#And then I never ever want it to change - s'why I'm still using the same pencil that I got some five-ish years ago
sysig · 4 years
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Trying all sorts of different tools for arts
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kawaiijohn · 3 years
prompt: Jazz vibing with Quizz and chatting about their younger siblings
OKAY NGL I WENT 👀 AT THIS ONE. They'd be friends so here we go.
CW: mentions of death, death of a child, mention of misgendering? kinda??
"Does it ever get easier?"
Quizz hums in response, his mug floating down and landing with a small clink. "Y'gotta specify- does what get easier?"
Jazz looks away, nervously chewing on her nails- a habit that not even bitter polish could break. Quizz waits patiently for her to speak; the few false starts makes a shiver of anxiety race through his Core, especially paired with her grim expression.
"Does it get easier? Knowing you could have been there for him- er, them in your case- like, knowing they'd died- and yeah! They got better! But the mere concept that they went through that sort of trauma and kept going? Without any sort of help from anyone?!? Without parents or adults?!? Without..."
'Without you' remained unspoken, but they both get the gist.
"It doesn't sit with me right, and I feel selfish for wanting to have known earlier. I deal with it every day, and then there's the lying to our parents thing, and-"
Quizz puts his hand up, stopping Jazz in her spiraling tracks. "First things first, you gotta breathe, kid. Okay? Ya good? Cool! Now, second thing second- you're doin' great with the boy, you're a tried and true ally for him and it's what he needs. You're doin' whatchya can to keep him kickin', and that's all ya can do as a big sister, trust me."
Jazz finally sets her mug to rest with the other. She takes a few minutes to think it through before speaking again. "Was it the same for you and Stuffie then? The anxiety, the secrets?"
"Hell no! Stuffie passed in a house fire when they were younger than Danny! It's similar but not the same, y'know?"
"Oh uh... I'm sorry for- I never asked how I guess?" Jazz backtracks.
Quizz scoffs and offers her a smile. "No, you did the right thing in not askin'. Ghosts don't like talkin' about it- their death or death in general, but you're practically a younger sister to me through your dork of a brother, so it's all good.
"I think I was like, your age-ish when it happened, and I don't remember the full of it, but ever since I found the blog I kept while I was still alive I can pretty much taste the guilt from how angsty my teenaged ass got. And sister, what you have is kinda similar to mine- but mine? It ate me away for years. Even now it kinda eats at me, but I promised to never let someone I care about down like that again.
"S'why I do what I can for Stuffie now that we're both miraculously too stubborn to pass on. Like, what I went through? It was a different beast of burden and guilt 'n shit compared to yours. And again- I've done the whole 'guilty big sister' thing enough for one lifetime, s'why my afterlife is 'protective big bro' hours all day, every day."
"So... it might get easier?" Jazz finally speaks up, eyes sad and full of hope.
"Well, yeah! You gotta repeat the mantra that the past is the past n' you can't really change it... unless you got powers or some shit? But like- you didn't do anything malicious. You're a kid, and it ain't your responsibility to parent your little bro, even if your parents make you feel it sometimes. You're doing what you, at your current age and ability, can handle emotionally n' financially. Just be there for Danny so you won't miss anything else."
Quizz crosses his arms and huffs in accomplishment. He was never the best at giving pep talks, but with Jazz's happy tears he feels a bit accomplished.
He's about to grab his coffee when wiry arms wrap around his waist and squeeze.
"Thank you- it just gets hard when there's no real adults that can help us."
"Not a problem kiddo, just don't try to be Atlas with your bother's issues, you got a wicked tight-knight support group, after all."
Quizz hugs the girl tight, wishing he could have spared more of her pain, but growing up is never easy. Neither is having an undead younger sibling who loves to cause chaos.
Jazz pulls away, wiping a stray tear from her eye with a smile. Quizz watches as her expression changes to her standard 'baby psychologist' one and smiles back nervously. "So... big sister, huh?"
"Listen, as someone who transed their gender after death, I can only be described as the omni sibling- both brother n' sister at the same time. Quizz, the blue hair n' pronouns ghost, as your bro calls me when he wants to piss me off!" they laugh heartily.
"It don't bother me to talk about my pre transition shit, hell my body was buried in a dress since I wasn't out yet- which is HILARIOUS to me, since this is what I look like now. Got them with my transgender genjutsu so hard I didn't even remember what I looked like before. So go on, Jazz- let those gears in your head run wild, I can talk gender bullshit until Danny gets here."
