#I might even post my oc x canon ship later on
yoshizawaviolet · 2 months
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— ❝ One day at a time. ❞
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✧ ADMIN. celeste (kroosluvr) / she/her / 23 / PST (but i'm pretty nocturnal)
✧ TATSUYA SUOU ASK/RP (@lonesingularity)
headcanon-based, canon-divergent at times, celeste's personal and beloved take on sumire yoshizawa! established july 17 2024.
all art posted or used as icons is either mine or from official persona media! please do not repost or use my art without permission!
please read my rules under the cut before following or interacting - we do not have to be mutuals to interact! ♡
no spoiler tags for p5r
open rp ✧ rp prompts ✧ all rp ✧ sumire musings ✧ art tag ✧ sumire answers ✧ verses
okay to respond to open rp, rp prompts, or musings whenever!
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— ONE. my number 1 rule is absolutely no NSFW or R18 content. (even in AUs/timeskips.) aside from sumire being a minor, around age 15-16, i myself am not comfortable with that. i may also not interact with accounts that largely post nsfw/r18 stuff for my own comfort. please understand!!!  
— TWO. blood, violence is ok to a certain extent! but nothing crazy! i'll let you know if it's to an uncomfortable extent for me! 
— THREE. i may respond to asks/rp with art, but do not interact with me with expectations for art. if you even remotely tell me to draw something for you, i'll probably stop talking to you or block completely. (Vice versa, if you're an artist, please don't feel pressured to respond with art!!! <33)
— FOUR. this is my first time rping as a canon character, and running an rp/askblog at that! so, i'd like to restrict rp to persona series characters (and persona OCs) only for now. this might change later! the only mainline game i'm unfamiliar with is p1, and i haven't played strikers or finished tactica yet. 
— FIVE. i may not respond to your ask if 1) i can't think of a good answer 2) the ask is confusing 3) makes me uncomfortable 
— SIX. hopefully this is obvious but please no unsolicited flirting/overfamiliarity with the muse or admin, especially out-of-character.
OK !!! ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
sending asks about specific ships/leaning towards certain pairings, and feel free to specify if you'd like! "i.e. what do you like to do with x, what do you think about y?" as i am an avid sumire multishipper, basically any sumire x pthief or highschool-aged npc is valid! cross-persona series characters are also valid with chemistry! (so probably don't ask "what do you think about minato" as there's nothing to go off)
if we follow each other (reminder that i follow from kroosluvr!) honestly feel free to shoot a starter anytime, i don't mind at all! even multiple rps going at the same time are awesome!!! ^^
totally ok to drop a thread if you don't see it going anywhere or it's naturally come to a close! (though i think ending it with an [END] of sorts would be nice hehe
my sumire is bi demisexual! my favorite pairings for her are shusumi/shuakesumi poly/akesumi (my favorites! feel free to read here for more), kitasumi/violetfox, annsumi, sumitaba, ryusumi, and sumifumi!! but as mentioned, totally willing to rp/think/draw other ships!
NO !!! Σ(°ロ°)
probably no rp with other sumires, sorry - i just don't think i have ideas for that haha
please don't push headcanons or ships on me!
please don't dm me unless we've interacted before!! if there's any inquiries you have re: my art, commissions, please dm my main, kroosluvr.
please do not push me to answer your ask!!!!!! totally ok to nudge me if we're mid-rp though and its been 48~ hours!
do not use the icons that i make for sumire, as they're tailored to my depiction of sumire and therefore i don't want anyone else to use them.
thanks for reading! let's have fun! ♡
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foressfaction · 29 days
Don’t send hate or harass ANYONE in these pictures on ANY side or for ANY reasons.
Also please stop DMing Seirei, me, and my friend mentioned in this post. We’re all stressed and just trying to understand things as so much is being spread right now.
Simply, the only reason for this being the screenshots of stuff I have personal experience with. And some stuff he has said about it. I believe Plague has explained himself enough multiple times. It’s all the same story and same defense. So I can’t-declare if any of it is straight excuses or actually what happened. He knows what goes on more in his server and behind the scenes if anything so if it is all a lie. He’s the only one who will know that.
I’m gonna mainly talk about my experience now? It’s not too bad as not gonna lie we barely talked and I think I just might know why. I heavily enjoy ticcijack and he very openly does not. As you can probably see in the message showing how he spoke about me. He didn’t follow back cause of that and chose to overall avoid me at first which COMPLETELY VALID!! If you don’t like content someone posts then you don’t have to follow or like them!! So this was all fine. However during DMS with him he was thankful that I wasn’t “toxic” when I said it was okay that he didn’t like the ship. And I find how ironic that he would still go and talk crap about it to his friends in a private GC. I never hated on his OC X canon ship in fact I thought it was cute and I was interested in the book he was writing and his content. But after that blatant disrespect I lost all respect for him as a person. That was just the starting point as the whole server I was in (I’ll get more into that) was slowly becoming filled FILLED with KIDS! like it’s okay to be a minor and join someone you enjoy’s server and have fun but some stuff being said in there belonged in an 18+ channel ATLEAST.
Plague as already explained this and well I can’t argue with that as it is HIS side and HIS defense so it’s all up to how he takes this. I don’t have personal experience with what he did with others or if any minors were dmed (comfortable or not I don’t think an adult should speak that way to a minor even if that minor says it’s okay…that’s still not right and will forever be on the ADULT if anything comes out)
About Plague: I don’t hate him, I think he just has a lot of learning to do. He makes dark humor jokes and that’s alright but in the end some people will not be alright with that. It should be more clear in your server who is and who isn’t a KID. For some reason I don’t remember the age roles being a thing when I was in the server but I could be wrong.. and despite that there’s almost 1k members in that server.. 500 are minors and a whopping 100!!! Are adults. WOAH. that means a whole third of the server don’t even have an age role. Basing if it’s anything like my community on tiktok it can range from 10-16 year olds! It’s not okay. I’m not saying he’s a pedo as I think that’s pushing it and there’s no active evidence that he sexted or was being very vulgar with a minor just yet and I hope there won’t be. As everyone else was sharing their experience I would as well. Plague has problems that stretch beyond the surface and he’s said this. Mental health can make u not think, can make u do stuff you’ll regret and be held against for. I’m taking that into consideration too when reading everything. I used that excuse to wash what he said about me under the rug cause let’s be real it wasn’t that bad I’ve heard worse.
Plague shares almost the same authority as me however. And people need to be aware on what he’s currently doing that can potentially be bad or upsetting. The way he talked alone made me feel very weird. He was kind to me, helped me with my server, answered questions. We had small talk and overall my personal experience with him wasn’t ill intentioned, but later down the road when I met a good friend once again through his server that I have been on and off with since 2020 is when he started to suddenly not like me.
Not gonna name drop due to them not wanting their name in it more than it already is but I already knew them since again, 2020. Met them again through his server and we sorta just clicked again and we made gcs and played Roblox, mindless friendly things. Apparently this bothered Plague to the point of straight up malice. They were also good friends with Plague, being a mod. They told him about the SA and yes, called themselves a wh*re as a joke but they told me plague knew about the SA and proceeded to joke about it and started to make my friend VERY uncomfortable. They have bad confrontational issues and don’t know how to say no and set clear boundaries. Which is why they stayed friends with him for longer than they felt comfortable with. He was sexual towards them (both adults thankfully) They were worried that he was spreading that they “slept with a lot of people” to others when they indeed never did any of that and that the fact that Plague even thought that was very scary. Plague treated them like a toy, didn’t want anyone else talking to them but wouldn’t even really talk to them himself. Due to this my friend was very upset and didn’t know where the relationship stood. Plague actually asked them out while drunk one night and made them spiral due to not knowing what to say or feel. He offered to fake date and they agreed. This whole time he blew off calls, didn’t respond to messages. And when they did call it was all flirty small talk or questions that they didn’t know the answer to yet. I was there being their backbone for all of it, me and another friend who sent that anonymous post that’s in one of the screenshots mentioning them being called a wh*ore and the SA stuff.
My friend never could get their side out cause they’re scared and I don’t blame them. They don’t like drama. I don’t like drama. But sadly we are part of this and it’s important to share the sides.
The whole thing is, we know how Plague speaks about people when he doesn’t like them. It’s bad, but we can blame it on anger at the end of the day anyways right? There’s always something we can blame it on other than ourselves. It’s okay to learn and grow. No one should HATE Plague. It’s all about personal preference on who to believe or on who to understand better. His explanations so far are explained. I don’t know the other end of those. I only know what I and a friend have experienced. I KNOW there’s more I just cannot think straight to remember it all.
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I strongly agree that this is what started it all, this screenshot was sent anonymously to the server I’m still not sure who. But it’s about me. (Shocker) did it hurt my feelings? Sorta. But I got over it quick. I have 40k followers I’m used to far worse. But this wasn’t the first time he’s spoken of me. Again i was friends with a mod who’s mentioned to me that he would very subtly hate. Talked about the ship I enjoyed in such a nasty way. Said how it wasn’t accurate. He would assume I’m not who I say I am for how I portray i am. I obviously know I’m not the character but I’m comfortable identifying as it online as that’s what I prefer. The immediate ick I got after reading that was indescribable. Again, I still don’t blame him as you can straight up not like someone, I don’t expect everyone to swoon over me/lh but I was indeed caught off guard.
I saw plague as another adult role model for the fandom and of course wanted to see what his fan base was like and join it as another content creator. Other very popular artists and content creators are in his server too. Doing this kind of stuff while having such a big influence is so low. He said he stopped with the alcohol flaunting when more minors joined but in the end he shouldn’t have done it at all. Minors or not, he has a big platform with so many younger and older followers. Some of which probably romanticize drinking cause their role model cosplayer adult friend does it and it looks cool in videos. Which he drinks in videos too by the way. (Not sure if he does anymore as I haven’t seen a video from him since the discord incident) Like we get it. He’s an alcoholic but even I thought and assumed he was romanticizing it.
