, and spend the night in a Bedouin camp. Enjoy traditional meals, music, and dance under the clear desert skies.
The Healing Waters of the Dead Sea
Conclude your journey with a visit to the Dead Sea. Float effortlessly in the salty waters and cover yourself in the mineral-rich mud, renowned for its therapeutic properties. The serene environment provides the perfect setting for relaxation and reflection.
Practical Information for Egypt and Jordan Tours
Best Time to Travel
The ideal time to embark on an Egypt and Jordan tour is from October to April, when the weather is cooler and more comfortable for exploring. During this period, you can enjoy the sights without the extreme heat that characterizes the summer months.
Travel Essentials
Visas: Ensure you have the necessary visas for both Egypt and Jordan. Many travelers can obtain visas on arrival, but it’s best to check in advance.
Health Precautions: Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the sun. Travel insurance is also recommended for coverage of medical emergencies and trip cancellations.
Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs, especially when visiting religious and cultural sites. Dress modestly and be mindful of local traditions and etiquette.
Selecting the Best Tour Operator
Choosing the right tour operator can make all the difference in your travel experience. Look for operators with positive reviews, knowledgeable guides, and well-planned itineraries. A good tour operator will provide comprehensive support and ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Egypt and Jordan tours offer an extraordinary journey through some of the most historically and culturally rich regions of the world. From the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the stunning city of Petra in Jordan, these tours provide a deep dive into the heart of ancient civilizations. For more information and to start planning your adventure, visit our guide on Egypt and Jordan tours. Embark on a journey through history and discover the timeless beauty of Egypt and Jordan.
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egypt-tours-gate · 3 months
Discover the timeless allure of Luxor with our Luxor Day Tours, offering a captivating journey through the ancient treasures of Egypt's southern gem. Begin your day exploring the East Bank, where the sprawling Karnak Temple complex awaits with its towering columns and sacred sanctuaries dedicated to the ancient gods. Marvel at the majestic Luxor Temple, a testament to pharaonic grandeur and religious devotion.
Cross the Nile to the West Bank, where the Valley of the Kings beckons with its royal tombs adorned with intricate hieroglyphs and vibrant wall paintings. Visit the iconic Colossi of Memnon, towering statues that have stood watch over the Theban Necropolis for millennia. Our expert Egyptologists provide fascinating commentary throughout, unveiling the stories and mysteries of Luxor's ancient past.
Take a leisurely stroll through Luxor's bustling marketplaces, where local artisans showcase their crafts and culinary delights tempt the senses. Whether cruising the Nile at sunset or indulging in traditional Egyptian cuisine, our Luxor Day Tours promise an enriching blend of history, culture, and exploration. Immerse yourself in the splendor of ancient Egypt's capital of Thebes, where every corner reveals another chapter in this captivating civilization's history.
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nileinfinitytours · 5 months
Nile Infinity Tours | 7 Days Luxury Custom Aswan To Luxor Tour From USA
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Luxury Cairo And Luxor to Aswan Tour From USA: Embark on a journey of a lifetime with Nile Infinity Tours, where luxury and adventure converge seamlessly. Our exclusive Cairo and Luxor to Aswan tour from the USA promises an unparalleled exploration of Egypt's ancient wonders. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the tranquil banks of the Nile, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of history and culture that defines this captivating land.
Luxury Egypt Tours From USA: Indulge in the epitome of luxury with our meticulously curated Egypt tours from the USA. Led by expert guides, you'll traverse the iconic landmarks of Cairo, including the majestic pyramids of Giza and the enigmatic Sphinx. Journey southward to Luxor, the world's largest open-air museum, where the Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple await your discovery. Then, set sail on a luxurious Nile River cruise to Aswan, where the timeless beauty of Philae Temple and the High Dam beckons.