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: I know you're here Nancy: So wherever you're hiding, Ollie, Ollie Oxen Free Nancy: You can come out Rio: Okay Rio: Do I need to wave my white flag first? Nancy: Depends if you wanna see my brother or me Rio: I want to see you Rio: If you will Nancy: Sure? I think he'll need you after that convo, if he ever does Rio: Right Rio: Purpose of me not being there was so it could be just between you two but Rio: are you both okay? Nancy: I don't know how you want me to answer that Rio: Just honestly Nancy: I have no idea how Buster is Nancy: I don't know him very well these days Rio: I know Rio: Don't worry about him, how are you? Nancy: Do you actually care or are you just trying to feel better? Rio: Of course I care, Nance Rio: I wouldn't be here if I didn't Nancy: You'd be here for him Rio: Yes but we're here to tell you Rio: Because it matters what you think, to me and him Nancy: That may be true of you, but he's never cared what I think Nancy: That matters Nancy: You not knowing better what he's like Rio: I know he's done things, lots of things, that would make you think that Rio: and righly so Rio: but he does care Nancy: Maybe. But not enough not to do this Rio: We didn't mean for this to happen Nancy: He never means for anything to happen. That's the problem Nancy: He's hurt you and leave you and ruin everything, don't you know that? Rio: He could Rio: but if that happens, it happens and I'll deal with it, it doesn't need to change anything else Nancy: He will. And I'll be in the middle again Nancy: That's what he does Rio: That's not totally fair Rio: Chloe wasn't totally his fault, a lot of it was her Nancy: He still could've said no instead of thinking with his dick as per Nancy: And what about Erin. Look how long that lasted Rio: I know, and he knows too Rio: He regrets that for a lot of reasons now but he can't take it back Rio: He was trying to do the right thing with Erin, what he thought everyone wanted Rio: doesn't make it right but again, it wasn't just what it seems Nancy: She didn't deserve that. She was nice. Nancy: And you definitely don't deserve what he's gonna do to you Rio: True Rio: I trust him, and I don't want to not be with him on the chance that it'll end badly Nancy: Okay Nancy: He says you love each other. Do you? Rio: Yes Nancy: That's new for him Rio: That's what he told me too, yeah Nancy: Maybe I should be telling you not to hurt him Rio: You can Rio: I promise I'm not going to Nancy: How can you promise that? I'm not trying to be a bitch, I just don't understand Rio: No, its totally fair Rio: I know I've not got a spotless history, neither has he Rio: but no one can promise that and know without a doubt they won't Rio: but I love him, I only want what's best for him, to make him happy Nancy: Okay Nancy: I get that. Love, I mean Rio: Yeah Rio: You know this hasn't just come out of nowhere, right? Rio: Its been nearly 2 years, and we stopped ourselves from going there a long time before that Nancy: I know you're not me, pulling feelings out of thin air Nancy: He explained as best I'd let him Rio: I didn't mean it like that Nancy: It's fine, that's all over and done with Nancy: And nothing to do with this Rio: Okay Rio: I know its Rio: well Rio: unbelievable but Rio: it is the truth and it is happening Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Unbelievable things can happen, I know Nancy: I held onto it for a long time myself Nancy: And if he's willing to say out loud to me that he loves you it must be serious Rio: Yes, I think it is, know it is Rio: We truly wouldn't be putting this out there if we didn't need to Rio: and not just to save our own skin, I don't mean Rio: if it was just a fling, there would be no need Nancy: I understand Nancy: When it's serious, keeping it a secret, that hurts Nancy: I can't blame you for wanting to be honest, it'd make me a hypocrite Nancy: Chloe turned on me for being gay but I couldn't lie just to stay friends with her Nancy: Even if she'd been as good of a mate as I thought she was once Nancy: What happens next? He tells mum and dad and you tell yours but what then? Rio: That's how I was feeling, exactly Rio: it isn't the same thing, not saying it is Rio: but it was making me...sad and bad and just insane, keeping it in Rio: I think we're both better off for her attempts at bitchery, yeah? Rio: Hopefully, everyone is okay with it and we can be together properly Rio: That's all that's changing Nancy: It's essentially