#And the final scene of the series is Lance waking up in his hospital bed. Because 🌟✨️Parallels✨️🌟
empty-blog-for-lurking · 9 months
I'm thinkn.. what does ps8 Kuron and Lance's relationship look like after lance wakes up? of course Kuron is Lance's Little Guy TM but also they never really got the chance to truly bond and become friends, and now Kuron is. y'know. being Kuron.. and lance is full of grief and trauma and also The Horrors
i feel like at first its gonna ba at least a little awkward lol
It'll be really fucking awkward for both of them indeed!! But not nearly as awkward. The timeline and the story ideas are not clear but like i feel like there is some shit going on during Lance wakes up and he takes a long time (maybe i'll bring my quintessence ideas for this? Maybe) and when he wakes up he isnt exactly There at first. So like by the time Lance wakes up, Kuron has already had a lot of his character development
And yeah Lance and Kuron is a bit complicated relationship cause like i have said Kuron is grateful for Lance for actually saving him, but also he's a bit angry and most importantly confused cause just why? Why all this? Why now? How did you? What happened to you? And just this confusion that is plaguing since he got his new body.
Meanwhile Lance genuinely cares about Kuron but also is y'know. Busy. Not to mention Lance kinda expected Kuron to be like he was 'used' to be, or rather the rosy eyed version that was Kuron was 'a sweet sensitive guy who can do no wrong and Did Not deserve That' (which isnt wrong but also) (also same with Allura)
But this is something that can be talked out, and it might take some time and development for both of them but by the end i think it's just hugs and a big healing moment for both of them and it would be like a promise to bond and stuff
That being said this isnt exactly final, cause like i said i am still trying to figure out the timeline and story plot and everything so this is very much going to change
#To be honest i kinda imagine Lance waking up at the end of the story??#Like if it were a series the first scene would be Kuron opening his eyes and waking up in a bathup filled with liquid quintessence#There is a scene where Allura wakes up in a desert as some kind strangers find her#And the final scene of the series is Lance waking up in his hospital bed. Because 🌟✨️Parallels✨️🌟#One idea i had that they do meet Lance in his mindscape that is also linked to astral plane#Or more specifically Allura (cause she can magic) and Kuron (cause living in mindscape for years taught him how to navigate them)#It goes horribly. Lance's head is filled with Horrors and so is the astral plane with attempts to recreate misremembered nostalgia#post s8 au#empty answers#Like big thing about Lance's arc is that things are never going back to Way they were.#He's giving way pieces of himself hating how it is changing him just for an ideal past that was never there to begin with#Again this is something that i would most likely change if i have a better idea#Right now it is corkboard of scenes and ideas linked together with red string#I also had the idea of the Horrors being the universe/multiverse itself. Alive and sentient#You know that Allura nebula at end when she sacrifices herself? That is not her but a representation of the universe/multiverse taking her#And it is pissed about galra empire/Haggar thing and is corrupted by that purple quintessence but also likes staring at living beings.#And is very interested in the guy who stared back#But again these are just some ideas#Thanks for asking!!!!#If you got any ideas and want to share please do!!
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ladyvialana · 7 years
Fic: Onward
Final part of the Hope series.
Voltron Legendary Defender fic. Keith/Lance
Summary: Team Voltron get glimpses into Keith and Lance’s developing relationship.
Notes: post season 2, outsider POV, fluff
Also on Ao3
The team had just come off a rather difficult mission, so it was decided that they should find a quiet bit of space in which to park the castle and have a few quinants of rest. For the paladins, this meant no scheduled training or missions. Hunk and Pidge had decided to work on some of the projects piling up in Green and Yellow’s hangars. Allura was taking time to catch up on her rest after overexerting herself—again—creating too many sequential wormholes. Coran had intended to do maintenance in the med bay, but it was the last two paladins who disrupted that plan.
Keith had talked Lance into some light training after breakfast, not that Lance had needed much prodding to spend time with the other paladin. Hunk and Pidge had declined, citing something about special alone time that Coran was certain, from the context and tone, was not at all what the training deck should be used for. Lance’s blush and Keith’s scowl seemed to back his deduction.
(It would hardly be the first time the room had been used in such a manner. He decided pretending ignorance would be kinder than informing them of this fact. This new set of paladins had some strange notions about propriety regarding certain topics of conversation. Or at least when Coran discussed them. Earthlings. Strange species.)
It appeared, however, that the two were in fact training, judging by the injury to Keith’s arm.
Coran stopped at the threshold, about to call out and inquire if they needed assistance but stopped. Something about their posture seemed wrong.
Keith was sitting up on one of the examination beds, arm outstretched, a healing salve already slathered over the clean wound. It didn’t look too severe; Keith didn’t seem all that concerned by it. He was, however, very concerned with Lance, whose hands were shaking so much that the bandage he was trying to wrap around Keith’s forearm kept sliding off.
“Damnit.” Lance threw the bandages aside, the roll of white cloth unravelling as it made its way to the corner of the room.