Plague did apologize to me. He apologized about what he said and I accepted it. Now I don’t forgive him. But I forget. It’s not that serious to me as I’ve been through worse IRL. a victim of severe bullying. It hurt my feelings but only cause I saw him as an influencer. I mean who knows how the other people in that GC thought about me as well? I’m not sure how much shit he talked about me or anyone else. I was assured by him that it wasn’t more than that and that no one else really cared but I have anxiety and that shit bothers me. This whole situation only reminded me and I wasn’t gonna say anything till my friend was brought up again. I don’t want any misinformation to be spread .
Also for more proof I can make and provide posts with pictures too about the apology and stuff but I didn’t wanna clog up my blog with more than it already is. If people won’t take my word then I will but I won’t at the moment.
About the server: Everyone in there were so sweet and welcoming. I would post my cosplays and art in there. I never posted ticcijack art or mentioned it at all yet “ I talked about it all the time” I was already mutuals with a lot of people in there as well share fan bases for similar content. There were alot of minors and jokes were still being made. I didn’t read much but even other members who were adults would crack odd jokes. Not just Plague. I don’t know who I just remember them all collectively matching Plagues personality and energy which is so worrying. It’s okay to have a role model and someone you look up to but the influence you have Plague is too big for what you accidentally encourage intentional or not. I even saw it.
I left the server shortly after that screenshot was sent cause I was immediately thrown into a bad light and I felt so unbelievably unwelcome as I started to feel that way the more my friend told me about what plague says sometimes. Part of me believes it’s cause I’m another Toby fict kin/cosplayer and that sorta hurts as I used to have a problem with doubles as well till I got over it quickly. I’m friends with systems and other fict kins and IRL safe spaces. I felt the vibe was completely off and after I started to talk to my friend that was also his friend I feel that “jealousy” only got worse. I don’t blame him. I used to be the same way. I didn’t handle it like he did nor did any of the other stuff.
I said if anyone wanted to still talk to me that they can dm. I did not want to support a server that inhabits everything that can hurt me. As for my overall experience there. It was chill. I didn’t chat much if at all. Only dropped in to shit out some art or something cause I’m horrible at small talk and chatting. EVEYRONE was sweet and nice and I kinda miss that experience but the vibe was just off ever since the second week. especially the minor thing.
I joined his server cause I had recently went through a break up and wanted to actually make friends now since I was able to and not feel guilty. I joined through his tumblr post about it and was immediately overwhelmed with the channels but it was for his book so I brushed that off. One of the rules was that you weren’t allowed to ship anything other than what was in his book which it’s his server, that’s fine. But he directly said that to me, knowing I draw ticcijack. To be fair I wasn’t gonna send any of that art to the server regardless as that ship is more of a personal comfort to me and I keep it in my own server where IK people will be okay with it or on my own personal pages like this one or tiktok. I don’t spam others servers with ship art cause I’m aware of others possibly not liking it. I just felt he was secretly annoyed with me from the start, and with that feeling I didn’t feel welcome in that server.
Anyways. Sorry for that essay. It’s long cause I like to yap. Especially if I have a lot of information on a topic. This isn’t hate to anyone even Plague. I think some of it was misunderstood and taken in the wrong way. This is just my personal take and experience with him and his server. Again I can provide screenshots but I don’t think it’s necessary. I hate drama and chose to mostly stay neutral. I’m not defending him or his alleged actions but I’m defending a friend and stating what I know.
Doxxing is never okay, I don’t believe any of the people mentioned deserved to be bashed or bullied even though the allegations are pretty bad. I saw the explanation posts obviously but that’s about it. Again I don’t support that type of childish behavior. Yeah he’s done some shit but doxxing is seriously dangerous and is not necessary.
If you’re on Plagues side or not, do not dm me or send anon asks I will ignore you. This isn’t a post defending him obviously nor is it bashing him. It’s simply stating the truth and I’m sorry if that’s painful. It was brought up by someone and now I’m just pulled into it. I apologize for clogging up anyone’s feed with this bullshit.
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ask-dare-my-bbieal-au · 4 months
hi hello! uhh new ask blog this is new i’m new to this help me hidjdjjskd
main: @churrothezanyrabbit (mostly active-ish there)
i have a discord, feel free to ask for it in messages!
for this blog, and especially due to me being new, asks won’t be answered right away at the beginning, and may take some time, so please be patient with me! (i’m begging for my autistic ass cuz i’ll get stressed out 😭🙏)
rules/dni’s for this blog!!
basic dni, y’know, the obvious
dni if you are ableist, homophobic/transphobic, pedophile/pedo supporter, incest-liker/incest supporter, and y’know just the basics just DON’T BE A FUCKING JERK, and no fetish shit ew/lh
don’t send nsfw asks (dirty jokes are fine, just don’t make them too explicit)
magic anons are allowed just don’t do weird shit like turning a kid into an adult just so you can like them (bc if you like a child character, example being suzy[aka playtime], you’re getting mcfucking BLOCKED YOU WEIRDO), otherwise typical normal (i use that term lightly) magic asks are fine
for the love of dr reflex don’t do any m!preg asks bc to me that counts as an nsfw ask and i will not do it
no fetish art i’m not doing that it’s a nono for me (doesn’t count as nsfw, like what you want as long as it isn’t illegal but don’t bring it to me please/lh)
things i WILL do!
draw (obv, possibly commissions but it depends)
post randomly bc i’m weird like that or im just bored
draw blood/gore/etc (but if it’s heavy i’ll prob censor it, bc ofc, people have triggers and i don’t want to disrespect them, tho if it’s light or whatever i’ll post it)
constantly give new headcanons to the characters (i’m autistic let me do my thing and you do yours without being a dick)
have sporadic on-and-off moments (as in i might not post for a hot while and then have this sudden spur of posting stuff quickly)
attempt to draw oc’s and such (as long as they’re not complicated)
draw other baldi’s OF COURSE :D (as long as they’re not problematic or too hard to draw 🥲🙏)
things i WON’T do!
draw nsfw (obv)
post uncensored heavy gore
have any minor (y’know, like kid) characters do anything normal wear anything even remotely sexual in any way shape or form
accept asks relating to any political stuff or anything in the irl world (this world is purely fictional, and this is partly comfort for me to escape reality, so please don’t 🫶)
ship oc x canon/draw it (sorry it is just weird to me a little bit, ofc i have no problem with it but i don’t want it on this blog, respectfully! however i’ll be willing to draw said oc :3 …if it isn’t complicated 🥲)
interact with problematic content/au’s/other stuff (and if there is any other stuff that is problematic please let me know asap cuz i don’t want to support problematic creators!)
reblogs are heavily appreciated!!
my version of baldi is shipped with my partner’s version of baldi, who is named harris. if you are interested in princibaldi, baldiflex, or princibaldiflex or whatever else you ship then, don’t come to this blog, please. if anything, i’ll be posting it on my main, which is up there! i like those 3 ships, ofc, but i won’t be doing them here./lh
i will not stand for negativity and hate towards this blog, and if you send me an ask directed with hate towards me and/or my versions of the characters anonymously, i will not be answering you. if you don’t like it, get out and block me or something because i’m not taking shit from nobody.
i use tone tags! (please use them back i’m begging)
finally, take the boye!!
the polymorph who is indeed only 4’11”….. (will give other info later)
Phineas King Baldimore!
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castle-in-the-air0 · 2 years
oh, how easy one burns
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
(x OC over on AO3, for those who prefer that). Either way, no use of (y/n).
Aemond’s hand tightened on your shoulder, and he spun you to face him. “You should not have danced with him.” The panic once coursing through you spiked into a furious rage, licking and scorching your spine. Rage at Lorent, for betraying your friendship so easily. Rage at Aemond, however unwarranted, for not coming to your rescue sooner, for behaving as though it pained him to sit by your side for longer than but a moment. 
Rating: M, just to be safe. minors I am in your walls. begone.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Canon typical sexism/gender roles. A guy (not Aemond) get's pushy and a lil' rough. Threat of violence. Reader, though described as a Lannister and shorter than Aemond, has no other distinguishing features. Let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Thanks to everyone who gave me input on my last post regarding whether or not to use y/n!!! It was kinda 50/50 on the matter, so I decided to do reader insert here and an oc over on AO3. So if that's more your speed, check that one out :)
As the young Lady Lannister, you had long known where your place was in the world, what your duty was to your family. It had been drilled into you since you were young; first by your mother and then by your Septa, later in life. Your mother had never once lied to you about what your life would entail. You would marry some noble lord, an heir to a Great House if you were lucky, or perhaps one of your father’s more powerful bannermen to strengthen alliances. You would give your husband heirs and run his household, just as you’d been taught, and if you were lucky, then just maybe you’d love your husband as your mother had grown to love your father. 
Never did you think you’d marry a prince. You had thought to marry Lorent Tyrell, the heir to Highgarden, and you’d told your father as much when he inquired as to your thoughts on the matter of your betrothal. You’d met Ser Lorent on several occasions and knew him to be brave and kind. A friend, even, and you realized you’d be luckier than most ladies to at the very least be familiar with your betrothed, prior to the arrangement. 
But to hear that an offer for your hand came from Queen Alicent herself, for Prince Aemond, no less? You’d been over the moon. You’d wasted no time in rushing to your rooms to sort through your gowns with your ladies to determine which were suitable for the Red Keep and which would need to be left behind. 
Your mother hadn’t been as astounded as you thought she might have been. Or even proud. Instead, upon hearing the news, your mother had grasped your face in her hands and said, “you’re a lion of the Rock. Never forget that. You are worthy of princes, kings, and beyond. When your father asked, you might have put forth the idea yourself. Don't ever temper your ambitions in such a way.”  
(Later, you would learn it was your elder half-brother Ser Tyland, the King’s Master of Ships, who arranged for the betrothal. And much later than that, you would curse your brother for making you an unwitting pawn in his games.)
Aemond might have been a second son, but a royal match was nothing to turn one’s nose up at. To marry a prince. He may not be the heir and you might never rule by his side, but your children might sit the throne one day, or their children’s children. And to be a Princess of House Targaryen? No wife of a Lord Paramount had that type of power or influence. No, you would not be Queen, nor would your husband sit on the Iron Throne, but your mother and father had taught you the game well. The Lannister name is powerful, and if anyone has forgotten I will remind them of such.
