#Apollonia Saint Clair
entre-image-blog · 11 months
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Trilogie Ink is my Blood, Apollonia Saintclair, disponible sur entre-image.com
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ornithorynquerouge · 8 months
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The Careless Whisper - Apollonia Saint Clair
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ybon-paramoux · 2 years
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She Bop by Apollonia Saint Clair
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tenshiharmonia · 2 years
Bayonetta Recap - Part 5
        II - Locations
Nidavellir, Mountain of the Waning Moon
- An ancient volcano, located somewhere on the shores of Iceland
- As mentioned earlier, this is the place where Mulciber chose to establish himself when he moved to the human realm. Comparatively to a demon’s lifespan, this is a relatively recent move, but as far as humans are concerned, he’s been around long enough for there to be centuries-old legends warning about the malevolent spirit that inhabits the mountain and how the place must be avoided at all costs (although it’s unlikely humans ever actually catched sight of Mulciber himself ; they may have spotted one of his demonic robot guards, though)...
- The forge itself is obviously located in the volcano’s fiery depths. The exterior of the mountain, on the other hand, is actually quite snowy. There is a secret entrance to the volcano’s burning bowels about half way up the mountain, but the path that leads to it is heavily guarded. So be careful if you don’t want to meet an untimely end at the hands of the infernal blacksmith’s deadly machines (of course, they are not so deadly when your name is Cereza, but still)...
- I don’t know if it would also be the case in-universe (I mean, no character ever comments on the mythological roots of Vigrid and Noatun...), but to keep with the trend of places in Bayonetta being named after things from the Norse cosmology, it bears the name of the mythical home of the Dwarves*. I mean, this one is a no-brainer : Mulciber is a master blacksmith, the Dwarves’ entire culture is based on metalworking. Really, I don’t think it warrants more explanation. Besides, the name’s etymology pertains to both the Moon and darkness, making it an even more fitting name for the dwelling place of a demon blacksmith who works for a member of the Umbra Clan.
* A name that is probably a lot more ingrained in the general consciousness ever since it appeared in one of Marvel’s movies. I must admit, I don’t really care about Marvel’s cinematographic universe, so I didn’t even know it featured in the franchise until I googled the name for inspiration. Funnily enough though, the way it’s depicted in the studio’s films would be a pretty good illustration of what I had in mind regarding one of Caritas’ potential forms...
Glitnir, the Radiant City
- Alternative nicknames : "the City of Twilight" ; "the City of Contrast" ; "the City of Chiaroscuro" (this one sounds way better in my native French : "la Cité du Clair-obscur") ; "the City of Silence" ; "the City of Miracles"
- The city that Máni and Apollonia founded after fleeing Vigrid, five hundred years ago
- Regarding its location, I would say that it probably sits somewhere on the northern coast of France. The city as I envision it actually draws some inspiration from the famous Mont-Saint-Michel, so I would say somewhere between northern Brittany and Normandy. Besides, I’ve always headcanoned Vigrid as being somewhere on the Mediterranean coast of Occitania*, so it would be quite fitting for the two siblings’ journey to lead them to the opposite side of the Hexagon, as we French like to call our country... Alternatively, one could imagine that they pushed even further and crossed the English Channel to settle somewhere on the British Isles. It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but that stays a possibility...
* As evidenced by the close-up on the map in one of the first game’s cutscenes. Also, the town’s architecture seems to draw heavily on Barcelona and the work of Gaudi, which could indicate that it’s actually located in Catalonia, the Spanish territory just south of the Occitan region...