“Hey.” Keith reached up with his uninjured hard to cup Lance’s chin and gently pull him close. “Lance, what’s going on?”
Lance twisted his head from Keith’s grip and refused to make eye contact. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
Keith snorted. Even if Lance’s lie weren’t completely transparent, his voice gave him away by breaking on the word “fine”.
Lance let out a breath and his shoulders slumped. Keith reached out again to brush his fingers against Lance’s cheek; this time Lance leaned into the touch.
“Don’t be. Just tell me.”
Lance sighed. “We … we never actually talked, did we?” Keith tilted his head as he often did when unsure about something. “About this.” Lance gestured widely around him.
“The med bay?”
“Yes. Well, us being here. You being here. Getting hurt.” Lance reached out and let his hand hover over the wound on Keith’s arm, not touching but wanting to offer comfort. “You have a tendency to throw yourself into danger without thinking about how it would affect anyone else. How it might affect me.”
Keith hunched in on himself. “If I recall, you were the last person in one of those things,” he replied defensively, gesturing to the pods.
“I know. And I swear on this team’s life that it will never happen again.”
Keith inhaled sharply. “Lance … you … you can’t promise that.”
Lance stood up straight, Keith’s hand falling from his cheek. “Yes I can!” His indignation fled as he took in Keith’s upset frown. “Well, I can at least promise that I will do everything I can to avoid it coming to that ever again.”
Keith took in his determined expression and slumped forward, leaning his forehead against Lance’s chest. He grabbed at the front of Lance’s shirt with his uninjured hand. “Please do. I hated every moment watching you in there.”
Lance leaned over and wrapped his arms around Keith’s back, engulfing him with his presence. “You gotta promise too. Just seeing you with a scratch like that makes me fall apart.”
“I promise.” The words were muffled by Lance’s shirt, but firm enough for even Coran to hear tucked behind the wall in the hallway by the open door.
Lance let his head rest atop Keith’s, his eyes falling shut as a relieved smile crossed his face.
Coran backed away from the med bay and the intimacy of the scene inside. Maintenance could wait. There was sure to be some work still to do on the teleduv. Or the engines. Or the control room. Or anywhere that wasn’t the med bay, really.
Coran hummed as he made his way back towards the elevator. He was glad Lance had taken their talk to heart. He wanted to see what wonders those two would do together. Being able to see such a romance blossom was worth every painful memory in his life. He could only hope that all of his new charges would find some happiness in their lives as paladins and not just pain and war.
Though, judging by by the scene he just witnessed, his hope was not unfounded.
Allura was exhausted. Their last mission was just the latest in a series of drawn out battles that ended in their retreat from battle as much as it did in victory. The Galra were starting to recover from the loss of Zarkon and had found a new energy for their fighting spirit. The paladins, however, were down a Lion and could not form Voltron. They were quick and determined fighters, so they often managed even without Shiro and the Black Lion, but recently the Galra had seemed much more active and pushed further in their fights than they had before.
Perhaps the lack of Voltron on the field of battle had bolstered their spirits.
Regardless of why, the Galra were persistent in their determination to destroy Voltron and far outnumbered the small castle ship and four Lions. They could barely manage a few vargas rest between battles it seemed. Their last downtime had to be cut short for a distress beacon, and then another, and then another.
Perhaps it was this endless slog that truly brought defeat rather than a single decisive victory. Allura recalled how worn her father looked before he sent her to sleep, how downtrodden her planet had become as she walked through the streets.
She hoped it would never come to that with this new team, but she had very little idea how to stop it.
With a sigh, she relinquished the controls to the castle ship. They were in a safe place for now. She was adamant that they got some rest. They had a meeting with the Blade of Marmora in two quintants regarding another joint operation and she intended to spend that time ensuring they were all ready for battle.
Coran smiled at her from his control panel as she stepped down and moved to the door.
“Make sure you eat something too, princess.”
“Of course. You get some rest too Coran.”
“I will. I just need to finish calibrating this new frequency disrupter Hunk and Pidge came up with.” He laughed fondly. “Those two have some of the strangest notions but they always manage to make it work somehow.”
Allura smiled. “We are lucky to have them with us.”
Allura slipped out of the room, listening to the fading sound of Coran’s humming as he rewired his console. Her footsteps echoed in the hallway. She still missed the days when the castle was full of people. Walking, talking, living.
In time, she was certain, the castle would be full again. They just had to get through this war first.
Allura decided to pass through the common room on her way to the kitchen. It was the most lively room in the castle. The paladins were always making a mess and leaving their belongings all over the room (often where she could trip on them). Shiro used to joke about the bad habits of teenage boys which confused Allura; Pidge was far worse than all the other paladins combined.
On one of the long couches, Lance and Keith sat side by side, fast asleep. They had removed parts of their armour but still had their boots and leg plates on. Lance still had one of his gauntlets attached. Their helmets and chest pieces lay on the floor in front of them.
