#Aniracetam powder
bromantane · 2 years
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Aniracetam ≥ 99%. Pure chemical without fillers 1000mg.
Aniracetam a worthy representative of nootropic drugs belonging to the racetam group.
Aniracetam 1000mg.
Purity ≥ 99%
Net weight: 1 gram
Cas Number: 72432-10-1
Molecular formula: C12H13NO3
Molecular weight: 219,240 g-mol-1
Form: Powder.
Aniracetam is sold under various brand names. The most popular products are:
Aniracetam belongs to a broad group of pharmaceuticals called racetams. Due to the high purity of aniracetam, the product can only be used for laboratory and scientific purposes. You can find detailed information about Aniracetam on our website:
Are you looking for other molecules? Want to outsource the synthesis of innovative new products? Be sure to contact us we will be happy to help you synthesize new substances!
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wisepowder · 5 years
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Buy Nootropic Powder Oxiracetam Vs. Aniracetam, Piracetam: What are the differences?
 All three nootropics share a structural backbone. Unlike piracetam, oxiracetam has an additional hydroxyl group on its structure, which amplifies its potency.
While oxiracetam works to improve focus and concentration span, aniracetam champs at enhancing the mood. For those wishing to extend their working hours considerably, oxiracetam is precisely what the doctor ordered. However, if you are looking for short-term results, aniracetam will work out. At this point, the oxiracetam vs aniracetam debate rolls down to a draw depending on your situation and needs.
Among the three racetams, oxiracetam peak nootropics are highly potent. For this reason, the dose is quite smaller than those of the other two. For instance, a typical aniracetam dosage ranges from 700 to 4000mg per day. However, with oxiracetam, you’ll still feel the same effects when taking half of this amount.
Although these racetams modulate acetylcholine, glutamate neurotransmitters, and the AMPA receptors, each one of them has its specific binding site. Therefore, the mechanism of action differs. The most significant advantage of piracetam, aniracetam, and oxiracetam is that they can all be stacked together without affecting the results.
What makes oxiracetam stand out among all the other nootropics of the racetam family is that it exhibits some stimulation properties. From this comparison, you can tell which one takes the lead in the oxiracetam vs piracetam challenge.
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neopowders · 3 years
Aniracetam powder uk is a cholinergic nootropic, frequently used to lessen tension and melancholy just as advanced imagination.
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Aniracetam Powder: advantages for your health
People are constantly on the lookout to better their performance, both emotionally and physically. The high competitions nowadays require high performance in the individual both in the office and at home. Aniracetam Powder is a first-generation nootropic drug which aids in fostering mood, focus, and concentration.  Aniracetam Powder releases neurotransmitters from our own body that provides for the active operation of the mind. Aniracetam Powder is a fast performing medication you'll feel the effects in a short period. The bloodstreams easily absorb Aniracetam Powder and remain for 1 to 2.5 hours.
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Aniracetam Powder has many effects on the human body. The consequences will, however, differ from person to person depending on their age, body weight and height.  Aniracetam Powder will operate wonder on your brain by improving the cognitive performance of the brain. Taking Aniracetam Powder also helps our bodies attain emotional stability. Aniracetam Powder helps you in achieving emotional balance by permitting the development of cells. Emotion plays a crucial role in our everyday life for that we need to have a healthy emotional balance. You can take Aniracetam Powder with cholinesterase for bettering your psychology health.
Aniracetam Powder supplies you with instant results as unlike other drugs, the blood readily absorbs aniracetam reviews, You ought to take aniracetam dosage along with your meal as it's a fast working drug, The effect of Aniracetam Powder will depend on your own body weight, height or other additional medications you take, The total effect of Aniracetam Powder on your body can last from 1 to 2.5 hours since it's a short half-life.
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A great benefit of choosing Aniracetam Powder is the fostering of your mood. By choosing the right dosage of Aniracetam Powder, you can improve your mood and stay energetic. Aniracetam Powder increases the level of serotonin and dopamine which helps in uplifting your mood. People take Aniracetam Powder as it assists in reducing tension and anxiety. Aniracetam Powder can stimulate acetylcholine, serotonin, and dopamine which remove stress.  Therefore, the taking of Aniracetam Powder supplies you with many health advantages.
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noopept-blog1 · 5 years
Little Known Ways to Make the Most Out of Nootropics
Chronic depression, anxiety, fatigue, and burnout are just some of the recurring terms that you hear these days. Every person is busy in the hustle-bustle of our day to day lives, and work day in and out to keep up with the fast-paced world.
Where does this lead to? Success, yes! But, it also leaves us stressed. The number of people seeking therapy and counselling has increased at an extraordinary rate. Some start using unapproved drug to cope with their thoughts. While, others just keep it to themselves.
The thing to remember through all this is depression is the symptom, not the disease. And, yes there are ways to get rid of it. Today we’ll be talking about some of the best nootropics or smart drugs that can really help people.
There are various types of nootropics available in the market. However, purchasing would depend on what you’re looking to get out of them. Are you trying to improve memory and learning? Or focus? How about anxiety/stress?
If you are looking to buy nootropics as a general sort of thing to enhance your day to day life, here’s a handy guide to help you make an informed decision.
Nootropics: Everything You Need to Know
Nootropics are drugs that are said to increase the cognitive functions of the human brain. They have gained popularity in today's highly competitive society and are most often used to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation.
The term encompasses a number of substances, both natural and synthesized, over the counter and prescription, legal and illegal. The common kitchen spice turmeric can be a nootropic, but so can Ritalin and even LSD.
The word nootropics is a portmanteau of the Greek words nous ("mind") and trepein ("to bend or turn"). It was coined in 1972 by Romanian scientist Corneliu Giurgea, who invented Piracetam, an early cognition-enhancing drug said to improve memory and learning.
There's an infinite combination of stacks, and because everybody's brain chemistry is different, the only way to know which cocktail works for you is to experiment. Most nootropics are classified as dietary supplements, not medications, which means that the claims made on their labels undergo much less scrutiny than prescription pharmaceuticals.
