#And so while I only posted 1 drawing in 2023 on there. 6 months ago. That was a HUGE leap from my previous drawings
galactichelium · 9 months
Very unfortunate that I am a very slow drawer because I am also very impatient. Why must it take 1 million years for my drawings to manifest
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 21, 2023
Hi! Welcome to my first day of fandom blogging! I'm very excited about doing this and hope you'll join in on the conversation and really hope that you might start one of your own!!! So on that note, lets get going.
What I'm reading:
I'm currently re-reading The Changeling by @annerbhp. It's a canon rewrite of sort, with a big twist. Here's the summary: Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why. It's 182K from Ginny's POV. It does follow canon to a point. I read this about 6 months ago and I still think about it when writing Drarry. I now have to give Ginny a positive break-up with Harry. LOL No dissing her because she's such a badass in this story. While it's listed as Harry/Ginny, it really is mostly a Ginny story for the main story. There's follow on stories after this one that are fab too.
It starts with Year 1 and the house sorting. Ginny is surprisingly sorted into Slytherin. She at first thinks its a joke done by her twin brothers, but then reality sets in. Most of her family is devastated and she feels completely isolated. This is a Ginny you'll recognize from canon and then so much more. If you longed for more Slytherin background and lore than canon gave us, this you will love. And if you think Slytherin is dominated by the males...well this will give you a headcanon that you won't forget.
What I'm writing:
The Azkaban Letters, which I'm so far behind on I want to cry. It's a 2007 WIP I started right before HPDH came out. So it's canon divergent after HBP. I did edit the first 7 to be more in line with canon and post canon. My issue is I have too much in my head and too many ideas to get down on paper...er on the computer. When I stopped writing it in 2007, I had posted the first 7 chapters on The Hex Files. It came over to AO3 during the transfer and has been staring at me in the face since then. I'm now up to 16 chapters, which sounds like a lot, but there's 4 sections to the story and I'm in the middle of section 2. sigh.
Tumblr Posts of Interest:
@xanthippe74 on her blog has reposted her 2020 fic, Follow the Water in honor of summer solstice. If you have not read this fic, you are in for such a treat. Perfect summer fic. Give her post a reblog and fic some love!
@julcheninred posted on her blog yesterday that it was the 5th anniversary of Draw Drarry badly. I so love her block H/D art, and so happy we've had five years of her sharing them with us. Make sure to reblog to share the Drarry fun!
3. HDMpreg2023 has posted the reveals on A03. TWENTY fics in all. I only got to read about 1/3 of them, but whoa there are some serious gems. (If I find the Tumblr post for this, I'll add it.)
4. @lcdrarry has also posted their reveals! My apologies to the fest and authors/artists. I've only read a few this round but plan on diving into the treasure trove of Drarry. This was a new fest for me to watch when I came back to fandom. While I don't watch many movies or watch tv much anymore, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to follow/understand the stories as well as I should. I was wrong. Most I have found I could enjoy without knowing the source.
Tumblr Drarry Fic/Art Resource:
I'm guessing most of you follow @drarryspecificrecsdaily, but in case not, you should definitely follow! They post Drarry completed fics which have been posted on AO3 for the current day. I have found some amazing gems from this resource. Fics I haven't seen discussed or recced anywhere else and authors I haven't been blessed reading before.
Okay, that's it for Day 1! Hope you found something interesting. I'll be switching around the categories on a daily basis. Tomorrow, I'll be adding in Fic Rec from the way past. Feel free to comment. :)
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sapphire-mage · 1 year
So You Want to Get Into Middle Era Final Fantasy? (A Guide to Final Fantasy I-VI for Those Who Want To Check Them Out)
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Some months ago, I posted a bit of an excerpt about Final Fantasy 1-6 (Oh look, here it is!), as they were coming out in Spring 2023. I kind of hinted towards the end that I’d be down to discuss the later games as well, and I suppose now would be a great chance. As someone who as played all the numbers except 11 (which is not listed), I feel it would help to go to bat on this conversation.