- To keep with the aforementioned trend, I named it after the heavenly hall where Forseti, the Nordic god of justice and reconciliation, is said to sit. I had quite some trouble finding the right name, but in the end, I think that this one fits quite nicely on multiple levels. First of all, it apparently means "the one that shines", in reference to the hall’s pillars of gold and roof of silver. Quite an appropriate etymology for a town that was founded by expatriate worshippers of the Sun and the Moon. Secondly, as the dwelling place of the god of justice and mediation, it is sais to be a symbol of the predominance of discussion and diplomacy over violence when it comes to conflict resolution. Which, once again, resonates quite beautifully with the idea of a city founded on the good understanding between angels, demons and humans, by a Witch and a Sage who refused to fight a war that would have pitted them against each other and left their hometown when their advocacy of a peaceful defusing of the situation fell on deaf ears. Really, the more I think about it, the more it fits. For extra irony, Forseti is actually the son of Balder. So giving the name of his abode to a city that was ultimately founded because of the machinations of a guy who bears the name of his father, that’s quite an amusing quirk of fate. XD
- Visually, I kind of picture it as a more pristine and welcoming version of Yharnam, the city where Bloodborne takes place. I’d also like to mention the City of Tears, from Hollow Knight (once again), as well as Canterlot, from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic (the spectrum of my inspirations is certainly quite large, as you can tell). Basically, I imagine it as a solemn and mysterious kind of place, with a heavily gothic-inspired architecture and a stately sense of verticality : lots of stairs and elevated, balcony-like plazas ; arches and bridges hanging high between the city’s towering buildings ; plenty of colorful stained-glass windows ; a rich and well-cared for flora ; all manners of sculptures and gargoyles adorning the city’s walls and streets ; lots of fountains, ponds and cascading streams ; finely crafted street furniture, like wrought-iron benches, old-fashioned street lamps or elegant bandstands and garden pavilions... I don’t know if my words actually do justice to the picture I have in mind, but I think it captures rather well the atmosphere I’m going for. As I said : solemn, mysterious, majestic, and with a serene sense of holiness...
- Basically, I want it to look like the dialogues of Blasphemous sound... if that makes any sense.
- The various areas of the city include (but are not limited to) : the docks ; a lighthouse ; the hotel where Bayonetta is going to stay while she tries to uncover the city’s secrets ; a lush public garden and the sumptuous greenhouse that stands inside ; an orchard, where the city’s residents grow all manners of delicious fruits, and the pastures, where their flocks and cattle graze (both are located on the outskirts of the town, which are obviously much more rural than the city center) ; the opera house (where Apollonia regularly performs) ; the grand cathedral, ultimate seat of the Glitnirian faith ; the castle, where Máni and Apollonia reside (I still have to find it a suitably cool name)...
- Since it’s been founded by a Witch and a Sage, the city as a whole obviously put a heavy emphasis on spirituality and liturgical devotion, so overall, you can also expect to come across a lot of religious edifices : temples, chapels, convents, monasteries, cloister gardens, and so on and so forth. The city’s many belfries and steeples tower over its streets, filling the town’s quiet air with the echoing sound of their heavenly bells...
- The people of Glitnir are not of the fanatically pious kind, however. They mainly perceive religion as a tool of communion and enlightenment, a guide on the road of self-improvement and self-discovery. It goes without saying at this point, but the balance between Light and Darkness is a key aspect of their dogma. In regards to Light, their doctrine naturally seeks compassion and righteousness. It’s about being the best version of yourself possible, both for yourself and for the greater good. The path of Darkness, meanwhile, is one of positive self-gratification. It’s about enjoying life and yourself without fear, shame nor guilt... Light tempered by Darkness ; Darkness tempered by Light. Corruption and purification ; temptation and penitence... This duality is the founding principle of the Glitnirian faith : living your life without becoming the slave of your dark pulsions or letting yourself be blinded by the light. Which brings us to...
- Pandæmonium, the pleasure district : installed in the vast cave system that extends beneath Glitnir, this neon-lit neighbourhood is certainly both the shadiest and the most colorful side of the town. Don’t get the wrong idea, though : this is not the sordid den of iniquity and perdition that one might expect. Quite the contrary. It’s actually an integral part of the city. I described it as a "pleasure district", and that's precisely that : an underground garden of earthly delights, a place where the residents of Glitnir can indulge their fleshliest appetites and fantasies in a safe, clean and controlled environment. There are several entryways to those festive catacombs, but the main and most convenient ones are assuredly the "Hell-evators" (sorry, I couldn't help myself ; it just was the perfect place to squeeze that pun in XD ), old-fashioned lift-like devices that elegantly shuttle back and forth between Glitnir’s surface and the city’s bustling underground. Catch a ride on one of these bad boys, and it’ll take you straight to Seven Sins Street. In those sulphurous depths, you’ll find everything you need to quench all your worldly desires : brothels and strip clubs, casinos, auction houses, all manners of bars, taverns and restaurants, plenty of nightclubs, tattoo parlors, piercing shops, opium dens, crack houses and narghile bars, rings and arenas for