toonjazzy · 4 months
Rambling and Analyzing Eraser bc I’m a fucking nerd—
Alright, let’s get into it!
Okay Okay can I just point out that the intro with the chalkboard and the ripping paper reminds me of High School Sweethearts?
Also, the reversed vocals “Paper, I’ll be”, IT SOUNDS SO GOOD???
No doubt, it is way better with the weird bass and the distorted vocals
Also, the message? I think it’s obvious Crybaby is talking about losing her virginity but, listen closely to her words and you will realize this is seriously so sad but unfortunately this happens to so many people regardless of age or gender
The song is about Crybaby losing her virginity young to a person who lied to her and hurt her because they were just trying to get into her pants the whole time like Crybaby originally thought “I know you want only one thing” and says “I’m too young for falling in love”, this is the case for many people. Many people do not know the difference between Love and Lust and confuse together and end up hurt in the process but nobody likes discussing that :|
Crybaby clearly knows what she is getting into which is why she states she is “Pure as an Angel” and “Don’t you fuck me up” and talks about her eraser. And then by the second verse, I noticed that you can hear the distorted vocals more which makes me think it represents her subconscious. Notice that the distorted vocals repeat what she says “Sweet Talk” “Fall” “Lights are off, the lights are off!” “Take something away from me” “Dumb” Take something away from me” She also says “I’m so dumb for falling in love, baby I want you to take something away from me” this may be her arguing with herself because she has these intrusive thoughts which again, are common in most people. But she states that she fell in love because she has sexual thoughts as seen by the lyrics “Now I want only one thing”
Then she says she will no longer be pure as an angel, again, a common thing that happens to people when they have these feelings (Nothing to be ashamed of! Dw!) And then she says this, “Say we’ll last forever and I won’t need an eraser”
This is where the sad part comes in. They did not love her, they only wanted to fuck her and just told her what she wanted to hear so that she would agree. Again, this happens to a lot of people, unfortunately (Be careful if you desire a relationship with love AND lust combined but only receive lust) and we get to the best part of the song, the bridge and the breakdown!
This sounds like her thinking about what just happened and now panicking. She says “Why am I crying? Oh fuck that’s right, you got what you wanted! Oh fuck, that’s right!” So this could be like her either crying after sex (Which I’ve read happens to some people) or her being dumped right after
The distorted vocals could be her mind screaming because she was nervous to lose her virginity or her screaming because she just got heartbroken and knows that she will now be slutshamed (Again, a common thing that unfortunately happens) since she says “I was pure as an Angel, now I’m all fucked up”. Also the vocals sound like they’re saying “No” at the bridge as if her subconscious knew it was a bad idea and tried to tell her No, don’t do this
I imagine her with like wings of fire and everything around her burning and her inner demons yelling at her while she cries. “Wrote your name on my paper, now I’m all marked up” is a clever lyric bc this means that she lost her virginity to this person, and it will always mean that and it has a negative effect on her, “Some things last forever and I don’t have an eraser” (Eraser echoes)
I imagine her at the end picking up a knife and marching towards the person as she says “If I had an eraser, I’d undo what you’ve done!” To get sweet revenge as this is a Melanie Martinez song after all!
*Mic drops*
-Jester Jazzy, an Educated Aroace’s perspective
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gayvampyr · 2 years
“queer spaces should be inclusive of people who don’t enjoy sex and who have “strange”, negative or repulsed relationships with sex” and “sex is an important aspect of lgbt community, history, and activism and queer people should be allowed and able to talk freely about sex without stigma or shame” are ideas that can and should coexist.
