#And they're probably designing new pokemon and new megas as well
sprucestairs · 1 month
oooooh pokemon company want to put all their energy into z-a sooooo bad. You will not release a half assed johto or unova game you want soooo badly to make a good game that everyone enjoys.
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
could you review the Machop line for us please?
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Basically the psychical counterpart to the Abra line, the Machop line does a pretty good job at being wrestling-themed muscle monsters. Machop here is a bit too small to really have any seriously muscles, but it looks bulky enough, and serves as a good starting point for the rest of the line.
One thing I do like about this line is that they're fairly humanoid monsters, but each stage throws in one weird non-humanoid trait; in this case, Machop's tail. It adds a bit of flavor and makes for a more interesting monster design. I also like those plated segments on their heads.
The one thing that drives me nuts about Machops design, however, is THOSE THREE LINES ON ITS CHEST. WHAT ARE THOSE?? I never hear anyone mention them, but its always portrayed with them. They almost seem like ribs, but it doesn't make sense to see the ribs on a creature so muscular. Thankfully they're easy to ignore, but once you notice them you'll never really un-notice them.
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Machoke is probably my favorite of this line. While it looses the tail, it makes up for it with a more reptilian face, which I really like. I'm not entirely sure what the markings on its arms are or why it gains them and then looses them immediately, but they look cool—almost like exposed muscle—and they add some additional flavor to this stage so it stands out from the rest of the line.
However, my big beef(cake) with Machoke, and Machamp as well, is the belt. I don't mind the black markings, which fit into the wresting theme, but having a literal wresting belt there just feels so weird, and is very much one of those weird Gen 1 quirks that probably would've been handled differently in a later gen (see: Incineroar).
I don't always mind Pokemon holding objects, but I feel like there needs to be a degree of rationale behind it; like, it needs to be explained where they got the object from, why they carry it, and it needs to add something to the design.
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The reason it has the belt is supposedly to hold back its power, but like... how??? Why???? These things and more will never be answered. It's never explained where the belt comes from either, and honestly, it doesn't add much to the design; the wrestling would've been obvious already due to the anatomy and the spandex-like markings. The design is otherwise fine as a whole, but that parts really distracting.
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What's stronger than a big muscly guy? A big muscly guy with four arms, of course! The extra arms are honestly a pretty cool idea; they not only different Machamp from the rest of the line but just are a cool element for a monster in general, and work well with the theme.
However, while I like the new arms, the face is a bit of a downgrade. It's less that its flatter/more human-ish and more that it has those giant yellow markings; they match the color of the best at least, but they just look off. Also, the belt's still there. On the plus side, I do like the overall look, and its two-toed feet are an improvement; Machoke's felt a bit too humanoid.
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And g-max Machamp is decent enough, nothing crazy but nothing terrible looking. I guess my main issue with it is that it doesn't really do anything new conceptually; its a little different visually, but it doesn't enhance the line in any way. Why not give it a third set of arms in the back or something? Granted, multiplying design elements is more of a mega thing, but that would've at least been something unique. Or heck, why not finally remove that belt? Its supposed to hold back its power, so wouldn't taking it off here make sense?
But that said, the design itself isn't bad. I do like the smaller head and the more prominent neck, which makes the chest look all the bigger by extension. I also enjoy the way the markings have extended to make it look like its now wearing full-on pants, and how it has the additional cowl around the neck. The arm markings also aren't bad in that they attract attention to the arms and match the yellow accents in the eyes, belt, and mouth; however, they also feel kind of arbitrary, like they felt like the design needed something else but they weren't sure what so they just tossed those on there.
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Anyway, as a whole, the line's pretty solid; the theme is obvious, each stage is unique, and the designs are enjoyable if you enjoy more humanoid monsters (which I do). The only things that bog it down a bit are details like the belts and the fairly standard g-max design.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
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@patchun did it, so now I'm doing it. Apparently it's just a big grid of your favorites, if anyone else wants to play along. I tried to be more honest with myself about pre-evolutions, but we all know how that can go.
GEN 1 There were no Dark types, and only one Steel type, so that's a little lame. Otherwise, Gen 1 has a lot of "my favorite is a pre-evo." Eevee, yes Vulpix over Ninetales in this moment, and most critically, Kadabra over Alakazam. Kadabra is, at least at present, my favorite Gen 1 mon again. Just like when I was a lad. I loved Kadabra. One that I think might stand out is Nidoran-Male. There are plenty of Poison types, but truth be told? I always just thought Nidoran-Male was super cute. I love its big ears. It's not the same when it starts evolving.
