#And so that I feel less alienated but haha sh—
toonjazzy · 4 months
Rambling and Analyzing Eraser bc I’m a fucking nerd—
Alright, let’s get into it!
Okay Okay can I just point out that the intro with the chalkboard and the ripping paper reminds me of High School Sweethearts?
Also, the reversed vocals “Paper, I’ll be”, IT SOUNDS SO GOOD???
No doubt, it is way better with the weird bass and the distorted vocals
Also, the message? I think it’s obvious Crybaby is talking about losing her virginity but, listen closely to her words and you will realize this is seriously so sad but unfortunately this happens to so many people regardless of age or gender
The song is about Crybaby losing her virginity young to a person who lied to her and hurt her because they were just trying to get into her pants the whole time like Crybaby originally thought “I know you want only one thing” and says “I’m too young for falling in love”, this is the case for many people. Many people do not know the difference between Love and Lust and confuse together and end up hurt in the process but nobody likes discussing that :|
Crybaby clearly knows what she is getting into which is why she states she is “Pure as an Angel” and “Don’t you fuck me up” and talks about her eraser. And then by the second verse, I noticed that you can hear the distorted vocals more which makes me think it represents her subconscious. Notice that the distorted vocals repeat what she says “Sweet Talk” “Fall” “Lights are off, the lights are off!” “Take something away from me” “Dumb” Take something away from me” She also says “I’m so dumb for falling in love, baby I want you to take something away from me” this may be her arguing with herself because she has these intrusive thoughts which again, are common in most people. But she states that she fell in love because she has sexual thoughts as seen by the lyrics “Now I want only one thing”
Then she says she will no longer be pure as an angel, again, a common thing that happens to people when they have these feelings (Nothing to be ashamed of! Dw!) And then she says this, “Say we’ll last forever and I won’t need an eraser”
This is where the sad part comes in. They did not love her, they only wanted to fuck her and just told her what she wanted to hear so that she would agree. Again, this happens to a lot of people, unfortunately (Be careful if you desire a relationship with love AND lust combined but only receive lust) and we get to the best part of the song, the bridge and the breakdown!
This sounds like her thinking about what just happened and now panicking. She says “Why am I crying? Oh fuck that’s right, you got what you wanted! Oh fuck, that’s right!” So this could be like her either crying after sex (Which I’ve read happens to some people) or her being dumped right after
The distorted vocals could be her mind screaming because she was nervous to lose her virginity or her screaming because she just got heartbroken and knows that she will now be slutshamed (Again, a common thing that unfortunately happens) since she says “I was pure as an Angel, now I’m all fucked up”. Also the vocals sound like they’re saying “No” at the bridge as if her subconscious knew it was a bad idea and tried to tell her No, don’t do this
I imagine her with like wings of fire and everything around her burning and her inner demons yelling at her while she cries. “Wrote your name on my paper, now I’m all marked up” is a clever lyric bc this means that she lost her virginity to this person, and it will always mean that and it has a negative effect on her, “Some things last forever and I don’t have an eraser” (Eraser echoes)
I imagine her at the end picking up a knife and marching towards the person as she says “If I had an eraser, I’d undo what you’ve done!” To get sweet revenge as this is a Melanie Martinez song after all!
*Mic drops*
-Jester Jazzy, an Educated Aroace’s perspective
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