#Andrés Escobar
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A Soccer Star Scored On His Own Goal And Was Murdered
Colombia's game against the United States during the 1994 World Cup was important. Even though Colombia had an impeccable 26-1 winning season, the team's playoff performance had landed them in a position to possibly be eliminated.
Known as the "gentleman of the field" for his calm demeanor and clean playing style during matches, Colombia's Andrés Escobar set out for the critical game ready to play his typical defender position. During the 34th minute of the first half of the game, Escobar deflected US player John Harkes's attempt at a left-wing cross in the box - accidentally kicking the ball straight into Colombia's own goal. The United States went on to win the match 2-1 with the help of Escobar's mistake, and Colombia was soon eliminated from the tournament.
Despite warnings that Colombian fans were still angry about his mishap on the field, Escobar was intent on returning to Colombia. In an eerie statement, he said:
Life doesn’t end here. We have to go on. Life cannot end here. No matter how difficult, we must stand back up. We only have two options: either allow anger to paralyze us and the violence continues, or we overcome and try our best to help others. It’s our choice. Let us please maintain respect. My warmest regards to everyone. It’s been a most amazing and rare experience. We’ll see each other again soon because life does not end here.
In a devastating turn of events, his life ended shortly after he returned home. After spending a night out drinking with friends, Escobar was shot six times in the head by a powerful drug cartel's bodyguard, Humberto Castro Muñoz.
After confessing to the crime, Muñoz was sentenced to 43 years in prison, but released after 11 years for good behavior. Although people have speculated that gangsters who bet on the soccer game arranged the slaying, it's still not clear whether Escobar was murdered for losing the game, or if he just got in a fight.
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 11 months
Un gol jugó en contra de su vida. Esta es la historia del futbolista colombiano Andrés Escobar, cuya vida ha sido llevada a las pantallas, a través de Netflix, en la serie “Goles en contra”, la cual es una de las más vistas en la plataforma de streaming.
Andrés Escobar Saldarriaga era un jugador de la selección colombiana de fútbol que viajó a Estados Unidos para participar en la Copa del Mundo 1994, pero su futuro brillante defendiendo los colores de su país se terminó al ser asesinado varios días después de cometer un autogol.
Fue un 2 de julio de 1994 cuando el mundo entero quedó sorprendido al confirmarse la muerte de Andrés Escobar.
La vida del deportista se apagó a sus 27 años, justo cuando algunos clubes deportivos de Italia ya pensaban en su contratación.
Inspirado en su hermano mayor, quien jugaba en el Atlético Nacional, Andrés Escobar también se inclinó por deporte rey. Con el paso del tiempo, el Nacional fue el primer equipo en ver que Andrés tenía un gran futuro en el fútbol profesional y lo llevó a sus filas.
En 1988 ya formaba parte de la Selección de Fútbol de Colombia. Con los colores de su país también viajó a Estados Unidos a disputar el mundial de 1994, pero esa sería su última participación en una Copa del Mundo.
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Luego de perder ante Estados Unidos, Colombia triunfó ante Suiza, pero sus posibilidades de llegar a la siguiente fase eran pocas. Tras ello, Andrés Escobar, quien cometió un autogol dándole mayores oportunidades al equipo norteamericano, le indicó a su padre que quería “dar la cara” por su error.
fue su amigo Juan Jairo Galeano quien lo visitó y lo invitó a salir a una discoteca al verlo muy triste durante varios días en su vivienda. Fue así como Andrés junto a su pareja, su amigo y otra joven llegaron a la discoteca llamada “El Indio” ubicada en Medellín (Colombia).
Sentados en una mesa empezaron a oír, según relata el citado medio, gritos como “Autogol, Andrés, autogol”. Esto no le gustó al futbolista y solicitó respeto a la mesa donde estaban Pedro Gallón y Santiago Gallón. El incómodo momento se volvería a repetir en el estacionamiento donde los hermanos Gallón nuevamente lo insultaron.
Andrés Escobar siempre trató de poner fin a ese momento pidiendo respeto pero Santiago le refería una y otra vez “Usted no sabe con quién se está metiendo” y fue en ese momento cuando Humberto Muñoz, chofer de los hermanos Gallón, apuntó su arma y disparó contra el futbolista.
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sociedadnoticias · 5 months
Respaldo unánime a favor de Carlos Soto Escobar para llegar al Congreso capitalino
Respaldo unánime a favor de Carlos Soto Escobar para llegar al Congreso capitalino #SociedadNoticias #GAM #SotoEscobar @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX @ClaraBrugadaM @Claudiashein @PartidoMorenaMx @Sebas_RM @MorenaCiudadMex @craviotocesar
Diversos grupos políticos y sociales respaldaron a Carlos Soto Escobar para que sea el candidato hacía el Congreso de la Ciudad de México por Morena. Por Paola Ramírez | Reportera                                               En un acto de unidad, habitantes de la alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero, representantes sociales y simpatizantes de diversos grupos políticos y sociales expresaron su respaldo…
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elcorreografico · 1 year
Rodríguez Larreta y Santilli con más de 30 referentes en Esteban Echeverría
Rodríguez Larreta y Santilli con más de 30 referentes en Esteban Echeverría
“Para mi es un orgullo trabajar en equipo con los próximos intendentes del conurbano bonaerense y el futuro gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires”, expresó Rodróguez Larreta. El precandidato presidencial de Juntos por el Cambio (JxC), Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, y el diputado nacional, Diego Santilli, encabezaron este miércoles el segundo encuentro con más de 30 referentes “Prepararse para…
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encontrasteveracruz · 2 years
Zenyazen reitera que ningún joven se quedará sin acceso a la educación superior
Zenyazen reitera que ningún joven se quedará sin acceso a la educación superior
#EnContrasteVeracruz #Sev #ZenyazenEscobarGarcía @encontrastever • En Veracruz hay 25 Institutos Tecnológicos con capacidad para recibir estudiantes.San Andrés Tuxtla, Ver.- Los 25 Institutos Tecnológicos con los que cuenta el estado de Veracruz tienen la capacidad de atender y recibir a todos los jóvenes que deseen continuar con su educación superior, aseguró el secretario de Educación en…
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Jorge Andrés Escobar Araneda comparte consejos de salud para una vida sana. Puedes empezar a llevar una vida más saludable adoptando algunos Consejos de Salud para una vida sana. Es mejor empezar con ...
