#Ania W
tracy-warcross · 6 months
One of the girls being the song im playing while imagining Treace or Treace x Ania scenes is just amazing
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serenofroses · 1 year
prompt title: enemies with benefits. // prompt list
characters: cipher nine (f!oc) + Darth Jadus (oc).
setting: sets a couple of months after this Dark Meetings and Jaded Dreams ficlets and two years before IA's Heart of Terror arc.
rating: M.
A/N: deaf cipher nine protag, canon divergence, non-human transfem Darth Jadus, implied sexual themes as Scarlett sucks at attempting to write smut, hints of dubious elements with self preservation.
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The Sith Lord sat by the large window of their quiet penthouse, admiring the city's nightfall to pass the time, sipping a glass of wine speciality made with imported Ziosti berries. Jadus enjoyed a moment alone to meditate on the armchair overlooking the view for the past hour without their sister harping on about her dreaded marriage. Jadus had preferred the company of a certain young, quiet agent to keep them entertained instead.
The sounds of the door opened alerted their attention as their lips curled into a smirk sensing the familiar presence.
That didn't take so long to come back, they thought.
Jadus stood up and turned face to face with the Sith Hybrid, watching her stroll through the hall before stopping in the middle of the spacious open plan. Jadus relished in the Force Bond growing between them, the young agent was blissfully unaware of this but Jadus can feel her. Her mind was, still, shielded from them. No doubt her parents had taught her to protect herself knowing it would take time for Jadus to read her mind once she opened up to them.
In due time. 
Ania stood still with arms huddled around to warm herself up after she spent the last hour walking around Kaas city on a cold night, she looked elsewhere to avoid the Sith's gaze, unsure what prompted her to return to the penthouse since their assignment concluded for the day.
Jadus offered her to 'stay the night', but she declined despite the fact that she hadn't got anywhere else to go. She was supposed to find the cheapest hotel to book for a night or two but something lured her back here and she could not explain why.
"Well, well, well..."--their sultry voice had pulled Ania out of her daze to face them--"Look who's running back into my arms."
Jadus moved towards the counter to set the glass down, "I told you that I'm irresistible, didn't I?"
Ania showed the Sith an annoyed look as she swallowed her pride, "... You're quite hard to resist, my lord."
Jadus made an amused chuckle, reaching for the beverage bottle to pour into an empty glass reserved for the agent, "So it would seem I had that effect on women, specifically you."
Ania rolled her eyes albeit blushed by the comment.
"Want a drink?" they offered, before they looked over to notice Ania shivering from the cold, "Or you would prefer a hot caf?"
"I'm not thirsty." Ania declined.
"Very well." they placed the bottle aside and averted their attention, "I thought you were looking for a place to stay?"
Ania shrugged, clicking her tongue, "You know how it is. City hotels were too expensive to afford one."
"Well, I did warn you, darling." the Sith reminded her, "Nothing's ever cheap. You're still more than welcome to make yourself at home here. I assure you won't be bored by the pleasure of my company."
Ania recalled the moments when Jadus used their charms on her. They were rather... forward with her. She suspected it was the side of their Zeltron traits that she had heard many things about.
"Surely your idea of a company was to seduce me into bed, isn't it?"
Jadus smirked at her bluntness. Ania could tell they were gloating--wishing she could wipe their smugness off their face.
"In that case, I take it you change your mind?"
Straight to the point.
“Yes, but this thing between us,” Ania emphasised in hope her message was received and clear, “…doesn’t mean anything.”
Truthfully, she wasn’t sure what to call this.... relationship with Jadus who happened to be her boss as each day, she tried her damndest best not to anger someone who is one of Emperor's Heirs--in charge of handling the Sith Intelligence affairs that she works for. It was difficult to be around them without thinking clearly.
Jadus raised a brow in amusement and crossed their arms over their chest, “Is that so?”
Ania took a sharp inhale through her nostrils before speaking plainly, “Yes. I mean it.”
Jadus smirked once more as they stepped forward, closing the gap between the two, moving their hand to brush the strands of Ania’s dyed red hair and cupped her cheek.
Ania dared not to move an inch from her spot, the touch was unnerving at first, her mind practically screaming to forget the entire exchange and make a run for the door, but the intrusion still gets the best of her after the way Jadus caressed her cheek.
If Ania took the risk to run out of here, Jadus would surely punish her. She doesn't want that.
She had to do this... for her own sanity.