This is a dialogue about ‘which of these games should be you’re first FF’ and/or ‘whether or not you should give the game a go’. I won’t be bashing any of them, but instead, making a case for each of them as a way to draw points as to whether or not you would be interested in them. I may state my opinion on some of them, but overall, I have love for each of them. Let’s begin, shall we?
-Take note that MOST of these games are turn based combat RPGS, in varying degrees. With certain games, the genre does shift in a certain direction, but they still fit the RPG niche.
-FF7-9 have more ‘active mode’ style turn based RPGs, while FF10 has a more ‘wait’ style, giving you A LOT more time to breathe. FF12 functions more as a single players MMORPG with two AI bots helping you, and FF13 is more of a fast paced turn based style with two AI partners. There’s also.... you’ll see.
-If by some chance, Final Fantasy isn't vibing with you: By all means quit. Maybe pick up one with a story that interests you more. Maybe turn based combat isn't your thing. Maybe you want a better leveling system. Maybe you would rather do more modern adaptations. It varies, but don't be afraid to step away. If it's not your thing, it is not your thing. That's okay.
-When it comes to any of these games: Wait until they are on sale. Square tends to put their games on sale pretty often, and pretty often, those sales are a steal. So keep that in mind!
OKAY! Let’s begin!
Final Fantasy VII
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To be clear, I am not talking about the remake. This is OG VII.
Gameplay-wise, VII takes a lot of notes from VI. Individually, characters have unique weapons and limit breaks, but you can equip materia that grant magic, skills, and stat boosts. THAT is where the strategy lies. Using what materia slots your character has, you can strengthen your materia while also making the right load out for upcoming battles.
The story is excellent on it's own. Without going into sequels or prequels, FFVII is actually one of the easiest to understand storylines of the bunch. Everything is pretty straightforward, and anything that isn't explained is left in mystery for mystery's sake (unless you go to prequels and sequels). Best of all: The character development is spread out neatly. Each character gets a lot of time to evolve as a character and improve, which is nice.
The music's fame precedes itself, though it has some that I'm not a fan of (namely 'Under the Rotten Pizza'). But if there is any real problem with FFVII, it's the graphics. Those polygons... have not aged well. I can look past it, but it may be a struggle for some. Especially in certain areas where it gets hard to SEE where to go.
But... It was my first Final Fantasy, and I think it's a superb 'first Final Fantasy' for ANYONE!
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General Tip: VII isn't too difficult, as far as the series goes, so I don't have many tips. ...Save for two. First off, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN EVERYWHERE FOR ITEMS! Especially materia! You can sometimes find materia just lying around, and that one chance to get it might to your only chance for a LONG TIME! So, keep your eyes open for green, blue, red, or purple orbs lying around!
And the second tip... At some point in the game, you'll end up going into some place called the 'Temple of the Ancients'.
When you think you're getting close to the end of that area, you should remove Aerith's/Aeris' accessory, give her a weak armor, and a somewhat weak weapon. It'll help you in a later battle.
You don't have to worry about materia, though. She can keep using whatever materia you want.
Final Fantasy Tactics
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WAIT A MINUTE! Tactics?!? T doesn't come after 7!
You see, Final Fantasy Tactics holds such a big place in people's hearts, that many consider it as part of the numerical series despite being a spin-off. I AM ONE SUCH PEOPLE! TACTICS RULES!
First off, the gameplay is completely different. If you've ever played or seen Tactics Ogre, Triangle Strategy, or any '_____ Tactics' game, you should know that THAT is the gameplay styling. It can also be compared to Fire Emblem, but it's a much more different beast in a certain regard. Imagine chess, but with RPG numbers and equipment.