the same. People are gonna be judgmental as hell to you for it too Nancy: And nobody wants you to feel sad for something you can't help or change Nancy: Because it's like you told me when you were there for me about Sian, we don't get to decide who we love Nancy: But don't get me wrong, I'm not doing cartwheels that you acted on your feelings when you didn't have to, just like I didn't Nancy: That was a decision Rio: I'm just glad you get it Rio: I'm not expecting any more than that, honest Rio: Its harder to not act, when you know the other person feels it too Rio: Still a choice nonetheless Rio: One I can't regret, I'm afraid Nancy: I don't know, but I'll take your word for it Nancy: I know Buster when he wants something Rio: You don't hate us forever, then? Nancy: Nothing's ever that easy, just like nothing comes out of nowhere Nancy: I'm tried so often to hate him and I still don't Nancy: But if Jay gets hurt over this, we will have a problem, yeah? Rio: Could you tell him that? Not now, if you don't want Rio: and not even in so many words Rio: but I don't think he knows Rio: Trust me, I'll be the first to come for me if I let that happen Nancy: He's a straight man of course he doesn't have a clue. So oblivious Rio: Mhmm, its a fulltime occupation caring for 'em Nancy: I don't want to imagine Nancy: If you were going to fall for one of us, you could've made better decisions like Nancy: I'm a catch Rio: Duh, s'why I've gotta let an actual cute gay girl net you Rio: I like dick and the men attached to 'em, for my sins Nancy: Gross Rio: 😂 Nancy: Does that mean you don't wanna stay here with me for a while? Rio: I wish I could Rio: I don't think we can trust Chlo to let us enjoy some peace and quiet, though Nancy: Or trust yourselves to keep it PG so I don't throw up in my mouth Rio: I mean Rio: You brought it up Nancy: Disgusting Nancy: Do you want me to tell Billie? Nancy: Or June? Rio: Are you okay with that? Rio: Because if yes, then it'd be a help Rio: My plan is to tell my 'rents and let them tell all the sibs, let them know they can come to me if they want/need Nancy: Are you okay if I don't keep my heterophobia to a minimum? Nancy: Because I can't always control that Rio: Do what you must Rio: Lay it on thick with June, he doesn't need the deets there either Nancy: I will Nancy: He'll be shielded Nancy: Sweet boy Rio: Truly Rio: Do you think they'll all be okay? Nancy: I don't know Nancy: But they still need to know Nancy: If you're coming out there's no point keeping one foot in the closet Rio: I know you're right Rio: I don't want to fuck up things with them but Rio: I just have to hope they'll be okay with it, because I'd not turf them out over this if it was the over way 'round Nancy: And they'll know that Nancy: They love you and it's mutual Nancy: They may not throw you a party like we all want when we come out but they won't ever go too hard the other way Rio: It's okay Rio: Been partying hard enough for everyone Nancy: It's a relief though, isn't it? That someone finaly knows Nancy: And you can talk about it Rio: Absolutely Rio: and don't get me wrong, it'd be nice for people to be happy but I know I can't ask for that Rio: so I'm not gonna expect it Nancy: I'm happy for you Nancy: That you're happy, anyway Nancy: Maybe I wish it wasn't with my brother but I still want that for you Rio: Thanks, Nance Rio: Back at cha Rio: not that I think you and Junie are an item, I'm not that obliviously straight, don't worry Nancy: He is my love but Nancy: I'm so mad I didn't realise what was going on with you two Nancy: How dare Chloe figure something out before me Rio: You're such a stereotypical gay Rio: Wanting that tea before anyone else Rio: She's obsessed with your Brother, she probably knows when he shits, like Nancy: Before her, thank you Nancy: If I was a stereotypical gay I'd be trying to get you and Indie together Rio: Oh hell no Rio: that'd be so wrong Nancy: How is that wronger? Nancy: You love Buster Rio: I know how it sounds Rio: but she's a child! Nancy: I'll give you that Nancy: I'm not letting Jay date until she's like 35 Nancy: She might have taste which turns out the same as her mum's and yours Rio: Very Freudian Rio: Saying nothing *sips tea* Nancy: I'm saying no fuckboys allowed Nancy: That's all Nancy: Or girls Rio: We can but hope, babe Nancy: Whatever we have to do. It's a team effort now. You're in this Rio: I don't want to be too dramatic or presumptious Rio: but even as a pseudo auntie/whatever the hell I am Rio: I really care about Jay Rio: I'm going to look after her Nancy: She makes that happen Nancy: I tried really hard not to care about her before she was here but as soon as she was Nancy: I'll be dramatic and say I'll do anything for that girl Rio: Yeah, same as Buster really Rio: You can't not Rio: well, I don't see how Rio: People manage it Nancy: Don't tell him I'm still on his side Nancy: He's got a big enough head Rio: Secret's safe with me Rio: you know he just talks a big game though, yeah? Nancy: I do fucking hate him a lot of the time too, that's no secret Nancy: Don't we all Nancy: I could say I'm busy in answer to how I am and you're leave it there because it's true enough but it's not everything Rio: Do you wanna say more? Nancy: Now's not really the time Nancy: That'd be such a stereotypical gay move, make it all about me Rio: Trust, don't mind Rio: Not just 'cause anything to take the heat off, like Nancy: Just making my peace with dying alone, as standard, when even my prick of a brother won't Nancy: Casual angst Rio: I thought the NYC gay scene was poppin'? Nancy: It is Nancy: I'm not Rio: Babe Rio: Want to go hit the town before I have to go? Rio: I'm the best wingman Nancy: It'd take more than you Nancy: Oblivious hetero, remember? Rio: What would it take? Rio: You're a catch, remember? Nancy: But it's not about what I look like Nancy: I'm also an oblivious gay Nancy: I can't read signals. Or trust myself. Rio: Fear of straight girls Rio: Hit up the specific apps and put yourself out there Rio: Let them come to you first Rio: Then you can't make that mistake Nancy: Mhm I could Nancy: It's about me not them Nancy: Just because they want something doesn't mean it's the same as what I want Nancy: And anyway, all I want at the moment is to not get my heartbroken again Nancy: There's an easy solution there Rio: I feel you Rio: Some things not as easy to find as others Nancy: And when you want conflicting things, like not being lonely but also not getting hurt, it's just Nancy: Stupid Rio: You aren't alone on that one Rio: and I'd certainly be lying if I said I had any useful advice Nancy: How did you do it? Nancy: Put yourself out there with Buster of all people Rio: It didn't start like this, obviously Rio: Sometimes you put yourself out for less than you're after, or think you want Rio: and you still end up where you wanna be Rio: not saying that was my plan here but do you get me? sometimes you just have to see where shit takes you Rio: I know its hard to allow that when you've been burnt before Nancy: Sometimes that's so dangerous Nancy: Especially when you're an idiot like me Rio: Preaching to the choir, babe Rio: think, what's the worst that could happen? Rio: its probably happened, yeah? Rio: and like, arguably, this situation with me and Buster is really bad but Rio: doesn't feel it to us, so Nancy: I just don't think I can do it Nancy: It hurt so much losing someone who didn't love me back Nancy: If someone did and I messed it up Nancy: I think I'd die Rio: Yeah, its scary Rio: you know the old adage exists for a reason though Nancy: Does it? Rio: Definitely Rio: What's life without love? Rio: Not just romantic though, of course Nancy: True. Always got that fuckboy brother of mine Nancy: Like it or not Nancy: Teach him some respect would you please, lord knows I've tried Rio: And the rest of us Rio: I'll do my best Nancy: Jay's already helped, because he's that stereotypical straight man Nancy: And he's getting another daughter soon so Rio: He'll get there Rio: He's not as bad as he puts on Nancy: For your sake he better not be Rio: Come on Rio: I might be in love but I still have self-respect Nancy: Just checking, honey Nancy: Making sure you're still in there Rio: Please Rio: No man's changing me Nancy: Glad to hear it Nancy: Unless it's for the better, my mum vouches for that so often I wouldn't be surprised if that's why I'm gay Rio: 😂 Rio: Such a natural-born rebel, babe Nancy: Who can compete with a love that real? Best not to attempt Nancy: Or to look at it another way, I win, because I'll be the greatest without ever letting a man touch me. Sorry mum. No offence like Rio: That's the spirit Rio: Sure she'll be proud Nancy: We can only hope Rio: You don't think she is? Nancy: Maybe when I finish uni. I haven't done anything 'epic' yet Nancy: Haven't had two children though, so by degrees. Sorry Buster. No offence either Rio: Less black marks, for sure Nancy: We've both made it this far, she'll be happy with that Nancy: People have dropped out over less than what Buster's had to handle thanks to Chloe Nancy: So much drama Rio: Yeah, I'd bet on it Rio: She's no fool Rio: Some of us never even start, like 😜 Rio: Chlo must be fuelled by it, no other need to love it so very much Nancy: She is Nancy: I've never known anyone better at twisting things than that girl can Nancy: Hence I gave up punishing him fairly quick. She's better at it than I'd ever be Rio: Can't disagree Rio: She's got a knack for it Rio: and a lot of time on her hands to dish it out Rio: Bless her Nancy: How much did she see? Nancy: I don't want gross details I'm just trying to figure how she'll spin it Nancy: If she decides to Rio: Nothing like that, you're precious gay sensibilities are safe Rio: I don't know, obviously she was early and unannounced so we weren't on guard Rio: I clearly looked too comfortable for her liking? Nancy: God forbid you weren't hanging from the ceiling like the villain she thinks you are Nancy: And she'd be the type to bring your clothes into it, not being happy unless you were wearing a turtle neck or something Nancy: As if that can't still be sexy, excuse her Rio: Nail on the head, babe Rio: Your teacher fetish is showing shh Rio: but yeah, I'm basically a whore of Babylon here and she is taking the moral highground as a 'Mother' to act like that's why she's angry about it Nancy: Stop. I have to avoid the library and claim it's down to the dyslexia Nancy: Yeah Buster said she called you a prostitute Rio: Its chill, I've got hundreds Rio: and you're legal now, way more of a sexy grey area Rio: Not the first time I've heard that one Rio: Never from anyone I give a shit about though so, meh Nancy: Buster was so angry Nancy: Far from meh Nancy: I haven't seen him like that for a while Nancy: He must care Rio: I told you he's not that bad Nancy: Time will tell Nancy: The baby's due soon. How do you feel about that? Rio: I Rio: I don't know, to be honest Rio: Excited for him, glad Erin won't be as much of a nightmare about sharing as Chlo Rio: but I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me a tiny bit insecure, because she isn't as obviously not right for him, you know? Rio: He's done his best to make me not feel that but its still there, shh Nancy: I don't think she wants him back but it won't be easy having her on the doorstep Nancy: And newborns are harder work than one year olds so they really are gonna need each other Rio: She doesn't Rio: Yeah, I know Rio: I'll have to deal, like Nancy: She doesn't have the same family support as Chloe from what I've seen Nancy: I think there's just her mum Nancy: I don't know where she lives but it's not here, just Erin's uni is Nancy: I feel bad for her Rio: Yeah Rio: She hasn't done anything wrong, of course Rio: and I'm not going to begrudge her the help Rio: not that bitch Nancy: Get me saying here like I'm still a Dubliner Nancy: You're good, too good for him, but I can't stop you loving the prick Rio: Can't deny that heritage, ginge 🍀💛 Rio: Nah Rio: on both counts 🤷 Nancy: I really can't, everywhere I go in this city they go on about my accent Nancy: Well, I surrender. Just be happy, alright? Rio: Oh, Yanks Rio: How many of them have told you about their roots like you give a fuck? 🙄 Nancy: Honestly Rio: On it, you too, yeah? Nancy: I'll do my best Nancy: I can't help loving you, but it's platonic at least. No need to add to your drama Rio: The love triangle no one asked for Rio: I love you too, lots and lots Rio: Thanks for being you and decent about this Nancy: That or, Me, the librarian and the cat Nancy: Has a more lesbian phrase ever left my mouth? Nancy: Thanks for being you and not letting Buster turn you into a prick Rio: Never change Rio: and I won't either Nancy: Great Nancy: We can definitely go from there Rio: ✌💋 Rio: Lemme know when you fancy hitting up dem gay bars and I'll be back to party Nancy: I'm not bringing you, you'll turn every head Nancy: Especially if you borrow my clothes again Rio: N'awwh! Rio: I'll wear my own whorey attire, don't worry Nancy: That's not better Nancy: They'll all want you or think you're the stripper Rio: I can work with that 😏 Nancy: Face it you aren't coming and stealing my thunder if and when I decide I wanna bring it Rio: FINE Rio: Just tell me all about it yeah? And grace the 'gram with your beauty Nancy: The second part at least Rio: Boo! 