#also I feel like I’m giving my muses Oscar’s
legendariium · 11 months
Which of your muses if the most powerful one, and why?
Who is the most goodie-two-shoes out of all your muses? Who is the most troublesome out of all your muses?
(answers limited to just the muses on this blog, not across all my blogs. for my own peace of mind)
I would imagine Eonwe is my most powerful muse. Across all my blogs at that. Why? Because he’s Chief of the Maiar, canonically most skilled in arms in all of Arda, Herald of Manwë, basically the equivalent of the Archangels Michael&Gabriel in one.
Most goodie-two-shoes almost goes to Eonwe as well — but alas, he comes in close second to Inunir. It is because Inunir is good out of the pureness of his heart & the love in his soul, whereas Eonwe - while still pure of heart - acts first and foremost out of a sense of duty.
Most troublesome is definitely Thuringwethil for being straight up evil. She likes to play with her food and causes trouble for the free peoples just for funsies.
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vanemando15 · 2 years
A New Life
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actor Reader
Word Count: 6k
Rating Mature - 18+ ONLY
Genre: angst 
A/n: It’s been a minute. I took a little break from writing. Life has been busy but as soon as I saw Pedro at the Oscars I immediately got inspired to write this fic. Thank you to the amazing @musings-of-a-rose for never allowing me to quit and helping me with this.
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
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The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind. The apartment was pitch black. You had cried yourself to sleep as soon as you got in. After the emotional roaster that you had been on, you finally decide to get out of bed. Walking in a daze, on autopilot you made your way to the kitchen, where you realized that this was no longer how the home that it once was before. After making some coffee, you started packing all your stuff into luggage, waiting for your agent Chloe to come to help you. This time, there was no music pumping or him grabbing you to dance while you were cleaning or cooking. It was just you, alone, in a quiet apartment that you and Pedro once shared.  
After so many years spent together, now that it's over, you were left feeling confused and, honestly, lost.
Ring… Ring… Ring… 
Your phone was blowing up with text messages from Pedro.
Text Message - 11:29 a.m. Pedro - A, please answer me
Text Message - 11:30 a.m. Pedro - A, you left last night without letting me know. 
Text Message - 11:31 a.m. Pedro - A, I know you're upset but please answer me to let me know you're ok.
Text Message - 11:32 a.m. Pedro - Please answer me! I’m worried about you.
Text Message - 11:33 a.m. Pedro - I love you.
You angrily grab your phone and throw it against the wall, letting out your emotions with a loud scream.
“Anna! Are you ok? What happened?” 
Chloe, your agent, opens the door of the apartment and runs towards you, seeing you collapsed on the floor, chest heaving, and in tears. 
“You called me last night. Said that you were heading back from Calgary. Did something happen with you and Pedro? What happened? Why is Pedro calling me to see where you are?” 
Chloe brought you up from the floor and sat you down on the sofa as she went and grabbed some water to help calm you down. 
It was real. It really happened. All the hurt, all the pain was being turned into rage, bubbling up inside of you.
How can you move on from this?
Four years ago……
You never thought you'd give up your stable job in Miami to pursue acting. Being an award winning actress was something you'd always dreamed of, but taking the leap was never in the picture. When one of your good friends told you about an opportunity for a role in a show you took the chance and went to audition for it. They offered you the role on the spot, which was the final push you needed to give your dream a chance. After a couple of roles, you were excited when you got a small part in a new show called The Mandalorian. It wasn’t a major role, but you were to interact with the Mandalorian and bounty hunter, Din Djarin, who is played by Pedro Pascal. You had no clue who Pedro is, but you do know you're more than excited to be in a Star Wars series.
Prior to filming the scene, you were to meet up with Pedro to quickly run through your lines and placement. As you were preparing hair and makeup, he popped into the trailer to introduce himself. 
“Um, hi. Are you Anna?”
“Hi! Yes I am.”
“Oh hi! I'm Pedro. It's so nice to meet you.”
He extended his hand and as you were presenting yours a shock came between the both of you at the touch of his hand sending you jumping out of your seat.
“I'm so sorry! I guess I have too much static in my clothes."
He ran his hand through his hair nervously but covered with a beautiful smile that made your cheeks warm up.
“I just wanted to wish you good luck today and hope to talk to you more."
“Thank you for that. I hope so too."
As he attempted to walk out he slipped on the stairs to the trailer and hit his back on one of the steps. 
“Oh my God! Pedro, are you ok?" You went to go help him, but he quickly got up and acted like nothing had happened.
“No no no, I’m  good, I just wasn’t paying attention! See ya!” Embarrassed, he quickly left the trailer and shut the door. 
You smiled and giggled from just what had happened but carried on finishing hair and makeup before they called you up. 
After a long day of shooting, your scenes were done and finally were heading home where a bowl of cereal and a pair of pjs were calling your name. As you were getting closer to your car, you noticed a strange person pacing themselves back and forth by it. He was wearing thick square glasses with a dark blue long sleeve crew neck sweater, khaki shorts with colored stripe socks, and sneakers. If that didn’t give out sketchy stalker vibes then what will? The nerves started kicking in as you started reaching for your pepper spray inside your purse. 
From afar you started raising your voice to give a fair warning.
“Umm hello, whoever you are! I just want to let you know that I have pepper spray in my purse and I'm not afraid to use it?” 
“Hi Anna! It's me, Pedro."
Relieved but a little confused, you looked around expecting to see someone else. But the only people in the parking lot were you and Pedro.
“Ummm, hiiiii! Were you waiting here for me or someone else? Because I saw that you were walking back and forth by my car?”
“Shit, sorry to scare you like that. I mean yeah I was actually waiting for you”.
Taken back by what he just said “You were?”
He started laughing but in a cute flirtatious way. “Actually, I asked my assistant to ask when you were done filming so that I could track you down. I wanted to see if I could take you out for dinner."
Shocked, you let out a small chuckle. "Are you serious? Why me? Wait - how long have you been waiting for me?"
“Half an hour." He replied.
“Pedro, you should have gotten my number!" You laughed.
His fingers brush his mustache nervously .
“I think we clicked this morning and we hit it off when we were shooting. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you so I had to track you down."
“I think we hit it off as well. But next time get my number. Don't be getting all stalker mode.”
He let out the biggest laugh that made you smile.
“So is that a yes?” he asks as he puts on the cutest puppy face to try and convince you.
“Oh no, how can I resist that puppy face? Of course I would love to go out to dinner with you."
He took you to a Cuban restaurant in LA because you had mentioned to him during takes that you were home sick and missed your mom’s cooking. Not wasting any time you ordered a rum and coke as soon as the waiter came in. Not sure if this was a first date you were in sure need of liquid.
“Rum and coke?” Pedro asked.
“Yes, it's my go to drink and plus I'm a little nervous,” you replied. 
He chuckled “Nervous? Would it be weird if I'm kinda nervous too?.” 
Shocked and taken off guard you quickly lift your glass and chug half of your drink. 
Well this should be fun, you thought. 
“So tell me why are you single?” he bluntly asked you as he picked up his beer. He looked so relaxed asking you such a personal question.
“Straight to the hardcore questions I see, Mr. Pascal.” You jokingly tell him. 
“Life has been complicated for me and the cards never aligned with me. It’s hard to find someone to settle down with in this city.” you explained to him.
Pedro pushes his glasses back “Well….. maybe we can change that.” 
“Maybe we will.” as you looked at him while taking your drink. 
The night went on as the both of you were telling jokes, talking about each other's lives, interests and you come to find out that the both of you have a lot in common. Flirtation was on high alert between the both of you. 
While waiting for the check he popped open his phone and scooted close to you and brought you close to him. He turned on the camera of the phone and put the selfie mode and the both of you got together cheek to cheek and took a picture. 
“What is this for? Just in case you murder me and you have an alibi? Plus do you know that you are taking video and not camera?” you joked. 
“Oh crap I always do this wrong.” He quickly changes the photo mode and takes the picture. As he took out his wallet to pay the bill he presented his other hand to you and said “To answer your question I want to take a picture of us because it would be something that we can look back on as a reminder of our first date.” The biggest smile came from you as you believed he was hinting something to you.  
The two of you made your way through the neighborhood towards your apartment complex. 
You arrive at your doorstep, turn to him with a twisted smile, not sure what to do next. 
“Well this is my place. Thank you for tonight Pedro. I really had a good time tonight.”
Pedro smiled at you “I had an amazing night too, Anna. It feels good to go out with someone new that I can get to know and maybe more.” As he inches closer to you the keys from your purse slipped out as you were searching for them. Pedro grabbed them and his wrist accidently brushed your ankle and you instantly gulped, his touch made you weak in the knees.
He presents you your keys and his hand brushes your palm as he places the keys on your hands “I believe you need this.” 
“Clumsy me,” you blush. 
Pedro slowly approaches you once more “Just a little clumsy but it's cute.”
He places a soft short kiss and slowly retreats back a few inches and the both of you are stuck looking deep into each other's eyes. Without hesitation, you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into an intense kiss. His energy matches yours by the roughness and gentleness that the both of you were having. He gently grabbed your neck and pulled you even more to him and the kiss grew to become more passionate. The both of you fall back against your apartment door. Your hands glide through his curls. You tease him by slightly biting his lower lip and in return he wanders his hands all over your body. The intensity was getting fierce between the both of you. When all of a sudden-
“Umm excuse me Miss?” The apartment complex security interrupted the moment. 
Your lips departed from his and the both of you started giggling as Pedro placed his chin on your forehead to brush out the embarrassment as the both of you waited for the security guard to leave.
Letting go of his hand, you placed a soft kiss on his cheek “I gotta go but thank you again. I hope for more soon.” 
You open the door, walk in and slowly turn back to him “Good night Pedro.”
Your life was never the same after that date. 
While your relationship with Pedro flourished, so did both of your careers. After the first season of The Mandalorian, Pedro went on to do several movies while you got several acting jobs that gave you the status per the tabloids of “Rising Stars to Watch”. After 2 years in the business you finally scored your big break in the role of a lifetime. You were cast as a series regular in Law and Order SVU. Filming for the show was done in New York which meant that you had to move from Hollywood to New York. This was a secret that you wanted to share with Pedro but you were waiting for the right time to share it with him. 
New Year's Eve 2019…
Pedro’s best friend Oscar invited you and Pedro to spend New Years with them in his apartment in New York. This was going to be the perfect opportunity to share the good news with Pedro. On the night of the party right before the clock struck 12, you pulled Pedro to the side and finally told him about the casting news and he couldn’t control his excitement. He grabbed you and twirled you around as the clock was striking 12 and in that moment he told you the words that you were waiting for him to tell you. 
“I love you A.”
You ran your hand across his little curl that was hanging in his face and you repeated the words back to him, “I love you.” and he gave you the most passionate kiss. 
He asked you to move into his apartment because he didn’t want you living alone when he had a place that he could share with you. Moving in with your famous boyfriend was a big step in your relationship but you felt that things happened for a reason so you accepted his offer to move in with him. 
One of the things that you loved and respected about Pedro was that he didn’t share his personal life events in social media. But he was so excited that he asked Oscar to take a picture of the both of you and in that moment, he posted the picture with a cop and heart emoji next to it. 
For the next three years, New York was your home for personal and work. Life for you was going exponentially well. Hard work was finally paying off when after two seasons you received your first Emmy nomination for your role in Law and Order. As your professional life was increasing in fame you were in an amazing relationship with an amazing man. Pedro was becoming the leading man in Hollywood with roles from The Bubble to The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and he became the top notch actor when he was cast in the leading role of a lifetime as Joel Miller in The Last of Us. 
Crazy schedules between the both of you became the new norm for the both of you. Even though you had gotten used to the hectic schedule, it was taking a toll on your relationship and the spark wasn’t there as it used to be. While he was in Calgary filming, you had decided to go visit him because you had the weekend off. You wanted to speak to Pedro about the concerns you had. 
It was a cold spring day when you arrived in Calgary. You had called his assistant to check his schedule so that you could surprise him. They led you to his apartment that he was staying at in Calgary and you just waited for him to arrive. It was going to be a while until he arrived so you took advantage and took a nap. 
The next day….
You were awoken by the sound of a key entering the door knob. You quickly react and look at your watch and it shows 6am the next day. What had turned out to be a couple of hours ended up being the next day. You were only going to be there 3 days and you just lost one whole day. 
As he walked towards the living room he saw you on the sofa and was shocked by your presence.
“Babe? What are you doing here?” 
Slowly getting up from the sofa, you gave him a kiss to greet him. “Well, I came to surprise you and I had asked your assistant what your schedule was and she had told me that it was only a couple of hours of shooting so I decided to wait here for you. I laid down and I fell asleep.” 
Pedro looked tired and just wanted to go to sleep. 
“Yeah we had a long shoot and we finished a couple of hours ago. I just came straight here.”
Bothered by his response “Did your assistant tell you that there was something for you at the apartment?”
“I mean they did but I didn't know it was you. Why didn’t you just call me?” 
“Well you barely called or text me today, Pedro, or I would have just told you.”
Pedro slumped himself into the sofa and didn’t look at you. It had been almost a month since the last time the both of you had seen each other. 
You got up and faced him: 
“Ok something is going on. Pedro, is something wrong with you? Are you ok?”
It was in that moment as tired as he was that he told you that he thinks that the both of you need space. He felt at the moment that with everything going between the both of you and careers that it was best that you take some time apart to concentrate on your careers. Asking when he came to that realization and he expressed that he had been thinking about it for a couple of months but didn’t want to break your heart and never had the moment to tell you. Unexpected by the words and really shocked that he wanted to end the relationship, you didn’t wait to react. You quickly grab your stuff and leave the apartment without saying a word to Pedro and head back to the airport to catch the first flight back to New York. 
You hadn’t shed a tear yet since the bad news and you were just building it up inside until you arrived at the apartment. 
Current day… 
“Ready to go A?”
“What? Umm yeah. I'm just grabbing my purse.”
Slowly passing your finger on the frame that held that selfie picture from your first date. The last tear you would shed comes down your cheek and was quickly wiped away as you place the frame back on the stand. 
“I’m ready. Let’s go Chloe, I need to get out of this place.”
Four years of memories all cramped into luggage. You took one last look at the apartment as you unclipped the apartment key from your keys and placed it on the table stand. Not leaving a note was the best thing you did. Before you shut the lights and closed the door, you took one last look and quietly said “Goodbye old life” and shut the door. 
3 months later ……
Award season had commenced and you were busy attending the majority of events. Solo of course. Pedro hadn’t mentioned to the media about the breakup and neither did you. Every red carpet you attended, when a question was asked about him, you would just lie and say he was busy filming in Calgary and that was the reason he couldn't attend. With every question that was asked about him, you would swallow your emotions and try your best to not let it get to you.
The Emmys finally arrived and it was the event you had been anticipating. It ended up being the best night of your life because you won the Emmy you were nominated for. While everyone was expecting Pedro to be there, you brought your assistant as your date to the awards show. Looking beautiful in a gorgeous gown, you walk up the stairs to the podium to accept your award. In your speech, you were able to thank everyone - friends, family, cast, and agent, but no mention of Pedro. You returned to your seat where you would look at your phone which had endless missed calls and text messages but the one text or call that you really wanted never came in. Disappointed as you were, it wasn't going to let you drag the night. Arriving back to your hotel at 4am from celebrating in the after parties, right before you jump into your bed, the phone dings with a new text message. When you take a look you were surprised by who it was:
New Text Message 4:30am - Pedro - “Congrats A! You deserve it. All my love. P”
The message was there staring back at you. Should you text back? Should you not? Every single question arises from this one text from him but in the end you shut the phone off and went to sleep. 
The next two months you were filming in Venice for a new movie with Bradley Cooper. Keeping busy keeps you focused and not thinking about Pedro. A month into filming you had seen Pedro’s instagram that he was also in Venice filming a new commercial for a video game. But while the temptation was there for the both of you, neither one texted or called each other to meet up. While the gossip columns were creating rumors that there was an off screen romance with Bradley Cooper, and that he was your rebound from Pedro, you were always to laugh when you would hear such ridiculous rumors. 
You were asked to be a presenter at the Oscars, which was an amazing and exciting opportunity for you. Looking your best was your number one priority. Valentino had called you up and wanted to dress you for the event which made you excited, but also more nervous about going. When they presented you a rough draft of the dress, you were amazed by the presentation of the dress and how it showed off all your curves, which was exactly what you were looking for. 
A week before you were told that the last batch of presenters were announced, lo and behold, Pedro Pascal is one of them. In the height of his fame, between all his projects, of course he would be a presenter. A knot in your stomach came about from the news.
