#And i need an AU where Maria and her Mate live happily
seireneozsstuff · 2 years
Okay hear me out!, im fuckin tired of the jalice fanfics with a villain Maria, in the canon she's only into her southern Wars, without a little tought to Jasper or Alice, she's just taking territories and probably thinking on her dead mate. Please give me more obssesive James like villain, or evil Alice's father, i need read something like that please!
if someone have fanfic recomendation tell me! in english or spanish idc.
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anthonyed · 5 years
soulmate au: the most important thing your soulmate says to you is written on you
It’s a fairy tale concept was what Howard always said. His mother never encouraged him but she didn’t exactly stop him either like her husband. Jarvis on the other hand, only had nice things to say about it.
Ana and him were the kind of people Tony drifted off to sleep thinking about.
He had a delicate cursive circling around his wrist spelling out Ana’s wedding vows and she had his.
Tony wished he would have something akin when he finds his as well.
Until actual letters burned into the stretch of skin overlying his right hipbone one day and when he finally stripped out of the armour to look, it spelled an awful comment that made him reconsider Howard’s opinion – which was absolutely not a path to take – about soulmates, so he yanked his shirt down and forced himself to forget.
He carried nuke through the wormhole. He breathed nothing but space for a minute. When he opened his eyes again, he was looking into his soulmate’s.
Tony watched the bike take off, with it, the obnoxious vroom of its ancient engine. His right hip tingled, aching for contact and he pushed his shades up his nose bridge and jumped into the driver’s seat.
He’s 100% sure Steve Rogers had no idea what they meant to each other.
It’s what spurred him to carry on. The lack of the burden perhaps – thinking what his soulmate didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him – because Tony knew, if Rogers had something of Tony’s tattooed on him, he would rip the skin off rather than accept it.
Rogers hated him that much.
The words on his skin were burning testament for that.
When SHIELD went down and Rogers with it, he had to physically lock himself in the workshop – overriding his own commands – so he’ll never go find him. Rogers would rather die than have Tony as his soulmate.
Might as well, give him no additional reasons for not recovering, is what he told himself.
And he lived with struggles. Peppers’ knowing eyes turning into lingering gaze of disappointment and blazing anger. Tony took cover from it all.
He knew she knew. She’s too smart after all.
But she wouldn’t get it. Not when her own wrist glimmer with Happy’s Miss Potts inside and made her smile even during her worse days.
So when one day JARVIS alerted him to Rogers’ presence in the penthouse, he buried all his nerves, yanked harder at his shirt and went to see what he wanted.
Rogers had Romanoff and Hill flanking him. A picture of complete authority and for a second it felt like Captain America was there to arrest Tony.
Except when they spoke, it was bargaining – a discussion about business, something about forming Avengers away from the clasp of SHIELD.
“We’ll operate independently,” Hill proposed meticulously. Romanoff was stiff as a board in her seat, despite however hard she faked to lounge comfortably.
Tony looked at Rogers. Who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.
Yet another part of him ached and he braved on; with his dashing camera ready smile, he said, sure. “Whatever Cap wants.” Because apparently, no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he was a sentimentalist at best. And the young Tony within him, the one who dreamt of his soulmate every night wishing they’d get married and live happily ever after like Ana and Jarvis one day, he loved Steve.
That’s how the Avengers moved into his tower. That’s how many memories were made. That’s how Ultron happened. And that’s how Tony got his heart broken.
All that. Made him bitter.
He agreed to sign the Accords because he cannot trust himself anymore.
Steve on the other hand –
He refused to compromise where he cannot and he stood tall in Leipzig, flying away in stolen Quinjet with his old buddy Bucky while his own soulmate, Tony dropped beside a fallen Rhodey – unconscious head on his lap and Tony wondered with horror what were these all worth.
So he tried to amend.
He tried trusting Steve instead but that ended with a shield embedded into his arc reactor.
Civil war. Was what they dubbed the great break up.
Tony personally liked the ring of, ‘the end.’
And he moved on.
Until Banner dropped from the sky – literally – and ruined it all.
“Call him.” He urged.
Tony wanted to bite his tongue and swallow it than press that button.
But he did. Even if the sound of Rogers voice after two years made the soulmark burn hot on his skin, he did.  
He swallowed. Opened his mouth, and swallowed again when nothing came out. Banner looked at him like he’d grown a tail so he thrusted the phone into his hand and watched as the roof of the New York sanctum flew away.
He didn’t think he was going to die when he hopped into the donut shaped alien space ship.
