#thuringwethil hc
legendariium · 11 months
Which of your muses if the most powerful one, and why?
Who is the most goodie-two-shoes out of all your muses? Who is the most troublesome out of all your muses?
(answers limited to just the muses on this blog, not across all my blogs. for my own peace of mind)
I would imagine Eonwe is my most powerful muse. Across all my blogs at that. Why? Because he’s Chief of the Maiar, canonically most skilled in arms in all of Arda, Herald of Manwë, basically the equivalent of the Archangels Michael&Gabriel in one.
Most goodie-two-shoes almost goes to Eonwe as well — but alas, he comes in close second to Inunir. It is because Inunir is good out of the pureness of his heart & the love in his soul, whereas Eonwe - while still pure of heart - acts first and foremost out of a sense of duty.
Most troublesome is definitely Thuringwethil for being straight up evil. She likes to play with her food and causes trouble for the free peoples just for funsies.
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junk-whunk-punk · 2 months
Question: What's the buckle on Thuri's belt? And do her tattoos have any meaning for her?
HI PURR PURRIE and sorry for delaying TUMBLR HIDES NOTIFS FROM ME🥹🥀 But I'm always all yours to talk with💋
oKAY Thuri's belt buckle is shaped for the logo of russian heavy metal band "Ария" (Ariya, not Apur xdd) It's not punk yeah, but every decent slavic punk must know this band (it's an unspoken law) so I interpret my own life to my AU. Am I selfish after this? No way. Am I insane after this? Quite maybe😌
And about her tattoos.... you better let me show you instead of explaining 👁v👁 (it's messy but it's still better than explanation haha)
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Thank you for the ask kitto!!💖 I'm always sooooo flattered by curiosity of y'all😌💋
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tengwar · 2 years
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Hi @eveningalchemist I am your pinch-hitter for @officialtolkiensecretsanta !! I was very excited to see Thuringwethil on your list because there's so little art of her! I hope you like it, and happy holidays!
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 3
Thuringwethil vs Rog
The vampire servant of Sauron whose cloak Lúthien uses as a disguise.
Her name means “Woman of Secret Shadow”, she's Sauron's herald, she takes the form of a vampire, it's implied she can shape-shift. Peak aesthetic!
A lord of Gondolin in an early draft of the legendarium. He led the folk of the Hammer of Wrath, who all perished during the Fall of Gondolin.
The etymology of his name opens up a lot of HC/backstory possibilities + Tolkien's blacksmiths are always interesting characters + the miscellaneous Gondolin lords in general are pretty obscure I think + I just think he's dreamy <3
Round 3 masterpost
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sauron-kraut · 3 months
For the headcanon meme - Mairon:
☾ - sleep (yes ;))
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤
sleep: My headcanon ist that Mairon, like all Ainur, does not need to sleep. He can benefit from sleeping though, for example after going through a particularly exhausting ordeal (yes, embodied Ainur can feel a certain level of exhaustion in my hc). He also might just like sleeping from time to time because it can feel good and, most importantly, he uses sleep as a form of escape, for example on Númenor, where he is fairly unhappy, to say the least, and after he lost Melkor. Also, Mairon is, generally speaking, a very pretty sleeper.
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Oh boooooy. Mairon likes luxury, especially First and Second Age Mairon. He will decorate his quarters and it will be an interesting combination of refined, elegant looking details and decorations and (to the human eye) rather of-putting, primal stuff like pelts, preserved creature and organ specimens, taxidermy etc., knives, weaponry, you name it.
Mairon prefers to sleep in large, comfortable beds with many (colourful, especially red/golden) pillows and blankets and wolf pelts. He's not squeamish about uncomfortable sleeping situations though, when he's outside, setting camp for battle etc. (he's still efficient and pragmatic).
Mairon likes heavy, dark wooden furniture. You will find his living quarters always illuminated by torchlight or many candles.
