#And anyways its GOT to be better than the nursing home. Omg...in pay and in work...No doubt
doebt · 2 years
Guess who got a target iunterviewwwww.... MEEE ^_^ Tbh if the nursing home paid 15 an hr i wouldve stuck with it. Like thats GOOD money for this area with how cheap a lot of apartments here are...including mine
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likeshipsonthesea · 3 years
I don’t know if you take requests for nurseydex fics... but if you do the song “omg did she call him baby” by Beth McCarthy screams a heartbroken Nursey when Dex has a girlfriend
i like really can’t do genuine heartbreak but i CAN do angst that ends happy, so here’s my best shot :)
Nursey’s got a red Solo cup in one hand and a plastic champagne flute in the other and it’s sometime after three but before five and he is definitely not thinking about her or him or them together when he looks up between one sip and another to see the telltale blue hair reflecting the murky spotlights of the basement.
Nursey squints. He could be making things up--his brain is nice like that-- but he doesn’t think he’s imagining things. She’s got very distinctive hair, Dex’s--girlfriend. It’d been rather disappointing, actually, the blue hair. The whole thing had been easier to deal with when he’d been picturing some light-haired brunette going for an economics degree who smiled like a mom at soccer practice. Someone who Nursey could reasonably dislike on grounds of, like, predictability.
But no, Dex had to bring home a blue-haired physics major with a nose ring and good taste in music and the ability to out-argue Shitty while polishing off Bitty’s pie, i.e. perfect. Even Lardo couldn’t pretend like she wasn’t awesome for Nursey’s sake. Even Nursey can’t pretend like Amanda isn’t awesome for his own sake. She’s just so--so--
Nursey squints.
So-- making out with some random girl in a blouse at a frat party.
What the fuck.
Nursey is about two margaritas and three years too deep to be dealing with the emotional ramifications of catching the girlfriend of his best friend (who he’s also kind of sort of possibly maybe totally in love with) macking on some consultant for Goldman Sachs or some shit in the basement of arguably one of the worst frats at Samwell. This one doesn’t even have good music, Nursey’s only here to get drunk without the possibility of Dex calling Nursey Patrol and helping Nursey up the stairs and saying nothing about the poetry Nursey spills or the way his hands linger.
(Fuck does Nursey hate Nursey Patrol, fuck does he hate how much he loves it.)
Nursey downs the rest of the champagne flute--which was probably mostly orange juice at this point anyway-- and hands the red Solo cup to a freshman gearing himself up to talk to a cute boy a few feet away and then Nursey gets the fuck out of dodge. He manages to get a better look at the corporate recruiter Amanda is cheating on Dex with (and really, if you’re going to cheat on Dex, you’re really going to pick a chick in a blouse that probably has opinions on the stock market???) and if he hadn’t been sure before, the distinctive tattoo on Amanda’s shoulder proves that it’s really her.
(“Tattoos? Tattoos? I have tattoos.” “I know you do, Nurse.” “They’re really nice tattoos.” “I know they are, Nurse.”)
Emerging from the basement and then the frat house itself is instantly sobering. The chill from winter hasn’t quite left the air at night and Nursey wraps his arms around himself and doesn’t think about how Dex chirped him about not wearing a coat before he’d left. The frat isn’t far away from the Haus, thank god, but it is slightly farther when he turns left instead of right and then has to a backtrack a bit, but he still gets back in under ten minutes and he can still feel his hands, so overall, a win.
Attempting to get into the Haus quietly is a lost cause, given its one thousand year old floor and the fact that a ladybug could fart in the kitchen and wake up the guys in the attic. Still, Nursey gives it the good college try, which is why he’s creeping ridiculously through the living room when the light turns on suddenly and he screams, much to the amusement of Dex, standing in the kitchen doorway.
“Fuck, dude, what the fuck.”
Dex just smirks in that horribly attractive way of his. “How was the Psi-U basement?”
Nursey thinks of blue hair, washed out in the lights, Amanda’s hand on that girl’s cheek, the way Dex smiles when he’s around her. “Fine,” Nursey says, swaying.
The amusement falters and Nursey wishes he could figure out a way to keep the smile on Dex’s face the way Amanda does. Dex takes a step closer. “Are you alright?”
Nursey shakes his head violently and takes a step back, a step farther away. This is the part where he says yes, yes of course Dexy-darling, I’m right as rain, what about you? This is the part where Dex rolls his eyes and loops his arm around Nursey’s waist, his warm side pressed into Nursey’s. The part where they go upstairs, where Nursey writes his best poetry that he’s too embarrassed to write down when he’s sober, where Dex tells him to sleep well and lingers outside the doorway long enough for Nursey’s breathing to slow and then the floor creaks and Nursey knows he’s gone and wishes he’d held on just a little bit longer--
“Nursey, what’s wrong?”