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 7 months
Signers include:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan,Betty McCollum, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, James McGovern, Mary Gay Scanlon, Raúl Grijalva, Pramila Jayapal, Joaquin Castro, Delia Ramirez, Henry Johnson, Greg Casar, Jesús “Chuy” Garcia, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Nydia Velázquez, Ayanna Pressley, Jonathan Jackson, Barbara Lee, André Carson, Jamaal Bowman, Summer Lee, Veronica Escobar, and Ilhan Omar.
If any of these are your Congresspeople, call to thank them!
If your Congressperson isn't listed here, call to say you want them to support a ceasefire.
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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lunitawrites · 5 months
Crossing Lines - a Javier Peña one shot
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pairing: javier peña x f!reader rating: explicit word count: 3.9k summary: You spend your Christmas Eve interrogated by Javier Peña. TWs: power imbalance (Javi interrogates you), unprotected PiV, oral (f and m receiving), light smacking (tits, ass), pet names, cum play, cum eating, spitting, hair pulling, alcohol, cigarettes, some Spanish (see translations at the end), surprise cameo, no physical description of reader, no use of y/n a/n: This is dedicated to the lovely @milla-frenchy, hope you will enjoy, I certainly enjoyed writing it! Thank you for providing the best prompt! Thank you for the edit and beta-read: @jupiter-soups, you are an angel! masterlist
It’s Christmas fucking Eve and you are staring at the wall at the Medellín police station. Three hours dragged by as you were confined to a dim corridor with only the sounds of the faint hum of flickering fluorescent lights. You were brought in for an interrogation, but apparently no one actually had the time to talk to you, so you are left waiting in a creepy corridor for hours. You would leave if it wasn't for the young police officer left to watch every move of yours.
“So, where are they?” you break the silence.
“Who?” he asks with a thick accent.
“The actual adults?” you scoff “The ones I'm supposed to talk to,” you add after seeing his confusion.
"They are on the field; they should be back any minute," he replies, his eyes briefly darting towards the door at the end of the hallway.
“Gracias. Señor…” you pause, looking at him questioningly.
“Mi nombre es Trujillo” he introduces himself.
“En-fucking-cantada”  you say and bump your head at the wall behind you. The door creaks open and two men walk in; both of them dressed in military green shirts with tactical vests over them, hair damp with the humid Colombian night.
“Everything okay here?” the brown haired man asks Trujillo, jerking his head at you.
“We’re having the time of our lives,” you interject before he can answer.
“My name is Javier Peña and this is Steve Murphy,” he gestures to the taller, blond man “We will be with you in a minute.” he adds and starts to walk towards the stairs. “I bet you had a fun night, Tujillo” he calls back before he disappears.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting. Trujillo, take her to Room 4” Murphy says and follows his partner upstairs.
Room 4 is a special room for interrogation with a two-way mirror on one wall, a worn out table and three chairs around it. You are sitting at the table with two empty chairs in front of you, waiting for the agents to arrive, again.
You don’t really need to think why they brought you in, you are pretty fucking sure it’s about your brother. Little do they know that you have not seen him in months, let alone talked to him since he got caught up with the cartel.
The door opens and Peña walks in with a fresh black shirt and jeans on, folders held tightly under his arms. He is handsome. Dark brown eyes, a strong jawline, a prominent nose, and a thick moustache above his plump lips that are curling up into a half smile as he greets you.
He sits on one of the chairs in front of you, lighting a cigarette and offering you one from a weathered package. You shake your head and instead raise your eyebrows questioningly.
“So, let's get started. Unless you wanted to celebrate Christmas with me,” you say.
“English or Spanish?” he asks, tired eyes searching your face.
“Los dos son buenos,” you say and lean back in your chair.
“Let's keep it in English then, so Murphy can understand too,” he says and you murmur a que mono under your breath which makes him chuckle softly.
“How come you speak such good English?” he asks.
“I grew up in the States with my dad, moved back here to live with my mom when he passed away,” you explain.
“To your mom and Andrés?” he asks, pulling out a picture of your brother from one of his folders. It's a shot of him from afar, talking to a guy known as ‘La Quica,’ one of Escobar's sicarios.
“Yes. He’s my brother. Half brother,” you confirm, staring at the picture blankly.
"The question is simple, hermosa. Where is he?" he asks, looking at you from beneath his brows, pointing at the picture. You don't miss how he tries to mask his own surprise, hearing the endearment slip out from his mouth. 
“Well, the answer is just as simple,” you lean in over the table. “I don’t fucking know,” you say, emphasizing each word.
You can see his frustration as he squeezes his lips together, brows furrowing in a deep scowl. He stamps out his cigarette and blows the last of the smoke out from his lungs.