Not a moon’s turn after your father agreed to the betrothal, you set off to King’s Landing with your mother and father in tow. You spent the entire journey from Casterly Rock envisioning what Prince Aemond might be like, if you could grow to love him, or him you. Will he be like King Viserys? Good natured and humble? Or perhaps like the Old King, Jaehaerys, stern but with a deft hand for politics. The day you were to arrive you put on your best dress, gifted to you by your mother, and let your mother brush and braid your hair as she so often had when you were a child. 
You’d stepped out of the carriage and squinted against the bright sun of midday. You could still remember the heat of the sun, and how you thought you might burst into flames. When your eyes adjusted, you smiled upon spotting your half-brother’s Tyland and Jason awaiting you, but your reunion would have to wait. Queen Alicent stood amongst those gathered to greet you and your family, and you’d curtsied low to the Queen. 
Queen Alicent’s welcome had been warm, and your stomach had been coiled into knots as you turned to face those gathered. Your eyes eagerly searched the crowd, but none stood out to you as Prince Aemond. He should be recognizable, yes? He had one eye, after all. Alicent introduced the Princess Helaena, Prince Aegon, the Hand and her father, Ser Otto, but no Aemond. 
The nervous, tight knots in your stomach slithered loose and were replaced by bitter shame and fury. If you thought about it too hard, searched deep enough, the humiliation could still be felt. How could I have already displeased him? Did he deem you so unimportant as to spurn you upon your arrival? I am a Lannister of the Rock. Not some common house cat. Queen Alicent must have noticed the disappointment on your face, for she was quick to offer an excuse as to Aemond’s absence, which you did not care to remember. 
You would not meet your betrothed until later that night at dinner, an affair that you wanted more than anything to forget. Cold and terse, Aemond was nothing like the kind King Viserys, or the much lauded, late King Jaehaerys. He barely said a word to you, but he watched you. The entire meal you’d felt his eye burning into your skin, right to the bone and your very being. He always watched you, Aemond did. You struggled to puzzle out whether it was in distaste or annoyance. 
Before long, a full moon had passed since your arrival, and you felt you hardly knew anything of your betrothed. You shared strolls through the gardens, at Queen Alicent’s behest you were almost certain, and he’d even invited you to share a meal or two. He maintained his chilly and reticent demeanor throughout your interactions, and at first you’d tried to keep the conversations from falling into an uncomfortable lull. He is not like this with Helaena, or even Aegon. Now you let them fall. You wouldn't sully yourself by chasing a man who had no interest in you. Prince or not. Even if it condemned you to a cold marriage. 
Perhaps that is unfair. You had made some amount of progress with Aemond. He’d shared with you the story of how he claimed Vhagar, though that was followed with nearly two days of remarkably stony silence. And if nothing else, he was unfailingly polite, no matter his reluctance to share anything deeper with you than common platitudes. He kissed your hand upon greeting you, insisted you call him Aemond rather than my prince, and whenever you walked beside one another, kept your hand tucked into the crook of his arm. Still, he failed to respond to your probing questions with any matter of depth and seemed much more content to watch you with his one eye.
It infuriated you. Everything about your betrothed infuriated you deep to your core, for despite your best efforts, you found yourself utterly besotted with him. How could you not be? You did not wish for a cold marriage, least of all with Aemond. Much to your shame, there was something about him that lit a fire deep in your belly. The graceful way he danced around Ser Criston on the training yard sent a thrill down your spine, and the way he towered over you set your heart aflutter. His quiet intensity, the sharp cut of his jaw, his broad shoulders and lithe muscles, everything about him drew you in. You longed to know what it would feel like to run your fingers through his hair, to feel his arms wrapped tight around you. 
This night, it would seem, would be one of brooding and careful distance from your betrothed. Queen Alicent assured you that your dear, beloved betrothed had never been one for tourneys or feasts. The tourney and feast organized to celebrate the birth of Prince Helaena and Prince Aegon’s twins would apparently be no exception to this aversion. 
The Great Hall of the Red Keep had been finely decorated, with hundreds upon hundreds of candles, setting the room awash in a warm glow. Tall shadows flickered and waved upon the grand pillars lining the hall, and someone had strung garlands and other greenery between them. A small group of musicians played from a cleared space to the right of the Iron Throne, and servants flitted about refilling goblets and presenting new courses. Tables had been arranged to provide room for dancing, and even though the meal was far from over, already dancers flocked to the floor.
You sighed and rested your chin in your hand and watched those dancing with longing. Aemond had graced you with a half-hearted dance before returning you to your seat, where you remained. A pity, for Aemond was an exceptional dancer, and he looked particularly handsome that evening. He wore black, as he was wont to do, and his hair shone brilliantly in the candlelight. The shadows played against the sharp lines of his face as he leaned against a pillar in conversation with Ser Criston. When Aemond caught you staring you refused to look away, and he spared you only a brief scowl. 
Am I to remain here by myself the whole feast? Any other feast, and you might have contended yourself with Helaena’s company. You’d grown rather fond of the princess, even if her adoration of bugs churned your stomach. But Princess Helaena had retired early that night, still weary from the birth of the twins. You had no desire to follow suit and depart early. You’d loved feasts back home, and never grew tired of dancing. Tyland or Jason might dance with me. You scanned the hall for your brothers from where you sat, and when you found no sign of them you huffed. 
Across the table, Alicent gave you a tight, thin-lipped smile of pity. For all your betrothed was reserved, his mother was genial and welcoming. The Queen had been nothing but polite since you arrived, and you much appreciated her efforts to get to know you and even enjoyed the weekly, midday meals Alicent invited you to. You might have struck up a conversation with Alicent but she sat beside her father, deep in conversation, and there was something about the Hand which you misliked. She’s like to follow after Helaena before long, anyhow.
A throat clearing behind you startled you, and you peered over your shoulder to find none other than Ser Lorent Tyrell, the heir to Highgarden who you had once thought to marry, grinning down at you.
 “Ser Lorent! I hadn’t thought you to be in attendance!” You returned his grin with a shy smile and offered your hand. Ever courteous and polite, Ser Lorent kissed it. 
“The grandest tournament of the year? Certainly you know me well enough by now to know I wouldn’t miss it, my lady.” You laughed, and insisted Ser Lorent call you by your name, for you were friends, were you not? “I hear congratulations are in order. Where is your betrothed?” Lorent craned his neck and glanced around the hall. 
“Elsewhere. He isn’t overly fond of dancing,” you said. You glanced around the hall but found no sight of Aemond. Has he left me here alone? 
“A pity. You’ll have to dance with me, then.” Lorent held out his hand expectantly, but you faltered. The dutiful thing to do would be to wait for Aemond to return, but another survey of the hall failed to reveal him. I will not sit here and languish. 
“I would love to,” you said, and took his hand and followed him to the floor. You allowed yourself to study your dance partner. Ser Lorent was far from homely with his honey brown curls, which had been neatly swept back, or warm, golden eyes. He’d been blessed with his father’s sharp jaw and aquiline nose, and in another life you might have been content to marry him. He is no Aemond, though. While Lorent did love tourneys, his father had no doubt sent him to take part with the hope he might find a bride. She’ll be lucky, whoever she might be. 
“You look lovely my lady, as always.” Warmth flushed through you at the compliment. Your dress was one of Lannister crimson, and if it was prideful and vain to think that it suited you wonderfully, then so be it. 
As they danced, he asked you of your father and mother, of your brothers and your time spent in King’s Landing thus far. You were so wrapped up in dancing and laughing as he spun you around and around that you didn’t notice how close he’d drawn you, or how his hand had wandered lower and lower on your back. 
“I saw your father, earlier today talking to my father. Though I don’t see him now.” He lifted you in the air along with everyone else, and you let out a peal of laughter. 
“He despises crowds like this. He and my mother left shortly after they finished their meal.” 
“Pity. I had hoped to speak with him, it will have to wait I suppose.” He spun you out and around again and you frowned. 
When you faced each other once more, you asked, “what about?” What could be so important that he speak to your father in person, rather than by letter? 
“I plan to approach him on the morrow. You shouldn’t marry Aemond, he won’t make you happy.” You froze, and it felt as though someone had tied bricks to your ankles. Lorent pulled you along, guiding you through the dance as though nothing was amiss, as if he’d simply commented on the roast boar that had been the main course.
Your father had signed the agreement upon your arrival. He can’t mean to have my father break it? “Lorent–” 
“You know me. You know nothing of him,” Lorent’s words sat queerly in your belly. Aemond hadn’t spoken to you much, but you saw. You saw the way he treated Helaena with a sweet gentleness, the way he treated his mother with respect and love. And Vhagar. His whole being had come alight when you asked him about the dragon, and even a blind fool could have heard the pride and reverence in his words when he spoke of her. He was fierce and cautious, loyal and prideful and dangerous with a sword. And I thought I knew little of him. No, you’d learned much more than you thought. 
“Lorent, what are you saying?” You knew precisely what he was saying, but you hoped, prayed, that you’d taken leave of your senses and were horribly mistaken.
“It should be me you’re marrying, we both know it. Your father told mine you’d chosen me before Queen Alicent wrote him. It isn’t too late.” The warmth in his eyes had grown to a raging inferno, and you increased the distance between you. Or tried to, anyway. You became acutely aware of the vice grip he had on your waist. 
“Lorent please, I’m happy to marry Aemond. It wouldn’t be right to break the betrothal.” You tried to step back, and his hand fell to wrap tightly around your wrist. You frantically looked around, but no one had noticed anything was amiss. I can’t break away, without causing a scene. You didn’t want to cause a scene, Alicent had worked so hard to put the feast together. You could hear your mother’s stern voice in your head, telling you to keep your composure, to comport yourself as a lady should, to avoid embarrassing your family before the King, in such a manner. 
“Aemond’s a fool. You’re far too beautiful to be treated in such a way. You know it isn’t right, I can offer you so much more. Highgarden is to be mine, it should be yours as well. It’s meant to be yours alongside me, I’ve always intended it to be so. Ever since your father hosted that tourney all those years ago, and we danced together. Don’t you remember? I said I’d make you my lady if you wished.” You scrutinized your friend’s face, but found nothing of the man you knew. His hair had fallen forward and hung in his eyes, and he’d tugged you close enough where you could smell sour ale on his breath.