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Aniracetam Benefits
Aniracetam is a drug of the “racetam” chemical classification that was initially developed in the 1970s by pharmaceutical company Hoffman-La Roche.
While it may be a safer substance than various pharmaceuticals and/or supplements, it is necessary to acknowledge that not everyone has a favorable experience with aniracetam. Certain users may experience unwanted side effects, some of which may outweigh the benefits of aniracetam and lead to discontinuation.
One of the most touted benefits of Aniracetam is that of improving memory. Studies have shown that Aniracetam enhances both short-term and long-term memory capacity in various applications. Memory improvement, however, may range from very slight to incredibly noticeable. Aniracetam primarily acts as both a stimulant and a mental enhancer. It's said to help make you more awake and alert. This is similar to caffeine.
There are many factors that may dictate whether you’re likely to experience debilitating aniracetam side effects. Examples of factors to consider as culprits of side effect induction include: aniracetam dosage, frequency/term of administration, concomitantly administered substances, and individual hepatic metabolism.
Where to Buy Noopept
Noopept is a dipeptide derivative which exhibits potent Nootropic and Neuroprotective effects, related to the racetam family of Nootropics.
It was developed in Russia, and is a prescription medicine there. Unlike many single-session experiments with this class, it did produce an effect in terms of clarity and possibly functionality, albeit subtle in nature.
These brain supplements may improve cognitive function, more specifically memory, motivation and creativity, and possibly increase the sense of smell, taste, and touch. The difference that makes Noopept a unique supplement is it effects that are felt immediately when consumed or after ingestion compared to others which nootropics that even take months, weeks and others days. Click here to read more on how Noopept works.
Noopept contains the unique Neuroprotective properties that help in preventing oxidative damages as well as apoptosis in the brain.
However, scientific research has yet to find conclusive evidence on the cognitive enhancing abilities of Noopept in healthy individuals.
Phenibut Benefits
Like most of the other nootropics, Phenibut has anxiolytic properties, meaning it creates a sense of calm in the central nervous system. Phenibut modulates neuronal excitability, which prevents the brain from becoming hyperactive
In Russia, where Phenibut has been prescribed since the 1960s, people take this substance to relieve tension, anxiety, and fear, mostly associated with mental health conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.
The benefits of Phenibut often relate to calmness and a reduction in anxiety. Phenibut may also help to reduce stress and encourage a better sleep. Finding a “sweet spot” where one can feel the full effects of relaxation without impairing their mental function is how most nootropic users take Phenibut. Phenibut should not be used every day and cycled strategically in times of need.
The drug can also be prescribed to treat insomnia, and used to calm people before or after surgery. It is also prescribed to manage dangerous withdrawal symptoms from alcohol addiction.
Phenibut can be habit forming and, with that in mind, correct usage and careful dosages are strongly advised.
Final Words
Nootropic is the type of substance that may seem innocent at first, but can be quite dangerous if taken recklessly. You shouldn’t be using it as a recreational drug, NO!
Nootropics in powder form is quite popular and often preferred by other users due to it being cheaper than capsules. It’s easier to make mistakes regarding dosage when you’re approximating, which is why it’s best to measure your doses using a scale or simply go for capsules.
Any nootropic can be mildly relaxing in low doses, considerably potent as a recreational substance in moderate doses, and outright dangerous when exceeding a certain threshold.
Consult your doctor beforehand, start low and be very careful with dosing when it comes to nootropics.
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caregenic · 3 years
Best Nootropics Supplements For ADHD
Best Nootropics are the best supplements for athletes and people who are in need of mental clarity. If you are thinking of taking any type of supplement, you should know that not all nootropics are created equally. There are a few neurotransmitters, like serotonin, that affect our mood, energy level, and cognitive function. Fisetin powder enhance overall brain functioning, while others act as cognitive enhancers or busters.
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One of the best nootropics is dynamine. dynamine (also known as ephedrine) is a natural stimulant that help improve focus, improve memory function, and increase energy. It also increases mental clarity and increases energy. Ephedrine mimics caffeine and can be found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks.
 Another one of the best nootropics is acetyl-L-carnitine. Acetyl-L-carnitine has been shown to reduce fatigue and elevate energy levels. One of its side effects is a lowered heart rate. This supplement can be found in energy drinks, liposomes, and health drinks.
 The third best depot is noopeptamine. This ingredient is believed to increase brain sensitivity. Noopeptamine acts in the central nervous system and is a partial agonist for dopamine receptors. Studies have found it to be effective in blocking seizures and in increasing mental clarity. Noopeptamine is available in a liquid, powder, and pill form.
 Brain O Brain capsule is one of the most popular and powerful nootropic herbs on the market today. Brain O Brain boosts cognitive function and increases focus and memory. It provides the body with the most powerful source of acetylcholine synthesis. It works synergistically with ginkgo biloba to improve overall cognitive and physical performance.
 The last of our four best nootropics is L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine is a natural neurotransmitter that enhances dopamine release. It helps improve memory and attention. It also improves the neurotransmitters activity and releases growth hormone when taken as a supplement.
 What makes L-tyrosine stand out from other nootropic herbs is that it also boosts acetylcholine receptors function. It does this by triggering neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process in which the brain creates new neurons. Studies have shown that neurogenic effect promotes the formation of new brain cells and helps enhance cognition.
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In addition to these three ingredients, there are many other ingredients that help to improve your focus and memory. For example, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, l-glutamine, and caffeine have been shown to increase brain plasticity. This means that using a nootropic stack can increase not only your memory and focus, but also the health of your brain.
 To find the best nootropic stack you should take into consideration the studies made on each ingredient. If a study was done on L-glutamine, it proved that it can increase your recall capacity. But it was also found that it can increase your thinking speed. Studies on ginkgo biloba showed that it can increase your cognitive function. And the best anti-oxidants are those that can prevent free radical oxidation.
