#Anthony fridge Johnson imagines
mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Welcome to the Jungle-’Fridge’ Johnson-Chapter 5
Summary: Today was supposed to be a normal day at school for Emily Gilpin. Wake up. Walk to school with her adopted brother, Spencer. Go home. Read. Except what happens when her and four other people, including her brother Spencer, get detention? The day gets a whole lot weirder. Starting with: Getting sucked into a video game.
Warnings: Language, Bullying (Reference to Incent-Solely for Bullying-Not True), Violence, Fluff, Video Game Deaths
Words: 4,610
A/N: We are hoping you guys enjoy this! Comments help me push things out!! To be tagged: Message Me, Comment, Submit an Ask or Tag Yourself In My Bio!
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Third Person POV
The group is walking through the crowd in the Bazaar again, but this time Bethany is leading them with the map.
“So keep your eyes peeled for an elephant, I guess? That’s like the next level of the game?” She asks, but stops in her tracks when the sound of motorcycles enter her ears. 
One of the men gets off their bikes and slams someone against the wall. Spencer’s eyes widen and he immediately turns around, running through the crowd of people. One of the NPC’s spots Bethany and calls out, angrily. 
“Run!” She calls out before turning around and gently pushes Emily backward into Martha.
“Shit!” Emily screams out before they all start running.
They push through people left and right, trying to get away from what they think are Van Pelt’s men. The crowd around them screams out when being pushed but they don’t pay them any mind. Since Bethany is somehow in front, she tries to warn the three behind her about the fallen baskets blocking their path.
“Jump!” She says, skipping over them before running again.
“Jump!” Martha calls out to the last two.
When Emily tries to jump over it, Fridge pushes her forward causing her to almost fall.
“Go, go, go!” He says, trying to help her.
“I’m trying!” She snaps, running once again. 
Since Spencer ran before any of them, he gets blocked by an equally large, bald man with a long beard. The man smirks at him before Spencer decides to speak.
“I have to warn you...I think I’m a very strong puncher.” 
The man ignores him and throws a punch in his direction. 
“Parry.” He says, moving away from the punch.
He smiles slightly, remembering this is a video game. He played Mortal Kombat this morning and fighting in video games is almost exactly the same. Each punch the man throws at him, he blocks, saying what he would say if he was playing his game.
“Parry. Parry. Evade. Block.” He says, throwing his arm up to stop the punch before smirking. “Uppercut.”
He uppercuts the guy forcing him through the bamboo ceiling above him. The group catches up to him after he defeats a couple more guys using almost the exact same routine.
“Punch. Wall toss!” Spencer says, grabbing the man by the arm and pant leg, throwing him against the wall to their left.
“That is insane.” Bethany says, intrigued by what they just saw. 
Emily rolls her eyes and grabs the bow off her back before running after her brother. She grabs an arrow and shoots it at a man that her brother didn’t see. Another man pops out of nowhere and starts throwing knives, missing Spencer completely. When one is thrown directly at Fridge’s face, Spencer grabs it an inch from contact. 
Fridge gasps loudly and Spencer hands the knife to him.
“Let’s do this.” He says as Fridge takes the knife.
“Do what?” He says, freaked out.
Spencer ignores him and starts walking toward the man. Emily brings her bow up and shoots another man in the chest as her brother dodges a knife slash and slams the man down.
“Put…” Fridge says, holding the knife up to Martha. “Put it in my backpack.”
Martha hands it to Bethany who opens the backpack. For the next several minutes, Spencer is defeating every Van Pelt soldier he can. He throws people through ceilings, through walls and even snaps someone’s neck, grossing the group out. A gunshot is heard causing everyone, the group and NPCs, to stop and look.
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The NPCs scream out and run from the area, not wanting to be around Van Pelt. Emily wraps her bow around her again before stepping up to her brother to catch a glimpse at the man who wants to kill them. Fridge, Bethany and Martha step up slowly behind her.
“Hello, doctor.” Van Pelt smirks at the group with his own soldiers behind him. “Been a long time. I believe you have something that belongs to me.”
“We just wanna go home.” Spencer tries to say but the soldiers cock their guns, aiming them at him.
Not even a second later, a smoke grenade is dropped in front of Spencer, filling the area with a black smoke.
“Come on! Come with me! Hurry!” A voice to Emily’s left. 
Spencer pushes her in the direction and the group follows quickly behind them.
“Get him!” Van Pelt snaps, forcing his soldiers to shoot into the black smoke.
The group runs through crowds of people with the mystery man leading them.
“Come on!” He calls out to them.
He makes his way down a hallway before kneeling down on the floor in front of a large grate. 
“Down here.” He says, pulling it up and pushing it to the side. “Come on. Quick!”
One by one, they begin to climb down with the mystery man being last to climb down the ladder. Above them, Van Pelt’s soldiers run over the grate, thinking the group continued down the path. The mystery man jumps down the ladder and takes off his mask revealing a man who couldn’t be more than 25 years old. 
He grabs a match from his pocket. 
“I need you to follow me and do exactly as I say.” He says, lighting a torch. “Let’s move.”
He starts walking down the hallway nearby and the group quickly follows behind him.
“Oh, my God, you guys. I am so stoked you are here.” He says, leading the way. “You have no idea.”
“You are?” Bethany speaks up.
“So stoked. I mean, I saw you guys in the bazaar and I thought to myself, no way! And, I, then I was like, yeah that’s totally.” He says before quickly cutting himself off. “Backs against the wall!”
They quickly listen to him as large spikes fly through the air, barely missing all of them. 
“Oh my goodness!” Martha squeals.
Emily looks down the path to see a skeleton who has already died from the spikes at one point or another. 
“Let’s keep moving.” Mystery man says before continuing down the hall before entering another room. “Watch your step in here.”
“Who are  you?” Martha speaks up since she’s right behind him.
“Yeah, and who do you think we are?” Fridge calls out so the man can hear him.
“Right. Sorry, okay, my bad. Let me backup a little here.”
“Wait, are you the pilot?” Emily asks.
“Seaplane somebody?” Spencer finishes his sister's thoughts.
“Yes! Yeah! That’s me.” He confirms. 
“Wait a minute, wait.” Fridge says, remembering Spencer was going to pick that name in detention. “You’re the other character that was taken. So you’re in the game too?”
Seaplane doesn’t answer but looks down at his feet. 
“Stay off the white bricks. And Freeze.”
“What?” Fridge asks before looking down.
Everyone steps forward or back, depending where the white bricks are and the girls scream out when large blades almost cut them. Everyone’s, except Seaplane, hearts begin to pound hard as they can when the blades fall back down.
“So gnarly.” Seaplane chuckles before walking again. 
“This game sucks.” Fridge comments.
Emily turns around and takes his hand, pulling him with her, knowing if he had the option that he would stay right where he was. Seaplane walks down another path before realizing where he is, he puts his hand up, stopping Martha from going any further. They both look down and he drops the torch into a pit, lighting up alligators before one bites the torch.
Martha gasps loudly, not knowing that is what would be below them.