“We were children, Lorent, I wish to marry Aemond. My father will never break the agreement, it’s been signed, Lorent.” Panic constricted your throat and clouded your brain. You still danced, but to your horror he had slowly worked you towards the back of the hall. 
“You wouldn’t have told your father my name if you wished to marry Aemond. It’s okay if you don’t understand now, my lady, you will in time. We can force your father’s hand, if he won’t see reason. He’ll have to break it if your virtue is in question.” He maneuvered you closer and closer towards the back of the hall and the exit. Your heart shuddered and nausea overwhelmed your senses at what he implied.
You didn’t want to marry Lorent, or be the Lady of Highgarden. You wanted Aemond, with his stormy silences and rough hands and quiet, careful consideration. You subtly attempted to yank your arm free again but his grip tightened, and his other hand skirted even lower than it already was. The flush that flared through your blood now wasn’t one of flattery, as it had been earlier. Bitter dread slithered down your spine. “Lorent please let me go, this is hardly—” 
“If you wouldn’t mind, Ser Lorent, I’d very much like to dance with my betrothed.” Aemond’s voice was low and dangerous, and Lorent was quick to release you. Relief coursed through you and you all but leapt backwards towards Aemond. He set a steadying hand on your shoulder. 
Ser Lorent shifted his gaze between you and Aemond, and whatever he opened his mouth to say he must have thought better of, as he only nodded and thanked you for the dance before striding away. 
Aemond’s hand tightened on your shoulder, and he spun you to face him. “You should not have danced with him.” The panic once coursing through you spiked into a furious rage, licking and scorching your spine. Rage at Lorent, for betraying your friendship so easily. Rage at Aemond, however unwarranted, for not coming to your rescue sooner, for behaving as though it pained him to sit by your side for longer than but a moment. 
That he would presume to tell me such a thing, after I tried so hard to free myself from Lorent. “You weren’t there. I don’t belong to you, I can dance with whomever I wish.” 
Aemond hummed low and stared at you a moment, before sharply grabbing your arm and dragging you from the hall. You stumbled to keep space with him as he weaved through the halls of the Red Keep, up one staircase and left around a corner, before turning right down another. Your demands to know just what he thought he was doing fell on deaf ears until he halted and sent you crashing into him. 
You might have fallen if not for Aemond. He clutched your shoulders and crowded you against a wall. You looked around nervously but there was no one to be found, and no one to overhear. Aemond had brought you to a quiet alcove, far from the feast and drunken revelers. 
“Let me go,” you demanded. You made to step around him but he blocked your path and stepped closer to you. “Why do you care who I dance or speak with? You’ve taken no interest in me, I’m inclined to think you have no wish to marry me at all. It should overjoy you that someone desires to take me off your hands.” 
His jaw shifted, and he stepped closer still. “He wishes to marry you? What did he say to you?” 
“Try not to sound so eager, my prince,” you sneered. “There are plenty who would be glad to take me off your hands, to free you from the burden that is my presence.” You didn’t know where this sudden bravery or impertinence came from, nor why you taunted him so. Perhaps you wished to provoke him, to earn some kind of reaction from him other than his usual, stoic countenance. Whatever it was, you made no efforts to quell it. 
Your back hit the wall as Aemond took a last step towards you. His chest brushed yours, and a large hand gripped your chin. It was entirely improper, and there would be hell to pay if any caught the two of you in such a position. His eye roamed your face and his lip curled in vicious mockery. “You would like that, wouldn’t you? Are you really so ashamed of me?” 
“Ashamed? It is you who are ashamed! Would it truly be such a hardship to spend more than a fleeting moment with me? Am I so terrible?” 
“Why? So you can cower in disgust at my eye like everyone else? Or so I can watch you lust after my brother and the throne, like everyone else?” 
“I do not wish to marry Aegon,” you spat. You thought of how he dishonored Helaena, how he openly lusted after other ladies of the court. Poor Helaena, how I would hate to be shackled to such a rake. “And how can I cower in disgust when you’ve never removed the cover?” 
As if to prove a point, Aemond tore the eye patch from his head and let it fall to the floor. The sapphire was a brilliant blue, a spot of beauty amidst an old, ugly wound. The scar was raised and jagged but still; you did not waver. You tentatively raised a hand to gently brush the scar, though when he flinched you withdrew. “I am sorry that happened to you,” you whispered
For a moment, his scowl softened. He frowned down at you before his face hardened once more. “And Ser Lorent? You do not wish to marry him?” His mocking tone returned, but your anger towards Aemond’s presumptions had simmered away. All that was left was humiliation at the way Lorent had grabbed you, and anger towards him for being so cruel. 
“I do not wish to marry Ser Lorent.” Your voice was soft, and all the vitriol swallowed. You studied the collar of his doublet and the fine, subtle embroidery which adorned it. “I only wished to dance with him, I didn’t think he’d be so… terrible. I did not think he’d grab me in such a way, I hadn’t known him to be a cruel man. I tried to pull away. Did you not see?”
“I did not.” The grip he had on your chin remained, but lessened to something more tender and soothing. He nudged your chin until you met his eye. “You’re to be my wife. I would know what he said to upset you so.” 
You hesitated, but never had you seen such an earnest, guileless expression from Aemond directed at you. It struck you then that he was being sincere. You inhaled deep; a fortifying breath. “He intends to go to my father and try to convince him to break our betrothal. I did not want him to touch me in that way, Aemond. I told him I didn’t want any of it, but he wouldn’t listen.” 
The fire in his eye returned with a vengeance, but this time not directed at you. “Is that all?”  When you shifted away from his prying gaze, he gently turned you to face him again. “Tell me.” 
“He made mention of my virtue. He said that if it were in question— that we could use it to force my father’s hand. I don’t wish for that, Aemond. I swear it.” Something he said earlier itched at your mind. “I am not ashamed of you.” 
Aemond placed both hands firmly on either side of your face, forcing you to meet his eye head on. “I will take his hands for hurting you. And his tongue, for suggesting such a thing, if you wish.” 
The cold intensity of his eye belayed any thought you might have had that he was jesting. You settled your hands at his wrists, keeping him from moving. “You needn’t do that, Aemond. It’s not worth the trouble.” 
Aemond grunted and leaned closer, his nose brushing yours. “It would be. You’re to be my wife, not his. Mine.”  And just as swiftly as he’d dragged you from the hall, his lips were on yours. His hand grasped your head, and the other fell to your waist, pressing you to him. 
It was nothing like the sweet, shy kisses you’d shared with the young squires in your youth at Casterly Rock, behind the stables. It was all fire and fury. His teeth scraped yours,and his tongue traced your bottom lip, drawing you deeper into him. He pulled away, and your lips chased after him and your hands clenched into his doublet. 
You panted, trying to catch your breath and make sense of the shift in his attentions. “I did not think you wished to marry me,” you sheepishly admitted. “Or that you held any affection towards me at all.” 
He brushed feather-light fingers across your swollen lips. He swallowed hard. “I do not think you horrible, or terrible. It frightens me is all, to have something so precious which might be taken from me just as easily as it’s given.” There is more to it than that. There must be. You resolved to not push the issue tonight. What is he so fearful of, truly? 
This time when he kissed you it was slow and languid, yet still anything but sweet. He stepped back and you whined and pulled him back to you, close enough for his lips to brush yours when he said, “if he thinks to approach you again I’ll have his head. See if I won’t.” 
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marislittleworld · 7 months
My Hot Wheels Highway 35 and Acceleracers OC biography (summary):
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I’m writing her fanfic, here is the link 🔗 if you want more details 😉
Maria da Silva Oliveira, or you can just call her Mari, is a youngest sister of a famous brazilian driver as know as "Logan da Silva Oliveira". They moved to California when she was just 13 and Luan was 18 (because his driving career just started and he was getting attention).
When she did 17 years, she already knew how to drive, but she never raced in her life. Her brother never allowed her and he was afraid of something bad might happen like the corrupted racing companies or the cheating drivers.
Logan knew all the famous drivers during his career, and he always invited Mari to watch his races. And then one day, Logan suffered an accident during a race in Grand Prix and Maria got the responsibility to take care of him until he gets better.
Maria received a call from Dan Dresden, he said that he noticed how much Maria admires her brother's racing job, so he decided to invite her to be part of the Street Breed (detail: she is on Toño's place in my fanfic, but he appears after Kurt was banished of the team)
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Most of her teammates weren't kind as she thought, like her own leader, Kurt Wylde, he is always competitive, but two teammates like San Jay Khan and Dan Dresden weren't rude, they are nice people.
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In the World Race, she befriended with Lani Tam, Esmeralda and Toni Berry. Their friendship lasted 1 year after the Highway 35. Maria still have contact with Toni and Esmeralda, but Lani stopped messaging her.
Another year later, she joined the Teku to give her some time for her racing career that she got after the World Race. She noticed that the Grand Prix races didn't have the same adrenaline as the races in another dimension 2 years ago and it was hard being a female driver there.
AGE: 17 (Highway 35, World Race), 19 (Acceleracers)
PERSONALITY: Honest, likes nature, lovely person to hang out with, curious, loves to make art, silly. (my biggest inspiration: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter)
CAR: Mercy Breaker (HW35 e AR), Drift Tech (AR)
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PLAYLIST: here is her playlist
curiosity: the car behind Mari on her second art was painted by her, it looks that way because she likes doing messy things as art. She took the blue and black painting and started to randomly paint all over the car.
"Everything is art, even messy things can be a work of art!"