But to make it even better: It has a job system like Final Fantasy V. You can change the class of your characters and keep some of the things they learned from those classes. You can have a Ninja that steals like a thief, a Chemist that can dance, a Black Mage with any other magic, etc. THERE'S EVEN A CLASS THAT LET'S YOU USE MATHEMATICS TO FIGHT! AND IT'S OP IN THE RIGHT HANDS!
Storywise, this is one of the richest, yet most tragic stories in the series. It's not a story that will make your cry, per se, but it is a story that will speak of the struggles of the world. While many characters are lovable (especially the main character, Ramza), the story is very heavy and deals with heavy political themes and questions of morality. How the corruption of greed and power ruins innocent lives. That said, it does all of this quite well, and it makes for an excellent story.
This isn't a good 'first Final Fantasy' as it is a spin off that plays completely different from the rest of the series, but it is an AWESOME game that you should play if the sound of this game tickles your fancy. No requirement to play any other number in the series, either.
THAT SAID, I WOULD RECOMMEND WAITING A BIT, BECAUSE THE LIKELY HOOD OF A TACTICS REMASTER IS QUITE POSSIBLE AT THIS POINT! Especially after the success of Triangle Strategy and Tactics Ogre's remaster. But if you can't wait, be sure to play the 'War of the Lions' port, and not the OG PS1 version. The original had some bugs and poor translation.
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General Tips: This game DOES have permadeath for all characters, so don't let that timer go past zero when your party members are KO'd. However, if you win the battle before their timers end, they'll be alive again after the fight.
Also: Ramza's 'Squire' class functions differently than the 'Squire' class does for most non-major playable characters. Keep an eye on it, as the class has some secrets that can benefit you later on. But of course, you can do as you please with Ramza's class and fighting style.
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I'm so sorry, VIII fans, but from this bundle, this is my least favorite. But I'm still coming from a place of love and understanding.
VIII is quite different in gameplay compared to most of the previous ones. It works somewhat like 7 in that characters have unique weapons and limit breaks, but then the magic system makes things... interesting. You can equip summons still, but now, you have to 'draw magic' out from enemies and random locations. You can't equip and cast 'Fire' unless you draw individual 'Fire' spells out from your enemies to cast it for yourself. It makes a lot more sense in context.
One of the unique things you can do with your magic is augment your magic to your stats to boost them. You can also equip magic to your weapons to change them. Equipping 'Fire' to your weapons or armor could grant you Fire Elemental Attack or Immunity respectively. Same goes for Status Effects like Poison or Sleep. That aspect is really neat and creative for boss strats.
Since the gameplay is so different, it's hard to recommend as a 'first Final Fantasy', but it is not a bad follow up one.
The story is a bit strange and all-over-the-place at times, but the central focus is on a cute romance between a grumpy teenage boy and a hopeful teenage girl. She drives him a bit crazy, which gets cute and fun. There's also a neat flashback story involving a super awesome character named Laguna, but that's for you to figure out.
If this game has one massive selling point, it's the music. One of the best OSTs in the series. Battle themes, overworld themes, town themes, dungeons themes. STELLAR all around.
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General Tips: Some might suggest drawing as much magic as you can until you hit max at the start. ...That is insanely boring and kind of torture. Go at your own pace. Draw when you can and have fun with it. There will be other methods to draw magic later in the game, too.
Also: Be careful over-leveling yourself. This game has a leveling system that levels boss battles along with you, so if you decide to max level, be ready for a difficult final boss.
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Talking about this game is going to be difficult, because... this game kind of means so much to me, that speaking ill of it kind of hurts. But I have to speak the truth about certain things. I need to emphasize that this game has my favorite story in the entire series. Ever. Just... My god... It's so good. Maybe not perfect, but it's everything to me.
First, let's talk gameplay. Characters function like FFIV, where characters have predetermined classes and roles, but with IX, they learn new magic, abilities, and skills by equipping specific weapons, armor, or accessories. Even if the weapon or gear sucks, you need to master the spell/skill before moving on to better gear.