“Alright. Get this plank.” He says, reaching in front of her to grab a large piece of wood.
He lays it down across the pit before walking across safely.
“Follow me and be careful. It’s a horrible way to die.” He comments before putting his hand out.
“Oh, God.” Martha says before putting a foot on the plank. 
Below her, the alligators begin to roar and jump, trying to bite at her legs. She walks across, taking Seaplane’s hand to make it there in one piece and through the arch into another hallway. 
“There you go.” He smiles before turning to Fridge.
He reluctantly lets go of Emily’s hand and puts one foot on the plank. An alligator jumps up and snaps, causing him to freeze in fear as a million facts start running through his head. 
“Come on.” Seaplane smiles, waving him to the other side of the pit. 
“I got it. I got it.” Fridge says, walking across a little faster. “I just defanged a snake, give me a little respect.”
He makes it to the other end but doesn’t exit through the arch like Martha did. He stands beside Seaplane, making sure Emily makes it across. She looks up and takes in a deep breath before putting her foot on the plank. She takes a few steps before reaching out toward Fridge. He immediately grabs her hand and helps her across. 
“Thanks.” She whispers.
“Anytime.” He smiles softly before walking her over to Martha.
Now, Spencer walks across like nothing is wrong, seeing as his character is fearless, but now it’s Bethany’s turn. When she begins to cross, an alligator jumps up and misses her foot by inches causing her to scream and grab onto Seaplane’s hand, practically jumping into his arms. 
“Hi there.” She says, flirting slightly.
But all Seaplane can see is an older man hitting on him. 
“Hi.” He says before letting her go and walking past the group.
He turns left and opens a gate before pushing through what appears to be a rock wall. Everyone follows behind him and they see they are back in the forest. Emily smiles widely, happy to be out of that booby-trapped place. Seaplane closes the door before locking it and walks toward the group.
“Anyway, I’m Alex.” He introduces himself.
“Spencer Gilpin.” Spencer points to himself before the others. “Martha. My sister, Emily. Fridge and Bethany.”
“Bethany?” Alex says, shocked. “You’re a girl?”
“Woman.” Bethany smiles and puts her hand on her hip.
“In real life, you’d probably want to hit that.” Fridge comments, pointing to her. 
Bethany smacks his arm with the back of her hand before smirking at Alex, knowing Fridge is probably right.
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Alex led the group back to his hideout which happens to be a bungalow type in the middle of the forest. They are all hanging out in different areas. Martha and Spencer are sitting on a raised platform near the counter Alex was working on. Bethany is looking around the bungalow while Emily sits in a wooden lounge chair with Fridge sitting on the arm of it.
“What are you making?” Spencer asks, watching as their new friend turns off a blender.
“Margaritas.” He answers with a smile as he pours the alcoholic drink into different cups. “It’s actually one of my strengths. That and piloting, although I did get shot down by a couple orangutans in fighter jets so…maybe not that great at it. Anyway! Cheers.”
He passes out the cups to everyone, Fridge being the only one to immediately take a drink.
“Thanks.” Spencer says, taking his cup. 
“Sure.” Martha says before looking at it. “I’ve never had alcohol before.”
“Me neither.” He says, staring at the yellowish liquid. 
“You know what? What the hell?” She smiles.
They both take a drink before immediately spitting it back into their respective cups. 
“And I’m done with that.” She says, putting the cup down on the table in front of her.
“It’s good.” Spencer lies, putting his own cup down.
“Are you gonna finish that?” Fridge asks Emily, noticing that she hasn’t taken a sip of hers.
“Nope.” She answers, holding out her cup.
He happily takes it and pours the liquid into his cup, putting hers on the table.
“Alex?” Bethany speaks up, causing him to turn around. “What’s up with all these candles?”
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“Citronella. One of my weaknesses is mosquitoes which…is kind of a bummer when you live alone in an open hut in the jungle.” He says, rushing out the last part.
She giggles slightly before turning her head away, whispering to herself. 
“He’s single.”
Fridge, who has gotten up to look around, speaks up again but this time to Alex.
“Who’s this?” He gestures to a carving on the banister. “Who’s Alan Parrish?”
“The guy who built this place.”
“Wait, other people have been stuck here too?” Emily asks, leaning forward in her lounge chair.
“Yeah.” He nods with a shrug. “This is Alan Parrish’s house. I’m just living in it.”
“So, Alex, tell me.” Bethany says, taking off her hat to run her fingers through her hair. “How long have you been in the game?”
“Oh, it’s tough to say.” He glances at everyone. “Time is kind of funny here. But, a few months, at least.”
“A few months?” Martha says, her eyes widening.
“Yeah, I just can’t see to make it past the transportation shed.” He leans against the counter.
“Transportation shed?” Spencer raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
“It’s the next level. First time, my hot-air balloon wouldn’t even take off. And then there was the whole plane thing I mentioned.” He then holds out his wrist to show his one black line. “And once I got down to my last life…I realized I was screwed. And that I was never gonna get out of here by myself. Half the stuff that came at me. I had zero way to deal with. You can’t kill a black mamba with a margarita.”
“You sure can’t.” Fridge says, putting his hand on Emily’s shoulder. “You need a zoologist for that.”
“Alex, we can help each other.” Spencer says, standing from his seat. “You’ve been here a long time, you know the game and, between us, we have a lot of strengths.”
“Yeah.” Martha smiles softly. “We’re actually pretty good together.”
“I don’t know, bro. Okay. I mess up one more time, I’m toast.” Alex sighs. “Totally freaks me out even thinking about going back to the transportation shed. I don’t wanna die in Jumanji.”
“We just gotta stick together. If we do that, we can win. I know we can.” Spencer says, trying even harder.
“Oh my god.” Emily looks up, eyes wide. “You’re our missing piece. You were the thing we needed to find.”
“So the clue was to, what, go to the bazaar to find the missing piece…” Martha says softly before looking at Alex. “It wasn’t the elephant.”
“It was me.” He says, smiling softly. 
“Yeah.” Bethany smiles.
“Dudes.” He says, standing up. “Let’s do this.”
“Yeah. Let’s do this.” is echoed around until Fridge steps forward.
“Hey, Spencer, you gonna drink that margarita?” 
“No…” He says, but Emily shakes her head.
“Fridge, you’re not having anymore.”
“But, Emily,” He whines slightly but she takes his cup from his hand.
“Nope. You’re cut off. We have stuff to do.” 
He sighs loudly before nodding. Alex leans toward Bethany, watching the small scene.
“Are they a couple or something? Do they do this often?” He whispers as Fridge sneaks around his friend to grab Spencer’s glass anyway.
“Nope. Fridge likes her, but I have no idea if she likes him yet, but I think she does.” She answers softly, watching the ‘couple’ as she shakes her head at the dark skinned man who is now chugging the alcoholic drink. “In the video game, their characters are together.”
“I do remember one of the NPCs saying that.” He nods softly.