GEN 2 I feel like none of this should be surprising, and I'm sleepy, so moving on.
GEN 3 Gen 3 has excellent Pokemon, I love them. Illumise is a bit of an odd pick, but I had a really fun AlphaSapphire run one time that ran Illumise and it did pretty well, endearing it to me. Otherwise...yeah, actually, Mega Mawile is preferred over Gardevoir at this time. I miss it so bad...
GEN 4 Despite my love of Gen 4, I feel like a large draw is its legends. A lot of these feel like filling in a box. That said, Mesprit. There are so many good legends, but I'm tired of pretending Mesprit isn't my favorite.
GEN 5 Lilligant Sweep. Honestly, looking back at how much I love so many Gen 5 designs, it's nuts to think that people hated on it. Also we're back to having pre-evos as favorites. Frillish is better than Jellicent, with the pink one being my favorite, while I also just like Dewott better than Samurott, and think it's the best starter form of the generation.
GEN 6 Okay, so at this point, I should mention: I decided to put something different in each box, to avoid just spamming certain favorites. That was ill advised when you get to gens 6-8, given how few new additions there really were. So much of this feels like picking something. That said, special shoutouts to Gourgeist, who is legitimately one of my favorites ever, but cannot compete with Lilligant.
GEN 7 UB Sweep. Also, I love Pikipek. I love Trumbeak. I don't really love Toucannon. I loved woodpeckers, and was really excited by having one, but then it evolves and it's like sure, this makes sense. Morelull was the worse outcome, but the short is Gen 7 really did not endear itself to me with the evolution decisions. It did, however, endear itself via Moon Bat and the Ultra Beasts. Nihilego being the easy favorite. Like, come on.
GEN 8 Man, thank god for Legends Arceus, am I right? If it's from legends, safe to assume it's actually my favorite. If it's from Galar, it's like a 50/50 I was just filling a spot. That said, I am here to pick fights right now. Thievul is cute, y'all are just mean, and I fucking love Indeedee. Great shit.
GEN 9 I happen to like Paldea quite a lot. That said, wow do Ice and Bug not have much going on. Ice is especially painful, but I actually do like Frigibax. I saw it first in the evolution line and was like oh hey, that's a pretty cool dragon thing, and it's Ice type that's crazy! And then I saw its pre-evo form and was like oh, that's not so good. And then I saw its final form and was like "well that's not too bad" until I saw it move. It's not great. But the rest I legitimately love. Arboliva, Ceruledge, Espathra, Glimmora, Bellibolt, and yes all of the Meowscarada line. They're really good.
MISCELLANEOUS Not a ton to mention in the special section, but I'll comment on a bit. Spearow line is great, they're just vilified because of the anime. But if you think about it, Pidgey spams Sand Attack and is a little punk-ass bitch with Whirlwind when it evolves, while Spearow is an honorable warrior. Chingling is probably my favorite baby? I briefly debated Smoochum solely for being not-Jynx, before decided I didn't really like that one either. Flareon is my favorite Eeveelution but couldn't win over Vulpix, so it just...never got to appear. I'm sorry, I just love the Vulpix line so much.
OVERALL I assume none of these final decisions are surprising, so instead, here's the official ranking of each within the favorites (just the 18 types):
Lilligant - Absolute favorite, I adore Lilligant.
Nihilego - Very, very close second, I love this space jellyfish that deletes your personality.
Gardevoir - I can't help myself, I just love Gardevoir. It's such a good design.
Mawile - While Mega Mawile won out over Gardevoir overall, I think that's as much sadness over losing it as actually preferring it. They're pretty evenly matched, but without the mega, I think Gardevoir pulls ahead.
Mesprit - Emotion gremlin, I love you Mesprit, it's so cute and I am instantly drawn to emotion things.
Kingdra - I actually really love Kingdra. I think it's the Johto thing, and the strong association with Clair, who is a favorite. It's also just a cool dragon, like look at that thing.
Glaceon - Eeveelutions suck so bad, and I'm so mad about it, but I love you Glaceon, you and Flareon are hot garbage but you're my favorites.