Luxury Nile River Cruise From USA: Experience the magic of the Nile aboard our luxury river cruises from the USA. Relax in opulent accommodations as you sail past ancient temples and picturesque villages that have stood the test of time. Indulge in gourmet dining experiences and lavish amenities while taking in the breathtaking scenery of the Nile Valley. Our luxury cruises offer the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, ensuring an unforgettable journey through the heart of Egypt.
Luxury Trips To Egypt From USA: At Nile Infinity Tours, we specialize in creating bespoke luxury trips to Egypt from the USA. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or adventure, our expert team will tailor an itinerary to suit your interests and preferences. From private guided tours of iconic landmarks to exclusive access to hidden gems, every aspect of your trip will be personalized to exceed your expectations.
Cairo to Aswan Luxury Tours From USA: Embark on a luxurious journey from Cairo to Aswan and discover the treasures of ancient Egypt in style. Explore the bustling markets and historic monuments of Cairo before cruising down the Nile in unparalleled luxury. Marvel at the temples of Luxor and the tombs of the pharaohs as you make your way to Aswan, where the timeless beauty of the Nubian landscape awaits.
Luxury Nile Cruise From USA: Our luxury Nile cruises from the USA offer an unforgettable journey through Egypt's ancient past. Sail in style aboard our elegant riverboats, where every detail has been meticulously designed to ensure your comfort and enjoyment. From spacious suites with panoramic views to world-class dining and entertainment, our cruises offer the ultimate luxury experience on the Nile.
Cairo To Luxor Tour From USA: Embark on a captivating journey from Cairo to Luxor and immerse yourself in the wonders of ancient Egypt. Explore the iconic landmarks of Cairo, including the Egyptian Museum and the Citadel of Saladin, before traveling south to Luxor, the world's greatest open-air museum. Marvel at the temples of Karnak and Luxor, and explore the royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings in luxury and style.
7 Day Luxury Custom Tour USA: Experience the best of Egypt in ultimate luxury with our 7-day custom tours from the USA. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or relaxation, our expertly curated itineraries will ensure an unforgettable experience. From private guided tours of ancient monuments to exclusive access to VIP experiences, our custom tours offer the perfect blend of luxury and adventure.
Best Egypt Tour Packages USA: Discover the wonders of Egypt with our best tour packages from the USA. Whether you're interested in exploring ancient monuments, cruising the Nile, or experiencing the vibrant culture of modern Egypt, we have the perfect package for you. With expert guides, luxury accommodations, and VIP experiences, our tour packages offer the ultimate luxury travel experience in Egypt.
Best Nile River Cruise From USA: Embark on the best Nile River cruise from the USA and experience the wonders of ancient Egypt in style. Sail aboard our luxurious riverboats and explore the iconic landmarks of Luxor, Aswan, and beyond. With gourmet dining, lavish accommodations, and expert guides, our Nile River cruises offer an unforgettable journey through the heart of Egypt.
Egypt Vacation Packages from USA: Escape to Egypt with our luxury vacation packages from the USA. Whether you're interested in exploring ancient ruins, relaxing on a luxury Nile cruise, or experiencing the vibrant culture of modern Egypt, we have the perfect package for you. With seamless transportation, luxury accommodations, and expert guides, our vacation packages offer the ultimate luxury travel experience in Egypt.
In conclusion, with Nile Infinity Tours, your journey to Egypt becomes an unforgettable adventure in luxury and discovery. From the iconic landmarks of Cairo to the tranquil banks of the Nile, experience the splendor of ancient Egypt in ultimate style and comfort. Embark on a journey of a lifetime and create memories that will last a lifetime with Nile Infinity Tours.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Ancient Ceiling Reliefs Uncovered in The Egyptian Temple of Esna
The reliefs were buried under millennia of dirt, soot, and bird droppings.
Conservation work on a 2,200-year-old temple in Egypt has uncovered 12 reliefs representing Babylonian zodiac signs, as well as depictions of stars and constellations that the ancients used to measure time.