But she betrayed her own senses as she found herself leaned into the Sith's touch and shivered upon the anticipation of their warm hand against her cheek.
Jadus observed her through the Force and searched for signs to exploit her weakness to their advantage through the shift of her body language, watching her nuzzled against the palm of their hand. An amused chuckle escaped their throat, which had left Ania on the fence.
“Lying doesn’t suit you, darling.” Jadus retorted, thumb rubbing along her cheekbone, “If I didn’t know any better--your tenacity to come crawling back to me says otherwise.”
Ania swatted Jadus' hand away from her face, "You're my boss, nothing else. Thought I made that clear, my lord."
"Did you?" Jadus questioned her, "Or perhaps you happen to see me as something more than just your boss?" 
Ania made a baffled scoff, not believing the Sith's claims--no matter how much she tried.
"Obvious to your heart's desire judging the way you leaned into my touch." they continued, "You may mask your feelings from others as you see fit but you can't fool me." 
"No, Jadus..." Ania denied, "You're just imagining things."
Jadus tilted their head, albeit amused by Ania's delusion.
"Am I, darling? I've seen the way you looked at me."
Ania felt her throat go dry. She wanted to protest loudly but no words came out of her mouth, the scent of their aroma was intoxicating enough to make her head swimming with certain desires, slowly wandering her eyes over their lips.
Thinking about how she would succumb to the temptation by brushing her lip against theirs, wondering how their lips feel against her neck, her body.... what was she thinking, why is she drawing herself closer to the Sith.
"I sensed you are conflicted... and yet, I feel your eyes on my lips," they watched as the Sith Hybrid startled after being caught out. "Don't deny it. I know you've been craving for me since then."
Ania shook her head--still finding no words to speak up.
"I'm more than happy enough to give you what you want." they continued, lowering their voice to a seductive whisper, "All you need to do... was ask."
Ania turned her face to glare angrily at the Sith, infuriated at them playing the mind games onto her again.
"Fuck you." she said bitterly, thus making matters worse for herself.
"Ah ah ah." Jadus chided her with a tut, "That's not what I am proposing, darling. You have to ask me nicely."
Ania hated the way this Sith looked at her with violet eyes filled with lust. She hated their deep, sultry voice and the smell of their aroma that captivated her. She hated to admit they were unbearably attractive looking women exceeding her preference than expected.
Jadus was supposed to be her boss--a Sith whom the Keeper had warned to watch her words carefully. The same Sith that her father advised her to stay clear from prior to her enrollment into Intelligence Academy.
It wasn't fair. Even for her.
Ania reached out to grip the fabrics of their sleeves and pulled them down to her level, pressing her lips against their own. Jadus indulged the kiss with a wicked smile, arms wrapped around the hybrid’s body and held her close to theirs, claw nails trailing up and down her spine causing goosebump to sweep upon her body.
It was difficult for Ania to think or focus about anything else but the kiss. Her mind went hazy, her tongue subconsciously was lining up along the Sith's lip, tasting the velvet lipstick before the lips parted as their tongues met.
After a lingering moment within a heated kiss, Jadus was the first to pull away and placed their index finger underneath her chin to prevent her from looking away. 
Ania whimpered quietly, feeling rather... ashamed for her initiation. Oddly, she enjoyed the kiss–her stomach churned by the thought knowing how wrong that felt.
"Good girl." Jadus praised her with a whispered tone.
The hair on the back of her neck stuck up hearing the unsettled tone of Jadus' voice were enough to make her shudder and aroused, she wasn't aware how her heart was pounding rapidly by her actions.
"Let's take this somewhere more... comfortable, shall we?" The Sith suggested while extending their hand out to her.
Ania breathed hard. Shit, it's finally happening.
The voices screaming from the back of her mind to 'run and forget about this exchange' that could poised the biggest regret of her life. But, she secretly wanted more, her body starved for touch and her lips watered at the thought of her body being used at the Sith's mercy.
This woman, their voice, their charm... does many things to drive her crazy. 
Promptly ignoring the voices in her head, she gave her hand to Jadus and allowed herself to be guided to the dimly-lit master bedroom with large windows overlooking the secluded mountains. The room was much fancier than her own back home or the apartment she was renting in the city of Ziost. 
Ania was distracted--barely had the time to react upon the moment her body was pushed up against the wall next to the bed, letting out a startled gasp from the contact. She averted her gaze up to Jadus towered over her with their sheer intimidating height as their half lidded eyes stared down at her.