“You don't understand,” he says, voice deep and raspy. “Where we find Andres, we find La Quica, and where we find La Quica, we find Escobar. Comprendes?”
“Well, I don't think I need a visual to understand that,” you say, “but, again, I can't tell you where he is, because I don't know where he is,” you repeat yourself.
“Fine. I have time” he says, standing up. He walks out of the room just to come back with a bottle of whiskey in one hand and two glasses in his other, shutting the door with a nudge from his foot on the way back. He pours the whiskey into the glasses and places one before you, holding the other glass in his hand.
“What is this?” you ask, looking at the amber liquid.
“Well, if you are going to keep me here all night on Christmas, at least let me have a drink,” he says and holds out his glass towards yours.
“Very professional” you murmur, but clink your glass against his and down the drink in one go. He does the same and rises to refill both of your glasses.
“Do you ever just shut up?” he asks as he takes his seat.
“Only if someone makes me,” you murmur, feeling yourself throb between your legs at your own implication. He raises a single brow at that, but doesn't say anything. You suddenly feel your throat dry, and you quickly down your second drink as well. “I’m sorry that you don't have anyone to spend Christmas with, but it's not nice to kidnap someone just to entertain you.” 
“Entertain me?” he scoffs. “I can think of better ways to spend my Christmas, trust me.”
“If you would just let me go…,” you start, only to get immediately cut off.
“No. Not until you tell me where he is.”
“Okay. Then we’ll just stare at each other the whole fucking night,” you say while propping your legs up onto the table. You feel your skirt roll up your thighs, revealing more of your skin. “I’ll make myself comfortable.”
“I wouldn’t mind staring at that the whole night, cariño,” he says, eyes roaming over your legs, as he touches his bottom lip with his thumb.
This is wrong, so wrong, but he makes your clit twitch and you can feel your arousal beginning to pool out of you, wetting the lace of your underwear. “Staring, huh?” you press while reaching for his pack of cigarettes, placing one between your lips. You light it and blow out the smoke with a long sigh. “Is that the only thing you want to do, agent?” 
He stands up, his tight jeans hugging his narrow waist and black shirt stretching over his biceps as he walks over to you and takes the cigarette from your lips. He takes a long drag before tossing it to the ground and stomping it out. You can see the shape of his cock through his jeans, his arousal evident. You start salivating just at the look of it, wanting him in your mouth.
“Why don’t you get rid of those, agent Peña,” you say, brushing over the front of his jeans with your hand. “They seem awfully tight,” you tease.
“Careful,” he warns, despite the smirk visible under his moustache. He sweeps his pointer and middle finger over your lips, making them part. You look up at him, and can’t ignore the throbbing between your legs. “That's better,” he mutters. “Let's shut this mouth, then.” He pushes his fingers inside, almost reaching the back of your throat, making you gag a little. You feel the saliva collecting in the corner of your mouth almost spilling over your chin.
“Buena chica,��� he murmurs, his touch continuing gently along your chin, tracing down your throat, and reaching the neckline of your shirt. A faint trail of moisture follows his fingers.
“Let's get rid of this,” he tugs on your shirt and you follow his order, eagerly undoing your buttons and revealing your lacy bra. He reacts with a low grunt and continues to work on your body, caressing your peaked nipples through the fabric of your bra, making you moan softly. 
“That's right, let me hear it,” he says and smacks your left breast lightly. “Open up for me” he taps on your legs, still propped up on the table. You lift your right leg up, holding it behind your knees, while placing your other foot on the table.
“Que linda,” he murmurs and brushes over your slit through your lace underwear. He kneels down placing small kisses on your clit over the fabric and sniffs in your smell, humming at the feeling of it. 
“Mmm, let me taste you,” he breathes, lifting you slightly to rid you of your panties.
He dives in to devour your heat, parting your lips with his tongue and darting it into your hole. He moves further, finding your clit and sucking into it in his mouth.  You sigh at that, feeling more of your arousal pool out of you. He hums into your cunt, leaving you with the feeling that he very much enjoys tasting you.
“Stand up for me, preciosa,” he asks and you happily obey, standing up and letting him unbuckle your bra and pulling your skirt up to your waist. After that he turns you and leans you over the table, pressing your hard nipples into wood, the edge of the table indenting your hips.
“Look at you, fucking beautiful,” you hear him say and smack your ass slightly letting it jiggle under his palm after. “Would you let me fuck you?” He asks, grabbing both sides of your waist, grinding himself to your ass, hard jeans scratching your skin, his length still in the confines of his jeans.
“Yes, please Javier,” you say and hear him grunt at the sound of his name from your lips.
“Call me Javi,” he says, unzipping his jeans, nudging your entrance with his hardness. You try to turn back to take a look at his cock, but he is pushing you down, flat on the table with the palm of his hand slowly reaching your neck to grab it from behind. You want him inside so badly, pushing your hips back eagerly, making his tip slide in your wet cunt.
“So impatient,” he says and you feel him spit down to your entrance and his cock, smearing it on himself. Please Javi, please, please, please, you find yourself reduced to begging, want taking over your body.
He enters you slowly, letting you get used to the stretch that is almost unbearable from the beginning. You let out a long sigh, and he grabs your waist again, while pushing his whole length into you at last.
You know he’s big, even without taking a glance at him. The stretch is something you never felt before. He stays still for a second, letting you adjust to his size. You’re impatient, wanting him to move already, so you push back again with your hips. You feel him easing his weight on you, trapping you against the table so you’re not able to move. 
