#And if I did decide to make him Jewish I'd probably make him fluent in Hebrew also
cupcakesmoothie · 1 year
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This is probably the most effort I've put into designing a character and I'm not even done with his outfit :')
The scarf might change designs and colours depending on how his outfit goes, I might also add some extra stuff to it.
Alexander is going to be one of the few side characters that don't have a blessing! He might not have a blessing, but he can still defend himself :)
His specialty is swords and knives (Also throwing weapons).
Yes, he is aromantic, but not asexual!
I spent like an hour straight drawing this
Ok edit: His name is actually Alexis now, and he's Spanish
#I don't know if it's because I've been drawing him too long but he's not hot anymore :(#He is in my heart#He is perfect#Malewife energy#Also he's a huge nerd and can speak fluent Japanese#I'm gonna give him the most complicated outfit possible trust#No surname yet (A lot of them don't have one tbh)#I kinda wanted to make him Jewish but there's like. A lot to go through for that#For one I am no good with anatomy so racial features (Is that what you call them?) are a no go#Which leaves names and maybe a badge with the star of David#But more importantly#There's also the issue of religion#And culture#I don't think I want to make him explicitly believe in god because of the setting of the story and some character's relationship with it#Also before he's Jewish he's aro and before that he's just really cool#And not going into God and his relationship with queer people#I was going to give Alex maybe a tattoo but apparently that's not allowed?#So is dyeing his hair#And if I did decide to make him Jewish I'd probably make him fluent in Hebrew also#But that brings up the fact that he's a weeb and maybe just a little bit obsessed with Japanese culture (Just anime in general tbh)#So it feels a little bit weird to make someone who's supposed to represent one culture favour another#And yes Jewish weebs probably exist but in the scope of a story and what it means for representation....#So Alex is just whatever and you can decide where he's from#Wow I info dumped a lot on this thank you for reading this far lol#sweetmountainseeds#Plagues Blessings and Journeys#Alexander#my art#art
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The Story of Their Lives (Lt. Aldo Raine)
Requested by: @tealaquinn
Summary: The story of Lt. Aldo Raine and Sgt. Y/N Y/L/N.
Prompts: 9 - Don't you touch her. & 12 - No one would hurt you again, or I'd kill them. & 21 - I wanna see how you lose control. & 24 - He's a badass with a good heart. & 39 - Kiss me. & 93 - You make me feel... you make me feel.
Author's Note: This is damn long so I really hope you like it! Also there are some parts in Italian so I'd like you to know, I've never learnt this language so there might be some mistakes. Feel free to send request or let me know if you wanna be tagged in these ♡
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @radiantcade @meteora-fc @kyra3155 @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @im-in-love-with-queen
Y/N and Aldo never showed some kind of an affection towards each other. They respected, trusted, appreciated the other one but these traits were common among the Basterds.
It seemed so innocent at first, almost like a teasing and none of the Jewish American soldiers expected to become it something more.
They met at the very beginning of the Basterd's missions. Y/N was a french spy, a very famous one so she obviously got their attention since they'd gotten to France.
The Basterds recruited her in a bar and she immediately became one of them. Y/N fit within the group perfectly, like she was always destined to be a Basterd.
After the third successful mission, they decided to stay the night in a local resistance hotel to relax and prepare for another action. Everyone went to their beds as soon as they could but Donny persuaded Y/N and Aldo to gamble a little before the sleep. 
"C'mon, just one game!" Donny pleaded. It didn't take much and the trio was sitting around a table playing their fifth game.
"I thought you're better at poker, Lieutenant." Y/N laughed as she grabbed another money she won.
"Shut up, Sergeant. I just am a bit lenient with ya, that's all." Aldo fought back, trying to cover the fact he's worse with cards than Hugo trying to actually smile for once. 
"Show me what you got, Lieutenant. I wanna see how you lose control." she winked at him and dealt the cards.
Something changed in Aldo this evening. At first, Y/N was just another soldier sticking up for her country trying to end the war. But now he saw her in a totally different light.
He noticed what colour her eyes have, how she always ties her hair in a braid. 
He noticed how her cheeks blushed when he praises her after a good work.
He noticed how she scrunches her nose when she disagrees with someone. 