 Let's look at a particular neurotransmitter and one of the best nootropic stacks for adhd: phosphatidylserine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter. When the levels of serotonin in the brain to decrease, the ability of the individual to focus and stay focused decreases as well. Glutamate, another neurotransmitter, has been shown to be the precursor of serotonin. As we age, our ability to produce serotonin declines and thus our reasoning and attention level becomes sluggish. As an interesting side note, another substance often used in ADHD treatment is naltrexone which decreases the levels of norepinephrine in the brain.
 Now to find the most effective anti-depressant for ADHD, you need to look for aniracetam is one of the best nootropics for depression. Aniracetam has been found to reduce stress by increasing the amount of oxygen in the brain, which improves mood. It also increases the release of dopamine and noradrenaline. Together, these three neurotransmitters work together to improve mood, alleviate pain and treat disorders like anxiety and insomnia.
 Another brain tonic to consider is the herb known as rhodiola rosea. Research has shown that this herb can actually reverse the harmful process that is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is basically when a nerve is stimulated and it causes the cells in the brain to increase in size. This then causes the neurons in the area to fire at a faster rate than normal, which causes the person to experience a certain effect in a short amount of time. Rhodiola rosea has been found to prevent this type of neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to function at its optimum level.
 The best nootropic supplements are natural brain boosters that will help you maintain your brain to function at an all time high. These nootropics are the best option to use because they have no known negative side effects. Plus, they are very inexpensive. Try some nootropic supplements like nootropics capsules today and start benefiting from a healthy brain!
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Smart drug IDRA-21 powder benefits
Smart drug IDRA-21 powder benefits
Smart drug IDRA-21 powder benefits 
  1. Smart drug IDRA-21 powder丨What is IDRA-21     2. What is nootropics?     3. How does IDRA-21 work?     4. IDRA-21 research     -Compare to Huperzine A     -Compare to Aniracetam     5. IDRA-21 powder benefits     6. IDRA-21 half life     7. IDRA-21 dosage     8. IDRA-21 side effects     9. Buy IDRA-21 powder      
 1. Smart drug IDRA-21 powder丨What is…
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wisepowder · 5 years
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Aniracetam powder 72432-10-1
 What is Nootropics Aniracetam powder?
 Aniracetam powder (also known as N-anisoyl-2-pyrrolidinone) is a type of drug known as a nootropics that is said to improve cognitive function (including memory, creativity, and motivation) in healthy people. Although aniracetam is available as a prescription drug in Europe, it has not been approved for such use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Instead, aniracetam is sold in the United States as a dietary supplement, where it is used by some to "boost" mental sharpness or memory.
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neopowders · 4 years
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Shop the high quality Aniracetam Powder in UK at NeoPowders. Our Aniracetam Powder is considered a fairly safe and low toxicity substance to improve cognition and memory or reduce anxiety symptoms.  
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#Aniracetam powder form is also available, though not as in favor as the capsule form due to its strong, bitter taste. https://t.co/2atgwLxOaP
#Aniracetam powder form is also available, though not as in favor as the capsule form due to its strong, bitter taste.https://t.co/2atgwLxOaP
— Nootropics Information (@nootropics_info) October 6, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/nootropics_info
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For more information please visit https://www.wisepowder.com/aniracetam-powder-review/
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demidelerious · 6 years
Top 3 Noopept Brands You Can Trust
Not all nootropics are created equally, and if you’re looking for the best you should first learn about top noopept brands that can provide the ultimate quality products. If peak physical performance is your ongoing goal, recognize the importance of also training your brain. In this article, we’re going to discuss just how these brands can help you achieve this.
1. Pure Nootropics
Pure Nootropics aims to provide only the very best quality nootropic products. The company was started in 2013 by health by true health and fitness enthusiasts interested in improving their own brain function. Their manufactured drugs are known to improve attention, focus, memory, mood, and motivation. Pure Nootropics rigorously tests products for quality and purity, and are renowned for their transparency.
They place great emphasis on safety, and custumers can find the third-party lab tests on each product page for reference. On their website (www.purenootropics.net), all those interested can also find guides and tutorials to track their results as well as information on how to take nootropics safely.
While it’s true that Pure Nootropics provide quite a small selection of nootropics, this only means they are serious about coming in with only top quality products. Customers will also find a few unique products such as sublingual solutions that are not readily available in all shops.
2. Absorb Your Health
Absorb Your Health was started in 2011 and they’ve soon become popular because of the affordability of their products. They are known to have some of the best products for boosting cognitive abilities and they sell a wide variety of supplements.
On their website (www.absorbyourhealth.com ), customers will find nootropics like adrafinil, aniracetam, noopept, uridine, PQQ, sulbutiamine, and many others as well as skin care products and health and fitness essentials. Absorb Your Health even have wholesale prices for shop owners who wish to retail these products. They’ll also help you get a private label at a more affordable price than usual.
3. RAW Powders
RAW Powders was created by a team of sport and fitness experts that want to provide their customers with the highest quality for best results. They manufacture and sell only products they trust in. RAW Powders appreciates purity; there are no hidden formulas and cheap, ineffective ingredients in their products.
They offer various types of products which are divided into three major groups – RAW health, RAW Strength, and RAW Sports. Everyone seeking a betterment in their overall health and recovery after sustained physical activities is welcomed to try these supplements.
All RAW Powders products are laboratory tested, they come with a Certificate of Analyses, and have been tried by both the owners of the company and professional athletes. On their website (www.rawpowders.co.uk), customers will find detailed descriptions of all products, including nootropics, creatine supplements, fat loss supplements, and many other health and fitness essentials.
Bottom Line
Despite the recent demand for noopept, there are still very few brands that provide quality, safe supplements in the U.S. and elsewhere. These noopept manufacturers and suppliers are some of the most reliable options on the market today. Always make sure you’re purchasing your supplements from a trustworthy source and read the product description thoroughly to make sure you’re buying the right product for your needs.