Nursey shakes his head again. He means to say nothing, he means to say, I’m going to bed, he means to-- “Amanda, she--”
The concern turns to alarm. Why can’t Nursey ever make it better? “Is she alright? Did you see her? Is she okay?”
Nursey shakes his head again. He can’t seem to stop doing that. “She’s fine, she--she--” He swallows, and it’s sticky, cloying, citrusy and sweet on the back of his tongue. “She--there was this girl, she-- Amanda, she--”
Dex won’t stop frowning, concern knitting his eyebrows together with three short wrinkles, and Nursey has wanted to smooth them out with his fingertips every time he sees them since sophomore year, and he shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be telling Dex this while he’s drunk, shouldn’t be telling Dex this at all, but he’s Nursey’s friend first and Nursey has to believe he’d tell Dex regardless of the love thing, he must--
“She was kissing some girl. In the Psi-U basement.”
The wrinkles smooth out. The amusement returns. Nursey--he can’t make sense of it over the ringing in his ears. Why is Dex smiling? Did--did Nursey do that?
“Did she look like a lawyer?” he asks, and at Nursey’s confusion clarifies, “The girl Amanda was kissing. Did she look like a lawyer?” Nursey nods dumbly. Dex’s smile only grows. Nursey is so, so confused and also more in love than he’s ever been. “Finally. I just won fifty bucks.”
What the fuck. “What the fuck.”
Dex laughs--laughs. “The girl’s name is Tammy. She graduated last year and moved to Boston. Amanda’s been in love with her forever, and I bet her that she’d get with Tammy before I--” Flush appears high on Dex’s cheeks, the soft pink one that means embarrassment and Nursey imagines would taste like cherry pie against his lips.
Nursey is--still quite a bit drunk. He needs--clarification. “You--you bet your girlfriend that she would get with her friend at a frat party?”
Dex’s nose scrunches up in Nursey’s favorite way--the same way it does when he’s trying to write humanities essays, the reason Nursey always says yes when Dex asks for help. “Girlfriend? Did you think Amanda was my girlfriend?”
Nursey remembers the start, hearing about Amanda every other day, then every day, then it was, sorry I can’t come, I’m meeting Amanda at-- and then one day at Annie’s, a girl with blue hair and a sharp grin yelled Babe! from across the room and planted a kiss on Dex’s cheek, her hand lingering on his shoulder, sipping from his coffee cup, getting him to smile like that--
“Well, yeah.” Nursey’s head is spinning and, for the first time tonight, not from the gin. “Is she--is she not?”
“Oh God, no, she’s so fucking gay, dude.” Laughter twinkles in Dex’s eyes. Nursey is drunker than he’s been since freshmen year of high school when Shitty snuck in some of his dad’s hard liquor and the janitors found them on the roof singing Disney songs at the moon. Dex’s girlfriend is gay. Dex’s girlfriend isn’t his girlfriend. Dex is--is smiling at him like he smiles at his girlfriend who isn’t his girlfriend.
“Oh,” Nursey says, dazed, “chill.”
“Oh wow,” Dex grins, leaning into the doorframe, “I can’t believe you thought--and you thought telling me my girlfriend was cheating on me at 3am while shit-drunk was a good idea?”
Nursey says, “Hey, honesty is important, and I’m not--” He stops. He remembers something. He squints. “Wait. If you bet 50 bucks on Amanda getting with Tammy, who did Amanda bet you would get with?”
The cherry pie blush is back. Nursey takes an absent-minded step forward. The room feels so much lighter now that Dex’s girlfriend isn’t cheating on him. The distance between them feels so much sillier now that Dex doesn’t have a girlfriend.
“Ah, well.” Dex rubs at the back of his neck, all country bumpkin sheepish to ask his sweetheart to the dance, and--and--
“I’m the sweetheart,” Nursey realizes with the kind of crystal clarity only afforded by the most copious amounts of alcohol.
Dex’s eyebrows furrow, those sweet little wrinkles appearing between them, and Nursey takes two long strides forward and presses his thumb into them. Dex goes cross-eyed trying to watch, but moves his eyes to meet Nursey’s after a moment.
Nursey grins, likely a bit sloppy from the gin, but he can’t find it in himself to care at the moment. “I’m the sweetheart,” he repeats, beaming.
Dex tries to repress the smile at his lips. “You’re not a sweetheart.”
“Yes I am,” Nursey sings, listing forwards. “You like me.”
“You’re an asshole.” Dex’s smile grows. Nursey watches its progress and sways.
“They’re not mutually exclusive,” he says, tracking the pink lips as they spread, revealing teeth and--and tongue and--
“I hate that you can still say mutually exclusive when you’re this drunk.”
“I’m not that drunk.”
“Mhmm. See, I’ll prove it.”
“How do you plan on--”
If Dex’s mouth weren’t so preoccupied, he might say that the taste on Nursey’s tongue is a good indication that he is in fact fairly tipsy, but as it is--well. He’s got other things to do.