“Can you be a good girl and stay still for me?” he asks and slowly backs out of you before thrusting back into you with full force. You gasp in unison, and you let him take the lead, slamming his full length in and out of you with a brutal pace. You mewl, filling the room with filthy noises both from your throat and your cunt.
He is hitting something deep inside you that so many have trouble to find, making the pleasure tighten in your stomach as he pushes you closer to the edge.
“Right there,” you say and he slides his palm back up to the back of your neck again. You never have this, you never climax just from penetration. The feeling is so foreign to you, an overwhelming sensation causing your walls to grip him even tighter. You are almost sucking him in and he must feel it too, because he is showering you with praises, telling you how good you’re doing, how he wants you to cum on his cock, how beautiful you look pressed against the table.
And then you feel it, something snapping inside of you, overtaking your whole body, shaking under his strong warm hands. You scream, making you hope that the room is soundproof as you remember that you’re being fucked in an interrogation room by a man you met just an hour ago. 
You feel dizzy, your blood rushing in your veins, making you deaf for a second, muting Javier’s grunts from behind. 
Where? You hear faintly. I’m gonna cum too, where do you want it? You barely hear him through the ringing in your ears.
“Inside,” you answer instinctually, wanting to feel him fill you up, twitching from arousal. “Please, inside” you repeat.
He suddenly lifts you up from the table, holding you incredibly close to him, one hand snaking to your front, grabbing one of your tits. You hear his low grunts as he begins to place open mouthed kisses on your neck, biting gently on your earlobe. You feel him twitch, painting your insides with his warm seed, making you feel full of his load, pumping it deep inside you.
He holds you still for a few seconds, letting your breathing calm down together, while he caresses the front of your neck, down to your sternum and over your breasts, brushing your nipples softly.
“Stay,” he says and removes himself from you, immediately replacing his cock with his finger. “We need to keep this in,” he adds and you hear him searching for something in the pile of clothes. “Let's put these back on hermosa,” he says and you can feel him tapping on your ankles for you to lift them as he puts your panties back on. You finish pulling them up and sit on the edge of the table. You squeeze your legs together trying to keep every drop of his cum inside you. You see him pull his jeans up, while you stay seated on the table, bare chested, having only your underwear on and your skirt crumpled up on your waist.
“Having fun without me?” you hear Murphy enter the room. You panic and start searching for the rest of your clothes, trying to cover yourself.
“Don't stop on my account.” he says, doing a double take at your bare body. You finally find your shirt and try to cover up with it without actually putting it on and sit back on one of the chairs.
“Could you maybe give us a minute?” you ask and look at Javi for help, but he seems to be enjoying the situation, rather than sharing your panic.
Murphy walks up to the table and swipes his fingers over the tabletop. He lifts them so you can see they are coated with your slick arousal and Javi’s cum.
“You should have at least cleaned up your mess,” he says with a smirk. “Or do you want me to do it?” he asks and lifts his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean off your shared arousal.
“What…,” you start, only to be interrupted by Steve.
“I was already jealous watching you from behind the mirror,” he says. “I like it better when Javi shares his toys with me.”
Your eyes flick to the two-way mirror on one side of the room. So he was watching all along. You feel embarrassed, but intrigued at the same time. You’ve never been the type to act so lewdly, but you find yourself enjoying it a lot
“I would have shared if you came in instead of watching us,” Javi adds with a dark chuckle and then turns to you “You would let us do that, cariño, right?”
You feel your blood rush to your face, but you nod silently. You would like that.
“I bet you’d like it if both of us took care of you. I don’t think it's too late, the only thing is, you would need to be cleaned up before. It's not only the table we left messy,” he says and jerks his head towards you.
“Let me see, baby” Steve murmurs and kneels before you, nudging your legs open. You let him open them and he pulls your underwear to the side. He grunts at the sight of your glistening cunt filled with Javi’s cum and messy with your own arousal. “This does need cleaning up. Can I do that for you?” he asks, searching your face. You nod, feeling yourself clench in anticipation, squeezing some of Javi’s cum out of you. He hums and starts licking the cum that's oozing out of you, cleaning up your outer lips first and the sensitive area between your two holes. You moan at the feeling, lifting your legs up, holding them under your knees to give him better access.
“That's our girl,” you hear Javi’s encouragement and feel his hand caressing your hair, your neck, before finally reaching your breasts to pinch one of your peaked nipples. You feel yourself pushing more of the cum out, making Steve swallow it down eagerly. He then parts your lips and starts fucking you with his tongue, drinking up all of the juices that he can reach. He’s not paying any particular attention to your clit, but you already feel close to your climax, the situation itself having you worked up.
“I can't reach everything, I need a little help,” Steve mutters as he inserts two of his fingers, slides them inside easily, curling and moving them in a way to help him reach all the cum that's left inside of you. You moan lewdly to that, feeling white hot ecstasy building up in you with an overwhelming intensity.
“I - I'm gonna cum,” you almost scream, having no control over your reaction to the sensations.
“Come on, cum for us,” Javi encourages, massaging your tits, leaning down to take one of your nipples in his mouth. You feel your walls squeezing Steve’s fingers, your pleasure rising up and breaking through you with unknown force as you feel yourself gush onto Steve’s face, covering him with your warm liquids. 
“Fuck,” you breathe, vision spotty for a moment “I’m so sorry, I - I didn´t know I can do that” you admit.
“Such a bad girl,” you hear Steve laugh. “Making an even bigger mess when I try to clean her up.”
“Come on,” you hear Javi behind you and feel him tapping on your shoulders. ”Let's make it up to him.”
