#Andreas Hölzl
saraw4ters · 9 months
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antonlaub · 1 year
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On the occasion of Gallery Weekend 2023, Sculplobe e.V. together with dittrich & schlechtriem present the group show a/r/rival, curated by Daniel Hölzl at Lobe Block, Berlin. a/r/rival is on view for two days, on Wednesday, April 26, 2–9 PM, with an opening reception from 6 to 9 PM, and on Thursday, April 27, 10 AM–6 PM.
With works by Hannah Blumas, Julian Charrière, Marta Dyachenko, Abie Franklin, Richard Green, Andreas Greiner, Daniel Hölzl, Klaus Jörres, Anton Roland Laub, Simon Mullan, Florian Neufeldt, Monty Richthofen, Marie von Heyl and Jonas Wendelin.
The exhibition a/r/rival questions individual human sensations associated with the concept of arrival. In the context of the exhibition, the concept of arrival is deliberately blurred. At the same time, the title of the exhibition also alludes to a rivalry of things and states.
An arrival always speaks of a new beginning, as well as of leaving something behind. Thus, there is always a rivalry between place A and place B - a rivalry between the feelings and memories associated with the old and the known, and those directed towards the potential of new beginnings. The exhibition looks at those very tensions that fan out in the in-between of states, places, and spheres: from home to sanctuary, from indoors to outdoors, from the depths of the earth to the heights and back to earth. Finally, in a/r/rival we encounter various materials in different forms, contexts and functions - materials appear as messengers of a new beginning and at the same time as witnesses of the past.
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linguistlist-blog · 7 months
TOC: Constructions and Frames Vol. 15, No. 2 (2024)
2023. v, 152 pp. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Issues in Diachronic Construction Morphology Muriel Norde & Graeme Trousdale pp. 145–159 ARTICLES Diachronic changes in constructional networks: Evidence from Manchuric nominal morphology Andreas Hölzl pp. 160–186 The rise and fall of morphological schemas: A diachronic account of entre-prefixation in French Guglielmo Inglese & Anne C. Wolfsgruber pp. 187–210 The development of heterosemous inflection and derivation: Norwegian abundance plu http://dlvr.it/T2nyCs
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totalmotorcycle · 1 year
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KTM announces off-road motorcycle engineer Andreas Hölzl now leader of all KTM AG Rally Teams http://dlvr.it/SwSz7g
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vierschanzentournee · 6 years
Ski Jumping Family Survey 2018/19 - Results
The season is over, and the results are in! The survey got an awesome 66 responses (including one which contained absolutely no responses, apart from Gregor Schlierenzauer being their third-favourite male jumper), which, thanks to my rather badly-designed format, only took me several hours to count up, and several more to check. (I’m okay, I think.)
That being said, I’m sure there’ll be some mistakes in my counting, so this post may be updated with more accurate figures over the next week or so!
So, without any further ado, the most popular male and female ski jumpers are…
Stephan Leyhe and Maren Lundby
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Explanation and further results are under the cut!
The system I used to figure out popularity was as follows: being chosen as someone’s favourite jumper was worth 3 points, as a second favourite jumper was worth 2, and as a third favourite jumper was worth 1. I also added one point to jumpers who were mistakenly mentioned in the ‘not listed’ section. Maren was the most popular of all jumpers, of both genders - she had a total of 77 points, with just over a quarter of all votes for favourite female jumper. Things were a little more spread out among the men, and Stephan scored 43; he was the favourite of 14.1% of respondents. There were significant gaps from both Leyhe and Lundby to their respective second places, who were Andreas Wellinger and Katharina Althaus.
It seems there’s really no separating Lellinger - Andi was the second most popular male ski jumper, scoring 32 points and gaining 7.8% of the vote for favourite male jumper. Meanwhile, Katharina had exactly a quarter of the vote for favourite female jumper - however, her points total was 54, which is 23 less than Maren, who had far more votes for second and third favourite.