Jadus had her right where they wanted and lifted a hand up to trace the tip of their fingernail alongside the agent's jawline down to her neck, smirking at how her body trembled from their touch alone as they moving their hand back and forth to stroke her jawline before leaning down to kiss her.
Ania's breath hitched--she wasn't sure how to proceed from there. She had kissed other women before, but none were ever as intimate as this. Instead, she returned the kiss and began to fumble around Jadus' cape jacket to search for the zipper to no avail. 
Jadus broke away from the kiss to unfastened their jacket--doing her a favour--and pulled them off to bare their nude chest, tossing the jacket aside on the floor.
Ania paused to stare, taking a sharp inhale of air as the heat of arousal heat rushed between her legs. She gazed her red eyes upon the toned stomach abs to the surgery scars underneath their breasts before going over to inspect the black lightning cracks on their torso, collarbone and bicep.
The latter had left her curious as to how Jadus ever got them.
Though, the sudden urge to lay her warm hands to feel them up.... to lean in to run her tongue over their abs, their breast… 
She shook her head in an attempt to block out such dirty thoughts out of her mind.
Jadus smiled upon the way they left her quite speechless. Studying her reactions carefully, they reached through the Force to read her mind--they managed to succeed and broke the barrier through multiple attempts in the last few months. Ania's will and connection to the Force were stronger than originally predicted but her resistance proved to be a challenge for them.
Jadus, then, took both of the hybrid's wrists and laid her hands onto their stomach, "Go on...." they encouraged, lowering their voice to a sultry tone, "Touch me."
Oh, fuck.
There was a pause in hesitation. Ania wasn't sure what to do here--she had never touched another person much less one being shirtless in front of her. She couldn't decide on whether to feel them up or pull her hands away, the former made her cheeks flared up at the thought.
Jadus watched her curiously to see how she would proceed from there, the room temperature was starting to drop as the cool air swept upon their body--their nipples were hardened from the sensation alone and shifted closer to the agent. The cold didn't really bother them in the slightest but they knew Ania was not used to the coldness. 
Ania felt her mouth quivered at the sight of their breasts up close, tempting herself to roam her hands along their toned stomach at a slow pace to get a feel of their muscles underneath her fingertips, then she continued upwards to rest her hands onto their breasts.
They were quite warm to touch and she began to massage them carefully without applying too much pressure, listening to the Sith's pleased sigh. Without thinking, Ania closed her eyes and leaned in to run her tongue around their areola before taking them into her mouth.
Jadus let out a groan. One hand wrapped around the back of the agent's neck and their other rested on her hip to support her balance in place. They glanced down to watch her playing, and sucked hard, on their nipple while her free hand resumed to massage their other breast and rolled her thumb over their areola.
Ania could've sworn she heard Jadus saying something--but it was unintelligible to her implants to register but her mind was too occupied to try and figure it out. She released their nipple with a quiet pop and pulled away to move over to their other nipple to repeat the process.
The Sith groaned again–they started to ponder the things Ania could do with her tongue onto their body, aroused with the anticipation of what to come. They wanted her.... needed her.... desperate to have her all to themselves...
Jadus tugged onto the agent's red hair with their long nails to yank her away from their breast, tilting her chin with their free hand and leaned down to briefly kiss her before releasing their grip.
Ania was breathing hard and backed up against the wall to cautiously watch the Sith. She wondered if she had done something that she wasn’t supposed to do or if she had irritated them by her actions. She stood there waiting to see what they planned to do to her.
Jadus was looking at her hungrily with lust, they pointed an index finger at her, "Take your clothes off."
Ania blinked at first until the nerve of her insecurity she had about her body image overcame her and doesn't feel confident in letting anyone else see her body.
"Don't be shy, darling," they coaxed her out of her hesitation, "We both know where your mouth was two seconds ago."
Ania's cheeks flushed hard from the comment that she nearly sucked their tits off, she looked elsewhere to mutter quietly, "You certainly aren't helping..." 
Jadus caught on with a chuckle.
"Perhaps you prefer I'll rip your clothes off? I can provide that if you desire,"--Ania shot a glare but that caused them to smirk in amusement--"Don't worry, I'll see about acquiring you some new clothes to suit your needs."
Ugh, Ania thought. 