Iron Valiant - Iron Valiant is so goddamn cool, what a good Paradox Pokemon. I just...wish I had more time with it, you know? Maybe over time it'll climb up, but I think it's just too...locked to one of the very last things you can do to attach.
Mismagius - Super cool ghost witch. Love this thing.
Milotic - It's very pretty, and it's one of the few Water types I stronly respect. I'm sorry, I don't love Water types.
Indeedee - Look, Indeedee's my girl. It's such a cute little design, I love that it got Psychic Terrain on entry, I'm dying for Pokemon Masters to give Caitlin or Darach one of these things. It's so good.
Braixen - Fennekin is the best starter ever designed, and Braixen is therefore the best by virtue of being the best iteration within that evolutionary line. REALLY wish it were Psychic type.
Krookodile - It's just a really cool thing. I wind up using Krookodile like every time I play Gen 5, it's just such a cool thing.
Diancie - You should be higher, but Pokemon is terrible with how mythic Pokemon are distributed so I just don't have enough direct engagement with it.
Vespiquen - This is the coolest bug. And it's also one of the shittiest. Life's not fair, is it?
Meowscarada - I actually do really like Meowscarada. I think it's a cool concept, and for a humanoid creature like we feared, it actually didn't turn out as bad as I expected.
Ampharos - Electric is one of my least favorites types, but Ampharos line is just so cute. Look at this thing. That is a friend.
Noctowl - I just think it's the coolest regional bird, and deserves more respect.
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cherubinym · 2 years
im curious abt how you interpret eden and the creation sisters, considering we hardly know of those four at all! (by the way i really loved your contributions towards spacea and tiempas redesigns, that art looks really nice :D). what are their personalities like?
First of all thank u qvq
I really like designing,,, and for fun facts the original concept designs were actually just redraws of fanart I did for them like a couple years back. At first anyway jhbsjbhsbjhsj
Eden first, since they're rather simple.
In the Timebreak rp scene? There's a severe Lack of Kieran and Clear (we've had players of them before but they've disappeared or gone inactive/haven't been involved in the main au.)
How it goes is; they've managed to 'recreate' well- at least an Eden lookalike. Data and such wise, this Eden basically has to start from scratch with collection, save for whatever was still in the system. "Memories" for them are limited. Save for a friend's OC whom is also a MysFigure.
They're very friendly, in an unnerving way. They have such a peppy and happy attitude to the point where some can say it feels unnatural. Pokemon especially with good intiuition; (ex. Delpha), can see through this facade.
Until they can 'recreate' their partners, they're basically forced to solo-handle a lot of the MF main story stuff. Very charismatic, very good at manipulation.
Their disguise is as a Professor at Axis High, in which they use their position to monitor the students and alumni that are league leaders + have secure access to the Axis High Labs and Platinum component.
... The Puppet Master thing in this AU seems very complicated and probably would have its own post if anything jbhsjbhsbhjsbj.
They prefer to get literally any work or situation done with any means But fighting. The more compliant the person they need is, the easier it is. The less risk taken, the better.
(Sylveon, Lucario-Mega, Leavanny*, Blacephalon, Crobat, Silvally-???)
Now the Creation Sisters--- WELL. A lot of their (Spacea and Tiempa's) stuff is referenced from canon events, of course. But I also took a bite out of the Wispy Ruins Chest Quest + Lost Castle Lore and used THAT in a bunch of stuff.
Griselda is still a worm, just as in canon. That much is fair lol. Unlike her sisters, she can't really turn "human" again yet, but I do have a human design for her (based off her ingame sprites.)
The key difference here is that she is still PRESENT with Geara past Valor-- in her own way anyways. She's still doing whatever the fuck she wants. But this makes things... hm. Fun I suppose. She purposely interferes with stuff Spacea and Tiempa try to do-- mostly out of spite. She does a lot of things out of Spite, actually. Like adopting a new family because her old ones poisoned her. Normal Thursday, you know.
Speaking of that, she has her own Pokemon team... even though she's one herself. Her Mega is a Gengar, which is the evolved form of the Gastly from the Wispy Ruins Chest Quest, whom is her daughter who was turned into a Pokemon as punishment.
( GMega Gengar, Mimikyu, [GIRATINA], Beheeyem-Crest, Dusknoir-Crest, Spiritomb-Crest, Dragapult (LAUNCH THE CHILDREN.))
