#And I'm telling yall now if gossip pages/shippers start freaking out about it as if she was the one that sent in the pic
futuregws · 9 months
So it's already Friday where I live so that means that "dancing with the stars" the one that Luisa is gonna be in, starts tomorrow (Saturday).
Sooooo what do y'all think?? Is something gonna be said/shown that is Lando related all bc she dated him, I mean it is only the first episode so depending on how long she stays in the competition it could happen later on, maybe it won't happen at all, but what do y'all think bc I can't decide, I've gotten some more "information" in the meantime which is just that she has been doing more TV interviews lately and I'm pretty sure he wasn't mentioned then, I feel like if he was it would have reached people outside of Portugal, but this is a different type of show there are little interviews but it's a little more chill in that aspect and there's also like I've said before, nosey ass people so that's what makes me not be able to decide, bc on one side you have the nosey judges that could say something but then there's also the fact that it's not her first time (at least recently) on TV like I thought so it's not like she's ""fresh meat"" (ew) for them to get stuff off of (I hope that makes sense)
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