The final podium spots went to Daniel-André Tande and Eva Pinkelnig. Daniel actually had the same number of votes for favourite jumper as Andi, and the difference between them was just two votes for second place. Eva, on the other hand, was 22 points behind Katharina, making the gap between first and third place for the ladies 45 points - seems Maren’s ability to win with a huge margin applies off the hill as well!
The full rankings of jumpers who scored at least one point are:
Leyhe (43)
Wellinger (32)
Tande (27)
Peter Prevc (26)
Eisenbichler (24)
Stoch (22)
Schlierenzauer / Fannemel (17)
Ryoyu Kobayashi (14)
Freitag / Boyd-Clowes (12)
Domen Prevc / Ammann (11)
Forfang / Geiger / Aalto (10)
Kraft (9)
Wolny (8)
Zajc (6)
Johansson (5)
Peier / Kasai (4)
Siegel / Kot / Alamommo / Larson / Sato / Vančura / Junshiro Kobayashi / Kubacki / Stjernen / Lindvik (3)
Żyła / Granerud / Stjernen / Hula / Hofer / Schmid / Pedersen / Freund (2)
Bickner / Nousiainen / Baer / Learoyd / Aschenwald / Hayböck / Huber / Tepeš (1)
Lundby (77)
Althaus (54)
Pinkelnig (32)
Takanashi (29)
Križnar (26)
Vogt (25)
Seyfarth (22)
Karpiel / Rajda / Strøm (11)
Iraschko-Stolz (9)
Opseth (7)
Rogelj (5)
Klinec (4)
Haralambie / Reisch / Ito / Hölzl (3)
Lemare / Bogataj (2)
Rupprecht / Freitag / Malsiner (1)
Naturally, there were also many jumpers who didn’t get into anyone’s top three - however, some of them will make appearances in other categories later!
But now, onto the teams.
One team had a clean sweep, winning most popular men’s team, women’s team, and mixed team - Team Germany. They had nearly 50% of the total votes for all three teams, and in all categories were a long way ahead of second place. For men and for women, second place was Team Norway - for the mixed teams, it was Poland. Team Slovenia took third place in men and women, and Norway in the mixed teams. The full results are as follows:
Japan / Austria
Czech Republic / USA / Switzerland
The final categories for this post are favourite jumpers who weren’t listed - the demographics, and predictions for next year, will have their own posts, because this is long enough as it is!
A few of the jumpers mentioned in this section were in fact listed in drop-downs, but I won’t hold it against you guys, the list was ridiculously long (and it only made my life slightly harder). There was quite a spread of answers to this question, and only three responses were repeated: Tom Hilde, Cene Prevc, and Robert Kranjec were all listed twice. The others mentioned were: Virag Vörös, Decker Dean, Cedrik Weigel, Kenneth Gangnes, Andreas Kofler, Thomas Morgenstern, Sven Hannawald, Sarah Hendrickson, and Primož Peterka.
So there we have it - Leyhe and Wellinger the most popular men, Lundby and Althaus the most popular women, and Germany definitely the most popular team!
I’ll write up the results of the predictions and the demographic questions and give them their own separate posts, which should be up… at some point. Thanks so much to everyone who took the survey!
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hoiz-tirol-blog · 6 years
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Blockhaus im „langen Grund“
 Dieses Blockhaus steht im „langen Grund“ in der Kelchsau. Bereits im letzten Jahr kurz nach Weihnachten wurde das Holz von Stefan Hausberger zum richtigen Zeitpunkt geschlagen. Zwischen dem Montageort des Blockhauses und dem Wald wo die Bäume die das Holz lieferten standen, liegen gerade einmal 10 Kilometer. Ökologischer geht’s wohl kaum! Wir haben keinen Leim und keine Spanplatten verbaut und in Summe keinen einzigen Sack Müll produziert. Wiederum haben wir den Beweis erbracht: regional einkaufen, regional arbeiten, die Wertschöpfung komplett im eigenen Ort zu belassen und sämtliche Steuern und Abgaben im Heimatland zu bezahlen. Da brauchen wir kein Irland, keine Bahamas und keine sonstigen Steueroasen. Der Bauer hat einen überdurchschnittlich hohen Preis für sein Holz erhalten, die Wertschöpfungskette bleibt komplett im Inland und der Kunde hat eine Riesengaudi mit seinem Höchstwertigen Gebäude. Das sollen Amazon, Ikea und CO mal nachmachen! Das Fundament haben wir beim regionalen Baumeister Alois Hölzl beauftragt. Sämtliche Sanitärinstallationen beim regionalen Installateur Andreas Gastl.