He didn’t think he was going to survive either.
He only had one thing in his mind. And that was to save Earth and the humanity with it.
Even when Thanos threw a moon at his face, he fought on.
For humanity.
For earth.
Even adrift in space, he fought on.
Until his body gave out on him and light glowed brighter than the sun in front of him.
For a second, he truly believed that was it.
But fate had another plan for him as she landed him in front of his soulmate.
The mate who hated him - except Rogers looked anything but like he did, running towards him.
“Tony, we lost.” He said when Tony told him about Pete – his heart hurting in his chest. An agony not meant to die down anytime soon.
“Tony, I need you to focus.” He demanded when Tony, with his aching bones and even more aching heart brushed away Steve’s ‘pressing’ questions of Thanos’ whereabout.
Something in Tony snapped.
“And I needed you.” He spat.
What left of his body thrumming in hurt as he lashed at the man in front of him. “I got nothing for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options, zero, zip, nada.”
“No trust.”
The anger within him shrivelled when Steve came to find him later. Arc reactor in his hand as he sat on the edge of Tony’s bed in silence.
Tony thought over and over how much he hated Steve. But he knew he was wrong.
It was hurt speaking. It was resentment filling the void in him where Steve supposed to belong. The burn of his soulmark reminding him of rejection and pain continuously.
So much pain.
“Did you know?” Steve asked after sometime. The unexpected question attracting Tony’s attention to him. And despite the lack of context, Tony knew what Steve was asking about.
In his mind however, he’s back in Siberia again.
The tape of Maria being choked to death stopped playing and he’s asking Rogers the exact question. “Did you know?”
And what a twist it was.
Steve knew back then and now, Tony too.
But he got nothing to lose after everything. He lost half of the universe. He failed to stop Thanos.
He lost Pete.
So he removed the layers of blankets from his right side, shifted the robe, lifted the shirt up and he watched as Rogers swallowed thickly, fingers fisting around the sharp edges of Tony’s arc reactor;
I know guys with none of that and worth ten of you
Moments later, Rogers stood up, lifted the shirt up his left hip and showed; 
Bold and black in all capitals which stabbed right through the remaining wall of Tony’s heart.
Five years later, when Tony snapped Thanos and his army into dusts, he proved Steve’s words on his skin wrong.
When Steve resuscitated Tony, did everything it took to bring him back to life and nurse him back to full health, he proved Tony’s word on his hip false.
Tony Stark is worth the universe and Steve Rogers can keep his words; to be there for Tony, to face life and death together.
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nerdypisces160 · 5 years
Pietro Maximoff - Soulmate AU
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Avengers!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing
Word Count: 4,561 words (I finally made a long one!)
Summary: Y/N has been with the Avengers for six short months. She is a mutant with the power of telekinesis. She mastered her powers long ago, but occasionally she over does it. This can lead to her body practically shutting down on herself. How far will she go to save her soulmate?
When people talked about soulmates they all said that the world just made sense. It seemed as if everything finally had a plan or purpose to it. There was no physical mark that showed if a person found their soumate; it was just a mental connection that joined the two. Nowadays soulmates aren't as common as they once were, but that didn't stop some from finding theirs. Even without having a soulmate people learned to live happily, but when someone did find them it seemed that everyone could feel their powerful emotions and connection. The ones that do find their soulmate recount that they were going about on a normal day. Nothing ever stands out, so when Y/N was out on a mission with the team she didn't expect to find her soulmate.
Storming the newest Hydra base, Y/N was flying past Natasha and Clint swiping away the enemies. They all continued to fight taking out anyone they could. Y/N chuckled to herself seeing Cap drag a body behind him. "What are you laughing about kid?" Tony asked. "Nothing much, just watching Cap drag around some garbage," Y/N replied. Flying past with the rest of the Avengers Y/N made a small force field around her body in order to tackle down the approaching Hydra agents. "Shit!" Tony exclaimed. "Language," Cap countered. Y/N stifled her laughter hearing Cap's response. After her brief pause Y/N continued to fight along side with Thor. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint said. Y/N rolled here eyes and growled, "Really Clint what told you that? Was it the fucking guns?" Of course hearing her language Tony then mentioned that Cap said 'language.'
