#Antoine Picard
au-dedans · 5 months
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Antoine Picard possède une conscience aigu de ce qui est, de l'indicible matérialité des choses du monde. S'il photographie avec aisance de formidables paysages - au sens propre, il a acquis une fine connaissance du paysage et du close-up. Cela lui permet de montrer que ce qui semble petit ou grand par sa dimension est perceptible. Cela lui a permis de rendre la dimension de grand des paysages enchanteurs. Ce photographe allie avec une sensibilité certaine les choses de la vie. Cela lui permet de montrer, en un sens, que ce qui est grand est finalement moins imposant que l'on ne le pense. A lire ses séries "Le Plateau", ou "Le Lac", on ne peut que s'émerveiller devant le regard du photographe qui parvient à saisir les éléments formant ce qui est. Merci de bien vouloir apporter votre support à l'édition de son déjà troisième ouvrage, "Le Lac". Bien que la vie ne soit pas une histoire de mérite, lui, mérite votre soutien.
Photographie : Antoine Picard - Série et Livre "Le Lac"
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themnmovieman · 6 months
Movie Review ~ French Girl
French Girl is a breezy, enjoyable addition to the romantic comedy genre; it may not reinvent the wheel, but it isn’t sidelined by a flat either.
French Girl Synopsis: When Gordon’s girlfriend moves to Quebec for a job with her celebrity chef ex, he follows to win her back, only to hilariously struggle with her French-speaking family.Stars: Zach Braff, Evelyne Brochu, Luc Picard, Antoine Olivier Pilon, Isabelle Vincent, Charlotte Aubin, Muriel Dutil, William Fichtner, Vanessa HudgensDirectors: James A. Woods & Nicolas WrightRated: RRunning…
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trulyatessfan · 4 months
How eould you make s8 a good season? I've always felt curious abt that jshsbs
I am going to write this one, because I feel like it's gonna be too much text,,,, Before I start, this is how I envision it Season 8 should be rewritten completely in my opinion, but I am going to keep some elements! First, the main cast! I have been an Aro-Ace Carrie advocate since day 1, it would be cool to have the American coming to the city of love when she doesn't experience attraction to anyone and is just there to find her brother!
For Hugo, I would keep his current personality, but he definitely needs a reality check or two, same for Enzo. I feel like they get away with their comments pretty easily (literally Carrie told him off and then two seconds later, they are dating AND getting married???) Also I would NOT make Carrie and Enzo canon,,, It was the definition of rushed and not realistic :/
Émile needs more of a personality, like me and Katrina would joke about, he is the definition of a white bread (with a tinder account). I think that he needs just a little something to make him more interested (maybe a mix of Alex Turner and another person) I don't think Gauthier and JP needs much change, but please give more information about Gauthier's life, we barely know stuff about him! I would not change a single thing about JP.
Nadia needs to be tone down massively in terms of personality. Some of her comments are very,,, disgusting, especially when it comes to dead bodies. I am not saying to rewrite her entirely, but her sexual comments should not come each 2 seconds and make people uncomfortable around her. Maybe some could give her like a comment like "Hey, this is not the moment" or something.
Léa needs a bigger role for sure. I don't think she should have the same route as Mia, but maybe she would be a district killer or something along those lines. She has a lot of potentials of being different than Mia, but right now, she is more bland than Émile.
Now, for the number of cases, 17 cases was clearly not enough for sure, it was very obvious that they cut corners :/ I would give like 30-45 cases for season 8, 50-60 would be too much.
As for the rest, I'll make it into bullets points:
I think Jones appearing was a great idea, but really by the end of the season. Maybe other familiar faces appears in one case or the AI! Keep the moment when they all show up at the end, that was very adorable!
The fact that Martine doesn't recognize us???? If she appears, she should definitely recognize the player,,, Jones did, but not her?? Smh,,,
Make Eleonora more of a treat. I think they should give us false hope that Antoine is the main villain when in reality, it was always Eleonora.
Make Cody less bland and rewrite the entire Carrie and Cody plot. She found him like so easily,,, If only it was this easy irl,,,,,
A good balance of new characters and old suscpets from other games!