The post Top 3 Noopept Brands You Can Trust appeared first on Acetylcholine.net.
Source: http://acetylcholine.net/top-3-noopept-brands-you-can-trust/
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steroid-raw-powder · 6 years
Smart Drug Adrafinil Powder: What To Expect Know?丨AASraw
Smart Drug Adrafinil Powder: What To Expect Know?丨AASraw
  1. History Of Adrafinil 
Adrafinil was originally discovered in the 1970’s in France by pharmaceutical company Group Lafon. Adrafinil is a central nervous system stimulant that helps relieve sleepiness and improve overall alertness. Adrafinil, being eurgeric, is metabolized in the liver into Modafinil, which is a prescription drug known as Provigil.
Adrafinil, while commonly considered a stimulant does not stimulate motor coordination like other stimulants, and is primarily a cerebral stimulant. Connected with a stimulation of Hypocretin, this drug increases how alert and awake one feels. A higher level of Hypocretin causes an increase in dopamine, norepinephrine, and histamines. All three of these plays a role in overall energy levels, making this substance a choice nootropic to take before an intense workout or long study session. It may also stimulate glutamatergic receptors, which are used in thought and learning processes and may help potentiate either Aniracetam or Piracetam. Adrafinil was prescribed in France in 1986 as a treatment for narcolepsy due to its effects of wakefulness and alertness.
Adrafinil, while commonly considered a stimulant does not stimulate motor coordination like other stimulants, and is primarily a cerebral stimulant. Connected with a stimulation of Hypocretin, this drug increases how alert and awake one feels. A higher level of Hypocretin causes an increase in dopamine, norepinephrine, and histamines. All three of these play a role in overall energy levels, making this substance a choice nootropic to take before a intense workout or long study session. It may also stimulate glutamatergic receptors, which are used in thought and learning processes and may help potentiate either Aniracetam or Piracetam. Adrafinil was prescribed in France in 1986 as a treatment for narcolepsy due to its effects of wakefulness and alertness.
2. Adrafinil Review
Adrafinil (CAS: 63547-13-7) is a eugeroic (wakefulness-promoting) or nootropic (memory or other cognitive function-enhancing) drug. It is a precursor to Modafinil, which is the more commonly available version of this drug.
Modafinil and Adrafinil are wake-promoting agents used in the treatment of narcolepsy. Modafinil is classified as a Schedule IV prescription drug in the United States, making it illegal to possess without a prescription. World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has banned both drugs since 2004 when athletes were using them to enhance athletic performance.
Adrafinil is a pro-drug: it is primarily metabolized in vivo to modafinil, resulting in nearly identical pharmacological effects. Unlike Modafinil, however, it takes time for the metabolite to accumulate to active levels in the bloodstream. Effects usually are apparent within 45–60 minutes when you take it orally, on an empty stomach.
  3. Adrafinil Powder--CAS: 63547-13-7 
4. How Adrafinil Powder Works?
Adrafinil powder acts on the adrenergic system, the part of the nervous system that releases adrenaline. Typically associated with the “fight or flight” response, a rapid release of adrenaline boosts energy and increases alertness. While not all of adrafinil’s actions are entirely understood, it is believed to replicate the positive effect of an adrenaline release by boosting adrenergic neurotransmitters.
Technically, adrafinil powder is a synthetic smart drug or precursor, which means that is initially pharmacologically inactive but is converted to an active form inside the body. Adrafinil powder is metabolized in the liver, where it is converted to Modafinil powder, a USFDA-approved treatment for wakefulness disorders sold under the brand names Alertec, Modavigil, and Provigil. The pharmacological effects of adrafinil powder are virtually identical to those of Modafinil.
Though the exact chemical mechanisms of adrafinil powder are not entirely clear, researchers hypothesize that in its metabolized form it acts as an adrenergic receptor agonist. One of its primary actions is thought to be the increased production and release of the neurotransmitter hypocretin, which in turn can trigger the increased production of dopamine, histamine, and norepinephrine. All of these neurotransmitters and hormones are directly related to wakefulness and energy levels, which largely explains adrafinil’s stimulant properties.
The powerful mood-improving and cognitive-enhancing effects of adrafinil powder are believed to be created by several actions, including the positive modulation of glutamate receptors and inhibiting the breakdown of glutamate. This can result in enhanced neuronal communication, which improves memory and focus and creates better general cognitive function.
Adrafinil powder is also believed to stimulate the release of serotonin, which enhances mood by helping to lessen anxiety. It may also inhibit the breakdown of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays an enormous role in the brain’s reward and pleasure centers as well as emotional responses.
5. Adrafinil Powder Dosage
Dosage recommendations vary, but a range of 150 to 300 mg daily is widely accepted as safe and effective. It is a very powerful smart drug, so it’s a good idea to give the body a chance to adjust by starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it as needed.
Adrafinil powder should be ingested on an empty stomach. Because of its potent wakefulness-inducing properties, it should be taken in the morning to allow for normal night’s sleep. Effects can typically be felt within an hour, and the duration of a single dose can be 3-4 hours.
Taking adrafinil powder on a long-term basis is inadvisable, as it could potentially affect liver function. Using adrafinil powder in a cycle (for instance, two weeks on, one week off) is preferable. If you do plan to take adrafinil powder for an extended period, it’s important to have your liver function closely monitored by a medical professional.
Adrafinil powder has been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency as a nonspecific stimulant compound.
  6. Adrafinil Benefits And Effects
Being a nootropic and a eugeroic, the Adrafinil offers a wide range of benefits that lots of people who wish to have more brain power can find useful. Its basic characteristics alone allows it to enhance one’s memory and cognitive functions as well as promote wakefulness - everything you want to get the job done effectively and efficiently.