Allura should have woken them to scold them about properly caring for their uniforms but she couldn’t bring herself to do it this time. They were slumped on the couch, barely upright only because they were leaning into each other. Lance’s head lay on Keith’s shoulder, his body curled so that his hands rested on Keith’s thigh, one of Keith's hands trapped in his own. Keith’s head rested on Lance’s hair, his slow breath ruffling the short locks in a steady rhythm.
Even in the midst of war there was happiness and love. Allura could never forget that.
Instead of waking the two peaceful paladins, Allura found one of the blankets Hunk took to storing around the room and laid it over the sleeping warriors. Neither moved as it settled around their shoulders; they were so exhausted that possibly only a castle alarm would wake them. Even then, she was almost certain they would only wake due to habit.
She dimmed the lights and left them to their rest, continuing on her trek through the castle.
It was not, perhaps, as cold and lonely as she first thought.
Hunk was trying to concentrate.
On their last mission, the team had made contact with a planet with abundant natural resources and the sort of civilised culture that Hunk loved to meet. Namely, they had a hospitality industry and a level of engineering that meant traditional recipes weren’t just variations of burnt meat on a stick with vegetables boiled over an open fire.
They had mills and ovens and agriculture. Irrigation. Indoor plumbing. Actual restaurants!
In particular, he’d been incredibly impressed with a cooking device that seemed to have multiple functionality as a food processor, a juicer and a slow cooker. It was like one of those ridiculous infomercial machines back on Earth and Hunk had to have one (for four easy installments of $19.95). Altean engineering was amazing, but there was something to be said about over-engineering. Like they did with “food”.
So while normally team Voltron would wave away any offers of rewards, Hunk had pleaded with the princess to let him have two of the machines as well as some produce. Considering that the Menvar had initially offered far more in regards to a reward (and were confused as to why such a simple and cheap machine would be of any value to a team of great warriors) and that he had the backing of all the other paladins, Allura had agreed.
Now, Hunk should have been happily engaged in the kitchen pureeing some fruit and baking up a feast with the first Menvar miracle food machine.
(The second machine was already sequestered in Yellow’s hanger waiting for him to pull apart to see if he could reverse engineer it or find a way to turn it into an ice-cream machine. Coran refused to let him pull apart or tinker with the food goo machines which might have been easier to repurpose given the consistency of goo. Hunk was glad he had potentially found another way. He missed ice-cream so much.)
Unfortunately, his plans had been derailed by two rather handsy paladins who had offered to “help” him with the celebratory dinner.
Admittedly, Keith was pretty good with a knife and Hunk knew he could trust Lance in a kitchen given how often he’d been roped into helping his family with all sorts of chores back home, including cooking. Individually, they made for great helpers and let him give the orders in his domain.
Together—especially now they were together—they were a disaster waiting to happen.
“Lance! Watch it!” Keith’s knife slipped on the chopping board, barely missing his fingers, when Lance brushed up behind him and slid a hand up the back of his shirt.
“Sorry.” Lance’s cheeky grin belied his remorse. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh yeah?” Keith looked over his shoulder with that stupid challenging grin that never failed to get a rise out of Lance.
And of course, Lance didn’t disappoint. He pressed in close behind Keith and slid both his hands around Keith’s waist, lingering on his hips and pushing down underneath——
Hunk slammed his cooking spoon down on his bench top with a loud smack that had the two jumping away from each other and staring over at Hunk in shock as though they had actually forgot he was there.
Hunk was in no mood to deal with this. “No! No! Out!” He pointed firmly at the door.
Lance had the gall to look offended. “What? Hunk, I——”
“No. I don’t care.” Hunk crossed his arms over his chest. “This is a place of peace and happiness and food and you two are disrupting the positive vibes.”
Keith, at least, looked a little abashed but Lance was still pouting. “But what about the taste testing?”
“Pidge is gonna be my taste tester from now on.”
“You forfeited that right the instant I saw you try to give Keith——”
“Okay!” Keith was bright red as he interrupted Hunk. He clapped a hand over Lance’s mouth and pulled him towards the door, not even stopping to remove his borrowed apron. Lance struggled in his hold, still trying to protest being thrown out of the kitchen. “We’ll leave.”
Hunk continued to glare at them. “If I ever find out you two have defiled my sacred space, you will be sorry.”
“I believe you. I promise, it will never happen.”
Hunk narrowed his gaze. Keith was way too embarrassed to be lying about this. Hunk just wasn’t sure he could trust Lance not to convince Keith into doing something stupid. “It better not,” he said in warning.
Keith nodded and yanked on Lance’s shirt to pull him completely out of the room. The door slid closed behind them but Hunk could hear Lance yelling indignantly as they moved away down the hallway. He waited until he couldn’t hear their voices any more before returning to his prep.
Hunk was happy the two of them were happy, really, but he was absolutely not kidding about catching the two of them in the kitchen. Maybe he could ask Coran about selective permissions on the door lock.