Almost everyone needs a redesign, like look at Isabelle Picard, she looks HORRENDOUS D:
I think that's it for now,,,, I would love to hear if you guys have any suggestions to add to this list teehee
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sweepseven · 6 months
Two part Counselor's Son question for you because I just got back from seeing Ka for the 5th time and I love that you love CS so much (because I do, too)! First, what are your thoughts on each actor's interpretation of the character? Likes? Dislikes? Second, who is your favorite actor that has portrayed CS and why?
YAY my fave kind of ask!!
I've seen two different Counselor's Sons live: Marc-Antoine Picard and Jason Biltz (also an understudy once that was... not great lol). I'm familiar with Miro Lacasse's thanks to the recording and a lucky amount of footage from the show's early years, but my exposure to Spencer Novich is tragically light. At least we have Worlds Away!
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Miro's is just the classic. I feel like his is the consummate CS. He is a physical actor of the absolute finest quality, and he has to be to make this non-acrobatic character pop on a stage that huge. The emotion and complexity he delivered to the role is utterly unmatched. I think I feel so strongly because he took my most favorite approach - a romantic one - and the payoff was just incredible for the character and plot both. I would have killed to see him live.
Key characterization questions:
Do I think this CS got along with his father? Kind of.
What motivated him? Passion, romance, attention.
He was a dick, but to what extent? Massive, but with a sliver of willingness to reform.
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Spencer Novich said he was cast in part because of his "unusual body type," and I gotta say: GOOD FUCKING CHOICE. The Counselor's Son should be thin as a rail, which is why in terms of look I think Spencer and Miro are right on the money in this role. I don't know much about his interpretation, but from what little footage I've seen it's clear his CS is having an absolute blast. My guess is that he wasn't very romantically motivated - just out here to have the time of his goddamn life and look good doing it. I'd also argue his version had a little more than a bit of a queer edge too, which I'm sure was monstrously fun.
Do I think this CS got along with his father? Definitely.
What motivated him? Power and chaos.
He was a dick, but to what extent? Chronically, emphatically, and delightedly.
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Marc-Antoine Picard was the first CS I saw live and made me fall in love with the character. I went in knowing this asshole had "MY TYPE" stamped across his forehead and I tried to fight it but Marc-Antoine made it impossible. Unfortunately with him came an end to the heroin-chic CS bod, but it was also the arrival of Traditionally Attractive CS. Do I think that's quite as fun? No. Do I have general fears that Cirque increasingly waters down its more unique concepts and characters to make casting easier? Yes. Do I love him anyway? Duh. His stated inspirations were Marilyn Manson and Jack Sparrow and that showed in his work. I'll never forget the way he gripped the edge stage as it lowered during bows, as though he wasn't ready for the applause to end yet. Very CS.
Do I think this CS got along with his father? Mostly.
What motivated him? Power and performance.
He was a dick, but to what extent? Undeniable, with an extra dash of sneaky bastard.
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Jason Biltz just left the role and holy god does some poor soul have huge shoes to fill. He delighted in this job and it was obvious in every performance. His characterization is hard to pin down because I've personally seen him play it several different ways: big romantic, coldly political, and once with a weird little dose of conflict avoidance that I adored. I'm sad to see him go, but after all this time I'm just psyched to see the newest person's take (assuming they knock off the bizarre understudy parade I've been seeing in this show lately).
Do I think this CS got along with his father? Not really, and if he did it was begrudgingly.
What motivated him? Who knows. Depended on the performance in the best way.
He was a dick, but to what extent? Unapologetic.
So who's the fave? You know I don't know lol. There's rarely been a "name your favorite" Cirque ask I haven't found a way to worm my way out of.
Now I have a question for you: can you update me on the current state of the show?? Did you have a female Counselor and/or CS? What drives his motivations? How was the performance overall? I hope you can add show #6 to your list soon!
