#Angie the angel 🕊️
fluffy-ami · 2 years
HOLD ON?! HOW DID I JUST NOTICE PROJECT SEKAI IN YOUR FANDOMS LIST!! ami… tell me, which characters r your favourite? 👀
A- 👀👀👀
Okay-okay-okay, it's a good question and I definitely know the answer (CAN'T I JUST SAY I LOVE EVERYONE-?!)...
Bbbbut, if you want to know my favourites... I'd saaayyy... Len, Emu & Rui and Kohane? But I love all of them tbh-
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years
I don’t think im ever going to finish this but i still really wanted to show her off so i’ve decided to just post what i have.
Here is my other cpc oc, Angie!🕊️ The twin of my oc, Sunny.
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To those that said Sunny looked like the hypothetical child of Gwen and Frederick, you would be right! The timing was just really inconvenient-
She was supposed to have angel wings embroidered on the back of her sweater, can you guess where their names came from?
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
What have I done...
Welp I found a very creative way of being annoying and tagging everyone MWAHAHAHA-
@yanfei-is-my-career-goals @danibby @stopiteatpopcorn @angivariety @anzynai @satans-beloved-riv look bros i did another stoopid thing again
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
hiho ami >//< if you have time I’d be so happy if you wrote a ler!fischl and lee!bennett fic kdndjdjd okay bye loveuloveu /p
"Bow down, cheer up!"
(Fischl & Bennett)
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(And Jai, Jai, see, self improvement, i'm tRyInG tO wRiTe–) It was very fun to write! (But really wHat ThE hEll tOoK mE sO lOnG bruh i just–?)
Characters: Bennet, Fischl (platonic)
Summary: "You can't be upset with the princess beside you, this is a sign of bad behaviour!"
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"...and then Oz, my fearless familiar, attacked the enemies from the darkness! As always, he was there to help me, Fischl fon Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and..."
Bennett chuckled quietly to himself. He liked listening to his friend's stories.
"You should write an autobiography sometime," he smiled as her emerald eye shone brightly in excitement.
"I think he's right, Mein Fräulein," if crows could smile, Oz would definitely be smiling right now, "You have extraordinary writing skills".
Time flew by, and they were already within the walls of Mondstadt. The streets were noisy as usual, the sun was shining brightly in the blue sky, the beautiful smell of the flowers that Flora was selling was everywhere.
Nothing new.
"Me and my brave associates finished our commission with pleasure, Katherine," Fischl smiled proudly, placing her hands on her hips, "Are there any other Mond's people who still need our help?"
"No, that's all for today," Katherine smiled, "Here's your reward. Did something interesting happen today in your adventures?"
"Of course, dear Katherine!" the girl replied, "Wolvendom is really teeming with slimes of incredible sizes these days! I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, think that our Adventurers' Guild needs to send there..."
The boy quickly turned around, only to see Royce's angry face right in front of him.
Yes. Nothing new.
"You gave us the wrong coordinates! Our group went straight into the swamp!" the older man nearly shoved a wet map in the poor boy's face, making him back up.
"I- I'm sorry!" Bennett started apologising worryingly, "It wasn't on purpose!.. It was just a mistake! I swear, I saw..."
"I don't care what you 'saw', it's your fault!"
"Now, now! Who gave you the right to talk to the princess' friends like that, you, ungrateful citizen?" Fischl pushed Royce in the chest lightly, but stubbornly, "And you call yourself an adventurer? Save your threats and this piece of wet paper for yourself!"
She crossed her arms on her chest, looking the man directly in the eyes. People in the street were glancing at the three, concerned.
"Tch. A loser and a weirdo. You fit together."
It was the last thing Royce said before leaving.
"... Are you okay?"
It was the last thing Fischl asked before Bennett ran away.
The city walls were far behind. Bennett sat under the tree, hugging his knees and falling silent. He wasn't going to cry. He just needed to think.
Why was he friends with Fischl? The answer is simple: she knows what freedom is. It doesn't matter to Fischl how others look at her, what they say about her. Bennett wanted to be like her. How many times has he lied to himself that everything's okay, that he doesn't care? He always brings problems to others. They have every right to be angry with him. And Fischl doesn't have to defend him all the time.
"Mein Fräulein, he's here."