So yeah. She's still very snappy, even towards those she "seems" more compassionate about. On the Geara part, you're best bet is asking Geara's mun for that side of the story <3
... Now considering this place is called TIMEbreak, Tiempa has her hands full with Many things. The Stormchasers are certainly still a thing, and oh boy is shit going to go down later. We're still in like, late Chapter 9, or early Chapter 10 time wise I think. Their time will come soon.
Yeah, Spacea still exists too. Same vein of stuff. Those two pretty much have the same personalities as ingame, except now they're more pissed off with how much stuff has been going off the rails.
Tiempa is the quiet mean one. Spacea is the loud mean one. What more can I say without spoiling PLANS
(Chat they still don't know Jenner is alive again-)
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a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
One thing that really annoyed me about the anime was the fact Charizard kept getting new gimmicks like not one but TWO megas in gen 6, a ride taxi in gen 7 and a gmax in gen 8...and yet they never used Ash's Charizard specifically to demonstrate them. like why keep introducing so many random characters with Charizards of their own as opposed the one Charizard who everyone is most attached to thanks to his compelling backstory and character development?
Because sometimes it ain't about Ash's Charizard lol. Charizard has already done a lot for Ash in the anime if I remember correctly, way before these gimmicks were introduced. While Ash having mega evolution in the gen 6 anime would have been dope, but the fact of the matter is that it wasn't about Charizard. It was about Greninja and his bond with Ash. Simple as that. And yes Greninja doesn't exactly mega evolve, but Ash Greninja is a mega evolution equivalent, essentially. And thus, the anime ends up focusing on that and the struggles with that.
In my eyes, Ash not using all the Charizard gimmicks was ultimately to make room for his newer pokemon and giving them time to shine. If Ash's Charizard kept coming back for every single gimmick that it was clearly not meant to be showcased with, it'll get real tiring. Real fast. It would make the writers seem like they're just trying to build up height with Ash's Charizard over and over and over again, when the poor thing already did its thing. It is essentially in retirement until Ash needs it again. And by that point, Ash would have gotten his own arsenal of pokemon to use.
The big caveat to all of this is something you mentioned anon: There's just. So. Many. God. Damn. Charizard trainers. So many. As someone who used to hate Charizard ( I don't anymore lol) That shit is annoying. Especially when they're ultimately just there to show a gimmick. Alian? Okay sure, he's our gateway into mega evolution, so I guess it's fine. Charizard X is probably the most popular mega ( design wise) so sure, make a character around that. Kiawe? Very odd choice. He never had one in the games, but okay???? Someone in the main group had to show the Charizard Ride pokemon. I guess. Leon? I'm actually not upset by this since I like game! Leon and just wish the Galar stuff in the anime was just well written ( and the entirety of journeys tbh), but at this point, I can 100% understand it feeling like Charizard is getting too much and too many random trainers are getting it. Also Friede has a Charizard and I don't know why. I mean I guess it's big enough for him to fly on. Like I'm not against it,but damn. Anyway, Ash isn't in that anime so let's move on. It's 100% understandable that one would feel like it would be just better if Ash's Charizard had these things, but again the problem ( at least in my eyes, DO NOT take this as fact) is that Ash has other pokemon to explore gimmicks with. Greninja with it's weird mega but not mega form, then later Lucario as an actual mega. Ash's Pikachu was honestly the biggest highlight of him using Z-moves, but so was using his other pokemon with Z-moves if I remember correctly. And Gengar being the main dynamax pokemon was so cool to see too. So yeah, they ( the writers I guess) didn't need to bring in Charizard when they had other pokemon to fill that role. Again, it ain't about Ash's Charizard. But again, the price to pay is Charizard trainers popping up. Way more than one would like.
Of course, this is all just my opinion! And I hope I didn't come off as invalidating your frustrations anon( and sorry if I did!) I'll be honest, I'm actually not. Super into the anime as I was a kid. I keep up with like. Blog posts and stuff. What I'm saying is that you can always take my stuff with a grain of salt. Or ignore it completely lol. But as always, thanks for the ask!
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doubleddenden · 3 years
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Well I said I was going to have to figure out how to work out the team shot and trainer card, but it turns out I didn't need to do much, so it all went about as planned.
All of these Fakemon are not made by me, and in this case are made by Watertrainer from DA. I did do another lazy splice and rearrange of my own trainer sprite though. I wanted to sort of give myself a similar vibe to the protagonist design, and I think I'm okay with the design, although I am a bit too lazy to resize my head lol.