all kinds of bloody competitions, cigar shops, luxurious hot springs... this subterranean sanctuary is dedicated to pleasure and sensuality in all their forms. And if you get tired of this never-ending night of vice and uninhibited abandon, you can always find yourself a stairway to Heaven (or quite simply, ride another Hell-evator :3 ) and return to the surface to partake in quieter and more spiritual activities. On the other hand, if the staff of the underground district’s various establishments consider that the way you indulge yourself is unhealthy or problematic, they’ll kindly - most of the time - escort you to the nearest exit. As mentioned earlier, Pandæmonium’s philosophy is one of responsible hedonism. It’s all about the beauty in filthiness. Don’t worry, though : if they note that you have an actual problem, like an addiction issue for example, be it to booze, sex or even gambling, they’ll be more than happy to help you overcome it. From detox treatments to support groups, they’ve got all the tools and therapies needed to help you tame your instincts and self-destructive pulsions. Given that your heart is in the right place, of course. By the way, the staff of Pandæmonium does not include solely demons ; there are plenty of humans and angels working down there too. Visually, the district’s streets would share the same gothic-inspired architecture and sense of verticality as the surface parts of the city, but trade the "sacred solemnity" of the town above for a "neon-lit sleaziness" kind of esthetic. I think it would make for a fun contrast. The various buildings would blend with the cave system in a semi-troglodytical (not sure if this is the right word) kind of way, and the different rock formations of the caverns, such as stalactites, stalagmites and rock pillars, would be carefully integrated into the neighbourhood’s own decor. The cave system would also house multiple underground rivers, cascades and ponds. Moreover, I like to imagine that some corners of the caverns would also be adorned with various crystal and gemstone deposits, making for an even more shimmering and exotic spectacle as they reflect the neon lights’ sinful glow... Anyway, I think this is all I had to say on this subterranean retreat, but really, I love the concept of such a two-sided city. (For the record, and as mentioned earlier, "Pandæmonium" comes from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, where it is the name of the capital of Hell. From an etymological point of view, it means "all the demons", as in "the place where all the demons gather". I thought it was quite an appropriate name for a subterranean district where self-indulgence and vice in all its forms reign supreme...)
- I also like to imagine it as some sort of "multidimensional" city. I must admit, I don’t really know how to properly convey what I have in mind, but basically, the idea is that the town houses a whole bunch of magical gates that give access to various enclaves of the other realms of the Trinity. Not unlike Vigrid, but in a much more integrated kind of way. For example, the public garden would house a portal connecting to some wooded part of Paradiso, furnished to serve as an extension of the "human" park*. In fact, those otherworldly enclaves have been drawn so close to the human realm, that it’s become practically impossible to reach the rest of Paradiso and Inferno through them, like asteroids forcibly torn from their original orbits by the gravitational pull of a nearby planet (I’m not sure if the allegory makes sense astronomically speaking, but you catch my drift XD ). The advantage is that it gives the residents of Glitnir access to all the supernatural resources of the other realm without putting the city at risk.
* I like to imagine it as some kind of Avatar-like bioluminescent garden, a beautiful and serene place where the residents of Glitnir - be they angels, humans or demons - are free to enjoy the supreme peacefulness of the realm of Light and roam among its enchanting vegetation.
- All in all, I’d like this imaginary game to put a bigger emphasis on exploration, with lots and lots of nooks and crannies, as well as tons of hidden areas and collectibles. I don’t really know how it would work in regard to the usual "verses and chapters" structure, but I really want this world to feel much more open and rich than the first two games. Don’t get the wrong idea, though ; I’m not talking about a "Breath of the Wild" level of open world. As pointed out earlier, what I have in mind is more akin to Bloodborne and the city of Yharnam. Or maybe Haven City, from Jak II : Renegade. I mean, I’m well aware that I’m probably the only person who plays Bayonetta for the exploration, but once again, this is not an actual game, so I can imagine whatever I want. :p
- Speaking of, I would also like there to be a sidequests system. It would be a nice way to make Bayonetta interact more with the other characters and explore parts of the city that she normally has little reason to visit. Since Máni, Apollonia and their friends will also end up as allies of hers, there could even be post-game sidequests centered around them, allowing Cereza and them to interact on friendlier terms. (Note that the other playable characters would also have their own sidequests...)
Baphomet’s domain : the Pillar of Laplace
- An ancient and impossibly tall building, standing imperturbably on the frozen and windy shore of Cocytus, the lake of lamentations, in the dark and icy depths of Inferno
- While the snow and ice that coat its outer walls can give it quite a decrepit appearance, a closer examination will reveal that the tower’s structure is actually perfectly intact, as if the elements themselves were unwilling to defile the old goat’s abode
- As I mentioned earlier, the tower houses an enormous library, where Baphomet and his otherworldly servants gather all the knowledge of the universe. Filled with all manner of books, grimoires and parchments, its endless shelves are said to contain the answers to all the questions and mysteries of the world.