Also, worth mentioning: Recent ports have some 'aspect ratio' issues that mess with certain scenes. And sometimes, the game can crash after you beat the final boss. ...Yeah. I don't know why Square did a 'bleh' job with the port. Consider a PS1 version if possible, or be ready to watch the ending on YouTube when you get there.
But... This game's story... Holy moly... There has not been a video game, let alone a Final Fantasy, that has made me cry THIS MUCH! Endwalker came close!
Mind you: This is also, easily, the funniest Final Fantasy. The characters are very cartoonish, and this leads to many antics and running gags.
But the moral of this story... Without spoiling much, Final Fantasy IX talks about the value of life. AND MY GOD, DOES IT RIP YOUR HEART OUT BUT THEN ALSO MEND YOUR HEART WITH LOVE AND KISSES! And as sad as it sounds, it's a sadness that gives you hope, and sometimes, changes you as a person.
If it weren't for technical issues, this would be my favorite FF. There have been rumors of either a remake or a TV adaptation. Keep an eye out for that, and hopefully, they won't pull their punches on some of the heart wrenching moments of the game.
But if you want to experience the story now... It's ready for you to take on. Be ready to laugh, but be ready with some tissues.
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General Tips: Make use of what each character can offer! If a certain character isn't living up to their potential, but you HAVE to use them, don't be afraid to have them be an item healer.
Garnet has more powerful attack summons, while Eiko has more support driven summons. Zidane and Freya are secretly two of the most busted characters, but they require a lot of grinding to get them there. Vivi is low tier, but if I can beat final bosses and super bosses with Vivi on my team, you can do anything. And again, don't underestimate Blue Magic. EVER!
(EDIT: I made the fatal error to go watch a certain scene reaction to FFIX after proof reading this, and my nose is clogged from how much I was crying. Again.)
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I've heard many people point out that Final Fantasy X is the best 'First Final Fantasy'. It has voice acting. It has solid graphics. It's on every console. The story is easy to grasp (at least, the main two characters are). I'd agree, but I'd also say that that is still up to the eye of the beholder. Someone DYING to meet Sephiroth or having a preference for 2D games will point elsewhere in the end. But yes, FFX is a very safe bet.
From a gameplay standpoint, X SEEMS very forgiving, as it has a built in 'Wait Mode'. It could be one of your character's turn to attack, and you can take AS LONG AS YOU WANT! But it has some rough boss fights. Only bad part is leveling. It involves what is basically a 'giant board game where all characters start on different places, each space being a stat/ability'. IT'S HUGE! It leads to a lot of freedom, which is good, but it is extremely time consuming.
Story is... complicated. The lore and pace of the plot gets a little wonky and hand wavey. Like, "Oh! We need to move the plot to _____, so... RANDOM BULLSHIT!" But... that's not to say the story has no appeal!
The appeal of the story is the relationship between it's main characters, Tidus and Yuna. And not just in a romantic way. Yuna is quite honestly one of the most nuanced characters in Final Fantasy. She's absolutely fascinating, especially for people who have complicated religious history or family. And how Tidus and Yuna connect and lead each other to change is done so well.
And the music! Some of it has a strange bounce to it, but many other tracks are so incredibly beautiful.
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General Tip: As mentioned above, the Endgame side quests can be really annoying. Be ready to brace yourself for some tedious or difficult tasks. ...Unless you have no interest in doing them, in which case, carry on with your playthrough.
Oh, and there is a segment where you get the chance to teach Tidus the 'Jecht Shot'. Try your best to get it right the first time. It'll take place after you meet Yuna and get on a boat.
Final Fantasy XII
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XII is one of the biggest oddmans out. From this point on, 'turn based combat' is technically over. We're now dealing with more complicated gameplay styles.
