#And Phil doesn't care who gets pregnant as long as there are new babies on the way and I can keep Missa as his
phanfictioncatalogue · 3 months
Fics Named After Animals (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
Birds (ao3) - HappyHoloLady
Summary: Phil is a library volunteer who somehow ends up helping with a children’s activity. And as he’s working, he can’t help but notice the curly haired stranger who is really good with kids and really good at making him smile.
Birds and Flowers (ao3) - lovestillaround
Summary: Phil loves plants and Dan loves cut flowers.
Birdsong - phandabbydosey
Summary: Dan has been deaf since birth and, living in a hearing world, deep down he’s always wanted to be able to hear, wanted to know what it’s like to. But when he learns about the Cochlear Implant, an amazing device that could give him what he wants, Dan struggles against his proudly deaf family and himself to decide if he should be ‘fixed’ or not.
Bird Watching Club - placingglaciers
Summary: In which it is Dan’s first year at university where he learns a lot, meets his new best friend, experiences things he never thought he ever would, and understands what it exactly means to be happy, free, confused, and lonely (at the same time).
Dan and Phil and DOG (ao3) - nivi_chip
Summary: It’s Phil’s birthday, and Dan gets him a gift that’s long overdue
Dog Days - adorablehowell
Summary: When Phil blindly agrees to take care of someone’s dog, he and Dan must endure the troubles of handling a dog and hiding her from their landlord.
Lovebirds (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil, two avid birdwatchers bond over their mutual love for birds (and for each other. But that comes later.)
Love Birds (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: "i started a bird watching club at school and you are the only one who showed up at the first meeting so now i love you"
phantom butterflies (ao3) - schnaf
Summary: Dan still got butterflies in his stomach when he sees Phil. But what if they're only phantom butterflies?
pigeons (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan is wondering if it’s too late to admit he really doesn't care for pigeons all that much.
Or, it's 2017, and the two just moved to the new flat which has a balcony and a new hyper fixation for Phil.
Puppy Love - fiction-phan
Summary: “We’re neighbours who don’t really talk but your dog may have gotten my dog pregnant. We must raise this little puppy family together!”
Puppy Love - paradisobound
Summary: Dan and Phil’s daughter Macey has been asking for a puppy for a while. So they decide to adopt a puppy for Christmas.
Puppy Makes Three (ao3) - theoreoqueen
Summary: The story on how Dan and Phil get a dog, as told from the dog’s point of view.
purple hat, cheetah print (ao3) - chickenfree Pairing: Dan/Phil/Chris/PJ
Summary: “If you touch my dick I will kill you,” PJ says, conversationally.
Phil eyes them. “Is that a threat or –”
silly old bear (ao3) - angelmichelangelo
Summary: dan and phil have a problem with their new dog
The Centipede Attack (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It had just been a chilled evening until a certain many-legged thing decided to disrupt the peace. But Phil is very capable and Dan is more than happy to help him calm down afterward.
The One With the Magical Cat - auroraphilealis
Summary: Phil wakes up to find his boyfriend and a cat have switched bodies.
the serpent and the badger (ao3) - CallofTheCurlew
Summary: Dan’s getting a late night snack in the kitchens, when a certain Hufflepuff crosses his path.
The Wonders of Rhinoceroses (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan has a day off where he decides to go to the zoo. There, he finds something cuter than baby elephants.
two turtle doves (ao3) - ravels (orphan_account)
Summary: to say that christmas eve in the howell-lester household was a very busy event would be almost akin to saying, “the sun is rather warm.”
or, a quick obligatory christmasfic featuring parent!phan, baking, and milo the corgi.
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hazel3017 · 7 years
It's totally cool with first female! Sid in the NHL! But what do you think about the fact that it doesn't matter wether your female or male, just as long as you're an alpha you're the in NHL? So first omega in the NHL Sidney Crosby? Obviously if you don't like it it's completely understood, I liked the gender swap one you did:))
So, like, first ever omega in the NHL Sidney Crosby is a Big Deal™ for a long, long time. It’s still a big deal, tbh, even with Stamkos and Tavares and Subban and Seguin and McDavid and Marner and all the ones that followed after, because of the fight Sidney fought for them, because of the road he paved with sweat and tears and blood and sheer will and determination alone.
There’s been a thousand times, more even, over the last decade or so where Sid could have quit, where he thought maybe he should have, and he didn’t. Because that would be the easy way out, and if nothing else, Sidney Crosby never did things the easy way unless it was also the right way.
(The two rarely intersect.)