Third Age Mairon, in my hc, has lost some of these preferences or the will to design his quarters accordingly; his taste or what he believes is his taste now might have also shifted. I'm talking more stone, darker furniture, more angles, less fabric and tapestries and carpets, more bare stone floors. More dark iron work. More Art Deco. Third Age Mairon is not too fond of coddling himself anymore and his ✨ aesthetics ✨ have changed.
quirks/hobbies headcanon: Mairon literally likes to hunt elves and sometimes humans for sport when he's bored. In Tol-in-Gaurhoth he gets bored quite a bit without the same level/quality of permanent responsibilities he had in Angband, so he will take a crossbow or a dagger and his bare hands and teeth and ask Thuringwethil to accompany him on little fun hunting trips together.
likes/dislikes headcanon: Short and simple: While Mairon hates bodies of water (especially the sea) as a fire spirit and a creature who lives with Melkor, he will enjoy boiling-hot baths.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 months
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Pairings: Thuringwethil/Arien
Themes: Soft
AU: Punk AU
Warnings: Some coarse language, but that's about it.
Word count: 700+words
Summary: After rehearsals Thuringwethil spends a quiet moment with Arien.
A/n 1: This was inspired by the white dress art by @junk-whunk-punk
A/n 2: Punk AU Arien HCs will be up the same time tomorrow
Minors DNI
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“That’s a night, folks.” Mairon stepped away from the mic and rolled his head from side to side, stretching the muscles in his neck. It had been a long night, and he was worn out from the incessant rehearsing, just like the others. Nevertheless, he made peace with such exhaustion. The concert was but two days away, and they couldn't afford any mistakes. “Get yourselves something to eat in the dressing room, and then we’ll all head back to the hotel.”
“Fucking finally,” Thuringwethil said. She sighed, relieved that rehearsals were over for the night, but she smiled, removed her guitar, and gave it to an assistant passing by to take. "Will you look at all of that," she said at length. "In two days, we’ll be lucky if we can see the walls right at the back." 
Mairon turned to look at the wide open field ahead of him and the high, distant walls illuminated by bright white stadium lights. The arena could easily hold thirty thousand people, they were told. It was something neither he nor anyone in the band, for that matter, could have comprehended the first time they got together to play. Once, they considered themselves fortunate if they could convince even fifty to come to watch them play. Now, they were performing in sold-out arenas packed with screaming fans. Their dreams of greater fame and glory were finally coming true.
“Fuck me,” Mairon said, overawed. Then he looked at Thuringwethil and said, “Let’s go. We're all tired and hungry, and Arien is probably bored to tears by having to wait for us." 
“Arien isn’t bored to tears,” Thuringwethil said. She rolled her eyes. “She brought a book with her to read.”
Mairon opened his mouth to tease, but then he thought not to. Thuringwethil would have plenty to say if he uttered a joke at her or Arien's expense, and none of it would be kind. And, he admitted to himself, he didn't wish to ruin what had been a successful night by making his lead guitarist angry.
“Go on,” he said instead. “We’ll catch up.”
The well-lit inner corridors of the arena seemed to go on forever in Thuringwethil’s eyes. And yet she didn't mind them. After the concert, she could commit this arena and its many corridors to memory, where they rightfully belonged. 
It didn't take too long for her to reach the private dressing room set aside for them. This was also an immense change from the dark and musty little rooms they had to be content with when they first began to play. As soon as she entered, a little reception room greeted her. This was where they would meet eager fans, sign autographs, and take pictures. A low sofa of rich brown leather stretched from one corner of the wall to the other, and a glass coffee table stood in the center. To her right stood a vending machine filled with snacks and sweets, and to her left was the door leading to another room. Thuringwethil didn’t waste another moment. She crossed over to the door and opened it.
“There you are, sunshine,” she said, peering into the room.
Arien looked up from her book and smiled. “All finished for the night?”
“Yes, finally,” Thuringwethil said, walking to the fridge. "How’s the book?" she added after pulling out a can of beer and popping it open. "Is it any good?"
Arien marked where she stopped reading with a bookmark and said, “Quite riveting, actually. I’m glad my dad found this in that bookstore he walked into.”
Thuringwethil looked at her. Arien may have worn a simple white dress along with her favorite pair of earrings, but nothing could hide what Mairon once called the Air of Old Money in her. Graceful and well-groomed she would always be, whether she wore a ball gown or a sweater and ripped jeans.