Gameplay functions in what I can best describe as an 'auto battle programmer'. On one hand, you can tell your characters what to do, but on the other, you can 'program' them to attack using 'gambits'. For example, 'If Ally HP < 30, use Cure' or 'If Enemy has lowest Health, Attack'. Characters will function and respond to these set ups instantly, and even follow priorities depending on how important you consider each gambit to be for each character.
It's very different from the rest of the series, and it was controversial at the time. That said, I really enjoyed it. Definitely fed the former computer programmer in me.
Story is VERY different from most Final Fantasys. While character arcs and development exists, they do not take the forefront. XII, much like Tactics (which takes place in the same world), focuses more on political drama and revolution. That said, the characters are still fairly fun and interesting, so you're not entering a world of lifeless characters.
Music would probably be my biggest issue. I don't dislike Hitoshi's work. Obviously, I liked Tactic's OST, but XII doesn't have many tracks that stick with me. Still, it sounds better than the Tactics Advance games.
Should go without saying, but this one isn't a great 'First Final Fantasy'. I would recommend it to people who really enjoy computer programming or logic statements, though.
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General Tips: This game does not have 'dropped gil/money' like most Final Fantasy games do. Unless your opponent is human, they don't drop money. Instead, monsters will drop spoils such as fur, bones, teeth, etc. THOSE can be sold for money.
Unfortunately, there is also an issue where there are certain items that you shouldn't sell, or else you will cheat yourself out of certain future prizes. You may want to look into that online.
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The most controversial game on this line up. I lived through quite a fandom war over this game. Where I lie on that debate can be summarized in three statements. 1. I'm not going to deep into that, as I'm here to speak hope into the ether for this game. 2. The 'Hallway Simulator' criticism is a bit absurd, when MANY games do that. 3. Final Fantasy XIII needs friends and deserves friends, and that's what I want to fight for here.
XIII's gameplay is a step back to being somewhat turn based, but it is a lot more automated. You can only control one character, but you can change the 'classes' of your entire party mid-battle. You'll alternate to deal damage, heal, buff, debuff, and set up the right combo to break your enemy's defenses.
Biggest drawback is that if that character your controlling dies, it's Game Over. BUT the game works in a 'Would you like to retry the battle?' way, so retrying is no big deal.
The story... I'm not gonna lie, I am still SO CONFUSED by the general lore and explanation of what certain things are, but... I GET THE CHARACTERS! While some may say that it's a bit 'anime', the characters go through some great character arcs.
Lightning is controversial for... dumb reasons. Sorry, I like my 'big sister' protagonists, and she's no exception. Lightning is cool as hell. And Vanille is a very off-character whose voice acting and behavior will have you scratching your head... until you figure out what's going on with her.
And finally, the music. I don't know many games Masashi has led on his own, but OH MY GOD, I love the music of this game. Absolutely gorgeous! And the fact that the above song is the BASIC BATTLE THEME is crazy!
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General Tips: A large portion of the game is pretty straight forward, though chest are scattered around. You may get the creeping feeling of "Oh god, am I missing side quests as I go through here?"
NOPE! The game will open up at a certain point, and it will be EXTREMELY obvious when it does. Then, and only then, do side quests show up. But it won't be for a while.
Alright, that about wraps it up. I'm not really planning to cover XI, XIV, or XV. Still haven't played XI, XIV is an entirely different beast, and XV is something I'm still processing. If I did anything beyond here, it would probably be spin-offs? I didn't mention X-2 or XIII's sequels (I haven't played the latter, maybe I should get on that), but maybe there I will.
Ranking the games from 'best Final Fantasy to start with'. Mind you, this isn't a ranking of 'Which games are best'.
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XII
I'm a bit biased. VII was MY first! And I didn't rank Tactics because I feel like people searching for Tactics games will gravitate to Tactics on their own. Or at least, everyone should play/try FFT regardless of FF relationship.
Honestly, I feel like these six (or seven) are very much up to factor of 'Which one interests you the most?' And that drive will guide you more than anything. If you're just DYING to meet Cloud and Sephiroth, then you know the answer. If anything I mentioned got you interested, maybe that's the one to go for.