Will he speak to me? 
Will he bring someone? 
Oscar Day…
Oscar prep day was mayhem. You spent the whole day prepping. Immense pressure was building up as this was a once in a lifetime event and you wanted to look your ultimate best. Nerves were starting to creep as you settled in behind the SUV. Your hands were slick with sweat from nerves of going to this and at the same time seeing Pedro for the first since the breakup. As the SUV arrived at the Roosevelt Hotel, you felt like throwing up. Not only were you nervous about being here, you were tormented by the fact of running into him after so much time. As the driver walks around to open the door, one word pops out as you slowly whisper to yourself.
The door is open and the whole audience looks at you and starts screaming and shouting your name. As you walked to the carpet you put on the biggest smile and wave to the crowd. 
Chloe had prepped you on what to do and where to go on the carpet. It felt like a video game that you had to battle through and get to the finish line. The finish line was the champagne carpet. Making your way through the red carpet, you took pictures with your fans and made your way through the interviewing portion. Still feeling overwhelmed and starstruck, the nerves kick into high gear when you arrive at your first reporter. The typical questions were asked:
“How are you doing?”
“Who are you wearing?”
“Who are you excited to see?”
The first two sets of interviews went by like a breeze. The champagne carpet was getting closer and closer as you finished each interview. No personal questions had been asked, but you were dreading the questions that would come from Entertainment Tonight. They would typically ask gossip questions and it wasn’t so much about the fashion. The interview started smooth:
“Anna, you look stunning. One of the best dressed of the night! I’m sure everyone’s jaws dropped as soon as you walked on the red carpet.”
“Well, thank you for that. It’s all the work of my amazing team that helped me get ready.” 
“Are we riding solo tonight?” - the question she was dreaded to be asked.
“Well, by date if you mean this nice Bulgari necklace that came along with the bodyguard then no I am not riding solo.” The interviewer laughed at your response and followed up with another question.
“Speaking of solo, there has been speculation that you and Pedro were possibly back together since the both of you are here today. Is that rumor true or should we put the rumor to rest?” 
You instantly cringed.
“Well I didn't know that he was coming tonight. Whatever happened between myself and Pedro is for us to keep private. It was a mutual decision to just stay friends. I am sure we will bump into each other tonight and we will be able to catch up. I know he has been busy the past couple of months so it will be great to see him.”
The reporter turned to the camera while you stared at her in the background “Well guys, there's a shot for you now. Good luck to all.” You giggled at her comment as she turned back to you.
“Before you go, I want to congratulate you on the movie you are doing with Bradley Cooper.” 
“Oh thank you.”
“I heard there was a romance. With everything that has gone with your personal life, how did you get ready for this role?” 
“With everything that has changed in my life the past year, whether professionally or personally, I have been able to use that experience and incorporated that into this role. Filming this movie has been a learning experience and being around veteran actors like Bradley has helped me become a better actor.”
“Well, that is going to be an amazing movie and I cannot wait to see it! Thank you so much and have a great evening.”
The interview concluded and a huge relief fell off your shoulders. The champagne carpet was next and then you are home free. The Champagne Carpet was just all photographers flashing lights and screaming your name to take different angles of you. Carefully, you walked to where there was a star placed on the floor which was where you were to stand. Everyone was completely mesmerized by your appearance. The stunning silk red beaded dress hugged all your curves. The dress featured a leg slit that was bound to make people’s jaw drop. To finish your look, you wore a matching necklace along with a pair of red stunner heels. As you posed for pictures, the paparazzi started screaming for your attention.
“Lady in red! Hey Anna over here!”
“Anna! Anna! Over here please!”
Feeling in the moment, you didn’t care who was calling your name. You made sure that every angle was taken of you and your gorgeous dress. 
As you were finalizing the last couple of shots, a change of phase was done and all of sudden the name you didn’t expect to hear was starting to be shouted. 
“Pedro! Pedro! Pedro!” 
With a smile on your face as pictures were taken of you, you just felt frozen and wanted to quickly get out of there. There he was, a few feet from you. You felt your blood was rushing from your head to your heart. Seeing him for the first time since the day you ran out of the Calgary apartment reminded you that whatever life you had shared with him in the past was just the past.
Taking a quick glance you saw him looking remarkably handsome. His hair was slicked back. He was wearing a fitted black tailored tuxedo with a white stand-collar shirt. Rings? Were those rings he was wearing? He reminded you of Dieter Bravo role with the rings. He had a ring on his left hand like a wedding band. Did he get married? Your chest started to compress on thinking that thought and not knowing if that was true. Did he come with a date? His wife? 
In a split second, you swallowed a sigh of relief.
“Javiera, big smile! What is it like coming with your brother?”
“Javiera! Pedro! Over here!”
Chloe noticed that you were trying to get out of there and quickly called your name before you cracked under pressure. You noticed from the corner of your eye that Pedro was starting to head to you and Chloe grabbed you so fast to take you out that Pedro didn’t catch your attention. 
“Anna, everything ok?” Your eyes wandered again back to Pedro as you saw him still taking pictures.
“Yeah I’m fine. Let’s go inside.” You nodded your head as it made you believe your flat out lie you were telling yourself. The last thing you wanted to do was to give the press newsworthy gossip. 
Luckily, they placed the both of you in different areas in the theater so there was no interaction between you. During the ceremony, you would engage and fangirl with all the celebrities that you met. Despite trying not to cross paths with Pedro, you had an overall good time at the ceremony. 
Few hours later, after the ceremony 
If there was an after party that one had to be invited to, it was the Vanity Fair party. You made your way through the carpet and into the party. Once you were given directions and you were inside the party, you headed straight to the bar to grab a drink.
“Rum and coke please?”
As you were waiting for a drink a strong hand grasped your wrist. You instantly turned and were taken back by who was in front of you. 
“Oh shit did I scare you? I'm so sorry.” Pedro directed you. 
Completely off guard, you grinned at him. In that moment, you really wanted to fall into his arms and give him the biggest kiss, but held back. Though you were still hurting from the breakup you were still in love with him. 
You laughed “No way! You didn’t scare me.”
He started getting giddy and sounded nervous as he complimented how you looked. As the place started getting crowded, Pedro moved closer to you.
“How have you been? I know we haven’t spoken since that day. I have been wanting to reach out but I figured you didn’t want to talk to me.” 
Looking directly into his eyes and not wanting to let your emotions out, you respond to his comment to be as real as it could get.
“I've been fine. Keeping myself busy with work.” 
“I noticed. Your movie with Bradley looks amazing. I’m really proud of you. You have come so far from being an extra on Mando.”
You gave him a meaningful smile. The music started getting louder and it was getting difficult to talk or hear each other. Pedro got even closer and now he was inches from your face. He slowly moved his lips over to you and whispered “I would like to catch up with you if that’s ok with you? Save me a dance ok?” 
It was clear both of you wanted each other.  As he gradually touched your arm a shock came across the both of you. 
“Ouch! Are you ok A?”
Rubbing your arm from that tingling sensation you laugh and smile at him.
“I guess we always shock ourselves.”
The party was electric. Champagne was flowing from wall to wall. Award winners were showing off their new accessory to everyone who was in attendance, while you enjoyed partying it up on the dance floor. Pedro was sitting close by and his eyes were on you as you danced with everyone in your vicinity. You knew he was watching, so you took the chance to dance the best way that would attract his attention. His close presence wasn’t going to let you ruin your night. The DJ was on point with the music that they were playing when all of a sudden the dj drops “Let’s Go Crazy.”
Shit, Oh no! This is one of his favorite songs!
Right when the first verse commenced, you felt a strong grip grab and turn you around.
“Can I have this dance?” You nodded. He grabs your wrist and pulls you into him. The both of you sway to the rhythm of the music. You place your arms around his shoulders, bringing you closer to each other. Everyone is for sure looking at the both of you. As the music continues, both of you had your eyes locked on each other. Things were heating between the both of you. His lips looked so delicious and you want to take a bite of it. The tension between you was orgasmic, making you breathless when the song abruptly ends.   
“Can I kiss you?” He asks. You nod your head up and down. He lays his hand on your side and brings you closer and places his lips on yours. It had been seven months since you last kissed him and yet this kiss felt like the first time he kissed you on that first date. 
Backing away from him you realize this was wrong. 
“I miss you A,” he quietly told you.
Seemingly confused, you let go of hands. He was probably talking nonsense. It was clear that the both of you wanted each other and alcohol was not helping the situation. He inched closer towards you again and glided his hand down your back, his fingers warm where your skin was exposed, pulling you closer to try and kiss you again. 
“I can’t do this.” 
Picking up your dress, you headed outside to get some air. The air felt crisp as you placed your hands on the edge of the balcony rail looking out to the flashing LA lights. Your chest started compacting. Breathing was becoming shorter. The lights were starting to become extremely bright and you were losing sense of what was going on with you and started to feel like you were going to faint. 
Were you losing your mind? 
Were you having a panic attack? 
Did you drink too much? 
Don’t make a scene at the Oscars. You can’t be on the front page. 
Placing your hand on your chest, you quickly tried to calm yourself when suddenly Pedro saw and quickly ran towards you. 
“Hey, hey! Look at me. It’s me. It’s me. Breathe, baby girl! Breathe, baby girl!” He slowly placed his hands on your cheeks as you looked into his eyes to calm down. The breathing started to slow back down, the flashing lights started to dim and come back to normal. Pedro grabbed you carefully and sat you down as he went to grab you some water. After a couple of breaths, you felt reality slowly coming back to you. 
He hands you the glass and sits next to you. 
“Are you ok?’’ 
You nodded. 
“What happened? Did I do something wrong? Was it the kiss?” 
“No, no. The kiss was ….” you paused and turned to look at his gorgeous face. “It was amazing. It reminded me of when we first kissed. But it just felt wrong.”
He slowly grabs your hands and your fingers intertwine with his. 
“I miss you, A. What I did was a mistake. I shouldn’t have let you go.” His eyes are pleading and wide just like a lost dog wanting to be loved again. 
Your heart starts to race. “P, I don’t think I can do this again.” 
“Why not?” As he continued to plead to you. “You don’t love me anymore? That kiss that we had back there showed me that there is still something between us. Don’t you want that again?” 
“Pedro, you decided to end this relationship. When I came back to New York I cried for you. I didn't know what to do or how to feel about myself.” Your heart starts racing even more and the tension is rising but you didn’t want to make a scene in front of people, so you hold yourself together. 
“Look. I didn’t come to this event hoping to see you after all this time. I just can’t deal with this. You're just too late Pedro.”
As you start to walk away from him, he grabs you once again. “You don’t mean that A,” he tells you with his glossy eyes. “I wasn’t thinking right when I told you that.” He doesn’t make eye contact with you. “I was just tired and overwhelmed by everything going on with my life. This show is brutal and kicking my ass but I want it to be perfect. I just lost myself in it. Everyday I woke up and I felt out of place. I feel empty inside and it's because you aren’t with me.” 
Visually upset, you rush towards him. “P, you could have talked to me, told me how you feel. I could have taken days off from the show to be together. But you didn’t do that. You just decided not to be with me. Four years! Four years of growing and experiencing life moments together and all for what? I don’t want to be with someone that can’t be open and then leaves them high and dry when things become difficult. I just can’t do that and I'm done with this.”
Wanting to get out of there, you quickly pick up your dress and started heading back towards the party, when you feel a hand pulling your shoulder around, spinning your whole body the opposite direction. His lips pushed against yours and his hands rested on your cheeks. You pull back after what felt like an eternity and look at his face. What you saw were sad eyes that made your heart ache. “A, I need you, I love you and I’m sorry.” You just needed to say it back. 
Say it. 
Say it.
You need him, you love him and you forgive him. 
But you don’t want to get hurt again. You slowly give his hands a slight squeeze and let them go.
“I love you P but I just can’t.” Your voice cracks as a tear finally gives way and slips down the side of your face as you walked past him, leaving Pedro all alone in the balcony as you disappeared into the crowd.
General Taglist
@kirsteng42 @jediknight122 @theewokingdead @musings-of-a-rose @supernaturalgirl20 @mswarriorbabe80 @amb11 @tanzthompson @pedrohoe04 @danikasthings @balekanemohafe @groguspawbeans @the-ginger-hedge-witch @movievillainess721 @littlemisspascal
@thevoiceinyourheadx @christianyelichislife @harriedandharassed @certifiedhunter @meveispunk @mypascalito975 @mrsudontknowmeispunk @pepperpottsxxxx @quica-quica-quica @icanbeyourjedi @fatimaisabelpascal @stxrrylunatic
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
WIP Wednesday and Thursday
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I made a graphic for them I do these so often. 😆
This one will be a bit different from other WIP Wednesday. I’m going to give a brief overview of each one of my WIPs. (There are a lot, not all of them are on Tumblr, I’ll mention which ones are.)
I was tagged by @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty @fhatbhabie ❤️ and @rhoorl I think. I feel like I mostly got it right. 😂
“This is the Neighborhood Din” My modern Din Djarin AU with a human Grogu (affectionately called Little G). Three chapters are up so far and four is almost done. I’m having a lot of fun writing it (outside of chapter two - Domestic Violence warning on that one.) I’m introducing different Star Wars characters each chapter and their interconnected relationships while keeping with my silly brand of humor. Know that Johnnie Mae is the MVP.
“Weddings 101 with Dieter” A series near and dear to me as with this series I really doubled down on writing Dieter Bravo overall as well as my delusional belief that I am somehow a comedy writer. Maya and Dieter are a hot mess, I love Daisy, Dieter’s trusty goat and that this series is the crazy ridiculous rom-com I wanna see. ❤️ Also I made Oscar Isaac have imaginary beef with Dieter and am having way too much fun writing it. @angelofsmalldeath-codeine loves this series and I love her for loving it. 🥰
“The Lake Between Us” My sleepy, dreamy series with Ezra. He has an airboat, he has a house across of the OFC’s on a lake. He cooks gumbo in a tank top. This series was inspired by Ezra cooking (I dunno why) and turned into an eight part series on two people growing closer. There’s two interludes (I’m scrapping the third one - thanks to @mysterious-moonstruck-musings for beta reading filth. This is the one time it doesn’t fit lol)
“Only Pieces of You Mr. Morales” My angsty sensual (also has a lot of sex because it’s Frankie) short series I created on a whim last week. I finally was able to write for Frankie this year outside of prompts. 👀 I describe different parts of Frankie’s body each Friday. I put out (pfft) two drabbles on Fridays. It’s a friends to friends to benefits to them figuring it all out. Maybe because I put Frankie through the wringer to much is why when I put Frankie drabbles in @i-own-loki ‘s box, she thinks I’m harming the man. 😭 I love Frankie I swear!
“Our Journey Across the Star Ocean” My fluffy Din series where you and Din (especially) are super awkward, very sweet and idiots. Three tropes I love. I have two parts and I’m working on a third. I’m not sure how long this one will be. On the shorter side for sure. Fluff for @grogusmum and @604to647
“Come away with me Angel” This is my Benny series I finally tossed out into the world. There’s only one part but I am working on part two. Friends to lovers and one house I guess as far as tropes go. I see to have a thing with cooking because so far in chapter two Benny is cooking shirtless. @rhoorl and @musings-of-a-rose we’ll need to discuss this.
“Post Apocalyptic Fluff and Stuff” This is @maggiemayhemnj ‘s brain child. She told me I made up a genre of post apocalyptic fluff so we’re going to have more. The stuff refers to darker topics because it is an apocalypse, but 80% fluff. I’ll have emoji indicators.
Unposted Planned Series:
“A Safe Place for Us” is what happens when I think on an obsessive baby daddy Dieter I wrote for a spring prompt because what else goes with a brick house am I right?! No? Well, it’s what we’re getting. Eventually. After Weddings 101. They’re not connected, different OFC and I have all sorts of silly titles.
“Therapy for the Well Adjusted” If there’s someone who is going to be put through the wringer, it’s Marcus Pike. He has an incident at work where he needs to take some time off. Because he’s Pike, he seeks out a therapist. After a miss or two, he vibes with Dr. Mint. The OFC has a longer road to therapy met with therapists whose vibes are way off and also no one needs to touch your Cakatoo. Ever. Not a euphemism an actual bird. Eventually, the OFC finds Dr. Julip. Both doctors share a practice. Nerdie style hijinks ensue. Inspired by a Marcus mini-series I made in my Spring Prompts and my own experiences with therapy.
“So Fairy not Jedi?” Din and Grogu meet a fairy warrior. Possibly might be a soulmate AU too? Din’s having all the AUs Working title just vibes. Expect it to be weird, wild and hopefully wonderful.