(Amanda asserts that they tied since it happened on the same night and only pays $25. Tammy throws in five more and a condom and they call it even. Nursey kisses away Dex’s protest and pockets the condom, much to Amanda’s amusement. Turns out, she’s even cooler when she isn’t dating the love of Nursey’s life.)
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chelseamount · 4 years
Enough About Heather! Part two
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(gif by: @rafecameron)
A/n: PART TWO IS HERE GUYS! I hope you guys will enjoy it, please comment your thoughts it makes my day! thank you all for the support on part one. I love you all
wordcount: 3,3k+
Based on: Before you go by lewis capaldi and A little heather by conan gray but that was part one
Warnings: a lot of angst, fighting, crying, yelling, blood, considering of suicide probs more
Place: Outer banks
One year before the accident
Rafe's Pov
I fell by the wayside like everyone else I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself
"dude you need to focus on something else than Y/n and JJ," Topper says to me as he takes a sip of his beer
"But look at them they think they're special or something" I scoff
"dude she's your best friend, besides they aren't dating and you know that"
"then why the fuck are they hugging."
"you and Y/n do that all the time you're just friends"
of course, he wouldn't understand, he never does it might be because no one knows about my feelings for Y/n, hiding them is better anyway. Cause Y/n and I have been best friends for longer than I can remember, but as we got older, I started realizing my true feelings for the girl that has always helped me through everything.
"I think I'm heading home," I say as I pick up my stuff
"But what about golf," Kelce says as he raises his arms in the air.
"another day," I walk away, but the sweet voice that I know so well takes over my mind as I hear her scream. I quickly turn around I am now greeted with Y/n in the water with JJ while splashing water at him, we get eye contact as she waves at me. I turn around and scoff.
Anger takes over me as I rush into my room, knocking my lamp over.
I sit down on my bed, my hands running through my hair.
"I HATE HER!" I yell as tears start to form in my eyes.
but who the hell am I trying to fool we all know that, that isn't true
One year later
Place: The Cameron mansion
Our every moment, I start to replace
'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say
A setup that's all it ever was. I never thought it would go this far. Still, it did, I knew when I asked Heather to be my fake girlfriend it was a bad idea but what the hell could I do Y/n was always flirting with JJ, and I wanted to see how she would react, but I knew when I canceled our trip pretending it was because I had to be with heather it was a bad idea. But what the hell could I do? I knew if I went on the trip with her, my feelings would grow even more. But what I forgot was, of course, that she would speak with Sarah.
days after and here we are me about to walk into our mansion when I hear her laugh, and at this moment I forget everything going on that is of course until it all comes flooding back
'Heather emergency I'll pay you 100 just be quick,' and she indeed is cause ten minutes after she's here.
"What!" she asks as she puts a hand on her hip
"Y/n's in there."
"ugh fine, OMG Rafe your so funny" she yells
"shh, put this on" I give her my green sweater that I fully well know Y/n loves a dick move I know, but maybe that is what needs to get her to remember all our memories. After all, how can I forget that third of December?
'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say
We start walking down the hall as Heather starts laughing loudly.
at the end of the hall, I see her and my sister pocking their heads out from Sarah's room
"Uh hi," I say
"Hi," Y/n says as she quickly looks at the ground
"Hi," Heather says.
We all look at Sarah
"I'm not saying hi," she says.
now I know I shouldn't do this, but I can't stop myself as I see the hurt in Y/n's eyes
"Could we maybe talk Y/n?"
"Sure yeah, let's," she says as we quietly walk into another room.
"What's up?" she asks as she looks at the ground
"Just wanted to hear how you are."
"uhh, not good, it kinda sucks being blown off by your best friend." shit
"I haven't blown you off." I have
"You have. I see Heather is wearing your sweater." shit, okay, Rafe; this is your moment tell her everything.
"Yeah, I gave it to her, she looks better than me in it anyways." FUCK ME! how fucking stupid can I be precisely what I said to Y/n that third of December
"I feel like I've heard that before," she says, and she's right, okay now you can fix this Rafe!
but jealousy from JJ comes rushing over me as I say, "Calm down, its just polyester."
"It doesn't matter what it is. You like her better anyway" she walks out of the room. "Sarah, I'm going home," she yells
"y/n wait" I try to stop her
"what the hell did you do" I hear the voice of my sister say behind me.
"I fucked up."
When you hurt under the surface Like troubled water running cold Well, time can heal, but this won't
Place: The Dock
"no please Y/n don't close your eyes," I say as her beautiful eyes close the tears streaming down my face hits the ground as I try to stop the bleeding
"hello 911 what's your emergency."
Place: The Outer Banks Hospital
Time it's a thing that you sometimes can't have too much of in this case, that was just the thing, cause as the smell of hospital fills my nostrils, and the blood on my hands starts to dry, time stands still.
Cause I lost her and it's all my fault, if I hadn't hired Heather, we woudn't be here right now.
"Rafe" I hear a voice calling from beside me, I look over as I am met with my sister
"What happened," she asks as tears stream down her face.