😜 Nancy: Don't pretend you want all the ins and outs of whoever takes my virginity Rio: I am extremely nosy Rio: and caring, tah 😎 Nancy: And inappropriate but who am I to judge like Rio: Potayto potahto Nancy: That was beautiful Nancy: It made me homesick Rio: Not long 'til Christmas, babe Rio: or my Bday but not angling, like Nancy: I'll bring the finest of what NYC has to offer Nancy: When I decide what that is Rio: Who Rio: 😉 Nancy: 🙄 Nancy: Speaking of, go find Buster, sure I made him cry like Nancy: Standard Rio: On it Rio: Anything you wanna say to dry those tears, or cause more, not taking sides here Nancy: So neutral I felt it Nancy: You can tell him to expect a text when he gets home safe Nancy: You too Rio: That's me Rio: Cool Rio: Well, better free up my texting fingers for this drama Rio: Catch up soon? Nancy: Yeah Rio: 💞
0 notes
Buster & Rio
Buster: I don't know how to say this Buster: Fuck Rio: ??? Buster: Erin's having my kid Buster: She says Rio: What Rio: What the fuck Buster: I don't know Buster: I was so careful with her Buster: But she's got no reason to lie Rio: Jesus Rio: how has this happened again Rio: like Buster: Lucky, aren't I? Buster: She wants to keep it Buster: How am I meant to do this again? Rio: Fuck Rio: Well, you have to Rio: you just...will Buster: Christ Buster: Why now Rio: Far from ideal Rio: what's she doing, is she finishing Uni? Buster: I don't know Buster: We have a nursery but she didn't tell me if she plans on using it Buster: I only met her parents once so no idea if they'll help or what Rio: Shit Rio: don't know how they do it Rio: but she can, you can Rio: both our mums did Buster: Yeah Buster: My mum is gonna kill me Buster: What the fuck am I gonna say? Rio: I'd be lying if I said I had any fucking clue Rio: Jay isn't a year yet Rio: When's the baby due, did Erin say? Buster: January Buster: Merry Christmas fam Rio: Oh babe Rio: they'll come 'round Rio: not best news they've ever had like but they wouldn't be without Jay now Rio: you either Buster: I know Buster: Fucking hell Buster: I've really fucked her over, haven't I? Rio: Not on purpose Rio: just one of those things Buster: And you Buster: Didn't sign up for this Rio: I signed up for all of it Rio: all of you Rio: yeah, its a headfuck, total but Rio: I can handle it Buster: You're not only saying that 'cause I'm losing my shit, yeah? Rio: No Rio: I wouldn't Rio: I get what you're asking, what it means if we're going to be serious Buster: And you know this isn't the news I wanted to be breaking to my fam, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: that can wait Rio: Its all gonna be fine Buster: It has to be Rio: Pretty much Rio: How does it feel, knowing you're going to be a Dad Rio: is it differerent the 2nd time Buster: It's more of a headfuck Buster: I didn't think this was how it'd be the 2nd time, you know Buster: Jay was supposed to be older.  Christ, me too Rio: Yeah Rio: I feel you Rio: Life had other plans Rio: no stranger to that with my fam but know that's not how most roll Buster: She was proper angry at me, Chlo had nothing on her Buster: I'll be lucky if I see this kid I reckon Rio: If she's anything like you said, then she'll be decent Rio: you liked her for a reason, right? Rio: She's just hurt, and got a lot to deal with rn Rio: Give her time before thinking that Buster: I don't know how you're this calm Buster: But cheers Buster: I mean that Rio: Guess I'm vaguely impartial Rio: enough to keep my freaking out to myself Rio: I'm not about to be a parent Buster: You're not this stupid Rio: I mean, try not to be obvs Rio: 🍀 too though Rio: not to rub it in Buster: Fill your boots Buster: It's the least of what I'm gonna get when everyone else finds out Rio: Just gotta own it babe Buster: Yeah Buster: I will when I get my head around it Rio: I know Rio: Meanwhile, no one else has to know Buster: I shouldn't expect you to keep another secret for me Buster: But I wanted you to know Buster: As soon as Rio: I've not got a burning desire to tell on you Rio: Not that bitch Rio: Get your house in order, I'm here for you Buster: Not as if I can be a cunt if you're mad Buster: It'd be fair enough Rio: You didn't plan to Rio: and even if you did Rio: hadn't got sole claim on you so Buster: but who's fault is that Buster: That's on me too Rio: Nah Rio: I could've said something sooner Rio: Too pussy though Buster: I could've kept Erin out of it Buster: I'm a bigger pussy Rio: Not a competition, remember? 