atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
It’s not a Z book if there’s no magical strip tease.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
I love how, even though she’s not really a part of Brother Night’s crew, Nimue is always ready to throw down when she sees Z.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
The ways police have to work around the supernatural and vigilante elements of the DCU are endlessly funny to me. The pure exasperation all detectives share.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
And our villains. No-Face, Zombie Joker, Baby Dragon, and Boy With a Box of Bugs.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
Z speaking Spanish. I wonder how many languages she knows.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Zatanna #1 (2010 series)
Zatanna is gorgeous and this guy looks just like Bigby Wolf (or at least his more attractive TWAU version).
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atroposedits · 6 years
Hey guys
I know I’ve barely posted anything. But what would some of you like to see more of? Which characters, books?
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #411
I’m not sure how trustworthy I find Brucie’s face to be here.
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“Don’t try to thank me, you’ll never express enough gratitude *evil chuckling*”
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
Ahhh yes, things start to blow up in Bruce’s face. I can’t imagine talking to Dick will go much better.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
He looks so proud of himself.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
Gordon! Put up more of a fight about this, come on!
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
Okay even with his “street smarts,” 6 weeks of training is not enough time to put a child in danger, Bruce! Come on! It’s been three issues since you told Dick he couldn’t do it anymore!
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
Two-Face’s origins as of 1987.
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atroposedits · 6 years
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Batman #410
Look at Jason’s sweet little gremlin face in that last panel! What pinchable cheeks. I wish he had kept his previous hairstyle though, it was at least less ridiculous than the curls.
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