"Barry" I sob
"Barry, your fucking drug dealer, this is all your fault," she screams as she starts hitting my chest with her fists.
"Please don't."
"it is, you have always been the worst brother, but you got my friend shot."
"I didn't know it was gonna happen" I grab her wrist as I look her in the eyes
"Is she gonna be okay."
"they don't know that yet."
"no," she falls to her knees as she puts her face in hands.
Now Sarah and I have never been like normal siblings we hate each other, but at this moment we need each other, I fall to her level as I hug her. The tears start again as my body starts to shake.
"Sarah, I can't lose her. I love her."
"I know."
"no Sarah I'm in love with her" she freezes as she looks at me
"you," a male voice calls from behind us, but before either of us can react, a fist comes in contact with my face.
"you prick you got her killed," he says as we start to fight
"No, I didn't, you fucking Pouge."
"Guys stop," Kie's voice interrupts as she breaks us apart, "we need to be here for y/n."
"but he killed her, kie."
"no he didn't JJ Barry shot her, we don't know if she's dead, stop saying that"
"but what if she is Kie I can't lose her."
"I can't either you dickhead" I try to punch him again, but Sarah stops me
And with that said, a nurse walks out, making us all go dead silent.
"Miss Y/l/n is out of surgery, but she is currently in a deep coma we don't know how long it will take for her to wake up, or if she will, but we got the bullet removed, and we are pleased to say that the shooter has been caught"
"thank you, " John b says
"So, who's going to go see her first?" Pope asks
"Honestly I think it should be Rafe," John B says to my surprise
"What why he's the one that got her here in the first place," JJ says
"JJ it's barry's fault, Rafe, you should go in," Kie says
So, before you go, Was there something I could've said to make your heartbeat better?
"hi baby, it's Rafe. I'm so sorry that I put you in this situation, y/n I want you to be strong please, I can't lose you, not you. Anyone but you. I don't know if you can hear me, but the doctors said that there was a chance that you could, so I'm just trying okay. Y/n we have been best friends since forever and ever since I started realizing what feelings were I knew I felt that towards you, I remember when we were small we would always hold hands, and I would give you fake lollipop rings asking you to marry me, and you would always say in some years. Y/n I need those years. I need those years with you. You are what makes me wake up in the morning and what makes me fall asleep at night. And when I saw you getting close with JJ, I got jealous, and I hired Heather, and I know it's wrong, but y/n, please forgive me. Y/n, I love you, so please don't go okay. was there something I could have done anything to prevent this, y/n I want to feel your hand squeezing mine again or your lips on my cheek whenever you leave, I need you y/n please."
Why isn't she waking up she should be waking up why isn't it working why am I not waking up from a horrible nightmare by now why don't she squeeze my hand back
"y/n, please wake up... why aren't you waking up, y/n please" the tears fall freely from my eyes hitting her blanket while softly shaking her.
"Rafe stop, don't do that," Sarah says as she storms through the door "come here," and for the first time I think ever Sarah cares and hugs me like a little sister
"it's my fault" I sob
"no Rafe stop it, I didn't mean that."
"But you were right, what if there was something I could have done, to at least just make her stay awake for a little longer."
"Rafe, there wasn't this isn't your fault. let's go home okay you need to wash the blood off you."
"no, I can't leave her."
"Rafe, you need to go home and take a shower, and then you can return again, okay?" I nod softly as we start walking out the door
As the water drops runs down my body while the towel is hanging loosely around my waist all I can think about is that they are right this is my fault, what if I had never even started on doing drugs then she would be okay this is all my fault.
The drawer in the nightstand where my gun is at that's my only solution, right? If I don't have y/n, then I don't want to live, and the doctors said there was a minimal chance of her surviving, so who the hell am I kidding, after all, I did this.
As my hand comes in contact with the cold metal, all the memories come rushing back, right from the start to the end. As I lift my arm pushing the gun against the side of my head, the tears start falling again, but it's only when I hear the click signally the weapon was now loaded. I fall out of my trance, dropping the gun to the floor.
I can't just leave when things get rough. She needs me. and I need her
Time: a year before the accident.  
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather. So, before you go, Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting? It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless So before you go
your pov
A day at the pool sounded like a great idea when Topper laid out the idea, but now when I'm in my bikini looking at myself, it sounds like less of a good idea. My tights look bigger, and my stretch marks are more noticeable, not to mention my ass is not the best today.
Tears start to fill up my eyes as I sit down on my bed.
But before I can even wipe the tears from my face, Rafe comes through my door, smiling, but his smile falls as he sees the tears falling from my eyes.
"love what's going on," he asks with concern in his voice as he wraps his arms around me.
"it's nothing."
"it clearly is, y/n please what is it?."
