#Anthony Vestra
zazu75 · 5 months
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Purple flowers in a the Bath: An Octopath Erhradt(Wrath)/OC Hanahaki fanfic, in which caring about the someone going through a depression episode is a big plot point.
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dazzlerazz · 2 months
So here's my list of names
Rupert Leonardo Blaiddyd Arthur Molinaro Natalie Meredith Gautier Freya Daphne Fraldarius Glenn Govan Galatea Iris Ubert-Gaspard Luca von Martritz Camille Bella Dominic
Victoria von Hresvelg Vanya von Vestra Theodore von Aegir Spencer Arnault Jesse Macneary Eleanore von Varley Lilith von Bergliez Percival von Hevring
Helena von Riegan Romeo Bartholomew Goneril Lennox von Edmund Anthony Victor Alice Kirsten Loretta "Briar" Primrose Gloucester Tristan von Ordelia Charlie Pinelli
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spooky-activity · 2 years
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Hubert von Vestra Pokemon lore under the cut
Most of Hubert's Pokemon were sought out with a specific purpose in mind, rather than him happening to find them, so their descriptions will kinda reflect that.
Beheeyem (Bertrand): Since psychic type Pokemon are so useful in day to day life, members of house Vestra are charged with finding and catching one to become their first partner. Hubert found his Elgyem in the dark corridors beneath the Imperial palace, unknowing at the time that he was actually there due to the presence of Those Who Slither In The Dark. Hubert makes very good use of Anthony's ability to manipulate memories in his many efforts to assist Edelgard from the shadows, though has found little success in using these powers to restore Edelgard's missing memories.
Crobat (Cornelius): After Edelgard was taken by TWSITD, Hubert's investigations led him to believe she was being kept beneath the palace, in the labyrinthine tunnels beneath. To aid his search(which unfortunatley proved fruitless in the end), he caught a Zubat. His Supersonic and Mean Look moves are favored by Hubert when he wants to capture someone alive.
Gengar (Garrik): Garrik is always kept outside of his Pokeball, hiding in Hubert's shadow, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Hubert is particularly fond of the paralysis side effect of his Lick attack. It did not escape Hubert's notice that he found such a newly formed Ghastly beneath the palace, so soon after Edelgard and her siblings were spirited away.
Magnezone (Morrigan): She was found acting as a sentry for TWSITD, and was captured by Hubert for later study. She showed aptitude for battle, and a willingness to follow orders. Since she is such a rare Pokemon in Foldlan, being found exclusively near members of TWSITD and in Shambhala, Hubert uses her very selectively in battle: to throw his enemies off balance, since nobody knows how to counter a Pokémon from this line.
Seviper (Sylvia): Wanting a convenient source of poison, Hubert caught Sylvia. When she is not assisting Hubert with his alchemy, she is patrolling around Edelgard, eating any Rattata or Raticate she can find.
Cacturne (Cain): Caught simply to balance out his party, Hubert has since found many many uses for the durable pins Cain's Pin Missile attack produces.
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fatesdeepdive · 1 year
Entry 113: Shyamalan Would Be Proud
Revelation Chapter 22: Memories
Now that the filler stuff with Anthony is over, the gang walks through a random forest. Azura says it feels familiar. Anankos's blue-haired minion we keep running into shows up. She's Arete. She's Azura's mother and Garon's wife Arete. There isn't even a buildup, she just walks up to to Azura and says "I am Arete." Fantastic reveal.
Arete says she's a servant of Anankos, something we already knew. Azura says she's okay with fighting her mother because she's just a puppet for Anankos. Arete says she's evil now mwahaha and attacks. Side note, Xander's the only Nohrian in this scene, and he doesn't really react to Arete showing up, which is weird. He has two lines in response to her showing up, neither of which are very personal. Also, another side note, Garon and Arete are both minions of Anankos but never once interact; bit of a wasted opportunity.
This battle takes place in a forest you can burn down with Dragon Veins. Corrin burns a lot of things in this game. Arete retreats, saying we haven't seen the last of her. I'm getting major Hubert von Vestra vibes from this lady. The gang talks about how that wasn't really Arete and Azura acts fairly chill regarding the whole being forced to have a fight to the death with your mother's puppeteered corpse thing. Maybe she's just bottling up. We should get her a therapist. We should get most Fire Emblem characters a therapist.
At the end of the chapter, Flora showed up at My Castle. I guess the Ice Tribe is fine now. Flora is the last unit to be recruited in Revelation.