They guide you to the table again, helping you up on it. You lay your back against the cold wood, spreading your legs to Steve, who stands at the end of the table. You see him opening his zipper and taking out his erection. His cock is fully hard, probably longer than Javi’s, but not as girthy as his, having a slight curve towards the end. His tip is red, glistening with precum. You clench at the sight, wanting to have him inside of you as soon as possible.
“Please,” you whisper and turn your head to look at Javi. He is standing near your head, brushing your cheeks with the back of his hand. “You too,” you say and reach for the front of his jeans.
“You want me too, cariño?” he smiles and starts taking his cock out. You turn back to Steve seeing him getting ready at your entrance. 
“Please, fuck me!” you plead and he enters you in one swift motion, knocking the breath out of your lungs. The wet sounds of your cunt filling the room, having him grunt in pleasure. 
“Fuck yes,” you moan, turning your head to Javi to take him in your mouth while Steve continues pounding you with full force. Javi holds himself up at his base, so you part your lips and let him guide himself into you. You feel so full, having both of them moving in and out of you, Steve thrusting into your cunt, while Javi fucks your mouth. You moan around him, feeling tears collecting at your eyes, saliva drooling out of you as he continues to reach the back of your throat, making you gag slightly.
“You’re doing so good for us,” you hear Steve praise you, “laid out on the table, taking us so well.”
“Do you like to be filled by the both of us, hermosa?” you hear Javi join in, brushing your hair out of your face and grabbing the damp hair at the base of your neck, holding your head in place so he has full control over how he uses your mouth.
You try to say yes, but you can’t, so you just hum around him, making him twitch in your mouth at the sensation.
“You’re so sexy, baby,” Steve mutters as his fingers find your clit, making small circles on your sensitive bud. You are close again, but you want the three of you to climax together, so you moan and tap Javi’s thigh asking him to remove himself from your mouth. He understands your sign and slides himself out of you for a second.
“I’m gonna cum, please, do it with me” you say in a raspy voice already opening your mouth for him again. He chuckles and inserts his cock again looking at Steve.
“Are you ready?” he asks Steve, placing his hand against your throat, feeling his cock through the sensitive skin there.
“Man, I’ve been ready to cum since I saw you fuck her,” he answers and pushes himself into you with quick thrusts, still working on your clit. You feel yourself grip him with your pussy, feeling so, so close, your walls tightening around him, sending him over the edge. He is  painting your insides with his warm cum, filling you up to the brim, while Javi’s load is trickling down your throat. You drink him up eagerly.
You feel sheer bliss jolting through you, all of your muscles tense, your body shaking from all the stimulation. You cum while they are pumping you full with their spend, your moans of satisfaction muffled by the cock in between your lips.
You turn your head, looking up at the ceiling while you catch your breath, while both of them caress your body, leaving goosebumps on your over-sensitive skin. You did so good, such a good girl, making both of us feel good, taking us so well;  you hear their praises from afar, while they help you down from the table and hand you your clothes, both of them kissing you on the crown of your head.
You get dressed slowly, having not quite returned to reality, your body tired and your mind fuzzy.
You clear your throat, looking up to meet Javi’s gaze. “You know,” you start “I really don't know where he is.”
He smiles at you, and then leans in to place a soft kiss on your mouth. “I know. I guess I really did need a little entertainment for Christmas,” he says and winks at you.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
translations: Gracias. Señor - Thank you, Mr.. Mi nombre es Trujillo - My name is Trujillo En-fucking-cantada - Encantada means nice to meet you. En - fucking- cantada means that reader is fucking delighted to meet Trujillo Los dos son buenos - Both are good que mono - "mono" can refer to a foreigner (or light-haired person) in Colombian slang, so it basically means "what a foreigner" hermonsa - beautiful (used as an endearment) Comprendes? - Do you understand? Buena chica - Good girl Que linda - How pretty Preciosa - beautiful (used as an endearment) Cariño - sweetheart, darling
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operafantomet · 3 months
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...I am there - inside...!
Robyn North and Ramin Karimloo, West End
Gina Beck and David Shannon, West End
Sofia Escobar and John Owen-Jones, West End
Robyn North and Ramin Karimloo, West End
Emmi Christensson and Peter Jöback, Stockholm
Unidentified, Shanghai
Magdalene Minnaar and Jonathan Roxmouth, Johannesburg
Lana English and André Schwartz (?), Cape Town
Valerie Link and Mathias Edenborn, Hamburg revival
Colby Thomas and Thomas Schulze, Hamburg
Jeon Dong Seok and unidentified, Busan
Kyoko Suzuki and Yuichiro Yamaguchi, Tokyo (?)
Sarah Brightman (?) and Michael Crawford, West End
Kaley Ann Voorhees and Ben Crawford, Broadway
Hanne Damm (?) and Peter Jorde, Copenhagen
Hong Kwang Ho and unidentified, Seoul or Daegu
Ben Crawford, Broadway (by Greg Mills)
(original design by Maria Bjørnson)
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logophile-18 · 6 months
If you live in the USA.
North Carolina - Alma Adams, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nydia Velazquez, Valerie Foushee
New York - Jamaal Bowman
Missouri - Cori Bush, Emanuel Cleaver
Indiana- André Carson
Texas - Greg Casar, Joaquin Castro, Veronica Escobar, Al Green, Lloyd Doggett
Florida - Maxwell Alejandro Frost
Illinois - Jesús "Chuy" Garcia, Johnathon Jackson, Delia Ramirez, Jan Schakowsky, Lauren Underwood, Sen. Richard Dubin
Washington - Pramila Jayapal
California - Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, Mark DeSaulnier, John Garamendi, Robert Garcia, Sara Jacobs, Jared Huffman, Judy Chu, Ro Khanna, Tony Cárdenas
Pennsylvania - Summer Lee, Mary Gay Scanlan
Minnesota - Ilhan Omar, Betty McCollum, Dean Phillips
Massachusetts - Ayanna Pressley, James McGovern, Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Michigan - Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Dingell, Daniel Kildee
New Jersey - Bonnie Watson Coleman, Donald Payne Jr.