All those little things were filling his head. Aldo was so full of it. It was during the other mission when he completely understood his feelings.
One moment and his whole world flipped. 
Aldo was so angry with himself that he missed such an important thing.
Like a gun. 
The German soldier was just kneeling in front of Aldo when he reached in his pocket. It all happened so quickly then.
The German pulled out a gun and with one last defiance he pulled the trigger. But it wasn't Aldo who got hit. 
It was the woman behind him.
Aldo was like deprived of his senses. He threw away the piece of bread he was eating and jumped at the German. If Wicki didn't pulled him back, Aldo would probably beat the guy to death.
And that was Donny's speciality.
"Don't you fuckin' touch her! Or look at her!" Aldo shouted hitting his face with his fist one more time.
Y/N was so taken away by his behaviour, not really sure where the anger got from.
"What the hell, Lieutenant?" she frowned, "it's just a goddamn scratch on my arm. The bullet didn't even hit me properly." 
Aldo froze whereas Donny and Hugo looked at each other with knowing smiles. They finally realised what was going on.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he tried to brush it off, gesturing to the Basterds to continue with the scalping. "It's fuckin' bleedin' a lot!"
"It's fine. Nothing too serious, Lieutenant." Y/N replied.
Aldo just shook his head as he took off his scarf and tied it around the wound. "No one would hurt ya again, or I'd kill 'em."
The Basterds got ordered to rest a bit because there was a big mission on its way. They didn't know what it was but they all welcomed a full night sleep.
But Y/N didn't feel like going to bed. Instead, she took her cigarettes and sat at the balcony of the apartment they got settled in.
It was a chilly night but she didn't mind. She actually liked cold more than heat.
"Aldo seems a bit off lately." Donny's voice broke the silence as he positioned himself next to her.
"What you mean?" she asked offering him a cigarette which he gladly accepted. 
"Remember how he beated up the German officer two weeks ago? I've never seen him like that."
"Oh Donny. He's just a badass with a good heart. I assure you, Aldo's just fine."
Donny shrugged but didn't say anything. This wasn't his secret to tell even though the change in Aldo's behaviour towards her was so damn obvious. 
Donowitz glanced at Y/N smiling a bit. He understood why Aldo fell for the female Basterd. 
Bridget von Hammersmark was laying in front of them with a bullet in her leg while Hugo, Archie and Wicki were dead.
Y/N was standing in the corner of the room, lost in her thoughts, mourning for her lost friends. She knew something like that had to happen but she also believed in Basterds and part of her thought that they'll all come back home one day.
Y/N wasn't able to look at the actress anymore. She quickly left the room not looking at anyone while she lighted her cigarette. It'd been becoming too much to handle for her.
"Are you alright?" Aldo frowned as he walked towards her. "You still in?"
She laughed sarcastically at his question sheaking her head. "Yeah, of course, business. I'm in, Lieutenant."
"I didn't mean in like that and ya know it."
"Yeah, sorry. It's just-"
"I know, Sergeant. This whole event got me thinkin'. I gotta tell you something."
Y/N threw away her cigarette as she looked directly at him. She wasn't sure if it was the light or the sentiment, but Aldo's eyes never seemed so beautiful to her like they did in that moment. 
"The truth is," Raine began as he stepped closer, "you make me feel... you make me feel, Sergeant."
When Y/N stepped into the room in a black plain tight dress, the conversation between the Basterds immediately stopped. They'd never seen her in anything but in uniform or the civilian clothes. Donny dropped the glass of whiskey he was drinking, Hugo's knife fell on the ground with a loud crash, Omar and Wicki stayed there with their mouths wide opened, Archie Hicox smirked and Aldo, Aldo was taken away and wasn't able to get out a word.
"Please, gentlemen! This is how you welcome a beautiful woman? She looks magnificent!" Bridget von Hammersmark exclaimed gesturing towards Y/N.
"It's so uncomfortable," Y/N frowned and tried to adjust the dress a little, "and so impractical." 
"I think it's perfect." Aldo breathed out and Bridget smiled in satisfaction.
Y/N truly looked like a completely new person. And Aldo's feelings mixed once again. She was so special to him, like water is special to desert. His life was dry without an excitment. She was the water that refreshed him after a long time of loneliness.
