#And the list on reasons why the writing is sexist is AGONIZINGLY long.
kyouka-supremacy ยท 2 years
uh, i agree with lack of female characters in bsd :( so disappointing. i am angry how authors push them in the far back. at least kyouka, yosano, and lucy got their spotlight! this is why yosano's backstory is so important <3
Ye I knowwwww let's talk about it bestie ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
All the female characters have so much potential and their abilities are pretty cool yet they barely get any screentime ;;;;;; Really praying we'll get to see any more of them soon, even if it's Teruko. And Yosano's story was amazing!!! It added so much depth to the character, unironically I consider it the peak of bsd. Anyways stan all of bsd women โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
#Idk like. I don't mention it often because uhmm it's just bad vibes you know?#I don't want to focus over it too much bsd is a pastime to have fun ahah#But at the same time with time I realized it's important to mention it#because I saw people praise bsd's female characters writing and uh. UH#Like it's okay not to focus over it but you gotta be conscious of the fact that the writing is sexist.#It's important to recognize it otherwise you'll end up not recognizing it irl too!!#And the list on reasons why the writing is sexist is AGONIZINGLY long.#Okay recs of manga / anime with very good female protagonists I love: tpn (manga only) (duh)#klk (it's kind of an hot mess but the female characters are well written and the fanservice is explained and makes sense in plotโ€“#and my favorite anime ever sooooo) Psycho-Pass (VERY good v v good)#There's definitely more but those are ones I really like ////#bsd#people asks me stuff#Why do you think my user us about Kyouka despite my blog being clearly sskk centered ahah#Because I need to set my priorities straight lmao#Tbh... Tbh unpopular opinion but I think Lucy got the more unlucky with writing... That's why I'll love her the most โค๏ธ#I really like Kouyou though and suspect writing her this well was like. accidental lmao#Let's be honest author just doesn't know how to write women it's. it's literally that.#Also like WHY BONES HAD TO ADD FEMALE FANSERVICE I HATE THEM SO FREAKING MUCH I WANT TO SCREAM EVERY TIME I REMEMBER ABOUT IT#LIKE THERE WAS ONE (1) THING THEY WERE MISSING ON THE LIST OF DISRESPECTING FEMALE CHARACTERS AND. YET.#Anyways thank you for the ask I'm keeping up unusually well with answering people on this blog ahah#I hope you're having a wonderful day / night Nyusa ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•#Edit: Throwback to that time I made that bsd tier list and put all the female characters on the first tier out of pure spite LMAO
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