“It’s not all bad right cariño?” Javier Peña, the elusive, owner of aviators and the amplifier behind them. I had thoughts about him being in an AU in Loredo post Narcos as a sheriff and his interactions with a lawyer from the DA’s office Thalia. Since I haven’t given Javier much other than major angst, pickles, guava and a lot of fingers (the former DEA agent knows what I mean), I can give him a little bit of silly and something sweet. Also just vibes, but I have bullet points. Dancing and yellow jasmine.
“Ezra as a sex worker” Bullet points. Sometimes you just have him hold you, sometimes he talks the entire time but it’s fine because he sounds like sipping warm bourbon while sitting on an over stuffed chair with your feet propped up and it’s massaging all your limbs. Ezra does wonder why you don’t actually come here for sex but he’s getting paid for his time so he can keep that to himself. Until he’s in one of his rambles and asks. A cascade of events occur and he’s living in your house later. Still cooking because I always want Ezra to cook. Pfft.
Feel free to send me an ask or drop a comment about any of these. I think about them all way too much. 🤣🤣
As I was asked by @for-a-longlongtime earlier this week when talking her ear off about something, “How many words do you even write per week?!” 🙃🙃 I have no idea. It’s a lot. Maybe 2-3k but given what I post per week that feels low. It’s a compulsion at this point.
We’re at the end, thanks for reading this far! 💜💜💜
NPT: @undercoverpena-fics @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @schnarfer @wannab-urs @connectioneverywhere @inept-the-magnificent @covetyou @gemmahale @goodwithcheese @lady-bess @morallyinept @trulybetty @alltheglitterandtheroar @alltheotps @slippinninque @magpiepills @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @laurfilijames @yorksgirl @julesonrecord @djarinmuse @paulmescal-s @tinytinymenace @pedroshotwifey
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pearlsofthec · 5 months
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To be inspired: 
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April is like a breath of fresh air after months where it seemed like the gloominess of the days was the norm. My energies were high to the ceiling by the start of the month, and starting off something in such a positive state of mind is always a game changer. Arriving back at Milan from Rome on the 31st felt like a step into the first page of my life. As I checked into a hotel for a night as an improvised way of celebrating easter without my family, I felt renewed - in the spirit of the easter-time, I’d reborn in a way. I guess spring does that to all of us, it inspires a joie de vivre that fades without the blooming of flowers and chirping of birds. 
The inspiration of the month, overall, is that one scene from the first tinkerbell movie (BEAR WITH ME PLEASE), just in the beggining, where it shows her being born from the seed of a dandelion. Being re born from nature, embracing our own astral glow, and letting ourselves reflect the balance of our everyday lives. Basic clothing that looks elevated just because you’re wearing it, salutes to the sun, flower pressing and stacks of delicate jewelry are all within the spirit of spring. This season is all about capturing the bliss of mundane experiences and allowing it to multiply inside the ecochamber of positivity that is YOU! 
Wear butter yellow and baby pink.   
My current it girls:
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Amanda seyfried
Phoebe Tonkin
Isabel Lucas 
Curating your vibe is way more fun in spring, when your outfits don’t have to be overpowered by layers upon layers upon layers of clothing. Many people say that it’s in the colder seasons when they get to express their style the best, hut I’m the complete opposite: i feel the most like myself when I’m feeling light, wearing airy clothing. 
Amanda Seyfried and Phoebe Tonkin are the epitomes of what I want my wardrobe to look like. Amanda style is simple but still personal, and to me, personally, she embraces the girl next door energy perfectly, principally in Dear John. The light pink and jeans combo is underrated and capable of making any girl feel like a goddess I believe. Letters to juliet is another movie of hers that encapsulates the ideal spring summer style. Girly but classic, flirty but simple. 
Phoebe Tonkin is the same but different. I think of her as the ultimate Realisation par muse, and I feel like it’s because of the effortlessness of her style. She knows the power of the jeans + cute top combo. I love how naturally she wears her outfots, which might seem like a stupid take, but it’s actually just a way to say it’s clear to me how she takes her time when shopping, choosing pieces that truly reflect her personality. 
One of my biggest struggles with having a more down to earth style is the fear of looking more like a hobo than a boho princess ahah, and no one walks that thin line better than Phoebe Tonkin, who also adds hints of romantic style in the mix, which i just love. Another master of that art is the one and only Isabel Lucas, who is one of my ultimate style inspirations both for her amazing collection of dresses and the ability to wear them without making it look… forced or cliché. And her graphic shirt collection is just to die for! If you’re like me and like to look like a woodland fairy adapting to modern life both in spring and on the daily basis generally, you should be taking style notes from Isabel. She is an environmentalist and super into holistic living, which, naturally, is a plus.  
Movies and media:
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Just like heaven
Princess Diaries 2
Confissoes de Adolescente
Brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao
White Oleander
With the lovely weather outside, I sometimes find it difficult to sit down and watch a movie, because everything around tells me to go outside and live life like one instead. When, however, the evening sets and I have no plans to give me an excuse to wear a silk dress and boots around town, I look forward to making my day even longer, but watching movies that feel inherently bright and sunny. Amazing soundtracks, gentle visuals and upbeat stories: you can’t miss it with these romcoms. I don’t know why, but I haven’t been particularly atuned to my cult-ish side recently and haven’t been watching Films, but with me, that desire comes and goes in waves. I have, however, been reading a bit, and a book that I could simply not not recommend are White Oleander and the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Both completely different, but mystical in ways that I cannot describe, and you’ll have to read them to find out. 
As for music, there’s only one album you need: soleil by francoise hardy
To wear
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Outfit combos and general essentials I’m currently obsessed with are:
Slinky tops with relaxed pants, extra points if you manage to get a pastel colored top, (a pale yellow would be a DREAM) with a light  wash pair of jeans. 
Floral tunic dresses, think loveshackfancy… basic I knooww, but that’s kind of what we’re going for here. Jade Butterfield from the 2014 adaptation of Endless Love should be your muse these days, so embrace it! 
Your favorite assouline notebook you carry around. I mean… my favourite assouline notebook I carry around ahahah. Not only are they visually adorable, as they also are the perfect notebooks, having a heavy-ish paperweight and perfectly spaced lines, i know I sound dramatic but I’m extra picky with my notebooks, what can i do. 
Statement pants, jeans specifically. I just NEED an embroidered pair of jeans so bad, i feel like they’d be perfect with a basic white tank.
Just wearing tight shirts and tanks in general. The charm of the whole outfit being the lack of a need to wear a jacket!
Colorful Sets, i just love buying sets so much. They are sooo low effort but high reward! And I love the fact that they are the source of limitless combinations. Just LOVE THEM so much. 
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
munday ** accepting
[ THEIR THREAD ]: for the mun to talk about a thread that they’ve seen on the dash
This might be cheating because it’s more of a series of threads, but @courtclover and @littleblackqrow ‘s Branwen Summer AU gets all my attention. I struggle writing AUs myself but with that I get to sit on the edge of my chair trying to see what two young dumb luck charms are gonna get up to, but then also the angst of meeting again as adults. It’s good. It’s good on face value, but then delving so far into the past and the settings they pick also gives a really good glimpse into the worldbuilding of Khristle’s tribe and Clover’s family and their influence on him growing up. Hnnng. I need an animated spinoff immediately.
[ MUSE ]:     for the mun to talk about a mun’s muse who they really like
I’m gonna echo I think a lot of people and gush about @eiiskonigin. I have been waiting for a Winter like this since I made the blog. So well fleshed out and well rounded in emotions and portrayal. Good headcanons, good blog aesthetic. A lot of people can nail the militant aloofness, and understand that there’s more to the woman, but with Missa’s, you can just feel that depth in every post. It probably helps that we like, vibe on the same level of using lots of body language and metaphor in our narratives. 
[ MULTI ]:    for the mun to talk about a multi-muse blog who they really love
Am I allowed to talk about inactive blogs? Well, I’m going to. I miss @musedmess with my whole heart and NOT just for Glynda. Their Robyn was killer sass and confidence. Fiona was a breath of fresh air. Their writing style had this air of poetry about it and every muse’s voice/dialogue was spot on from all the way to Glynda to Robyn to Oscar to Nora. Talk about range. I hope Draco’s doing okay out there in the world.
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oswildin · 2 years
Love, Hate {Poe Dameron x F!Reader}
Summary: Something about Poe Dameron annoyed you to no end. Why? Well, it turns out love works in mysterious ways. (Slight Enemies to Lovers trope)
Warnings: Character injury, maybe some OOC (first time writing for Poe)
A/N: I’m very new to Star Wars, I am currently making my way through the newer films (yes I know I’m watching them incorrectly aksjakanskqknws), but I am in my Oscar Isaac era so it must be done. So if a few things aren’t accurate then I apologise, but please ignore any mistakes for the sake of my love for Oscar Isaac.
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Oh baby, don't you know I suffer?
Oh baby, can you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?
Something about Poe Dameron irritated you to no end. You didn’t know why. Maybe it was his air of arrogance, or his over confidence, or even just his stupid smug face… In turn of these things, naturally you found it easy to also irritate him.
Of course, you knew he wasn’t a bad guy. He was just someone who was a bit too hot headed at times when it came to making decisions and following orders. You never made it your mission to actually upset him. No, you weren’t cruel. You didn’t hate the man.
But when he sauntered into the main deck, that smug smirk on his lips, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes and groan inwardly as you watched him stroll around the room.
You forced yourself to look away from the man, fiddling with whatever display was before you as you tried to ignore his presence.
But you could feel him. Feel him in the back of your mind and hear his voice above everyone else’s in the room.
You jumped back to reality as a hand snapped in front of your face, causing you to turn in the direction of the arm, seeing Finn stood beside you, a look of confusion on his features.
“Finn-“ You shook your head, sighing. “Sorry. Was away with the stars-“ You cleared your throat. “What can I help you-“
However, before you could finish your question, Poe appeared next to Finn as he threw an arm around his friend, giving him a bright smile as you felt your eyes narrow slightly. But when you heard the familiar sound of beeps and boops by your feet your features eased as you leant down, seeing BB8 happily greeting you. The droid never failed to seem excited to see you, which always made you smile, especially when Poe sends a look your way, knowing it most likely got under his skin that his droid had taken a liking to you.
“Hey Buddy.” You said in a soft tone to BB8 as he whizzed, his head turning round 360 to show he appreciated the greeting.
“Why don’t you greet me like that?” You heard Poe’s voice speak from above as your eyes looked up, fighting the urge to scowl at him. You slowly stood back up straight as you watched Poe’s eyes follow your own. “What’s he got that I don’t?”
“Charm.” You retorted, as Finn couldn’t help but laugh at your response, earning a glare from Poe as Finn quickly covered it with a cough. You smirked to yourself, finding it amusing that even his own friend laughed at your teasing. “Besides, BB8 at least always seems pleased to see me.” You shrugged, your words earning another sound from the droid.
“Who says I’m not pleased to see you?” Poe questioned, a hint of flirtation behind his voice as you rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore his comment.
“Sorry Finn, what can I do for you?” You went back to your original conversation, as Finn looked between the both of you, watching as you seemed to both be staring each other down, seeing who would blink first.
“You know what…” Finn said as he slunk out from Poe’s grasp, taking a step back. “You two seem busy-“ You snapped your head back to the man as you shook your head.
“No-“ You tried.
“So, I’ll just… Come back later.” He finished as he quickly turned away, rushing off, leaving you gawping into thin air.
“Wow, I’ve never seen you speechless.”
You turned, seeing Poe stood with his hands on his hips, a small smirk on his lips as he was clearly amused.
“Poor guy couldn’t get away quick enough.” You shut your mouth, clenching your jaw at him as he stood unaffected by your scolding stare. “You know-“ He began, furrowing his brows a little. “Whatever I did to offend you, I think maybe we should address?” His words caught you off guard as you cleared your throat, turning away as you pretended to be busy. “I mean, we are teammates. We need to get along to be a well oiled machine-“ He kept going as you sighed, closing your eyes for a second to compose before you turned back to him.
“Look, Dameron, you haven’t done anything to me per say-“ You began as he seemed to narrow his eyes to show he was listening intently. “It’s just…” You hummed for a moment in thought. “You’re a little annoying.” You finished as he found himself looking at you in a little surprise.
“A little-?” He almost scoffed as he shook his head, folding his arms defensively over his chest. “That’s why you don’t like me?” He had a small smile on his lips, but probably not one of happiness, maybe more… Awkwardness?
“Amongst other things.” You shrugged, turning away once again as you could feel him growing irritated by your response.
“Like what?” He asked, raising a brow.
“I am not entertaining this.” You told him without looking at him.
“Why not?” He leant forward, leaning on the surface in front of you, getting a little closer. “Why won’t you just tell me?” BB8 made a nervous noise as he bumped into his masters foot, almost warning him to drop it.
His attention was drawn away by one of your comrades, as he gave you one last glance, sighing as he pushed himself away, calling BB8 after him, who hesitated as the droid beeped at you.
The droid seemed to jump, suddenly whizzing after his master, leaving you alone to your thoughts…
Why really didn’t you like Poe?
You set my soul alight
You sat in the food court, watching your comrades bustling round and socialising. You hadn’t seen Poe since your last interaction a few hours ago, assuming he was out on a mission or doing repairs.
You peered over, seeing Finn placing himself beside you as he gave you a small friendly smile. You returned it with ease.
“Hey Finn.” You greeted. “Sorry about earlier.” You said sincerely as he waved you off.
“It’s fine. It wasn’t anything important.” He insisted as you nodded slowly, giving him a suspicious look.
“Okay…” You paused. “Where’s flyboy?” You asked, taking a bite of your food as Finn pursed just lips for a second.
“Actually- That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He admitted as you sent him a confused look.
“Okay…” You furrowed your brows, placing your food down as you wiped your mouth. He seemed to take a breath, trying to work out how to word his next sentence.
“What’s with you guys?” He finally landed on as you almost laughed, raising a brow.
“What do you mean? He doesn’t like me, I don’t like him.” You shrugged as if it was obvious. “Not much else to it.”
“Really?” He asked, seemingly shocked by your answer. You in turn gave him a confused stare as he seemed to fumble to find his next words. “Oh-I- I just assumed that- Perhaps you two had- You know?” He wiggled his brows as you pulled a disgusted face.
“What? Me and Him?” You scoffed. “In his dreams.” You took a sip of your drink.
“If you haven’t, then…” He raised his brows. “It kinda feels like you should.” You instantly chocked on your drink, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you coughed, before composing yourself.
“What?!” You exclaimed, laughing. “That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!” You cried, shaking your head, before standing up for your seat.
“W-wait!” Finn tried. “I didn’t mean to overstep-“ But it was too late you were walking away, his voice fading as you felt heat rise to your cheeks from his accusation.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the super massive
That was absurd. You and… Dameron?! Pfft. Finn had clearly hit his head. Or maybe he’s unwell? Yeah, that must be it. How could he even think that you two… Ugh, the thought didn’t even bare thinking about.
No! No, no, no. You did not, at all, find Dameron attractive. You had definitely not felt any ounce of pining for the man. Nor did you ever feel worry when he was out on a mission. Or did you even find him remotely funny, passionate, kind and you definitely had not imagined him getting so annoyed at your teasing that he had to kiss you to shut you up-
Oh no.
You stopped in your tracks, feeling a wave of realisation hit you square in the face.
Oh no, no, no.
“Oh stars.” You whispered to yourself, feeling your hands turn clammy as your heart began to thump in your ears.
That couldn’t be right… Could it?
Suddenly, you felt someone crash into you as they rounded the corner, which you had stupidly stopped at. You nearly fell backwards, but two hands stopped you from making further embarrassment for yourself.
You froze.
“What are you doing just standing there?”
You looked up, seeing the one person you didn’t want to see right now. Not whilst you were… Like this!
“Anyone would think you were waiting for me to bump into you-“ Poe raised a brow, a smirk on his lips as you looked up at him. You didn’t say anything, gawping at him as he furrowed his brows, seeing a mix of dread and fear on your features. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He instantly asked, his voice lowering, his hands - Oh yeah, he’s still holding your arms… His hands gave you a gentle squeeze as you found yourself trying to say anything… Anything at all. “(Y/N)? Say something- An insult… anything?” He tried but you just shook your head, feeling anxiety creep through you as you pushed his hands away from you.
Giving him one last look, you quickly took off, not daring to look back as he stood in confusion at your weird behaviour. He furrowed his brows, as he eventually saw Finn approaching.