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 The group of six walk through the trees with Alex leading them to the cliff overlooking a huge field with trees and bushes. In the middle of the field is a large wooden building with a small tent in front of it. Two NPCs stand under the tent, holding two large guns. The group is too far back for the two men to be able to see them but they still hide behind bushes and pieces of broken down tree.
“There it is. The transportation shed. There’s all sorts of vehicles inside. We gotta get one, get across the canyon and get to the Jaguar statue.”  Alex explains, watching the shed.
Fridge pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks at the two guys, standing under the canvas.
“Okay, I see the transportation shed.” Bethany says, looking at the map now. “I see the canyon but I still can’t see the statue which is weird ‘cause it’s like the most important thing in Jumanji and it’s huge.”
“That’s what she said.” Fridge says, lowering the binoculars before laughing out loud.
“You drunk, Fridge?” Emily asks, raising an eyebrow.
“What are you talking about?” He looks at her. “I ain’t drunk.”
“He is drunk.” Martha glances over at them. 
“I had three little margaritas.” He rolls his eyes.
“Well, you’re about half your usual size.” Emily smirks at him. 
“Whatever. Whatever.” He glares at her slightly but it softens when she smiles at him.
“Okay, Alex, what do we do here?” Spencer speaks up, cutting off their conversation. “How do we get past these guards?”
“Last time, I waited till they left.” He says, watching the shed.
“How long did that take?” 
“Three weeks?”
“Oh, we gonna die.” Fridge says, whining as he pushes his hat up slightly.
“Okay…Plan B.”
“Maybe there’s another door somewhere. But we gotta distract those guys first.” Alex says, looking toward the group.
“I’ve got it.” Bethany grins, gesturing toward Spencer then herself. “Distracting guys is, like, the main thing I do. He plays video games, I distract guys.”
“Uh, Bethany, I hate to break it to you right now but you don’t exactly have the…” Fridge pauses, thinking of the right words. “The tool kit.”
“Not me.” She shakes her head before gesturing toward Emily and Martha. “them!”
“What?” They say in sync, confused on this part of the plan. 
“You guys have to go down there and flirt with those guys…” Bethany starts, but Martha crosses her arms, ready to cut her off.
Suddenly, a large pain shoots through Emily and Fridge’s chests, causing them both to gasp loudly. Everyone turns to them, watching as they grab at their hearts as if they were having heart attacks. 
“What’s going on?” Bethany asks, looking toward Spencer.
He jumps up from his spot on the ground and kneels down in front of his sister.
“Em? Are you okay?” 
“Tell her to take it back.” She whispers, grabbing at his - as well as Fridge’s - arms.
Fridge grabs at hers, gasping in pain as he maneuvers to his knees, hoping it would stop the pain. 
“Bethany! Take it back!” Fridge groans as he squeezes his crush’s hand.
“Take what back?” She asks, throwing her hands out. “I don’t have anything.”
“No! What you said about Emily! Take it back!” Spencer almost snaps, realizing what happened. 
“Okay! Ummm, Martha, you distract them while Emily waits here!”
Almost immediately the pain stops causing the ‘couple’ to sigh and fall back against the fallen tree, panting from barely breathing through the pain.   
“What just happened?” Alex raises an eyebrow, glancing between them.
“I think since their characters are dating…” Spencer starts, squeezing his sister's arm slightly. “The thought of her flirting with someone else caused them immense pain.” 
“When…When Fridge died at the Bazaar, I felt a pain in my chest then too.” Emily admits, glancing toward Fridge whose eyes soften slightly.
He squeezes her hand softly, saddened by the thought that because of a bite of cake, he caused her pain. It must not have been as bad as what they just endured because she didn’t bring it up earlier, but it still saddens him that he made her feel even just a small amount of pain.
“I-I’m sorry!” Bethany says, putting her hands on her manly chest. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay.” She says, looking up at her as she squeezes Fridge’s hand. “Just…No more.”
“Okay, no making Emily or Fridge cheat on each other.” Spencer says, biting his lip to hide his laughter. “And, yes. Flirting counts as cheating. According to the game.”
She playfully smacks her brother’s arm before looking back up at the girls. 
“Back to your plan, what was it before we almost had heart attacks?” She says, wanting the conversation to shift. 
“Oh!” Bethany says, turning around to look at Martha. “You have to go down there and flirt with those guys and hold their attention while we sneak in.”
“No!” The red-head crosses her arms. “I can’t just go over there and flirt with some weird soldiers I don’t even know.”
“I know, girl but right now we don’t have a better idea. Emily can’t do it so you’re our last hope.”
“You don’t understand…” She says before lowering her voice, forcing Bethany to step toward her. “I actually can’t do it. I can’t talk to guys. I’m terrible at it.”
“I can give you some pointers.”
“No, I’m sorry. We-We have to come up with another plan. I’m not…No.” She shakes her head and walks away from the group slightly. 
Spencer stands up from his spot in front of his sister to walk over to her. Fridge stands up from his spot on the ground before helping Emily stand since their hands are still connected. Bethany pats her arm before walking to stand beside Alex, who is still slightly confused by what happened but they all watch the shy kids talk.
“Martha, you just have to distract them long enough for us to get to the shed.” Spencer says, trying to talk her into the plan. 
“I really don’t think I can Spencer, I’m not…” Martha sighs. “Like, I’m not actually some badass girl.”
“What are you talking about?” He raises an eyebrow. “You’re a total badass. You could do anything.”
She blushes and looks up at him, causing him to smile widely. They both chuckle before looking down slightly, realizing how close they were. 
“That’s beautiful, Spencer.” Fridge whispers to capture their attention.
They look up to see Fridge and Emily still holding hands, but closer to them than they were before with Alex and Bethany watching in the background.
“Why don’t I just go ahead and set you guys up with a nice candlelight dinner.” Fridge continues, but in his normal voice. “Or do you guys wanna get the hell out of here?”
“Alright.” Martha says, determination in her voice. “Show me how it’s done.”
“Class is in session.” Bethany says, walking over toward her. “Come on, girl. Watch and learn.”
Together, they walk into the trees, far enough away that they can have their ‘class’ but close enough that they can hear if the others needed help. Fridge and Emily walk back over to the fallen down tree before they let each other's hands go. He feels his face become warmer from their exchange but he quickly brings up his binoculars to hide the pink tint on his cheeks. 
Spencer smiles at the two girls as they walk through the trees before he rushes over to his sister and old friend. 
“Hey, what did you mean by that candlelight-dinner thing?” He asks, lowering his voice so Martha can’t hear him. 
“What?” Fridge raises an eyebrow. 
“You said it, me and Martha, candlelight dinner. What does that even mean?” He asks again. 
“The girl was into you, Spencer.” He says, as if it was obvious.
“What?!” Spencer says, his voice booming before he falls to his butt in shock.
Emily immediately sits up and looks over the log to see the two soldiers still walking around, having not heard him. Fridge shakes his head and stands up from his spot before holding his hand out to help her up. She raises an eyebrow and takes it, allowing him to take her to another part of the area.
“Everything okay?” She asks when they’re far enough away. 