Tired of hearing the bickering between her team mates she ignored them all. All at once Hydra agents surrounded her believing they could take her down; this made her smirk. Once they surrounded her, she began to concentrate on their weapons. She absorbed the energy from them that way they were useless. The agents all looked around confused on why their weapons weren't firing. Absorbing all that energy gave Y/N a tingling sensation in her fingers and up her arms. Using all the newly absorbed energy Y/N punched the ground creating an explosion that killed the surrounding Hydra scum. With her fist still connected to the ground, Y/N felt an unfamiliar presence. She tried to tune into the presence from the distance, but it was moving too fast. Noticing that it was heading towards Clint's location Y/N took off in his direction.
Just before Clint fired an arrow at the bunker Y/N hid behind a nearby tree. "What do you need kid?" Clint asked. "Figured you could use the help old man," she smirked. He began to grumble, "Old man my ass." Before Clint could fire his second arrow a force took both him and Y/N out. The force of the fall had knocked the wind out of her, so she wasn't able to get up for a few seconds. Though she did hear a foreign accented voice say, "You didn't see that coming." Finally getting up Y/N felt a strong wind push her back down. Growling, Y/N got back up only to have Clint fall on her. "What is your problem?" she growled. "Kinda got hit Y/N," he grunted. Natasha quickly ran over to the two. While Nat was assessing Clint, Y/N put a shield around them. Quickly the Hulk took down the attacking bunker.
Soon after the bunker was destroyed and Stark got the shield down Y/N flew over into the Hydra facility. As Tony went to download the files Y/N went throughout the building taking out anyone and everyone that crossed her path. Out of no where Y/N was grabbed and pushed against the wall. "What do you think you are doing?" a mysterious voice asked. Looking up Y/N saw clear, crystal blue eyes. Both parties' eyes widened realizing what they were to each other. All the rumors were true when people say things start to fit together. They were stuck in their own world, sadly it ended quicker then either would care to admit. All at once a young woman with brown hair put her hand on Y/N's soulmate's shoulder. Before Y/N could blink they were gone.
Back on the quinjet Y/N didn't know what to think about the situation. She wasn't ready to admit that her soulmate was with Hydra, in the end she decided that she wasn't going to tell anyone. Lots of people don't have soulmates, so what is the worse that could happen with ignoring hers. Once back at Headquarters, Y/N walked with Steve and Maria listening to them talk about the twins. Just hearing his name, Pietro, practically made her knees weak. Steve seemed to notice this because he stopped. "Are you okay Y/N?" Steve asked. "Yeah just a little tired. I guess I overworked myself," she said. He slowly nodded his head knowing occasionally Y/N overworked herself in the field. "I'm actually going to go rest," Y/N said. Before she could walk away Steve yelled out to her, "Don't forget about the party." "Do I have to go?" Y/N moaned. This caused Steve to smile to himself, "Yes if I have to go, you have to." "Fine," she grumbled. Y/N went to her room to shower and rest.
Only one person in the world could love partying so much and that was playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. Only he would want to have a party a few days after a mission. Since that particular mission all Y/N could think about was Pietro. He wouldn't escape her mind, she thought about how things could be different for the two of them. Most of the time she imagined that he wasn't Hydra and that she wasn't an Avenger. All Y/N wanted was to have met her soulmate in the most boring way possible. Since that last mission Y/N had started behaving differently as well. She began to withdraw from her friends and started spending more time in the gym. None of her team mates really knew what was wrong with her, but one had a sneaking suspicion.
Once Y/N made it down to the party she went straight to the bar; her hope was that she could finally get her mind off Pietro. "What can I get for you ma'am?" the bartender asked. "Let me get a single malt neat," Y/N ordered. Whilst sitting at the bar, Y/N watched her team mates. Rhodey was standing by a group of women telling them one of his many War Machine stories. Natasha was making her way behind the bar. Steve and Thor were talking to an older gentleman. By the looks of it Thor was going to give the man some of his Asgardian mead. Giggling to herself, Y/N was excited to see the man's reaction to such a strong alcohol. All at once Bruce walked up to the bar where Natasha was now pouring drinks. "How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" Bruce asked. While making a drink for him, Natasha responded, "Fella done me wrong." "You got a lousy taste in men kid," he commented. Leaning forward she started to speak again, "He's not so bad. Well, he has a temper. Deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, spends his life avoiding the fights because he knows he'll win." Bruce, flabbergasted by what Nat said only replies with, "Sounds amazing." Taking a sip of her drink Nat admits, "He's also a huge dork. Chicks dig that." Bruce looked down sheepishly and embarrassed. She then suddenly asked him a question, "So what do you think should I fight this, or run with it?" Confused on how to respond, Bruce stutters his answer," Run with it, right? Or, did he... was he...? What did he do that was so wrong to you?" Leaning even closer Nat begins to whisper to Bruce, "Not a damn thing. But never say never." With that final statement Nat walked away.