“What the hell sent you here to me?” She murmured with affection. Arien could have had anyone she desired, yet she chose Thuringwethil, paying little heed to the many objections that came her way.
Arien set her book down beside her. She kicked off her shoes and curled up on the sofa, tucking her feet beneath her body. Presently, she said, “I don’t know. But for myself, I will not question my luck. Are you?”
“No way am I doing it, sunshine.” Thuringwethil drained her beer and tossed the can into the little bin by the fridge. She went to the sofa to rest her head on Arien's lap. “Read some of that book to me,” she said, closing her eyes and sighing softly when Arien brushed her hand over her hair. “We can eat when the others get here.”
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tags: @cilil
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ruiniel · 1 year
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A Modern!Thuringwethil HC redraw
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edensrose · 1 year
*Seductively* Heyyy~~
I had a very sad thought. Like, a very very sad one. It's about Mairon (and minorly Thuringwethil). I'm sorry, but it's a very long one. If you don't want to read it, I'll understand! No hard feelings!
So, you know how Balrogs are basically Maiar who willingly joined Melkor? Mairon wasn't a Balrog. Which goes to say that he possibly swayed onto Melkor's side, and still can potentially leave him (Melkor), which makes it so tragic because he could have left Melkor during the end of the First Age like when a few Maiar/ servants of Melkor surrendered to the Valar... so why didn't Mairon leave or surrender?
And also the way Thuringwethil and Mairon were written in the Silmarillion, it just (personally) gives the aura that they were forced to do the things they did with absolutely no say. I know they both did horrible things (like torture or murder/ pillage etc) but doesn't it strike that they were forced to do something like that? Given that Mairon was a servant of Aulë, he surely would have spent some quality time with Yavanna as well, and it is said that Yavanna gave life, so don't you think that quality of Yavanna would rub off on Mairon too? For instance, Aulë made life (dwarves), and I'm pretty sure Mairon felt guilted by all the deaths he had brought about. He wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but I really feel like it would guilt him a lot, to the extent that he would find being alive more like a curse.
And Melkor might have known this. And I believe he tortured Mairon and Thuringwethil with this (I read a HC somewhere that Thuringwethil might have been a Maia of Este or Irmo), giving them both no choice but to follow his orders. And it is said that Mairon's Fëa grew dark, but being a Maia of Aulë who works in the forges day and night, who handles fire and electric currents, who handles light, wouldn't it be odd that Mairon liked the darkness? His Fëa must surely have been fiery to have to deal with being a Maia of Aulë, so where did this darkness come from? I believe Melkor enforced it upon him, since it was stated somewhere in Tolkien's books (I don't remember which one) that the Ainur value their Fëar, and would rather die (set it free) than let it be tainted (like when there was a draft-version when Melkor wanted to forcefully marry Arien and she set her Fëa free), so maybe Melkor was the reason why Mairon did everything he did.
What if Mairon had a feeling Melkor was doing something bad after being set free by Mandos, and when he went to discover it, Melkor grasped him, and darkened his soul?
And it was said that Melkor poured a part of his Fëa into the world before being booted into the Void in order to keep a sense of evil and command and his will, so what if he poured some in Mairon and Thuringwethil to keep them bound to him and his will?
What if Mairon had tried to reach out to Eönwë the whole First Age, but at the same time had to play a convincing role to Melkor, which led him to commit hundreds of atrocities? And what if Eönwë found out, which was why he requested Mairon to surrender?
And during the Second Age, what if Mairon had found a way to extract that darkness within himself and Thuringwethil, when he made the One Ring? I like to think that it wasn't Mairon's entire Fëa in it; possibly a mix of his and Thuringwethil's, and the only way to remove them both from the command/ bounding of Melkor was to destroy it. But maybe he didn't know how, or perhaps the darkness was also a part of Mairon which was why he was so hesitant to/ didn't want to destroy it?
What if the torture of Celebrimbor wasn't Mairon's wish, but Melkor overtook Mairon's Fëa? So it was Mairon's hands that harmed Celebrimbor, but Melkor's will did so.