  #hoiztirol #tischler #zimmerer #holzhandwerker
 Werft doch mal einen Blick auf unsere Website: https://www.hoiz.tirol
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capturingmaya · 5 years
Wednesday 19th  February 2020
Lucy Soutter - Lucy Soutter, Why Art Photography? London and NY: Routledge, 2013, p.113. Rosalind Krauss - Rosalind Krauss, Perpetual Inventory, Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2010, pp.xiii-xiv.
Victor Burgin - “I trained as a painter and I’m very aware that a lot of what happens in painting comes out of a struggle with the medium. It will never quite do what you want or expect. Later, using photography was a struggle. And I always found the dialectic between what you think you want to do and what the medium will let you do is an aspect that keeps things alive.” Victor Burgin in conversation with David Campany, 17 May 2013, Frieze website, at: https://frieze.com/article/other-criteria (accessed 22 February 2018).
Narrative constructive., cinematic, Greggory Crewdson- Philip- lorca dicorcia. From a static to a moving image. Philip-Lorca Dicorcia, Eddie Anderson, 21 years old; Houston, Texas; $20, from the series Hustlers, 1990..
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George Baker - ‘Everywhere one looks today in the world of contemporary art, the photographic object seems to be an object in crisis, or at least in severe transformation’.
George Baker, ‘Photography’s Expanded Field’, October, no. 114, Fall 2005, p.121.
Nancy Davenport, Weekend Campus, 2004. DVD. – related influence of Andy Warhol, 5 deaths, 1963. Again, with reference to cinematic influences by Jean-Luc Godard, Weekend, 1967.
Critical relation to Davenports work;
Ingrid Hölzl
‘With digital image processing, post-production has become the principal site of photographic image production, where recorded and calculated images are merged into what I will call augmented documents. The augmented document emphasizes not only the hybrid temporality of contemporary society but also the hybrid temporality of its representation, displaying a possible present where different space–times coexist’. Ingrid Hölzl ‘Blast-off Photography’, History of Photography, Feb 2011.
Ideas of digitalization with relation to the technological shift. Weve come to inhabit a different relationship]o with time. With made a change with technology and our work needs to reflect that. Using technology to get an authentic representation of our world now.
Work reflects the interests she has with cinema, a shift into a multimedia documentation which she justifies. You could question that you can use traditional conforms of documentary photography  to depict the same thing. Do we need to move to multi-mediums, does photography need to be used in a more conventional way?
-       George Baker : Photography, Baker claims, has been ‘abandoned – outmoded technologically and displaced aesthetically’. Those who have best weathered that crisis have combined photography with other media
Jeff Wall embraces a tabloue and heavily light-based work style.
Andreas Gursky, Montparnasse, 1993.- worked with digital post- production sowing photographs together to make a whole large-scale image.
-       George Baker : Others, Baker says, can’t resist ‘the impulse to deal the concerns of other mediums into their practice, less using photography to recode other practices than allowing the photograph to be recoded in turn’.
Philip-Lorca diCorcia, New York, 1993. Cinema technology technique changes the effect.
-       Rosalind Krauss - The idea of the ’expanded field’ of art (Krauss) Baker suggests that photography too may in fact have entered into ‘an expanded field of operation’. Baker, ‘Photography’s Expanded Field’. p.124. works with ideas of deontology and ontology and more conceptual ideas of his work.
Idea of static images and idea of narrative. Two different ways Krauss believes he’s expanded the field of Sanders work. Shift in photograph from static to narrative;
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Example: John Stezaker, Third Person, 1988/9.  Used archive film stills to recreate his artwork. Gillian Wearing, 60 Minutes Silence, 1996. Video. Wearing photographed a 60- minutes still video to create this image.
