#Anyway Edward 1 Edythe 0
jessicanjpa · 2 years
Catching up on @threebooksoneplot 's latest episode and I am so disappointed to learn that Edythe didn't eat Beau's tear???? !! ??
Although I guess it's even funnier if you think about the order the books were published in. With Life and Death, SM was probably relieved she could drop the tear thing completely. But then for Midnight Sun, when she had no choice but to retcon it, she embraced the weirdness and had Edward go full-on monologue about vampire physiology and how maybe Bella's tear will be inside him fOreVeR.
(at least for a while...)
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
I would have always pegged Lydia to be more of a Rosalie than a Edward/Edythe (Mostly because both Lydia and Rosalie give off the same aura? Don'T know how to explain it), really, perhaps even a Alice due to their Love for fashion and history of forced internment in evil psychiatric hospitals due to their gift. Of course, that would make either Jackson being Royce in the Rosalie scenario or Peter being James in the Alice one. Also some of Bella's friend could be Danny and Mason?
I can totally see Lydia as Rosalie, and I get where you’re coming from with that! They’re both infamous for being beautiful and have standoffish mean girl vibes to them. They both make a big show of being perfect and not needing anyone. 
I chose Lydia as Edward/Edythe though for a few reasons:
1. Redheads
2. They’re both really smart and secretly nerdy
3. They’re both terrified of (and dismissive of) vulnerability and really struggle to let people in
4. They have an intense unhealthy devotion to any romantic partners they get serious about, even when they know the relationship is a bad idea and will end up hurting them
5. Sass
6. As the series goes on it becomes clear that Lydia is deeply insecure and emotionally fucked up and that she has a tendency to blame herself for things out of her control. She very much has a god complex and feels responsible for saving everyone. She’s also incredibly empathetic. For me, this really reminded me of Edward, as obviously he’s also super empathetic, hates himself, and feels guilty about a million things that he can’t do anything about. For Lydia, hating herself manifests in attempts to become perfect (as though this will somehow make her redeemable, or if enough people like her she might like herself) whereas Edward just accepted his expected damnation and got really cynical. I think part of the difference in reaction here is that Lydia is a woman and has grown up feeling like she has to please/accomodate others, while Edward hasn’t. They both really struggle with deaths that involve them (Lydia with screaming/finding the bodies even though the deaths weren’t her fault, Edward with killing evil people or not saving people he could). They both really crave love and validation. 
7. With people Lydia doesn’t care about, she has no problem being confident and dating them/manipulating them to get what she wants. This is... most of her romantic interests in the series, which makes ppl think she’s confident/callous with love interests. HOWEVER, when she’s actually genuinely into someone and has real feelings for them, she’s waaayyy more hesistant and scared. Meanwhile, Edward has 0 issue dazzling/manipulating women in the books to get what he wants when he doesn’t care about them, but when it comes to Bella he’s pretty tentative. 
I think the thing about Lydia is on the outside she has this really harsh mean girl exterior that, you’re right, really does resemble Rosalie, but on the inside (and as she grows as a person and stops fronting) she’s a lot more like Edward: smart, wry, self-hating, hesistant to let people in, empathetic, nerdy, god complex, calculating
But also i feel like every girl on teen wolf is a Rosalie archetype. Teen Wolf is just full of gorgeous, badass, standoffish, mean-girl like women. Erica, Braeden, Lydia, Kate, Cora.. I could go on but it would be easier to list the women who AREN’T like that. As you may have seen, my original pick for Rose was Braeden. 
There’s also a lot of evidence that Allison is the first real friend that Lydia has (and the first person she can be really vulnerable with), and there was a lot of groundwork laid that would allow them to be interpreted as romantic, and with her as Bella... well, in a lot of ways, Bella is Edward’s first real friend too. The movies just skipped over the slowburn friend part. 
Maybe Peter would make a good James? He hates allison bc she’s associated with Kate, he plays mindgames with Lydia, is generally villanous and the whole team gets together to take him down..... he might also make a good Aro, endlessly scheming, fascinated by and yet cruel toward Lydia/Edward, power hungry but also motives that make sense in the right light and allow him to claim tactical innocence, always lurking in the background waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in, you’re never sure if he’s a reluctant ally or an enemy, though occasionally useful to have on your side, in some ways royalty.
Maybe Danny would make a good Ben? And Mason is definitely goofy enough to be another friend, but Mason’s also smart, and Mike Tyler and Eric are oblivious dumbos. 
Anyway thanks for asking abt this bc i obviously have a lot of Thoughts
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