“Yeah…” He says, rubbing the back of his neck with the hand that’s not holding hers. “I was just…I was just wondering if you were okay? After what happened?”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine now.” She says, dropping his hand in embarrassment before crossing her own. 
“Did it…Did it feel like that in the Bazaar?” He asks, looking up at her slightly, despite their height difference to be barely an inch. 
“Um, not as bad. It was like a sharp pain more than anything.” She shrugs.
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Trying to lighten the mood, Fridge chuckles, saying, “Told you you can’t get rid of me.”
She laughs and playfully smacks at his arm. “Shut up.”
They both burst into laughter for a few seconds before slowing down. After a moment, he smiles softly.
“I’m sorry that happened.” 
“It’s okay, Fridge.” She shrugs with her own smile.
“You used to call me Anthony. Hell, you were the only one to call me Anthony.” He says, biting the inside of his lip. “Why did you start calling me Fridge?”
She looks away slightly before admitting, “You stopped being friends with me and Spencer so I started treating you as if you weren’t my friend, hence being called Fridge.”
“I liked it when you called me Anthony.” He whispers slightly before looking at her.
“You did?” She raises an eyebrow. “I thought it was against your ‘cool, football guy’ persona.”
“Well, around you, I was different. I wasn’t Fridge, the football guy. I was Anthony, the guy that snuck out so we could watch the stars at 14 years old.” He shrugs. 
“Yeah.” He smiles slightly. “I was able to be myself with you.”
Emily licks her bottom lip and bites it softly. She remembers exactly what happened that night. That was the same night they both had their first kiss. They never spoke about it again which made them both think that the other wasn’t interested, which is why they never actually started dating before he became the ‘football star’. 
Fridge’s heart starts pounding as he looks at her, realizing how close they had gotten. He bites the inside of his cheek before looking into her eyes. Before they can lean closer, Spencer rushes over and stands next to his sister, but in front of his old friend. 
“Do you really think she likes me?”
The ‘couple’ jumps apart and looks up at him. Fridge sighs, slightly angry he ruined their moment. 
“Why are we still talking about this?”
“I mean, what if she tries to kiss me?” Spencer continues, ignoring his question.
“That’s what I was trying to do.” He mumbles, causing Emily to blush at his words but his old friend doesn’t catch it. 
“Then you just kiss her back, man.” He says a little louder with a soft sigh.
“What if she tries to kiss me, like…like…Like, without warning?” He asks, glancing toward the girls who are still in the middle of their ‘flirting class’. 
“What are you talking about?” Emily tilts her head, slightly confused. 
Fridge raises an eyebrow. “Have you ever kissed anyone?”
“Don’t…You gonna tell the whole jungle?” Spencer says, loudly as he throws out his arms. 
Emily’s eyes widen, hearing her brother's unspoken admittance. She admitted to him, when they were younger, that she had her first kiss, but she never told him who, so he knew she had hers but she never thought that he wouldn’t have had his. 
“Hey, guys.” Alex says, running up to them. “Guys, I found a side door! Over here.”
“Guess what I found.” Fridge says with a smirk as he grabs Emily’s hand to pull her along with them. 
“No, no, no!” Spencer says, following them. “Don’t tell him!”
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Life Without Restaurants
I came across this article by Jim Sullivan and liked it enough to share on my blog…  This is for all those people who say that we are just servers or bartenders, or even the people who take this industry for grante, this article is for you!
Your Hospitality Resource Group
   Imagining life without restaurants
Restaurants didn’t take root until the early 19th century. What if they never did?
Jim Sullivan 1 | Jan 27, 2017
One of my favorite sportswriters, Steve Rushin, wrote a story last year called “A World Without Mookies,” in which he imagined how different life might be without sports.
The piece got me thinking: As a pastime, sports are thousands of years old, but restaurants didn’t really take root until early 19th century. Yet restaurants are just as ingrained in our lifestyles, books, film, music, art and popular culture. Playing or watching sports is optional, but eating is not. To me, it’s much more difficult to imagine a world without the foodservice industry.
Without restaurants, you wouldn’t be able to pronounce chipotle, shiitake, charcuterie, quinoa, souvlaki, half-caf, barista or venti, much less use them in a sentence. Without restaurants, brunch would be a typo, and only baseball would have starters. There would still be breakfast, lunch and dinner, but without restaurants, they would be miserable. To meet a friend for coffee or lunch would mean going someone’s house or hosting, every single time.
There would be no chefs — or celebrity chefs. No James Beard, Paul Bocuse, Jacques Pepin, Wolfgang Puck, Auguste Escoffier, Thomas Keller, Emeril Lagasse, Alain Ducasse, Jonathan Waxman, José Andrés, Nobu Matsuhisa or Alice Waters. Gordon Ramsay would be a carnival sideshow barker and Guy Fieri would be running the Tilt-a-Whirl down the midway. Anthony Bourdain’s parts would be known.
Instead of having buildings named after them, Howard Johnson would just be a character in Blazing Saddles, Harry Caray a dead baseball announcer, and Mike Ditka and Michael Jordan would have to eat at home. John Daly would have to nowhere to go after a celebrity tournament to chug beer, ogle waitresses and down wings. Eggrolls would be strictly a White House lawn activity at Easter. Farm to table would be called food, and all diners would be locavores. Williamsburg and Wicker Park would be blighted neighborhoods. Every worker, student and commuter would brown bag at noon.
The Two Broke Girls would both be unemployed; Cheers would be set at an AA meeting; and Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica and Rachel would meet at the local Kinko’s instead of Central Perk. Delhi would only follow the word “new,” and the most famous scene in When Harry Met Sally would take place in a community center, not a table. Placemats would be found only in Cleveland’s NFL franchise.
Without restaurants, Five Guys would describe how many people you needed for a men’s league basketball game, not your favorite lunch spot. You’d take a Subway, not eat at one. Dominos would be played, not delivered. Shake Shack wouldn’t be a place; it would be a prank you play on a friend using the outhouse. Drive-thru windows would be a New York Post headline describing the actions of a Long Island drunk driver, not the car’s involvement in fast food. The Cheesecake Factory would be a business that manufactured pinup girl posters, calendars and t-shirts. “Ruby Tuesday” would a Rolling Stones hit from 1966. The only time you’d visit a hut is if you lived in Bora-Bora or needed a pair of sunglasses. DiGiorno’s would have no tag line for their commercials.
General Tso’s Chicken would be a historical reference to military cowardice, not No. 14 on the takeout menu. Potstickers would be price labels in a California medical marijuana dispensary, instead of Asian dumplings. The Early Bird special would refer to discounted 6 a.m. hot yoga classes, not two fried seafood platters for $12.99. A frequent diner would be a Weight Watcher’s member, not a target market. A salad bar would be the upper limit of how many chopped vegetables you could eat in a sitting, not a traffic generator. Point of sale would reference the tip of a jib, not a cash register. Eighty-six would merely be a number between 85 and 87, and not refer to running out of anything. There would be no bustubs, busboys, monkey dishes or salamanders. The only thing in the weeds would be your lost Frisbee, not the new waitress. Windows and doors would open and close, but not managers.
