#And Adva was my target
techmetronix · 12 days
Which is the best PPC company in Gurgaon ?
In today’s digital age, effective online advertising is essential for business growth. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. At TechMetronix, we offer comprehensive PPC services in Gurgaon designed to help your business achieve new heights. Let’s explore how PPC can grow your business and why TechMetronix is the best Pay per click service provider in Gurugram
Understanding PPC Advertising
PPC advertising is a model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It's a way to buy visits to your site, rather than earning those visits organically. Google Ads is the most popular platform for PPC advertising, but there are many others, including Bing Ads and social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.
Why PPC is Crucial for Your Business
Immediate Results: Unlike SEO, which can take months to show results, PPC ads can generate traffic almost instantly. This makes PPC an excellent strategy for businesses looking for quick visibility and leads.
Targeted Reach: PPC allows you to target your audience based on keywords, location, demographics, and even the time of day. This ensures your ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the chances of conversion.
Measurable ROI: With PPC, every aspect of your campaign is measurable. You can track clicks, impressions, and conversions, allowing you to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.
Cost Control: You have complete control over your budget with PPC. You can set daily or monthly spending caps, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, ensuring that your budget is used efficiently.
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TechMetronix’s PPC Services in Gurgaon
At TechMetronix, we provide tailored PPC services in Gurgaon to help businesses maximize their online advertising efforts. Here’s what sets us apart:
Expert Strategy Development: TechMetronix team of PPC experts begins with a thorough analysis of your business, target audience, and competition. We develop a customized strategy that aligns with your business goals.
Keyword Research: Identifying the right keywords is crucial for a successful PPC campaign. We conduct extensive keyword research to ensure your ads appear for relevant searches.
Ad Creation and Optimization: Our creative team crafts compelling ad copy and designs that attract clicks and conversions. We continually test and optimize your ads to improve performance.
Detailed Analytics and Reporting: We provide comprehensive reports that detail the performance of your PPC campaigns. This includes metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS).
Continuous Management and Optimization: PPC is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. We continuously monitor and adjust your campaigns to ensure they deliver the best possible results.
Benefits of Choosing TechMetronix for PPC Services
Local Expertise: As a Gurgaon-based company, we understand the local market dynamics and can tailor your PPC campaigns to resonate with the local audience.
Proven Track Record: We have a history of successful PPC campaigns across various industries, driving significant growth for our clients.
Dedicated Support: Our team is always available to provide support and make adjustments to your campaigns as needed.
FAQs about PPC Services
What is PPC advertising?
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is an online marketing model where advertisers pay each time their ad is clicked. It’s used to drive traffic to websites quickly.
How does PPC benefit my business?
PPC provides immediate traffic, targeted reach, measurable ROI, and budget control, making it an effective tool for boosting online visibility and generating leads.
Why choose TechMetronix for PPC services in Gurgaon?
TechMetronix offers local expertise, a proven track record, customized strategies, and dedicated support, ensuring your PPC campaigns achieve optimal results.
How do you track the performance of PPC campaigns?
We use advanced analytics tools to track key metrics such as clicks, impressions, CTR, and conversion rates. Detailed reports are provided to keep you informed about your campaign’s performance.
How can I get started with TechMetronix’s PPC services?
Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your needs and develop a customized PPC strategy to help you achieve your business goals.
Investing in PPC services in Gurgaon can transform your business by driving targeted traffic, generating leads, and increasing conversions. With TechMetronix’s expertise and dedication, your PPC campaigns will be in capable hands. Contact us today to start growing your business with effective PPC advertising.
For more information, visit TechMetronix.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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I wanted to clown my OC Adva so I made this specific comic just to do so lmao.
It’s easy to spot her in a crowd because of her unique hair style!! 🌴 Too bad she gets roasted over it! 😢
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smcvay19ahsgov-blog · 6 years
The 3 Ps Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
1. Include:
Republicans: Republicans support stem cell research, but not embryonic stem cell research. They believe embryonic stem cell research destroys human life.
B. I don’t agree with their position because I feel like the embryonic stem cell research has just as much benefit as the adult stem cell research.
Democrats: Democrats believe in the importance of stem cell research. The Obama administration lifted federal restrictions on stem cell research.
B. I agree with their position because I believe that the government should fund stem cell research.
Libertarians: I was not able to find anything about embryonic stem cell research on their website. However, I was able to find one Libertarian named Gary Johnson and he was against federal funding and believed it should be up to private laboratories to operate the research. I think they don’t have their opinion stated on their website because they don’t believe the government should fund that kind of research.
B. I don’t agree with their views because I believe the federal government should fund embryonic stem cell research.
Green Party: I was not able to find out embryonic stem cell research on their website, but I did find one Green Party member’s view. Dr. Jill Stein believes that the federal government should fund embryonic stem cell research.