- Be aware, though, that the old goat’s wisdom comes at a price. Baphomet may be more sensible than the average Infernal, but he is still a demon, and they tend to be rather capricious creatures (especially when they’ve got a caprine head :p ). Rub him the wrong way, and you’ll get to see the full extent of his cruelty and perversion. So if you seek the secret truths that the old goat has to offer, be careful where you tread. The journey to his sanctum is already a perilous one*, but there is no telling what he’ll demand from you in return for his wisdom. Don’t forget, though, that truth and knowledge are dangerous things. They can set you free, just as easily as they can corrupt you...
* Of course, the easiest way to contact him, as with all demons, is to summon him directly to the human world, sparing yourself a hazardous trip through the many dangers of Hell. This is ultimately how most of the humans who encountered him - intentionally or not - did it, Máni included. But he will certainly be more impressed if you actually try to sneak in his archives. :p
- On the other hand, I also think that Baphomet would be the kind of demon who appears all too willing to share his dark knowledge with whoever comes asking for it... only to sadistically watch as the naive soul gets thrown in the sordid pits of despair and madness by the eldritch secrets he shared with them. Either way, if your name is not Máni, you better think twice before trying to contact the old goat : you might be biting off more than you can chew...
- As you might have guessed, I named the tower after Pierre Simon de Laplace, the French scholar, best known for the thought experiment that is usually referred to as "Laplace's demon". Basically, Laplace was a supporter of determinism and saw the universe as a mere sequence of causes and effects, meaning that the future would have been entirely determined by preceding events, that is to say, a combination of prior states of the universe and the laws of nature. Therefore, an intelligence (the so-called "demon") who would know the exact location and momentum of every particle in the universe at a given time could theoretically be able to deduce all its past configurations and predict all its future states. As far as determinism is concerned, free will is just an illusion : every action that was previously taken, that is currently being taken or that will take place was fated to happen from the very instant the universe was born. No wonder that refuting Laplace’s theory proved to be a major motivation for the many generations of scholars and scientists that came after its formulation... Anyway, I’m not entirely convinced by the name, but this is a reference that I really wanted to make in regard to Baphomet. I mean, the idea of an all-knowing demon contemplating the universe resonates pretty well with the old goat and the way he amasses knowledge. Besides, I feel like the out-of-place-ness of such a name (or should I say, its "out-of-Laplace-ness" ? XD ) gives it kind of an uncanny quality that seems to go pretty well with such an eerie location. That being said, don’t ask me why the personal sanctum of such an ancient and remote being was named after a guy who, from the perspective of said being, was basically born yesterday. The likeliest answer, as seems to be the case for everything in the Bayonetta universe that is named after an already existing figure or location, is probably that, diegetically speaking, there is no actual correlation between the two...
- Other names I considered : the Pillar of Kvasir, the Pillar of Mimir/Mim, the Pillar of Babel, the Whispering Pillar (this one could admittedly make for a nice nickname, with the tower being actually referred to as "Laplace, the Whispering Pillar")... Or maybe the "Wuthering Pillar", to add a touch of literature flair. XD
- I don’t know what the melody would sound like, but I like to think that the building’s main theme song would contain samples of Baphomet singing in the distance. A dark and haunting song, getting louder and louder as the player climbs the tower and approaches its summit... Also, I think that "Laplace's dementia" would make for quite a cool and delightfully punny song title. :3
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brightfametexan · 3 years
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Apollonia Saint Clair on Twitter
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glorieta333 · 3 years
Pensarte y hablarte, pero en soledad.
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Daría todo por tener tu cabeza en mi pecho; muertos, abrazándonos en la oscuridad. Tienes toda la piel para contenerme, tienes toda la falsedad para seducirme de más. No sé lo que de tu ausencia me aloca, me siento como una niña boba, cuando sólo quiero demostrar madurez.
Y hay algo que tu brutalidad no me puede quitar... Soy tan buena para esto, Sabes que es. Me deshago cuando navego en tus aguas, me ahogo con el alba, sueño en tu piel de olor a olmo, pero en el fondo se que todo es mentira.
Esos ojos de fiera, me comen en la oscuridad de tu pieza, mi piel de mármol flota sin rumbo -y yo me siento tan serena-. No sé que es lo que encuentro en este refugio; Me come la incertidumbre del qué dirá el mundo; Tan distintos somos, y aquí estamos unidos, solo Dios sabe, como llegamos a este paraíso. Y alejarnos no apaga el fuego solo hace que te llame más mi cuerpo. Y volver a desearte, Como en el primer momento. Si algo me llama de ti, Son tus ojos brillantes Y esa voz con que respondes A mis sonrisas errantes. Me enteré por la manera En que mi nombre sale de tu boca.