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
The Spider And Her Demons
YA Australian urban fantasy/horror
about a Malaysian-Chinese girl who’s half spider-demon, just trying to keep her head down and survive high school
when she accidentally kills and eats a man in front of the most popular girl at school, they strike up a strange friendship and she starts to learn more about herself and the supernatural world
aroacespec/sapphic ish
#The Spider And Her Demons#Sydney Khoo#loveozya#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#you give me a teenage girl with giant hair spider legs who scuttles across her bedroom wall on page 3#and then eats a man and i am already sold.#also aus books are always so familiar compared to US books :)#and yes sexuality stuff is ambiguous but basically: a bunch of discussion on relationship hierachies (ie friendship equally/more important)#themes of feeling unlovable bc you're different and different forms of love#multiple times the MC says she has no interest in dating or relationships and also is touch (and maybe sex) repulsed#- but of course that Also has to do with the whole Being A Monster thing#and it definitely shows some kind of attraction to dior - ie looking at her lips/bare skin; blushing; etc#and ends on sort of hand kiss / 'is this something??' vibes#I asked the author and they said they see them as QPR / platonic soulmates but are not at the point where they would know what to call it#which makes total sense to me!#the part of me who wants more obvious aroace YA wishes it was a little more specific#but also I DO love ambiguity and I think it wouldn't be true to the characters#who are clearly not even ready to start figuring that stuff out.#and also. aroacespec sapphics is like. also something i want#also like. I think it's reductive to assume just because 'looks at lips' is a common allo attraction trope....doesn't necessarily mean#it has to be that. yknow.#anyway. i loved it a lot.#gross spidergirl (affectionate)......#also dior is such an interesting and complex character. like another book could have made her nicer or less fucked up
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teazzle · 8 months
ace question for this ace awareness week but anyone can answer!
oh let me know if you're ace or not in the tags and share this?
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bunnihearted · 1 month
i feel like many ppl dont understand just how unwanted i am and how deeply it affects me... my presence isnt wanted anywhere, and wherever i go i feel like im not allowed to exist. im never anyone's first choice. never the first favorite friend. never this never that. like im never the first choice for anyone, just now i almost got hit by a car bc the driver chose to not hit another person close by. they would've rather hit me than that person. and that's just how it goes for me wherever i go. im lucky when and if im even tolerated. but im not wanted or the first choice or the favorite. that just makes me feel so profoundly alone, like i dont belong anywhere or is even allowed to breathe the same air as everyone else.
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
i just dont get the insistence that silver has to be the child or descendant of some other already existing character in general really ... like surely shadow amy and sonic arent the only hedgehogs that exist in the present? silver could just be some random guy you know. also i honestly think his whole deal is more interesting if hes not anyone special or related to anyone special. and hes just some random kid who was born into a shitty situation and one day decided hes had enough and hes gonna do something about it
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disagigglebilities · 4 months
The interesting intersection of having both physical and mental disabilities and experience abled bodied mentally ill ableism and sane minded physically ill ableism
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derpinette · 2 months
i have this "alter ego" that only exists in my head where essentially i am a fat sloppy drunk old fisherman with no loved ones living in misery & isolation & i often imagine myself as him especially in moments of patheticness
#& he is always a fisherman not a farmer not a fisherwoman either ( too badass... )#past life ?! caus my ♯azn side was all fishers & stuff like my grandfather ETC but like all of them looked anorexic instead of fat so#also i imagine the guy as kind of vaguely mediterranean looking so maybe not because that side of my family are mountain farmers#when i read the old man & the sea ( i hate hemingway BTW ♯NotPete ♯ActuallyMikey ) ( uhm sorry about that... )#i was like this is my life/future if it was better... 🚬 But that was a good while after i was already thinking of myself like that#closest thing i felt to a kin moment is when we analyzed miss brill like wow me & i am not even old that is genuinely just my life#as a (at the time) seventeen year old. & also carol ledoux from repulsion literally 100% only i am an ugly freak instead of beautiful#i pretty much never think of myself as myself in my head & actually never when i was younger up until age 9 i remember vividly#& i just had this thought while making my lazy “bite sized” onigiri ( bowl of seasoned rice +tunamayo +vache qui rit +avocado +spoon )#but even when i make the non lazy version i get so overwhelmed & irritated & SLOPPY i feel like a drunk old man with nothing to#live for#anyone else feel like this sometimes...#if any of you weeaboos judge my terminology by the way i will kill myself just FYI#IDCCCC about the actual name you know what i mean. quasi poke bowl but each “component” has its own dish. whatever OK...