“Hey Finn-“ He called to his friend, walking towards him. Finn looked at Poe, nodding at his friend in greeting. “You know what’s up with (Y/N)?” He asked, walking with his friends. “I just bumped into her, and she didn’t say… Well anything.” He briefly explained as Finn raised his brows in surprise. “Not even a snarky remark.” Poe added as Finn couldn’t help but let himself wear a smirk. “What?” Poe furrowed his brows. “What’s that look for? You look like the woockie who got the wasaka berry.” Finn didn’t say anything as Poe and him proceeded onwards.
You paced your quarters, biting your nail nervously. You couldn’t face being outside. You couldn’t risk bumping into the man who shall not be named. You didn’t know why you were struggling so much with it. Was it because you were so unaware? Or because perhaps you had convinced yourself you didn’t like the man? And maybe apart of you were worried of getting hurt. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt… Well any romantic feelings towards anyone else. You hadn’t had the time, what with the constant missions and trying to stop the darkness in the galaxy and all… Plus no one had ever really caught your eye…
You were brought out of your thoughts by a knock at your door. You cursed under your breath as you tried to stay as quiet as possible, hoping whoever it was would leave.
“I know you’re in there.”
You grimaced, realising who it was on the other side of the door.
“Look, I just wanna make sure you’re ok.” Pause. “Hiding away isn’t gonna help.” Pause. “Has someone upset you?”
You found yourself using the keypad opening the door to reveal a rather concerned looking Poe.
“You!” You exclaimed, pointing at him, before even thinking. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” You frowned as you spoke. “You’re always just… there!” You waved your hands around, exasperated. Poe’s features seemed to soften for a second, almost as if he looked… Hurt? But he quickly recovered himself, his hard gaze back.
“Unfortunately, it’s a bit hard to not be ‘just there’ when we are working together.” He retorted. “I am sorry my presence is such a inconvenience for you.” He said bitterly. “You think I do it on purpose? You think I want to upset you?” He raised his voice a little as you stared at him, your own gaze glaring.
“It feels like it!” You replied, feeling yourself getting overwhelmed by it all.
“Right.” He breathed out, sighing as he nodded, his tongue pushing on the backs of his teeth. “Okay. Fine.” He stepped away from your doorway. “Consider it done. I’ll leave you alone.” He gave you one last hard stare before turning away, leaving you alone as you felt your chest rise and fall.
This was such a mess.
I thought I was a fool for no one
Oh baby, I'm a fool for you
You're the queen of the superficial
And how long before you tell the truth?
You finally made your way out of your quarters, deciding you couldn’t realistically hide in there forever, as much as you wished you could. Heading down the corridors, you pondered on your argument with Poe. You felt guilty. You hadn’t meant to actually upset him or make him feel actual anger. You knew you had to fix it, but for now, you just wanted to stay away and be alone. However, you were broken from your thoughts as a familiar whizzing and beeping came charging down the corridor. You furrowed as BB8 sped towards you, coming to a halt right before your feet.
“BB8? What’s wrong?” You asked, seeing his panicked state. The droid made some loud beeping, speaking to you. “You want me to follow?” The droid spun his head 360 as you took it was a yes, as he raced off, you quick behind. You realised halfway that the droid was leading you to the med bay, as you instantly became concerned after realising the droid was clearly in a state of panic.
Had something happened? Was it Poe? Had something happened to Poe?
Following the droid, you entered the med bay, finding yourself scanning the room in worry as your eyes finally landed on Finn who was stood beside Poe, who looked worse for wear. You felt your heart stop in panic as you rushed towards the men. Finn looked at you in sympathy as your eyes fell straight onto the unconscious Poe who was laying in one of the healing pods. You stared at him in fear, not taking your eyes off him.
“W-what happened?” You asked Finn, voice quiet, barely audible.
“He got shot whilst we were on a mission.” Finn said in a defeated voice. You knew he was most likely blaming himself. “He’s ok.” He quickly reassured you as you furrowed your brows. “He just needs rest.”
You let out a small sigh of relief, but still couldn’t fight down the worry eating away inside you.
“How did you-“ Finn looked confused for a moment, before BB8 beeped at him, letting him know it was the droid that had brought you. Finn raised a brow at the droid before peering back at you, seeing your upset eyes.
What had you done? Your last words to the man you cared about could’ve been filled with anger and false hatred.
“I’ve been such an idiot.” You whispered, allowing a tear to fall as Finn instantly walked over to your side, placing a friendly hand on your shoulder. “He didn’t deserve what I said to him.”
Finn sent you an empathetic glance. Poe had told him how you had argued mere hours before the incident. Finn had seen how it had hurt him. Poe was always one to wear a hard front, but he was unusually snappy with Finn the whole time, and seemingly was distracted on the mission.
“It’s not his fault.” You shook your head, finding yourself perching down on a nearby chair beside Poe. “Everything I thought I disliked him for… Was exactly what I had become.”
Arrogant, naive, self centred…
“Don’t beat yourself up.” Finn told you softly, sitting beside you on another seat. “Sometimes emotions make us do or say things we don’t mean.” He offered as you pursed your lips.
“Why does it have to be so hard?” You sighed, fiddling with your fingers.
“Because it makes it worth it.” He told you gently, giving you a small smile as you peered back at him, giving him a minuscule smile in return at his words.
You didn’t know how long you had been sat beside Poe. You’d eventually found yourself falling asleep, leaning your head on a nearby table in your arms. You were thankful you could sleep. Sleep is the only real time the human mind could rest, and even then you knew your worries would make their way into your dreams. You were bought out of your slumber when you heard a noise from beside you. Furrowing your brows, you lifted your head, slowly opening your eyes adjusting to the light. You looked beside you to see Poe. Looking much better than a few hours ago.
“Dameron.” You breathed out, pushing yourself to sit upright.
“Have you been here this whole time?” He asked, as you noted he was in new clothes. He had clearly been up and about before you awoke. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you gave a small nod. “Why?” He questioned, a confused look on his features. You felt conflicted. How did you answer? What did you say? You licked your lips.
“Well, someone’s got to keep an eye on you.” You forced a small smile onto your face. “Always getting yourself into trouble.” You joked as he sighed, placing a hand on his hip as he leant forwards slightly.
“You hated me a few hours ago.” He said coldly as you instantly felt guilt eat you up once again. You shook your head slightly.
“I’m sorry.” You told him sincerely. He seemed taken back by your words for a moment. “I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean any of it.” You said lowly. “I do care.” You admitted, pulling your gaze away from his own, missing how his features softened at your admission. “Probably more than I want to admit, or even believe.” You almost whispered. A hand landed on top your own as you slowly moved your eyes back to the man beside you.
“So why?” He furrowed his brows. “Why do you pretend to hate me?” Taking a deep breath you found the words escaping your lips before you could stop them.
“Because it’s easier than admitting that I feel quite the opposite.” He watched as your eyes softened, and your usually snarky demeanour had vanished. You were being vulnerable. A side he hadn’t really seen from you before since today. He shook his own head, fighting the urge to let out a small laugh. Not because he found your words funny, but because he himself understood what you had said.
“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?” He teased lightly as you laughed lightly at his words. “Why do you think I always approach you?” He asked, a small smile on his lips. “No matter how many insults or comments you throw my way- It didn’t seem to bother me.” He paused. “But earlier… You got under my skin.” You pulled your gaze away, jumping a little as a hand reached out landing on your cheek as it pulled you back to his gaze. “And it made me question why.” He said lowly as you felt your heart beat quicken. However, your moment was quickly broken as the door opened to the med bay, as you both pulled away from each other, seeing Finn as he approached, a big grin on his face.
“He lives!” Finn exclaimed, as Poe laughed, jumping up from his seat as he hugged his friend.
“Good to see you too.” Poe said as he slapped the man on the back a few times, before pulling away. “They’ll have to do a lot more than shoot me to kill me.” He told him as Finn rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well I’d prefer it if you didn’t get shot just to prove a point.” Finn told him playfully as Poe wore a small smile. Finn looked over at you, seeing you watching the two men. “I’m not interrupting am I?” He asked as you went to answer but Poe beat you to it.
“A little.” He put his hands on his hips. You felt yourself flush at his words, biting your lip as you looked down at your hands. He gave Finn a ‘please leave dude’ look as Finn made an ‘o’ with his lips.
“I’ll- I’ll just-“ Finn gestured behind him as he turned, going to leave. Poe sent him a thankful glance as he left, to which Finn gave him a thumbs up which you missed. Poe smirked, before turning back round, seeing you finally on your feet as you pretended to busy yourself anxiously. He slowly approached you, as he reached out, grabbing your hands to stop yourself from trying to distract the situation. He turned you to face him, as you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“I better-“ You began, voice breathy. “I better get back to-“ However, your voice was cut off as Poe had crashed his lips to your own. You almost squeaked in surprise, but quickly allowed yourself to melt into it. It felt right. And any fear of rejection you had felt was slowly dissipating. As quickly as it had began, it was over as Poe pulled away, a slightly smug look on his face, except this time you didn’t hate it.
“Wow.” He breathed out, playfulness in his voice. “Twice in one day you’ve been rendered speechless.” He took a step back, smirking. “At least I know how to shut you up now.” He joked as he turned away, leaving you stood gawping into thin air.
Super massive black hole
You were sure this man would be the death of you.
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tooktheladdedgbtq · 3 years
....and the Oscar goes to.. | Tom Holland X Male!actor reader. 
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A/N: this was just something I wrote because I got inspired I guess. Happy Pride everyone!
You couldn’t decide whether time was slipping through your fingers too quickly or if this had been the longest night you’d ever experienced.
seconds slowed to a crawl while you tried to gather yourself before it was your turn to take the stage. You were nervous. Not about being at the oscars or presenting for the first time. Not even about being nominated for your leading role in the second installment of a critically acclaimed trilogy. No, you’d been used to these sorts of things, you’d been an actor since you were a very young kid. Starting on television before film, and you even got to hold the Emmy the show had won when you had just turned a teenager.
No, you were nervous about who exactly you’d be presenting to. Of the five nominees and potential winners, only one could cause such an intensive feeling in your chest. Only one could awaken a sense of dread that battled with a feeling of intensive happiness mixed with anticipation, and it was Tom.
You’d known each other for years and had come to fall in love. You’d met as young co-stars on set and eventually grew into an inseparable friendship that progressed into something far more. Neither of you were sure when the feelings started but it felt like they’d always been there and you weren’t exactly complaining.
Your blissfulness with Tom was beautiful but short lived. After almost a year of being official you both agreed to take a break from the relationship. Unbeknownst to Tom you were just agreeing to save face and hadn’t pried for an answer out of fear of being hurt. You just accepted that this was how things were now, and took a step back.
You’d still kept in contact with him. It was hard not to. He was still your best friend. But whether it was the business of work or something a little more awkward, distance grew between you both as the multi-hour long facetime calls and text threads became once-a-week check-ins to just make sure you were alive and okay.
Time had passed, and you didn’t have a clue what you could possibly say to him now. You certainly didn’t want to ruin his special night. But you’d missed him so much and felt like you would implode at the first sign that he’d be interested in getting back together with you. But you also didn’t want to seem desperate or needy if he’d moved on. You didn’t want to slip and say those three words again in the moment.
Father time showed you no mercy as the sand in his hourglass suddenly shifted from a slow-motion drip to a flood. The seconds you’d spent daydreaming of your past with Tom and pondering about the your potential future had passed and left you with little time to gather yourself before presenting. still you shook your hands, arms, and lastly shoulders, putting all your worries aside and waited for introduction from the host.
Before long you’d been counted in to walking on stage, and heard the host over the microphone. “Ladies and Gentlemen, to present the award and introduce the nominees for Best Supporting Actor, please welcome one of this year’s nominees and one of our generation’s greatest talents: Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
The applause erupts from the audience like a revved up engine as you took center but it was nothing compared to the standing ovation you’d receive later on that night when receiving your own award for Best Actor.
You were stood promptly center staged with the towering Oscar statue reflecting onto the black stage floor beneath your feet. Your outfit was alluring and would surely be the next hot topic which is rare for male stars. You looked like a million bucks. Everyone knew it, most of all, Tom.
You smile and wave as you approach the microphone, your teeth shining a blinding white, and wait for a hush from the crowd.
You chuckle lightly as a few hoots and hollers sound out as the cheers subside.
You eye the monitor across the room and start to read, your nerves dying down as your jokes land and laughter echoes around the room.
As you finish the introduction, clips start to show behind you to accompany the names of the nominees as the cameras catch a glimpse of each of their reactions.
You couldn’t help but notice how tough the competition was as each actor was called. Steven Yuen playing a detective in a thrilling murder mystery. John David Washington in a fictional film playing the world’s first black astronaut aiding in the discovery of lovecraftian horrors. Andrew Garfield for his role as a psychotic narcissist and genius businessman. Oscar Issac acting in a sci fi space opera asking questions of existentialism.
Finally, you had to withhold your smile as you called out the last name. He had returned to his Billy Elliot roots being nominated for his role in a astonishing musical romance film. “Tom Holland.” You’d been ecstatic when he’d told you about it as you’d always recommend he tried it again since it made him so happy in his younger years.
You spot him a few rows from the stage, making eye contact with him and wondering if he was thinking about you the way you had done with him earlier. You couldn’t help but notice him squirming in his chair and fidgeting with his hands. Selfishly asking yourself if this wasn’t just about the award but about having you present it to him.
Seeing you here after what felt like an eternity apart and your reunion potentially being the greatest achievement of both your careers. Making it the greatest night of your lives, that is, if you were still together. But you were still best friends. That’s what mattered. So you push your self centered thoughts aside and shoot him a small wave that he returns with a smile and thumbs up. letting you know he was okay and that you could continue as the camera pans back to you capturing your not so hidden giddiness.
This awarded some small oos and aahs from the crowd as your relationship with him had been a wholly celebrated one. especially among your marvel peers.
You’re handed an envelope and statue as the music ends and the applause dies down and you take one final glare into the camera before beginning to open the envelope.
“....and the Oscar goes to,” you take a peek at the crowd and see some of the nominees holding hands with loved ones. others plainly
awaiting your next words with bated breath. The anticipation shone on everyone’s faces. Even those that weren’t nominated. Your not-so-hidden grin giving away the answer mere milliseconds before his name escaped your lips. “Tom Holland!”
Tom shot up with a shared expression of shock and happiness on his face. Pecking his mother on the cheek as she wipes the tears of pride from her eyes. His best mate Harrison gives him a quick embrace and a pat on the back before he moves on to shake hands with the director and smile at everyone cheering him on as he gradually moves toward the stage still completely baffled at the victory.
As he walks towards you in his pink pastel colored suit and brown leather dress shoes you can’t help but swell with an overwhelming feeling of joy having been here to share this career defining moment with him. You thought about how far you’d both come to get here and almost started tearing up remembering all you’d been through together.
He skipped up the miniature steps and blanketed you with both arms. You didn’t want it to end as you hadn’t felt it in a while. You threw your arms around his neck and he tightens his hold around your torso. Before you could even process them, your blunt thoughts spill out as whispers.
“I’m so incredibly proud of you. you deserve this and so much more.” you hear a small chuckle escape him as he responds. “I am trying not to cry y’know mate?” a wolf whistle comes from the crowd as you apologize for being so sappy and before he can tell you off for it you hand him his award and shove him off toward the microphone.
As he takes center stage you stand off to the side to watch him give his acceptance speech. He pauses and takes a second to gather himself before he starts talking straight from his heart with nothing prepared.
“Um, Wow. I really can’t believe this is really happening and I probably still won’t believe it happened tomorrow. Just.. wow.” his words were filled with that charmingly British accent you’d come to love so much.
“First I would like to thank my mother, without whom of course, I would not be here. I would like to thank the academy and everyone who worked on this movie from the producers and camera men, make-up and costumes, to our wonderful writers, composer, back up dancers and vocalists, and of course my friends, my co-star and the director Damien Chazelle.” whom he gestures to sitting in the second row. “I share this with all of you and I can’t thank you enough for awarding me with the opportunity to create something I love so much.”
He thanks the other nominees before turns towards you to end his speech. you felt your heart in your hands when you saw his big brown puppy eyes dart in your direction with an intensive glare of admiration.
“last but most importantly, I want to thank the inspiration for all of the love songs I sung in the film and the reason I decided to take the role. The person standing here on my right.”
Your jaw drops and your eyes widen when his words hit you like a speeding semi. you realize that he’d just called you his muse in so many words. the inspiration behind the love songs in the film no less. Meaning that with every lovestruck note his character sung he was reminded of you. All that time spent worrying if the distance between you two would cause him to forget about you, or if he’d maybe moved on and found somebody else. But no such thing had happened. He was relating his character’s longing in the film to his longing for you this entire time and that made your heart do a backflip.