B. I agree with this view because like I said before I believe embryonic stem cell research should be funded by the federal government.
Peace and Freedom Party: I was not able to find anything on their stance on embryonic stem cell research. I think they didn’t include their opinion because embryonic stem cell research is not a very popular or well-known topic.
B. I can’t say if I agree or disagree with this party because I don’t know their views.
1c. I most identify with the Democratic Party. I don’t think that’s surprising. I would vote for that presidential candidate if he or she supported embryonic stem cell research.
2. Identify one national interest group:
2a. Interest group name- 314 Action
2b.A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group-These members and grassroots supporters are committed to advocating for more STEM-trained candidates for public office. They are the largest resource for helping scientists run for office. 
2c. Visit the interest group’s website.- 
-This group’s goal is to “Provide a voice for the STEM community on social issues” 
-  They also want to “Elect more leaders to the U.S. Senate, House, State Executive, and Legislative offices who come from STEM backgrounds”
-When Shaughnessy Naughton (The President of 314Action.org) ran for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 8th District she attracted a lot of attention. Although she did not win, she said she learned that there were not enough scientist in Congress and many were denying basic, scientific facts. 
- Harmony Knutson is the Director of Advocacy and she leads the state and federal government relations and advances 314 Action’s policies. 
- 314 Action is keeping a close eye on members of Congress who are anti-science. 
-”Under the Scope” is the program that will scrutinize the actions of anti-science politicians.
2d. Describe one piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses
- 314 Action endorses TJ Cox. Cox is a candidate for US Congress, California’s 21st District. Over the last six years, his focus has been to develop community health clinics and healthcare jobs. Cox is also a registered professional engineer. 
2e. Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When?
-314 Action is located in Washington, DC. There are no local meetings.
2f. Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they? 
- There are opportunities in California, but they do not list what they are unless you sign up. They have volunteer opportunities in 35 states and the DC. 
2g. Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group
-I found it interesting that they have t-shirts for sale and one of the t-shirts have Albert Einstien’s face on it. They also have organizations on over 75 college campuses. 
3. State interest group
3a. Interest group name-  BIOCOM
3b.A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group- BIOCOM is the strongest public voice for science companies in California. They advocate for developments of STEM education and strive to improve human conditions.
3c. Visit the interest group’s website.- 
- In their website, it stated, “Biocom is urging the House and the Senate to increase funding for the NIH in FY2018 and FY2019.”
- In their website, it stated, “Biocom is urging Congress to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA)”
-BIOCOM has an office in Washington DC
-They are fighting Congress and telling them to repeal the Medical Device Tax
-BIOCOM has a Legislative Committee to discuss local, state and federal issues 
-BIOCOM advocates for the science industry in California 
3d. Describe one piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses
-BIOCOM endorses Nathan Fletcher for San Diego County 4th District Supervisorial Seat on September 12, 2018. Nathan has a record for working with science. He served two terms in the California State Assembly.
3e. Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When?
- They are located in San Diego, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Tokyo, and the Bay Area. If I was a BIOCOM member then I could attend the “Breakfast with Biocom: The Power of Education - Translating New Technologies for the Clinic” meeting. It is located in San Francisco on November 14, 8:30 a.m.
3f. Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they?
-Yes, I could volunteer for the “STEM in your backyard program”.
3g. Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group
- I found that this organization is involved in multiple countries. For example, Tokyo, China, United Kingdom, France, and Australia.
4. Compare the two interest groups
Which one seems more organized? More successful?  Who is their target audience? Supporters? 
- In my opinion, 314 Action seemed more organized. 314 Action also seemed to fit my issue better. Their website was easier to navigate and they seem to have clearer goals about what they want to accomplish. 314 Action does seem more successful because they work directly with candidates trying to get into office. It is also stated that in 2018 there are more science candidates running for office than ever before, so that means 314 Action’s message is being heard. This group’s sole focus is to elect more pro-science politicians. I think their target audience is anyone who believes in science and wants to see more science in Congress and leadership roles. 314 Action has grassroots supporters. BIOCOM does not seem as organized because their website was not easy to navigate and their message wasn’t as clear. Although BIOCOM seems very successful, they aren’t as successful as 314 Action. I think the target audience for BIOCOM is mainly for people in California, but also expands to people around the world. I think this organization is also intended for anyone who is passionate about STEM education and the spread of knowledge about science. The supporters and partners for BIOCOM are California Biotechnology Foundation and Adva Med and more. 
5. Choose one PAC or Super PAC that pertains to your civic action issue.  Include:
5a. PAC name- Cmte/Advancement of Stem Cell Research
5b. A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the PAC
-This PAC is for the advancement of stem cell research.
5c. How much money have they raised/total receipt? How much have they spent? How much cash do they have on hand?