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some-pers0n · 3 months
idk why femscout is the most popular team fortress r63. half of his personality is that he's a boyfailure and it just wouldn't work if he were a girlfailure. i am a proud lesbian of the femsoldier nation.
He looks female enough to draw him as a preppy tomboy with a ponytail. Him, Pyro, and on occasion Medic. Not as much as, say, Solly, Sniper, or Heavy. Though, I did once see art of a FemEngie where it was a petite anime girl with black hair and giant DD tits floating around on either the shitposting sub or the official sub. Probably shitposting subreddit. I could only think about how much a coward that person was cause there's no way FemEngie would have an hourglass figure and not be a fat butch. C'mon now, be serious.
I will say though I do love the concept art for the female mercs. I like the idea that all of them would've had differing personalities to their male counterparts, but ah well.
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bylertruther · 1 year
going through henry's tag and experiencing psychic damage with every third post saying some of the craziest shit you've ever heard in your entire life, because the idea of henry targeting will the way he has since season one suddenly makes liking henry too uncomfortable for some people, leading them to engage in insane mental gymnastics trying to twist canon this way and that, even though that's what the story has been leading to this entire time and the show literally told you multiple times from four different character's mouths, one of which was henry's own, that that was indeed the case lol
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whisperofthewaves · 1 year
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o boże
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caspalooza · 8 days
It sounds dramatic, but growing up, I agonized over the fact that I was repulsed by sex. I thought I wanted to be in a relationship but that it wouldn't be possible (or at the very least, not fair to the other person) to be in one without sex in it. I was convinced that romance is The Thing That Completes You, so I thought my options were "deal with sex against my will" or "be alone forever".
When I finally learned the term "asexuality"... well, I didn't really grasp the concept of attraction types, so I pretty much went, "man, I WISH I was asexual, instead there's just something wrong with me" and carried on.
I think I was nearing 17 when I finally decided to look into asexuality for longer than 5 minutes, mostly out of sheer desperation. I had vaguely known that sexual attraction and romantic attraction were separate terms, but I had always thought of sexual attraction as being a hyperbolic term for romantic attraction. And that sexual attraction only actually existed in movies and books and the like for dramatic effect or comedy. I don't remember what made it click, but when it hit me that it was fucking REAL and that most of the people around me had been experiencing it for a LONG TIME I finally felt that moment that I guess every person has at some point in their life of lost innocence. At SIXTEEN. LOL.
It is undoubtedly funny, but it was also scary. Over my life I had experienced things and acted in ways I thought were fine and normal, purely because I was straight up clueless about sexual attraction. It was never taught to me in any form because I guess there's an assumption everybody experiences it and therefore knows for themselves what it's like. So while there was a feeling of elation, I guess, because I wasn't alone and I wasn't broken, there was also a lot of horror and disgust that came with it because a lot of memories from my life were being dug up and put in this new context in a very not good way. And I can be more careful now, but dear lord what I would give to have been taught these things way, way sooner.
The romantic side is a nightmare in a different way. Ages ago, I developed a pretty silly-sounding fear that I secretly had crushes on all the people I met (and/or worse, that they reciprocated) that still won't go away no matter how hard I ignore the voices! That's paranoia for you, I guess. So it's hard to know for sure if I actually have a crush on somebody or if it's just the paranoia, but I think the fact that I know how it feels means I probably have, at least once, even if the thought of actually acting on romantic feelings sounds like the worst thing ever. I used to be really big into the idea of it, though, that's for sure. For years, I lived vicariously through my hundreds of fandom and oc ships. And I do still love exploring romantic relationship dynamics through fiction, but now it's more because I think The Inner-Workings of People and Relationships Are Fascinating than because I have any desire to live it for myself.