Technology would be radically different sans restaurants. UberEats would be fruit or nuts you plucked from a tree, not an app-based delivery system. Grubhub would describe your fridge or pantry. Yelp is what your dog would do if the rocking chair leg caught his tail. TripAdvisor would just be a detour sign.
Only computers would have menus. The only tips would come from bookies or brokers. “Surf and turf” would be the marketing slogan for Del Mar racetrack in Southern California, not a steak and lobster combo. A side of mushrooms would be a witty remark about fungi that Oscar Wilde muttered to a friend, not a sliced vegetable blanched in red wine and beef stock to accompany a medium-rare ribeye. A New York Strip would be a new inmate processing procedure at Riker’s Island.  
Without restaurants, you could die for your beliefs or your country, but not for the Molten Fudge Flan with raspberries and powdered sugar. You could experience death by malaria, but not chocolate. The only weekend “reservations” my wife and I would have would center around our daughter bringing her new boyfriend home. Without restaurants, Ireland and Scandinavia would no longer be embarrassed by their culinary absence, and return to their dual proficiencies at drinking and depressing filmmaking.
A greasy spoon would describe something to stir chili with, not a roadside diner. Without restaurants, the CIA would be an agency you’d avoid, not a program you’d matriculate in. A well drink would be a dipper or bucket of water. Prime rib would be an Old Testament explanation of how God made woman, and the most popular Buffetts would be Jimmy or Warren, not Bellagio’s. Casual-theme would refer to your college roommate’s sartorial choices, not the architecture and menu of a branded restaurant group. A chain would restrain your dog, or secure your wallet. It would not describe a string of identical franchised restaurants. There would be no full service or quick service, just self service. And fast food would refer to rabbit.
Meanwhile, if there were no restaurant business, there would be no Greensboro Four on Feb. 1, 1960, to jumpstart the Civil Rights movement with its most influential and significant sit-in. And our nation would most likely be in a Depression, because 14.4 million people would be unemployed, 1.7 million new jobs would not be created annually, and an additional 16.5 million citizens would be jobless because the manufacturing, distribution and brokerage industries that directly support foodservice would be nonexistent.
This is a world I would not like to live — let alone eat — in.
The restaurant business is far from perfect, but it is ingrained in our national fabric and has given hundreds of thousands of immigrants a start, tens of millions of teenagers their first jobs, and countless people a second chance. Foodservice has jumpstarted juveniles, made mavens of misfits and built the greatest industry on earth.
Jim Sullivan is a popular keynote speaker at leadership conferences worldwide. His two books, Fundamentals and Multiunit Leadership, have sold over 400,000 copies. You can get his free catalog, apps, podcasts, insight and more at Sullivison.com. Follow him on LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter @Sullivision. 
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superbaseme · 7 years
Life without Restaurants
I came across this article by Jim Sullivan and liked it enough to share on my blog…  This is for all those people who say that we are just servers or bartenders, or even the people who take this industry for grante, this article is for you!
Imagining life without restaurants
Restaurants didn’t take root until the early 19th century. What if they never did?
Jim Sullivan 1 | Jan 27, 2017
One of my favorite sportswriters, Steve Rushin, wrote a story last year called “A World Without Mookies,” in which he imagined how different life might be without sports.
The piece got me thinking: As a pastime, sports are thousands of years old, but restaurants didn’t really take root until early 19th century. Yet restaurants are just as ingrained in our lifestyles, books, film, music, art and popular culture. Playing or watching sports is optional, but eating is not. To me, it’s much more difficult to imagine a world without the foodservice industry.
Without restaurants, you wouldn’t be able to pronounce chipotle, shiitake, charcuterie, quinoa, souvlaki, half-caf, barista or venti, much less use them in a sentence. Without restaurants, brunch would be a typo, and only baseball would have starters. There would still be breakfast, lunch and dinner, but without restaurants, they would be miserable. To meet a friend for coffee or lunch would mean going someone’s house or hosting, every single time.
There would be no chefs — or celebrity chefs. No James Beard, Paul Bocuse, Jacques Pepin, Wolfgang Puck, Auguste Escoffier, Thomas Keller, Emeril Lagasse, Alain Ducasse, Jonathan Waxman, José Andrés, Nobu Matsuhisa or Alice Waters. Gordon Ramsay would be a carnival sideshow barker and Guy Fieri would be running the Tilt-a-Whirl down the midway. Anthony Bourdain’s parts would be known.
Instead of having buildings named after them, Howard Johnson would just be a character in Blazing Saddles, Harry Caray a dead baseball announcer, and Mike Ditka and Michael Jordan would have to eat at home. John Daly would have to nowhere to go after a celebrity tournament to chug beer, ogle waitresses and down wings. Eggrolls would be strictly a White House lawn activity at Easter. Farm to table would be called food, and all diners would be locavores. Williamsburg and Wicker Park would be blighted neighborhoods. Every worker, student and commuter would brown bag at noon.
The Two Broke Girls would both be unemployed; Cheers would be set at an AA meeting; and Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica and Rachel would meet at the local Kinko’s instead of Central Perk. Delhi would only follow the word “new,” and the most famous scene in When Harry Met Sally would take place in a community center, not a table. Placemats would be found only in Cleveland’s NFL franchise.
Without restaurants, Five Guys would describe how many people you needed for a men’s league basketball game, not your favorite lunch spot. You’d take a Subway, not eat at one. Dominos would be played, not delivered. Shake Shack wouldn’t be a place; it would be a prank you play on a friend using the outhouse. Drive-thru windows would be a New York Post headline describing the actions of a Long Island drunk driver, not the car’s involvement in fast food. The Cheesecake Factory would be a business that manufactured pinup girl posters, calendars and t-shirts. “Ruby Tuesday” would a Rolling Stones hit from 1966. The only time you’d visit a hut is if you lived in Bora-Bora or needed a pair of sunglasses. DiGiorno’s would have no tag line for their commercials.
General Tso’s Chicken would be a historical reference to military cowardice, not No. 14 on the takeout menu. Potstickers would be price labels in a California medical marijuana dispensary, instead of Asian dumplings. The Early Bird special would refer to discounted 6 a.m. hot yoga classes, not two fried seafood platters for $12.99. A frequent diner would be a Weight Watcher’s member, not a target market. A salad bar would be the upper limit of how many chopped vegetables you could eat in a sitting, not a traffic generator. Point of sale would reference the tip of a jib, not a cash register. Eighty-six would merely be a number between 85 and 87, and not refer to running out of anything. There would be no bustubs, busboys, monkey dishes or salamanders. The only thing in the weeds would be your lost Frisbee, not the new waitress. Windows and doors would open and close, but not managers.
Technology would be radically different sans restaurants. UberEats would be fruit or nuts you plucked from a tree, not an app-based delivery system. Grubhub would describe your fridge or pantry. Yelp is what your dog would do if the rocking chair leg caught his tail. TripAdvisor would just be a detour sign.