"Is it easy to ignore your soulmate like that?" Y/N asked Bruce suddenly. Stuck in his head, Bruce was startled by the question. "I'm not good for her, the universe messed up our connection," Bruce responded. Unhappy with his answer Y/N stood up and began to yell at him, "That's bullshit and you know it! You two were put together for a reason! You shouldn't fight fate!" Realizing what she had said Y/N swiftly apologized to Bruce and ran off to her room. Once alone Y/N began to freak out. She now realized how important soulmates are.
All at once Y/N stood up and began packing her bags. She decided she needed to find her soulmate, but she couldn't do it as an Avenger. After all her essentials were packed she could hear a knock at her door, it was Clint. Not wanting anyone to know she was leaving Y/N used her powers to make everything look normal. It was very advanced, but she knew the risk was worth it. Once Y/N knew everything looked normal she invited Clint in. "What can I do for you Clint?" she asked. "What no 'old man'?" he joked. It was at this time Y/N wished her friends didn't know her so well. "Sorry old man I am too  far in my head right now," she responded. He seemed skeptical about her response, but didn't mention it. "Well we have a meeting in the morning. Looks like we have another threat ready to make us go 'extinct'," Clint said. Nodding her head, Y/N showed Clint the door and told him goodbye. Right when he was gone Y/N stopped using her powers. She felt horrible for leaving her team, but she needed to find her soulmate, her Pietro.
Getting away unnoticed was quite simple for Y/N. She was able to get to the records without raising any red flags. Once in the records, Y/N was able to look up all the information on the twins that she could. This led Y/N to return to her room where she found a wormhole that would allow her to travel to Sokovia. Being there gave Y/N a funny feeling. It was her body reacting to being in her soulmate's birthplace. All she had to do now was wait until fate brought the two together again.
Y/N was late for the team meeting the next day, and no one could find her. It was uncommon for Y/N to be late. Due to her being relatively new she didn't like making a bad impression. Clint being the only one that was suspicious of her recent behavior went to her room to search. For hours he searched her room looking for clues on why she left. No one else on the team searched for Y/N; they were all too worried about Ultron. After having no success he decided to go to the one place he could truly be alone --- the vents. Once he was situated up there  he looked down in Y/N's room. "God damn it, that smart ass kid," he cursed. Clint was right in thinking that Y/N would leave a clue. She left it only where he would notice it. She left a letter addressed to him in the top corner of her bedroom, she painted it the same color of her walls so it would blend. Y/N remembered when Clint told her that he could see better from a distance. Finally retrieving the letter, Clint went back to the vents to read it.
Dear Clint,
I knew if anyone would understand and come looking for me it would be you. Last night I knew you didn't believe me, and I love that you didn't ask. I didn't want to leave you guys, you all are my family. I needed to leave though because I found my soulmate. The problem is I'm not sure I can handle who he is, and if I can't accept him then who am I? I'm a horrible person who is going to throw away the strongest connection a person can find in their life. Please don't tell anyone and don't bother looking for me. I need to find these answers on my own. If I can find the right answers then I'll be back, but if not then this is goodbye. I hope this isn't the end of our family. I appreciate and love you all.
Love, Y/N
Shortly after arriving in Sokovia, Y/N could tell that Pietro wasn't there, but something in her told her not to worry. She knew that it wouldn't be long before they reconnected. While waiting Y/N got to discover Sokovia. She realized that the people there were very close knit. It was a small and peaceful community. When Y/N read the file on Pietro she read of how his and his sister's parents died. She could almost understand why he chose to join Hydra.
It seemed that today was finally the day Y/N had been looking forward to; it was the day her and Pietro would reunite. Waking up that morning Y/N felt a tight feeling in her chest. The thing was she wasn't sure whether it was a good feeling or bad. Leaving her small single bedroom apartment she went into the capital, Novi Grad. Not long after getting into the capital she noticed shadows fly above her. When she looked up she seen many robots preparing to land. Seconds later the ground under her feet began to rumble almost like an earthquake. Once the rumbling stopped she noticed that the area she was on was rising higher than the surrounding areas. It wasn't long before Y/N began to hear the citizen's cries for help. Naturally her body went into protective mode. She knew that she needed to kill the weird robots that were flying around not even five minutes ago.