(also she is one my oc's that are shipped with canon characters... Vert x Mari 😅)
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@acceleracers-baby I'm loving your headcanons, so I wanted to post a summary of my OC's info
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full---ofstarlight · 10 months
tagged by @sun-marie for this "people you'd like to know better" tag game! ty for the tag :3c
resisting the urge to fill this with my oc x canon ships, sO:
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist I recently finished a book where within the first few chapters, I looked up on the subway and put the book down and squinted, thinking to myself wait. Is this Royai fanfic? Turns out, it probably was! The author posted about finishing the manga back in 2019, the book came out in 2022 (I think) and was billed as Fullmetal Alchemist meets (Something I can’t remember). Anyway, Royai has my entire heart, because if there’s one trope that has a stronghold on me it is Dedicated Leader with a Mission x Their Unflinchingly Loyal Second-in-Command Who Will Literally Follow Them Into Hell. The mission comes first! They cannot admit their love to each other! They’re also childhood acquaintances????? An apprentice x master’s daughter????????? And atoning for war crimes?????????????????? AHhHHHHHhHHhHHHHHHHHHHHH. 
Haymitch Abernathy x Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games: Listen. Listen. I’m rereading the series now and apparently what happens when you read them ten years later is that instead of having a big crush on Finnick and shipping Finnick x Annie, you notice that Haymitch is a fantastic smart, snarky, tortured character and Effie is way more resilient and clever than she lets herself on to be and IDK I JUST. Must resist the urge to write the events of the Main Trilogy, but oops Haymitch and Effie were secretly hooking up the whole time. I have stuff to do. I have other fic to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leorio x Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter: At any given moment, they are constantly in the back of my mind. I have my bad HxH brainworms from 2021 to thank for getting me back into fic and tumblr fandom and I just pulled a 35K fic outta my ass in 2021 somehow and even though I'm not writing for them much anymore, I love them with my whole damn heart and I can summon that love with a snap of my fingers.
I had to watch a movie for work last week that is out this week and I really wanted to like it but it disappointed me SO MUCH. :’( 
I’m kicking off Season three of The Legend of Korra! I finally at long last watched ATLA this year (I KNOW I KNOW), and now I’m working my way through Korra. I’m also watching Spice and Wolf and the new seasons of JJK and Spy x Family. 
I am rereading the Hunger Games trilogy! I also checked out three new books from the library and I'm torn on which one I should bring on Thanksgiving vacation (it's an Agatha Christie, a dark contemporary fantasy, and a witchy rom-com). Might go with the Christie since it is the Lightest (like, physically).
Chunky Monkey Ice Cream <3 (I have a pint in the fridge that my husband specifically got just for me since he's allergic to banana)
Ibuprofen for my sore shoulder :(
Coral Island
A vacation that doesn't involve traveling to two different large Thanksgiving celebrations
A massage for said sore shoulder
A cup of tea (this one, at least, can easily be fixed)
taggingggg @theladysarmor @kelofmindelan @maryxoliver @rowingtherubicon @cynda-queer @gwaindrifter @birbycakes @n7viper @gwynbleidd and uhhh anyone who wants to do this!!!!! i will read your thing!
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oneiromania · 11 months
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Welcome to oneiromania's RP blog!
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Hi, call me Nei! I'm a 21 year old female student with just a little over a year of RP experience, though I've been writing for a lot longer than that. Ever since I got into the RP scene, I've been itching to write with others and finally let some of that brainrot escape it's fleshy prison. I try my best to be friendly and understanding, and I don't want or plan to get into any internet (and especially Tumblr) drama. I just wanna write!
I like to chat OOC when I vibe with my RP partners, and I'm prone to gushing about the characters, sending songs and playlists relevant to the RP, making Pinterest boards, sharing memes, and so on! I'd appreciate it if my partner shared the enthusiasm, but I get that that just isn't for everyone, and as long as the RP is fun and consistent, and my partner is respectful and understanding, I don't mind a more chill OOC experience.
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Standard DNI criteria. MAPs, TERFs, racists, and other assholes, get the fuck off my blog.
You must be 18+. As I am an adult myself, I don't feel comfortable writing with minors regardless of the contents of the RP. I also prefer to write with people no older than 30.
I mainly write over Discord. I say mainly because I haven't yet decided if I'm going to make RP sideblogs for specific characters! I'll update this post if I do, but generally I don't RP outside of Discord. Additionally, I like making a private server for easier organization, and I like using Tupperbox. If you don't know what that is or how to use it, I'd be more than happy to teach you! But Tupperbox is not a must.
NO REALISTIC FCs. This might seem like a strange rule, but I simply cannot do RP when the faceclaim is a real person. This goes not only for actors, singers, and other celebrities, but really any photos of real people. You can use picrew or neka, or your own art, or even art you found on the internet. (I'm cool with using photos of real life outfits and stuff for reference, though!)
I write fandomless OC x OC, and sometimes CC x CC. I'll list my fandoms later, but generally speaking, I'm currently comfortable writing only a few canon characters.
My preferred ships are MxM and FxF, and I can also do ships with NB and genderfluid characters. I can do MxF as well, but I vastly prefer queer relationships, and I'll only do MxF if I really feel like it fits the RP. I hope you'll understand! Also: ships don't have to be romantic, I enjoy platonic and familial relationships as well, including friends, found family, and even enemies.
I write third person past and present, and I don't accept RP written in first person.
I can write anywhere from semi-lit/literate to novella. It depends on my mood and what the scene requires. Currently, I'm very busy, so I can only do shorter replies – around 2-3 short paragraphs, and likely not super detailed. Please just use good grammar.
Currently, I DON'T do NSFW. I'm comfortable with flirting and intimacy, but I prefer fading to black when it comes to sex scenes. It kind of depends on the RP and my partner if I'm willing to do more, because I need to feel comfy with writing it first!
I don't double. I know doubling means different things for different people, but however you define it, I don't do it.
My activity varies, as I am in college so sometimes life gets stressful or I get busy. I'll likely do at least 2-3 replies a week, though. At least one reply a week is what I ask from my partner.
Limits and triggers will be discussed before the RP.
Work with me when plotting! I CANNOT plot alone or figure out characters alone, if you're going into this with no plot or character ideas whatsoever, we're gonna have a difficult time figuring out what to write.
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I do both angst and fluff.
I like a lot of genres and settings! I have some plots in mind but I'd love to hear what you have to offer! The genres include: fantasy (high, medieval, victorian...), victorian settings, modern, sci-fi, supernatural, horror/thriller, futuristic, slice of life, and more.
I'm open to dark subject matter/whump. Since I enjoy horror, I also enjoy dark and gritty themes, as well as things that might be upsetting to explore. So long as we're both being mature about it, there shouldn't be a problem. This will, of course, be discussed in detail before we start writing.
I'm prone to making OCs on the fly or repurposing existing OCs, so even if I don't have an OC for our specific RP, I can make one in a matter of several days.
I reblog RP prompts and plots and make my own posts when I have an idea for a plot, so check out the rest of my blog and see if you like anything!
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This is a list of fandoms that I'm into! This doesn't necessarily mean I will RP characters from this fandom, instead, I'm listing them in case you're interested in RPing in the same or similar universe! I don't do CCxOC, but I do enjoy putting OCs in an existing fandom's universe, or making a world similar to that of the fandom. I also just get inspired by these fandoms, so if you look at any of these and think, "I'd love to do something inspired by this!", I think we can make some fun plots!
Fandoms which are bolded are those which I have CC characters I can RP, and I will write the characters I RP next to them
In no particular order:
Alice in Wonderland (the book, the sequel, the animated movie, Alice: Madness Returns)
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Bungou Stray Dogs (have read the manga up until chapter 88) → can try my hand at a couple of characters!
Fate/Grand Order → Merlin (Caster), Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), Gudao/Gudako, probably more
Hades → Zagreus, Thanatos
Detroit: Become Human
Deep Sea Prisoner games (Mogeko Castle, Wadanohara, Gray Garden)
A Night In The Woods
Soul Eater (anime)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Arknights (not super confident writing canon characters right now, but I'd love to use the setting)
Spirited Away
Spy x Family
RPGs (Mad Father, Witch's House, Pocket Mirror, Ib, Alice Mare, LiEat I, II and III)
Honkai: Star Rail
Death Parade
Black Butler
Tokyo Ghoul
SCP foundation
Corpse Party
Little Nightmares (1 and 2)
and more, probably!
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A link to the overview of my current OCs! There's a short description for each of them, and a few of them have full docs ready, while for the rest, I can explain a bit more about them if you're interested in writing with any of them.
For my plot ideas, search the tag #nei's evil thoughts!
For my writing samples, search the tag #nei's evil scriptures!
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I hope to find some more RP partners on here and write some incredible stories! If you'd like to discuss RP, please reach out to me via DMs and I will send you my Discord handle! Happy writing everyone!
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ouatnextgen · 1 year
Hello five people who will look at this blog!
Here is a general overview of what's in this AU and some of what's changed in canon. I won't be re-explaining the entire show (I don't hate myself that much) but when it becomes relevant and/or I have an idea, I will put it here. Like I said in the description, let me know if you need anything tagged
If you have any questions about this AU, the characters, the ships, please ask me! My dumb brain can't remember everything I've come up for from this AU, and answering questions helps me cement everything in my head.
I will use "#the season 7 rewrite" and "#the next gen verse" for my stuff, "#other people's ideas" for other people's stuff, and "#adjacent" for stuff that won't really fit into either category.
This is a queer friendly space. This AU includes trans and non-binary characters, characters in same-sex relationships, aromantic and asexual characters, and queer M/F presenting pairings. If this bothers you, leave and come back when you're a better person.
Mega Change: Hope and Alice are now twin sisters, and Alice takes on more of a role like Rapunzel in Tangled. More on that below.
Ships: Since shipping is...what it is, I decided to lay out all the main ships that show up in this AU, either Next Gen ships or canon. Don't like, don't read ect, ect
Captain Swan
Rumbelle (potentially past, I'm workshopping a bit)
Belle X OC (potentially)
Outlaw Queen (past for a bit, but Robin's coming back, don't worry)
Glass Believer
Curious Archer/Mad Archer
Cygnet Scholar (Hope Swan-Jones x Gideon Gold)
Sleeping Prince/Prince Squared (Neal "Leo" Nolan x Philip II)
There are some other ships as well, but these are the main ones. I might make a post of all the ships eventually, because making up ship names for this fandom is really fun.