Kicking her heel shoes across the floor, she reluctantly set to work on stripping her blazer and pants down to toss them amongst the pile close to the bed where her shoes laid, making sure her clothes were within her reach should she leave the first thing in the morning.
As she was about to make for the bed, the snap of fingers ceased her movement and she turned to glance at the Sith with a confused look.
"Did I say you should stop?" Jadus lifted a finger to trace along her collarbone--feeling her shudder under their touch--then moved over the bra strap to slide it off her shoulder, "These are a…. distraction. Remove them."
Ania gulped nervously, taking a moment to muster up her confidence without making them wait on her impatiently because neither of them had all night. She reached behind to unclasp her bra off her chest then pulled her panties off--letting both of her underwear drop to her ankle.
"Satisfied now?" she asked, exposing herself naked to Jadus. 
It was the first time she stood naked in front of another person. She took a small breathing exercise to try and calm her nerves then looked over to notice how Jadus was ogling her body, taking in every aspect of her as the sound of their approved hum made her tensed up.
"Don't..." Ania tried to cover her breasts with her arms, starting to feel ashamed, backed up against the wall, "Don't look at me like that."
Jadus raised a brow at her and stepped closer, their finger underneath the hybrid's chin and turned her to face them.
"Why?" Jadus questioned while taking her wrists and pried her arms from her chest, lowering them down to her side, "You don't like when I look at you?"--they started to move their hands up her arms to fondle her breasts--"You're just as perfect as I imagined."
Jadus then used their own knee to nudge her legs apart, one hand drifting from her breast down to her abdomen, curling their fingers into her sex to stroke along the folds teasingly.
Ania spluttered out a gasp. 
She felt her body flinched by the sensation that shook at her core, not expecting this coming at all with her legs squeezed together while Jadus’ hand was between them. Biting on her bottom lip the moment Jadus began to roll their thumb against her nub, fingers gliding along her fold back and forth until one finger entered her.
Ania gasped again. Her hands scrambled for something to hold onto only to find herself clinging onto Jadus’ biceps, bracing the uncomfortable feeling of being stretched out within.  
"I appreciate that you allowed yourself to be open,"--they began to thrust their finger in and out at a slow pace before adding another finger in–"And vulnerable with me."
Ania made a sharp hiss and gripped her hold on their biceps tightly, almost digging her nails into their skin. Jadus suspected rather quickly by her reaction that this was her first time–knowing this, they felt…. honoured in a sense. They wrapped an arm around Ania’s waist to pull her close and coaxed her with a hush.
Ania made a deadpan look, "I thought I said this thing between us doesn't mean shit."
"That's when you are wrong, my dear Hand. You see…”--they continued to increase the pace of their thrusts–”You clearly forgot one major detail…"
The pain subsided as pleasure started to overwhelm Ania to the point she couldn’t hold it any longer and moaned as the growing stimulation within her nub made her squirm in an attempt to receive the friction she needed to reach her ecstasy. By stars, she had not realised how pathetically wet and aroused she was,
"You're valuable to me. Remember that." they added as their thrusts hastened, massaged her spot and rolled their thumb over her nub to match to their pace, "And here you are…" they cooed, "At the mercy of my fingers."
"Just..."--Ania moaned--"Just get on with it and fuck me already."
"My, you're so eager." Jadus commented, “I could have you on your knees begging for my cock.”
The wall tightened around their finger that gave away the sign that she was close as her thighs quivered against them.Jadus could give her what she wanted, even if she had to beg for it, which would be quite a sight to memorise. They could take Ania right there, listen to the sound of her soft moans that were music to their ears, to watch her face twist in pleasure. They started to wonder what other ways they could make her scream for their name beside their fingers… 
Perhaps going down with their face between her legs to suck–taste even–and plunge their tongue into her… Or the way they settled between her legs with their hardened girlcock hitting the sweet spot to watch her sent over the edge beneath them, hearing her scream for their name in bed. 
The longer they thought about it was more than enough to make their pants feel uncomfortably tight and they did not want the night to end too soon.
Aroused with anticipation and desire, they slowed their pace and pulled their fingers out of her--Ania made a whimper from the loss, depriving her of the ecstasy peak--they leant down to wrap their hands around her thighs to lift her off the floor and threw her onto the mattress.
Ania blinked in confusion, brushing the strands of her hair from her eyes to glance at Jadus until she froze upon the sight of them licking the fluids clean from their fingers.