"I'm just so ugly and fat a-"
"y/n y/l/n you are none of that you are the most beautiful girl on this planet, there is no one more beautiful than you. And I want you to realize that. when you smile, I smile, and you are not fat. You are perfect and beautiful, and you make me a better person, y/n I love you. You are the person I love most in this world, and you are perfect" he interrupts me, I start to sob at his words as I throw my arms around his neck holding him tighter than ever. all I want is to kiss him, but I know I can't, cause, after all, we are just best friends
Time: two weeks before the accident
Rafe's pov
Was never the right time, whenever you called Went little by little by little until there was nothing at all
I know what I'm doing is wrong. I should just tell her but, I need the right time and moment, and I need to think things through.
Cause I love her
"RAFE YOU PIECE OF SHIT, DID YOU TAKE SOME OF MY MONEY" here we go again with my father, but another day another fight right
"When will you understand dad, I didn-" before I can finish my sentence, my phone rings, I quickly see who's calling.
"Dad, I have do take this," I say about to take it, but before I can press the button, he takes the phone out of my hand.
"the hell you aren't."
place: midsummers
Our every moment I start to replay
You know midsummers used to be a decent event, but without y/n by my side, I have realized how fucked it actually is.
cause with Heather now by my side, which cost me money, not a single smile has fallen from my lips, with y/n that was never a problem
"y/n please, I hate dancing," I said as y/n dragged me across the dance floor.
"yeah, but I love to so you have to" she smiled a smile that makes the whole room light up, a smile that makes everyone else around smile too. a smile that belongs to my favorite person
But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face
"Rafe it's Y/n" Heather pulls me out of my thoughts
"shit do something," and she indeed does cause as her lips capture mine by surprise all I can wish is for those lips to be y/n's, I open my eyes and catch hers. behind the scoff she pulls, there is pain cause I know her better than I know myself and I know that I cause the pain
When you hurt under the surface Like troubled water running cold Well, some can heal, but this won't So before you go Was there something I could've said to make your heartbeat better? If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather. So, before you go, Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting? It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless So before you go
Time: a month after the accident
Place: Outer banks hospital
A month a month has gone, and nothing new. I think people are starting to worry about me after I almost haven't talked to anyone, and I don't think I have left the hospital for two weeks.
Yesterday she stopped breathing for some seconds, and I swear at that moment my world crumbled into pieces, the doctors said it was normal. But holding her pale hand is hard, and not knowing if she's going to wake up is even more challenging.
"y/n, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I need to tell you something. If you're in pain, I want you to know that it's okay. You can let go if the pain is too much, cause you deserve peace, and if that is letting go, then it's okay, but y/n before you go, I need to say something else. I talked with Heather and, I found out that she is actually into girls, and she did it so she could impress the girl she is in love with. they're together now, so that's good, but y/n I never loved Heather."
Would we be better off by now If I'd have let my walls come down? Maybe, I guess we'll never know You know, you know
"But I can't help but wonder if I had just told you how I felt, if everything would be better now, or if you would have been holding me too right now, I guess we'll never know. But before you go know that I love you. I'm sorry."
One week later and I'm still here, I heard the doctors talking today about her maybe not making it, but they can't just give up right.
Every night for the week, I have been having the same dream y/n wakes up, and then I wake up, and she is still not awake.
It's a pattern that doesn't seem to stop.
I can't take it anymore I can't go through it again.
"stop this isn't real, you aren't real please" my eyes stay shut as my hands pull my hair
"Rafe what happened, please open your eyes."
"no, it isn't real."
"what? I'm confused."
"you aren't awake; it's just another dream," a pain in my hand makes my eyes open quickly as I see y/n pinching my hand while looking at me.
"I don't think you can feel pain in dreams" she laughs a little, but before I can even think I swing my arms around her afraid if I let go she will be gone again
"your real" I sob as the tears fall down on her shoulder
"yeah," her hands find my hair as she hugs me back "I'm sorry it took so long, but I couldn't wake up. I tried to believe me, but I couldn't."
"it's okay at least your awake now. I didn't think I would ever hear you talk again."
"I heard everything, you know. I'm sorry if you felt like I was in love with JJ I never was"
"you heard everything?" I ask as we make eye contact
"yeah, and you wanna hear a secret" she moves up to my ear as she whispers "I love you too Rafe Cameron" I smile as the tears start to fall again, I hold her face as tears begin to fall from her eyes too, I move closer to her, and our foreheads meet.
"can I?"
"I would want nothing more, Rafe."
And even though it took years and a gun, our lips finally meet, as a new chapter of our lives starts but this time with each other hand in hand
"why did you hire heather? Why didn't you just talk to me," she asks as she breaks the kiss, but I quickly close the gap again, but of course not before I reply.