Even if I recommended AGAINST playing one of them first, do it if you want to. Honestly, everyone has something to gain from each of these. I truly don't believe any of these are 'bad'.
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future-circuit · 2 years
tagged by @evergardenwall
it's a long one. it's late so i let myself get carried away, particularly in one question (if you scroll you'll know what i mean).
i'd feel kind of bad tagging anyone in this post since i just ramble a lot. but as always (even though i know no one ever accepts these open invitations), if you want to do it and you haven't been tagged, tag me as having said i did. i'd like to see.
1. what book are you currently reading?
technically none? i've mentioned before but i was reading New Finnish Grammar by Diego Marani a while ago and it's been sitting in my 'to finish' pile for months now but since i do English and have to read for that it's just been sitting on the backburner.
i have since bought about eleven other books that i'm determined to read over the course of 2023 that i'm really excited for but i'll finish New Finnish Grammar hopefully before the new semester starts.
2. what do you usually wear?
a t-shirt, a jumper and jeans. i am but a simple lad.
i pretty much only own jeans and i've been trying for years to expand my wardrobe but alas...
3. how tall are you?
164cm. yeah yeah. i know. i'm small. yuck it up.
4. what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
sagittarius and i don't think so
5. do you go by your name or a nickname?
online i always go by Yellow, i probably recognise it as my name more than my actual name at this point.
6. did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
what i wanted to be as a child was a vet (then when i figured that wouldn't work like a year later, i decided i wanted to work in an animal shelter before 2015 hit). so no, considering i'm not on that career track.
outside of careers though also no. unfortunately, somewhere along the line i found out about genders and that kind of fucked shit up a bunch. don't think young me would be impressed that i actually wear trousers now
7. what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
man i dunno what i'm good at. i'm pretty alright at the trombone. similarly i don't know what i'm bad enough at that it's notable. maths in general i guess.
8. if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i actually... it feels kind of narcissistic of me to say but i have a few favourite sections from my writing this year i like and yes i will share them. anyone who ends up reading this i know will skip this section but it's for my own sake.
the first two are from the chapter A Night Seems Termless Hell (Lang’s the Night Frae E’en to Morn) which is a set of loosely connected one-shots. this particular one i remember being really happy with after. i still kind of am (as you can probably tell). the third is from my portfolio piece - the second half of which was rushed and i don't particularly like but i love the first part still.
"Wandering the streets he no longer knew, towards a guiding light artificial in a way he’d once been familiar with, he felt out of place. Too big for the city he had grown up in. Too small for the world he’d once felt suffocated in. Tears pricked at his eyes but he’d already cried all of his tears back in Hisui and had none left for his own world."
"He didn’t know how to cook before he left for space. He’d always assumed [his mother would] be the one to teach him [...] she’d tell him on the rare occasions he was home before dinner and willing to help that it was alright for him to stay her little boy for a little while longer. He didn’t need to help and she’d let him know that that was alright. 
He could cook now, taught by a man that lived in a mountain that had taken him in when he hadn’t needed to. A man that Yuga knew his mother would love but would never get to meet."
"She’d skipped that step, of course, because she was one step ahead. She always was, because she read a lot of books and books were made of paper which came from trees. That meant that the wisdom of old trees had transferred into her as she read. She understood things that her parents and brother didn’t. Her mum read but was too busy to read as much as her. Her dad and brother weren’t big on reading. That was fine. Anya could be smart enough for all of them."
9. dogs or cats?
i don't really have a preference. i like them both for their own reasons.
10. what’s something you would like to create content for?
amatsuki!! i have an idea but i probably won't do anything other than think about it. it's written down though so i won't forget, so who knows.
11. what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
amatsuki and yugioh, big shocker there i'm sure. also sea slugs and dictionaries.