And when the ring was destroyed, he and Thuringwethil were set free, and possibly went to Valinor undergoing lots of therapy by Namo or back to the Timeless Halls, being given intense psychotherapy by Eru?
(Also as I said earlier that HC of Thuringwethil being a Maia of Este or Irmo, wouldn't darkness be a bit too much for her too? So it wasn't her choice maybe? Or when taken by Melkor, he bound her to one form (the Vampire)?)
Idk, maybe this is a good take on Mairon and Thuringwethil? It came to my mind at like, 1am a few months ago at night, and now it just wouldn't go. And now I feel so bad for him and Thuri, and thankfully I found a fic on A03 based on this HC.
Also, this take on Melkor doing this to Mairon was due to me not shipping Angbang (I'm sorry, it just personally hits as being very abusive and toxic), and I believe he physically, emotionally and psychologically (spiritually too, maybe?) tormented Mairon.
Sorry for the very long take...
If you reached here, here are a few emojis to show my thanks for reading this because I can't physically do this: 🤗🫂😘😚😽
Angband mutuals and followers please do caution when reading
Hi dear, personally I don't really vibe with this since I headcanon Mairon to have his own evil outside of Melkor rather than Melkor having forcing him into everything, but I'm sure someone out here on tumblr will appreciate this so I'll just post this so others can see
Still a very angsty thought though!! I can see you put a lot of time and thought into this 💕
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gerardspuppy · 2 years
♡☮♦ any/all of those you feel like for Mairon/Sauron 🤗
- olorinestel
Hell yeah!
♡- romantic hc
so I have to admit, I do hc Mairon as being very close to aro. I think he had three romantic-ish relationships in his life, and they were with Eonwe, Melkor, and Tyelpe. For Eonwe it was very onesided- basically Mairon thought they were close friends but was really hiding a lot from him, meanwhile Eonwe really liked him. With Melkor depending on what mood I'm in it's either more like devotion than romance, or it really is the one genuine relationship he had as a kind of exception (which would explain why he was so immediantly loyal, imo). I like angsty brutal angbang but I also like when they're sweet. Then for Tyelpe it was like very close friendship/borderline romance. It probably made Mairon feel guilty as hell since he'd only ever felt like this about Melkor, and he kind of panicked and did things he later regretted. He's not a big fan of romance unless it involves some kind of eternal devotion overtones, I'm afraid.
☮ - friendship hc
In Valinor, I think his only friends were Eonwe, and to a lesser degree, Olorin. He put up with them but preferred to be alone and was generally quiet and withdrawn. In Angband, he was close with Gothmog and Thuringwethil, but there was kind of the border of professionalism there, as well as Mairon's general refusal to talk about his personal life, and there wasn't usually much time to have fun bc of the war. Maybe in the earlier days. They probably had the most fun when they got drunk with each other. After Melkor was defeated he had no real friends until he died :)
There are two AUs I have though, one where Tar-Miriel becomes a Nazgul and sort of befriends him through their shared Numenor trauma, and one where Frodo can communicate with him through the Ring/in dreams, which kind of counts I guess? He's mostly just lonely though. ♦ - quirks/hobbies
Ok here's a list of random stuff:
his favorite thing to do is solve maths/science problems with melkor. they're total opposites and their ideas bounce rlly well off of eachother
his hair is naturally curly but he straightens it, and he has freckles but he hides them with makeup. why doesn't he just change his fana, you ask? melkor says he prefers it like this
theres always blue eyeshadow under his eyes
he love love loves strawberry jam
bdsm is pretty much his only coping mechanism. he has issues.
when he's around close friends he's super quiet. doesn't like to talk much. he's actually a kind of shy person but whenever he's playing the part of Sauron/Gorthaur (or later annatar) no one can tell
he likes to dance but thinks it's unprofessional. will only do so if ordered to (so he can claim he was just following orders)
(tw body horror) his favorite flower is the rose because he used to hide in a rosebush in yavanna's gardens where no one would dare go. yavanna later makes roses grow out of his flesh during lotr as punishment
he invented clocks!
he's always busy with The War which leaves very little time for hobbies. he has a list of things he wishes he had the time to do, hidden in his room cause he feels guilty that he's betraying melkor's cause. by the time melkor is defeated its an entire notebook long, and he burns it, vowing to never long for anything other than his master's will again
he gets very giggly when stressed or angry (which is kind of canon?)
he has cried exactly three times in his life. hated himself for showing such weakness all three times.