You know, I was worried that my 82 unit army wouldn't be enough to beat Anankos, but this 83rd should make things easier. Just to be safe, maybe I should recruit the Amiibo units and Anna for a nice even 88. Wait, not 88. That's the Nazi number. Wait a minute...
Support: Hinata/Odin
C: Odin shows Hinata magic that can turn day into night. Oh, I get it, he's responsible for the weird sky stuff in Chapter 16! Not really. Odin takes credit for making a cloud move out from in front of the sun. Hinata thinks this is awesome.
B: Hinata asks Odin to teach him magic, offering his family katana as payment.
A: Hinata can't move the sun, because Odin can't either. Odin claims he taught Hinata wrong on purpose so Hinata could keep his sword. Hinata continues learning from Odin. Odin asks if his sword has a name.
Review: Hinata is a himbo. Odin is also a himbo, except sometimes he's lying, except sometimes he believes his own bullshit. Anyway this was fine.
Support: Sakura/Xander
C: Sakura tries to talk to Xander, but leaves because she's scared.
B: Xander asks and Sakura explains that she has anxiety and was practicing talking to people by talking to the most intimidating person in Nohr.
A: Xander says that he was timid as a child and learned to be brave by talking to the scariest person in Nohr: his father. Xander says that the thing that changed him was him wanting to change, and that Sakura will get confident because she has the same desire.
S: Xander proposes.
Review: Okay, but a bit light on content.
Support: Arthur/Azama
C: Arthur asks what Azama's job is. Azama says he's Hinoka's retainer, but that he barely does anything and she supports him more than he supports her. Arthur says he serves Elise and Azama says that must be rough. Arthus is insulted on the behalf of his liege and says clearly Nohr and Hoshido are different. Azama says that Nohr and Hoshido aren't different and that people just come up with ways to alienate each other. He says that, if the two countries fell, the world would go back to being simple and quiet. Arthur asks where Azama's pride is. Azama laughs and says that Arthur is fun.
B: Azama speculates that Arthur's low luck growth is a curse from the Gods, who are tormenting him for fun. Arthur is confused, as he's dedicated his life to truth, justice, and the Nohrian way. That's a Superman reference, but it falls flat because the Nohrian way is violent genocidal imperialism. Then again, so is the American way I guess. Anyway, Azama says that the gods are probably jealous of Arthur.
A: Arthur learns Azama's backstory, that he was a monk who saved Hinoka, because he simply wanted to help, then Hinoka demanded he become her retainer. Arthur says the two of them are opposites, him a man of heroic action and deed and Azama a peaceful man apathetic to fame or glory.
Review: Really good! Arthur and Azama bounce off each other really well. Also Azama is based in the C Support.
Support: Niles/Setsuna
C: Niles says Setsuna looks like there isn't a thing in the world that could bother her. She says she worries about things. When pressed, she says she worries about how she doesn't have any worries. Niles calls her an idiot. Setsuna, not paying attention, assumes he just complimented her.
B: Niles asks why Hinoka made Setsuna her retainer. Setsuna says it's because she's from an important family and Hinoka saw she was a good archer. Setsuna says Hinoka once said something about her listening skills, but she wasn't paying attention, but she thinks it was probably a compliment. She says Hinoka's always giving her compliments.
A: Niles asks if Setsuna is actually happy. She doesn't know. Niles says he's envious and Setsuna tells him to just let all of his thoughts drip out of his head.
S: Niles asks about Setsuna's future. Setsuna says that Hinoka will take care of her. Niles says Hinoka won't always be around, but Setsuna remembers she's rich. Niles points out money can easily run out and offers to take care of Setsuna. Setsuna says they should go daydream for days, but Niles reminds her she needs to eat eventually.
Review: Setsuna is so stupid in this one she cannot function and needs a caretaker. On one hand, this support is really funny, especially with Setsuna claiming Hinoka gives her a lot of compliments. On the other, Setsuna really shouldn't be a soldier.
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ghostwise · 2 years
One thing that happens to me when I’m writing a character’s backstory is that, because I hate backstories involving grief/death, I wind up with tons of presumed dead but still alive characters. So if I decide to give someone a meaningful loss for character development... I will almost immediately say ‘ah! but what if they’re not really dead?’ and it becomes a ‘character seems to come back from the dead after being assumed dead by the protagonist’ trope.
This happens to TONS of my characters. smh
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