Rewrites: This section's gonna be a doozy, so I'm splitting it into three sections; Timeline, Character, and Plot
Timeline *sounds of crying come from the distance*
Timeline and ages are two of the worst documented things in this show. I'm not even going to try with the older characters, but for the younger characters, an attempt was made, starting with Lily's birth and abandonment in 1982, Land Without Magic (LWM) Time.
My AU takes place twenty years after Season 1, so around 2031 LWM Time.
Some of this is headcanon, and most of this is probably wrong, but this works for me, so don't correct me and make this even more complicated than it already is plz.
Lily is born to Maleficent and Zorro
1983: Storybrooke’s Creation
Emma is born to Snow and David (October 22nd)
~eighteen years later~
Henry is born to Emma and adopted by Regina three weeks later (August 15th-September 1st)
~six years later~
 Roland is born in the EF to Robin Hood and Marian (February)
~four years later~
2011: Season 1 (October-December)
Henry is ten
Alexandra is born to Ella and Thomas (October 29th)
2012: Season 1 (January-February)
          Season 2 (February-???)
          Season 3 a
2013:  Season 3 b
Neal Nolan is born to Snow and David (May)
Philip II is born to Philip I and Aurora (July)
Season 4 (November)
Season 5 (December)
Robyn Hood is born to Robin and Zelena (December)
2014: Season 5 (January-??)
          Season 6
Gideon is born to Belle and Rumplestiltskin (March)
Hope and Alice are born to Emma and Killian (April)
Alice is kidnapped by Gothel (May)
~seven years later~
Benjamin is born to Snow and David (January)
Charles is born to Thomas and Ella (February)
Arabella is born to Philip I and Aurora (August)
Lucy is born to Henry and Jacinda (August 15th)
~five years later~
2031: Twenty Years Since Season 1
Character: I am not a huge fan of the multiverse, let me just say that now.
Trying to retcon everyone I liked from Season 7 into the same universe as the rest of the show was daunting (I'm looking at you, Jacinda) but the way I see it is this: Like the show said, there are so many different versions of fairytales out there, but there are also similar fairytales that have nothing to do with each other except common tropes (like Allerleirauh and Cinderella for instance.)
So maybe Alice Liddell and Alice Jones can exist in the same universe, because while they both are called Alice and went to Wonderland, they have totally different stories.
(This entire block of text was mainly about the whole Jacinda/Ella and Ashley/Ella situation)
Alice Jones (mega rewrite incoming): Alice is the twin sister of Hope (older by thirty minutes), and is the daughter of Emma and Killian. She is the new Savior. Gothel kidnaped Alice when she was a month old, and raised her in a tower in the Enchanted Forest for twelve years, just like Rapunzel in Tangled.
When Alice was twelve, she overheard Gothel saying that she was kidnaped, and was able to use her powers to escape. She tried to portal home, but ended up in Wonderland, because her favorite book was Alice in Wonderland, and so she considered it 'home.'
Alice lived in Wonderland for four years, until Will and Anastasia found her and took her to Storybrooke, where she was reunited with her family.
I also thought the whole "hey look at my Guardian OC, they're even more powerful than saviors and they can't be affected by dark magic and they have unlimited power and-" was suuuper dull. So, Alice is a Savior, just like her momma. And this way, it creates a dramatic irony that Gothel, who took Alice to save her own skin, ended up taking the Savior who is destined to destroy her.
Gothel: tbw
Regina: So, it's been a while since I've seen some of the later seasons of OUAT, but as far as I remember...Regina never wanted to be queen, right? Obviously she regrets not being a good queen to her people, but becoming queen was always what Cora wanted for her: Regina herself just wanted to be loved.
So I found it kind of odd that, at the end of Season 7, Regina became the queen of every realm. As cathartic as it is for Regina to receive the title of "The Good Queen" rather than "The Evil Queen," I kind of feel like this is a hollow attempt to give Regina her Happy Ending (after A&E killed her actual Happy Ending off, of course.)
I really feel like the best ending for Regina would be for her to remain Storybrooke's mayor. She can still be a leader and make up for her mistreatment of her people, and I feel like she can do that even better as mayor; she can hear them out and take their criticisms much easier as mayor than Queen. Additionally, being the leader of a smaller town means that the love of her people means something more. Ruling over millions of people from several realms doesn't exactly give anyone the warm fuzzies, yah know?
AND being mayor would give her more freedom and self-expression away from her mother's influence, so that way, she could have her cake and eat it, too.
Snow and David: I have to say, the later seasons (even the seasons I actually liked) did Snow SO dirty--and no, this isn't about the Lily thing. I won't turn this into a rant, but just know that that is my position as of now.
Snow and David still have their farm, but Snow is Queen of Misthaven now. She operates mostly out of Storybrooke (for plot reasons) and she, Regina, and the other rulers of the Kingdoms regularly team up and advise each other. Neal (Leo) is their heir, as Emma turned it down.
Jacinda: Here's where it gets complicated.
Jacinda is SUCH a pretty name, I always thought it was kinda sucky that it was Ella's "cursed" name. So in this AU, Jacinda is her real name. Original Cinderella (Ashley) gets to keep Ella because 1) She was here first and 2) Ashley is a way lamer name than Jacinda.
After much thinking and stressing, I have decided that Jacinda and Ella are still both Cinderella...sorta. Jacinda's story will be reminiscent of the Grimm's version (with some OUAT twists) while Ella's will be based of Perrault's version. The only things I'll switch are the shoes, since Jacinda's whole ship with Henry kind of revolves around GLASS slippers. (In the Grimm version, they were golden slippers, which I will give to Ella instead)
To make things simple: Jacinda never gets a Fairy Godmother, there's a pear tree involved, no pumpkin coach, there are three balls, birds, and glass slippers.
Ella has (had lol, thanks Rumple) a Fairy Godmother, a pumpkin coach and animal coachmen, a single ball, gold slippers, and the nickname Cinderella.
Does it make sense? No.
Is it important to my Next Gen Verse? Also no. So I ain't stressing it.
Jacinda's and Ella's Families: Another easy one. Ella gets the Tremaine name (she was here first, and her story aligns better with the Disney movie) while Jacinda's is changed to Belfrey.
Also, I thought that the whole "Rapunzel is also Lady Tremaine" thing was dumb as all hell, so that just straight up doesn't exist. To keep it simple, I used Victoria and Ivy for Rapunzel and Drizella, and just shortened Anastasia to Ana, because there are both an Anna and an Anastasia in this universe.
Many other characters remain the same: Tiana and Naveen, Facilier (except his and Regina's thing), Hansel turning evil for no reason (I thought that was hilarious) and a few others who don't matter.
I will add more to this post as I think of things.
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zombinooo · 2 years
🚨My RP Rules! Pls read if you want to rp with me ofc i will be reading urs as well🚨
~If interested like the post to lmk that you've read my rules and DM me~
1: No suicide or any kind of triggering jokes if I hear one joke I will be reporting you and leave the chat making jokes about depression/anxiety/addictions/trauma ISN'T fun! :)
2: No gender bender characters pls and thanks.
3: I'm semi lit but I can also roleplay in different styles including the one your used to just so you're comfortable while roleplaying with me so for me that's not an issue at all. ♡
4: OC x Canon or Canon x Canon is fine with me as long as we stay on the topic of the roleplay (Tokyo Revengers) I don't like mixing characters from different animes especially if they have absolutely nothing to do with Tokyo Revengers. Thank you.
5: When you roleplay with me keep in mind  I'm on 24/7 unless I'm at work/asleep/if there's no Wi-Fi/or I have family problems/issues the thing I need you to understand is that my mental health is my number 1 priority everyone haves some kind of problems that you may not know about and we all need time to heal first the rest will come later. ♡
6: I DON'T ship the Haitani bros, the Kawata twins or any other siblings from Tokyo Revengers THEY ARE SIBLINGS and the relationship SHOULD STAY LIKE THAT don't even bother DM me if you ship siblings..
7: NO I repeat myself NO underage characters/OC's if your character/OC is under 18 there's no way I'll roleplay with you I also do NOT roleplay with minors keep that in mind please.
8: Yes i do NSFW rp
Kinks I'm into: choking, breeding, degradation, praises, rope bunny, being blindfolded, gagged, a lot of pussy teasing, cock-warming while not allowed to move, handcuffs, hair pulling, kitty 👅/teasing, begging, daddy kink, princess kink, aftercare
Kinks I will NOT do: piss/shit/food/vomit/anal/milking/sex during pregnancy/male impregnation (that's it for now if I remember something I'll make sure to inform you)
Feel free to share with me ur kinks/interests as well i won't judge
Triggers: mentions of p*dophilia, r*pe, being dr*gged without knowing/giving consent i do not mind the mentions/consuming of drugs as long as it is WITH CONSENT only that of course goes if we stick with the Bonten arc/timeline after all keep in mind that Bonten IS a criminal organization that is doing illegal activities
9: I understand that you have some work/university/family problems as well but if your planing on ghosting me simply because you are busy please give me 5 minutes of your time and tell me about it iI will understand and not throw a fuss about it....just don't let me wait for you to respond if you aren't going to respond it is not a very pleasant feeling. Thank you. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
10: Please don't be weird, don't do weird stuff and don't control characters you aren't roleplaying as.
11: Please don't spam me with multiple messages at once I have a life outside of social media and sometimes would have a lot of things going on simply said I want the same respect back that I'm giving to you. Thank you. ♡
12: Don't make me be every single character I'm still trying my best in portraying males but I don't want all the work to be put onto me it'll probably make me want to stop roleplaying with you so to prevent that from happening in my opinion we should split the characters 50/50 if you know what I mean. Thank you. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
13: Please try to write at least a few sentences because if you write only 1 or 2 sentences it's really hard for me to respond to your text and the fun of the roleplay just dies at least for me...simply said no I don't expect you to be 'perfect' no one is. Thank you. ♡
14: I do like angst but not too much or I might cry my ass off....also i don't mind different arcs/timeline's but i do prefer the Bonten arc/timeline....i mostly use my OC for that and some other male characters from TR as well
So far I've roleplayed as:
Both Haitani brothers
All characters MUST be aged up meaning 18+ not only due to the NSFW part but also due to the fact I would feel uncomfortable knowing they are minors in the rp so i highly insist on aging them up!