At first Y/N made a portal that way she could evacuate citizens to safety. When the people around her were safe she started to chase down the robots. Killing them was easy, she was able to just rip them apart with her powers. Going further into the capital Y/N made sure to help anyone she passed. It wasn't until she was on the edge that she noticed she wasn't alone, a helicarrier flew pass her. While helping out Y/N completely forgot the Avengers would come out. Following the helicarrier, Y/N found Steve and Natasha having a conversation at the edge of the now floating capital.
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve ordered. "I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?" Natasha professed. "You know I would never let you all go, even if that meant going back in time and killing myself over it," Y/N confessed to the two. Both, not expecting Y/N, turn around to face her. Neither knew what to say, it was only a few short days ago that she had abandoned them. Breaking out of her trance first, Natasha stormed towards Y/N. Expecting to be slapped or punched Y/N closed her eyes and braced herself. Instead of a slap or punch Natasha threw her arms around Y/N and squeezed her tightly. "Where the hell did you go?" Nat whispered in Y/N's ear. Squeezing her back just as hard Y/N explained, "I needed to find my happiness, just like you and Bruce." Letting each other go Natasha just nodded to Y/N. Looking behind Y/N, Nat noticed the new recruit focused on Y/N. "Looks like you might get that chance. Go and be quick," Nat advised. While Nat and Y/N were in their bubble Nick Fury was talking about bringing the helicarriers out of retirement. Once Nat walked back to Steve, Y/N walked over to Pietro.
"I never though we would actually be together especially since you are with SHIELD," confessed Pietro. "At least it wasn't Hydra!" Y/N joked. Her comment made him chuckle. Hearing his deep, sexy chuckle made Y/N realize how connected they were. Even though this was only their second conversation she could see their whole future together. Noticing that Y/N was stuck in her head daydreaming Pietro stepped closer and put his hands on her hips. "Are you alright sweetheart?" he asked. Coming out of her daze Y/N responded, "I'm fine, just ready for this to be over." "I'll protect you don't worry," Pietro promised. Feeling the heat of the moment the two began to lean in closer, slowly their lips were inching closer and closer together. "Hey you two lets save the world first then you two can go off and make little mutant babies!" Natasha interrupted. Embarrassed, the two look away and nod, each took off in opposite directions.
Now that Fury and Rhodes were there, they were able to get more of the citizens out of Sokovia. All the Avengers both new and old converged onto the Vibranium core. Then Thor yelled out to Ultron, "Is that the best you can do?" In response Ultron summoned an army full of robots. "For fucks sake Thor you had to ask," Y/N gritted out. Then all of the robots started to attack. Everyone fought valiantly against the robots. Suddenly the robots started to retreat. Too distracted thinking of a way to save Sokovia Y/N didn't hear the new plan. It wasn't until she felt a warm tingle on her shoulder that she refocused. "Sweetheart, you need to get on the boats,"Pietro advised. "I'm not leaving Pietro, I am here to help all the people I possibly can," she asserted. Before Pietro could respond Wanda, his twin sister, spoke up, "Go make sure everyone is on the boats, I am protecting the core for now. Both of you go. Just come back when everyone is safe." Without a word to either of them Y/N took off to look for any stranded citizens. "You have a brave soulmate," Wanda commented. "Yeah she is," Pietro agreed.
Luckily not a lot of people were left on Sokovia. The Avengers were able to get everyone on the boats, or so they thought. Y/N was walking behind Clint and Natasha when they all made it to the lifeboats. Once there, they heard a woman calling out to her brother. "Ma'am what's wrong?" Y/N asked. "Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" the woman replied worriedly. When Y/N turned around she noticed that Clint was already gone. "God damn that old man," she whispered to herself. Taking off Y/N went to find Clint. Eventually she found him, but the sight in front of her was one she would never forget.
Y/N watched as Pietro stood like a statue for a few brief seconds before dropping down on the ground. Not having time to grieve, Y/N ran down to Pietro's body. Checking for a pulse she was lucky to find a small but weak pulse. Quickly she flipped Pietro onto his back and put her hands over some of the many bullet wounds he had. She began to focus on his wounds. She imagined them all closing and his blood being restored. She pictured him completely healthy with all his abilities intact. As she continued to slowly heal Pietro, Clint crawled over to the two. "Y/N you need to stop. This is too much for you," Clint said. "Would you give up on Laura?" she questioned through gritted teeth. "No," he admitted. "Then let me do this for him," she begged. Now understanding Y/N, Clint stood up and picked up Costel. Going back to concentrating Y/N didn't even hear Cap come up behind her. It wasn't until he shook her shoulder that she broke concentration. "Y/N we need to go now," Cap ordered. Looking down, Y/N took notice that many of Pietro's wounds were closed and that his breathing was stronger. "Understood Cap, just grab Pietro for me," she said. He nodded and leaned down to pick up Pietro. Once was Pietro was picked up, Y/N looked up at the two. It wasn't until that very moment that Y/N realized how much she had drained herself.