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Head Canon Time: Thuringwethil is a former Maia of Irmo.
I know people normally think of Thuringwethil as maybe having worked for Yavanna, because of her associations with animals and Thuri being a bat, or that she worked for Manwë since she can fly and he’s the Vala of the wind and skies but I think Irmo, the Vala of sleep and dreams, suits her a little better.
Vampires are associated with the dark and the night, which is usually when people are sleeping and dreaming. Which, okay, maybe that’s a preference she developed out of necessity after joining Melkor (a lot of evil in ME doesn’t seem to like sunlight/vampiring doesn’t seem too possible while everyone is wide awake), but I think that Irmo and Estë preferred to work in the dark or dim light too. When the sun and moon first appear, both Irmo and Estë ask Varda to change the timing of their passage as their original timing resulted in too much light and therefore too little sleep and rest. So I think both they and their Maiar probably tend to operate more in the absence of the sun/daylight and so night would be her natural operating hours anyway.
Having a certain amount of influence over people’s sleep state would be really helpful for her feeding. She could subdue someone by making them feel sleepy instead of having to get into any physical struggle with her food. It would also allow her to keep someone asleep if her victim was already sleeping. Being bitten and fed upon should really be something that would wake a person up. She keeps them sleeping to avoid a struggle and to avoid them alerting anyone else who may be nearby.
This would also be really handy for sowing fear among people in order to control them. Perhaps a town or village is plagued by mysterious deaths at night, people being killed in their beds’, even when their spouse was next to them, fast asleep (very fast asleep) the whole time! Someone like Mairon could then swoop in and promise to remove whatever this curse is or offer protection from this demon in exchange for the people agreeing to follow Melkor.
Finally, to tie back to dreams, many reports of nightly visits by evil spirits and creatures wishing to do people harm found in mythology and folklore match modern descriptions of things like night terrors and sleep paralysis. Maybe sometimes she comes across someone with a limited ability to resist her? They might wake to find her sitting on them and feeding, but they are unable to move or call for help. Perhaps she likes to confuse people who were awake when she first comes across them, by blurring reality and dream for them? Or maybe she’s encouraged to play with her food in order to spread a greater feeling of fear and terror? 
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legendariium · 2 years
Thuringwethil Headcanon
Back in a time before she was known as Thuringwethil, before time was a concept and the Lamps were the light of the world, she loved someone. Thuringwethil once loved Melian, and quite deeply; she was absolutely smitten and devoted. It felt like a betrayal when Melian suddenly disappeared and became infatuated with an elf, and this was what spurred Thuringwethil to abandon the Valar.
I find it ironic that Melian’s (and Thingol’s) daughter is the one who eventually kills Thuri. Naturally, Thuringwethil hates the entire family. I imagine she sometimes likes to visit the Ered Gorgoroth and Nan Dungortheb and prey upon any unfortunate people who were unfortunate enough to cross those paths, as if the spiders weren’t already bad enough.
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notaheronoravillain · 3 years
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2020, the one with apron is my oc and he is called as 'tuna' since one of my old friends told he looks like a tuna
The last image is a kind of parody of '피로물든 사쿠라' by korean youtube clay animation team which had been deactivated, this goes for the propaganda poster by numenorian high priest Mairon
These images include some modern AU ideas for Melkor Mairon Langon and Thuringwethil
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also those three people on the right side of modern AU for our lesbian herald are all lesbians yes
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mickmacknicknack42 · 5 years
Height things
When around mortals they are: Melkor: 10’ 6” Sauron: 12’ 9” Gothmog: 12’ 10” Thuringwethil: 6’ 7” By themselves: Melkor: 21’ Sauron: 25’ 6” Gothmog: 25’ 8” Thuringwethil: 13’ 2” Melkor gets shorter as his power degrades. Sauron is just an absolute beast. Gothmog is nicer than Sauron but height wise he wins. Thuringwethil is the baby of the family age and height wise. Fight me on it, I dare you.