Wisconsin - Mark Pocan
Maryland - Kewisi Fume, Jamie Raskin
Virginia - Donald Beyer, Jennifer Weston
Arizona- Raul Grijalva
Georgia- Henry "Hank" Johnson, Nike Williams, Sanford Bishop Jr.
Vermont - Becca Balint, Sen. Peter Welch
New Mexico - Gabe Vasquez
Louisiana - Troy Carter
Mississippi - Bennie Thompson
Alabama - Terri Sewell
Colorado - Diana DeGette
Oregon - Sen. Jeffery Merkley
This is a list of all the senators and represenatives (61 as of December 7th) that have voted against Biden's campaign of giving the Israeli people more weapons to fight innocent Palestinians.
A big old thank you for these sensible people, doing what they can. A ceasefire is the bare minimum.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 1 year
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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soulsmashers · 1 month
i've been gone for so long, that lots of my replies got completely lost in my activity bar, so if we had a thread prior to my hiatus & i don't do your reply, i genuinely can't find it. lots, if not all of my previous threads, will probably be dropped ( i'm so sorry about that tbh )! that being said, now that i'm back, give this a like and i'll go through some of your opens & maybe reach out to plot? i'd love to find some new writing partner's to get back in the groove of things. i'm open to a lot of plots ( minus taboo stuff ).
platonic, romantic, enemies, even criminals on the run, i'm all about it! for romantic plots, i'm open to m/m or m/f but i don't do f/f ( really because i don't play female muses rip ), my muse heavily leans on queer plots though, but if the chemistry is there, it's there! a few of my characters have a criminal/serial killer!verse for the indie horror rp lovers and a regular verse. also please note i don't play underage muses or fcs and don't want to rp with underage muses, fcs or muns! all of my muses are 18+, so are all the fcs i use. here is a list of all the muses i have with linked bios, though i may or may not add more, so this might change. please let me know if you'd be interested! lastly, here is a link to my guidelines, which i'd very much love if you read if you're interested in writing together ♡
♡ alexei rakov ( nicholas galitzine fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ austin chambers ( noah lalonde fc ) - has a regular verse and a serial killer verse, main verse is his serial killer verse ♡ benjamin de la mota ( iñaki godoy fc ) - has a regular verse and a serial seducer/killer verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ casey rutherford ( thomas weatherall fc ) - has a regular verse and a serial killer verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ dustin hartley ( alex fitzalan fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ felix amorim ( andré lamoglia fc ) - has a regular verse and a notorious thief/getaway driver verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ fiore gattuso ( lorenzo zurzolo fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ gabriele "gabry" gabutti ( simone baldasseroni fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ hayden mitchell ( mason gooding fc ) - has a regular verse and a serial killer verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ hunter stakston ( drew starkey fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ lorenzo montaner ( fernando lindez fc ) - has a regular verse and a 'professional' hacker helping notorious criminals with wire fraud and things of the likes verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ mikael "mitch" ivanov ( nicholas galitzine fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ nicolas "nick" veluz ( evan mock fc ) - has a regular verse and a thief and serial killer verse, main verse is his regular verse ♡ santiago "santi" mata ( taylor zakhar perez fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ stellan alto ( herman tømmeraas fc ) - only has a criminal verse, is a notorious drug lord similar to pablo escobar at his 'peak' era ♡ thiago batista ( andré lamoglia fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ valentino "val" lucaferri ( franco masini fc ) - only has a regular verse ♡ wesley "wes" lafleur ( tyler lawrence gray fc ) - only has a regular verse
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jonathan-parra-acero · 7 months
Ya que terminó la huelga de guionistas, regresa la voz que hace eco de montones de cosas que están jodidamente mal, ahora para recordarnos la relación entre, deliciosas barras de chocolate, y, explotación infantil. Pensar que el mercado se autorregula para el bien de todos los participantes, hoy por hoy no parece necesitar pruebas de ser una consideración errada. (Por cierto, en DW, hace un par de días, presentaron un informe bastante interesante acerca de la creciente intervención de los Estados en la economía -recuerdo a Miguel Polo Polo hablando de cómo la solución para un lugar como el Chocó es la entrada absolutamente libre del capitalismo salvaje. Y él es un “representante del pueblo”... igual que ahora Andrés Escobar-.)