15:If I say no about something once please don't push the topic any further. Thanks.
16: NO LGBTQ HATE! I myself am a LGBTQ member please let's simply respect each other and have peace not war! And NO racism please!
17: I'm pretty much down for a bxb and bxg I haven't done gxg yet I don't mind trying it out ofc
bxb ships I will be willing to do: Mikey x Draken, Mikey x Sanzu, Baji x Chifuyu, Hakkai x Mitsuya, Hanma x Kisaki, Sanzu x Mucho, Sanzu x H. Ran, Angry x H. Rindou, Kokonoi x Inupi, Izana x Kakucho
bxg: I have no idea tbh we can figure something out either with canon characters or OC's as I mentioned I don't mind OC's
gxg: I honestly don't know 😅
bxg: Pls keep in mind i only do double up roleplays when it comes to a oc x cc type of rp!
Ur oc x cc by ur choice
My oc x cc by my choice
The same thing goes for a cc x cc type of rp as well!
Ur chosen cc x cc ship
My chosen cc x cc ship
18: Ships I will NOT do: Mikey x Senju, Mikey x Izana, Mikey x Takemitchi, Draken x Takemitchi, Takemitchi x Yuzuha, Mitsuya x Yuzuha, Takemitchi x Toman/Tenjiku/Black Dragon/Bonten/Kantou Manji members, Takemitchi x Kisaki, Takemitchi x Hanma, Takemitchi x Naoto, Kazutora x Baji, Kazutora x Chifuyu nor Kazutora x Baji x Chifuyu
19: Also please keep in mind that my native language isn't English so I might make some mistakes here and there while writing please don't get mad I'm still learning. So to be clear I only roleplay in English. ^^
20: No overpowered OC's please not quite my cup of tea. Thanks.
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sesealotuz · 1 year
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Links>> Carrd Listography (<<working on it)
Hai !! I’m sesealotuz! Please call me Sesea (c sea) or Ko !! self taught young artist on media who is fixated on Aquatic themes and Nezha + Kui Mulang (LMK) !
Currently into Lego Monkie Kid!! may have other fandoms too but it varies and changes a looot... might not post much art as I get pretty distracted when trying to draw...  and as i post this im nearing my final exams!! 
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I do OC x CANON art, OC art and Fanarts if I can/feel motivated to!! I mostly Reblog and (almost) NEVER ask , DM, or even comment due to being VERY shy . I would like pr0shippers/nsfw acc (or anything that falls in the DNI criteria) to not interact mainly because I’m a minor AND feel uncomfortable with anything problematic. Anyone under the age of -13 DNI.
I do have other socials that I didn’t list on my carrd at all! but will probably list them later on. I go by @ sesealotuz/sealotuz on ALMOST all medias. (might change the medias that don’t match) and maybe I’ll list them on my listography (if i ever finish it)
I DO or might add some Character Tags here and there, add images and etc...
I’ll also edit this post once in a while 
I will update this post once I finish my sona’s ref + other oc’s as I’m still not done designing them haha...
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Extra Info!
I don’t do commissions at all, or post “completed art” as in polished and NOT sketchy ones. I do not take requests, although I can do art trades with moots/friends.
I speak Arabic and English, so I might make some silly post with Arabic language (but will be translated!!)
I rarely post, and CANNOT finish any reference for any of my characters. Anything on Toyhouse, Insta or even my older tumblr posts are just scrap stuff. Unless it has been pinned/highlighted.
If you feel uncomfortable w/ my content or blog itself please block/ignore it would be very appreciated if you do not act immaturely about it!!
I’m NOT the most social person around here, and like I said I only reblog and that’s kinda it... I DO allow DMs though. but simple “hi” or anything similar to it makes me very uncomfortable, and the chances of me responding are also slim.
Anything about the Lego Monkie Kid Nezha discourse makes me very uncomfortable. Please do research about his age and not make so much fuss about it. (Side-eyeing Twitter & Tiktok). The “Eternally 12″ Is pure misinformation and I recommend reading threads/users who explain Nezha’s character in general. Or read JTTW & FSYY.
Not too comfortable with any (Canon x Nezha) ships, preferred not to see it much. and not much of a shipper, and kind of do not ship any canon x canon characters. (maybe rarepairs?) 
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 years
Tell! Me! All about Sigrid!! I am utterly curious!!
Hope you're doing well!!
Hello! I am doing pretty well; I hope you are also doing alright!
SIGRID!!! I love her so much and really want to do more with her, but I know my OCs vary from well-known fandoms to obscure fandoms to purely self-indulgent rewrites of canon so honestly I don't blame people for running away from my blog at the first chance they get, haha. She is a MCU/Moon Knight OC and the daughter of Loki and Sigyn, if her last name (Lokidottir) wasn't enough indicator. She is also in a poly ship with Marc, Steve, and Layla, and possibly maybe Jake later on I'm not 100% sure. She survives the attack on the ship and witnesses Loki's death, which causes her to eventually flee New Asgard to explore Midgard like she'd always wanted to but never got a chance to. Total daddy's girl, especially because I'm imagining Sigyn died quite awhile before the events of Thor 1 (since to my memory she has never shown up or even been mentioned in any MCU film to date though in mythology she was married to Loki), and as a result Loki became very.... protective of her. Others may see Loki as evil and nothing more than a trickster, but she knows there's good in her father.
She ends up taking a position at the British Museum of History as an expert in Norse Mythology where she befriends Steven, as they both don't fit in and really have no other friends. She basically involves herself in the whole Harrow-Amit thing by staying after dark to follow Steven around because she can tell Harrow is more than he seems and has an interest in her friend. Which is how she meets Marc and learns about Moon Knight, Khonshu, etc.
Her and Khonshu do NOT get along for like 95% of the show arc - he doesn't trust her because she's a 'godling', specifically of Loki, and therefore a trickster like her father. They reluctantly start to get along after he realizes she stubbornly refuses to leave Marc, Steven, and Layla.
Layla initially wasn't sure what to make of this Asgardian that is best friends with her husband's alter but can't help but befriend Sigrid because of how curious she is. It also doesn't help that Sigrid is capable of holding her own in a fight, despite how naive she first appears with her fascination with everything Midgard.
She does use magic, which is appears green like her fathers, and also uses twin daggers like her father. Those are her main weapons, but she also inherited Loki's ability to shape-shift. Rather than being able to shape-shift into anyone or anything, Sigrid is primarily only able to shape-shift into a raven and, I'm thinking, a snake and maybe a wolf. She prefers her raven form out of those three though.
Her flat is kind of terrifying at first glance, because she has little religious shrines - one to her Uncle Thor, one to her father, and one to her mother - and while only really Thor's is received, having one for her parents is one of the ways she honors them.
Also I chose Daisy Ridley for her FC because I love her and adored the chemistry between Daisy and Oscar in the sequels-I-pretend-doesn't-exist and love Marc x Layla x Steven as an OT3 from the show (my social work background is telling me my preference for OT3+ is probably something i should examine further but uh that's not happening anytime soon if I can help it) and wanted to connect Moon Knight to the larger MCU so Sigrid was born.
I'll probably reblog this post at a later date with other facts (or might just make a separate post info-dumping on her)
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express-archives · 3 months
I just read Risumi’s post and i really love her! She reminds me of my old kny OC (who maybe i should revisit..?) but i have some questions about Risumi if you dont mind.
1. Did Risumi or at least a family member of her family ever visited Muichiro and Yuichiro with Kagaya’s wife (forgot her name) before?
2. In your notes, you said you have made an OC x canon for her before. Who do you actually ship her with? (Also who was shipped with Ambrose before Lian?!)
3. Does Risumi have a favourite Hashira besides Mui?
4. What does Kokushibo think about her mom?
5. What were her thoughts no Nezuko during the Hashira meeting concerning Nezuko’s fate?
Hope you have a good day/night btw!
- 🐱 Anon
HI DEARRR thank you!!! currently working on another risumi post that's more detailed, so look out for that <3
i would say no--risumi was a demon slayer already by that point so she was often away on missions, and she probably didn't even know about the recruiting attempt since she was not a hashira at that point. i might change this but as of now, no. however she or another member of her family would often visit mui & yui after the deaths of their parents (and would often invite them to move in w/ them) (don't ask me why they didn't accept that offer, idk yet 😔😔)
i just use oc/canon as a catch-all term when talking about my ocs and canon characters, regardless of if their relationship is romantic or platonic HAHAH so i haven't actually cared to ship mimi with anyone....... but she kisses girls. If that means anything. teehee (<- could not make cishet ocs even if their life depended on it REGARDLESSSSSS of the time period the oc is from)
risumi gets along super super well with mitsuri and shinobu!!!! they're the girlies <3 shinobu really admires mimi's strength of character and kindness, and believes that kanae's wish lives on through her. mitsuri just thinks mimi is the cutest and sweetest. they adore one another. super cute dynamics RAHHHHH she also gets along with kyojuro very well!
i think kokushibo probably has a lot of criticism to say about rin (mimi's mom). quite possibly the only reason she could not hold her own against him was because she was just so temperamental, so fiercely angry that one of her ancestors was such a pathetic and vile excuse of a swordsman. but he doesn't think about her often beyond that, i think. rin, however, thinks about him very often and awaits the day that he dies. she's still pissed off over twenty years later..... 👍 /lh
mimi actually really, genuinely likes nezuko and hopes wholeheartedly that she doesn't ever eat anyone (i like to think that nezuko also grows to like her a lot later on!!). she understands tanjiro, because, i mean... if one of her baby siblings was turned into a demon, she thinks she would do the same thing he is doing.
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flinttflakes · 11 months
The Quad
(Introducing all my main Ocs in one go)
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In Order of Oldest to Youngest: Maria Dolores Ramirez (She/Her), Diego Marcos Ramirez (He/Him), Nikolai Emilio Ramirez (He/They), and Bianca Valeria Ramirez (Any/All - Mainly She/her due to the timeline)
Maria D. Ramirez
The entirety of the Quad is twenty-two but Maria is the eldest.
She works as popular fashion designer and seamstress.