These are also the very things you’ll lack if you don’t sleep enough, so the Adrafinil will surely feel like a heaven-sent product for those who just can’t run at their full capacity without ample zzz’s.
What makes Adrafinil very interesting, however, is the actual details of its effects on users. The Adrafinil experiences recounted by many users everywhere will really draw you in. Some may even seem to be too good to be true, but as it has actually been prescribed to treat a sleep problem, it means it has passed enough testing proving its effectiveness.
In some ways, it manages to improve your brain’s functioning even with little sleep. This is why it’s a popular supplement for those who experience jet lag but has to perform at their best nonetheless. Because of its effects, it’s also been banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency as they classify it as a nonspecific stimulant compound.
Some experts say that technically, Adrafinil isn’t a stimulant because it doesn’t just keep you awake. Its ability to trigger some of your brain’s brain functions is unavailable in a lot of other stimulants. As it also doesn’t have amphetamines in its mix, it’s not habit forming or addictive. In fact, some even suggest that Adrafinil can be a good tool for replacement therapy for amphetamine-based prescription drugs to handle withdrawal symptoms effectively.
7. Side Effects Of Adrafinil
With such promising effects on your body, Adrafinil can really be one of the best options for lots of people who struggle to stay awake. Imagine all the time you can save by just taking a supplement to perk yourself up. And as you won’t only be woken up by Adrafinil, you can even do more and perform better with such something so simple.
However, Adrafinil is not the easy way out to sleep deprivation, if that’s what you’re thinking. Experts haven’t fully understood what the substance can do, it should be taken with ample safety precautions in mind. Even if you can get it without needing any prescription, you still shouldn’t be too lax about its use.
While millions have already used it without suffering from side effects, it still can potentially do some harm to your health. There are actually two significant side effects this substance has and these are:
  Liver Damage
As Adrafinil is processed and converted in your liver, it can cause a buildup of enzymes, which may not always be bad, but as it can also interact with other parts of your body, it can have certain effects that may not always be good for you. If you have a healthy liver, though, this shouldn’t pose a huge risk for you.
As Adrafinil targets your brain’s sleep mechanisms, it might have an effect on your sleeping pattern as well. Some say that if you take this prodrug late in the day, it can easily keep you up ‘til late. If you’re trying to combine Adrafinil with a good sleep hygiene to really improve your health and brain performance, you might want to avoid taking this supplement in the afternoon so you can still go to bed at the right time.
Aside from these two, anxiety, irritability, nausea, and headaches are also recorded as common side effects of Adrafinil. Some also say they lost appetite which can actually be a good thing for those who are trying to get in better shape at the same time.
The vast majority of adrafinil users will experience no side effects. It is a safe supplement used by millions worldwide, and as long as you stick to the recommended dosage and guidelines, you should have very little to worry about. Never having had issues, I can attest to that. If you do, however, experience any of the side effects listed below, stop taking the supplement and talk to your doctor. Safety first.
The most commonly documented side effects are mild. They can include the typical dizziness, headaches, stomach discomfort and nausea you can get from pretty much any supplement. If you usually experience anxiety or irritability, taking Adrafanil powder can also these exacerbate these feelings.
Several studies I have read suggest an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart rate. While these effects tend to be consistent, they are also quite minor and can be minimized by not taking too high of a dose. That said, if you have heart issues, avoid adrafinil altogether, or at the very least, check in with your doctor before taking it.
Some experience insomnia if they take adrafinil powder too late in the day. This is not so much a side effect as it is user error. One of this supplement's properties is to promote wakefulness, so the later you take it, the greater the odds of it affecting your sleep.
On the more serious side of things, using adrafinil powder over an extended period may negatively impact liver function. Adrafinil powder is a prodrug and must first be metabolized by your body, resulting in an increase of liver enzymes. If you have liver problems to begin with, avoid this supplement altogether. Otherwise, to alleviate any potential liver side effects, cycle the drug in the way I mention in the Dosage section, and consider having your liver function regularly monitored.In case this applies to you, also note that adrafinil powder is banned by the World Anti-doping Association. So no taking adrafinil powder and then going to the Olympics.
8. Adrafinil Powder And Weight Loss
Adrafinil powder is designed as a pro-drug that is activated to Modafinil powder. Besides enhancing wakefulness and giving more energy, Modafinil powder can also help you with weight loss.Modafinil powder is certified by FDA as a drug for treating various disorders. Various customer reviews also support the benefits of using Modafinil powder as they argue that it is great for boosting cognitive functions.
Indirectly, Modafinil powder has also been associated with weight loss according to numerous recorded testimonials. Adrafinil powder is claimed to suppress your hunger levels, which ensures that you do not take in many calories.This allows you to reduce your weight without actually using your energy or effort in the gym or other physical fitness activities.Aside from reducing your appetite, Adrafinil powder is also able to increase your overall energy levels.When this is coupled with the low consumption of calories, you are likely to notice higher levels of fat burn than usual.The higher levels of energy push you to go jogging, walking, or take part in other exercise routine.With this, you will not only keep fit but also lose the extra weight you have put on. Adrafinil powder is not prescribed as a weight loss drug because its ingredients do not work directly to facilitate burning of fats. What happens is that the side effects of ingesting it have been said to end up triggering weight loss.According to various statistics, 35 percent of the US population is estimated to have problems related to obesity.
This, therefore, has increased the demand for weight loss drugs that have also flooded the market.What most of the users do not know is that losing weight is hard especially if one is also struggling with certain disorders like narcolepsy. This is where Adrafinil powder comes in.When Adrafinil powder is consumed, it increases the user’s overall energy levels.This is one of the most effective ways to keep one energized and motivated to workout.After taking Adrafinil powder, you will also stay awake long enough to be able to make healthy meals for yourself rather than just walking to the nearest fast food joint.
You, therefore, will stay alert, attentive, and you will not feel fatigued after just a few minutes of workout.Being able to trigger the burning of the extra fats in your body is of great benefit as it helps you stay healthy.Today, health and fitness experts encourage people to try their best to keep fit and maintain a healthy diet.This will help them in attaining and maintaining general wellness.