He also wasn’t kidding about Pidge being his taste tester but it probably wouldn’t be forever. Not that he’d tell Lance that. Seriously, he was happy his best bud was getting some loving, but Lance desperately needed to learn some restraint. Hunk did not want to see that sort of thing in public areas of the castle—especially not anywhere near his food. Why was no one else concerned with proper hygiene?!
(Maybe he should also ask Coran about investing in some extra sanitiser. Just in case.)
Pidge probably shouldn’t be up so late.
(To be fair, this was a self-flagellating refrain she repeated most nights, so it was no wonder she stopped listening to herself when it came to her sleeping habits.)
Thing was, she was so close to getting this internal sensor device working. It just needed a few more tweaks and then she could finally test it out. She hated leaving projects unfinished when they were so close to completion. She might have slipped off to bed a varga ago if she hadn’t just figured out a way around that weird frequency that distorted readings around the training deck.
She let out a breath and rubbed at her eyes. The lights in the hangar were starting to pulse and Green was grumbling as though she needed to sleep too. Maybe she could leave it, just this once.
Her software dinged. Her simulation had finished.
Green all the way. No problems. The program was ready.
Pidge grinned.
She scrambled to her feet and stumbled over to her workbench. She plugged her laptop into the lead that synced her hardware with the castle and hooked herself into the castle sensor systems—specifically into the sandbox she’d created and quarantined for testing her modifications. (Coran had insisted after that time she accidentally set off the fire suppressant system while trying to clean noise from the castle-wide intercom system.)
It took a few seconds to load, but a full map of the castle popped up on her screen.
“Yes! Pidge, you are a genius, if I do say so myself.” She let herself bask in the glory of success for a moment before her eagerness to dig into the system overcame her.
There were similarities to many other existing operational systems, which made sense given that many systems in the castle relied on the 3D mapping that lay at the base of most of the castle’s functionality. While Allura had direct access to the software that allowed her to scan for threats and tracking devices that were foreign to the castle, she didn’t have the ability to scan for entities, organisms, and devices that the castle considered friendly. Which could be a problem in case of an emergency and they got separated during a fire or trapped in one of the still unstable parts of the ship.
The functionality was there, already built into the system, it had just been turned off years ago (near the first launch of the castle, in fact) and the software had been corrupted over time. Pidge did understand why—theoretically, this was an invasion of privacy. But just being able to see where a person was in the ship wasn’t that much of a big deal, right? Most of the paladins knew anyway. It was hard to keep a secret with just seven (six) people around.
Ultimately, the decision would be up to Allura if she wanted to use the software or not and Pidge would abide by her decision. Allura would probably only ever want to use it in an emergency anyway and she had other ways to find threats so, really, this probably wasn’t going to impact anyone’s life in any significant way.
Pidge nodded, happy with her rationalisations, and dove into the software.
(She needed to make sure it worked, okay? And everyone was probably asleep in their rooms anyway. It was no big deal just this once.)
She flicked through the maps of each level, making sure the coding worked. She paid close attention to the training deck, but the weird frequency fluctuation didn’t disrupt the program this time around. The hangers were fine, all the Lions accounted for. Coran was in the break room by the engines. (She should probably bring that up with Allura; they needed Coran at his best. Those cots were seriously uncomfortable and the whine from the engines was not conducive to a restful sleep no matter what Coran said about his time on that cargo ship during his undercover operation as a mercenary.)
She reached the residencies and her fingers paused over her keyboard.
Everyone was not asleep in their rooms.
Lance was missing.
Pidge’s heart stopped for a moment and started beating faster. Where——
A blue dot was snuggled up to a red dot in Keith’s room, so close that her first glance at the map missed it completely.
“Really?” She wrinkled her nose. “Gross.” Bad enough that the two of them started holding hands and kissing in the hallway, now she had to know for certain they slept in the same room (the same bed!) at night?
(It was absolutely not cute and heartwarming, okay?)
Pidge quickly finished her run through of the rest of the levels and closed the program, happy to leave any further testing for tomorrow now that she knew the software worked. She’d talk to Allura too and would be more than happy to never have to use the program except of in an emergency again.
Pidge yawned as she shut down her computer and unhooked the castle link. Her Lion nudged at her, filling her mind with the warm and cozy impression of her bed. Her back ached as she stretched out.
Yeah, okay. She should probably get a proper night’s rest for once.
She left the hanger and headed to her room, content in the knowledge that her team—her second family—was all safe and accounted for.
Shiro shouldn’t have been surprised at how easy it was to slip back into his role on the castle ship after being gone for so long, but there were many things about the team that surprised him after his long absence.
Well, his role—and the team—wasn’t exactly the same as before. Keith was still leading the team despite Shiro taking up the mantle of the pilot for the Black Lion. (Shiro was so relieved and felt so guilty about that, but Keith was thriving and the rest of the team supported him. Shiro knew he’d made the right call, but he still couldn’t help feeling like he’d just thrown his responsibilities into Keith’s lap and walked away without care. Intellectually, he knew it wasn’t true, but every time he caught Keith with his shoulders slumped, giving in to his exhaustion, he couldn’t help the uneasy churning in his gut.)