Anyway, my team from Solar Light and Lunar Dark.
more under the cut
I actually played a demo a few years back that went about to Rassic City, but got stuck due to a bug that stopped me around gym 4 or 5. The game's creators are (or were at the least) pretty cool, with one even offering to fix my bug for me (and he probably did, I just didn't know how to implement the fix). I said it in my review, but I really like the fakemon concepts and designs, and there was so many that I wish I had room for about 4 more Pokemon. Apparently a lot of the designs were conceptualized pre gen 4, and that's just fantastic.
I've been trying to do some unique things with my regional cards, but SLLD is actually somewhat unique among the fakemon games I've played because it's pretty unique in that its more traditional without a regional gimmick. So, I improvised a bit with sort of a clipped design and some zig zags at the corners. I also made a new background design by making a grid out of a series of circles, so hopefully that looks good too. Plus, I used pentagons instead of my usual stuff to try and account for the bigger sprites, and I had space between them, so I did a little sun and moon mural for the Solar and Lunar title thing
As for how Poke Den got to Rikoto, well, how does he get anywhere other than by accident? I feel like he probably went for a boat ride in Tandor or something, took a nap, and found himself in Poke New Zealand Rikoto. The stakes weren't really as high as other regions, so I imagine he just kinda went "fuck it" and decided to explore and take in the beautiful scenery. And as usual, for some reason he pisses off just the right people and ends up babysitting some kids that keep claiming they're his rivals.
Gonna be real, I liked the fact that I stumbled across the New Zealand map in the game because I wasn't able to tell before, but now its super obvious. Rikoto is a beautiful region and probably my favorite in terms of diversity in the recent fan games I've played, not to mention I would KILL to live in the tropical areas.
this is my team
1. (Mega) Salaslam: Water/Poison: Our starter for the region, and funnily enough, just like my first Pokemon ever, a Typhlosion in Silver, I didn't realize she was a girl until like, 7 gyms in. She's strong boi, and I relied on her a bunch especially in late game after I acquired her mega. I think I like water types in theory the best, so I imagine it was a very obvious pick for me, especially when its baby form is so adorable. Probably went from the rambunctious baby to friendly but dangerous monster as it evolved.
2. Aeroma: Flying/Grass: One of the earliest caught Pokemon on the team, and I almost replaced him, but he's honestly very useful and comes in clutch when I need him to the most. I imagine ours sings a lot since it learned Sing and Grass Whistle at some point in our journey
3. Lunape: Psychic: A traded monke boy that I loved so much as a Moonky. I just loved saying his name. Moonky. It awoke something primal in me. Its funny because I accidentally over trained him at first, so he initially wouldn't listen to me until until like gym 3. I imagine we're good friends now. He's actually pretty good for capturing Pokemon, not so much for battles, but he comes in clutch sometimes. In fact, he pretty much carried my team in the champion battle.
4. Werehide (Shiny): My favorite of the bunch I believe. Apparently there's a bug that makes it easier to find Shinies in this game, which I believe since I found 2 of them, but this one was my first and I decided to keep her. She spent the longest time as her previous form, Beopup, until like level 53 so she could learn Play Rough. I imagine she was my shoulder buddy for the longest time because of that, and despite being theoretically the "weaker" of the team, she kept up just fine as Beopup. After evolving, she became SO much stronger, I actually solo'd the ice gym with her, I think. The only issue is that Werehide's ability is Hustle, which makes her hit like a fuckin truck, but she's about as accurate as a broken clock. I do imagine she's like my dog and is a good doggo that likes pets, but goes feral in a fight.
5. Dinopion: Fighting/Dragon. I almost replaced him too, but there was really no reason. As a Dinomite, he was kinda weak and kept getting KO'd a lot, but once he evolved he started kicking ass and didn't ever stop. His Moxie ability, monstrous attack, and diverse move pool make him such a MONSTER to deal with for my enemies, but he is kinda frail. But if he outspeeds you and knocks out one of your guys, you've basically already lost the battle. My Dinopion was basically able to Solo Rick's Elite 4 team. I gotta imagine he's a rough and rowdy but good dino boy with a hankering for power and glory. I think my guy likes him a lot now because he's a DINOSAUR, and we like dinosaurs in this house.