You blush and cover your still ajar mouth with your fist whilst trying not to pay attention to the crowd who’s attention was fully focused on you.
He takes a deep sigh before continuing. “Y/N you’re not only the reason I took this role, but you’re the reason I was able to play it with such sincerity. You’ve been a unwavering beacon of support throughout my career in general but here you really gave me the inspiration for something special. He faces the audience again as the all follow his words with whispers of how adorable you both were. “from reading lines together in the middle of the night, to keeping me company when i’m on the brink of a meltdown.” It was all true and it only made you miss you relationship more and you found it difficult to hold back your tears.
“Y/N is the kind of best friend everybody needs, the kind of partner everybody deserves, and the person I’m so incredibly lucky to have known for so long. ..and I still can’t believe he never figured out the lyrics were all about him, It was kind of obvious-” the audience laughed you’re so close to swooning as he turns toward you again. “But, with all my heart, I love you, Y/N. Always will.” you feel as if you’re floating.
He shifts to the crowd one last time to say a final thank you before you both walk off stage one arm around one another’s shoulders. You have a short but sweet conversation backstage with him where reassures you that everything he said on stage was true and completely unscripted. He wants to talk more but knows your category is coming soon so he asks for a later opportunity and you agree before returning to your seat in the crowd.
The rest of the night flew by with you winning the award for best actor and receiving the biggest applause of the night. Tom joined in the standing ovation. You thanked everybody involved in making the film, the academy, and squeezed a little joke directed towards Tom that garnered a shared laugh from both him and the audience. You were the last award of the night and after the celebrations it was time to return to your place, where Tom was waiting for you. Wanting to talk about everything that had happened not just tonight but everything leading up to it. He also hoped you’d kept a spot open in your heart for him to return to.
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Should've just asked - Part 2 - Oscar Diaz
One week, seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds, since he fucked everything up with y/n. Threw it all away because his own insecurities got the better off him, all because he didn't just ask.
He hadn't seen sad eyes since that day either, leaving him alone to stew in his own bubble of self pity. He hadn't left his home since that day, instead opting to send Cesar to the store when something was needed or delegating his Santo's jobs to other members. The bags that y/n and Sad eyes had left behind in the mall sitting against the wall opposite him, mocking him with their bright colours and smiling logos, he'd looked through them as soon as he'd gotten home, each one filled with balloons, banners, anything you would need to through a birthday, even a badge that read 'birthday king' in big bold letters.
Today was his birthday, his 26th, a day where he should've been out in the yard celebrating with one of his famous Santo's parties with the love of his life by his side but instead he was sat in an empty house, bar his younger brother, wallowing in a pit of self pity.
"You still sulking?" Cesar asked as he watched his brother stare at the blank space by his feet, interrupting his pity party.
"Fuck off." He muttered, reaching for the half smoked joint that had been abandoned in the ashtray an hour ago.
"It's been a week Oscar, you can't sit around moping all the time, yeah you fucked up, I get it, but sitting here isn't helping anything." Cesar sighed, this past week he'd seen a side of his older brother that he couldn't remember seeing before, sad and bitchy Spooky was not a pretty sight.
"You don't get shit." Oscar sighed as he lit his joint, breathing in the smoke before exhaling slowly. "I fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me, to us, I lost mi amor Cesar." He mumbled, his eyes filling with tears that he rapidly tried to blink back.
"I know, I know I've never had anything like what you and y/n have, how about we go to the mall? I need some new trainers for school." Cesar asked, watching Oscars face carefully.
"Can't you take your little groupie with you?" Oscar muttered, stubbing out his joint in the ashtray before leaning back and covering his eyes with his arm.
"Please Oscar, it'll help get your mind of shit." Cesar tried again, desperate to get Oscar out of the house and the hole he was currently wallowing in.
"Fine." He sighed, pulling himself up and heading towards the door, missing Cesar pull out his phone and send a quick text.
He's out.
Just down the street y/n grinned as her phone dinged, the text she'd been waiting for finally coming through.
"Hey Sad eyes!" She called into the spare room where he had been staying for the last week, opting to stay and comfort the upset girl rather than spending nights in his own bed.
"What's up?" He asked as he opened the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Were you seriously sleeping at 2 in the afternoon?" She asked with an amused smile. "Anyway, Cesar's managed to get Oscar out the house so I'm heading over there now, you coming?" She asked with a smile, excited yet nervous at the thought of seeing Oscar again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, just give me two minutes." The man grumbled before going back into the room.
Yes, y/n was still pissed about how Oscar had acted a week ago, calling her out for being a cheat in the middle of the mall after doing nothing more than planning his birthday. But at the same time the last week had been hell, she'd received multiple texts and missed calls from Oscar, all apologising for that day, for making a fool out of all three of them. No matter how badly he had embarrassed her that day he was still the only thing in her heart, the love of her life and she was determined not to throw it all away, they had fixed every other problem that had arose in their relationship and they was going to fix this too. Which is why her and Sad eyes were currently on their way to the Diaz household, ready to throw him the most surprising surprise party there ever was.
"Alright, you start to put the food out and I'll get started with the decorations." Y/n smiled as she went over to the bags sat against the wall, the same ones that her and Sad eyes had gotten at the mall. "I'm surprised he didn't throw this out." She mused, digging through the bags to find the balloons.
"I've told you, the guys borderline obsessed with you." Sad eyes laughed from the kitchen.
An hour later and everything was set up, banners covered the walls, balloons floated through the house and yard alike while the food and drinks tables looked immaculate, thanks to Ruby's help.
Everything was in full swing, music blasting, drinks in people's hands as she received yet another text that she was waiting for.
2 minutes out.
"Alright! Everyone be quiet, he's just coming!" Y/n yelled, the music being cut and the loud laughter turning to hushed murmurs as her nerves grew knowing Oscar was just about to walk through the doors.
The loud slamming of the front door caught everyone's attention as they stood anxiously waiting for the Santos leader, the faint 'what the fuck is this?' Making her chuckle only being able to imagine how confused Oscar must have looked right then.
"Surprise!" Everyone cheered as Oscar and Cesar appeared at the back door, Cesar sporting a grin as Oscars wide eyes roamed the crowd before landing on y/n.
"You did this?" He asked quietly, not yet making a move as his mind tried to decide whether this was real, if she really was stood right in front of him.
"Well." She smiled bashfully. "I had some help." She shrugged as Sad Eyes came from round the corner with two coronas in his hands.
"Happy birthday Spooky." He smiled, holding a bottle out for Oscar to take, smiling and clinking their bottles together once Oscar took one.
"Aye, listen man, I'm, uh, I'm sorry about hitting you, the other day." Oscar sighed, feeling weird having to apologise for punching someone who was basically his brother.
"No worries Spook." Sad eyes chuckled patting his brother on the shoulder. "Now go get your girl." He smirked, nodding towards y/n who was stood a few feet away talking to Cesar and Jamal.
"Hey, uh, can we talk?" Oscar asked walking up to her and rubbing the back of his neck from the nerves.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled, feeling her heart beating through her chest as she looked up into his eyes.
They were both stood staring at each other before Cesar clearing his throat pulled them out of whatever trance they were in.
"Hey Jamal how about we go find Ruby?" Cesar asked, raising his eyebrows at Jamal who just didn't seem to get the hint.
"What? Why? We see him all the time." The young boy shrugged, oblivious to the scowls he was receiving from the Diaz brothers and the amused look from y/n.
"Beat it." Oscar deadpanned, smirking as Jamal quickly turned and walked away leaving Cesar to follow with a chuckle.
"Was there any need for that?" Y/n giggled as she turned back to Oscar, looking up at him with an amused glint in her eye.
"Kid doesn't know when to take a hint." Oscar shrugged, not seeing the issue in how he spoke to Jamal in the slightest.
"Yeah well, he is Jamal." Y/n shrugged with a laugh. "Anyway, what was it you wanted to say?" She asked remembering why the Santo had come to her in the first place.
"I uh, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, ya know, for blowing up on you the other day, I know how stupid I was being and I called you out for bullshit you didn't even do." Oscar sighed, his hand that wasn't holding his beer clenching and unclenching at his side as he tried to find the right words. "Just uh, just the thought that you were out with some other cabrón made me see red, I didn't even think to ask, I just wanted to punch whoever it was in the face." He spoke quietly, y/n only just hearing him over the music that had started up again.
"Oscar, you're right, it was stupid." She snorted making Oscars heart drop his eyes going straight to the floor, it was too late. "But." She started, making his eyes flick back up to her immediately. "But I love you Oscar Diaz, I love you so fucking much that this last week has been killing me. I don't know what to do when I'm not with you Oscar, and I don't ever want to have to do that again." She sighed, a lone tear a sliding down her cheek which he quickly reached up to wipe away.
"I love you too mi amor, I know I get jealous and over protective but that's only because I don't want any one taking you away from me, not now, not ever." He mumbled shaking his head slightly before putting his bottle down on the nearest table.
"I know, baby, I know." Y/n smiled, reaching up taking his face in her hands, thumbs rubbing along his jawline gently. "You know if the roles were reversed I would've done much more to any hyna I thought was coming for you." She giggled, already having thrown hands with one before.
"Trust me, I remember, that shit was hot." Oscar chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers slid from his face to going around his neck, opting to rub the bottom of his neck rather than jaw line.
"Now what?" Y/n asked, her eyes flickering between his.
"What do you want?" Oscar asked quietly, not wanting to push her into anything that she didn't want.
"What do I want? I want you Oscar Diaz, I want you everyday for the rest of my life, jealousy and temper included." She laughed as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"Good." Oscar smirked down at her. "Because I ain't never letting you go." He whispered, pulling her towards him, leaning down and planting his lips on hers for the first time in a week.
"I love you Oscar." She mumbled happily, resting her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her back.
"I love you too mi amor." He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead and squeezing her tight.
"Also, watching you punch sad eyes in the face really turned me on." She mumbled with a laugh as she felt Oscar tense slightly.
"Is that right?" He chuckled, looking down at her. "Well it's been a week, we best take care of that." He laughed before pulling away and lifting her over his shoulder before heading into the house landing a swift smack to her backside.
"Woo! Spookys gunna get some!" Was heard as he carried her through to the bedroom, both of them laughing as he threw her onto the bed.
"You're so perfect mi Reina." Oscar whispered leaning over her as he stroked a few stray hairs out of her face.
"If anyone's perfect here it's you." Y/n smiled letting her eyes wonder his beautiful features. "Just promise me something." She mumbled after placing a quick peck to his lips.
"Anything." He answered immediately, ready to give anything and everything to make her happy.
"Next time, just ask." She giggled as he rolled his eyes.
"Putá." He mumbled as he leaned down for a slow kiss.
"But you love me anyway." She whispered.
"Always mi amor."
One week without seeing each other.
Seven days without so much as a smile.
168 hours without a kiss.
10080 minutes without an 'I love you'.
604800 seconds without each other.
One surprise party to fix it all.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
💌 Requested by: @real-kate-bishop-aka-hawkeye
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader ft Marvel Cast
Request: Age gap! Reader is in a relationship with Sebastian Stan and they’re in a movie together that has been nominated for the Oscars. Both of them are up for best actor and actress.
a/n: I hope you like this, I’m so sorry for the long wait, love! Enjoy!💖
Double Win
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m a bit nervous. But I’m excited to be here. It’s gonna be a good night.” You reply with a smile as Sebastian squeezed your hand. The two of you were currently in the car on your way to the venue that hosted the Oscars.
“Hey, whatever happens tonight, whether we win or loose, I’m proud of you.” Sebastian says as he brings your hand up to his lips and presses a kiss to it.
You and Sebastian were both nominated for your first Oscars ever. The movie you guys both starred in has been successful in the box office and has snagged multiple nominations during awards season.
You first met Sebastian during a table read for a disclosed Marvel project. You were a new actress in the business having been in small movies and had some parts in tv shows, but being casted as Kate Bishop was your big break (I know she’s like 16 in the comics, but for the sake of this request let’s just assume the actress casted is in her 20s). You and Seb instantly clicked at the table reading. From there on a beautiful friendship formed which slowly grew into a relationship. Despite the age gap, everything you guys did together felt natural. Natural in a sense where it was familiar, as if you guys have known each other for years. When you were with him everything fell into place.
“I’m so happy that you’re finally getting recognition for your work. You work your ass off on these movies, you deserve it so much.” You admitted as he strokes your hand with his thumb. Sebastian tilts his head at you with that crooked smile on his face.
“After all, you were robbed for I, Tonya.” You added as you nudged his shoulder with yours. His smile breaks as he laughs.
“Are you still mad about that?”
“YES! Oh my god, it irritates me so much. Like how did you not get nominated for I, Tonya? You were amazing as Jeff!” You exclaimed waving your free hand in frustration.
“Well that doesn’t matter anymore. Because now, I’m nominated for a movie I starred in alongside my girl. To me, that’s all that matters.” He said as he leaned in closer to you. You hum contently as he nudges your nose with his. He presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, careful to not get any of that sinful red lipstick on his lips.
The moment was interrupted by the driver announcing that you have arrived at the venue. Before leaving the car you quickly fix your hair and make sure Sebastian didn’t have any lipstick on his lips. Sebastian buttoned up his suit and looked back at you before opening the door.
“You look beautiful, by the way. I just wanted to tell you before everyone starts shouting it at you.” He tells you with a boyish grin on his face. You playfully roll your eyes and thank him. He opens the door and you guys are met with the flashing lights and chaos of the red carpet.
🕓 Time Skip
Half an hour into the awards show and they’ve announced the awards for Best Supporting Actor and Actress. Your nerves were getting the best of you, making your leg bounce in anticipation. You tried having a few glasses of wine to help you loosen up, but it was no use. Sebastian, who had been beside you the whole night, noticed your nervous tic. He placed a reassuring hand onto your leg to help calm you down. He didn’t say anything but his silent gesture was appreciated. His hand helped ground you and tell you that he was there for you.
Chris Evans and Brie Larson walked out from backstage and entered the stage. The audience clapped as they approached the mic.
“Hello everyone! Of all the movies that have been nominated for this category tonight, something that they all have in common is a female lead who is a force of nature and captures the attention of the audience with their strong presence on screen.” Brie starts.
“Here are the nominees for Best Actress.” Chris continues as they announce the names of the nominees. As your name is announced you feel your heart beat quicken and squeeze onto Sebastian’s hand, a smile hiding your anxiousness.
When they finish the names, Brie excitedly opens the envelope. She and Chris share are look before they announce the winner.
“And the Oscar goes to..”
“(Y/n) (Y/L/N)!!” They scream into the mic.
You freeze as you hear your name. Around you the people clap and stand as you remained seated in your seat in shock. Sebastian is the one to pull you out your state of shock, leaning down and gently pulling you up.
“Baby, you won!” He exclaimed as he pulls you into his arms. You come back to your senses and wrap your arms around him quickly pulling away. You make your way up to the stage as people congratulated you as you passed by the aisle. When you approached the stairs, you hold the train of your dress to avoid pulling a Jennifer Lawrence. Chris is quick to help, lending you a hand up the stage. He hugs you and congratulates you over the audience. Brie approaches you with open arms and hands you the Oscar. The two move to the side to give you your moment. You face the crowd with a big smile, Oscar in hand.
“Thank you guys.” You start as you glance at Brie and Chris. You look back to the crowd and quickly spot Sebastian, who has the most proudest look on his face.
“This is unbelievable, I can’t believe this is happening! I’ve been dreaming of this since I was a little kid.” You mused as you looked at the Oscar gleaming in the light.
“I guess I should start by thanking the Academy. Thank you for this opportunity. Thank you to the cast and crew who have been part of this movie’s journey I love every single one of you. Thanks to my team, who have been so kind and supportive to me from the start and have helped me get to this moment. To my family, I owe you all so much you have been so supportive of me and pushed me to follow my dreams and have been there every step of the way. Also, to the women who were nominated alongside of me tonight, you guys are amazing and continue to inspire me to become as talented as you all are. Lastly, I want to thank a special person. My co-star in this movie, my best friend, biggest supporter, my rock, my lover. Sebastian you have done nothing but been there for me through thick and thin. I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve someone as special as you, but I’m thankful that I have you. Without you I don’t know how I would survive in the madness of this, I love you.” You looked at Sebastian through blurred eyes as you made your speech.
“Thank you!” You finished as you excitedly held the Oscar up in the air. The usher instructed you to stand by the side as Brie and Chris walked to the mic.