12. what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
i don't think i went into this year particularly expecting anything
13. what’s a hidden talent of yours?
if i have any talents they're hidden from me too
14. what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
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sweetness-pop · 4 years
My YouTube Comment On Pairing: Yako Katsuragi x Yuya Higuchi! 💞💞💞💞
Hiya everybody! 💗🍓🌟Sweetness-Pop🌈🍭🌸 here! On YouTube, I, currently as🌟Symbol🌈Of🌸Sweetness💖, have this nonstop habit where I tend to type in long, detailed comments, which I’d love to use my creative mind to good use. & So I thought, why not share with all of you....to give the ultimate example of my definition for my phase “sweets”. I just copied my YT comment & pasted it on WORD, so here is what I typed about 1 of my OTPs:
Yako Katsuragi & Yuya Higuchi from Neuro: Supernatural Detective(aka Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro) by Yusei Matsui who is obviously famous for Assassination Classroom. 😉
Yako Katsuragi:
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Yuuya Higuchi:
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11 months ago (edited)
So for those who are solid romantic NeuYako shippers, I would so not read this comment if I were you!😰
Btw, I was close to shipping Neuro & Yako, but in my heart, I believe that I see them as a bizarre mentor & pupil in a platonic way. With Neuro being more like a surrogate father for Yako especially after her dad Seiichi was murdered, Neuro, Yako's papa #2.😁
Not to mention what deepens my thought is when I read in Yusei Matsui's 2016 interview that he answered in 1 of his questions that he's great with father-figure/child relationships for an audience. So that was a nice reminder that not only Matsui considers Koro-Sensei as a paternal figure obviously to 3E, but also Neuro to Yako.☺
 But what's super important is that I want to say that for romance, I actually find myself shipping Yuuya Higuchi x Yako Katsuragi!
 I just couldn't help it because to be perfectly honest, those two are realistic & could have the potential to become lovers!
 I believe that after the HAL arc, it's implied that Higuchi fell for Yako after she saved him from his guilt, she indeed "captured the criminal's heart."
There were even more moments between them in the manga, which is a hell of a lot better.
 What if before meeting Yako, Higuchi actually has never thought about or just wasn't interested in love & that he never even had experience, but all of that changed when Yako came in to his life, & suddenly....he falls in love for the very 1st time?💓
 Imagine after the completion of 2nd work, Assassination Classroom back in '16, Matsui will finally make up his mind & bring back the MTNN series as a sequel especially after that cliffhanger from the final chapter, 202. & in the sequel, Matsui will have fans by surprise by doing his usual & crazy ship hintings by making Yako & Higuchi become even closer, which includes the 1st name base:Yako-Chan & Yuya-Kun, & Higuchi's in love with Yako even more. The two would be revealed to even do stuff together like have breakfast, lunch & dinner, go to places like arcades, malls, internet cafes, Disneyland, Sega Joypolis & spas,...& perhaps spare keys to each other's places.🥞☕🍱💑🥃🍝🍷🎡🎮
And timeskip Higuchi now wears a white gold watch on his right wrist, he cherishes so much as he's always wearing it. Why? Because it was a gift from Yako on his 20th birthday.⌚
 What if Matsui will make Higuchi so in love with Yako that he does not pay any attention to other females at all, not even to check out? Matsui will even have Higuchi having intense sexual feelings towards Yako as he'd have 0 reaction when it comes to other women especially with those who have much bigger breasts than Yako. But when it comes to only Yako, Higuchi gets turned on, his urges would get to him. Higuchi would even fantasize about Yako like when she's in a bikini, wearing an apron naked, taking a shower, seducing him, & in his mind, he visions her clothes falling off of her as her naked body is covered in his blanket as she lays on his bed. He'd even dream of making love to her.