  9. Adrafinil Powder VS. Modafinil Powder
  (1)Same Between Adrafinil Powder And Modafinil Powder
Upon ingestion, adrafinil powder is metabolized in the liver, where it is converted into the active metabolite that we now know as modafinil powder, with the remainder being metabolized to the inactive modafinilic acid.
Since adrafinil powder is the precursor of modafinil, both drugs have the same mechanisms of action and very similar benefits and effects.
  Mechanisms of Action: Both adrafinil powder and modafinil powder selectively activate neurons in the hypothalamus and amygdala, increasing the output of the brain’s orexin/hypocretin system, which is largely responsible for wakefulness. This action also elevates histamine and norepinephrine levels, contributing to alertness, and at the same time increases the availability of glutamate, an important excitatory neurotransmitter that is crucial to memory, executive function, and general cognition.
Adrafinil powder and modafinil powder also increase the amount of dopamine available for use in the brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that creates the pleasure/reward response and increasing its availability plays a major role in elevating mood and increasing alertness. Traditional stimulants like amphetamines boost dopamine levels by directly stimulating increased dopamine release, but eugeroics increase dopamine availability by blocking the neural receptors that remove dopamine from the system. This gradual and somewhat indirect effect on the dopaminergic system is believed to make adrafinil/modafinil considerably less potentially addictive than other stimulants.
  Benefits and Effects: Both adrafinil powder and modafinil powder are exceptionally effective at promoting wakefulness, increasing alertness, inhibiting the drive to sleep, delaying the onset of fatigue, and reducing the perception of tiredness. Studies have shown that eugeroics are actually more effective than methamphetamine at inhibiting the urge to sleep, producing more consolidated periods of wakefulness without the extreme rebound sleepiness associated with other stimulants.
Adrafinil powder and modafinil powder have also been shown to create measurable improvement in a wide array of cognitive abilities, ranging from increasing working memory and fluid intelligence to improving spatial and episodic memory, pattern recognition, executive function, and performance on tasks that require higher-level thinking. Clinical trials confirm that eugeroics improve mood in both sleep-deprived and non-fatigued subjects, and new research suggests that adrafinil/modafinil may actually have neuroprotectant properties that contribute to overall brain health.
While both adrafinil powder and modafinil powder are safe, effective, and well tolerated, it’s important to note that long-term daily use is not recommended.
Modafinil powder should be taken according to physicians’ directions, and adrafinil powder should be used on an occasional basis rather than part of a daily nootropic regimen.
  (2)Difference Between Adrafinil Powder And Modafinil Powder
While adrafinil powder and modafinil powder are close to identical in many ways, there are some significant differences between the two.
Potency and Dosage: Modafinil powder is significantly more potent than adrafinil powder, and lower doses are required to achieve the same level of effectiveness. This difference is attributed to the fact that not all of the adrafinil powder is fully converted to modafinil powder. For example, a typical therapeutic dose of modafinil powder ranges from 100 mg to 200 mg, though doses of up to 400 mg per day are not uncommon. Adrafinil powder dosages average from 300 mg to 600 mg, though doses of up to 1200 mg daily are sometimes reported.
Onset, Half-life, and Duration of Effectiveness: Modafinil powder acts more quickly than adrafinil powder, which must be processed by the liver before it takes effect. Modafinil powder is generally at peak levels in the blood within 60-90 minutes, while adrafinil can take up to an additional hour to reach peak levels. The half-life of modafinil powder can last up to 14 hours, while the half-life of adrafinil powder is about five hours.
Toxicity: Because adrafinil powder must be metabolized in the liver, it has some potential for toxicity with prolonged use. While elevated liver enzymes are sometimes associated with adrafinil powder use, actual reports of liver toxicity are rare and are associated with long-term, high-dosage use.
Legal Status: One of the most important ways in which the two eugeroics are different is in their legal status. Though both adrafinil powder and modafinil powder have been banned as performance enhancing drugs by the World Anti-Doping Association, adrafinil powder is currently unregulated and is available without prescription in most countries. Modafinil powder is listed as a controlled substance (Schedule IV) in the US, and it cannot be legally purchased without a prescription in most countries, including the US, Canada, and most European nations.
Cost: Adrafinil powder costs significantly less than modafinil powder, which can be staggeringly expensive. Depending on which pharmacy you use, modafinil powder can cost over $300/10g in the US. Adrafinil powder is widely available at a fraction of the cost of modafinil powder .
  (3)Which Is Right For You ?
If you have a condition for which your physician has prescribed modafinil powder, it is the right choice for you.
However, from a purely practical standpoint, adrafinil powder is usually a better option for all other users, for several reasons.
Most importantly, adrafinil powder is unregulated and can be legally purchased without a prescription. Modafinil powder is a controlled substance and buying it without a prescription is illegal in the US, Canada, and most other nations worldwide.
Cost is also a major factor. The price of modafinil powder can be a real burden for prescription buyers unless insurance covers at least part of the cost, and it could be prohibitive for users who are interested in the nootropic benefits of eugeroics rather than the treatment of a sleep disorder.
Adrafinil powder is available in a wide range of dosages at a fraction of the cost of modafinil powder.
Adrafinil’s shorter half-life also makes it a better choice for off-label users. Because it is active in the body for a shorter period of time, it’s easier to schedule doses so that regular sleep patterns aren’t interrupted.
  (4)My Summary
So which one should you go with? Well, as with most thing in life, that depends. If you have a doctor’s prescription for modafinil powder, that is without a doubt what you should be taking. Whether you get it on online or at a pharmacy, however, is entirely up to you.
I have and will continue to use both. Which one I choose depends on the situation. In most other cases, however, I see adrafinil powder as the better option. This is why I chose to place it, and not modafinil powder, on my list of top brain enhancing drugs. First off, it is not regulated and can be easily bought without a prescription. Modafinil powder is classified as a controlled substance in most countries around the world.