“And now for Best Actor!” Chris says as they announce the nominees. When Sebastian’s name was called you clapped and cheered as he gave the camera a shy smile.
“And the Oscar goes to!”
“SEBASTIAN STAN!” They announce, Chris screaming it a bit louder than Brie. You gasp and clap as you see Sebastian being congratulated by your fellow co-stars and director. He makes his way up to the stage instantly looking for your eyes. A giant smile is on your face as your eyes connect. He’s hugged by Brie and Chris. Chris moves to hand him the award but Sebastian is already striding towards you. The audience laughs at Chris’ reaction. Meanwhile Sebastian brings his hand to cradle your face and pulls you into a passionate kiss. The crowd cheers and whistles as you wrap your free arm around him. For a moment it feels like it’s just you two in the whole venue. You pull away, lovingly smiling at each other.
“Go get that Oscar, champ.” You teased and nudge him towards Chris, who claps him on the back as soon he approaches him.
“Sorry, got caught in the moment.” He chuckled making the audience laugh.
“Man, I—. This is just an honor, thank you so much for this. I don’t know what I did to get here, but thank you so much. Thank you to the Academy. Thank you to the cast and crew who’ve worked hard day and night to make this amazing movie the way it is. My team, thank you for dealing with me, I appreciate it. I wanna say a very special thank you to two of the most important women in my life. My mother, who sacrificed so much to give me a better life, I’m up on this stage because of you. I love you and I’ll make sure to give you a call as soon as I’m home. I think you guys know who the other woman is.” He exclaims as he turns to you with a twinkle in his eyes, the crowd cheering him on.
“When I say this I’m being dead serious. I’m gonna marry that woman one day.” Sebastian points at you making the crowd go wild. You laugh, looking down as your face turns 50 shades of red.
“(Y/n), you keep me going everyday. You inspire me to better myself and become a better man. For the two years we’ve been together, you’ve been beside me through it all and I just want to thank you for everything you do. You’re my safe place, I love you.” He said while looking at you the entire time. He thanks everyone again before the music begins to play.
🕓 Time Skip
As the show came to an end everyone headed towards the after party. The cast and crew of your movie celebrated over champagne, some speeches, a little crying, and lots of hugs. The whole night Sebastian never left your side, his hand was either around your waist or the small of your back. Constantly whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he pressed kisses to your face.
“Seb! (Y/n)!” You and Sebastian turned to the voice to see Chris pushing through the crowd along with Scarlett and Brie.
“Hey!” You greet them as you all pull each other into hugs.
“Congratulations you two! You must be on cloud nine!” Scarlett said as she squeezed you as tight as she can.
“The look on your face when you won, oh my goodness! Priceless!” Brie laughs as she held onto your arm.
“I honestly can’t believe it! It’s just so surreal like what the fuck? I’m still processing it!” You rambled, eyes wide with shock. The two laughed at your reaction.
“I’m guessing Seb is gonna be getting some as soon as you guys get home?” Scarlett teased. You rolled your eyes glancing at Seb who was talking to Chris and Samuel L. Jackson. He caught your eye and sent a quick wink towards you.
“I don’t kiss and tell, Scarlett.” You winked at the blonde. Your name is suddenly being called across the room by Chris.
“When’s the wedding?” He asked, a few feet away from you and the girls.
“As soon as he gets the ring!” You answer teasingly making Seb blush. Chris turns back to Sebastian pointing at you.
“You heard the lady, Seb.”
“Who says I don’t already have the ring?” Sebastian shot back making everyone sound like a bunch of teenagers.
When you guys got back home, you and Sebastian celebrated in the early hours of the morning between the sheets. When you wake up the next day you see a blue Tiffany’s box paired with a rose resting on Sebastian’s side of the bed.
And you said yes.
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snlhostharry · 4 years
rose blush
harry styles x reader
4.5k words 
you and harry meet in a small coastal town as your both running away from your responsibilities 
a/n: this is loosely based on gold rush by taylor swift, but honestly this story is 50% plot 50% vibes y’know. also i’m obsessed with the concept of seeing harry after a long time apart at one of his concerts as he sings the song he wrote about you like that exact concept has been in multiple fics I’ve written so yeah
Coffee shops are supposed to be a refuge from the outside world. Not your usual starbucks, no you mean the small town coffee shop filled with plants and little to know patrons. The bell on the door jingles briefly as patrons come in and out on occasion. Everyone too wrapped up in their own lives and their own coffee orders to notice you: it’s really perfect. As you type aimlessly on your computer. You’re not paying any attention to the people who come in and out of the small shop, your hyperfocused on the computer and the piles of papers and binders set out in front of you at the table. 
That is until someone walks in that no one expected to see. A man enters the shop quietly, wearing a black beanie and a gray hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head. You don’t think anything of him until you hear the barista say, “Oh my gosh your-” And then she cuts herself off as the man nods. You find yourself glancing up at him frequently as he stands at the counter waiting for his order. As it turns out, it’s just a black coffee, and as he says thank you for his drink in an accent that might just give him away he passes you to walk out of the shop. 
He glances over at you and your piles of binders at your feet, and the strewn papers on your desk as he heads towards the door. His precursory glance makes him curious about you, and his curiosity gets the better of him and he takes a good long look at you. You meet his eyes briefly, the green orbs capturing all of your attention in a moment that feels long more than anything else. You recognize him and pull your eyes away quickly to fix them back on the computer. 
He shakes his head and walks out of the door coffee still safely in hand. 
You’re looking at the computer, but your mind is going twenty miles a minute. Harry Styles is in Capitola, and that’s okay right? You think then that fact isn’t going to change anything about what you're here to do and what you’re supposed to be thinking about. Celebrities probably pass through here all the time, it’s nothing new, probably. If you keep telling yourself that then maybe it’ll become true. 
Harry Styles seems to like the coffee from this place. Day after Day after Day for what you think is a week, he comes in to get his black coffee, The odd thing about it is he always comes in at different times, sometimes at ten in the morning, sometimes at three in the afternoon, and at all times in between. It’s odd for you because you always come in for a set amount of time from nine in the morning until four in the afternoon everyday at the exact times. You’d read an article that routine is key to productivity so you’d decided to stick to it. 
On the eight day of making an appearance at the shop, this time at noon exactly Harry stops before he heads out of the door. He hasn’t really looked at you since the first time (not that you were looking at him to see if he was looking at you or anything you’re just looking for a distraction and curious about what he’s doing) but on the eight day he stops fully. He stands there for a moment being very creepy if you're being honest and then he sits down across from you. 
“What are you doing?” He says, accent abounding. He flashes a smile at you, and sits his coffee down on the table, a sign you take to mean that he’s going to stay for a while. 
You stare at the computer for a bit longer, thinking maybe it will make him go away but he says. You look at him, struggling to meet his eyes for some reason, and then say, “I’m writing.” 
He lets out a small breathy laugh, fully aware that you’re not going to give him the answers he wants. “Why do you come here to write?” 
“Because it’s quiet, and there are limited distractions,” You tell him. You lean in closer to him and half whisper, “Except of course for the former one direction member who comes in everyday for only a black coffee.” You go back to staring at your computer, satisfied with yourself. 
He's interested in you, and if you weren’t trying to ignore him so much you would be able to notice. “What’s wrong with a black coffee?” 
“It’s boring,” You say instinctively. 
“It’s a classic.” 
“I thought the English were more into tea than anything else.” 
“I need the caffeine,” He explains. 
You hold up your reusable cup, filled halfway with a green liquid. “Matcha tea, it’s caffeinated.” 
He wrinkles his nose, “It’s green.” 
“Don’t be a child,” You say with a smile on your face. When you realize that your smiling at him, you quickly fix your face and stare back at the document in front of you even though there’s no way that you could possibly get anything done on it now. 
“What would you suggest I try then?” He says, trying to get you to talk to him again. 
You click your tongue, trying to think of something. “If you need the caffeine why don’t you try a latte? Cinnamon is a good flavor.” 
“A latte?” He says, wrinkling his nose again, “That’s not even coffee.” 
“It has expresso,” You say, “And it’s not boring for one thing.” 
He huffs, “I don’t know if I can trust your taste.” 
“Then don’t,” You shrug. 
“So you’re just not going to tell me what you're writing then?” He says, “You’re going to leave me wondering every time I walk in here and see you sitting at this same table.” 
You smile at him sarcastically, “Yes.” 
He stands up from the table suddenly and says, “Guess I will have to get more creative then.” He doesn’t even wait for a response from you as he picks up his coffee and heads out of the door, the little bell ringing again as he leaves. You look up from the computer and across from you at the seat he just vacated. Something passes over you, maybe a feeling of anxiety or somewhat of a realization that someone famous just talked to you, talked to you about coffee and what you were writing. You didn’t expect that to happen, and you’re not sure if you like it or not. 
The next day, you're in the same place, with another cupful of Matcha Tea when Harry walks in. You expect him to follow the same routine, order a black coffee and then leave. That day, he changed his order. You almost don't believe your own ears when you heard him say, “I’ll have a latte, cinnamon and vanilla please.” You try to think that it has nothing to do with you, that maybe he just wanted to change his order naturally or he has a friend who wants that order. But when he receives it and comes over to sit across from you again, you realize that he did change it for you. 
“What’s in a latte anyway?” He asks with the same smile. 
You sigh, trying to seem uninterested, but the sudden feeling is back. “Espresso and milk I think.” 
“You think?” He asks, the surprise in his voice evident. 
“I’ve never had one,” You try and keep your sudden urge to laugh under control. You laugh, louder than you meant to at last and instead of looking at you with some kind of horrified look he just smiles. 
He shakes his head, “You think you’re funny don’t you?” 
“I don’t know about that, I just thought you knew I was being sarcastic.” 
“I will have you know I took your words as a dare.” 
“Why would you ever think that?”
“Because I grew up with an older sister.” 
“Well I’m an only child so, you miscalculated, Mr. Styles.” 
He takes a sip of his coffee and muses, “Hmm.” Then he seems to suddenly taste the Latte and almost spits it out. A look crosses his face that you wish you could’ve gotten a picture of and then he tries to recover before saying, “It’s good.” 
“Really?” You take a long sip of your tea. “Because it looked like you're regretting your decision to challenge me.” 
He shakes his head and takes another sip, making the same face. “No, in fact I’m happy that you encouraged me to make this change. This is delicious.” 
You narrow your eyes, “Why don’t I believe you?” 
“Do you want to try it?” He asks, holding out the cup to you.
“First off, the amount of germs that would spread is astronomical,” You smile at him, “Secondly yes of course I do.” You take the cup from his hands, “How could I not when you made that oscar worthy face while drinking it?” You peel the lid off the cup and take a sip of the drink. The first thing you state is a frightening amount of sweetness, and then the foam gets caught on your mouth. Lastly comes the sudden shot of espresso as the mess of flavors is finished. You hand the cup back to Harry after putting the lid on and say, “Coffee is gross.” 
“That’s not coffee,” He offers, “If you were to try a black coffee you would see.” 
“Black coffee is gross,” You tell him, giving him your full attention. “I’ve had it and it’s all bitter.” 
He tilts his head to the side for a moment, “Can I ask you something?” 
“You’re going to whether I say yes or not.” 
“Why are you here?”
“You asked me that last time.” 
“Not here like, in town.” 
You’re surprised, “Oh.” You cough and then say, “I needed a change of scenery.” 
“To write whatever you’re writing?”
“Yeah,” You eye him right back, “What are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be a world famous pop star?”
He leans back into his chair, “I think of myself as more of a rock and roller.” He folds his hands together on top of the table, “I needed a change of scenery too,” He says earnestly. 
You click your tongue and turn back to your computer, “Something tells me that’s going to be the only thing that we have in common.” 
He shakes his head, “There’s more than you think I’m sure.” 
“Oh yes,” You say sarcastically, “Harry Styles and the mysterious girl at the cafe he frequents, i'm sure we have a lot of shared life experience.” 
“You’re so contrary.” 
“You’re so hopelessly optimistic.” 
He taps his fingers against the table, “I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” 
“Good for you,” You shoot back. You can’t see it, because you’re trying to focus your attention back on the computer but he’s smiling at you in a way that he hasn’t before. It’s not a smirk, or something sarcastic or even patronizing. If you were looking you would know that he sees something in you, but you’re not looking. When he gets up and leaves you turn to him and say, “Until next time then.”
He looks at you curiously and then nods. 
The next day you’re still at your spot but noticeably without your computer or your piles of books. Quite simply you're stumped on your writing, you don’t know where to go to what to do and although you wouldn’t say it outloud it makes you incredibly angry. The reason why you don’t have your computer with you is because you’d gotten so mad at the thing the night before you thought you might break if you didn’t take a beat of separation. Even though the entire situation obviously isn’t the computer's fault, it’s your fault. 
So you sit, mindlessly scrolling through tik tok, trying to think of something to do to keep your mind off the fact that this whole trip could've been for nothing and you’ll never get it finished. Unfortunately the best thing you can think of is the thing that you're already doing, sitting in the same shop that you’ve been sitting in day after day. You wonder if the employees have begun to get annoyed with you, or if they talk about you on their breaks and wonder why you’re always covered in papers or why you type vigorously on your computer keys. 
Harry walks in and you look at him immediately before just as quickly moving your eyes back to your phone. He does the same thing he does everyday, gets his order (this time the regular black coffee), and then sits down across from you. 
“What happened?” 
“I seem to have hit some writers block,” You say, “I had to extricate myself from the work or I would’ve committed computer murder.” 
“Computer murder?” He repeats with a small sly smile. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” You say suddenly, then correct yourself, “Like talk a walk by the beach or something.” 
He looks surprised but he says, “Yes,” right away. Then he pauses and says, “But you have to tell me your name, or what you’re writing.” 
You stand up from the table, tea clutched in your hand. “I will do you one better,” You hold your hand for him to shake, “I’m y/n.” 
“That’s a pretty name,” The smile on his face seems immoveable. 
You roll your eyes, “Flattery will get you nowhere with me.” You start to walk out of the door and he follows you right out onto the sidewalk. The town is small, and the main street is very close to the beach. It only takes a minute or two to get onto the beach and when you do you turn to him and say, “I’m writing my graduate school thesis.” 
“Huh,” He says, clearly thinking about something. 
You shove your hands into your pockets, “What did you think I was writing?” 
“A novel,” He answers quickly.
You laugh out loud, “Seriously? What kind of book?” 
“I don’t know,” He laughs a little too, “One of those steamy romance ones.” 
“Oh my god,” You say, laughing again. “You thought I was writing one of those honry romance books that gets made into a movie that makes everyone uncomfortable? I don’t know wether to laugh or cry that you would think that about me.” 
“Well you wouldn’t tell me, so I had to get creative.” 
“Just to make sure that you don’t have to get creative anymore,” You start, “I am writing my master's degree thesis on aerospace engineering.” 
He stops walking and just stares at you, “Fuck. You’re a genius.” 
“If you read the thesis you would not think that,” You shake your head, “And before you ask if you can read it no you cannot.” 
He laughs, “Darn.” 
“I’m not a writer,” You say as the two of you continue to walk, “I am a builder, and a math person, this is literal torture.” 
“So you came all the way out here to-?”
“Try and see if getting away from the pressure helps at all.” 
“Is it working?” 
You shrug, “Why did you come out here?” 
“Writer's block,” He says, and for a moment you think he’s mocking you but then you see the look on his face. 
“Really?” You say. 
He sighs, “Usually the ideas just come to me, but I’ve not nothing.” 
“So you decided to disappear to a small coastal town?”
“Don’t sound so contrary,” He says, “You did the same thing.” 
“Is the word contrary on your word of the day calendar or something?” You accuse him, “Or do you just like the way it sounds coming out of your mouth?” 
He turns to you, for a moment, doesn’t say anything and just licks his lips. “I think that you like the way it sounds.” 
You roll your eyes, “I’m sure that you're used to thinking that every girl you’ve ever met has been in love with you, but for the record I am not.” You continue, “And not in the way that I don’t date because no one has ever loved me before, just in the way that you live a different life than me.” 
He doesn’t say anything, he just nods slowly and the two of you walk in silence for a while. After a while, he clicks his tongue and says, “Aerospace engineering, huh? Do you want to work for NASA then?” 
You dig your foot into the stand, hands still clenched in your pockets, “I have an offer from them, but I can only go to work with them if I graduate and to graduate I have to finish this godforsaken thesis.” 
He stops walking and steps in front of you, almost causing you to run into him. “The only thing standing in between you and your dream is one essay.” 