Imagine Higuchi being the 1st one to have ever see Yako as a woman, he'd not even be bothered that she has small breasts like possibly a B cup, in fact Higuchi would believe that Yako with a full heaving 38B size is perfect & beautiful on her, & that he prays that they'll never grow bigger...in a way, Higuchi's love for Yako will be described by Matsui as romantic, loyal, strong &....perverted.
 Yuya Higuchi could even be one of those supporting characters who deserve justice like the 2 JUMP females Hinata Hyuga from Naruto & Orihime Inoue from Bleach. NaruHina💝IchiHime💖& soon HiguYako💗
 In fact what if Higuchi's love for Yako will have us even reminiscing the true love that Kaede Kayano felt only for Nagisa Shiota in AssClass? Also what if while doing a lot of colorspread of Yako & Higuchi together, Matsui were to even draw them together in a crossover with Nagisa x Kayano?
💚HiguYako♥ x 💙Nagikae💚
Plus imagaine in the MTNN sequel,to save him, Yako gives Higuchi the hits kiss except it'll be naughtier & more erotic than Nagisa's on Kayano there'd be tongue wrestling, & sounds of moaning & breathing that are extremely hot & heavy with passion.💏🔞
 Then in a much later chapter/episode, Yako at 20 & Higuchi at 23 lose their virginity to each other.Turns out that because of how much he loves her, Higuchi is unexpectedly so good at makin' love for his first time with Yako who enjoys the passionate pleasure too much ....with "Romance" by Penicillin, opening theme of other Shonen JUMP series Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoiyo! Masaru-san playing in the anime version.🔞💏🛏🍒💥
  & Now to wrap this up, imagine Matsui ending the MTNN sequel with an epilogue taking place in 2023, 13 years after Neuro's death(sorry Nougami😞). Yako & Higuchi are married(with Yuya adopting Yako's surname😏), & together they have 4 kids.....& a male pet capybara named Yoshimaru.
 The kids:
1st, daughter Yuzue. Champagne blonde hair, blood red eyes & light tan skin. She is her mother's spitting image with her father's eyes. Her hair is kept in a half-up, half-down twintail style that is similar to Misa Amane's from Death Note(also JUMP). When she's a teen, her breasts are in a perfect full B cup like Yako's. Takes after her alot especially with the unstoppable giagantic appetite...like mother like daughter. She was born on January, 3 2013. Her name in the kanji 柚永 means "citrus eternity"🍋
 2nd, son Yahiro. Black hair with an ahoge, brown eyes & pale skin. Looks just like his father with his mother's eyes, & wears glasses like his late grandpa Higuchi. He was born on July, 15 2017. His name in the kanji 矢博 means "arrow abundant"➡.
 3rd, son Yuusei(like the mangaka😊). Blonde hair, blood red eyes & light tan skin. Bears a strong resemblance to Yako like her little genderbender with Yuya's eyes. The sei in his name, was after late grandpa Seiichi Katsuragi. He was born on May, 30 2019. His name in the kanji 勇星 means "brave star"🌟
 & 4th, daughter Yasumi. Brown hair, brown eyes & pale skin. She actually inherited her brown hair from grandma Haruka Katsuragi. She likes to keep her hair in twintails as a little girl. When she's older, she shockingly grows breasts that are alot bigger than her mom's & big sister's lol!
She was born on November, 6 2022.
Her name in the kanji 康心 means "peaceful heart".❤
  My OTP of MTNN....HiguxYako!😍
& That was 1 of my favorite comments on YouTube. I hope that you all had a nice reaction when reading all of this.😆 I so hope that Matsui will someday give his debut series MTNN a comeback in the future. I’m so glad that this series is Weekly Shonen JUMP, it even came out on the year that I started high school, which was 2005. I’ll write more sweets for HiguYako especially about their children: Yuzue, Yahiro, Yusei & Yasumi someday.🍋⬆⭐❤ My next post will be part 2 of my “Pilot: Crossover Sweets”, I am almost done typing it, so I should have it done by around next week.
So see ya soon!💕🤩
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