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Antoine Brumel (1460-1512) - Missa Et ecce terrae motus, Gloria
Ensemble Non Pareilhe :-
Poline Renou, superius Axelle Bernage, superius Yann Rolland, contratenor Bernd Fröhlich, tenor Vincent Lièvre-Picard, tenor Xavier Olagne, tenor Martial Pauliat, tenor Jérémie Couleau, tenor Igor Bouin, baritonans Carsten Krüger, baritonans Guillaume Olry, bassus Marc Busnel, bassus
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympics Belgium roster
Dylan Borlée (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)
Kevin Borlés (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert)
Alexander Doom (Roeselare)
Jonathan Sacoor (Namur)
Eliott Crestan (Namur)
Tibo De Smet (Aalst)
Pieter Sisk (Leuven)
Ruben Verheyden (Tienen)
Jochem Vermeulen (Kapellan)
John Heymans (Rossem)
Isaac Kimeli (Brussels)
Michael Obasuyi (Bastogne)
Elie Bacari (Leuven)
Florent Mabille (Brussels)
Robin Vanderbemden (Seraing)
Bashir Abdi (Ghent)
Koen Naert (Roeselare)
Michael Somers (Leuven)
Thomas Carmoy (Charleroi)
Ben Broeders (Leuven)
Philip Milanov (Bruges)
Timothy Herman (Oudenaarde)
Jente Hauttekeete (Brussels)
Chloé Herbiet (Brussels)
Marine Jehaes (Liège)
Elise Mehuys (Leuven)
Rani Vincke (Gistel)
Liefde Schoemaker (Brussels)
Vanessa Sterckendries (Leuven)
Delphine Nkansa (Paris, France)
Rani Rosius (Brussels)
Imke Vervaet (Ghent)
Cynthia Bolingo-Mbongo (Uccle)
Helena Ponette (Ostend)
Elise Vanderelst (Mons)
Lisa Rooms (Brussels)
Hanne Claes (Hasselt)
Paulien Couckuyt (Antwerp)
Naomi Van Den Broeck (Antwerp)
Hanne Verbruggen (Brussels)
Camille Laus (Tournai)
Nafi Thiam (Brussels)
Noor Vidts (Vilvoorde)
Julien Carraggi (Brussels)
Lianne Tan (Bilzen)
Elise Ramette (Ypres)
Laure Résimont (Mechelen)
Bethy Mununga (Zellik)
Becky Massey (Ostend)
Billie Massey (Ostend)
Ine Joris (Boom)
Antonia Delaere (Antwerp)
Emma Meesseman (Ypres)
Kyara Linskens (Bruges)
Maxuella Lisowa-Mbaka (Charleroi)
Julie Vanloo (Ostend)
Julie Allemand (Liége)
Vasile Usteroi (Brussels)
Victor Schelstraete (Ostend)
Oshin Derieuw (Roeselare)
Artuur Peters (Hechtel-Eksel)
Lize Broekx (Neerpelt)
Hermien Peters (Hechtel-Eksel)
Hannes Van Duysen (Brussels)
Pierre De Froidmont (Battice)
Ruben Gommers (Wuustwezel)
Remco Evenepoel (Aalst)
Wout Van Aert (Herentals)
Jasper Stuyven (Leuven)
Tiesj Benoot (Ghent)
Tuur Dens (Rotselaar)
Lindsay De Vylder (Wetteren)
Robbe Rhys (Hasselt)
Fabio Van Den Bosch (Ghent)
Jens Schuermans (Genk)
Margot Vanpachtenbeke (Lauwe)
Julie Nicolaes (Boorsem)
Emeline Detilleux (Brussels)
Aiko Gommers (Wuustwezel)
Justine Ghekiere (Izegem)
Lotte Kopecky (Rumst)
Julie Van De Velde (Bruges)
Nicky Degrendele (Knokke-Heist)
Gilles Thomas (Brussels)
Wilm Vermeir (Lummen)
Domien Michiels (Oud-Heverlee)
Jérôme Guery (Namur)
Flore De Winne (Geraardsbergen)
Lara De Liedekerke-Meier (Uccle)
Tine Magnus (Brussels)
Larissa Pauluis-Naslin (Etterbeek)
Karin Donckers (Hoogstraten)
Neisser Loyola (Brussels)
Field hockey
Arno Van Dessel (Antwerp)
Thibeau Stockbroekx (Brasschaat)
Arthur Van Doren (Antwerp)
John-John Dohmen (Ittre)
Florent Van Aubel (Ghent)
Gauthier Boccard (Uccle)
Nicolas De Kerpel (Wilrijk)
Alexander Hendrickx (Wilrijk)
Félix Denayer (Edegem)
Vincent Vanasch (Evere)
Arthur De Sloover (Kortrijk)
Antoine Kina (Ghent)
Loïck Luypaert (Edegem)
Victor Wegnez (Brussels)
Tom Boon (Brussels)
Nelson Onana-Alima (Brussels)
Hélène Brasseur (Brussels)
Camille Bélis (Brussels)
Justine Rasir (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Daphne-Delphine Marien (Antwerp)
Charlotte Englebert (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Judith Vandermeiren (Antwerp)
Emma Puvrez (Sint-Genesius-Rode)
Emily White (Waterloo)
Alix Gerniers (Ronse)
Vanessa Blockmans (Waterloo)
Michelle Struijk (Antwerp)
Barbara Nelen (Ghent)
Stéphanie Vanden Borre (Brussels)
Lien Hillewaert (Brussels)
Elodie Picard (Antwerp)
Ambre Ballenghiem (Brussels)
Thomas Detry (Dubai, U.A.E.)