Bridget, Aldo, Y/N, Donny and Omar stepped into the small local cinema, already so full of Nazi officers.
"It makes me sick." Y/N snorted as she looked around on the German uniforms. "I have two knives and a gun and I'm not afraid to use them right now."
Aldo laughed next to her and gallantly put his hand on her hip pulling her closely to him.
"Just relax, darlin'. We'll do that later." Aldo winked at her, not letting her go for a moment.
Bridget suddenly seemed like she'd seen a ghost. An older man approached their little group and Y/N immediately understood with whom they have the honor.
Bridget and Hans Landa shared a short conversation before they turned to them. Hammersmark formally introduced the Basterds and Y/N flinched a little under the German's look. Aldo noticed right away her change of attitude and stroked her hip gently.
"Sei assolutamente incredibile, signorina! Ho notato che molti ufficiali hanno voltato la testa dopo di te." (You look absolutely stunning, miss! I noticed that many officers turned their head after you.) Hans Landa grinned and Y/N thought it was the most disgusting thing ever.
"Grazie mille signore. Sono sicuro che stai esagerando." (Thank you very much, sir. I'm sure you're exaggerating.) Y/N faked a smile and clenched her hand in fist to remain calm.
All of the Basterds with Bridget jerked their heads towards her. Her fluent Italian took them away as well as Landa.
"Quanto amo la lingua italiana! E dalla bocca di una donna così bella, è una musica per le mie orecchie." (How I love the Italian language! And from the mouth of such a beautiful lady, it's a music for my ears.)
"Mi stai adulando, signor Landa. Non hai un brutto aspetto." (You're flattering me, Mr Landa. You don't look so bad yourself.) Y/N felt like vomitting any next second. 
Aldo had enough of Landa's fake attitude, especially how Y/N looked so stressed and angry. He decided he has to step in or she won't hold herself back. Aldo recalled the one sentence he learnt yesterday, just in case he'd need to interrupt a moment in a formal way. This was the time.
"Baciami, adesso." (Kiss me, right now.) he stated and pulled Y/N even closer than before. She didn't manage to prostest or ask a quick question and their lips touched. She returned the kiss immediately and ran her fingers through his hair.
Until someone coughed.
They pulled apart from each other, Aldo smiling widely like a winner and Y/N blushing harder than ever.
"Ci scusi signore. Il mio ragazzo qui è un tipo appassionato. Devi perdonarlo." (Excuse us, sir. My boyfriend here is the passionate kind. You must forgive him.) Y/N stuttered and but looked directly at Landa.
Operation Kino was over and it was now only her, Aldo and Utivich. They lost everybody along the way. They stood together side by side through everything. They'd become something stronger than family, friends, lovers. They faced death together and nothing could break the bond they'd created over the years. It was time to go home.
Y/N stood on the ship that was taking the Basterds, or what was left of them, home. The wind was dancing on her hair whispering secrets in her ears.
"I never thought I'd make it back home." Aldo Raine appeared next to her with a cigarette between his lips.
"None of us thought so, Lieutenant." she nodded, "but the difference is, we were wrong. Not them."
"Smart as always." Aldo grinned as he turned to her. "You should stop calling me Lieutenant. The war's over."
Y/N giggled at his statement and he could swear he'd never heard something so melodic, something so right. 
"It kinda sticked with you, Lieutenant."
Aldo didn't answer, instead he threw away the cigarette and took some deep breaths. He needed whiskey, or anything else that would give him at least a bit of courage.
Aldo Raine fought in war, he saw his friends die, he was broken by everything he saw and still, asking Y/N a simple question seemed harder than surviving the bloodshed.
"Spill it out, Lieutenant." she laughed as she glanced at him. 
"I hate how ya always do that. But here it goes," Aldo replied, "I've never been good at this so I'll just keep it short."
He stopped for a moment and stared at the woman in front of him. As he stepped closer, his heart was already racing like it'd never before.
"Why don't ya come to the States with me? We can buy some little house in the Smoky Mountains and live there for the rest of our fuckin' lives." Aldo confessed in his Raine kind of way, looking at her with so much hope in his eyes. 
"Is this some kind of your proposal?" Y/N chuckled as she intertwined her fingers with his.
"I thought you'd never ask! Of course I'll come with you! You're everything I have, Aldo." 
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