- In 2004 they raised $26,400 and they spent $26,700. Their beginning cash on hand was $1,336 and in the end their cash on hand was $1,550. 
5d. How much of their budget is spent on: Republicans? Democrats?
-Their budget in 2002 spent on Republicans was $0 and $500 for Democrats.
5e.  Who are some of their donors? How does this reflect the interests of the PAC?
-The majority of donors were from New York. Some include: Rocca Zimmerman (NY), Gary Susser (FL), Susan Talve (MO), and Frank Cocozzelli (NY) donated $2730 from seven separate donations. This means a lot of the donors were private. This means the PAC donations weren’t as high as some PAC’s that got major corporation’s donations. 
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini
Experts at IBM X-Force observed a new campaign involving the HawkEye keylogger in April and May 2019 aimed at business users. 
Malware attacks leveraging a new variant of the HawkEye keylogger have been observed by experts at Talos. The malware has been under active development since at least 2013 and it is offered for sale on various hacking forums as a keylogger and stealer. It allows to monitor systems and exfiltrate information.
The latest variant appeared in the cybercrime underground in December 2018, it was named HawkEyeReborn v9. The author is selling it through a licensing model and is also offering access to updates for specific periods of time.
“IBM X-Force researchers report an increase in HawkEye v9 keylogger infection campaigns targeting businesses around the world.” reads the analysis published by Cisco Talos. “In campaigns observed by X-Force in April and May 2019, the HawkEye malware focused on targeting business users, aiming to infect them with an advanced keylogging malware that can also download additional malware to their devices. “
In April 2019, threat actors launched numerous campaigns aimed at targeting industries such as transportation and logistics, healthcare, import and export, marketing, agriculture, and others. 
Attackers delivered the keylogger through malspam campaigns focused on business users. The messages pose as messages sent from a large bank in Spain or fake emails from legitimate companies or from other financial institution.
“X-Force researchers note that the infection process is based on a number of executable files that leverage malicious PowerShell scripts.” continues the post.
Experts noticed that the malspam campaign is originated from Estonia, the malware while experts observed infections worldwide.
“A few campaigns X-Force analyzed in April and May 2019 show that the infrastructure the malspam came from is hosted on similar assets.” concludes Cisco. “It is possible that HawkEye operators further pay for other services from the malware’s vendor, or from another cybercrime vendor serving up spamming campaigns,” IBM concluded.
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Pierluigi Paganini
(SecurityAffairs – HawkEye, hacking)
  The post HawkEye Keylogger is involved in attacks against business users appeared first on Security Affairs.
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Go to Source Author: Pierluigi Paganini HawkEye Keylogger is involved in attacks against business users Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini Experts at IBM X-Force observed a new campaign involving the HawkEye keylogger in April and May 2019 aimed at business users. 
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blindinthemind · 7 years
[ Ask the Mun for a Drabble / Fic for their Muse | accepting ]
[ First night away from their Guardians ]
“What are you doing there, Mister?”
Seraphina stared up at the buildings, wondering about the interior. Was it like her home, well decorated and glossy? Or was that sort of design too expensive for other people?
“Hey. I’m talking to you, tall guy.” The voice spoke again, anger strong in the tone. It seemed the speaker did not like being ignored. The lady looked down at the stranger. The man was dressed in shabby clothing, appearance similar to one of an assassin - that was too poor for proper clothing. He was an average height, around 6'2". But he had a goofy image that just wouldn’t leave her mind.
A hint of a smile twitched on Sera’s lips at this thought. But the man snarled, flashing his dirty, sharp teeth.
“The fuck are you laughing at? Huh?”
“Sorry,” Seraph answered, watching as he stiffened. “But you look like a kid who’s playing dress up, pretending to be an assassin. It’s quite amusing.
His dark eyes narrowed, and she noted how his skin was mottled with cuts and scars. The skin on his fingers and face was worn down and hanging off. Unsightly, to say in the least.
Then, without warning, she was pressed against a wall, a hand pinning down her arm and the other gripping her waist, fingernails digging into her skin. The man was now smiling eerily at her, cackling in a low, soft tone.
“You’re a upper bitch, aren’t you?” He breathed. “Oh, I thought you were just some tall geezer, but oh… your voice is no man’s voice, and that accent. What’s a lady like you doing dressed up like that?” The Lady’s heart was beating erratically, but her expression stayed neutral.
“Please unhand me.”
“No no, I would never! You can make me a fine business, young lady. Shall I ransom your parents? Or perhaps have my fun with you, and let some friends join in… hm?” He was now pressed up even further against her and she could feel her breathing get faster.
Moving her glove towards her mouth, she noticed she was trembling.
“Get. Off. Me.” Her voice was mumbled as she clamped her teeth down on the cold steel.