Adrien Dumont-De Chassart (St. Johns County, Florida)
Manon De Roey (Antwerp)
Noah Kuavita (Antwerp)
Luka Van Den Keybus (Lokeren)
Glen Cuyle (Izegem)
Maellyse Brassart (Ghent)
Nina Derwael (Ghent)
Jorre Verstraeten (Leuven)
Matthias Casse (Morstel)
Toma Nikiforov (Etterbeek)
Gabriella Willems (Brussels)
Tim Brys (Ghent)
Niels Van Zandweghe (Bruges)
Tibo Vyvey (Sint-Andries)
William De Smet (Brussels)
Jan Hueninck (Sitges)
Lucas Claeyssens (Brussels)
Yannick Lefèbvre (Brussels)
Eline Verstraelen (Brussels)
Emma Plasschaert (Ostend)
Isaura Maenhaut-Van Lemberghe (Bruges)
Anouk Geurts (Ghent)
Lucas Henveaux (Liège)
Valentine Dumont (Liège)
Florine Gaspard (Bastogne)
Roos Vanotterdijk (Bree)
Table tennis
Martin Allegro (Brussels)
Cedric Nuytinck (Gand)
Sarah Chaâri (Charleroi)
Zizou Bergs (Neerpelt)
Joran Vliegen (Maaseik)
Sander Gillé (Hasselt)
Jelle Geens (Heusden-Zolder)
Marten Van Riel (Wuustwezel)
Jolien Vermeylen (Leuven)
Claire Michel (Brussels)
Nina Sterckx (Sint-Denijs-Westrem)
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martinbubu03 · 6 months
Court métrage "La Galère" réalisé dans le cadre du Nikon Film Festival.
Synopsis : Pierre et Émilien sont deux jeunes, qui décide de partir en camping d’hivers, au fin fond des compagnes Picard. Mais alors que la météo annonce de fortes chutes de températures, leur voiture tombe en panne au milieu de nulle part, loin de toutes civilisations. Seul face au froid, nos deux personnages devront rapidement trouver une solution pour se réchauffer !
Theotime Jéhanno dans le rôle Pierre, Gilian Tournié dans le rôle d'Emilien, ainsi que Eliote Gaune dans la voix du présentateur radio
Scénario : Martin Buchet et Antoine Leroux Production : Coline Coredier Assistante réalisateur : Chloé Nicoleau Directeur de la photographie : Martin Buchet Premier assistant opérateur : Issaac Bourhane Second assistant opérateur : Jason Coutarel Chef électricien : Jordan Richard Chef opérateur son : Arno Panaye Une composition originale de Eliote Gaune Mixage son : Sacha Sebat Montage : Martin Buchet Étalonnage : Issaac Bourhane Régisseur général : Samuel Kassabi et Coline Cordier
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ef-fetto-notte · 10 months
Classe Python di Google 
Ti diamo il benvenuto in Python Class di Google, un corso senza costi per chi ha poca esperienza nella programmazione e vuole imparare a usare Python. Il corso include materiali scritti, video di lezioni e molti esercizi di codice per esercitarsi con la programmazione Python. Questi materiali vengono utilizzati in Google per presentare Python alle persone che hanno solo una piccola esperienza di programmazione. I primi esercizi si basano su concetti di base di Python, come stringhe ed elenchi, fino agli allenamenti successivi, che sono programmi completi relativi a file di testo, processi e connessioni http. Questo corso è pensato per le persone che hanno un po' di esperienza in materia di programmazione in una certa lingua, sufficiente per sapere cos'è una "variabile" o una "dichiarazione positiva". Inoltre, non è necessario essere un programmatore esperto per utilizzare questo materiale.