"Enough About Heather."
taglist/people taht commented last time: @queenieloveswriting​ @drewstarkeyobx​ @butgilinsky​ @obx-direction-sos​ @lotsoflovefromlea​ @prejudic3​ @wannabeactress​ 
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by anon: The Wonwoo fic and Taeyang fic are so freaking cute and they are so well written too omg! Please write more fics for the both of them as they're my favourites (: Wolf!au? Thank you ((((:
Requested by anon: Wolf!au for wonwoo or woozi! Thank you and I love your works!!
so i got the same au request i hope both of these suited your taste! LIKE I SAID I HAVE OVERWHELMING FEELS FOR WONWOO SO THIS IS PROBABLY LIKE THE LONGEST HEADCANON I’VE EVER WRITTEN THIS IS SUPER LONG OMG BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOY EVERYONE!!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE WONWOO IMAGINES :)))) if you weren’t satisfied please send me another request!
I was lying in bed and was just like “hm you know wonwoo really resembles a wolf????”
I love jeon wonwoo anyways
You lived near a very dense forest with your grandpa
Since it was a small town, there could only be so many things that could happen before word travels
Ofc nothing ever happens in your small town the most eventful thing was when the local market ran out of your favorite potato chips like honEST TO GOD
But as of late there’s been more signs of wildlife in the forest and everyone is lowkey freaking out like what is this we haven’t even had livestock in 80+ years????
Thanks to the dense forest there’s been showing a steadily increase in deer population yay!!!! But also what!!!!
With deer ofc comes…………
Packs and packs of them
You’re worried for your life what if a wolf is gonna attack you one day since you’re right next to their habitat!!!!!
Your grandpa is just like lmao y/n chill i was a hunter back in the days we’ll be fine
It was a chillier day than usual in the winter and temperatures were dramatically dropping
You were tired of being cooped up in the small little house so you were just roaming around in front of your porch and playing with the fluffy snow
You smol child were too busy cutely hopping around to notice a wolf lurking behind the trees oH SNAP
It wasn’t until it got a little closer that you felt a strange presence and you know that eery feeling in the horror movies where it’s like …..i feel like someone is there…..
You immediately stopped and cautiously looked around you
You would have missed it if you weren’t so keen about your surroundings bc the wolf so easily blended in with the forest and snow
yOU WERE GONNA SCREAM BUT dude they can probably smell fear that’s not your best choice here
your heart leapt in your throat so you couldn’t have screamed even if you wanted to (you did)
Gdi your grandpa was out running errands and he left like half an hour ago so you’re kinda screwed!!!
The wolf looked so,,, ethereal and majestic with its mix of black, gray, and white fur and it was still pretty young
It looked more like a wild husky so beautiful i love dogs
But you obviously didn’t have time to soak in their beauty you were about to get eaten for pete’s sake
You were very very very slowly backing away from it your door was only a few steps away
buT IT KEPT INCHING TOWARDS YOU LIKE PLS LEAVE ME ALONE ALL YOU WANTED WAS TO MAKE A SNOWMAN (it doesn’t have to be a snowman im sorry that joke is old)
You decided that maybe since this winter was harsher than normal it was hard finding food
So once your back hit the wall yOU SLAMMED & LOCKED THAT SHIT
You rummaged through your fridge to see if you could find absolutely anything for the wolf to leave you tf alone
“Aha!” you grabbed a piece of red meat and cut up a fourth of it into smaller chunks
You were pretty damn smart like we’re talking about how a pre teen be doing all of this
You brought your cutting board to your window and sure enough the wolf was still outside your house yiKES
You cautiously opened your window and you could see the little ears perking up
You threw the pieces as far as it could reach the wolf in the hopes of him leaving once he’s gathered his meal
At first the wolf jumped back in surprise like ??? what’s this human doing?????
After a few minutes of inspecting the meat the wolf cautiously approached the makeshift meal and started to gobble all of it in seconds flat
You’re just like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that could have been me oh my god,,,,,,,,,,
After it finished eating it looks back up to you and even from afar you can see gratitude and hints of,,,, sorrow??? in its eyes
It turns back to the forest and disappears as fast as it came
All your little body can do is slump against the door clutching your beating heart like i WAS GONNA DIE TODAY
You thought that would be the last time you were gonna encounter a wolf but there wouldn’t be a plot then lmao
You managed to prevent any more wolf encounters as you grew up and by the time you hit 20 you have been successful
But all good things must come to an end
You decided to go to a college nearby to still help take care of your aging gramps but the school isn’t all half bad it’s pretty decent so good for you reader!!
It was now winter break aka the longest school holiday your college granted you with so you decided to return home and spend some Quality Time with your grandpa
Your grandpa’s health has been declining more apparently than ever
One time you had to rush him to the hospital because he fell unconscious and you were trying so hard not to tear up and be strong the whole time
You stayed overnight at the hospital despite the nurse insisting you return home but you just camped outside the hospital room and slept there
You woke up to a random blanket on you and you figured it was just a nurse who knew better than to convince you
Your grandpa quickly recovered in a matter of days go gramps
When he was finally discharged and you were approaching the front desk about the bill they were like “oh it’s already been paid for”
“What that’s strange I didn’t even get the bill yet”
“Someone walked in last night and said they’ll take care of it for you miss”
You thank her and walk away in confusion like,,,, ofc you’re grateful that you didn’t have to pay but who on earth would do that?????