6. Natoron: Ground. I LOVE DINOSAURS. And this guy is a heckin' dinosaur!!! He had a tough time at the beginning, but once he evolved once, he started kicking ass. There was an awkward time towards the last few gyms where after he evolved again, he started losing a lot more, but he's been very reliable as a wall and tank. By the end, he had both Earthquake, Head Smash, and Stone Edge, so he could dish out a SHIT ton of damage. I gotta imagine he's a bit slower, usually tries to eat grass when he sees it, and he's a gentle giant that my Poke self adores because he's a DINOSAUR
Anyway this was fun to make. I'm gonna be looking for more fakemon games to play through because I just love em, and I love making little trainer cards for my playthroughs.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Have you reviewed the snorunt line? Froslass is my face
I already reviewed Froslass over here, but as for the rest of the line:
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Snorunt's probably one of my favorite ice-types. It's cute, it's unique, it has a great design, and it even has a great shiny (that I was lucky enough to catch in PLA).
The inspiration behind this one might be a bit obtuse to American audiences, but it's based off a yukinko (a yokai that appears during snow and wears a yuki mino, which is a conical snow coat). It also has a few elements of a zashiki-warashi mixed in there with the whole "bringing fortunes to homes" thing:
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Visually, its one of our only triangular Pokemon, and this alone makes it pretty distinctive. The blue eyes pop nicely and help to indicate its ice typing, and the black body draws attention to the middle of the design where the face is. Said black also contrasts nicely with the yellow and orange accents of the straw coat. The back, meanwhile, has a few diamonds on it that reflect the triangular shape. It's simple, it's unique, the theme is clear, and the colors are great. A winner in my book.
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I hear a lot of people say that Glalie doesn't look anything like Snorunt, but I actually see a lot of similarities, They're both shapes, just with Glalie being a circle instead of a triangle. They both have blue eyes and the same style of mouth. Their bodies are both black (Glalie's 'dex stating its body is made of rock covered in ice), and both have inlaid faces. Obviously the shape and color scheme are drastically different, but it's not like they have nothing in common.
Visually, Glalie isn't bad, though I don't like it quite as much as Snorunt. Instead of a yukinko it's now more oni-esq, sporting horns and looking more like a floating snowball or hailstone. It's honestly kind of low-key terrifying, not helped by the 'dex casually mentioning how it freezes prey solid and then eats the frozen corpse. Lovely.
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Visually, the blue eyes pop and the white contrasts nicely with the black accents. However, I do find myself missing Snorunt's lovely colors; I could easily see the eyes here being white and the body blue instead, which would still look icy while keeping some color in there. I'm also not as big on the holes in the body; there's a few too many of them and it clutters the design a bit compared to Snorunt just having one hole in the front. I think I prefer Froslass to it overall even if it doesn't match Snorunt as much as an evo, but Glalie is fine for what it is.
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Finally, we have Mega Glalie. Right off the bat, it fixes the color issue I had by showing ice peaking through the horns on the head, of which it now possesses three (with the new one coming out of the hole regular Glalie has above its eyes, which is nice continuity). It also adds red pupils and cuts down on the amount of holes; all welcome changes.
Probably the most notable thing about it is that its jaw is completely broken and just hangs open all the time, casually spilling out freezing cold air. The 'dex makes this sound more like an annoyance than a major problem for it, but it still takes Glalie's creepiness and cranks it up to ten.
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However, the jaw is where it starts to loose me a bit. The bottom teeth look 2-dimensional and out of place, and having the entire jaw be so spiky makes the design look more cluttered than it really is. I also don't love the entire jaw being black; it overtakes the face area a bit too much (I guess it's supposed to look like an oni beard? maybe??). It also adds two white... things, which don't add anything to the design.
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I like the overall direction of this thing and the upper half looks pretty dang good, but the bottom half doesn't hit as well. If they dropped the bottom teeth (maybe give it a pattern that makes it interlock with the above jaw to emphasize the broken idea), smoothed out the jaw and made it more white, and made those two pointy things at the bottom black "reflections" of the horns up top, that might've worked. As is, it's an interesting take, but a relatively poor execution, and is probably the weakest design out of the four.
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Overall, I really enjoy Snorunt and think it's a pretty perfect design. Glalie is a fun monster but doesn't have quite as solid of a design, and the mega's a bit too incoherent to really improve upon the original. As a whole, while the line could stand to be more coherent, I like these weird as hell snow creatures and wish them the best of luck in their people-eating ways.
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