Per iniziare, le sezioni Python sono collegate a sinistra: Python Set Up per installare Python sulla macchina, Python Intro per un'introduzione al linguaggio, quindi Python Strings avvia il materiale di programmazione, che conduce al primo esercizio. La fine di ogni sezione scritta include un link all'esercizio del codice per il materiale di quella sezione. La lezione mostra video paralleli ai materiali scritti, presentando Python, poi stringhe, i primi esercizi e così via. In Google, tutto questo materiale costituisce un corso intensivo di 2 giorni, quindi i video sono organizzati come sezioni del giorno 1 e del giorno 2.
Questo materiale è stato creato da Nick Parlante, che lavora nel gruppo engEDU di Google. Un ringraziamento speciale per l'aiuto dei miei colleghi Google John Cox, Steve Glassman, Piotr Kaminski e Antoine Picard. Infine, grazie a Google e alla mia direttrice Maggie Johnson, per gli generosi generosità che abbiamo condiviso con questi materiali, è stato possibile pubblicare questi materiali su Internet senza costi con la licenza Creative Commons Attribution 2.5. Condividi e divertiti!
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Marie-Laurence Bradette and Félix-Antoine Garneau-Picard competing in the novice short program at the 2012 Canadian Championships.
(Source: Melanie Heaney)
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emmaklee · 3 years
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perfume ingredients
[ph Antoine Picard]
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quarksdumptruckass · 4 years
hi! new blog!
you can call me mac and/or antoine and i’ve been a big ol’ star trek nerd since i was a very small child so this series means a whole lot to me! 
I’ve watched DS9, TNG, and Voyager many many times. I’ve also watched Enterprise, TOS, Picard, and all the movies, though i’m much less into them. i guess at some point i should watch Discovery but right now i’m rewatching DS9 for the gazillionth time lol
my favourite characters (in no order) are probably Paris, Harry, Data, Geordi, Spock, and literally every single character from DS9 (though i am especially partial to the fruity space fascists)
can you tell DS9 is my favourite... because it is
idk what else to say umm i’m not entirely sure how active this blog is gonna be but i hope i’ll be able to keep up posting somewhat regularly! very excited! 
(also in terms of pronouns, any and all please)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Mark Wahlberg Movie Infinite Signals That Paramount Plus Will Evolve Beyond Star Trek
Paramount+, once known as CBS All Access, has mainly defined itself with an overwhelming wave of Star Trek television content. However, surrounded by high-end competition from Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, the rebranded streamer is looking to live long and prosper beyond the space-faring franchise, having announced grandiose plans to expand its movie content. Most notably, sci-fi film Infinite, directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Mark Wahlberg, will be the service’s first theater-skipping feature offering; a surefire sign of things to come.
Obviously, the boat of box-office-bypassing movies already left its proverbial dock some time ago; a notion recently exemplified by streaming’s dominance of the 2021 Academy Awards via Best Picture winner Nomadland (which debuted on Hulu in the U.S.), along with The Sound of Metal (Amazon Prime Video), Judas and the Black Messiah (HBO Max), Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix), Mank (Netflix) and Soul (Disney+)—embarrassingly-shrunken television audience for the ceremony itself notwithstanding. Indeed, while Paramount’s plans were likely long-gestating, there had to be a feeling that its insurgent steaming service missed said boat after fellow streamers cleaned up at the Oscars. This is especially the case as the theater-free phenomenon’s pandemic-related circumstances rapidly evolve in the post-vaccine era. Yet, today’s earnings call with ViacomCBS CEO Bob Bakish shows a company embracing the old adage, “Better late than never.”