One day you wanna explore the forest because i mean you lived next to it for basically almost your entire life and you don’t even know what it looks like!
Ofc your grandpa is like do you wanna get killed child um
“Pls gramps I lived my whole life being terrified of that forest and now that I’m older I kinda want to see what it looks like,,,, I’ll stay close enough to have the house in my view!”
“sigh,,,, well you’re an adult now I trust that you can make decisions for yourself so,,,, fine”
So off you go to your death exploring
You’re amazed by how enchanting the forest looks like from within, nothing like what you see from your house
The snow only adds more of a magical sense
There’s a small pond and some bushes where you guess is the deer’s habitat but they probably left to find a warmer spot
You push yourself to discover more about the forest so you inch just a litttttle farther
You see a bridge and think ????? did someone live here or something why is there a bridge?????
And being the curious cat you are you crossed it only to see aNOTHER HOUSE LIKE UM WHO THE
you hear some muffled talking and you’re just likE OH CRAP I GOTTA SCRAM so you hide behind a fairly big trunk just in time before some faces are in your view
You see a group of men around the same age as you and at first they seem to be normal but what’s normal about living in the middle of the woods????
You carefully eye each of them, and you mentally do a headcount of 13
One of them immediately catches your eye and you can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity
He’s wearing a gray turtleneck and black skinny jeans with a gray winter coAT SLJDKFLJDSFLJFDSLJFDLJDFSJDSF I LOVE WONWOO THE MODEL
He seems to be aware of you and he’s like @ the group
“Guys… do you sense someone here?”
And the guys are like eh wonwoo you’re probably being a little paranoid
“Wonwoo it’s been years just let it GO!!!” (what’s up with all of these frozen puns this is unintentional i sTG!!!!) “the last time you said this it was just a rabbit!”
And you’re like ???? what do they mean by that buT I GOTTA JET
You wait for them to enter the house and wonwoo is the last one
He scans the area one more time and does a little head shake before heading inside
you can’t help but feel a tug in your heart because he just looked so disheartened and dejected
And he sWEARS he could have smelled your scent but maybe it was his brain tricking him like it did all these years :(((
Who hURT MY EMO SON wait you did indirectly lmao
You get tf out of there like “i aint trying to die again bye yall”
You’re scrambling to get out of there and when you reach the house your gramps is like so how did it go
Gramps: but??? it’s ,,,, break,,,,,,
You contemplate about what just happened back there
You: i shouldn’t go back i got lucky and didn’t get eaten alive
Also you: but i need to find out more ok it’s settled I will return
Soon enough you found yourself visiting the same place every day and now wonwoo is rEALLY on edge
“wonwoo…….. We acknowledge your senses are the better ones out of us but…… you need to let her go”
You’re like omg what??? Her??? Who’s her?????
“You know I can’t do that…… she fed me -- hey wait a minute, is that someone over there?”
You’re like oH WELL FUCK MY LIFE
They whirl around to where his finger is pointing and they’re like hmm wait he’s right it looks like someone’s shadow
And you’re scared to literally freaking death bc you are not trying to get yourself killed but i mean you kinda had to see it coming tho
So you do what a reasonable person would
But you just keep running and you eventually get lost in the forest and you’re like oh my god pLS NOT NOW
You’re desperately trying to reroute but you’re pretty sure you passed by that same stump six times
You try to calm down like ok look it’s still probably around noon and the sun is still out you still have time
That is until you hear a crunch of a leaf
And you’re like oH MY GOD NOW WHAT
You turn around to see you’re surrounded by dark black wolves
This is it this is where you die
And you’re trying to find an escape but you’re practically cornered
“Please….. Go find something else to devour……. I swear I am not tasty at all…………… I’m all bones you wouldn’t want that right aHAHA………...”
One of them inches closer to you and you can guess it’s probably the alpha male since it seems to be the biggest
And you’re like welp i lived a good life IM S ORRY GRAMPS YOU WERE RIGHT
You’re in the middle of having a mental breakdown when the alpha suddenly bares his teeth and you know it’s gonna go down
Just as it’s about to leap on you, you see another blurry figure slAMMING INTO THE ALPHA
A full on wolf battle is going on right in front of you
Not only did that wolf come but his entire pack did so it’s pack vs pack
And some black wolves are still trying to get @ you ;))) to devour you ;)))
I gotta go
But obv the other pack is like dON’T TOUCH HER and you’re super confused bc 
Well there’s obviously more than one thing to be confused about but your main concern is why am I not getting eaten??????