Tus brazos, Firmes y discretos, Me acercan a tu centro Haciéndome olvidar El resto del mundo en este momento, me siento otra, Siento el fuego.
Soy locura y poesía que agotan, Palabras que se pierden con el viento. Soy hija de la noche, Y protegida en lo que de la Luna es el brillo. Tengo esperanza En la luz de mi camino; Amor, dedicación y perseverancia Fue lo que te cegó al principio, Esencia, placer e indiferencia Confunden lo que de verdad quieres conmigo.
Necesito que me toques una vez más el tiempo a veces se olvida, y nos eleva fuera de la realidad, no hay necesidad de vernos, podemos llegar juntos más allá.
Te siento de una manera tan sublime, que me cuesta encontrar palabras para expresarme bien, Ay, si yo pudiera decirte como vibra mi cuerpo con pensarte, pero hay tantas cosas que me limitan para poder hablarte. La inmortalidad quiero sentirla en mi otra vez, vamos repite mi nombre la última vez. ¿Cómo podemos ser tan distantes y tan íntimos a la vez? No creo que todas estas barreras sirvan de algo, si cuando seamos uno todo se irá a la mierda, todo se olvidará, como el porqué de tanta habladuría. Y me hundiré en tus brazos y ya no podrás olvidarme jamás. Vuelve a mí como el sueño en que viniste, y en todas mis noches no te alejes de mi, pero olvida el odio y quiéreme libre, que sin alas solo puedo llorar, quiero ser una diosa en el cielo de tus brazos; no una esclava, que no pueda ni soltar el llanto. Vuela conmigo, no te asustes de mi vuelo.
©Gloria Robles. + + + Credit photo: Apollonia Saint Claire
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secretboard111 · 4 years
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Apollonia Saint Clair
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Juillet 03. Plattenbau + Badbad – La Pointe Lafayette 03. The Warlocks + The Orwells + Marietta – Le Garage 03. Metronomy + Denai Moore (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Savages + Kate Tempest (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 04. Qarpa + Sviter + Danielyan + SSRLYa – Salo 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 06. Devandra Banhart + Lisa Hannigan (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Mikky Blanco + Rebekka Warrior + Moor Mother + Easter + Smerz (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 06. Pili Coït + Panico Panico + Rape&Revenge + Foune Cury – Espace B 06>09. Asia Argento + The Penelopes + The Charlatans + The Legendary Tigerman + Andy Votel + Nathan Fake + Yolk + Kid Chocolat + Lydia Lunch... – Salo 07. Duchess Says + Mountain Bike – La Station 07. The Queer Icons + Deena Abdelwahed (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 07. Ancient Methods + Marie Davidson + Voiski + Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Carl Craig + Marcel Dettmann + Nina Kraviz + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + Levon Vincent + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + Codex Empire (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Bryan's Magic Tears + Tritha Electric + Stratocastors + Gloria + Tomaga  + Le Villejuif Underground + Last Night + Hey Colossus + Cocaine Piss + Nova Materia + Sheik Anorak (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Frédéric Nogray – Petit Bain (gratuit sur résa) 08. The Horrors (Fnac Live) – parvis de l'Hôtel de ville (gratuit) 08. Jay-Jay Johanson (Fnac Live) – scène du Salon (gratuit sur invite) 08. Do the Dirt + Guili Guili Goulag + En attendant Ana + Delacave + Daikiri + Housewives + Mendelson + The Limiñanas + Fai Baba [+ Sister Iodine : ANNULÉ] + Snapped Ankles + Pogo Car Crash Control (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 08. Yves Tumor + Chino Amobi + Tami T + Big Dipper + Kiddy Smile + Jennifer Cardini + Honey Sound System + Venus Xgg (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Air (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Dixon + Kaytranada + Apollonia + The Black Madonna + Moodymann + DVS1 + Midland + Romare + Tommy Genesis + Avalon Emerson + Jlin + AZF + Raheem Experience + Fils de Vénus +  Bamao Yende + TGAF (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 09. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Bombino + Canalon De Timbiqui + Bania – Le Garage 10. RY X + C Duncan (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Buenavistacid Social Club + Black Regent + Gare sud – Petit Bain 12. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" – La Station 12. Peine perdue + Blackmail + Elmapi (fest. Restons sérieux) – Superonic 13. Dear Deer + Pour X raisons + Kalicia Katakov – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 13. Shifted + Vatican Shadow + Parfait – Nuits fauves 13. Ellen Allien + Dimitri Rivière + Maxime Iko + Solange... – Badaboum 14. Casse-gueule + Les Hôpitaux + Enfance de merde + Ex Fulgur + Strasbourg + Scorpion violente + Monsieur Crane + Harshlove (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Umwelt + I/Y + Alienata + Kamikaze Space Programme + dj Flush – La plage de Glazart 15. Jad Wio + Postcoïtum – Superonic (gratuit) 15. Blawan – Rex Club 19. Molecule – Safari Boat 19. Violent quand on aime + Nina Harker + Yersinia Pestis (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 20. Volition Immanent + Taulard + Moyo (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 20. SHDW & Obscure Shape + Scry + Theophiluss + Keith Karnal – Nuits fauves 21. The Horrorist + Le Prince Harry + Qual + Bracco (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain 21. Couteau latex + PUFF + Stratocastors – La Mécanique ondulatoire 22. Aluk Todolo + Antilles + Les Croisières Dolori (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 22. Kumisolo + Karaocake – Point FMR 22. Louisahhh + Maelstrom + DMX Crew – Wanderlust 23. Terrine + Bader Motor (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 23. 1919 + Poison Point – Le Klub 25. Sheer Mag + Holy Gray + Police Control + PCP Manor – Olympic café 25. Tempers + Dear Deer + L'An2000 – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. Adult. – Point FMR 27. Regis + Cleric + Parfait – Nuits fauves 28. Tristesse contemporain + Traditional Monsters – Supersonic (gratuit) 28. Birth of Frequency + Polar Inertia + Tadeo – Rex Club 29. Legowelt + Amir Alexander + Kern Space Adventures – Nuits fauves 29. Fumiya Tanaka + Half Hawaii + Akufen + Cabanne + Sammy Dee + Zip – Concrete
Août 02. Illnurse + Murd + Parfait + Sene – Concrete 03. Wife + Uniform – Point FMR 04. Molly Nelson + The Beat Escape – Point FMR 04. Truss + Subjected + BLNDR + Hemka + KVD + Scry b2b Aspect + Théophiluss b2b Charlie Oohlala + Kairos – La plage de Glazart 05. Kobosil + UVB + VSK + Remco Beekwilder + Casual Treatment + Keikari – La plage de Glazart 17. Society of Silence + Coldgeist – Batofar 20. The Rebel + Spray Paint + CIA debutante – La Mécanique ondulatoire 25. Converge + Havok + Gorguts + Revocation – Trabendo 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud 29. The Psychedelic Furs – Elysée Montmartre
Septembre 07. Die Selektion + Poison Point – Olympic café 09. Pierre Bastien (Traversées du Marais) – musée des Arts et Métiers (gratuit) 12. No More + Plomb – Le Klub 13. Maulwürfe – Centre Barbara-FGO 13. Housewives – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13/14. LCD Soundsystem – Olympia 15. Cocaine Piss – Espace B 15/17. Iggy Pop (Fête de l'humanité) – Parc Georges-Valbon (La Courneuve) 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 21. Claire Bergerault + Mark Fell & Will Gurthrie (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Onceim & Jon Tilbury + Hanna Hartman (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 22. She Past Away + Qual – Petit Bain 22. UVB 76 – La Machine 23. Jon Gibson's Ensemble + Eddie Prevost & John Tilbury + F Pierce Warnecke (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 23. Martial Canterel + Holygram & Adam Usi – Le Klub 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex 29. Tim Hecker + Gas + Midori Takada + Prurient + Pan Daijing (Red Bull fest.) – Palais de Tokyo 30. Lene Lovich – Gibus 30. Zombie Zombie + Marie Davidson + Not Waving + Soft War (December b2b AZF) + Simon Cell b2b The Pilotwings + Voisky présente "Disconnections, music for Clouds" (Red Bull fest.) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 30. Nova Materia & Latetitia Sadier : "Du point de vue des pierres", d'après Tristan Garcia (Red Bull fest.) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil
Octobre 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 04. Ben Frost (Biennale Nemo) – Le Trianon 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + Dolch – Petit Bain 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 02>04. The National + Run The Jewels + Ride + Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Polo & Pan + Jungle + Bicep + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + This is the Kit + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Andy Shauf + Chassol + Kamasi Washington + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Hmltd... (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 13. Liars – La Maroquinerie 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 17. Trisomie 21 – La Machine 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 24. Laibach – Trabendo 25. Stranglers – La Cigale 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena
Décembre 03. Depeche Mode – Bercy|Arena 15. Jessica93 – La Maroquinerie
Janvier 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise)
Février Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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riotrhea · 4 years
2, 18, 33, and 37!