Paramount announced a rather auspicious acquisition in director Antoine Fuqua’s Infinite, which stars a reliable headliner in Mark Wahlberg, joined by an ensemble consisting of Dylan O’Brien, Toby Jones, Rupert Friend, Jason Mantzoukas, Kingsman: The Secret Service standout Sophie Cookson and, notably, 12 Years a Slave Oscar nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor as the villain. The film, which originally had Marvel’s Captain America, Chris Evans, tapped as its star, was shot back in 2019, and, interestingly enough, was originally scheduled to hit theaters on May 28, 2021. Those plans, of course, have since dramatically changed, with Infinite now set for a U.S. streaming premiere on Paramount+ in late-June, with international plans to be revealed at a later time.
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How Star Trek: Discovery’s Anthony Rapp Found Dungeons & Dragons Again
By John K. Kirk
Star Trek Villains Who Actually Had a Point
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The Paramount+ arrival of Infinite will unveil famed director Fuqua’s first feature since 2018’s The Equalizer 2. The ambitious sci-fi actioner—officially teased as “a classic story of good vs. evil with an epic twist”—was scripted by John Lee Hancock and Ian Shorr, who adapted D. Eric Maikranz’s 2009 novel, The Reincarnationist Papers. Bearing a plot that somewhat resembles the Assassin’s Creed video game series (and its 2016 movie adaptation), the film focuses on a secret society, called the Cognomina, whose members have the helpful ability to recall details from their past lives. However, things unravel as the haunting memories of Wahlberg’s formerly-Chris-Evans-cast character—a schizophrenic newcomer to the organization named Evan Michaels—uncover dangerous secrets. Thus, a film that could have been lucrative box office fodder for the popcorn crowd will instead become a bellwether offering for the streamer similar to HBO Max’s recent premium-free premieres of action-packed crowd-pleasers like Wonder Woman 1984, Godzilla vs. Kong, Mortal Kombat and the upcoming Dune.
Indeed, Bakish promises a release strategy that will see the consistent arrivals of even more pandemic-era pictures purloined from their planned theatrical releases, stating, “All of this is a preview to a substantial ramping up of original movies next year, when we expect to begin averaging an original movie a week in 2022.” The move complements news revealed to investors back in February that Paramount-hailing major releases such as A Quiet Place II and the untitled Mission: Impossible 7 will premiere on Paramount+ within a small 45-day window from their designated theatrical releases; news that’s more immediate, since the former is set to hit theaters by the end of the month, May 28, to be followed next year, on May 27, 2022, by the latter.
Interestingly, the effect of Paramount Plus’s acquisition of Infinite will be felt as immediately as early-June, during which 1,000 movies will be added to the platform’s existing film library, bringing its total to 2,500. It’s a dramatic transformation for the streamer, which, in its former life as CBS All Access, failed to make much of an industry impact outside of Star Trek—even with Jordan Peele’s heralded reboot of The Twilight Zone. Of course, that is not to say that the platform is moving away from Star Trek, since it’s still home to exorbitantly-produced returning live-action series Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard, which will be joined by a spinoff show of the former, the U.S.S. Enterprise-set Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and, prospectively, an untitled series focused on elusive intelligence agency Section 31 starring Michelle Yeoh’s Emperor Philippa Georgiou—not to mention current animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks.
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Nevertheless, the ViacomCBS CEO is effectively hyping the Paramount platform’s imminent influx of films as a “Mountain of Movies,” setting up a course correction to the platform’s hitherto tardiness on the original movie front. While no serious prognosticator expects Infinite to make any kind of dent at the 2022 Oscars akin to its aforementioned dramatic streaming peers, its move does carry implications. The continued adherence to a socially-distanced distribution scheme is a consequential shift to Paramount+ itself, and also reinforces the idea that the pandemic’s effects on the industry could become permanent.  