Only computers would have menus. The only tips would come from bookies or brokers. “Surf and turf” would be the marketing slogan for Del Mar racetrack in Southern California, not a steak and lobster combo. A side of mushrooms would be a witty remark about fungi that Oscar Wilde muttered to a friend, not a sliced vegetable blanched in red wine and beef stock to accompany a medium-rare ribeye. A New York Strip would be a new inmate processing procedure at Riker’s Island.  
Without restaurants, you could die for your beliefs or your country, but not for the Molten Fudge Flan with raspberries and powdered sugar. You could experience death by malaria, but not chocolate. The only weekend “reservations” my wife and I would have would center around our daughter bringing her new boyfriend home. Without restaurants, Ireland and Scandinavia would no longer be embarrassed by their culinary absence, and return to their dual proficiencies at drinking and depressing filmmaking.
A greasy spoon would describe something to stir chili with, not a roadside diner. Without restaurants, the CIA would be an agency you’d avoid, not a program you’d matriculate in. A well drink would be a dipper or bucket of water. Prime rib would be an Old Testament explanation of how God made woman, and the most popular Buffetts would be Jimmy or Warren, not Bellagio’s. Casual-theme would refer to your college roommate’s sartorial choices, not the architecture and menu of a branded restaurant group. A chain would restrain your dog, or secure your wallet. It would not describe a string of identical franchised restaurants. There would be no full service or quick service, just self service. And fast food would refer to rabbit.
Meanwhile, if there were no restaurant business, there would be no Greensboro Four on Feb. 1, 1960, to jumpstart the Civil Rights movement with its most influential and significant sit-in. And our nation would most likely be in a Depression, because 14.4 million people would be unemployed, 1.7 million new jobs would not be created annually, and an additional 16.5 million citizens would be jobless because the manufacturing, distribution and brokerage industries that directly support foodservice would be nonexistent.
This is a world I would not like to live — let alone eat — in.
The restaurant business is far from perfect, but it is ingrained in our national fabric and has given hundreds of thousands of immigrants a start, tens of millions of teenagers their first jobs, and countless people a second chance. Foodservice has jumpstarted juveniles, made mavens of misfits and built the greatest industry on earth.
Jim Sullivan is a popular keynote speaker at leadership conferences worldwide. His two books, Fundamentals and Multiunit Leadership, have sold over 400,000 copies. You can get his free catalog, apps, podcasts, insight and more at Sullivison.com. Follow him on LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter @Sullivision. 
0 notes
mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Welcome to the Jungle-’Fridge’ Johnson- Series Master List
The gifs and photos used in this series do not belong to me unless stated otherwise. The movie this series is based on do not belong to me. This series however does belong to me
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Summary: Today was supposed to be a normal day at school for Emily Gilpin. Wake up. Walk to school with her adopted brother, Spencer. Go home. Read. Except what happens when her and four other people, including her brother Spencer, get detention? The day gets a whole lot weirder. Starting with: Getting sucked into a video game.
Warnings: Language, Bullying (Reference to Incent-Solely for Bullying-Not True), Violence, Fluff, Video Game Deaths
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
37 notes · View notes
mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Jumanji: Finbar and Widow
Requested by Anon: “Hiya lovely! I loved the second Jumanji Movie it was so good! You said you were looking for requests so maybe like a fridge x reader where she comes into the game with him and she’s kind of a badass like ruby roundhouse is he’s kind of in awe of her and then that scene with the rope bridges she kind of saves his life and then some fluff after they get out of the game? Thank you! Much love for you!”
Warning: Cussing
Tag List: @elskinner45​​ @jayrart​​
A/N: I love the Jumanji movies! I’m so glad you asked for a Fridge fic! I love his character! I don’t remember exactly what was said of course because its still in theaters, so wording will be wrong. Story line will be about the same.  I was thinking of making a Jumanji story! Who do you guys think should fall for our lovely reader?
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I walk out of the bathroom before pulling out my cellphone from my pocket. I smile widely when I see that my boyfriend, Anthony AKA Fridge, has texted me. 
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I smile to myself. I’m so nervous. I’ve heard all about Martha, Spencer and Bethany, but I haven’t actually met them. I met Fridge in our college English class and we hit it off. It’s been 2 years and we’re going strong. 
I haven’t met the group yet because the last two years I spent holiday at my parents house, while Fridge came here. This year my family decided to go on vacation, while I decided here to be with Fridge for Christmas. It was fine, I had some family in his town anyway. My uncle lives close to Fridge in the town and he said I can come stay with him if I wanted too.
I look at Mrs. Johnson and smiles.
“Fridge texted me and told me to meet him at Nora’s to meet everyone.” 
She smiles widely, “That’s wonderful. Go on, dear. Go see them. I can finish everything up here.”
“Are you sure, Mrs. Johnson? I can-” Before I finish she cuts me off.
“Go dear. Spend some time with Anthony and his friends.” She smiles.
“Thank you!” 
I quickly grab my jacket and walk out the door. I walk to the sidewalk and down the way that I remember going before. Fridge took our car to train today so I couldn’t drive there. It wasn’t too cold out today so I didn’t mind walking. After about 10 minutes I make it to the restaurant. I can see Fridge in the mirror, sitting with two girls at a table. I take a deep breath and walk inside the building. Fridge looks up and smiles widely.
“Y/N!” He stands up and walks over to me. 
He pulls me into a huge hug. I hug him back, feeling more comfortable.
“Is this her?” I hear one of the girls say.
Fridge pulls from the hug and smiles. “Yep. This is her. Y/N, this is Bethany.” He points to the blonde haired girl, “and this is Martha.” He points to the red haired girl.
“Hi! It’s very nice to meet you!” I say, putting my hand out.
Bethany pulls me into a hug shocking me. I hug back, giggling slightly.
“Fridge has told us so much about you!” Bethany says, excitedly.
I giggle, “He told me a lot about you guys.” 
She pulls from the hug and Martha shakes my hand. We sit down and talk for awhile, having a great time. They noticed as time goes on that Spencer never showed up. 
Fridge looks at me then at the other girls, “Come on, lets go see what’s going on with Spencer. Y/N, if you want you can go back to my house.”
“No. I’ll go with you guys. I wanna meet Spencer.” I say, looking at him.
“Are you sure? We can-” Fridge starts.
“No babe. I want to go with you.” I smile before grabbing my coat.
Fridge smiles and pays for our meal. We all get into the cars and drive to a house that Fridge says belonged to Spencer’s family. Fridge holds my hand as we all walk to the front door. Bethany pushes the doorbell and we wait.
An older, short man opens the door in his robe. 
“Anthony?” He says.
“Grandpa Eddie?” Fridge says.
“Come in! Come in!” Eddie says, moving out of the doorway.
“I hope we’re not bothering you.” Fridge says leading me inside of the house.
“Oh you’re not bothering me. Now who are these lovely ladies?” He asks, leaning against the wall.
“This is Bethany, Martha, and my girlfriend Y/N.” Fridge says, pointing us out.
Eddie points to Martha, “You’re Spencer’s little girlfriend?” 