She adores making clothing and is usually the one who makes the clothes her siblings wear (because she is not letting her family look ugly.)
Maria is married with a wife and has like four kids.
She doesn’t spend a lot of time around the newsies but the Brooklynites play dress up in her stuff.
Diego M. Ramirez
Diego is the second eldest, one of the middle children.
He works as a boxer, and he learned a lot from the people he grew up around.
He’s dyslexic. Boy CANNOT read omfg. God help this man.
He’s so homosexual btw, he’s got like 3 boyfriends and eventually 3 daughters too.
He’s a big family man and loves their family so much.
Nikolai E. Ramirez
Smart doctor man!!!
Third child, and also technically the twins with the youngest because there was a time gap between him and Diego.
He was an apprentice under a military doctor and also went to college in Brooklyn for it.
BRO DOES NOT LIKE NEWSIES. He is friend with ONE newsie and is like done with the rest of them.
He’s also a gardener! He has a greenhouse on the roof he shares with his younger twin.
Bianca V. Ramirez
She’s the youngest but acts the most motherly somehow.
She loves the newsies, loves them all, will/would adopt them all.
The Brooklyn newsies call her Mama B later on and she almost cried.
She shares the rooftop greenhouse with Niko and keeps all her bugs up there.
Bianca is THE ONLY ONE WHO’S IN A OC X CANON SHIP AND I DON’T KNOW WHY. I DON’T EVEN WANT IT ANYMORE, SHE’S MY WIFE NOT YORK’S. Anyways, she’s dating York, eventually marries him, and they have like four kids too. (Fuming about this. FUMING.
Anyways, notes: I plan on drawing more canon newsies stuff and posting old art because THIS IS OLD ART. I AM IMPROVING TOO FAST TO POST JESUS. So, more newsies art, I might start “designing” all the canon newsies just for funsies. I’ll probably start with the Brooklyn newsies because The Quad lives in Brooklyn.
When I mean “designing” I pretty much mean steal my friends designs and mashing it with canon designs and putting my style’s spin on it.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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I wanted to clown my OC Adva so I made this specific comic just to do so lmao.
It’s easy to spot her in a crowd because of her unique hair style!! 🌴 Too bad she gets roasted over it! 😢
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book-of-baba-fett · 3 years
So You Wanna Write Fanfic for Tumblr:
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about interaction on fics, and in general folks talking about a lack of notes on works. I took a moment to think about what has made myself sometimes scroll past or not even see a fic. So I decided to create this little ‘guide’ just for tips on formatting Fanfic for tumblr based on similarities I’ve seen between a lot of ‘popular fics’ and what I feel has worked as a good formula for me! Disclaimer: i am by no means an expert here, nor would i say I’m a popular creator, I just have been reading fic enough to notice what works and what sometimes makes me skip past a fic.
Mock fic format below:
1. Title at the Top of Your Fic
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Optional - photo/gif from of the character you’re writing for or a mood board (I’ve seen a lot of these that utilize the GIF search feature, and I like this because it automatically credits the GIF creator) Other than this feature; do not use Gifs or pics that are not your own without the creator’s permission!
2. List the relationship for the fic: Is it ‘x reader’, ‘x OC’ or is it a canon ship? Is it platonic so you would use ‘&’ or ‘+’ between characters? I sometimes put this in the title, but it’s a big help to include anywhere, usually bolded so it stands out, and people can easily see what it is you’re writing for.
3. Description: This is your chance to advertise your fic! It doesn’t have to be in depth, but just a simple blurb to grab someone’s attention so they’ll click on your fic.
4. Warnings: Even if you don’t have anything of note to list because you’re writing Fluff, Still list none here. It just gives readers a little bit of peace of mind as they go through and search. Also, if it fits the fic, you can have a bit of fun typing out warnings (put a joke about a character who’s usually a dumbass being a dumbass, if you write smut you can hint about certain parts of it) this kinda works as an extra advertiser for your fic. *if you write smut or include other adult content - this is the perfect place to list whether your stuff is 18+ or if you have a rating system.
(Some folks will list word count - I do when I don’t forget to check what it is before posting. This can just be helpful for readers to judge if they want to read now or check out later)
5. Your Fic: now this is a big one - PLEASE put your fic under a ‘read more’. I’ll admit, I have scrolled past fics on my dash because they aren’t under a readmore and it’s frustrating when your entire dash is taken up by works. Some folks will post a paragraph of the work above the cut, then add the read more line. If you’re on mobile, the shortcut is you type :readmore: and hit ‘return/enter’ right after the last colon.
6. Tags. This is another important step because if you’re new and starting out, tags are the way you find an audience. And be shameless with your tags! You want your work out there. So tag the fandom it’s for, the characters included (I only do the main usually if it’s a x reader, but I’ll include others if they have big parts), what genre of fic it is (smut, angst, fluff, etc), the relationship (canon ship, x reader, x OC, etc), and anything else of note! With everything going on with tumblr tags right now, just be mindful of language in the tags. I avoid tagging warnings because Tumblr has started banning some of those keywords, and I also avoid tagging nsfw because I’ve noticed those get lowballed by tumblr (that’s what the warning part above is for!)
Again; these are all just little tips that might help your fics stand out when folks are scrolling through the dash or tabs, and help grab attention that can lead to more notes or interaction. This is by no means what you have to do, format your work how you want to! (Also if you have any additional tips, feel free to add them to this post!)
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cttrajan1206 · 3 years
#arrow sys#Love them#Absolute sweethearts all of em#And suoer fun to sprint with
second,,, i know nothing abt twst or obey me but grabby hands at a ramble; i will absolutely listen if you wanted to talk about it :starry:
Well!! This is good promo! :> The one that i was typing up is finished now and it's the obey me fic! You can find it here:
Mammon and Movies:
Basically! Someone read another fic of mine that included my self insert flappy stimming and also getting mental breakdown so it asked if i could include a couple other stims in another work since he enjoyed my first one! I. Took that request and made an entire fic dedicated to him lmao. So! I asked it later on for what it would like me to include and which character to use and here we are!
This is a 4K fic of Mammon from Obey Me paired with a Neurodivergent!Reader. The plot is that of him showing you a magic trick and smoothly whipping out a movie ticket!! You've been wanting to ask him to see a movie with you for a while so this is perfect! So perfect in fact that you're overwhelmed with happiness and have a brief moment of being nonverbal as you're overwhelmed with euphoria. Then the next day, you meet him at the venue and the date begins! Other scenes include him allowing you to hold onto his bracelets as it's one of your stims (he wears one of every texture to accomodate to your tastes), you dissociating out of anxiety in a movie theatre and him helping to ground you, and finally! Him sleeping on your shoulder before the movie ends.
Ik i kinda just said the majority of the plot lmao but! Its just a fluffy and sweet movie date! I enjoyed writing it a lot although i got about 80% of it done a month ago and tyn didn't touch it for like 2 weeks sjdbsjd i was p sad abt that. I like finishing things quickly esp when its for other people!! But it was a comfort during a hard time to write this work at 2am under the light of a night lamp and to the tune of street life ambience.
Anyway lmao i'm quite happy with this work, it feels very round and finished to me which makes me happy because it means I didn't need to worry about editing it to feel satisfied. The requester liked it a lot too! Which made me super super happy. :>
Now!! For the twisted wonderland!! That’s a comfort plotline of mine that doesn’t really have a title yet and is still a wip that is written through my friend’s DMs BUT! I will also take the time to promo my twst writing blog! It is dead QvQ On there, you can see a bit more about the self insert in question but for now, i’ll just put the ship name as the title.
Kalim Al-Asim X Sumi Bint Khattar (Plot line):
So!! This one stemmed from me drawing something out of self indulgence and to show it to my friend, I described Sumi B in full and then I told them about my ships and around that time I had like five love songs I was obsessed with. And for each of them. I had. A separate animatic. For like at least 1 ship, the average was two but one had three. Sumi B was the centre of the most ships but not the only one. Anyway!! I told my friend about this and asked if I could dump my ideas onto them! They agreed and I started with a summarised version but then realised I needed a bit more build up so I started to write it in a bit more detail. Hah. It ended up being a Lot More Detailed but even then, I would write the scenes in a much more fluid and descriptive way if it were Real Writing so! I call it a Plotline. It is very long.
The plot itself is. long now. it’s a slowburn lmao because most if not all of my self insert ships tend to be slowburns. But this one? This particular self insert? Sumi B? Yeah she’s the only one with trust issues so she mothers the BIGGEST slowburns known to history. It takes them a year before she even considers him a friend despite seeing him every day and also having multiple deep conversations with him. Anyway though, this one is a big comfort becuase it has something I didn’t really dare to do before. Kalim, the canon character, falls in love with my oc first. Normally I have it the other way round becuase I’m too scared to assume that I would be like, deserving or like desirable enough for someone to have a crush on me. But with Sumi B, even I have a goddamn crush on her lmao. I indulge myself a bit with this one and really play around with emotions and!! In the most recent scene! We have finally reached the part where she actually starts to love him back! :D
I started this one a loooong time ago, at least a month and maybe two? It was Intended to be finsiehd in one night and then i got carried away and my friend got invested and then I ALSO got invested and so I started to develop the plot further so make it more interesting and keep the buildup going. It’s very fun and though i try to limit myself to summarising actions and dialogue, i fail. very often. so it often has little tidbits of more beautiful sentences and tension lmao. 
This particular fic is based off of my imagined animatic for the song “Would you be so kind” by Dodie! I didn’t know about the song until i saw other people’s animatics and I ended up taking it and running away haha! I’m currently really happy with it however I am really dreading the day where I actually write it out properly. If I don’t? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll post the plotline by itself. I have another fic just like it, one with a different self insert who (in fact) is very very close with Sumi B and considers her his older sister, that i ALSO wrote in semi detailed plot lines in someone’s DMs. Both are massive comforts to me and though i love them, their plot lines are so goddamn long that i will dread the day i decide to write them all out.
So uhm!!! Yeah!! XDD Those are the two fics I was talking about! I hope you enjoyed my small ramblings about them haha. I’m starting college soon though so I fear I might have much more time for fanfic.
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