The post Mark Wahlberg Movie Infinite Signals That Paramount Plus Will Evolve Beyond Star Trek appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2SvRUUS
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belphegor1982 · 5 years
“Non, Les Petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie ce n'est pas fini ! Ce dimanche, La Voix du Nord annonçait la fin de la série de France 2 dont la saison 2 était portée par Elodie Frenck, Blandine Bellavoir et Samuel Labarthe, qui avaient succédé à Antoine Duléry et Marius Colucci. Mais la série ne va pas disparaître mais se métamorphoser, a confirmé la productrice Sophie Revil à Télé Star. "Après 27 films de la Saison 2 dans les années 1960, France 2 et les créateurs de la série chez Escazal Films ont souhaité la faire évoluer tout en lui conservant son ADN, le mélange de comédie et d'excellentes énigmes de la Reine du crime, et la reconstitution ambitieuse et glamour d'une époque", nous a-telle expliqué. De quoi mettre l'eau à la bouche.
La saison 3 qui est en préparation plongera donc les téléspectateurs dans l'univers coloré et fou des années 70, plus particulièrement en 1971. Le premier épisode sera d'ailleurs adapté de La nuit qui ne finit pas et le deuxième de Le Vallon, deux célèbres romans de la reine du crime. Et c'est Nicolas Picard-Dreyffus à qui a été confié la réalisation. Quatre films ont été commandés par France 2 et seront tournés en 2020. Cerise sur le gâteau : de tous nouveaux personnages et un nouveau trio d'acteurs seront au cœur des nouvelles intrigues. Mais suspense : le casting est en cours et sera dévoilé au début de l'année prochaine.
Et les personnages actuels ne vont pas disparaître comme ça ! Pour dire au revoir aux 5 millions de fidèles, les acteurs de la saison 2 ont tourné une dernière énigme en chantant et en dansant : une comédie musicale made in Les Petits Meurtres, comme vous le révélait Télé Star le mois dernier : "Un cadavre au petit déjeuner" qui inaugurera la rentrée des Petits Meurtres en Septembre 2020. Cet épisode exceptionnel sera suivi par les premiers épisodes de la Saison 3.”
(confiance hésitante... Après tout, y en a qui ont gueulé après la fin de la saison 1 pour ensuite aimer les personnages de la saison 2, donc... à voir?)
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Antoine Brumel - Missa Et ecce terrae motus, Gloria
Ensemble Non Pareilhe :-
Poline Renou, superius Axelle Bernage, superius Yann Rolland, contratenor Bernd Fröhlich, tenor Vincent Lièvre-Picard, tenor Xavier Olagne, tenor Martial Pauliat, tenor Jérémie Couleau, tenor Igor Bouin, baritonans Carsten Krüger, baritonans Guillaume Olry, bassus Marc Busnel, bassus
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burlveneer-music · 6 years
The Rongetz Foundation - Alphabet City Music Club
Stephane Ronget, known as RONGETZ, is a French music composer, producer and trumpeter, now living in New York City, United States.
From the beginning of the 2000s, RONGETZ became involved in a variety of jazz crossover projects. His first successful band was Metropolitan Jazz Affair, which released two albums and several 12- and 7-inch vinyls. The band is featured in over 40 compilation albums.
In 2007, Rongetz started a new project called The Rongetz Foundation. The initial idea was to record live, original compositions, while bringing together musicians from disparate horizons and generations. With the help of the label Heavenly Sweetness (Franck Descollonges, Vincent Quittard, Antoine RAJON). The Rongetz Foundation released four albums. That project led Rongetz to record with members of bands such as The Jazz Messengers, Eddie PalmieriOrchestra, Charles Mingus Big Band, The RH Factor, Frank Zappa's group, Steve Turre, Gary Bartz, Gregory Porter, Dan Tepfer, Kevin Hays, Leo Genovese, Slavic Soul Party!
Homer Steinweiss, Corey Fonville, Alina Engirayan, Mathis Picard, Mr Day, Vuyo Sotashe, Jeremy Kay, Vanisha Gould, Corcoran Holt, Morgan Guerin, Erena Terakubo
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Certains articles écrits bien avant la déroute électorale de TOUTE la droite sont significatifs et tellement réalistes. A relire et à partager sans modération ! Avec Alex Blingbling, Amargeddon, Antoine Martinez, Christian Michel, Claude Janvier, Claude Picard, Daniel Desurvire, Edmond II Dantès, Edouard Pic, Ella Kelian, Ernest Pardo, Henri de Gramond, Hervé Azoulay, Jacques Myard, Jean de…
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