David Claerbout, Vietnam 1967, near Duc Pho (reconstruction after Hiromishi Mine), 2001. Single channel video projection - Mixture of still and moving image using a historical  image documenting friendly fire, image captures the moment of explosion, this is from a moving image of the Vietnam war, but there is a link to Bakers idea of the  hybrid of still and moving image. This use is intentional and purposeful.
Sharon Lockhart, Goshogaoka, 1997. (details)- She works with a choreographer to intensify the movement of sport. Highly cinematic, expanded idea of traditional photographing trying to push the boundaries and challenge the traditional mediums and techniques of photographing in the cinematic photography style.
Baker argues photography has become de-centred and there is no way back to a centred photography.
Photography’s expansion into space:
Gabriel Orozco, Yielding Stone, 1992. Photograph as an indexical medium, using other art medium such as sculpture to exaggerate or add to this idea. Gabriel Orozco, Asterisms, 2012.
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helmar-weiss · 7 years
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Regensburger Filmszene lebt! Schneehuhn ermittelt Dorfpfarrer Ewald S. gerät anläßlich einer Romfahrt in den Verdacht, sich einem Ministranten (knapp 16jährig) unsittlich genähert zu haben. Die Aufregung ist groß, schon am Tag darauf hat die Diözese reagiert und einen Aushilfspfarrer installiert. Ewald S. wird zur Kur geschickt und verläßt das Dorf fluchtartig. Nach einem kurzen Zwischenaufenthalt bei seiner Schwester begibt er sich nach Regensburg und wird am nächsten Tag leblos in der Donau aufgefunden. Kommissar Schneehuhn und Wachtmeister Eisenberg nehmen die Ermittlungen auf. Ein erster Anfangsverdacht führt ins homosexuelle Milieu, aber sowohl die Mutter des Ministranten, als auch die Schwester des Pfarrers und nicht zuletzt der Domvikar, dessen Bekanntschaft mit Ewald sehr lange zurückreicht, kommen in Frage. Premiere: 19. November 2017, 13 Uhr 45 im GARBO, Regensburg Weitere Termine ab 23. November jeweils um 17.30 Uhr Näheres unter: www.altstadtkinos.de Buch/Regie/Produktion: Hans Schröck Kamera: Benjamin Moritz Gronau Ton/Schnitt: Christoph Sitzmann Musik: Diamond Dogs, Wenzl/Stark, Surfing The Desert Plakat: HeikeJoerssDesign Mit: Werner Rösch, Peter Leitner, Hans Camin, Gabriele Hofmann, Vlado Djermanovic, Christoph Maltz, Martin Preis, Bernhard Zellner, Yasemin Önal, Monika Arbinger, Matthias Sigl, Kay Waidelich, Heinz Müller, Gabriele Seifert, Stefan Aigner, Wolfgang Schubert, Daniel Zimpel (outtakes), Kai-Uwe Hintermeier, Dietmar Dengler, Rudi Preis, Kerstin Leitner, Josef Hobelsberger, Schwafi, Andreas Hanauer, Doris Hanauer, Norbert Hölzl, Wolfgang Ruhl, Hubert Lankes, Michi Weinberg, Peter Kollross, Dr. Elke Kistner, Clemens Matejka, Axel Wiechmann, Hobie und die Diamond Dogs. Aktuelles unter: facebook.com/Schneehuhnermittelt/
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lewanarta · 6 years
lewanarta’s tags masterpost - teams and ski jumpers
List of tags I use on this blog to make navigation easier