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sociedadnoticias · 5 months
Formalizan vecinos de la GAM su respaldo a Carlos Soto Escobar rumbo al Congreso de la Cdmx por Morena
Formalizan vecinos de la GAM su respaldo a Carlos Soto Escobar rumbo al Congreso de la Cdmx por Morena #SociedadNoticias #GAM #SotoEscobar @lopezobrador_ @GobiernoMX @ClaraBrugadaM @Claudiashein @PartidoMorenaMx @Sebas_RM @MorenaCiudadMex @craviotocesar
Entregan misiva a presidentes de Morena -nacional y de la Cdmx- donde plasman la oportunidad única de obtener apoyo de militantes y simpatizantes del PRI, PAN y PRD a favor de Morena. Por Paola Ramírez | Reportera                                               Con la firme intención de postular a Carlos Soto Escobar como candidato de unidad para que ocupe una curul en el Congreso de la Ciudad de…
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Larreta y Santilli lanzaron “Prepararse para gobernar” en la provincia de Buenos Aires
#Política #PBA #CABA #TresdeFebrero | #HoarcioRodriguezLarreta y #DiegoSantilli lanzaron “Prepararse para gobernar” en la provincia de #BuenosAires
El jefe de Gobierno porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, y el diputado nacional, Diego Santilli, lanzaron este lunes “Prepararse para gobernar”, un espacio de intercambio de experiencias de gestión con el objetivo de desarrollar planes de Gobierno a la altura de los desafíos que enfrenta la provincia de Buenos Aires.Este primer encuentro, realizado en el Golf Club de San Martín, tuvo como…
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Cierre Listado de Participantes de los GPS
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La CADA anuncia el listado de participantes de los GPS “Andres Calonge” y “Hugo Mario La Nasa” en Concepción del Uruguay para los días 9 y 11 de junio.   100 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 11.45                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 11.52                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 11.64     +0.7       María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 11.67                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 11.68     +0.1       María Victoria Woodward                             COR 11.71                    Martina Coronato                            URU 12.03                    Gimenez Gustale               Macarena            PAR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                 FAM 12.06                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 12.06     0.6         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 12.08     0.8         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM                                    TOTAL 16 12.17     1.0         Noelia Giselle Vera                           PAR 12.22     0.7         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 12.47     1.1         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 12.60                    Baez Barrios Ruth Andrea               PAR 12.52                    Iara Milagros Aro                             SL   200 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 23.69                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 23.69                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 23.87     -0.5        María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 24.23     -0.5        María Victoria Woodward                             COR 24.44                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 24.46                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 24.55     -0.5        Camila Roffo                                     FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                FAM 24.93     0.0         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM 25.41     1.6         Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR                                      TOTAL 18 25.44     1.0         Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM 25.45     1.0         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 25.46     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 25.47     1.3         Camila Molocznik                            FAM 25.53     -0.7        Iara Milagros Aro                             SL 25.59     1.0         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 25.59     1.1         Paulina Knees                                   FAM 25.66                    Contrera Rivas Araceli                     PAR   400 metros llanos mujeres                           GPN 54.84 a                 Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 55.76                    Camila Roffo                                     FAM 55.81                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR 56.21                    Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                     FAM 57.04                    Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM                                     TOTAL 10 57.24                    Paulina Knees                                   FAM 57.66                    María Emilia Batalla                         FAM 57.92                    Celeste María Molina                      BA 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                             ER   100 metros con vallas mujeres                    GPS 13.70     -0.1        Leticia de Lima Gaspar                    BRA 14.02     1.2         Helen Bernard Stilling                      FAM 14.55     -1.7        Valentina Polanco                            SL 14.81     -1.7        Candela Beláustegui                        FAM 14.87     -2.0        Violeta Antonella Aranda                FAM 15.06     -0.6        Miranda Recalde                              FAM                                     TOTAL 9 15.08     -0.6        Camila Luciana Zita                          FAM 15.69     1.3         Lucía Aylén Zurdo                            BA 15.77     1.7         Malena Bustamante                        BA     100 metros llanos varones                           GPS 10.14                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 10.31                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 10.35                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 10.43     1.8         Franco Florio                                    FAM 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                   FAM 10.52     0.5         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 10.60                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 10.61 a  1.6         Gustavo Alejandro Mongelos         PAR 10.63                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 10.63                    Adrian NIcolari                                 URU 10.69     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM                                     TOTAL 22 10.76                    Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA 10.76                    Matías Agustín Elizaincin                FAM 10.80                    Facundo Santos                                URU 10.82     0.7         Felipe Harte                                      ARG 10.87                    Tobías Pereyra                                  FAM 10.89                    Alejo Pafundi                                    SF 10.90                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU 10.93                    Francisco Santinelli Ildarraz            BA 11.06     1.5         Matías Agustín Castro                     LRI   200 metros llanos varones                           GPS 20.61                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 20.73                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 21.12     1.1         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.16     1.2         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 21.19                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.26                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 21.36     0.1         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                     FAM 21.46                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 21.47     0.1         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA                                     TOTAL 17 21.73     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 21.78     1.5         Francisco Santinelli                          BA 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                   FAM 21.99     1.0         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM 22.09     -0.2        Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 22.17                    Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 22.58                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU   400 metros llanos varones                           GPS 45.53                    Eliean gaspar Larregina                   BA 45.75                    Padrino Villazana Kelvis                  VEN 45.98                    Mendes Da Silva Douglas                BRA 46.91                    Alfredo Emilio Sepúlveda                CHI 47.63                    Rodriguez Osorno Jonathan           COL 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.79                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 48.58                    Matías Gónzalez                              URU 48.65                    Julián Pereyra                                   FAM                                     TOTAL    12 48.86                    Marcos Andrés Villagra                   CHU 49.28                    Mateo Durán                                    FAM 49.49                    Oscar Santiago Castro                     FAM   110 metros con vallas varones                    GPN 14.21     -0.3        Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 14.78     -1.7        Julián Berca                                       MZA 15.04     0.3         Santiago Ezequiel Riveira                SL 15.20     -0.1        Joaquín Olmos                                  FAM                                     TOTAL 8 15.74     -0.3        Guillermo Quintero                         MZA 16.02     2.0         Matías Ledesma                               BA 16.06     0.3         Lorenzo Rossetto                                            COR 16.39     1.5         Germán Rivero Fernández                             BA   400 m con vallas