Martha stutters for a second, “Uhh, yeah.”
He turns toward me, “And Anthony. You have a girlfriend now!”
Fridge chuckles a little, “Yes sir I do.”
We find out that Spencer wasn’t even home. His grandfather thought he was with us. Miles Walker, an older man who had a business with Eddie, is also here, much to Eddie’s disappointment. Fridge talks to them for minute before taking my hand and walking to the kitchen. A few seconds later, the sounds of drums are playing through the house. 
Fridge looks at the girls, “I thought it was over.” 
“It’s supposed to be!” Bethany says.
We find out way to the basement to see a broken game system on the table.
“Spencer probably went back in.” Martha says, looking at us.
“No! I’m not going back in! We almost died!” Fridge says, shaking his head.
“Wait! What’s going on?” I ask confused.
“3 years ago, we got sucked into a video game. It’s called Jumanji.” Bethany says. “You know he would go back into the game for us. Any of us.”
Fridge sighs and takes my hand, “Alright. Y/N, you stay here.”
“No! I’m going in. I’m not letting you guys go alone. You may have done this before but you’re not going alone.”
Martha reaches forward and grabs the controller. I feel a weird tingle going through my body. I look down at my hands to see a green mist taking over my body.
“Not again! We didn’t even pick our characters.” I hear Fridge yell as he gets sucked into the game.
I scream as I see my body get absorbed into the game system. I open my eyes as I am thrown from a space in the sky. I scream loud as the ground gets closer. I move so I land on my feet and I look around.
“Holy shit.”  I stand straight. “Fridge?”
I see a woman in a small shirt and shorts stand up. I look confused. She looks at her hands before looking around.
“M-Martha?” I ask.
She looks at me and nods, “Y/N?”
I nod, “This..this is Jumanji?”
She nods before looking around. A fatter man stands up from the bushes.
“Bethany?” She asks the man.
“No. Its Fridge. Why would-”
He looks down at his hands then his outfit, “Damn it! Why the hell am I the fat white guy?”
“We didn’t get to pick our characters so we probably just got sucked in to a open character.” Martha explains.
“Last time I was at least black! This ain’t fair! You both are hot!” He says, pointing to us. “Wait. Y/N? You’re a new avatar.”
I look confused before looking down at my body. I see I’m wearing a black tight outfit. I walk over toward the water to see what I look like.
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Fridge walks over and pulls me back.
“Stay away from the water.” 
He explains what happened last time someone got too close to the water. I nod and stay close to him. A tall, buff guy walks over. Turns out that Grandpa Eddie got sucked into the game and took over the avatar of Dr. Smolder Bravestone. Miles took over the character of Franklin Finbar who used to be Fridges character. 
Fridge tries to explain the rules of the game to Miles and Eddie but being older, they don’t seem to understand. I hear a noise so I look up above Fridge. A huge snake is right above him. I run over and tackle him out of the way as the snake comes down to eat him. I land on top of him and he looks up at me.
“You just saved me.” He whispers.
“Well yeah.” I giggle slightly.
I stand helping him up, but we look up as we see a hippo come on to land. Miles are saying some facts about it. That’s when we all decide to run away from it. We run toward the plane that was flying above us. The plane lands so we all get inside. Turns out the came is totally different from when they played before. We now have to save a stone from guy and show it to the light. 
“Where exactly-” Before I can finish my sentence, Nigel interrupts me.
“Elizabeth Widow, Martial Arts Expert and Franklin Finbar’s girlfriend.” Nigel says.
Miles looks over at me and smiles widely, “Now I have a very beautiful girlfriend!”
I giggle and look over at Fridge.
“Oh hell no!” Fridge says, shaking his head. “I was Mouse way before you were! She was destined to be mine.” 
I laugh and smiles. “Don’t worry Fridge. I’m all yours.”
Nigel explains we have to drop out of the plane and land in the desert. Just then he pulls a lever and the back of the plane opens up, causing all of us to fall out of the back of it. I scream as the sand gets closer. I land on the ground and tries to stop myself from rolling. I land on my back and I go to stand up but that's when Fridge bumps into me and causes me to roll down with him. I cough as we finally stop.
“Sorry babe.” He says, coughing with me. 
We stand up and look around for everyone else. We walk over to Martha, trying to figure out how to get out of this shit. Fridge pushes his chest and a big screen pops out to show his strengths and weakness. Turns out Shelley’s new strength is Geometry. Ruby’s new strength is nunchucks. Smolder gains a weakness which is switchblade. Finbar can now speak tons of languages.
Marth looks at me, “Elizabeth is a new avatar so we don’t know anything about her.” 
Fridge walks over, “Here let me show you how to bring it up.”
I smirk at Fridge, “Go ahead.”
His eyes widen and he pushes my left breast, causing a purple screen to pop out of my shirt.
Strengths: Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Climbing, Blending In, Finbar.
Weakness: Heat (Deserts) 
“Your only weakness is the desert? Man that ain’t fair!” Fridge says.
I laugh. “Probably because I’m only wearing black and it gets hot!”
“That and that you can’t do any of your strengths.” Martha smirks slightly looking at Fridge.
“Mine’s cake! It makes me explode!” He says.
“Then we better hurry and get her out of the desert before she explodes from the heat.”
“Wait. Why is her strength Finbar?” He asks looking at the screen again.
“Probably works well with his avatar. Since they are dating.” 
“Man! Why can't I be him again!” He shakes his head walking away slightly.
The next few hours go back so fast. We were in dune-buggies running away from the Ostriches. I grabbed one with Miles and Eddie. Martha and Fridge crashed theirs causing us to pick them up. Then we made it to a town. We walk into a building to see the guy with the stone around his neck. He is telling the story about a guy betrayed him and he is now feeding the guy to his hyenas. The lights go out and a woman, who turned out to be Spencer, stole the stone.
We escape from the gang and Spencer explains he was in a bad place and wanted to feel wanted again. He ended up being this woman instead of Smolder. He looks over at me.
“Who..Who is this?” 
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N. She came in with us to save your ass. Her avatar is some badass woman named Elizabeth.” Fridge explains. 
We split up to grab different things. Martha stayed to help Spencer and Miles get camels. Eddie guarded them, while Fridge and I followed the woman in red. We made it to a pool of water with a tree. Hanging in the tree is a seed that we would end up needing. In the water looks like there are electric eels.
“How the hell are we going to get that seed. It’s not like we can-” Fridge starts. 
I walk over to the wall and jump up high to grab a light. I swing around, letting go to grab another light. I climb up to jump onto a tree branch. I swing and jump for the seed in the tree, causing me to fall into the water.
“Y/N!” Fridge yells loudly walking toward the water.
I resurface and hold up the seed. I swim over to the edge. Fridge puts a foot into the water, seeing its safe before grabbing my hand helping me out.
“I got ya babe. I got ya. That was badass!” 
I laugh as I climb out and hold his hand a little too long. We are thrown away from each other, landing on the ground. 
“Ow! Shit! That hurt!” I say sitting up.