So, yes, surprised, but more that the new role he now had in this team was so easy for him to fill—like they’d designed a hole around the possibility of his return even as they rearranged themselves and took on new responsibilities and positions within the group.
Shiro was incredibly proud to see what the team had accomplished in his absence and so touched that they still wanted him to be a part of it.
Pidge had cuffed the back of his head when he tried to say something to that effect and Hunk almost broke his ribs squeezing him in a hug.
“That’s not how families work,” Lance had said. “You’ll always be a part of us.”
Shiro had given up on pretending he wasn’t about to cry. He let himself go completely when Keith was the one to initiate the group hug that lasted almost half a varga.
(He loved them all so much; he didn’t even realise how much until he saw them again for the first time since defeating Zarkon. Hearing Keith’s voice, seeing Hunk standing so tall, Lance’s unbridled joy, Pidge running toward him. He sometimes still woke with the feeling that all of this happiness was a dream to keep him going during his captivity. But, whenever he walked out of his room, Allura was ready with a smile and warm tea and Coran was at his post, always watchful for danger. He started sleeping easier again. Each day was a step forward, a step further away from his nightmares, and Shiro was bursting to run.)
Missions were easier than he remembered. They weren’t a team still figuring themselves out now; they were warriors with experience and skill and a dedication to their cause. It was astonishing to see how much all of them had improved over time.
(Shiro had been right—Keith was a natural leader. He just needed the right team to trust in him. Lance was amazing in his support, he always seemed to know just what was needed in any fight—or even outside of battle. Pidge’s talents had been honed to deadly perfection and she was opening up to everyone; still so determined to find her family, she now let others help her and push her into taking care of herself even if it was only by distracting her and making her laugh. Hunk was amazing; he’d always had the potential, but he no longer seemed to doubt himself—he carried the title of paladin with a pride the drew others close and let them feel safe and cared for.)
The most remarkable change, however, was one Shiro didn’t notice until after their second major mission together with him back in the Black Lion’s cockpit.
There hadn’t been time to do much more than assess his team’s skills in battle and immediately obvious personal growth given that they’d had to fight skirmishes constantly as the Galra continued to push at the growing resistance. They’d only formed Voltron once before the last battle and it seemed to have shaken the Galra, who had likely thought the weapon gone for good.
This latest operation, aided by one of the rebel groups the Galra was so concerned with wiping out, had been a cause for huge celebration in the quadrant in how decisive the victory had been over the Galra fleet in the area.
Shiro had been back only two weeks, but he was already glad to have some downtime.
The planet they landed on was the meeting point for the coalition of planets in nearby systems they had liberated from the Galra. It was beautiful, with landscapes of blue-green grass rolling to the horizon to meet the pale green sky. The meeting place was an ancient city nestled near the hills in the grasslands, uninhabited but well-cared for by the locals. White stone rose from the ground in asymmetrical shapes to form buildings; roads twisted in circles, meeting up in crossroads decorated with flowers and bunting. In the centre of the city was a statue of an ancient deity with its head tilted to the sky and arms raised in supplication. A wide circle of cobbled stone surrounded it, filled now with people of many races come to show their gratitude and celebrate their freedom.
Shiro was delighted by the event; he hadn’t heard music in what seemed like eons. Food and drink were plentiful and all of the locals and coalition aliens chattered excitedly. It was cheering to see something good and joyful for once.
Someone cleared their throat nearby. Shiro had tucked himself into a nook on the edge of the circle, which was now filled with people dancing. Allura had sought him out.
She smiled and Shiro couldn’t help returning the gesture. It was so good to see her relaxing, to see her victorious in this war that had taken so much from her. He gestured for her to join him on the waist-high stone wall he'd claimed as his seat. She accepted his invitation and sat close enough for him to feel her warmth even under his armour.
“I never tire of sights like this,” she said, looking out at the whirling mass of people.
“I hope you never do.” Shiro stared at the brightly coloured lights strung up around the gathering place. The sun had sunk low enough that they had all been lit and now dazzled the crowd beneath with shifting hues. “I won’t.”
“I’m glad that we have some time to rest.” Allura picked up his flesh hand and held it between her own. “I wanted to see how you were coping.”
Shiro smiled at her, a genuine expression. “I’m actually doing well. Thank you.”
She stared closely at him, her lips pursed. “Truly?”
Shiro nodded, ducking his head bashfully as she continued to stare. “Honestly. Sometimes it feels like I haven’t been gone at all. And, despite the constant battles, just being with the team again has helped so much.”
“I’m glad.” She squeezed his hand but didn’t let go.
Shiro coughed, trying to draw back from the intimacy of the moment. “Things like this help too.” He gestured with his prosthetic hand to the crowd and the music and the lights. “It’s always nice to see how much of a difference we make.”