The images were found carved into the ceiling of the Temple of Esna in Luxor, which was completed around 250 C.E. and dedicated to the Egyptian god of fertility Khnum. They were revealed by a restoration team, made up of archaeologists from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the University of Tübingen in Germany, which cleared away millennia of dirt and bird droppings from the temple’s surfaces to unveil the 12 astrological motifs that are unusual for a site of worship in Egypt.
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“Representations of the zodiac are very rare in Egyptian temples,” said Christian Leitz, a professor at the University of Tübingen, who explained that the Babylonian zodiac was probably introduced to Egypt during Ptolemaic rule between 305 and 30 B.C.E.
“The zodiac was used to decorate private tombs and sarcophagi and was of great importance in astrological texts, such as horoscopes found inscribed on pottery sherds,” added Daniel von Recklinghausen, a Tübingen researcher. “However, it is rare in temple decoration. Apart from Esna, there are only two completely preserved versions left, both from Dendera.”
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Zodiac signs aside, the restoration effort further unearthed a trove of other reliefs, including illustrations of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.
A host of deities and fantastical animals were also found, such as a snake with a ram’s head, a bird with a crocodile’s head, and yet another snake with four wings.
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Additionally, researchers discovered some previously unknown inscriptions, which had been covered by soot and inadvertently preserved. Analysis is currently being carried out on these new finds.
Restoration on the Temple of Esna began in 2018, and has involved the cleaning and recoloring of the monument’s surfaces. Along the way, the team has logged finds including a colorful fresco made up of 46 depictions of Egyptian goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet, as well as painted inscriptions that detail royal titles and caption the constellations carved into the temple’s ceiling.
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holidayspackagesglh · 11 months
Journey through Time: Egypt Tour Packages for History Enthusiasts
Are you a history enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for ancient civilizations, mysteries, and timeless wonders? If so, it's time to embark on an unforgettable journey through time with Egypt tour packages. The land of pharaohs, pyramids, and unparalleled archaeological treasures beckons you to explore its rich history, and we have curated the perfect Egypt tour package to cater to your historical curiosity. Let's delve into the remarkable experiences that await you on this captivating adventure.
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Exploring the Heart of Egypt: An Egypt Tour Package Overview
Your journey through time begins with an Egypt tour package that promises to unravel the secrets of this ancient land. These meticulously designed packages offer history enthusiasts the opportunity to immerse themselves in the unparalleled wealth of Egypt's historical and archaeological treasures. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the tranquil banks of the Nile and the captivating monuments in Luxor, you'll have the chance to uncover the stories of a civilization that has fascinated the world for centuries.
Cairo: The Gateway to Egypt's Past
Your adventure commences in the vibrant city of Cairo, a bustling metropolis that seamlessly blends the past with the present. As you explore the city, your Egypt tour package will take you to iconic historical sites such as the Giza Plateau. Witness the Great Pyramids, a testament to the architectural brilliance of ancient Egyptians, and the enigmatic Sphinx, which has guarded this sacred land for millennia. With knowledgeable guides leading the way, you'll gain insight into the engineering marvels and the myths that shroud these colossal structures.
The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum
A visit to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a must for any history enthusiast. Housing an extensive collection of artifacts, including the world-famous Tutankhamun's treasures, this museum is a gateway to Egypt's history. Your Egypt tour package ensures that you have ample time to explore its galleries, giving you an up-close look at the pharaohs' possessions, jewelry, and mummies, providing a unique perspective on ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs.
Sailing the Nile: A Voyage Through History
From Cairo, your Egypt tour package will take you on a captivating journey along the Nile River. As you sail on a luxurious cruise, you'll experience the same breathtaking views that once inspired ancient poets and travelers. The Nile's lush banks are adorned with temples, tombs, and monuments that whisper tales of a civilization that thrived along its life-giving waters. The temples of Karnak and Luxor, a testament to human craftsmanship, and the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of many pharaohs, are among the highlights.