“One monster essay,” You correct him, “One monster essay that then has to go through edits after I finish seventy five pages.” You cross your arms over your chest when it’s clear that he’s going to stand in front of you as he thinks about something. 
“That’s something,” He says, and narrows his eyes at you briefly. You wish you could know what he’s thinking about, because you’re not sure what he means by what he just said. 
You roll your eyes again, “Nice to know my personal life makes interesting fodder for your songs. Am I going to be the next Carolina?” You turn on your heels and start walking the opposite way down the beach, you start walking pretty fast and it seems like he’s still in thought because it takes him a while to catch up with you. 
“You’re reading too much into it,” He says. 
“Am I though?” You don’t even look at him, you just keep walking. “It’s your MO isn’t it? You like girls, or maybe you don’t, they fall in love with you and one way or another they end up immortalized for a bunch of teenage girls and the recording academy to listen to.” 
“And you think you know everything about me?” He offers. 
You spin around and plant your feet in the sand, causing Harry to run right into you. He barrels right into you, and sends both of you falling onto the ground. Suddenly you're in the sand, with Harry on top of you. You very much regret stopping for dramatic effect as you roll out from under him, leaving him face first in the sand. You sit up and dust sand off yourself as you sit on your knees. 
“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” He says, exasperatedly, as he sits up and brushes sand out of his hair. 
“Yes,” You sigh, “I study engineering, it's pretty much the only entertainment I have.” 
“So you were joking? Back there?” 
“No, I was being serious.” 
“You really think that just because I’m into you I’m gonna go off and write songs about the aerospace engineering major who has stars in her eyes and perfect hair falls into place everyday the same way? There’s going to be a billboard hit about the girl that who drinks the same tea I don’t understand every single day, and pours over her little computer with diagrams of rocket ships trying to will the words to appear?” 
You stop and just look at him. He looks back at you with a deer in headlights expression, and lays back down into the sand like he wishes he would disappear. You sit in the sand, as a breeze blows across the beach. The waves behind you crash against the sand with a sound that you just seem to notice, as Harry seems to have his little crisis, you suddenly notice nature all around you. And you notice the fact that you hadn’t paid any attention to any of it, because you were too busy looking at him. 
“You have been watching me,” You say suddenly. 
“Not in a creepy way,” He says from his place on the ground, “I have just noticed things.” 
:”Well I’m not going to go off and design rockets that are shaped like Harry Styles but-” You sigh, “I have noticed things too.” 
“By which you mean?” 
You get to your feet and walk over to him, holding out your hand for him. Harry looks up at you and takes your hand, using it to pull himself up until you're standing looking at each other. “I mean, maybe the version of you I've created in my head isn’t the real you. And I would be interested in finding out who Harry is.” He smiles, “And also,” You cup your hands around his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses you back immediately, and it goes on until you pull away. “I have to get back to work.” 
“Oh so now you can write?” 
“What can I say, I think you cured the writer's block.” 
You spend the next two weeks actually getting to know Harry. He’s a bit like the person the general public thinks him to be, but there are things about him that he’s never shared in any interview or any tweet. You feel lucky to get to know these things, to get to have these little pieces of him to keep. You know the taste of his lips, his exact coffee order, the way he laughs at jokes that are not funny, the little smile that crosses his face whenever there’s a commercial with dogs or babies, and the fact that if left unattended he will wake up and eat leftover cake at two in the morning. 
You like him, you like him a lot, but you don’t allow yourself to fall in love with him. Well maybe you do, in the small ways, the ways that are so easy to push down and not think about. Everytime you think about yourself having some kind of future with him beyond the four walls of the apartments you're both renting you think about something else. You think about how you have your own dreams that couldn’t include him even if you tried, you think about all the things that could go wrong and all the reasons why his life can’t be your life, and you think maybe that’ll be enough to stop you from loving him the way you want to. 
One of those things you try not to think about? How good you are for each other. You kissed him one time and it was like your brain lit up somehow you had the energy to work on your thesis and get close to finishing it. Harry helped in his own way, he sat with you in the coffee shop and on the couch as you wrote, telling you that it looked good even though he had no idea what you were talking about. And everyday when you were working he would sit on the floor of your small apartment with his guitar, strumming and singing and creating music finally. You didn’t really understand what he was getting at either but you thought it sounded nice anyway and you liked to see him happy. 
None of that makes it easy to leave by any means. That’s the biggest reason why you can’t love him, because you know and you’ve always known that you were going to leave. At the end of the month you both pack up your bags and get ready to go back to Washington DC, and Harry gets ready to go back to London. Both of you knew deep down that it was going to be this way, and so you just push ahead. No crying, no confessions, no big dramatic moments that both of you had become accustomed to, you just kiss one last time and head off your separate ways. 
You realize once you're on the plane, leaving the whole thing in the past, that you actually don’t mind if he writes a song about you. Something should come of your time together, you decide because it meant so much to both of you. 
Almost a year later, Harry has released another album and he’s coming on tour to Washington. Your thesis is done, and you're working your dream job for NASA, helping to design rockets and other technology. You don’t know why, but you revolve to go to the show. Half of it is because you genuinely like the album, and because you’ve heard that Harry Styles concerts are something that everyone should experience, but half because you want to see him in person because it’s been a long time. 
You could tell him that you're coming, but you don’t. You don’t know what to say and most of all you don’t know what you want him to do with it. All the barriers to the two of you having a serious relationship are still there, especially now that he’s going to be on tour for the time being. You don’t tell him you're going, but somehow despite all the doubts that appear in your mind the hours before the concert is set to start you make it all the way there. 
You actually enjoy the concert like a normal fan, up until the point where he plays Sunflower Vol 6. 
You’ve known Sunflower was about you since the album was released. On the day Fine Line was released, Harry sent you a text that said: I know I said that I wouldn’t write a song about you but I couldn’t help it. Don’t be mad. It’s called Sunflower.
You weren’t mad, and you actually ended up loving the song. Hearing it made you a little emotional however, because it just made you think, think about the time the two of you had spent together and how you wished it could've lasted longer. 
You don’t know why, but you text him while he’s playing. You know he won’t see it until after the show and that’s kind of the point. You sound great tonight. Sunflower is beautiful. 
Eventually the concert ends and you end up staying in your seat for a little longer than everyone else, just to steer clear of the crowds trying to get out of the building all at once. When mostly everyone around you has cleared out you leave your street and start the walk back to the metro station. You’re walking down a long and mostly empty hallway when you suddenly hear the sound of someone running right behind you. You turn around and see Harry running after you, in a way that reminds you so much of that day on the beach. 
“Woah,” You say, suddenly. “Where’s the fire?” 
He stops a foot ahead of you, out of breath. 
“Did you run around the whole venue?” You ask him. 
“Not the whole thing,” He says, finally able to catch his breath. “But a good chunk of it.” 
“All for me?” You tease him lightly. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He asks. 
You shrug, “What would you have done if you knew?”
“You could’ve come backstage and met the band and-”
“-and what would you have introduced me as,” You reply, a question that you both know means more than just the words that you’ve said. 
He tilts his head to the side and says, “My old friend.” 
“Uh-huh,” You say.
“You’re being contrary again,” He says. 
“And you're being overly optimistic.” 
The two of you stand there for a minute, just getting a good look at one another for what you both think will be the last time for a while. 
“I mostly came to hear the song live,” You say, “I’m glad I got to hear you play for real, instead of just on the kitchen floor.” 
He laughs, “Personally I think I do my best work on the kitchen floor.” 
“We’re going to have to agree to disagree about that one.” 
“So you’re just going to go home, then?” 
You put your hands into your pockets, and say, “Yeah, I am.” 
“Can I at least walk you out then?” 
You pause, but then say, “Yeah, you can.” 
He smiles, and the two of you start to walk side by side down the hallway. 
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sparkledfirecracker · 3 years
💛 - for that deleted scene 👀👀
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Thanks for the reminder love!!!
Here you go the deleted scene! All mistakes are my own, since I haven’t edited it AT ALL. This story will be up before the end of the month. EEEEKKK!!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, DARK CONTENT, mob!AU, explicit language, mention of forced breeding, mention of murder, mention of brutal force, nod to sexual assault (nothing descriptive)
Everything under the cut, by clicking ‘keep reading’ you agree to have read the warnings and are 18+.
Exhausted from the day you had, you entered the house, dropping your bag in its place. Taking your heels off and rubbing the sore toes. Your nostrils filling with the smell of something delicious cooking. Following the smell, you found Andy behind the stove.
 “This wasn’t the punishment I was expecting to come home to. Such a caring domestic house husband.” You muse, walking up behind him, cuddling him from behind while he stirs in a pot. Placing a kiss on his clothed covered spine, feeling his hand caressing your folded ones on his stomach.
 “Thought you might have had a rough day.”
 “Well I was greeted by a man throwing a hissy fit.”
 “A hissy fit, huh?”
 “More like a meltdown tantrum” You grin, releasing your cuddle on him. Making your way to the fridge pulling out a bottle of white wine. “You want some?” He nods and you grab two glasses.
 “A tantrum though?”
 “Yes, apparently he doesn’t like his wife in charge of the clown show.”
 “Now does he?”
 “Nope, wants to breed her, so he can get back into the game.”
 “Not really, but expected.” You confess, as much as you love the playfulness going on, you really had to talk about it and grab the bull by its horns. “Seriously Andy, we need to talk about this.”
 “We do indeed.” He agrees. For a moment there is silence, he turns off the stove, grabbing the pre-set plates and filling them. You poor the wine and set them down on the table. “I’m sorry. I was just blinded by madness.”
 “It wasn’t just madness, Andy. I’m sorry too, I should have told you the day Nick had come down in May.”
 “This has been decided back in May?” He sounds shocked and makes you even more curious who told him half of the information. It couldn’t have been Ari nor Pronge.
 “Unfortunately for me, yes.”
 “You don’t really sound apologetic about it.” He points his fork your way.
 “I want to know who told you?” Dismissing his statement.
 “I saw you leave the gas station.” He admits.
 “What wer-”
 He cuts you off “I might have threatened Jensen to tell me what you were doing there.”
 “Of course the tech nerd biker bitch told on me.”
 “He’s easy to intimidate and Ari confided in me. He’s not happy that you forced him to step down and give up his security position. He deserves to be reinstated.”
 “To hell he is, he can be your little snitch, but he’s not coming back on my team. Might just order Steve to bring me his fucking head.” Your growled “And you are intimidating when you are angry. Even for me.” You take a bite from the pasta followed by a sip of wine.
 “I would never hurt you, you know that right, pebble? I would never do anything to hurt you. If anything somewhere it felt hot that my wife is this powerful puppeteer, pulling all the strings.” You snicker at his comment, chewing a mouthful and nodding “Ari is family, you should put him back in his position.”
 “No! You can keep him as your guard dog, especially now I know he’s been your sidekick. Why act surprised when I said this happened in back in May, because I know the fucker talked to you quickly after. Also I might just nominate you for an Oscar or an Emmy, because you put on quite a performance.”
 Andy rolls his eyes deciding to ignore your comment. “Just no more secrets, please.”
 “No more secrets.” You repeated. “We know who did it and have a way in.” His fork drops clinging the porcelain plate and his eyes widen with shock.
 “Who? How?”
 “Bryce Langley.”
 “That smug shit?” He questions, his eyes narrow as if he already had an encounter with the shit. You nod your head “I should’ve put a bullet inside that head years ago, but your father didn’t let me. He embezzled some drug money.”
 If your dad would’ve let Andy, you wouldn’t be dealing with this. What a fucked up way to deal with the loss. “You’re not going to like it, Willy is letting me dance for Bryce on Thursday.”
 “No you are not.” Andy’s tone is authoritative and leaves no room for discussion
 “I have to, Andy.”
 “I don’t want you to do this” Andy stated
 “I have to do this; it will be our only chance.” you argued back
 “So if he wants to sleep with you, you’ll do it?”
 You nod your head “Whatever it takes, Andy.”
 You are sure of your case and you don’t want to argue about it any longer.
 “Our daughter, Andy, our-FUCKING-daughter.” You rage. “I’d do anything to have her back, but he did whatever to her body and left her for dead on the streets. I want him hanging from the ceiling, by his feet, in that stinking fucking slaughterhouse of uncle Pronge.” You seethe, your eyes hold no emotion before your words state the obvious endgame “I want him dead.”
 “Sweetheart, stripping and sleeping with him is not the way.”
 “Seriously, what do I have to do around here to make people fucking listen to me? It is the way Andy!”
 Andy sighed dropping his head in defeat “Don’t do this, sweetheart” he whispers
 You get up and round the table holding on to his cheeks pulling his face up. You search his face for any kind of emotion. Your eyes filling with tears
 “You know I have to.” You whisper trying your best not to cry. He wraps his arms around you and strokes your back. Not another word spoken between you encountering this as a silent agreement to take the necessary steps in order to kill the bastard responsible for the loss of your daughter.
 Standing in silence embracing one another, it felt like a step forward. A brick being laid in the crack that had been caused months prior.
 “The board demands a new baby.” It is barely audible and you release Andy from your embrace.
“You weren’t kidding when you said that this afternoon?” You raise your eyebrow at him. “It is out of the question Andy; a baby is not an option. Not now, not ever.”
 “We don’t get the luxury to choose in this matter and I really do want another baby.”
 “Nope – nope, we’re not doing this. I am not going to be forced to become a breeding machine for this fucked up family.” You shake your head. “Not after everything we’ve been through.”
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2996-sana · 4 years
Not the Jealous Type - Rosé
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Rosé prided herself in being levelheaded and not of the jealous kind when it came to you. I mean, not really. You did. It started with your coworker, Tzuyu, who had taken quite a liking towards you in the beginning of last year which coincidentally was around the time you and Rosé started seeing each other. You weren’t tooting your own horn. Tzuyu really did fancy you. She said so herself, albeit drunkenly, during a late-night drinking session with your officemates, coincidentally again two nights after you made it official with Rosé. Rosé wasn’t stupid nor was she blind. She knew the first time she saw Tzuyu that the girl was practically head over heels for you, but it was two weeks in into a blossoming potential relationship when she realized and the last thing she wanted was to scare you off by being a possessive not-yet-girlfriend. So, she tucked that little piece of observation for next time and focused on you instead.
When she came over two nights after you finally asked her to be her girlfriend, you broke the news. The first thing on Rosé’s mind was, I knew it! which immediately turned to, I swear if she tries anything, I will not hesitate to break her bones and rui-
“Rosie?” you questioned, breaking her out of her jealousy induced trance. You were tilting your head in that cute little way that you always do when you were feeling uncertain and she felt the fires of jealousy and annoyance in her body simmering down. “Your forehead is all scrunched up and you’re pouting. Are you bothered by it? I’ll stay away from her if you feel uncomfortable.”
For the past few months, Rosé realized that she has never acted out on her jealousy, choosing to bottle it up. It worked out just fine and she avoided fights and confrontations that would’ve came with it. So obviously, it worked out just fine. At least thats what she was trying to convince herself. Why should she start acting on it now? She trusted you and that was what matters.
Rosé quickly composed herself and mustered up the most genuine smile she could in the moment, “Me? Bothered by her? Baby, not in a million years!” she scoffed, puffing out her chest. “You see, I’m really not the jealous type and I trust you.”
For a moment, she thought you saw right through her façade. With the way that you stared up at her all confused, she thought the words ‘I am actually seething with anger and jealousy right now’ magically made its way to her forehead. Instead, you broke out into that cute smile of yours and leaned forward to press a lingering kiss on her temple.
“If you say so, angel.”
In the next few months that followed, Rosé wasn’t sure her resolve was as strong as she thought it was. After that night, you and Tzuyu called a truce. You informed Tzuyu that you were happily in a relationship but you would like for things not to get awkward and for you and her to stay friends. Tzuyu obviously loved the idea, thinking that if she couldn’t have you as a girlfriend, she could at least keep you in her life as a friend.
So, if friendship was the agreement, why was it that Tzuyu jumped at every opportunity to make a move on you? All the while, Rosé had to act like the model girlfriend who never got jealous and stayed calm and collected. Why did she have to brag about not being the jealous type?
“Wow, you’re so chill about this,” you would always say. Rosé wanted to laugh. She deserved at least an Oscar nomination.
“Y/N, your phone has been buzzing nonstop!” Rosé groaned, pulling away from your lips, annoyed that she had to stop making out with you. “Who the fuck would text at 2 fucking am. Unbelie-” she narrowed her eyes at the contact name of the culprit and removed herself from your lap.
“What’s up, Rosie posie? Who is it?” you mused.
