#And still has all the seed sto end up there anyways
tiralja · 9 months
Ok, I have to scream about this somewhere but nobody I know cares about trashy trasmigration bls so! Here we go!
You ever read something with such a stupid cracky premise that there is no way yhat you can take it seriously? Like a 35yr old dude getting thrown into his students smutty bl book about a world that has holy relics that are dildos and whos main character exists just to get fucked by all the characters there? Like one of those really smutty ones, with love interests that crossed the line between pushy and outright abusive sometime last century? Exept this isn't that main character. The MC's supposed to be this longhaired twinky pretty boi and instead they get this muscly teacher who has and will punch the main leads face in if they don't start behaving soon.
So it's one of those stories, where the new main character changes the plot, charms the main leads and has to complete a stupid quest (it's those gd dildo relics, they were stolen and he has to find them) and it's all fun and games!
Until it's very much not.
It's only been like 30 chapters but so far we have gotten:
A long flashback into the original MC's timeline and seen a glimpse of how had it actually was for him (real gd bad, holy shit that's some graphic whump)
Good old race inequality (this is a fantasy setting, some races in there are treated p damn bad)
Both of the current main characters companions getting slowly worse over time as the main character doesn't allow them to fuck him (one of them is also very gd unstable and has tried to get into his pants multiple times, including that time he made an obedient clone of the MC, fucked it on top of his sleeping body and then when that wasn't satisfying enough woke the man himself up so the clode could finish on his face. This man is certifiably insane) and hints that they also have bad backstories them both.
Add to all that that apparently the original MC also exist int this world, has stolen a legendary sword, is going around killing hordes of demons and also knows the current MC by name.
This is just!!!!!
I love it when the story you start reading for crack takes you by the scruff of your neck and trows you right into the deep end of some actually really interesting plot and characters!
Like, what is that psychos deal, how long untill the sweet seeming companion completely cracks, and most importantly, what the hell is up with the original main character?
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