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nereb-and-dungalef · 3 years
Ok Thuringwethil hcs because yeah
She's a Maia of Irmo and has ✨funky psychological powers✨
Medical malpractice girlboss, joined Melkor to run fucked up experiments thinking she could help the world (ends justify the means and all)
She met Mairon before she met Melkor and just like, immediately became best friends (they're both neurodivergent and really scientific minded and love infodumping to each other) and he convinced her to ✨join the dark side✨ uwu
Mostly eats fruit, fucking loves mangoes
She's legally blind and relies mostly on hearing to get around (sometimes uses a cane to echolocate by tapping things)
Can shapeshift but usually takes a humanoid form with bat wings and bat ears
Ugly gay fashion icon (complimentary)
A bit of an ADHD mess but it's ok when you live in a cave and have magic powers
Contrary to popular belief Lúthien did not kill Thuri but convinced her to help sneak into Angband. Being gay and impulsive, she did
... and subsequently changed her mind about serving Melkor at all after hanging with Lúthien and co and realizing the harm Melkor had done to the world
From that point on she got a bit better at being a good guy but never really stopped loving Mairon
She occasionally went back to him in an attempt to revive their friendship, realized that he's an amoral self destructive mess and she can't fix him, left, reconsidered, rinse and repeat
Mairon feels just as bad about it as she does, but it's not enough to stop him (he feels bad about a lot of his actions, but it's what Melkor wants him to do, and Melkor always comes first)
Whereas Thuri was never really in it for Melkor (they had a decent relationship as colleagues, but not really friends)
Gay for Tar-Míriel. I will explain later :3
(anyway ask me about her I love her)
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sauron-kraut · 2 months
Hii, for the headcanon meme:
☮️ - friendship
♦️ - quirks/hobbies
I don't have that symbol - random
headcanons about Thuringwethil? :)
Thank you so much for the ask and sorry for taking forever to answer it. 🖤
Friendship hc: I don't think she has many friends, as I don't believe Angband/Tol-in-Gaurhoth are.. let's say, very friend-friendly places where it is easy to form and maintain friendships or where this is a great priority of any sort. She formed some kind of friendship with Mairon though and maybe with Gothmog and who knows, maybe some other Maiar who served Melkor and/or Mairon.
Hc for quirks/hobbies: She likes to hunt elves/men for sport and does so regurlarly together with Mairon.
Random hc: This stems from my, let's call it, intrusive reading/writing thoughts where my brain places things in my mental image that shouldn't be there and sometimes make me laugh, so it's not 100% serious but: Somehow I imagine her with reading glasses when she reads reports etc. :D 🖤
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Well hello everyone! I have decided to do something different, and focus mainly on the Ainur (Valar and Maiar both.)
I will take requests for Ainu of your choice x Reader, or ships. I have also included prompts for you to choose from.
You can also send in an emoji (s) for a short headcanon on your favorite Ainu, or for a group of them.
Ships I will write for:
Thuringwethil x Mairon
Melkor x Mairon
Melkor x Gothmog
Manwë x Námo
Manwë x Eönwë
Melkor x Fëanor
I will consider other ships also.
Spicy levels: 🔥 | 🔥🔥 | 🔥🔥🔥. Please indicate which level you would like, if not I will have to default to 🔥.
Rules and tag form can be found here.  
Please send your requests in by 5th May, 9PM Sri Lankan time, as I will stop taking requests after this.
What to look forward to in the coming weeks:
Tevildo HCs
Námo x Fem. OC one shot inspired by these HC's written by @edensrose
One shot for Varda x Uinen
A Fëanor one shot inspired by these reactions written by @doodle-pops
Námo x Fëanor one shot (angsty for sure in some form or the other)
Part two of Flesh and Blood (Aemon the Dragonknight x Fem. reader)
Randoms: Fantasy constellations for for Aulë and Yavanna, and heraldic devices for them and Ulmo.
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