varones                                            GPS 49.62                    Sepulveda Alfredo                            CHI 51.18                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro               SL 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                 FAM                                     TOTAL 6 56.56                    Andrés Mendoza                                            SF 56.77                    Rodrigo Joel Bordón                        FAM 51.50                    Guillermo Ruggeri                            MZA   800 m  Mujeres                                              GPS        2:05.47                Calderon Maza Andrea                    ECU 2:08.19                Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 2:09.06                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 2:09.24 a             Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 2:10.09                Evangelina Luján Thomas                CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 2:12.26                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 2:14.21                Nazarena Firpo                                 URU 2:14.31                María Paz Romero                           CTS 2:14.87                Delfina Olivero                                  FAM                                    TOTAL 17 2:16.62                Victoria Olives                                  SF 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                   BA 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                            ER 2:19.54                Delfina Morena Molina                   BA 2:20.09                Camila González                              FAM 1500 m Mujeres                                             GPS 4.20.16                Micaela Levaggi                                BA 4:20.80                Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 4:25.29                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 4:28.24                Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 4:32.14                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 4:37.48                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 4:38.80                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 4:42.64                Noeli Vicintin    ��                               BA 4:43.01                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA                                        TOTAL 15 4:44.26                Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 4:45.72                Iara Becker                                        FAM 4:47.15                Camila González                               FAM 4:47.29                Brisa Nicole Trecanao                      RN 4:47.60                María Paz Romero                           CTS 4:47.68                Renata Dolhare                                 FAM   3000 m c/obstáculos Mujeres                     GPS 10:13.63                             Carolina Lozano                                SF 10:15.03                             Clara Macarena Baiocchi                 COR 11:23.31                             Shalom Eunice Lescano                   BA 10:39.58                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 11:58.58                             Emilia Gigón                                     SF                                         TOTAL 8 12:16.11                             Juliana Itatí Romero                         CTS 12:18.79                             Greta Victoria Rodríguez                 ER 12:45.22                             Luana Ayelé Britez                           MNS 5000 m Mujeres                                             GPS 15:49.90                             Micaela Levaggi                                BA 15:57.24                             Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 16:06.66                            Carolina Lozano                                SF 16:47.02                             Florencia Lorena Cuello                   MZA 17:08.78                             Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 17:12.32                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 17:12.69                             Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor            SDE 17:30.70                             Nair Gisele Dianes                            BA 17:35.15                             Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 17:53.60                             Catalina García Paul                         FAM 17:59.56                             Renata Dolhare                                 FAM                                     TOTAL 18 18:06.59                             Constanza Garrido                           BA 18:20.78                             Gisela Cristina Díaz                          SDE 18:38.41                             Ainhoa Roldán                                  BA 18:39.77                             Ximena Anahí Simeone                   ER 18:48.05                             Camila Farinelli                                 FAM 18:50.27                             Sofía Ailín Costa                               SL 18.51.05                             Maria Belen Cordoba                       BA 800 m varones                                                GPS 1:45.42                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                     FAM 1:50.41                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 1:50.35                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 1:50.67                Jairo Moreira                                    URU 1:50.70                Rodriguez Osorno Johnatan           COL 1:51.56                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 1:51.69                Leandro Ismael Paris                       SL 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                FAM                                    TOTAL 22 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                       SF 1:53.09                Estanislao Mendivil                         FAM 1:53.09                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 1:53.46                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 1:53.66                Tomás Mirón                                    FAM 1:54.07                Víctor Fabián Colazo                        FAM 1:54.09                Preciado Moreno David                  COL 1:54.82                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 1:54.64                Vicente Gómez                                 FAM 1:55-58                Matias González                              URU 1:55.85                Fabricio da Rosa                               URU 1500 m varones                                                            GPS 3:39.94                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 3:43.00                Matías Antonio Reynaga                 ARG 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte         BA 3:45.78                José Zabala                                        SF 3:46.40                Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 3:48.96                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 3:49.18                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan               FAM 3:52.00                Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE                       TOTAL 19 3:52.00                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 3:54.23                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 3:55.34                Manuel Rojas                                    BA 3:55.90                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                      RN 3:56.56                Lautaro Ocampo                              SF 3:56.66                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 3.57.83                Juan Ignacio Dutari                          COR 3:58.00                Preciado Moreno              David                    COL 3:59.81                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 3000  m c/obstáculos varones                     GPS 8:41.91                Palomino Greta                                PER 8:55.24                Tomás Vega                                      BA 8:55.89                Carlos Augusto Johnson                  SF 8:57.30                Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 8:58.03                Germán Vega                                    BA 8:58.63                Marcos Julián Molina                      SF 9:15.00                Bolivar Latorre Camilo                     COL 9:29.16                Jerónimo Pedro Peralta                   COR                                      TOTAL 12 9:32.03                Jonathan Ezequiel García                BA 9:37.71                Hipólito Pereiro                                FAM 9.49.09                Gabriel Corda                                   BA CT                         Daniel Oscar Penta                           ARG   5000 m varones                                             GPS 13:44.58                             Matías Antonio Reynaga                 SAL 13:47.00                             Marcos Julian Molina                      ER 13:57.82                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:14.49                             José Zabala                                        SF 14:15.97                             Edgar Felipe Neri-Chávez                SDE 14:21.80                             Daniel Toroya                                   BOL 14:28.04                             Ninavia Mamani                               BOL 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                      FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                           TUC 14:31.97                             Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE 14:34.82                             Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 14:37.12                             Tomás Vega                                      BA 14:43.85                             Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                SJ 14:44.71                             Read the full article
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