Sidney is not the only omega on the team anymore. He was though, for years. It was a learning experience more for the alphas than himself.
He’s still laughing at the amount of self-censoring they did that first year, trying to figure out how to reconcile the player on the ice – who was better than all of them, cause that was never in doubt, not ever, not even for his most vicious of hater – with the idea they had of what an omega was; delicate, fragile, someone infinitely breakable.
Sidney hardly had any lovers his first two seasons; his alpha teammates scared them all away, guarding Sid’s virtue like dragons hoarding gold and precious stones. He didn’t care enough to fight them on it then, too busy with hockey and, later, Geno. Besides, it was hilarious watching Knighter and Best Kessel in their high heels and delicate dresses loom over whichever alpha was trying to chat him up. 
It took his teammates a while to realise that but for his ability to bear children, Sid wasn’t much different from them. Instinct is a hard thing to break, though, as are years long habits. But they did it, for him.
Sid will always love them for it, unreservedly. There are still incidents, misconceptions and miscommunications, but they learn from it and they move on.
Hardly anyone gives Sidney a hard time about being an omega anymore. They make up less than 10% of the league, but the few of them that are there are noticeable. And good. They’re all so very good.
When the Penguins win their third Cup in the cap era, Sidney is nearly three months pregnant. They’ve kept it quiet, a secret just for the two of them, even though Geno is a terrible secret keeper, and is constantly breaking into smiles whenever he looks at Sidney. He’s a tactile guy normally, and it’s even worse now, always touching Sidney, finger reaching for him almost automatically. Geno drags him into the gravitational pull of his orbit until Sid is never more than a touch away; Geno settles his hand on the small of his back, or rests them over Sid’s still flat stomach, possessive and protective in equal measure. He holds Sidney’s hip, guiding him this way or that way.
It’s nothing new, really, but Flower notices. Phil and Amanda notice, Kuni, Tanger, Dales.
(Knighter is oblivious, but she always is about these things.)
They see Sid and Geno coming out of Dr. Vyas’ office, all smiles, and they suspect. Sidney knows they do, but he doesn’t want to confirm it just yet. He’s pregnant, and that’s just for Sid and Geno right now.
When they break the news after their Cup win and announce that Sidney will miss the next season, he is expecting the outrage. He’s prepared for it, he’s got his facts ready; Sidney was perfectly safe playing until his 12th week of pregnancy, the baby was perfectly safe, nestled inside his bony pelvis and hidden behind his hockey armour. If there had been any danger, whatsoever, Sidney would have ceased playing.
He’d never risk losing his child.
There is outrage, but not really for the reason Sidney was expecting.
Why, people wonder, after eleven years, is Sidney Crosby the first omega to announce he is expecting? Why have there been no babies before now?
There’s talk about omegas pressured into abortions by team officials or even their own teammates; there’s talk of miscarriages, of omegas being too scared to lose their roster spots to even disclose their pregnancies.
Tyler Seguin alone could have given birth three times over, Sidney learns, and he cries when he finds out.
There is no paternity leave in the NHL, not even for the birthing parent. There is no pregnancy clauses that protects an omega’s right to have children.
Pregnancy doesn’t fall under the category of injury, but the Penguins have already agreed to give Sidney a special leave of absence.
“Of course you can take time off to have the baby, Sidney,” Mario had said, and Jim had nodded in the background as if anything else was utterly inconceivable to him.
Not every team would grant an omega the same privilege.
Sidney can’t abide by that. He just can’t. And he fought to become the first omega in the NHL, he fought to stay there, fought to be recognised for the talent that he is so that those who came after him wouldn’t have to fight the same battles. He’s a fighter. He’s been fighting almost all his life, it’s what he does, so he’s going to fight now too. He’s going to war and he’s going to win.
Failure is not an option.
“I’m going to sue the NHL,” he tells Geno one morning before training camp. He’s six month pregnant now, is sporting a very noticeable baby bump, and is so bored without hockey he hardly knows what to do with himself. “I want them to adopt paternity leave and include more omega rights.”
Geno raises his brows. “Okay,” he says. “Need help?”
Sidney sputters. “You’re not gonna stop me? You don’t think this is a bad idea?”
“Why bad idea? Should have right. Have different need than alpha, so make sense.”
Sidney is honestly so in love with Geno he struggles to breathe around it sometimes. “Right. I’m gonna go call Pat and get this thing started.”
Geno nods agreeably, presses a kiss to Sidney’s temple, and says, “I’m be at practice if you need me. Love you, go kick NHL butt.”
Which, obviously. 
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