The two of them sat there, hand-in-hand, and watched the dancers turn around the circle under the light of the setting sun, watched over by a peaceful deity strewn with garlands of lights and flowers. The music flowed through the normally empty city and invited them all to join in and experience the joy.
Shiro sat up straighter as he spotted something unusual. “Oh.”
Allura perked up, following his line of sight to see what had him so startled. She relaxed when she saw what grabbed his attention. “Ah.” She looked at him with a mischievous smile. “You didn’t know?”
Shiro shrugged, still caught on the sight of Lance and Keith holding each other close as they danced. “I knew some, but I didn’t know this.”
He watched them move, saw how their hands clasped tight. He watched Lance dip Keith in a silly manoeuvre that almost tripped them and the three other couples around them. Keith swatted at lance’s shoulder, but he was laughing, eyes bright with happiness.
Shiro had never seen Keith smile like that, so unbridled and joyful.
And Lance: he moved with such grace and energy, but every motion of his body was attuned to Keith. His gaze never left Keith’s face and his own smile was so soft and delighted.
“He kept his promise.”
Allura looked at him quizzically.
Shiro shook his head, his own fond smile refusing to leave. “Lance. He promised that all he wanted was to see Keith smile.”
Allura’s smile was also fond as she turned to regard the two dancing paladins again. “I’m glad that Keith also makes him smile.”
“Me too.” Another thing that surprised him. He was genuinely happy for the two of them. They obviously cared so much about each other, and Shiro had also seen them in battle. They worked well together and looked out for each other. They made a fantastic team. “I’m glad they found each other.”
“I’m glad we all found each other.” Shiro turned back to Allura. “I can’t imagine my life now without any of you in it.”
Shiro squeezed her hand, doing what little he could to comfort her.
She hopped down from the wall, still holding his hand. “Would you like to dance, Shiro?”
Shiro’s eyes widened at the question. Allura waited patiently for his answer and he knew that she would accept whatever he decided to do.
He looked over her shoulder and Keith and Lance, still holding on, still smiling.
“You know what?” Shiro got to his feet. “I really would like to dance.”
Allura’s smile was more brilliant than every sunset he’d ever seen. It put the joyful festivities of this celebration to shame and left him breathless.
Shiro let himself be led into the crowd and wrapped up in the music and movement. He reveled in the feel of Allura’s hands clasped in his own.
He was home.
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hoesidon · 7 years
Klance Fic Recs:
A mutual of mine @ichaotic-neutrali wanted some fic recs so here’s some of my favorites. If anyone has any recommendations please feel free to add on!
The Ultimate Wingman: by luna_fox Summary: Lance and Hunk have moved in to the new student apartments at Garrison University called The V at Garrison. Living on their floor, they meet and befriend their neighbors: Pidge, a child prodigy in robotics. Matt, Allura, and Shiro, life time friends with the boys watching over their siblings. And Keith, the anti-social boy who hates change. As time progresses, they all become friends and Lance finally finds someone to help him explore his bisexuality - his gay neighbor Keith. They strike a deal = Lance helps Keith find a social life while Keith becomes Lance's wingman, but what happens when both men realize that their deal has become more complicated than they expected. Words: 60,290 Chapters: 11/?
The Ties That Bind by: Smiles4Voltron, Weirdpersonhere Summary: Lance fell hard at Garrison, unable to stop himself from adoring his rival. However, when Kerberos went missing Keith changed. Through time, Lance got over his broken heart, swearing to never allow himself to get hurt like that again. So how come he is falling for the same tricks a year later when he is reunited with Keith and the two of them get chosen to save the Universe through Voltron! Words: 71,750 Chapters: 12/?
Blueprints by: UnderTheSilentStars Summary: "While soulmarks themselves were common, it was rare for someone to have anything other than the name of their other half...and Lance had a red paw print." Soulmark Au Words: 39,204 Chapters: 23/?
So Anyway, Here's Wonderwall by: fairietailed, themuffintitan Summary: Lance can't seem to look anywhere but Keith as he performs. He doesn’t bother trying to hear the music over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. -- In which Keith is a bassist and Lance is weak. Words: 59,166 Chapters: 15/?
Ignorance Is Bliss by: YouAreInAComaWakeUp (Nikanaiko) Summary: As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew? Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus. Words: 6,443 Chapters: 1/?
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things by: Acequisitor Summary: Wine Aunt: Oh shit Hunkin' Donuts: Great googly moogly Space Dad™: Well that's enough for today Nigel Cornberry: I leave for 20 minutes and this is what I come back to? Nigel Cornberry: Can you kids relax for just one minute? Words: 18, 002 Chapters: 7/?
Lonely Will Wait by: ciuucalata Summary:  “I should get rid of these fucking stars,” he mumbles getting out of bed. Like usually he opens his window blinds, letting in the warm summer wind and the light that steals the stars’ glow. He put them up twelve- maybe thirteen years ago, when he first started to have the dreams(memories?) and when they still reminded him of a time when he was a hero together with a group of strangers that felt like family. They make falling asleep easier at night, just like they did back then, but the panic and the helplessness that he feels every morning are no longer worth it. (or the one with the reincarnation where Lance is the only one who remembers but doesn't let it get in the way of him finally having a normal life with his old family) Words: 5,582 Chapters: 1/?