Adrafinil powder is cheaper, which makes it much more accessible. Modafinil powder can get stupid expensive if bought at a pharmacy, though granted, there are much more affordable modafinil powder sources.
I’m also a big fan of adrafinil powder ’s shorter half-life, which allows me to take it much later in the day without having to worry about it messing with my sleep. I often won’t know first thing in the morning what my whole day will look like, and with adrafinil powder, I can be a little more flexible and reactive.
Ultimately, adrafinil powder and modafinil powder are both safe, well tolerated and very effective options that are nearly identical in the end results they provide. If you’re on the hunt for a nootropic that will keep you awake and let you perform at peak mental capacity for hours without messing with your regular sleep cycle and causing a rebound crash, both modafinil powder or adrafinil powder fit the bill.
10. Is It Legal To Buy Adrafinil Powder?
As with any supplement, each country has its own permissions and restrictions that can change from time to time. Some countries even have their own laws and customs in regards to importing supplements from outside of the country. If you are choosing to import or export parcels from one country to another, make sure that you appropriately declare it on customs and pay the necessary taxes and duties. Many countries offer leniency and reduce taxes if you are just importing supplements for
personal use. However, if you start to get into the realm of purchasing large quantities, you should reach out to a customs agent will be able to assist you in making sure that you fill out the necessary paperwork.
In certain countries Adrafinil powder is considered a prescription drug. In these countries, you will need to go visit your doctor to receive the necessary paperwork in order to take it. Some physicians prescribe it for off label purposes such as increased energy, as a study pill, or for boosting productivity. It should never be taken by individuals with epilepsy, liver, or kidney impairment. If you start to take the supplement on a regular basis, make sure to have your doctor check your liver enzymes every month if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant.
Adrafinil powder is legal to buy and use in the United States, United Kingdom, and in Canada. However, in Australia, it is only given as a prescription. Some countries requiring a prescription will allow patients to import small quantities for personal use.
The World Anti-Doping agency has marked the compound on its list of prohibited substances for athletic competition. Athletes should take note about its prohibited status. As regulations and rules continue to change and develop country by country, it is wise to check with your local regulating agencies. This way you can get all of the most up-to-date information on the legal status of Adrafinil powder in the certain country where you are living.
Although Adrafinil powder has a lot of great benefits to offer its users, it has different legal status and restrictions depending on the country that you live in. Below you will find a list of a few of the most common places where people have questions about the legality of this product.
The short answer is yes! Adrafinil powder is legal to purchase and use in the United States, UK, and Canada. If you live in Australia, you will need a prescription if you want to purchase it. The fact that it is not illegal does not negate the importance of making sure that you take the proper dosage. Adrafinil powder is an extremely potent nootropic supplement that should only be used by adults. New users will want to start off with 300 mg for their first dose, taken very early in the morning. If you dose too late in the afternoon or early evening, the supplement can lead to sleep loss.
All in all, if you’re looking for an excellent way to increase energy and alertness, make sure to give Adrafinil powder a try. Check with your local government agencies if you have any specific questions regarding the legal status in the place that you live.
11. Where To Buy Adrafinil Powder(Smart drug)?
For you to buy Adrafinil powder, you first need to know whether it is legally approved in your country.It is legally accepted in the US, Australia, Canada, and various countries in Europe. For the latter, you will find this supplement in the UK for only personal use according to the law. Nevertheless, you should know that Adrafinil powder is not medically approved or regulated in any of these countries. For the people who live in North America, you will be able to buy it readily from online retailers. However, this will be a little difficult for the prospective users in Europe.
Although it is legal to buy Adrafinil powder in most countries, you will not get it easily in most pharmaceutical stores. Common online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and GNC among others do not sell this product as it is viewed more as a synthetic brand than a drug.
They, therefore, avoid taking in the liability associated with it. You can get Adrafinil powder on Absorb Health and Ceretropic. The former is, however, more reliable since it ships the product promptly upon purchase, and they will provide you with the authenticity certification.
It is available for purchase on:
AASraw--Adrafinil powder CAS: 63547-13-7
SZOB--Adrafinil powder CAS: 63547-13-7
12. Adrafinil Powder Questions & Answers
Q: How should I take Adrafinil powder?
A: For this product, the recommended dose is 600-1200mg twice a day or as prescribed by a physician.
  Q: What are the ingredients in Adrafinil powder?
A: Adrafinil is an ingredient. But, some supplements containing Adrafinil also contain silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cellulose, and gelatin.
  Q: What are the side effects of Adrafinil powder?
A: Some potential side effects connected to the use of Adrafinil powder include dizziness, stomach discomfort, headache, nausea, potential liver issues, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, DRESS Syndrome, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, insomnia, cotton mouth, and weight loss.
  Q: Does Adrafinil powder work?
A: Users have listed discouraging reviews concerning Adrafinil powder stating that it does not work well for them or does not work at all.
  Q: How do I know if Adrafinil powder is right for me?
A: Choosing the right product is the #1 question asked by DietSpotlight readers. We recommend trying any product before buying it and know that finding a product with a sample offer is near impossible - so we created our own product, Burn HD, with scientifically backed ingredients.
  Click here to get your sample(CAS: 63547-13-7) of our powerful smart drug today.
  Q: What is the price of Adrafinil powder?
A: The amount for the 40 count, which is a month’s supply, is $50.00, and the powder, which is available in 10g-20g is $60.00.
  Q: Where can I buy Adrafinil powder?
A: Adrafinil powder can be bought online through retail websites without a prescription. If this product is purchased online, it is advisable that you use caution, as there are sites who claim to sell the real product but don’t.
  Q: How do I contact Adrafinil customer service?
A: Customer service contact information is listed on the official website at adrafinil.com. There is no email or phone number, but a contact form can be filled out and customer service will contact you back within 24 hours.