I look over at Fridge to see my Elizabeth avatar.
“Fridge?” I whisper.
He looks up and his eyes widen. 
“Y/N?” He looks down at his body then smiles. “Thank god! I was tired of that guy! He can't do anything.”
“Fridge switch back!” 
“I’m sorry babe but I like this character!” He stands up.
“Don’t you dare touch my boobs!” I say quickly, standing up.
“Sorry sweetheart but that was the first thing I did! I wanna try that flippy stuff you did!” 
He runs over to the same light I started at. He flips almost like I did but less as expertly. He jumps into the tree but he flips too fast and flies into the sky.
He lands into the water and resurfaces.
“That was so awesome!”
I shake my head and walks over to take his hand. I help him out and as soon as he stands out of the water, we are thrown away from each other again. We switched back. 
“Yeah!” I cheer to myself, seeing I’m Elizabeth again.
“That’s not fair!”
“You didn’t use her right anyway! Come on, lets go find everyone.” I grab his hand and pull him out toward the others. 
We get on some camels and I look out into the desert. 
“Umm...guys. I can’t get too warm out there.” I say, looking back at them.
“Here dear. Use my hat.” Miles says, taking off his hat. “This should help a little bit.”
“Oh...thank you Mr. Walker.” I say, taking the hat.
I put it on my head and climb on to my camel.
“He said you’re very light and he likes you.” Miles says, telling me what the camel is thinking.
“Awe thank you Frankie.” I say, petting him.
We all venture into the desert. Fridge walking beside me with Spencer and Martha in front of us. Miles and Eddie are last in line. During this adventure we find out that Miles was the one that wanted to close down the restaurant and Eddie didn’t, that’s why they weren’t friends anymore. They had a little fight and Miles climbs off his camel to confront Eddie. We all stop our camels and I wave my face to keep from getting too hot but it isn't working.
The wind starts to pick up a little in the desert causing me to lose the hat Miles let me borrow. It flies back hitting him in the face. My eyes widen and I look right at Fridge. He notices the sweat sliding down my face. He turns back toward Miles.
“Mr. Walker! Throw me-” 
Before he can finish, my body explodes. A loud ding happens and I start falling from the sky. I land on my feet near the camel and I look around.
“Y/N!” Fridge says, running over. 
He pulls me into his arms. I hold him close. 
“Let’s get you out of the sun. We can't have that happen again!”
That’s exactly what we did. We rode the camels to a jungle area. The Camels wouldn't take us any further so I kiss my camels head and follow everyone else. We get the next level which is a bunch of wooden bridges. Fridge realizes that this means is the Geometry part of his strength. What happened next shocked us all. 
Mandrill monkeys start popping out of the trees. We’re jumping from one bridge to another but we all get separated. I jump toward Fridge and land on his bridge but the other side of the bridge snaps. I quickly grab his hand to keep him from falling. I pull him up onto the side of the bridge I’m on.
“I’m supposed to be the one saving you.” Fridge says.
I giggle slightly but we hurry away. Miles almost fell off as well but Eddie saved him. We all get away. A man on a horse runs up to us. 
“Alex?” Martha asks the man. 
“Hey guys!” He says.
“What are you doing here? Where Bethany?” Fridge asks.
“Right here.” He pets the horse. “the horse is name is Cyclone.”
“The horse is a character in the game too?” Spencer asks.
“Wait...Alex Vreek?” I ask, just making sure.
“Yeah, have we met?” He asks.
“Uncle Alex. It’s me, Y/N.” I say smiling.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” He says, walking over giving me a hug.
“I’m dating Fridge. I came to help Spencer.” I answer him.
“Wait...Fridge?” He turns toward Fridge.
Fridge waves slightly, “Hey.”
Alex walks over to Fridge and stares at him.
“You better take good care of my niece.” Alex says, staring him down.
“I will Alex. I love her too much.” Fridge says, watching Alex.
My eyes widen slightly. That was the first time that he has ever said that. Before we can finish this conversation, Martha shows us a pool of water that looks just like the water that the tree was in. Fridge smiles at me before telling everyone what the water does. 
Bethany, Spencer, Eddie, Fridge, Miles and Fridge all jump into the water, leaving me, Martha and Uncle Alex. We run to the bottom of the hit to see them when they come out. They all get their original bodies back, leaving Eddie to get into the body Spencer had. Miles had gotten the body of Cyclone the horse.
Fridge walks over to me and smiles. 
“I’m back baby!”
I laugh slightly and hug him, not caring that he’s all wet.
“I’d rather be hugging you as Finbar than you as Shelley.” I whisper to him.
He smiles widely and pulls back slightly from the hug. He looks down at me, it’s only a little since he’s only an inch taller than me, before pulling me into a kiss. A spark shoots through us, causing everyone around us to fly back. We pull away quickly, turning to look at them.
“Woah...” Fridge says.
Martha stands up, “Now that’s why her strength is Finbar.”
“That’s so awesome!” Spencer says, chuckling.
FAST FORWARD- Don’t wanna spoil it for anyone
We all end up in Spencer’s basement where we started the game. I look around the room, seeing who all landed here with us. Before I can move, I get pull to a body and I look up. Fridge smiles down at me before pulling me in for another kiss. I smile into the kiss and pulls him closer. We pull away after a few seconds and he looks into my eyes.
“I meant what I said...” He whispers.
I look confused, “What do you mean?” 
“When I said I love you. I meant it. I really do, Y/N.” He whispers again.
I blush and smile up at him.
“I love you too Anthony.” I whisper, pulling him down for another kiss. 
“Hey! Be careful! Last time you did that we all got hurt!” Alex says, catching our attention. 
Everyone in the room laughs, including Eddie. I giggle and walk over to Alex and gives him a hug.
“I missed you too Uncle Alex.” 
He chuckles and hugs me back, “You gotta bring Fridge around to meet everyone.” 
“I will be sure to do that.” I whisper, before pulling away.
“Come on. I’m hungry.” Fridge says.
We all laugh and I take his hand and we walk upstairs. Today has been a very eventful day. I’m glad I got to experience it with Fridge and his friends. 
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Help me get to 1,000! i’m almost half way there!! If i get to 1,000 by February 28, i will do something special for you! You guys pick!!
Love Letters
Banners for your stories
Photo edits!
Whatever you guys want!!(:
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Jumanji Master List
All Gifs/Pictures used in this Master List and in the Imagines/Fic/One Shots Do Not belong to me unless stated other wise. Imagines/Fic/One Shots Do belong to me. The text photo in Finbar and Widow DOES belong to me.
Anthony ‘Fridge’ Johnson 
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Jumanji: Finbar and Widow
Martha Kaply
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I’ve Loved You From Afar
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Requests are Closed
but i decided i’ll do super small drabbles for ANY CHARACTER/ACTOR YOU GUYS WANT. give give me a smal idea and i’ll write it on you ask for you(: I want to finish the requests i have before i open them again(:
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
Jumanji Imagines Open
Just saw the second Jumanji and love it! please send in some requests for it!!
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