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Past: Luxor
Luxor, often referred to as the "world's greatest open-air museum," is a history enthusiast's dream come true. In this part of your Egypt tour package, you'll discover an array of archaeological treasures. The temple of Luxor, dedicated to the god Amun-Ra, and the temple of Karnak, an astonishing complex of sanctuaries and pylons, are mesmerizing examples of ancient architecture and religious significance.
The Valley of the Kings: A Royal Necropolis
Your Egypt tour package will lead you to the awe-inspiring Valley of the Kings, where pharaohs were laid to rest in ornate tombs. Step inside these hallowed chambers and witness the intricate hieroglyphics and elaborate murals that adorn their walls. The stories of these rulers come alive as you explore the resting places of Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and more.
Aswan: The Tranquil Beauty of the Nile
As your Egypt tour package continues, you'll reach Aswan, a serene town on the Nile's banks. Here, you can explore the High Dam, an engineering marvel, and the Unfinished Obelisk, which provides a unique glimpse into the stone-carving techniques of the past. Take a tranquil boat ride to Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, and admire the breathtaking architecture that has survived millennia.
The Enigmatic Temples of Abu Simbel
Your journey through time wouldn't be complete without a visit to the legendary temples of Abu Simbel. These monumental structures, built by Ramses II, are a testament to the grandeur of the New Kingdom era. The colossal statues guarding the entrance and the intricate interiors leave an indelible mark on every history enthusiast.
A Night Under the Stars in the Desert
To add a touch of adventure to your Egypt tour package, consider an optional excursion to the Western Desert. Spend a night under the vast, star-studded desert skies and connect with the Bedouin culture. Enjoy a traditional dinner and explore the awe-inspiring White Desert with its unique chalk rock formations. This desert escapade provides a unique contrast to the historical treasures you've encountered.
Returning to Cairo: The Journey's End
As your Egypt tour package nears its end, you'll return to Cairo, where you can soak in the final moments of this historical adventure. Explore the Coptic Christian Quarter and the historic Citadel of Saladin, each offering a unique perspective on the city's rich past. Savor local cuisine and shop for souvenirs in the vibrant markets, where the bustle of modern life meets the echoes of history.
Conclusion: A Timeless Journey through Egypt
An Egypt tour package for history enthusiasts is a mesmerizing voyage through time. It offers an immersive experience in the heart of a civilization that continues to captivate the world. From the awe-inspiring pyramids of Giza to the tranquil banks of the Nile, and the enigmatic temples of Luxor and Abu Simbel, this journey is a testament to human ingenuity and a profound appreciation for the past. So, pack your bags and embark on this unforgettable adventure to discover the secrets of Egypt's fascinating history. Book your Egypt tour package today and unlock the mysteries of this timeless land.
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
A 3,500-year-old royal tomb near Luxor. The tomb was likely constructed at a time when Hatshepsut, a female pharaoh, co-ruled ancient Egypt with Thutmos III.
Thutmos III old, when he came to the throne around 1479 B.C., and Hatshepsut, his stepmother, acted as his regent and later co-ruler until her death around 1458 B.C.
Another Website coverage Heritage Daily
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 year
Cairo and Nile Cruise Luxury Holiday
Cairo and Nile Cruise Luxury Holiday
Cairo and a luxurious holiday on the Nile, Enjoy a magnificent experience while sailing the majestic Nile River on one of Egypt's top cruises, the Nile Cruise Aswan, a five-star luxury floating hotel that travels between Luxor and Aswan.
Explore almost what Egypt has to offer and sail between the treasure that have survived through the ages from the Ancient Egyptian Civilization with our Nile Cruise Aswan. Enjoy the romantic weather of the great Nile River on board luxury Nile Cruises from Luxor to Aswan and vice versa. Get the best excursions in Luxor and visit the old capital during the Pharaonci Period, sail between the fancy two temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo, then touch the beauty of Aswan while visiting its main attractions, and more with Luxury Nile Cruise Holidays .