“You taste so good, darling.” Jadus made a satisfied hum, staring at the hybrid through half-lidded eyes, "But imagine what I can do with my tongue.”
Fuuuuuck, Ania thought, breathing hard from the sight overall, it was just… illegal and a torture for her.
Jadus smirked at her reaction, "I'm not even done with you. We’re getting started. But first." 
Their hands set to unbuckle their belt–while Ania gazed her eyes following Jadus’ hands, not realising the drool watered at the corner of her lips–and stripped off the remaining of their clothes and stood still to give Ania a view of their naked body before they crawled on top of her. 
"Let me help you relax, hm?”--fingers lingered along to stroke Ania's inner thigh–”You're getting… tense."
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strangefellows · 1 month
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So I saw @tigerjolteo's girl Tora and her ship with Netzach, and I remembered suddenly that my Safety captain Ania was initially made to ship with Netzach. It was very cute and even if I don't play with them as much anymore, she still and always has that crush on her Sephirah. Heck yeah for ships, get this poor green mess of a man some love~
And they both have Melty's gift! Sisters in the "this is my Sephirah, he's an entire mess and I love him" club!
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forcedfemme-me · 1 year
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Ania Chiz for Jessilann for BUSTLE
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monstraduplicia · 1 year
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Lauralynn and Ray Morrow from "Brother" by Ania Ahlborn
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teeth-ing · 9 months
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michael morrow recalls the one that almost got away by me
Michael Morrow Recalls the One That Almost Got Away
I dreamt a twister touched down on the road just outside town
Across from mama’s house we held hands and watched her fly.
Fly like cows fly like pigs fly like angels do
And they do.
I dreamt I blew this whole town up sky high
For what they did to you;
True blue is what they
Did to me.
But we held hands and watched God’s hands mangle mama’s flesh and her toes ain’t
Touching the ground, now.
Grab holda’ my hand, I was begging you
So I won’t wake up again like this!
No, not ever again like this in this room,
In this house where mama bred us houseflies like
Cow flies like angel flies all pink in the mouth and cruel.
They cried out: Let’s hear your piggy squeal, girl, pink hole to match that mouth and corkscrew tail, you.
True blue, take my hand, let me repent for what they did to you because
It’s all of what they did to me.
Whittled me down to a sharpened blade,
A huntsman’s tool espousing:
Don’t God Love You? Yes, you, even you!
And even me.
The day that twister tore through the heart of this here heartland town
I swore to you
God punishes those who don’t
Punish themselves
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appalachy · 9 months
Wczoraj byl moj 10 dzien picia pod rzad xddddddd bo tu doslownie nir ma co robic oprocz chlania lub siedzenia na plazy
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thegoldenelite · 1 year
Give it up for day four of wrestling..
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mvlkavian · 1 year
i love the new f/o*b album except the weird c*v/id song whyd they do that 
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muses-inn · 7 months
"Friends murder each other all the time." @dynamoprotocol / meme
[🐸] Ania huffs before tossing her communicator on the lounge. It bounces off its already worn cover though and ends up on the ground, but she decides to not care about that right now.
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"Look, I get where you're coming from, but you're getting the wrong idea here. I hired Leck for my own safety, that's all. How could I know he runs into acquaintances here and goes on a murder spree the following day with me being now branded as some sort of accomplice? That's not a case of 'buddies murder former buddies'! That's a case of 'the idiot guardian is not doing his damn job'! But everyone decides to not believe me because we're both Ferengi in some void-forsaken place where Ferengi normally wouldn't go. I see how that's convenient."
She sighs, obviously tired from explaining her case over and over. But at least she has found a place where she can take a breather without dealing with some misled law enforcers. "These agents are worse than FCA Liquidators, and trust me, that already says a lot."
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inkluvs · 8 months
i hate the fact that i relate to my tears ricochet
ur so me omggg <3
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tracy-warcross · 5 months
*Treace bringing home flowers for Ania whilst they’re dating*
Ania: someone didn’t give you that right?
Treace: I bought it with my own money
Alexis: mom she’s doubting you should you really date her?
Ania, defensive: all women get flowers from anyone!
Treace: well the flower shop gave this bouquet in exchange for my money, if that is alright with you.
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Przepadam w muzyce, analizie, życiu...
"Powiesz trochę za dużo słów, tych co złamią nawet najtwardszy grunt - nagle toniesz, w morzu tych jego słów, tych co zdobią języki wielu ust....