• 2. who is your favorite artist?
uhhh I don’t have a lot of professional or tradition art opinions so I’m going to say Apollonia Saint Clair
• 18. what is your favorite pastry? 
uhhh maybe like a really well made cinnamon bun
• 33. what is your zodiac sign? 
i’m a leo, babey!!
• 37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom? 
I sleep with this cute lil blanket that I’ve had since I was a kid so probably that.
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entre-image-blog · 10 months
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Ink is my Blood, Appolonia Saintclair
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luz - ajuste - ângulo - exibicionismo - voyeurismo... tease - switch enviado - recebido --------------------------------------------------------------------- olhar faminto e tela luminosa. notificação de nova mensagem. mente suja, séries de pixels alinhados e pele à mostra. dez tentativas antes de finalmente escolher uma foto boa o suficiente. o nervosismo antes de enviar, a expectativa pela reação do outro. em ato contínuo, a expectativa de receber algo em troca. tensão capturada entre um medo indefinido e um prazer não-consumado. a sensação de ser consumido, o gozo das pequenas culpas. performance estática. masturbação mútua e remota. a delícia que nunca é alcançada por inteiro. a satisfação rasa, que você olha e não sabe é mais gostosa por causa da imagem que você olha, ou por alguém ter te deixado olhar. uma mesa de apostas onde entram em jogo nossos egos, nossas identidades nossos segredos e nossos não afetos. a parte que escolhemos mostrar ...enquanto todo o resto segue em obscuridade. um pacto silencioso de confiança assinado, firmado e selado por: “vou te mandar porque quase sei que você não vai mandar pra ninguém.” um pacto do não-tocar, do não-provar, do não-suar, do não-sentir. um micro-orgasmo psicológico, uma cócega no cérebro. surgidos do apelo narcótico daquilo que faz seu celular vibrar em plena madrugada. vicia e esvazia. “manda nude”, a gente digita. pra, então, completar em pensamento: “pra ver se eu consigo mandar embora essa solidão...” - e logo esquece.
___________________________________________________ Arte original por Apollonia Saint-Clair (a primeira que aparece na sequência, em p&b), manipulações feitas por mim. Texto escrito por mim, - Cecilia Souto.
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pepper-meee · 7 years
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Artist: Apollonia Saint Clair
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Juin 28. Zëro : concert littéraire "Pasolini" avec Virginie Despentes & Béatrice Dalle – Maison de la poésie 28. Blondie – Olympia 29. Sam Fleisch + Percolator – Olympic café 29. Goat + High Wolf – Point FMR 29. Sathönay + :such: + Casio judiciaire – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29 > 02.07. Belmont Witch + Mariachi + Ella a. Thaun + Nana Benamer + Sleep Loan Sharks + Big Meufs  + Miaux + Méryll Ampe + Félon + Las Kellies... (fest. Comme nous brûlons) – La Station 30. Tropical Horses + Marietta – Petit Bain (gratuit) 30. Geoff Leigh & Makoto Kawabata – Chair de poule (gratuit) 30. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Eric La Casa : "Home" – Théâtre studio|La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit sur résa) 30. Geneviève Pasquier + Position parallèle + Black Light Ascension – Le Zèbre de Belleville 30. Chloé + Il est vilaine – croisière éléctro Radiomarais 30. Objekt + Rrose + Paula Temple (Macki music fest.) – La Machine 30. Shackleton + Dave Clarke (dj) + Sunil Sharpe b2b Umwelt + David Carretta + Aleksi Perälä + Dungeon Acid + TM404 + Posthuman feat. Josh Caffe + Skee Mask (dj) + Ben Sims (dj) + Om Unit (dj) + Doc Daneeka (dj) + Doc Scott b2b Seba + Shed + Jon Dasilva b2b Swalk (20 ans de Trax) – base aérienne 217 (Brétigny/Orge) ||ANNULÉ||