  Q: Can I return Adrafinil powder?
A: Adrafinil powder does offer a 30-day full money back guarantee, and there is no need to return the bottle in order to receive this guarantee.
  Q: What is reviews for Adrafinil powder reddit?
A: Adrafinil powder has gained popularity in recent years due to its similarity to modafinil and relative accessibility.Adrafinil powder is treated like a dietary supplement in the United States in that you can buy it without a prescription.
  Q: What are the most common complaints about Adrafinil powder?
A: The most common complaints associated with Adrafinil powder is that some customers have noticed no effects, terrible headaches, possibility that it can toxify your liver, and that this product is costly.
  Q: What is recipe of Adrafinil powder?
A: To inquiry our Customer Representitive(CSR) for details, for your reference.
  Q: How can i order Adrafinil powder from AASraw?
A: (1)To contact us by our email inquiry system,or online skypecustomer service representative(CSR).
(2)To provide us your inquired quantity and address.
(3)Our CSR will provide you the quotation, payment term, tracking number, delivery ways and estimated arrival date(ETA).
(4)Payment done and the goods will be sent out in 12 hours(For order within 10kg).
(5)Goods received and give comments.
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How To Boost Memory Power
The nootropic Phenylpiracetam is assessed to be 50-60 times more strong than Piracetam, from which it is determined. It is exceedingly successful at boosting long haul memory arrangement and maintenance, expanding liquid insight and helping you to focus on rationally depleting work. While not as every now and again utilized as Piracetam or even Pramiracetam, it is a mainstream choice among people who need a more grounded stimulant impact from their nootropics.   Phenylpiracetam Dosage Instructions for Newbies or less Experienced  User :   As a Beginner to Nootropics it is vital to comprehend that you are hopping into a standout amongst the most intense supplements in this class. While racetam nootropics have long been set up as extremely safe for human utilization, there is more serious danger of unpalatable symptoms in the event that you take 10 mg a lot of Phenotropil versus overshooting a Piracetam dose by 10 mg. It is constantly prudent in the first place the littlest compelling measurements particularly in the event that you have not utilized nootropics as a part of the past.   sfeLess experienced clients ought to begin taking 50 mg for every day of Phenylpiracetam powder or tablets. This Phenylpiracetam powder is water soluble which easy to take. This should be possible in the morning or even as late as the center evening. Utilizing it later as a part of the day is not prescribed as it could meddle with your capacity to nod off around evening time. The main circumstance in which you might need to take it at night is whether you are anticipating a late night or utilizing Phenotropil as a pre-workout supplement. As you turn out to be more experienced with Phenotropil, you may choose to build the dose levels. Under no conditions ought to 300 mg for each day be taken.   Phenylpiracetam Dosage Instructions for Experienced Users:   Indeed, even experienced Nootropics clients ought to still approach Phenotropil with a touch of consideration and alert. This supplement has more movement with the adrenergic framework and your catecholamine levels which implies it produces some stimulant impacts. Therefore, measurement control is more vital utilizing Phenotropil rather than a supplement like Aniracetam or Oxiracetam. You likewise ought not be utilizing super measurements or assault dosages with this Racetam because of the potential for receptor down-regulation. Rather than bouncing right in at a higher measurement level, start with around 100 mg for every day. This could even be split into two organizations of 50 mg each of Phenotropil powder. By chance, the powdered structure works best for this since it is simplest to control your measurement. The powdered form additionally gets assimilated somewhat quicker and may get to be compelling in a shorter timeframe. On the off chance that utilized for upgrading your athletic execution, then one of these organizations ought to be either instantly before or after your workout.   When you have been taking Phenotropil for some time on an incidental premise, you might need to try different things with bigger measurements. Be that as it may, this ought to be done mindfully so as not to prompt resistance. Pay consideration on your body and comprehend the impacts of this supplement on your framework. Try not to surpass an aggregate measurements of 300 mg for each day. Read the full article
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wisepowder · 5 years
The Best 15 Smart Drugs and Nootropics Powder Reviewed-WisePowder
Smart drugs powder or nootropics powder are natural or synthetic substances that can be taken to improve mental performance in healthy people.Smart drugs powder for sale in the market have gained popularity in today’s highly competitive society and are most often used to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation.
Here we look at the 15 best smart drugs powder and how they enhance performance.
 – Purity≥98% Flmodafinil(CRL-40,940) Powder 90280-13-0
– Purity≥98% Adrafinil Powder 63547-13-7
– Purity≥98% Fladrafinil(CRL-40,941) Powder 90212-80-9
– Purity≥98% Hydrafinil(9-Fluorenol) Powder 1689-64-1
– Purity≥98% Pramiracetam Powder 68497-62-1
– Purity≥98% Carphedon (Phenylpiracetam) Powder 77472-70-9
– Purity≥98% Noopept(GVS-111) Powder 157115-85-0
– Purity≥98% Nefiracetam Powder 77191-36-7
– Purity≥98% Aniracetam powder 72432-10-1
– Purity≥98% J-147 Powder 1146963-51-0
– Purity≥98% Magnesium L-Threonate Powder 778571-57-6
– Purity≥98% Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride powder 23111-00-4
– Purity≥98% Galantamine Hydrobromide powder 69353-21-5
– Purity≥98% Compound 7P powder 1890208-58-8
– Purity≥98% N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester powder 59587-09-6
 Different smart drugs or nootropic,the mechanism of action is different, the effects of smart drugs are different also. If you want to experience the best nootropic or smart drugs effects, make sure to buy smart drugs powder from the reliable smart drug powder manufacturer but not the third-party vendor.Because there are many fake smart drug powder supplier sell junk online.
For more details of different smart drug or nootropic effects, benefits, side effects, dosage…Please visit:
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neopowders · 3 years
Adrafinil UK is inert in its underlying structure.  Aniracetam powder UK is one of the sorts of nootropic drugs having a place with the Racetam family.
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