😉 Rio: I still think you're alright Buster: I fucking love you Buster: Don't forget it Rio: I love you too Rio: A lot actually Buster: Good, be rather awkward if not at this point like Buster: I need a drink Buster: You want one? Rio: True, risking it all for a meh 😂 Rio: Always Rio: Where we going? Buster: Anywhere I don't have to make small talk with cunts that know me Rio: Easy enough Rio: still MY town 😎 Buster: Never letting me forget that, yeah? Rio: Nope Rio: but I got you Rio: When should I pick you up? Buster: Now Rio: Drinks are required, STAT Rio: On it, lemme get presentable Buster: It's been that kind of day so far Rio: Calls for that kinda night Buster: I knew you'd get it Buster: First round's on you Rio: Hmm, resists urge to say you need to start saving for nappies Buster: Fuck off Rio: I know, kick you whilst you're down Rio: s'why I didn't say it 😜 Rio: at least I feel I owe you the drink now Buster: Who you kidding? That kick is the only chance you have of knocking me down Buster: No reach Rio: 😒 grr Rio: keep begging for it, boy Buster: Keeps shit interesting Rio: Fair Rio: now we can't be proper cunts to each other with conviction Buster: Unless I really fuck up again like Rio: Pessimist Buster: Gotta at least try and take after my dad now I have 2 kids Rio: Ew Rio: I'd really rather you not if its all the same 😂 Buster: You'll have to make it very worth my while not to go changing then Rio: How about this Rio: I won't turn into my mother Rio: enough incentive? Buster: To be fair Buster: No more kids cheers Rio: Exactly Rio: Stay you please Buster: Since you asked so nicely Buster: Nearly begged for it Rio: I wouldn't go that far Rio: still 1-0 to me on that score think you'll find Buster: For now Rio: you looking to even the score? Rio: good luck Buster: I already have it but I doubt I'll need to dip into those reserves Buster: Not about luck Rio: you got something alright 😏 a lot of talk, I reckon Buster: And the skill to back it up Rio: Better Rio: Not in the mood for disappointment ever Buster: You know you won't get that from me Rio: yeah Rio: I do Buster: You better not be looking one Buster: I'm waiting here Rio: Charming as ever Rio: Worth the wait as per though so chill 💋 Buster: Better be Buster: Can I get a sneak preview or what? Rio: Not for free Rio: [Sends pic anyway] Buster: I've changed my mind Buster: Take as long as you want Rio: We could skip to the good bit Rio: but the world should at least get a look at me so Buster: Fucking hell you look Buster: Can I be that selfish? Buster: Tell me I can Rio: No Rio: Gotta teach you patience somehow Buster: Rio Buster: Come on Rio: 😈 Rio: You need a drink Rio: Focus, boy Buster: I am Buster: On what I actually need Rio: One drink Rio: I believe in you, babe 😉 Buster: Fuck Buster: Fine Rio: The wait'll make it all the better Buster: Yeah Buster: That's the only reason I'm letting you out of my sight like Rio: Not planning on going far Buster: Believe that when I see it Rio: You will Rio: who else I want to be with? Buster: There better not be anyone else Rio: There isn't, idiot Buster: Good Rio: Gonna have to work on showing you if you really thought otherwise Rio: Not being clear enough Buster: I'm a very visual learner, what can I say? Rio: Mhmm Rio: do need a break from all those books Buster: I haven't earned it yet Buster: But I will Rio: I know Rio: you're smart Buster: Sometimes Rio: You're good at what you do, you know that Rio: even if you're a prize tit in all other areas sometimes like Buster: Cheers Buster: Well back at you Rio: 'cept the prize tit part, yeah? 😂 Buster: You have your moments Buster: You can say it's just to make me feel better though, nobody would argue but me Rio: I'm down Rio: another win in the bag for moi Buster: I'm giving you everything you want, remember that Rio: Back at you Rio: Okay I'm ready Buster: 👏 Buster: Where we headed? Or you trying to surprise me Rio: [Sends pic of finished lewk] Rio: 9 Below, you been before? Rio: Its deadly Buster: If I did I was lucky to be let it 'cause I don't remember a thing Buster: We know I am though Buster: You fucking look deadly Rio: You'll like it, its decadent Rio: case you were missing home Rio: 💋 Buster: You're the only thing I'm missing but for you I'll try and give a shit about the surroundings Buster: Focus like Buster: It means a lot that you do, you know that, yeah? Rio: I know Rio: you've got all night to sing my praises though Rio: think of some more cute shit to say, be right there Buster: Get here now so we can kick things off Buster: I aim to please for as long as
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