Teams and ski jumpers:
Team Austria: Clemens Aigner | Philipp Aschenwald | Thomas Diethart | Manuel Fettner | Michael Hayböck | Jan Hörl | Daniel Huber | Stefan Huber | Andreas Kofler | Stefan Kraft | Thomas Morgenstern | Lukas Müller | Gregor Schlierenzauer | Daniel Tschofenig || Lisa Eder | Chiara Kreuzer (Hölzl) | Daniela Iraschko-Stolz | Marita Kramer | Julia Mühlbacher | Eva Pinkelnig | Jacqueline Seifriedsberger
Team Bulgaria: Vladimir Zografski
Team Canada: Mackenzie Boyd-Clowes | Matthew Soukup || Natalie Eilers | Taylor Henrich | Alexandria Loutitt | Abigail Strate
Team China
Team Czech Republic: Jakub Janda | Roman Koudelka | Čestmír Kožíšek | Viktor Polášek | Filip Sakala | Vojtěch Štursa | Tomáš Vančura || Klára Ulrichová
Team Estonia: Artti Aigro | Martti Nomme
Team Finland: Antti Aalto | Janne Ahonen | Andreas Alamommo | Lauri Asikainen | Matti Hautamäki | Anssi Koivuranta | Niko Kytösaho | Ville Larinto | Jarkko Määttä | Eetu Nousiainen | Vilho Palosaari | Kasperi Valto || Julia Kykkänen | Jenny Rautionaho
Team France: Vincent Descombes Sevoie | Jonathan Learoyd || Julia Clair | Léa Lemare | Coline Mattel | Lucile Morat | Joséphine Pagnier
Team Germany: Markus Eisenbichler | Richard Freitag | Severin Freund | Karl Geiger | Martin Hamann | Sven Hannawald | Marinus Kraus | Stephan Leyhe | Pius Paschke | Philipp Raimund | Constantin Schmid | Martin Schmitt | David Siegel | Andreas Wank | Andreas Wellinger || Katharina Schmid (Althaus) | Selina Freitag | Luisa Görlich | Pauline Heßler | Anna Rupprecht | Juliane Seyfarth | Ramona Straub | Carina Vogt | Svenja Würth
Team Italy: Giovanni Bresadola | Sebastian Colloredo | Alex Insam || Jessica Malsiner | Lara Malsiner | Manuela Malsiner | Elena Runggaldier
Team Hungary: Eduard Torok || Virág Vörös
Team Japan: Daiki Itō | Noriaki Kasai | Junshirō Kobayashi | Ryōyū Kobayashi | Naoki Nakamura | Ren Nikaido | Keiichi Satō | Yukiya Satō | Taku Takeuchi || Kurumi Ichinohe | Yūki Itō | Kaori Iwabuchi | Yuka Kobayashi | Nozomi Maruyama | Yūka Setō | Sara Takanashi
Team Kazakhstan: Sergey Tkachenko
Team Korea
Team Norway: Joakim Aune | Anders Bardal | Anders Fannemel | Johann André Forfang | Kenneth Gangnes | Halvor Egner Granerud | Tom Hilde | Anders Jacobsen | Robert Johansson | Marius Lindvik | Robin Pedersen | Sondre Ringen | Andreas Stjernen | Kristoffer Eriksen Sundal | Daniel-André Tande | Rune Velta | Fredrik Villumstad || Thea Minyan Bjørseth | Ingebjørg Saglien Bråten | Thea Sofie Kleven | Eirin Maria Kvandal | Maren Lundby | Silje Opseth | Anna Odine Strøm
Team Poland: Krzysztof Biegun | Stefan Hula | Jakub Kot | Maciej Kot | Dawid Kubacki | Adam Małysz | Krzysztof Miętus | Klemens Murańka | Tomasz Pilch | Andrzej Stękała | Kamil Stoch | Paweł Wąsek | Jakub Wolny | Jan Ziobro | Aleksander Zniszczoł | Piotr Żyła ||  Paulina CIeślar | Kamila Karpiel | Nicole Konderla | Magdalena Pałasz | Kinga Rajda | Joanna Szwab | Anna Twardosz
Team Romania: Daniel Andrei Cacina || Daniela Haralambie
Team Russia