While healing Pietro's wounds Y/N was giving him her own life source. Y/N had never healed wounds that severe, and it was staring to show. She could feel her life slipping through her fingers. There was a subtle pounding in her ears where her blood pumped. Her vision began to go hazy and she felt her heart beat fewer and further times apart. The last thing she seen was a dark clothed blob, she could only assume was Clint, run to her and pick her up. By the time he secured her in his arms she had already closed her eyes and began to welcome the light.
The room that Y/N was in was quiet all that could be heard was the heart monitor, and even that was slow and low. After Clint had picked up Y/N both Steve and him ran off to the life boats. As far as the other team members were aware Pietro was dead and Y/N was alive and healthy. Once the four were on the lifeboats the remaining members of the team surrounded them. No one knew what to say. Clint explained to them that Pietro was Y/N's soulmate, and that she knew that she would most likely die to save him. After the city was blown up Vision flew down to save Wanda. By the time he brought her to the lifeboat she was awake and conscious. Once she was on the boat she went straight to her brother's body. She held him close to her and cried into his neck. Suddenly everyone heard and watched as Pietro began to cough heavily. "Why are you crying sister?" he asked hoarsely. At first Wanda was completely shocked because she watched Pietro die. "H-how are you alive?" she stuttered. "I can answer that for both of you," Clint interrupted. The twins watched Clint as he stepped to the side and revealed Y/N's pale and lifeless like body. "She wanted to make sure that you survived this. It was a lot on her body, and we aren't sure she will make it out of this one," Clint said solemnly. To say Pietro was devastated was an understatement. He had barely gotten to know Y/N, and now she might not come back to him at all.
It has been a few days since that dreadful mission and Y/N was still not awake yet. While she has been in a coma she had had many visitors, most of the time it was the twins. Pietro would sit next to her bed for hours. He would move her hair from her face and gently caress her face. When he was alone with her he would cry and beg her to wake up, but nothing ever happened. When Wanda visited Y/N she often was conflicted about her feelings. On one hand Wanda was grateful that Y/N saved her twin brother's life, but on the other hand Wanda was upset because she could see and feel her brother's pain. Another person that was greatly affected by Y/N's coma was Clint. He felt guilty for Pietro having to come save him. He appreciated that Pietro kept Clint alive, but he wished that Pietro would have never been injured in the first place. Clint was ready for Y/N to finally wake up because he had a surprise for her.
It was the first time that Clint has been able to visit Y/N. He came to visit everyone at the tower but mostly the twins and Y/N. Once he got there he requested that he could visit her alone. For awhile he just sat there and watched as Y/N took steady breaths. After a while he stood up and made his way next to Y/N. He sat down next to her and held her hand. "Kid you need to wake up. If you can't do it for me then do it for Pietro. He is a mess without you," Clint confessed. "It's funny how whipped he is already," Clint joked in hope for some reaction from Y/N. He looked down at the hand he was holding. "Besides you need to meet your godson," he added. As he expected he didn't get a response back. Giving up on waiting, Clint stood and made his way to the door. Guess he'll have to try again another day.
"Do I get to know my godson's name at least?" Y/N asked sarcastically. Clint couldn't believe his ears, he turned so fast he almost gave himself whiplash. "Nathaniel Pietro Barton," Clint whispered. "Good name and even better choice of godmother," Y/N admitted. Clint didn't know what to do. He figured he should inform the team that Y/N was now awake. "Are you going to just stand there or are you going to get Bruce?" Y/N asked sarcastically. "Uhm actually Bruce is gone, he left during the whole Sokovia incident," Clint confessed. Y/N looked down almost ashamed, "Oh how is Nat doing?" Clint just shrugged, "You know how she gets with her feelings." "Yeah you're right. Do you mind getting a doctor for me?" Y/N asked. Clint simply nodded his head and made his way out the door with a large smile on his face.