"Bennett!.." the girl ran up to the tree, looking behind it, "Why did you run away? Are you hurt?"
... And she wasn't afraid to show him her true self.
"No..." he moved to make room for her, "Why did you come here?"
"Answer the princess' question," Fischl smiled a little, sitting next to him.
The boy sighed.
"You know why. I'm a loser. And I don't want anyone to call you a weirdo because of our friendship. You better stay away from me. Otherwise, my curse will keep affecting you."
"Why do you think that it's all your falt?" she tilted her head lightly in confusion, "Royce was clearly upset that he had taken his group to the wrong place himself, but wanted to blame someone else."
"I saw his map. There is no swamp in the place you marked, my friend," Oz said, going down to the grass.
"Then it's the first time when I'm not guilty," Bennett shrugged, "It doesn't matter. Everyone would be better if I disappeared. Or was not born at all."
"But I would feel bad," Fischl wispered, placing her hand on his shoulder gently.
They were quiet for a while.
"Okay," she finally looked at him, "You can't be upset with the princess beside you, this is a sign of bad behaviour!"
Bennett smiled weakly, and Oz just fondly rolled his eyes.
"I'll give you a special treatment then, my poor servant!" Fischl grinned, wiggling her fingers at him playfully, "Now, let's see..."
"Fihischl, not now, plehease!" the boy tried to suppress his giggles, curling on himself, "Dohon't do ihihit!"
"Awww, come on! Someone's smiliiing!~" her skilled fingers started scribbling at Bennett's sides suddenly, making him squeal.
"Nohohohooo!" he fell on his back, giggling adorably.
"Where do you think you're going?" Fischl tried to stop her own giggles, moving closer to the boy. "I think that now my servant deserves a punishment!"
Bennett smiled nervously, staring at Oz with the "HELP" look.
"You're right, Mein Fräulein," the crow said, "You should tickle his belly, it's definitely a good spot on him".
"Oh, of course!" she smiled as her fingers made their way to the boy's exposed belly. "How could I forget about your ticklish tummy?"
Bennett covered his blushing face with his hands and squealed. He wasn't even trying to stop her. They both knew why.
"P-pleheheahase, not thehere!" the boy squeaked. "StahaHahhap!.."
"Why not?" Fischl circled his navel teasingly, "You're laughing so much, why should I stop?"
"Be-becaHAHAUSE..!" Bennett threw his head back in nearly hysterical giggles again, as he felt her nails softly and playfully dig into his tummy, vibrating lightly.
"Becaaause...?" she smiled, not stopping for a second and listening to her friend's sweet laughter.
"It t-tihiHIckles!" he caught Fischl's wrists with his hands and just held at them weakly.
"I'm well aware, believe me," she rolled her eye, easily going for Benny's ribs, "It should tickle, we're actually trying to cheer you up here!"
"I'm cheheered uhuHUHUP!"
The boy positively shrieked and pressed his arms into his sides, trapping Fischl's hands there.
"Are you suuuure?~" she started wiggling her fingers slowly, making her poor prey squirm and giggle in her trap. "You don't seem very happy to me..."
Those devious fingers were making their way up his ribs...
"I ahahaaam-! Fischl, plehease don't. D-don't gohoho there–NOHO!"
...and finally got under his arms.
"NAHAHAHAHAAA..!" Bennett howled, kicking his legs out and digging his heels into the grass, trying not to hurt the girl at the same time.
"Did I find a horribly sensitive spot?" she giggled along with him as he nodded instantly, squeezing his eyes shut and laughing wholeheartedly.
After a minute of some more playful tickles, tears started forming in the corners of Benny's eyes, and Fischl decided that it was a good time to stop.
"Are you okay? Was it too much?" she removed her hands carefully and sat beside her friend.
"N-noho, no, I'm fihine..." he curled into a ball on his side, leftover giggles were still spilling out of his mouth.
"...I actually... needed this. Thank you, Fischl. Really."
Her eye widened when Bennett suddenly hugged her tightly. Fischl returned a hug, patting the boy's back in a comforting way, smiling at him.
"Everything is going to be okay, Bennett. Your fathers will be there for you. Your friends will be there for you. I will be there for you. No matter what others say. Remember the words of the great Fischl fon Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
Bennett giggled quietly. If good people who he loves are supporting him, everything else doesn't matter. He needs to try his best to meet their expectations. She's right.