Ta walka była nierówna, słowo zasłania a ciało zdradza mnie...
ta walka była tak długa, wolę...umrzeć niż przyznać się".
Miałam używać własnych słów, żeby opisywać rzeczywistość, jednakowoż inni robią to lepiej, więc postanowiłam jedynie metafory poddawać analizie.
Lins jest moim masterem level hard od metafor. Subiektywnie opisujących różne rodzaje przemocy. I problemów związanych z psychicznym jej wymiarem.
Ludzie się gubią w chaosie, ja odnajduję w nim spokój.
Wróćmy do słów -
słowo zasłania a ciało zdradza mnie.
Nie mówię, a jak mówię, to nie to co czuję, bo po co.
To nie my toniemy tonie my.
Jest już sobota. 0:11 wskazuje na dość wczesny poranek. Miałam mieć baloniki w kotki - gówno jest wielkie. Trudno, zajęta byłam.
Z nudy i miłości do siebie siedzę nad analizą zagrożenia metanem wyeksploatowanej już ściany jakiejś kopalni. Dlaczego? Bo świetnie za to płacą i mogę rozpierdalać zielone na co mi się żywnie podoba.
Inflacja? Ja nie wiem, mam depresję i tylko chwilowe stany euforii, co przypomina ChAD do potęgi, ale że to SM i CPTSD to się inaczej na to patrzy.
To byłoby tak, jak ja bym z chęcią chciała wrócić do obozu koncentracyjnego.
Najmilsze wspomnienie z dzieciństwa - jak siostra zakłada mi buty i kurtkę, żeby mnie starzy nie zabili dla zabawy, bo tak mnie skatowali, że sama nie byłam w stanie ręki ruszyć.
Drugie - śmierć kliniczna w wyniku której spędziłam w szpitalu najmilsze chwile swojego dzieciństwa, bo ktoś się w końcu mną opiekował i mnie słuchał.
Och ile mam kurwa radości.
Więc teraz jestem dużą dziewczynką i wchodzę do Wojasa w garniturze od Hugo Bossa a po perfumy lecę do Dubaju.
Nagle toniesz w morzu tych jego słów....
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youuuimeanmee · 5 months
Get ready with me to be surprised with
✨️Anya's Origin✨️
Hint: Romania
I had some free time, so I reread the latest chapter of Spy x Family, chapter 92.
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Barbara said she and Sigmund were in Covenia for awhile. We know Westalis and Ostania are a reference for the West Germany and Eastern Germany, so I wondered if Covenia is based on a real place too. I was bored, y'see.
I quick-searched a country name that ended with -nia, but no luck.
I remembered a theory that Anya is more superior in Classical languange because she might've come from a place that uses that languange. A wild idea popped up to me that Covenia still uses (or references) that language. Since Sigmund has many classical books, it's not a stretch to assume he learned that language because he used to live in Covenia. Based on that assumption, I searched what country is still using Latin languange, what languange that references Latin.
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... bingo.
Covenia and Romania. Who would've thought.
I searched where is Romania located because my geography sucks.
Oh it's in Europe, great! And it's close with Ukraine too, Russia...
Wait. I thought the story is based in the '60s, so, could they be related at that time?
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Wow, so they ARE related.
And the timeline matched with SxF's world too.
When I clicked the "Romania" word, I stumbled on this.
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Could it be,
Anya originally comes from Covenia, which is a reference to Romanian People's Republic?
Does it mean the organization that experiment on Anya is based in Soviet?
And to think that Sigmund, a well-known neurology professor, used to rehabilitate wounded soldiers in Covenia... Is it really a rehabilitation though?
*cold sweat*
If Anya really comes from Covenia/Romania, the initial spelling of her name would make sense then, but I have zero idea about Romanian alphabet to confirm it.
Of course I searched it.
The Romanian alphabet is a variant of the Latin alphabet used for writing the Romanian language. It is a modification of the classical Latin alphabet and consists of 31 letters, five of which (Ă, Â, Î, Ș, and Ț) have been modified from their Latin originals for the phonetic requirements of the language
Oh shoot it's getting warmer.
Double check to make sure, I tried to look if [î] is really the replacement alphabet for [y].
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K, Q, W and Y, not part of the native alphabet, were officially introduced in the Romanian alphabet in 1982.
Now it makes sense. No wonder Anya spelled her name like that.
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It's because in the place where she came from, the alphabet Y wasn't used yet. And it's not supposed to be Ania either; it's Anîa. But I doubt a small child like her would understand the difference between i and î.