"Well Miss. L/N everything looks good, but you need to rest for the next few weeks that way your powers can regenerate," the doctor explained. Nodding her head Y/N agreed, "Understood Doc, I'll rest for the next few weeks." Once the examination was over the doctor bid Y/N a goodbye and left the room. Before the door could completely close Y/N heard a strong whoosh, next to her stood Pietro. "Took you long enough Speedy," Y/N teased. "I was stuck waiting for Sleeping Beauty to wake up," he joked. His joke brought both of them into a giggle fit. When both calmed down they realized how close they had gotten. Pietro brought his hand up to Y/N's face. Slowly he traced her bottom lip with his thumb. "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly. "Please," she whispered. Finally their lips met in a slow yet passionate kiss, both conveying the worry they had for each other. When the kiss finally ended they both caught their breath and slowly opened their eyes. "Please don't scare me like that again Sleeping Beauty,"Pietro pleaded. "Never again my Prince, never again," Y/N confirmed.
Hello my lovelies, I know it has been a LONG time since I have written anything. Recently I have had more inspiration. Hopefully I will update more often. I look forward to putting out more stories.  
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i-am-forever--bored · 8 years
Jeffmads Head Cannons (I accidentally deleted the request sorry)
JEEEEEEFFFFFMAAAADSSS (Okay so I already have tons of stuff set up so I'm doing this based off of my college AU so this is a story with head cannons and such. You came for cute shit and you got angst™ and cute shit also sorry these are gonna come so late I worked on this one for an hour before falling asleep) Possible trigger warning for slight and quick talk of miscarriages and panic attacks
- they met at kindergarten and somehow are still friends </p>
- when nap time came they slept on the same mat and used James baby blanket (they were basically spooning all the time)
-they were pretty chill with each other until like middle school when they had no classes together
- but Thomas bribed the school to get them the same schedule so that was good
- during sophomore year of school they sorta had a falling out
- Thomas embraced his polyness and was fucking a lot of people and going to a lot of parties
- and so James hung out with his other friend and to anyone they would look like a couple but they weren&rsquo;t just very very platonic bros
- after a couple week Thomas started missing James so they went back to being besties but James did still hang out with Sawney (his other friend) and Thomas never really knew about him (not for any particular reason)
- Also between this time James has found out he's Asexual
- another thing that has been happening between the families is miscarriages which made James terrified at the announcement of his mother announcing she was pregnant (over and over again) and Thomas sorta started growing numb to it but he would be very excited when the baby was born and healthy
- Thomas had to comfort James a lot
- James liked to do Thomas&rsquo; makeup to calm himself down
- He is bomb at it
- they both decide to take skip year before going to college
- after graduating Thomas decides early into this that he wants to go to France
- and so James goes with only their families knowing
- so these mother fuckers meet Lafayette at a party who had been basically disowned from his family (but Laf still had their money, karma's a bitch)
- and so they all share a small flat with a bunk bed and a twin bed
- (they definitely had makeup nights where James does everyone&rsquo;s makeup and they would have themes and it was the best™)
- and them three live happily with some sexual tension™ between James and Thomas
- when the year is almost up they tell Laf they gotta go back to America
- and Laf who was learning English still but was mostly fluent with a thick accent was like hell yeah
- Thomas decided he wanted to be a lawyer because he always had a way with convincing people to do things and to listen to him and agree with his opinion
- James decided to do that to cause he didn&rsquo;t know where he was gonna go otherwise and he got excepted
- Thomas bribed the school so they could be dorm mates
- As the week before school rolled around James had panic attacks nightly
- James was second guessing everything about his major and his choices of school
- he had made a few friends already but was very worried that he wouldn&rsquo;t like it at all
<p>- Thomas didn&rsquo;t know this was happening till the Saturday of that week
- Thomas found James crying and breathing quickly in the bathroom (James didn't want to wake up Thomas so he went in there so Thomas wouldn't be bothered)
- a lot of comforting and reassuring
- a makeup session after
- James felt a lot better after that
- When school did start James enjoyed it a lot
- so skip to SPRING BREAK
- They both had met the squad™ (aka rev set + Aaron + Theo and Schuyler sis's + Maria)
- Thomas had started dating this kid Nathan from their home town
- so they went back to their home town over break so they could see their family (they actually hadn&rsquo;t seen them since they left for France) and Thomas wanted to see Nathan
- After a party Sawney (that dude from earlier) and James met up again and James basically started staying with Sawney cause Thomas was completely ignoring him (not on purpose just was focusing on his bf and parties)
- and then Thomas started worrying a lot about James and basically after a party at Nathan&rsquo;s house and James had accidentally passed out and Nathan and his buds beat up James