Team Slovenia: Tilen Bartol | Jernej Damjan | Žiga Jelar | Lovro Kos | Robert Kranjec | Anže Lanišek | Bor Pavlovčič | Cene Prevc | Domen Prevc | Peter Prevc | Anže Semenič | Jurij Tepeš | Timi Zajc || Urša Bogataj | Jerneja Brecl | Taja Bodlaj | Tina Erzar | Ema Klinec | Nika Križnar | Nika Prevc | Špela Rogelj | Maja Vtič 
Team Sweden: Astrid Norstedt | Frida Westman
Team Switzerland: Simon Ammann | Gregor Deschwanden | Gabriel Karlen | Killian Peier | Dominik Peter || Sina Arnet
Team Turkey: Fatih Arda İpcioğlu
Team Ukraine: Yevhen Marusiak
Team USA: Erik Belshaw | Kevin Bickner | Tate Frantz | Casey Larson | Andrew Urlaub || Sarah Hendrickson | Nina Lussi | Logan Sankey
Coaches: Stefan Horngacher | Robert Hrgota | Łukasz Kruczek | Hideharu Miyahira | Bine Norčič | Werner Schuster | Kento Sakuyama | Alexander Stöckl | Thomas Thurnbichler | Michal Doležal
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saraw4ters · 9 months
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zealharris · 7 years
I'm in this one... PRIZM 2017 OPENS FOR GENERAL ADMISSION WED DEC 6 MANA CONTEMPORARY DOWNTOWN 145 E. FLAGER ARTISTS EXHIBITING: Zeal Harris | Adrian Richards | Alfred Amadu Conteh | Akilah Watts | Amber Robles-Gordon | Andre Leon Gray | Andrea Chung | Anina Major | Anthony Olubunmi Akinbola | Carmen Neely | Christopher Carter | Dáreece J. Walker | Deborah Jack | Delano Dunn | Delphine Adama Fawundu | Dominique Hunter | David Gumbs | Ezra Wube | Ibrahim Ahmed | Ifeatuanya Chiejina | Jamea Richmond Edwards | Jared McGriff | Jeannette Ehlers | La Vaughn Belle | Katherine Simóne Reynolds | Kearra Amaya Gopee | Kennis Baptiste | Kishan Munroe | Larry Cook | Leonardo Benzant | Llanor Alleyne | Louise Mandumbwa | Loyiso Mkize | Margaret Rose-Vendryes | Mario Moore | Mark King | Maya Amina | Helina Metafaria | Musa Hixson | Nahid Navab | Nandita Mukand | Nathaniel Lewis | Nazanin Noroozi | Nicole Awai | Nyugen Smith | Olalekan Jeyifous | Onajide Shabaka | Oneika Russell | Olivier HÖlzl | Philip A. Robinson Jr. | Renee Cox | Richard Mark Rawlins | Rick Ulysse | Rodell Warner | Rose Marie Cromwell | Sharon Norwood | Shawn Theodore | Sheena Rose | Sheila Pree Bright | Shervone Neckles | Simone Asia | Stephen Towns | Tauliaut Henri | Terry Boddie | Terence Price | T Eliott Mansa | Vaughn Spann | Versia Harris | Vicke Pierre | Victor Ekpuk | Victoria-Idongesit Udondian | Wendell Mc Shine | Wesley CLark | Yadichinma Ukoha-Kalu Purvis Young | Coco Fusco | Leslie Hewitt | Juana Valdes | Yanira Collado | Dinizulu Gene Tinnie | Wardell Milan | Aramis O’Reilly | Nicolas Sanchez | Lou Anne Colodny Arturo E. Mosquera | Debra Priestly | Donald McKnight | Torkwase Dyson | Adriana Farmiga | Derrick Adams | Wayne Hodge | Arthur Polendo | Heather Hart | Colin Chase | Carl Pope | Nyame Brown | Rashawn Griffin | Loren Holland | Onajide Shabaka | Izel Vargas | Bronwyn Katz | Ernesto Oroza | Charo Oquet | Robert Wade | Luis Gispert| Robert McKnight Najmeh Pourshojai | Hasan Golbon | Asad Faulwell | Behrouz Moslemi| Nahid Navab | Esmael Cheshrokh | Saeed Gholami | Sabba S. Elahi | Antonio Francisco Lopez | Rhonda Wheatley | Mev Luna | Norman W. Long | Samantha Hill | N.Masani (at Miami, Florida)
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