True Love or Something (series) by: DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee Words: 84,347 Works: 20 Complete: No
The Volton Chat Fic No One Asked For by: fleep Summary: dont hunk with my heart: did u really photoshop ur face over a man in a chicken costume running from the police keith is fine: thats pidge hunk pidge is the police dont hunk with my heart: howd u make that so fast lancemememachine: ive had this saved up for an occasion like this Nobody asked for this Words: 15,039 Chapters: 13/?
legendary meme defenders by: Kitsune300 Summary: getting bi: gbfyhed guys Im dead getting bi:  you might as well plan my funeral space dad: hello dead, I’m dad getting bi: SHRIO STFU smol and ready to brawl: lance that is no way to speak to your father Words: 34,441 Chapters: 25/?
Power-kick by: Johnny_kun Summary: “I am so sorry, you just fell so hard for me and I feel bad about it now.” Lance had to admit that his pick-up lines were getting better.
“Did you kick the ball?! Purposely at me?” The black haired man asked, voice laced with annoyance as he got up, ignoring Lance’s offered hand for help.
“It was an accident, really. I was showing my children how to do a power-kick.” Lance’s flirty smile didn’t change the unimpressed expression on the stranger’s face.
“You should show them how to apologize now.” Words: 42,994 Chapters: 16/?
Spaghettification and Other Extreme Sports by: SociopathicAngel Summary: During their final battle with Zarkon and the Galra Empire, Zarkon creates a black hole capable of destroying the universe. Lance sacrifices himself and Blue in order to stop it... and ends up in an alternate universe where everything is just a bit not right Words: 17,978 Chapters: 4/4
The Quiet  by: MilkTeaMiku Summary: Does he not realise he's dead?
Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he's sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it's there that he meets a charmingly irritating ghost who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are. Words: 34,500 Chapters: 17/?
Foreign Scenes by: bwyn Summary: Lance has been dreaming of travelling since the first time he heard stories from his family as a child. Now, having finally the time and money to do it, he goes on a trip to Europe to see some of the most culturally rich cities on the continent. Except he keeps bumping into the same guy over and over again, in random cities, doing stupid shit, and ultimately dragging Lance into his trouble, too.
Basically an AU in which Lance and Keith become impromptu travel buddies and get into trouble.  Words: 51,334 Chapters: 7/12
If Fireflies Cast Shadows  by: Sasaina_Ai Summary:  You'd think finding your soulmate would be difficult, since there's only one of them and over seven trillion people in the world. Thankfully, God decided to take pity on his creations, and gave each person the very first words their soulmate would say to them. It was always in their personalized handwriting and the color that best describe them, decorating the wrist of your dominant hand. And, if you touch it after you meet them, you can send them your emotions, even thoughts if your connection is strong enough.     
And that's all fine and dandy - except it isn't.
Because Lance McClain, the fun-loving guy with groan-inducing puns and pick-up lines that never work, who's six-foot one with a good attitude and a hundred friends, has the words "Don't fucking touch me, asshole" scribbled in messy red letters on his left wrist. Words: 50,378 Chapters: 3/?
Botched Ink by: Syremia Summary: "Your soulmate is that who shares the same symbol on their skin as yours." Was all Lance had been teached since a young age. He was the only one in his large group of friends to not have a symbol of his own. Just as he thought he was gonna live alone until he met Keith in a bar. The problem was that Keith already had a symbol of his own. (Warning: Various mentions of heavy drinking ahead) Words: 14,977 Chapters: 4/?
Kiss My Ice  by: delictor Summary: Lance hasn't skated in a year since the accident that cost him the Olympics. Keith can't skate for shit but that doesn't stop him from catching Lance's attention, even when he can't so much as stand up after falling on the ice.  'When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.'“Soon as we're off this ice you're dead.” Keith's threat is an empty one and he knows Lance can tell by the way he laughs at it. “Serious question though, do you not know who I am?” Lance questions. “Should I?” “No, I guess not.” Lance shrugs. “I'm gonna twirl you, okay?” “No, no don't—wait!” Keith cries out as he's suddenly viewing the entire arena and his legs go rigid before colliding into Lance's chest, his chest rising and falling with laughter, hands gripping Keith's upper arms gently. “Put me back on land.” “Technically, we are on land.” “We're on frozen water, get me off it.” Words: 40,250 Chapters: 6/10
Entangled by: mackerelmademedoit Summary: When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon.Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind.(Eventual romance and mature content for later chapters). Words: 80,975 Chapters: 11/12
Crossroads by: manamune Summary: When Keith crashed his Lion into a Galra warship in order to stop it from destroying a solar system, and more importantly, his friends, he was fully prepared to die for it.What he didn’t prepare for was to wake up in an alternate universe where he and Lance were dating. Words: 106,833 Chapters: 25/25
Of booty shorts and Injuries by: Queerswimming Summary: Keith is sure that he’s having a heart attack. Or that he hurt his brain when he fell earlier. Because it’s simply not possible that the boy who’s sitting next to him is not a hallucination. How could someone so gorgeous just sit in an emergency room at night?"Keith and Lance unexpectantly meet at the emergency room in the middle of the night. Words: 19,220 Chapters: 3/?