Luxury Holidays Egypt ,Enjoy Nile Cruise Aswan, dive deeper into sites with Nile Cruise Luxor Aswan, astonishing Nile Cruise Aswan with Maestro online travel, Scout sites between Luxor and Aswan on board your Nile Cruise, increase your knowledge about the Pharaohs history, if you are new to cruising, here's a great chance to be enchanted with Nile River land scapes, gorgeous history and ancient Egyptian culture.
Day 1: Arrival Cairo Egypt
You will start your Egypt tour by a meeting and assistance service upon arrival at Cairo airport by Maestro Online Travel REP. Transfer to your hotel in Cairo Welcome drink upon arrival at hotel in Cairo, Check in with free time to relax, Optional tours are available, Overnight in Cairo
Day 2: Pyramids, Museum, Khan El Khalili Tour
Breakfast at hotel in Cairo, Meet up with personal Egyptology guide, explore the wonders of great Giza Pyramids area where are the most famous monument of the world & of Egypt. Also you have the chance to take a camel ride (Extra charge). Proceed to the mighty sphinx and ask your guide about the reason for head of man and body of lion. Take your private car to Egyptian Museum, the richest museum of Egyptian antiquities in the world. After you finish your Cairo Museum drive to have lunch in good quality restaurant in Cairo including services and charges. Drive to the biggest market in Middle East Khan El Khalili Market. When you finish your day tour in Cairo tell us your feedback about Cairo tour before arrive your hotel. Overnight in Cairo Hotel
Day 3: East Bank Tour in Luxor
Breakfast at your Hotel in Cairo, Maestro Online Travel tour leader will drive you to Cairo Airport, fly to Luxor (flight around 1 hour) arrive Luxor, check into your Nile Cruise before Lunch, immerse you inside the historical temples and ruins of Luxor, and see around Luxor Temple, is large temple located in Luxor East bank built for the god Amun, after that have a short ride to the amazing Karnak temple The complex is a vast open-air museum, and the second largest ancient religious site in the world, after the Angkor Wat Temple of Cambodia. Walk around Karnak temple and have a look on Magic Lake and amazing oblisques, free time in Karnak temple and after that drive to have Lunch in Luxor restaurant. When you finish drive back to your Nile Cruise and overnight
Day 4: Luxor West Bank Tour
Breakfast and after that drive to West Bank visiting the wonders of Valley of the Kings and Hatshepsut temple passing on Colossi of Memnon, begin your day tour in Luxor west bank with the royal tombs of Thebes (Luxor) and climb down the tombs for kings and nobles (the ticket valid for 3 tombs). Valley of the Kings is your gateway to Royal tombs for 62 Kings and nobles in ancient Pharaonic time, after that drive El Dier El Bahari and visit Hatshepsut temple, the only queen who ruled Egypt, continue your West bank tour in Luxor and stop on Colossi of Memnon for the king Amenhotep III. It's the time for Lunch on Nile Cruise, free time to enjoy sailing to Edfu, Dinner and Overnight
Day 5: Edfu and Kom Ombo Temple Tour
Have your breakfast and discover new experience with Edfu temple tour, check into carriage car with horse and move to visit Horus Temple in Edfu, the temple dedicated to the falcon god Horus, was built in the Ptolemaic period between 237 and 57 BC. Also Horus temple the best preserves temple in Egypt, you will find out much information about the mythical interpretation of this and all other temples. Your Nile Cruise will sail to Kom Ombo and visit Sobek Temple in Kom Ombo, its unusual temple dedicated for two gods Sobek the Crocodile and Hathour God the god of fertility and creator of the world. Finish your tour and back to your Nile Cruise dinner and Overnight
Day 6: Aswan Tour (High Dam, Philae Temple, Unfinished oblisque)
Meet up with your guide in Aswan with a direct transfer to Visit the High Dam, The Unfinished Obelisk & Philae Temple, Afternoon Tea Cocktail, buffet dinner with music and dancing. Overnight on board your Nile cruise in Aswan
Day 7: Disembarkation – Cairo
Have your tasty breakfast at Nile Cruise, disembarkation from Nile Cruise, Maestro Online Travel guide will accompany you to Aswan Airport, fly back to Cairo, arrive Cairo and transfer to your hotel and rest of the day is free for leisure, overnight
Day 8: Final departure
Breakfast, check out and leave your room before 12PM, Maestro Online Travel representative escort you to Cairo Airport terminal for final departure.