"Oh, we should get some food by the way! Let's get going! Your princess will make a perfect lunch!"
Yes. She's always right.
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
What places do I associate some of my mutuals' blogs with 🍃
After reblogging this post and after @vqler sent me this, I just couldn't get this idea out of my head (and I hope that Val won't mind it too much XD)
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Satan's room from Obey Me. Literally. Is anyone surprised?.. Actually, even talking to Riv makes me want to cuddle someone and ask them to read me a book until I fall asleep, like I'm a little kid again. Always very warm and comfy. Definitely smells like old books (one of my favourite smells), melted wax and fresh ideas 📚
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A nice little café always full of people, but it's never noisy, and you just can't feel uncomfortable there. Even a rainy day can be beautiful if you spend it reading Dani's works, they're like a cup of perfectly made coffee. Our big sister is having a hard time, but she never skips her work, she makes us happy, so please, say more nice things to her. Ate Dani deserves to be happier ☕
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Seashore at sunset. The wind and the water are still a little bit warm, very relaxing and quiet. The sound of waves, the light breeze, I remember it all pretty clearly. Maybe because Angie was one of the first people in this community who talked to me. AND EVERYONE LOVES YOU 🐚
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A very big field of flowers, not so far from the seashore. Smells like chamomiles. And Xingyun. A lot of Xingyun. Kinda the first place in my journey, it actually means so much to me... And now I'm platonically married to three people, but am I complaining..? Nah. AND EVERYONE LOVES YOU TOO 🌼
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Little koi pond surrounded by sakura trees. And this blog smells like SAKURA MOCHI FROM GENSHIN BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT SMELLS LIKE– The fishies show themselves pretty rarely, but if they do - it's a really beautiful sight. And I think that the keeper of this pond, our Cai, needs to let the koi play more often, teach them to be braver. Your works are even greater than you think, people will love them, trust me (AND YOU'LL BECOME THE LAW) 🐟
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This blog just gives me the feeling of sitting on the porch of some little house in the evening, drawing things in the light of the lantern and eating blueberries. Oh, oh, and the smell of different fruits, yep. This whole atmosphere always gives me the feeling that I'm not alone, and your little house never fails to cheer me up 🫐
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The sweetest bakery on this whole god-damn planet. Not very surprising again, I guess XD... The quiet music, the snow outside... It makes the warmth of your blog something special. People can be jerks sometimes, telling that your sweets aren't good enough, but they say that just because they can't bake at all 🍰
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Tiny (but warm) writer's room. With busy Rico playing Genshin for almost five hours straight. Sounds of crackling fire can be heard from the fireplace. Smells like ink and inspiration. And just being there was enough for me to find courage in my soul and start creating, too. I will always remember this place 📖🖋️
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The fluffiest little room full of fluffy and cute things. I always come back here to re-read some headcannons and fics (but really, Noah's works always make my ler mood go brrr, not fair-). Smells like vanilla and donuts. And cute people. Like, bruh, now I want to cuddle someone, damn– 🌸
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You know that thing, when you're walking in the park late at night in August, then you look up in the sky, and you see the stars through the leaves of the trees, and it's just breathtaking..? And it smells like oatmeal cookies and tar combined..? Does that count as a place?.. I don't know, but I've always felt that way towards this blog (that's probably the strangest complient she has ever heard...). Maybe it's strange, but it actually feels so nice being there 🌌
A/N: I don't want to tag the bigger senpais, because I don't want to disturb them with my strange post XD
But if you're going to write the similar thing, please tag me somewhere, because I actually liked doing it so much, I'm just dying to see more of these from different people and about different people ✨
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs (or not!) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
💗send this to 10 people who you think are wonderful💗
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
thank you for all that you do! keep up the good work, your writing is awesome and you’re doing so well! im always here if you need any advice, thank you for being you!
Ahah, oh god, thank you, Angie (even if i haven't done much yet 🌚)! :D
Since it's appreciation day, i wish that you'll always be a cute little sunshine, your works are amazing! (Maybe i'm a little late, but i hope your B-day went great, ehe~🍃✨)
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fluffy-ami · 3 years
AH OW, HI, I'M FINE ANGIE :D (stiiiill writing a fic for you, sorry it takes really long, i just wanna make it biGgEr💦)
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