At the very least, the realization that I was ace and potentially aro helped me to pull myself out of my sad pit. And though I've never been super involved with the aspec community (out of shyness), If nothing else I credit all the lovely people in it for indirectly teaching me how important and fulfilling friendships and platonic bonds of all kinds can be. And that platonic/romantic/etc. love and attraction shouldn't be tiered as more or less important or fulfilling than one another, just different. It seems like a simple and obvious concept to me now, but it genuinely changed my outlook on life when I was first exposed to it.
Looking back at the things I actually wanted (and didn't want) out of my hypothetical "perfect romantic relationship" (no romantic gestures, just cuddling lol) I realized I pretty much only ever wanted an affectionate, possibly committed friendship (something like a qpr) and only assumed it was romance because... well, everybody is supposed to want romance! And seeing as my early friends and family weren't super affectionate people, it was pretty easy for me to believe that physical affection only came from a romantic partner.
All in all though, I've realized that, at least for me, it's not super helpful to think of different relationship types as strict categories or boxes. Humans are just more complex than that. And It's kinda ironic that the same community that often faces the "loveless" stereotype is the same one that opened my eyes to the fact that there are so, so many ways to experience profound and fulfilling love. And I think that's beautiful!!!!! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!
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dailyeca · 8 months
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sometimes i think that i should be putting him in more complex compositions and dynamic poses and cool outfits and color palettes and pretty rendering and detailed backgrounds and more characters and story-driven comics and personal meaning
and then im like. that's the fucking devil talking. dailyeca is and always was supposed to be a low maintenance blog where i draw an eca a day and this eca can be the most scribbled motherfucker in da world but as long as there's a daily eca then i've succeeded. when i have time to add cool shit i can absolutely do that but even if he's just a sketched up bust shot at 11:59, i'm doing enough because that's just dailyeca babey.
#eca orichird#daily eca#we do what we can. i am doing enough.#for a lot of other things i always feel the need to make masterpieces; art larger than myself and my scope; something with heart and soul.#dailyeca is truly like. not everything has to be perfect. this is my grimy grumpy little asshat and i can do whatever the fuck i want.#(including cursing because goddamnit i am no one's pure little angel baby anymore. i am not here for your judgement anymore.)#im not trying to impress anyone here. dailyeca has always been art for me first. i never truly announced this blog in the beginning.#if no one looked i'd still do it. i draw this angry lonely boy for me. if other people want to see i appreciate it but that's secondary.#that one tumblr poem post. ''you say 'it’s my villain era''' by ridinkskinned. sometimes i feel like making eca was my villain era.#what i mean is that sometimes people hate things when they hit too close to home. what i mean is when i first made eca i felt repulsed.#i can be angry and rude and imperfect and alone. i don't need to facade or fawn or listen at all times and be the perfect little nobody.#i can be flawed and i can still be important and i can still have a happy ending and have people love me without need to change me.#i wrote that i wanted to draw ecas with more personal meaning but every eca posted is a personal meaning in of itself.#you get it. (you probably don't. but that's fine. that's secondary.) i should work on creator and creation again.
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antisocialgaycat · 8 months
so i just finished They Both Die At The End and the whole time, i was thinking "they better not fucking fall in love cos that will ruin the whole book" and then when they did, instead of being pissed, i was happy. why? because it was written so well. i'm so used to romance being written super shitty that the characters falling in love is the worst part of the book, but i realised that if it's written well, its not actually that bad. also its just a great book in general please go read it if you havent already
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fizzycereal · 3 months
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Guys I am #1 romance hater 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🔥🤬🔥🤬🔥🤬🔥🤬🔥💥💥😡💥
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Pov me everytime I see romance coming up in a piece of media: /hj
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jisungshotfirst · 4 months
fellow aromantics<3 please learn to find your self-worth and pride outside of bitterness towards allos and romance. become comfortable with seeing romance around you because it's a beautiful thing. love your allos allo-ness and be kinder to them. they are not better off than you and you are not better than them. so just be kinder.
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