- soon Thomas found out and a lot of tears were shed and a lot of sadness (it was all very emotional I cried when I wrote it) there was a lot of marks and bruises
- so Thomas took James to Sawney&rsquo;s and they hung out for like five seconds before Thomas left and beat the living shIT OUT OF NATHAN CAUSE NO ONE HURTS HIS JEMMY
- Thomas came back and they had another make up session
- when they got back to their dorm there was way more sexual tension since they had both realized that they had crushes on each other
- (cause beating up a guy and breaking some of his ribs can make you do some self reflection)
- so the night they came back there was snuggles and they had their first kiss
- but basically the same thing happened from the school panic attack cause James was scared of their status and if it might ruin their relationship
- but Thomas reassured him with more snuggles and happiness
- after a few day they started officially dating (everyone was like “finally!” Cause everyone saw their sexual tension)
- after that they finished school together they moved in with each other right away
- a year after that when they were all financially stable and all that jazz Thomas proposed
- he was being super romantic too
- James knew something was up but he actually started crying when Thomas pulled out the ring
- it was a beautiful night
- the
- once they got married Thomas convinced James to go to makeup school
- so from that point Thomas was the one working while James actually did what he loved
- cause James liked learning about the lawyer stuff in school but hated the actual working part of it
- so they were just liven off of that for awhile
- they never really thought about kids honestly
- especially with them living off of only Thomas’ paycheck but Thomas’ sister (Anna) got pregnant as a late teenager
- and she told Thomas and James first and she was babbling about how she couldn’t take care of it since she was too young (17)
- she really didn’t tell many until she had to and so for awhile James and Thomas had to figure out what to do
- and James at his second year of makeup school (idk if there is a correct term for that) wasn’t just learning regular make up it was some special affect stuff
- and James was like fuck it we can take the kid
- and Thomas was pretty iffy about it but James convinced him
- and Anna was very very thankful about it cause they just saved a lot of complication for her
- and these boys are like 31 now so they were more or less ready relationship wise to take care of a kid
- skips a couple years of this baby girl being 3
- Dash is super energetic, like they just let Anna choose the name cause it’s her kid but she lived up to that name
- that child always ran around
- they found it hard to keep up with her
- They had a system that worked pretty smoothly
- weirdly unlike James’ job Thomas had quite flexible hours
- so they didn’t need a babysitter to much
- Thomas had to take Dash to her first day of preschool without James cause James knew that he would cry to much
- Thomas was pretty emotional too but he kept himself together
- James would actually take Dash to his work sometimes when she got a little older if he was doing regular makeup
- she found it really cool and James liked that he knew how to make her stop jumping around so much
- but they never let her where make up out side of the house until she was at least in 8th grade
- but when she was 9 on Halloween she was a zombie and James went full on special effects on her
- she was actually a little scared when she saw the make up on her
- but they both showed her that they could take it off easily
- she never really liked wearing make up but she let James use her for little projects and such
- middle school she joined track and these little shits got so excited
- cause they could cheer on their baby girl
- they had family movie night with tons of chocolate and candy and popcorn
- they turned off all of the lights so it was like the movies
- aka family cuddling time
- and Anna would visit and such but she wasn’t stable (she was in college and had money problems) until Dash has been older so Anna would just hang out with them when she could
- After Anna finished school she actually lived an hour away so Dash stayed there for a couple week in the summer
- they hated how quite the house was
- Thomas was usually the one to take Dash shopping
- James never really liked shopping but Thomas got that shit done
- Dash also had some abandonment issues cause she was scared that one of the times she would go to Anna (who was definitely like a cool aunt to her) that her dad’s would just leave her there
- since Anna had already given her up (even though she understood those circumstances she was still scared about it)
- they were the best dad’s to help her when she had a break up
- they would dedicate a day for her if it was a super bad break up
- they let her practice track first and would time her
- then she could have James do any make up on her or Thomas that she wanted
- then a movie marathon of her favorite movies with popcorn and candy, she would usually fall asleep during the movies
- it was nicely domestic
- okay but when she graduated there was endless tears
- they were so proud
- she got a scholarship for track for college too
- they were just very very proud
- plus they weren’t ready to let go of their baby girl
- they just sorta grew old together after that
- soon retirement came for them
- and a couple of grandkids
- James died first (hA I’m not crying you’re crying) he had a weak immune system which was his downfall
- after year or two Thomas died
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