“Why? Will mummy and daddy get worried if I touch their little doll?” He crowed in mirth. “Why should I fucking care, you little bitch? I’m going to make you mine and sell your worthless b-”
And then she tugged out her dagger with her mouth, and effortlessly sliced it against his throat.
His speech was cut off by a wet gasp, then a choking breath. His soon-to-be corpse collapsed in a heap and she backed away from it, before she fell to her knees, the shock of the situation leaving her weak and unable to even stand.
Breathe. One, two. One, two.
The shock wore off and she moved towards her attacker, staring down at the blood stained husk of a man. Seraphina felt nothing. Apathy drove away any emotions she had a long time ago, sans anger. But she still drove a kick to the man’s crotch, even though he wouldn’t feel anything. A sort of revenge, she told herself. 
She just killed a man. 
But he deserved it. Kill or be killed. Strength above all.
She looked through his pockets for anything useful, and felt some sort of paper in his trouser pocket. It was drenched in blood, deemed unreadable. It looked similar to the papers that Assassins would get, telling them about their target and preferred way of killing them, but it was always destroyed. It had to be, no assassin would jeopardise their job by letting proof of what they did lie around. Clearly this man wasn’t very skilled. Who on earth would hire him?
Unfolding the paper revealed very little, except for random words which were still readable through the red paper. However, Sera noticed the symbol on the corner of the paper and peered at it; then she choked out a cry when she realised what it was.
The Advae insignia - her own parents?
Her mind drifted to the last conversation she had with them, where they wished her well on her travels… her mother had that cruel smirk on her lips and her father was staring at her with contempt - could they have…? Would they have?
Anger immediately clouded her mind and the paper was torn into millions of little shreds, fingers curling into her palm in a poor effort to contain herself. 
Of course. Of course they would. 
An effort to make her suddenly fearful of what life would hold outside of her room, to make her want to turn back and to never try to leave again. To… To defile her to make her feel worthless? To make her worthless?!
Seraphina scoffed coldly.
“Fuck you two,” she uttered in fury to the sky, hoping her parents would feel the full brunt of her rage and her words somehow. Then she turned on her heel, finding herself an inn to stay at for the night.
She wouldn’t fall, no matter what they threw at her.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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So… I made some OCs for Black Clover~! I had them for a while but I was too hesitant to post them here… But!! I finally found my resolve! I’d love to see more Black Clover OCs in this fandom tbh! It’s fun to create them and see other people’s OCs~!  I posted Adva in a different site but wanted to post her here on tumblr as well!
Here are some information about my OCs if anyone is interested!
Koli Igneus
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B
Birthday: November 20
Astrology Sign: Scorpio
Height: 188 cm
Weight: 79 kg
Eye: Brown
Hair: Wine
+ Protective, loyal, confident, creative, hardworking, intuitive
- Curt, aloof, judgmental, distrustful, workaholic
Physical Strength: 5
Magic Amount: 4
Magic Control: 5
Magic Sensing: 3
Cleverness: 4
Intuition: 5
Is childhood friends with Adva Euterpe. 
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of four.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Seems cold to those she isn’t familiar with but warms up once she’s comfortable (may take a while though).
Lacks sleep due to obsessively researching different types of weapons late at night. Primary reason why she has eye bags.
Is a weapon fanatic and a night owl.
Despite her demeanor, she has a sense of humor. People just rarely joke around her because of how intimidating she looks.
Favorite things are honest people and researching different types of weapons.
Body frequently aches from always being tense.
Her favorite Cinder Creation Magic is her Cinder Scythe.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To increase intellectual stimulation.
Nicknames: Weapon Freak, Amazon, Old Lady
Adva Euterpe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O
Birthday: October 20
Astrology Sign: Libra
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Eye: Blue
Hair: Green
+ Sacrificing (Before becoming a Magic Knight), easy going, whimsical, adaptive, witty, analytical, generous
- Irresponsible, lazy, fickle, cunning, self-indulgent
Physical Strength: 4
Magic Amount: 3
Magic Control: 4
Magic Sensing: 5
Cleverness: 5
Musical Talent: 5
Is childhood friends with Koli Igneus.
Grew up as a peasant farm girl.
Previously inherited her family’s farm for being the oldest child of three.
Been in the Black Bulls for 2 years.
Has an IQ of 148 but mostly uses her brain to avoid responsibilities.
Used to be very responsible before joining the Black Bulls. After being relieved of inheriting her family’s farm, she went down hill and became very lazy.
An excellent performer of poetry and musical acts.
Her hairstyle makes her an easy target to be made fun of. Despite this, she takes it in stride and even makes fun of herself to make other people laugh.
Favorite things are poetry and entertaining others.
A bard and clown wrapped into one being.
Her favorite Music Creation Magic is her Music Flute.
Motives of being a Magic Knight: To use music to ‘touch’ people’s heart.
Nicknames: Palm Tree, Pineapple Head, Seaweed Hair
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