Anya might've come from Covenia/Romania. It explains her initial name and her excellence in Classical language.
The organization that experimented on Anya might've come from the Soviet.
Sigmund might have some connections with Anya more than we thought; the theories were right on track. Because he studies neurology and lived in Covenia for some time, he is fluid in Classical languange and he knows how to make learning more fun.
I wanted to try searching what kind of brain-related research did Soviet do at that time, but then I might come up with lobotomy or some dark shit and I'm not prepared for that, so I'm gonna let the sleeping dogs lie until we get more informations from Endo.
Annd that's it. I'm very surprised with this finding. My quick 5-minutes search turned into 2-hours brainrot. And my hands are still cold. I'm not sure if it's intentional from Endo or it's just some happy coincidence, but at least I'm more aware with Covenia now.
Thank you for following me in this short journey! Byee 👋
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forcedfemme-me · 2 years
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Ania Chiz - Jessilann
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jamnickowa · 2 months
Kiedy zaraz kończysz 46 lat, nosisz
- a właściwie, owszem, nosisz, ale skracasz na jeden milimetr włosy po bokach i sama nie wiesz, co sądzić o zachowaniu innych osób wobec ciebie. (Nie twojej osoby. 🥱) Starsza pani w tramwaju. Ustąpiła miejsca dwóm innym paniom i powiedziała: Siądę obok młodego. I znalazła się na krześle obok mnie. Może chodziło o "młodego człowieka"? Nie sądzę. 😏 Ale może. Pisałam nie raz o pomyłkach, jeżeli chodzi o moją płeć, wcześniej. Jestem przyzwyczajona. Szczególnie starsze osoby (to znaczy: w jakim wieku?) dość często nie rozróżniają. Przydałaby się do tego androgeniczna twarz. Być może posiadam, ale nie zdaję sobie z tego sprawy? Dalej. Z tym wiekiem to też pogmatwane. Jeden pan był z psem na spacerze i rzekł był, że nie dałby mi połowy tego. (wieku - dopisek). Było już ciemno, pan chciał być miły. Ogromnie przesadził. 😀 Urocza, miła starsza Pani o siwych włosach w miejscu, w którym bywam praktycznie co tydzień, powiedziała do mnie "papa", a ostatnio: "Widziałam cię tam". I elegancko. Pani per Ty, ja per Pani. A, i jeszcze. Sąsiedzi wracali z pogrzebu sąsiadki. Mijają mnie, Pani sąsiadka mówi: - Pani Ania zawsze tak młodo wygląda. (Byś się zdziwiła, proszę Pani.) Druga sąsiadka: - Ale przecież jest młoda! Skosiła jak kosiarka trawnik. Śmiałam się. To geny. Przede wszystkim geny. Teraz wjeżdża laweta. Z czymś innym. Zakupy w House. Chodziło mi o czarną, rozpinaną bluzę z kapturem. Kupiłam czarną, rozpinaną bluzę z kapturem. Męską. Gdybyś był* tam, gdzie mają ciuchy dla dziewczyn i kobiet, oraz, między innymi, bluzy z kapturem. Ło materdejo. 🤦 Jasne, owszem, każdy sobie nosi to co chce i bardzo, łabędź, dobrze! Tylko, że mnie wbiło w deski tereski. Mamie nie przypadł zbytnio do gustu krój. I bardzo dobrze, nie po to pytam Mamę o zdanie żeby kłamała! ☝️ Bluza spłaszcza mnie po bokach tak, iż całość - bluza plus spodnie - sprawia, że wyglądam jakbym nie posiadała bioder. Moja figura przybiera kształt męskiej. I wiesz co? Mama: "Ale ty tak lubisz." 💪 Tak, moja Mama nie ma żadnego problemu, między innymi, z faktem, jak się ubieram i ��e jest to styl męski. Lubię akcentować to, że mam piersi. Spore piersi. Lubuję się w zestawieniu: chłopczyca z piersiami. 🧒 Jestem pokręcona jak loczki na wałku, czy zupełnie zrozumiała? (Nie przepadam za określeniem "normalna", ale może i takie być. Jeszcze chyba nie ma wygodniejszego.) Jeżeli tu dotarł*ś wpisz, proszę, "Skorpion jedzie na czerwonym". Dzięki! Do przeczytania skorpiony w dwutakcie.
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