#And the award for Most Goodie Two Shoes is………….. Inunir!!!
legendariium · 11 months
Which of your muses if the most powerful one, and why?
Who is the most goodie-two-shoes out of all your muses? Who is the most troublesome out of all your muses?
(answers limited to just the muses on this blog, not across all my blogs. for my own peace of mind)
I would imagine Eonwe is my most powerful muse. Across all my blogs at that. Why? Because he’s Chief of the Maiar, canonically most skilled in arms in all of Arda, Herald of Manwë, basically the equivalent of the Archangels Michael&Gabriel in one.
Most goodie-two-shoes almost goes to Eonwe as well — but alas, he comes in close second to Inunir. It is because Inunir is good out of the pureness of his heart & the love in his soul, whereas Eonwe - while still pure of heart - acts first and foremost out of a sense of duty.
Most troublesome is definitely Thuringwethil for being straight up evil. She likes to play with her food and causes trouble for the free peoples just for funsies.
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