Loving Him Was Red  by: Resamille Summary: Loving him was red, just like the suit Lance now wears in Keith’s absence. Words: 4,135 Chapters: 1/1
Stowaway by: glubsauce Summary: When Lance finds a handsome stranger hiding in the backseat of his Jeep on the way to Pidge's birthday party, he can't help but wonder what his story is. Luckily for him, after he drops him off at his destination, he quickly gets revisited.
Lance is a bi college student who lets Keith, a dfab genderfluid 21 year-old, stay at his apartment after Keith runs away from home. Words: 27,109 Chapters: 9/?
you never stood a chance by: kagshina Summary: lance to hunk ♡ >i’m gonna fukin die hunk oh mygod i sent >keith a work out selfie that i wan supposed to fcukin send to you and you know what it said >”BET YOU WANNA LICK THESE NIPS” >HUNK I WILL NEVE BE ABLE TO FCE HIM AGAIN I WANT TO DI E(Or, Keith is beautiful, Lance has a crush, and there's lots of shirtless selfies) Words: 12,221 Chapters: 1/1
little numbers by: ashtxns Summary: brolance: keith is officially CANCELLED Words: 22,202 Chapters: 23/?
Better than coffee by peralta Summary: When Lance tries to curb his coffee addiction by replacing it with boba, he can’t help but linger around a perpetually grumpy-looking employee who works at the nearby teahouse. Keith, despite all the Yelp reviews, turns out to be surprisingly kind. Lance starts coming every day—although he insists it’s only for the boba.
And to complain about the customer service, of course. Words: 14,805 Chapters: 3/?
nothing's quite as sweet by dimpleforyourthoughts, thebrotherswinchester Summary: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street. Words: 50,370 Chapters: 1/1
Infection by: Talinor Summary: "Citizens are advised to stay inside at all costs until the infection is under control," Nyma's voice was slightly stronger when she spoke up again. "And if you come across a possibly infected individual, do not- I repeat, do  not-  come into contact with them. This infection is reported to be highly contagious. If you see someone you believe is infected, stay away and report them immediately. Officers will come to take them to the nearest vacant hospital as soon as they can. Please try to remain calm, and lock your doors." Words: 20,615 Chapters: 5/?
Six Feet Over by: freshia Summary: "And, right, of course. He hadn't told Pidge—or Hunk, actually, who was sitting on the other side of the table from him—because somehow “I see dead people” just doesn't quite have the same effect that it surely had before 1999. Go figure."
Lance Sanchez sees ghosts. Lance Sanchez also tries his best to avoid ghosts, until he literally can't, because his new apartment is inhabited by one very confused ghost named Keith. Words: 47,313 Chapters: 13/?
Sweet Tooth by: Huletty Summary: Lance took a breath and walked forward through the swinging door. He kept his mind focused on one task. Get those damn pastries. Don’t look at anything but the pastries, don’t touch anything but the pastries, don’t speak to anything but the pastries. Don’t even glance at the kid with the mullet, who was currently putting frosting on a new batch of cookies, pink tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth in concentration. 'What I would do to have that tongue on my- The pastries!' Lance jerked his vision away and back to the cart full of stacked trays.
Otherwise known as the Bakery/Cafe/Pastry Shop AU this fandom needs but probably not the one it deserves. Words: 11,175 Chapters: 5/?
Team Voltron: a group chat by: Castielwinchestar Summary: This is absolute trash with a kinda-sorta plot it's so much fun and I'm basically writing my interpretation of the entire Voltron Team on crack so please read this I promise you won't be disappointed <3 Words: 21,602 Chapters: 20/?
Skinny band nerd takes it up the ass from the beefcake football captain (series) by: Lynn1998 Words: 42,730 Works: 6 Complete: No
To the Universe and Back with You by: manamune Summary: Lance and Keith were friends with benefits slash tentative boyfriends when the Galra empire fell. And just when their real relationship was starting to begin, Keith took off without a word, leaving Lance with a broken heart and a whole lot of resentment.
Fast forward seven years later and Lance is the only paladin living on Earth, with his cat Peaches for company. It’s not perfect, but he’s happy.
That is, until Shiro summons them to form Voltron again and Lance has to face his greatest fear: the past. Words:10,100 Chapters: 1/3
Nightmares by: Trashness Summary: Lance's nightmares are getting out of control. It's effecting his and the team's performance, but he's at a loss for how to fix this.
Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps. Words: 14,864 Chapters: 1/1
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