You can’t help but notice the one who rammed his body in your attacker has very,,,, familiar looking fur,,,,,,
And you’re like oMG NO,,,, NO IT CAN’T BE HOW
Since the wolf brawl has temporarily taken the focus off of you, you’re like ok this is my chance 2 escape
You don’t get too far like probably 15 feet when you’re feeling really lightheaded and nauseous
You stumble upon a tree and try to steady yourself but the events took a huge toll on you and so you collapse
Right before you do you feel someone’s arms holding your waist up and some yelling
“I… finally…. found you….” you hear someone whisper in your ear before you really blackout
By the time you regain consciousness the sun is about to set
You’re stirring around in a foreign bed and you’re like wait,,,, hold on,,,,,
Your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light and the strange room
You’re fully awake now and start panicking like where am i???? Am i gonna die?????
You see someone’s head on the edge of the bed and you’re like WHO THE
“oH GOODNESS” your little outburst woke him up
He groggily yawns and rubs his eyes “oh great you’re awake!!!!!11!!11”
You just stare at him in 34384682 emotions welling inside of you like pls do not hurt me i just want 2 go hOmE!!!
He starts to introduce himself as Wonwoo but who cARES YOU JUST WANNA GO HOME
“Ok Wonwoo i have no idea who you are or where I am but I need to leave before I’m actually gonna get killed by my grandpa I appreciate you letting me stay here for the time being but I gotta go now thanks i guess??? bye”
And you’re trying to keep your cool and escape as fast as you can but he’s right on your heels
He is nOT gonna let you leave so easily after spending the past decade thinking about you
You reach the outside of the house and you realize,,,, hey it’s the house i saw earlier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
He eventually reaches you and pulls you around by the arm and you almost gasp when you see the intense look he has in his eyes
“I,,, can’t let you leave just yet”
“Please i’m sorry for snooping earlier!!! Please let m eg o I swear to keep my distance!!!!”
You: what
Him: what
“What…. did you say?”
“Don’t you remember me? You fed me”
And you’re like ?????????? ?? ???????  what is this guy on
“Uh… Wonwoo, was it? I think you have the wrong person; I don’t know what you’re--”
And it hits you
That day you thought you were gonna die
You look at him completely baffled like how is that even possible???? That was,,,, a wolf
Your breath is hitching you’re gonna faint again that means he was the same one who saved you from being eaten
“I know it’s hard to believe but that was me!!!!! Food was extremely difficult to find at that time and when I saw you…. Well, i was hoping you would be willing to spare me something”
My heart poor little wonu was gonna starve to death if it weren’t for you
“But…. but how….”
“Ah…. well that’s a story for later but the important thing is I was eternally grateful to you and I was determined to find you again,,,, I wanted to return the favor for saving me. Who do you think paid off your grandpa’s medical bills? I hope that blanket was warm enough for you”
Turns out he’s been watching you from afar as his human form as your little guardian angel (or stalker…. tbh) im crying
“You were thankful just for some pieces of meat I gave out?”
“It wasn’t just some meat. You saved me from dying! I hadn’t had any food in my system for a week. I’ve helped your grandpa plenty of times at the market before. I also purchased those textbooks you needed for that math class”
“Wait but my friend gave those to me?”
“Yeah well that’s what I told her to say to you LOL”
gdi your friend was probably geeking out about how good looking he was
And you’re just trying to process this but it’s overwhelming to say the least
“You… you did all of that for me???”
And he’s like ofc!!! :DDD you deserve everything and more!!!!
“What about that pack from earlier?”
“That’s our rival pack,,,,, I’m so sorry you had to get caught up in our rivalry but good thing I got there in time. I told the others to help protect you”
And you start tearing up because of how gracious and humble and caring he is and he’s like oh nononono and starts to freak out and hugs you
You’re gonna bAWL why is this guy so nice to you he’s even rubbing circles on your back to help calm you down
“I’m not asking much of you…. but can we try getting to properly know each other? You were the only single person to not judge me in my wolf form,,,,, everyone else would throw sticks and stones :(((“ (words do indeed hurt you tho) “and i’m also grateful that you were able to accept me even as a creature that you feared”
you take a moment to breathe and eventually accept bc even tho this is all so sudden and foreign you can just tell he has a heart of gold and doesn’t wanna hurt you
Ofc your gramps throws a fit when you get home and he’s like wHY IS THIS GUY WITH YOU
After a long long talk things are settled and your gramps is like ok fine you can date her or whatever but one wrong move and your head is gonna be hanged here
“I’m just saying i got my eye on you boy”
You spend the rest of your break getting to really know Wonwoo and try to overlook his,,, alter ego thing,,,, as best as you can
You’re outside making snowmen and snow angels and just being so carefree about everything
You somehow end up in a snowball fight with wonwoo and he’s like ur going down!!11!!
You’re hiding behind a tree and peek out to find him but when all of a sudden someone ambushes you from behind
“I GOT YOU” he screams in your ear while you’re laughing and trying to wiggle out of his arms
You guys stumble and fall with him on top of you oHMYGOHDGHLGDS
Your laughter dies down a little and all you can think about is how close your faces are
He softly smiles at you and leans down to give you your firST KISS IM SCREAMING
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