For more info
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ahmed-yasser88 · 1 year
Reasons behind why Egypt's popularity keeps rising among Tourists from west
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Egypt is Witnessing a growth as a tourist destination after the pandemic, along with enormous increase in flight booking and demand on holiday packages close to surpass 2019 figures, Given that, it is reasonable to claim that the country of North Africa is currently the most popular travel destinations.
After recovery, the demand for Egypt increasing regularly sine mid-2022, the country abandons the restrictions allowing tourists to enter whether vaccinated or not.
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Americans are in the front of this recovery, expecting that U.S arrivals will exceed 2019 level by 2024. Nile Cruises are the most demanding activity, Nile Cruises are among the activities that you can enjoy in Egypt, you can check out Egypt Tours they are offering variety of Travelling packages in which you can choose from what suits your interests, budget and how many days you want to spend
You can check Top Egypt Tour Packages to access a wide collection of travel packages, you can visit many historical places including Giza Pyramids, the great Sphinx you'll cover most of sightseeing tours in Egypt in addition to take attractive pictures of temples in Egypt if you're interested you can check out Egypt Classic Tours.
If you're willing to experience one of Egypt Nile Cruise Tours through the eternal Nile river and the main source of life for centuries, you can enjoy sunset scene while enjoying your dinner in a romantic ambiances. Furthermore, you can also add one of Egypt Day Tours to your traveling program, they are one day or half a day trip in Egypt as example if you want to visit Tutankhamun's tomb along with Queen Hatshepsut's tomb in Valley of kings and many historical places as Luxor is rich in antiquities you can check out Luxor day tours.
AmaWaterways stated that its initial Nile river tour only in 2022 shows extreme demand on Nile Cruises so they will launch a second ship in 2024, Another cruise line, Viking, has noticed a substantial increase in demand for Nile cruise reservations. According to Richard Marnell, the company's executive vice president of marketing, its "offerings" in the area are expanding in reaction to the successful restart of tourism.
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why do Westerners are attracted to Egypt
One of the oldest and most culturally significant countries is Egypt.It is most renowned for being the Land of the Pharaohs and boasting an infinite supply of wonders from the Ancient World. It is situated in North Africa, in the historic Maghreb region.
Its huge capital, Cairo, is a megalopolis noted for being the biggest city in all of Africa and a tourism powerhouse home to the iconic Egyptian Museum, where visitors may view some of King Tutankhamun's items and other treasure troves.
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When Someone mentioned Egypt, the first thing comes to mind is the pyramids of Giza, you can check Egypt Luxury Tours to Enjoy your stay on a luxurious Nile cruise while visiting the most significant historical monuments in Luxor and Aswan and taking in the sunset. Learn about Egyptian civilization and the well-kept secrets of Egyptian history. Appreciate the excellent level of service and mental tranquilly. if you are looking for something more affordable, Egypt Cheap Budget Tours to walk and discover the other cities and Cairo's renowned and magnificent Medieval alleyways. Learn more about Egypt tours, history, the legacies of the kings and queens who ruled the country during its golden age, and more.
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Beyond Cairo, Egypt houses five main ports and its coast extends along the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, Alexandria Shore Excursions the Mediterranean's pearl and the habitat of many historical palaces the Montazah Palace, one of the city's royal palaces and the location of several hotels geared towards tourists. Alexandria is regarded as on of the best Egypt Shore Excursions since it has a large number of beaches spread out throughout the city's districts and is divided into different sorts to meet all forms of tourism in Egypt.
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theresah331 · 2 years
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