You saw Rosé battle with about a hundred emotions: confusion, anger, annoyance – before you could make out a lame attempt at a smile. She pushed your phone towards you.
“It’s Tzuyu,” she said through clenched teeth, trying to control her frustration, “she wants you to know that she found a super adorable picture of a fucking cat on Twitter.”
You raised your eyebrows at the hostile tone in your girlfriend’s voice before turning to her smugly, “Does that bother you, babe?”
“No!” Rosé didn’t miss a beat, her pride and ego taking a hit. “Why would I be? I don’t get jealous.”
“Hmm, alright then.” you giggled. You took your phone from her grasp and unlocked it, clicking the Messages app and reading Tzuyu’s texts.
Her last one read,
Tzuyu: oh n btw my friends have a small gig at the café this saturday. u up for it? hehe we never hang out anymore with just the two of us:(
You could feel Rosé looking over your shoulder, breathing down on your neck.
Rosé felt her blood rise once she processed what Tzuyu was implying. As far as she knew, Tzuyu has never invited you out before. The girl was getting too brave and it took all of Rosé’s self-control not to scream and make her way to Tzuyu’s house and set it on fire.
You turned to face her, feigning confusion and pretending to think about it. You had a small smile on your face as you stared at your girlfriend’s increasingly red face, and you really didn’t think it was a blush Rosé was sporting.
Rose scoffed, “You clearly want to go so just do it. Have fun or whatever.” she started picking at her nails and refused to look your way and you could tell you finally got her where you wanted her.
For the almost two years that you’ve been together, you grew amused at your girlfriend’s attempt to mask her jealousy. She would always act like Tzuyu’s (failed) advances didn’t faze her but you’ve caught her numerous times mumbling curses and words that were far from friendly under her breath when she thought you weren’t paying attention. Props to Rosé and her stubbornness to admit defeat but she really wasn’t as good an actress as she thought she was. It also didn’t help Rosé to have best friends like Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa who snitched on her anytime they could but you decided to let your girlfriend live in her fantasy world and kept quiet about it. Plus, it was fun to see Rosé silently squirm. At this point, you were just waiting for her to break and it seemed like the time has finally come for Rosé to draw the line.
“Someone is a bit jealous,” you teased, pinching her cheeks.
Rosé slapped your hand away and gave you her most menacing glare, “Shut up!”
“You’re not denying it then?”
“Well, maybe if she wasn’t so set on stealing you away from me, I wouldn’t need to be jealous,” Rosé grumbled, crossing her arms. Bingo.
At her admission, you try to hide the smile forcing its way into your face.
“Stop! Stop looking at me like that,” your girlfriend whined. The smile on your face drops as you notice tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
You immediately sprung into action and cradled her, “Shit, baby, what’s wrong?”
Tears started to soak your hoodie as you hear your girlfriend’s sniffles.
“Rosie, talk to me,” you pleaded. Seeing your girlfriend cry was not on the agenda of Operation Make Rosie Admit She’s Actually Jealous and it just made you upset that it had come to this. “I’m so sorry, babe.”
“Don’t be fooled,” she silently growled. “These are tears of anger.”
“I hate her!” she snarled, wrapping her arms around your waist. “She better fucking stop or on god I’m gonna start swinging!”
You laughed at your girlfriend who was clinging onto you for dear life. You decide to let her have her moment because you knew she had a lot of pent up anger towards the situation, so you spent half an hour listening to her curse and threaten anyone who would dare try to make a move.
By the end of her rant, she was out of breath.
“How does it feel to finally let it out?” you snickered.
She only tightened her hold around you, “Pretty rude of you not to tell me you knew, by the way. But I feel so much better now that I get to tell you that if you even try to entertain other girls, I will end you and her.” she sighed in relief, “God, it feels so good to finally bitch about it.”
You roughly grab her jaw and started kissing her neck, “That was hot.”
She tilted her neck to give you more access and started playing with the hair on the nape of your neck, “If I knew coming clean would end like this, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
“Wait,” she pulled back, looking you straight in the eyes. “You know its all because I love you right? I don’t want to lose you.”
You pressed your foreheads together and smiled, “It’s me and you against the world forever, Rosie.”
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taggedmemes · 3 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ Q-FORCE / 1.2  always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'our new office is officially complete, and we are now totally spies.’
‘when do you think we’re gonna start spying?’
‘man, it’s crazy, huh? all that juicy info is just on this little thing and we get to just wait.’
‘you just want to break the rules, don’t you? daddy wants to be a bad baby.’
‘ooh, i was once in a feature film called “daddy wants to be a bad baby”.’
‘it’s the biggest social event of the year for queer women who live south of the 10, even more sacred than my highland games watch parties.’
‘man, those white boys can really throw a tree.’
‘a biannual barbecue sounds like the lesbian equivalent of the oscars.’
‘after the whole “la la land” thing, i was actually hospitalised.’
‘so now that we’re all feeling vulnerable, how come you never invite us to your things?’
‘my wife doesn’t know i’m a spy.’
‘i don’t want her to find out i’ve been lying to her all these years.’
‘makes so much sense. i never should have questioned you. i’m gonna examine that.’
‘say hi to ____ for me, even though we’ve never met and never will.’
‘she makes us put all our cell phones on airplane mode because she says the signals make her crab cakes bitter.’
‘_____ is nice like a mom, but cool like a car.’
‘imagine having work and a life to balance.’
‘who’s excited to chill, huh? i am.’
‘i didn’t really get enough chill time over the last ten years when we didn’t have any work to do.’
‘are you sweating or crying?’
‘you think she has time to hack things? she’s probably busy shining her pants and shopping for new desks.’
‘oh, hell yeah. chaos dad.’
‘you were so cool five seconds ago.’
‘only an AI or the most incredible human hacker alive could crack it.’
‘can you stop hitting that one button, please.’
‘it’s like when i bought 100 princess di beanie babies and thought i’d be a billionaire. instead i just became a multi-millionaire.’
‘i’m sorry. i said my name twice. that is so weird.’
‘she’s got good mom energy. she’d know exactly what to do.’
‘come on, drink your bottle of warm mountain dew.’
‘this is my space, and i need every inch of it.’
‘a man needs a door to close so he can smell his own farts.’
‘my son must be the french fry in the poutine, not the curd.’
‘this is all because you inherited your mother’s jelly bones.’
‘doesn’t that fill you with energy the way it fills me with dread.’
‘fuck! i mean cool!’
‘i’m old enough to be your young aunt. do not call me “girl”.’
‘i have to practive my crossbow somewhere.’
‘how am i supposed to command respect now?’
‘let’s go somewhere dark and dramatic.’
‘she keeps a lot of earthquake supplies in here, so i can stay as long as i need to.’
‘why am i being punished for giving 110%?’
‘wait a minute, we’re spies. we can just pick the locks.’
‘how did she teach a car to know where my nuts are?’
‘what are you doing here? this is my house.’
‘now, i am pissed, but i’m also picking up on some real emergency energy, so i’m willing to put it aside, but i swear to god, when this is all done, we are going to have a conversation.’
‘you think she’s a basic bitch?’
‘i know it’s important to you, but the fate of the world’s kinda hanging in the balance here.’
‘i’ve been doing a full-body kegel since we went rogue.’
‘i stuck my hog in an onion tower on a dare.’
‘i’m really good at grilling, too. where did you get those shoes?!’
‘i eat a quarter mile of slim jim a week, and that’s how i know i’m good.’
‘why don’t you just try and do, like, one thing right?’
‘we fixed all the cars, and i’d tell you more, but mechanic/car confidentiality.’
‘she’s constantly talking about how good you are at working with underserved communities, like troubled children and capricorns.’
‘wait, why are we bobbing for peppers?’
‘you have incredible thigh strength.’
‘together, we make one perfect leg.’
‘uh, yeah. burgers are supposed to be raw on the inside and burnt to a crisp on the outside. black and red, like a pirate’s hat.’
‘a real DOB, daughter of a bastard.’
‘oh-ho-ho, do i have gifts to share, honey. gifts to share!’
‘she told me if i checked in with her one more time, she’d throw an axe through my skull, so i’ll just give her some space.’
‘there is a perfectly good explanation, which i’m going to give you right after i run away real quick.’
‘is this a wooden house? didn’t know they made ‘em out of wood.’
‘i live in a bit of a bubble, i guess.’
‘not to put pressure on you, but if oyu don’t figure this out in... oh, 14 minutes, the entire world will be plunged into chaos.’
‘wait, that sounds like a job for the lesbians.’
‘so in a way, i guess i did surprise you, just in a bad way.’
‘okay, okay, the clock’s ticking, so i can’t lecture you right now, but i do have time to give you one very disappointed look.’
‘no, it’s a bullshit question.’
‘you don’t need to work so hard to impress me. i already like you.’
‘i can’t believe you made me spend the whole day with him.’
‘you have no right to treat him like shit.’
‘or you can stop going rogue altogether, ‘cause, hey, it’s a little messy.’
‘i say this with love... you need a fucking man!’
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Welp after this week, there will be one more week of Sard’ika Sessions. I’m kinda proud that after next week, I’ll have actually completed a series. A great way to start the new year. 😆 This week is session five so we’re almost done Space Buddies! Thanks for sticking with me this long. I appreciate you all. ❤️
As for an actual preview of something, I decided on two things, one is from a pending new series with Dave York (Nerdie, you never finished the old one.) One doesn’t dwell on the past and we move forward!
An email comes Monday, a member of your new department would like to meet with you, give you materials to prep before starting the job. Seems fine, legit if you will. You did check with your old manager to make sure and they assured you that this Dave York is who your contact is. You weren’t sure if you should dress casually or business like for this meeting. It was your week off, you decided to wear your favorite dark green long sleeve button down dress with black flats. A mix of business and play if need be. Hair tied up and a tight bun with your favorite bright pink lipstick, may not have been business but you liked it, that’s what mattered. York had emailed you and told you to meet you for brunch, at least you’re getting food.
The second is a second helping of Mr. York! There were a few Pedro men on the brain but Dave came out ahead and maybe, just maybe I’m finishing my first Dave York series. 😘
“No. Not right now. Just let me…Fuck.” Dave whispered to himself. Her concern and confusion were understandable, but he didn’t care. “You want to know how I really feel about you. What I really think Peach? Fine.” He placed his bloody hand on the back of her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. She didn’t react at first, but her fingers found their way into the loops of his cargo pants. It could have been the frustration at not really saying what they meant or that they had just been arguing but as their tongues danced, they crept toward the bed falling onto it and laughing at how absurd the situation was. It was then that Kiara initiated the kiss this time, grabbing Dave’s shoulders and pinning him under her. But after a few more make out sessions they both fell asleep in their clothes. Greeted by the sunlight of a new day.
I may also be marinating some more WIPs:
Frankie (haven’t decided if subby Frankie will be back or another Frankie will appear. He’s like a Pokémon - gotta catch ‘em all!)
Joel (might be Joel & Layla with them being sweet, might be a darker Joel I thought about in the QZ. My mood will determine that.)
Din (which Sard’ika ending soon, I do plan on one or two epilogues and working on one of four Din WIPs)
Santiago (haven’t written for the man but I do have bullet points and Tom slander 😆)
Dieter (Weddings 101 with Dieter shall continue! Daisy will be back and so will Oscar for more beef. In case you haven’t voted on the poll for chapter 4, click here.)
Well all, I talked a whole bunch. Dave and I have appointments to keep and to use these sheets and gasoline. ⛽️ Yes will wear a mask, you never forget THAT smell. 👃
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No pressure tags: @saturn-rings-writes @megamindsecretlair @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @trulybetty @maggiemayhemnj @fhatbhabie @theywhowriteandknowthings @frenchiereading @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @javierpena-inatacvest @goodwithcheese @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @morallyinept @pamasaur @perotovar @chronically-ghosted
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
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… I’ve never been more emotionally exhausted by one season of RWBY as I am with V8 thus far and we’re only halfway there. 
I will be so relieved once this season is over so that I can crawl back into my pit of isolation where I don’t have to think of more moments within the volume where my favourite character gets tortured by the main villain…
 While I did originally voice wanting Oscar to become Salem’s prisoner in past musings and headcanon posts---not like this man. No the way the canon chose to do it. And to make matters more annoying---the one character who I wanted to save Oscar from Salem doesn’t have the slightest clue that he’s been taken nor  is she one of the people going to save him now. 
...I’m so tired ya’ll. 
On the upside, judging from this shot, it may seem like this is going to be the potential moment where Salem FINALLY decides to mentally torture Oscar as a means of getting the information she needs to claim the Relic of Choice.
She did comment in V8CH4 that “Ozma would keep that secret as close as possible” so…I’m assuming this is the point where Salem is going to try getting inside of Oscar’s head. Not gonna lie. I’m waiting patiently to see how this is handle in the canon since I feel like this is point  where Oscar finally gives Salem the proverbial middle finger by proving just how strong he is especially if it’s a moment where he and Oz work together as one.
At the same time, this shot also makes it seem as if Salem is digging her nails into Oscar’s head and…I am so tired of this volume.
But let’s see how things go for the next half. 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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drvcifers · 3 years
i am back again to cause a ruckus. since i have a little bit more free time coming up, i am going to try to pick up a couple more plots. i have listed below some really basic plots i’m looking for, faceclaims i’m wanting to use and some i’m wanting to play against. here is also a link to my current muses, and i am happy to plot with anyone listed as available.
**if we had plotted before, please feel free to message me if you would like to pick our plot back up!!
if you are interested in any of these (plots or fcs - i am always up for plotting something not on this list) you can message me (here or discord - thedrewdawg#1337). i will typically play a male or nonbinary, though i do have a few female muses i’d be interested in plotting with. i rp on both tumblr (via my mumu writing blog) or on discord.
i am also up for platonic/family relationships too! also very interested in 2x2 or 3x3 plots to allow for relationship development outside of just ships.
putting this under the cut because it got way too long :)
classic hateship. we hate each other for some reason or another but oops there’s also MASSIVE sexual tension and we can’t keep our hands off of each other. bonus points if they are both 'heartless’ but they are learning to trust each other with their hearts.
workplace angst. i have been watching too much greys tbh, but i love the dynamics of people who have demanding jobs and work a lot and the job and their coworkers are basically like all they really have going on. would be cool as a mumu, but fine as a solo plot too
angst avenue. something super angsty like this because i am a masochist. honestly anything super heartwrenching i’m probably all about.
ghosts. idk just haunting, maybe someone falls in love with a ghost. love a spooky romance. or like ghost hunters? i’ve been wanting to try out some more horror-esque stuff.
secret relationships. who doesn’t love a secret relationship? maybe you are my best friend’s ex that he’s still hung up on but we are really good together.
ASSASSINS. we love a good assassins plot. and they don’t kill each other because, well, they are in love. maybe they used to work on the same side and one of them defected?? ugh idk just give me some badasses with drama and lots of love.
post-apocalyptic. this has been on my wanted list for a while but ya know the basic there are zombies taking over the world stuff.
slice of life anything really. something that just explores dynamic relationships ya know.
FACES I WANT TO USE: winston duke, oscar isaac, alfonso herrera, elliot knight, michael evans behling. rahul kohli, aaron tveit, lakeith stanfield, ross butler, ryan reynolds, chris wood, avan jogia, charles melton, tom hardy, daniel kaluuya, robert pattinson, nick sagar, michael ealy, chris hemsworth, danny pino, theo james, rege jean page, henry cavill, sebastian stan, trevante rhodes, jack falahee, jordan calloway, leo dicaprio, matt czuchry, noah centineo, chris pine, manish dayal, and ALWAYS zac efron or dan stevens
FACES I WOULD LIKE AS OPPS: FLORENCE PUGH ALWAYS, samantha logan, gemma chan, candice patton, sarah michelle gellar, rachel weisz, aja naomi king, alexandra breckinridge, constance wu, dove cameron, kerry washington, aj cook, adelaide kane, aisha dee, odette annable, inbar lavi, lily james, camila mendes, issa rae, dakota johnson, phoebe tonkin, natasha liu bordizzo, lucy hale, nathalie kelley, laura harrier, halston sage, nina dobrev, tessa thompson, virginia gardner, shelley hennig, freema agyeman, hilary duff, jamie chung, meghan markle, madelaine petsch, lana condor, naomi scott, alicia vikander, shay mitchell, sydney park, maia mitchell, vanessa morgan, elizabeth lail, nicole beharie, becky g, chloe bennet, blake lively, sophia bush
OKAY THOSE ARE LOTS OF OPTIONS and tbh i’m not that picky, these are just the faces i’ve been wanting to use/have as opps for a long time.
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