Juillet 01. Badbad – Gare XP 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zèbre de Belleville 01. The Hacker vs Danny Daze – Nuits fauves 01. Alexander Robotnick + Intergalactic Gary + Pépé del noche – La Machine 01. Nick Klein + December + Security + Low Jack + Emilio b2b Elliot Rendez-vous + Daatsu b2b Toma Kami... – B75 01/02. Soichi Terada + Antal b2b Hunee + San Proper + Margie + Renart + Mézigue + Rendez-vous... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 02. Seth Cluett – MacVal (Vitry/Seine) (gratuit) 02. The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (Days Off) – Salle de répétition|Philharmonie 02. Tindersticks : cineconcert sur "Minute Bodies" de Suart Staples (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 03. Plattenbau + Badbad – La Pointe Lafayette 03. The Warlocks + The Orwells + Marietta – Le Garage 03. Metronomy + Denai Moore (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Savages + Kate Tempest (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 04. Qarpa + Sviter + Danielyan + SSRLYa – Salo 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 06. Devandra Banhart + Lisa Hannigan (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Mikky Blanco + Rebekka Warrior + Moor Mother + Easter + Smerz (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 06. Pili Coït + Panico Panico + Rape&Revenge + Foune Cury – Espace B 06>09. Asia Argento + The Penelopes + The Charlatans + The Legendary Tigerman + Andy Votel + Nathan Fake + Yolk + Kid Chocolat + Lydia Lunch... – Salo 07. Duchess Says + Mountain Bike – La Station 07. The Queer Icons + Deena Abdelwahed (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 07. Ancient Methods + Marie Davidson + Voiski + Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Carl Craig + Marcel Dettmann + Nina Kraviz + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + Levon Vincent + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + Codex Empire (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Bryan's Magic Tears + Tritha Electric + Stratocastors + Gloria + Tomaga  + Le Villejuif Underground + Last Night + Hey Colossus + Cocaine Piss + Nova Materia + Sheik Anorak (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Frédéric Nogray – Petit Bain (gratuit sur résa) 08. The Horrors (Fnac Live) – parvis de l'Hôtel de ville (gratuit) 08. Jay-Jay Johanson (Fnac Live) – scène du Salon (gratuit sur invite) 08. Do the Dirt + Guili Guili Goulag + En attendant Ana + Delacave + Daikiri + Housewives + Mendelson + The Limiñanas + Fai Baba [+ Sister Iodine : ANNULÉ] + Snapped Ankles + Pogo Car Crash Control (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 08. Yves Tumor + Chino Amobi + Tami T + Big Dipper + Kiddy Smile + Jennifer Cardini + Honey Sound System + Venus Xgg (Loud & Proud) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Air (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Dixon + Kaytranada + Apollonia + The Black Madonna + Moodymann + DVS1 + Midland + Romare + Tommy Genesis + Avalon Emerson + Jlin + AZF + Raheem Experience + Fils de Vénus +  Bamao Yende + TGAF (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 09. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Bombino + Canalon De Timbiqui + Bania – Le Garage 10. RY X + C Duncan (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 10. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Buenavistacid Social Club + Black Regent + Gare sud – Petit Bain 12. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" – La Station 12. Peine perdue + Blackmail + Elmapi (fest. Restons sérieux) – Superonic 13. Dear Deer + Pour X raisons + Kalicia Katakov – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 13. Shifted + Vatican Shadow + Parfait – Nuits fauves 13. Ellen Allien + Dimitri Rivière + Maxime Iko + Solange... – Badaboum 14. Casse-gueule + Les Hôpitaux + Enfance de merde + Ex Fulgur + Strasbourg + Scorpion violente + Monsieur Crane + Harshlove (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 15. Blawan – Rex Club 19. Molecule – Safari Boat 20. SHDW & Obscure Shape + Scry + Theophiluss + Keith Karnal – Nuits fauves 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain 21. Couteau latex + PUFF + Stratocastors – La Mécanique ondulatoire 22. Kumisolo + Karaocake – Point FMR 22. Louisahhh + Maelstrom + DMX Crew – Wanderlust 25. Sheer Mag + Holy Gray + Police Control + PCP Manor – Olympic café 27. Adult. – Point FMR 27. Regis + Cleric + Parfait – Nuits fauves 28. Birth of Frequency + Polar Inertia + Tadeo – Rex Club 29. Legowelt + Amir Alexander + Kern Space Adventures – Nuits fauves 29. Fumiya Tanaka + Half Hawaii + Akufen + Cabanne + Sammy Dee + Zip – Concrete
Août 02. Illnurse + Murd + Parfait + Sene – Concrete 03. Wife + Uniform – Point FMR 04. Molly Nelson + The Beat Escape – Point FMR 04. Truss + Subjected + BLNDR + Hemka + KVD + Scry b2b Aspect + Théophiluss b2b Charlie Oohlala + Kairos – La plage de Glazart 05. Kobosil + UVB + VSK + Remco Beekwilder + Casual Treatment + Keikari – La plage de Glazart 25. Converge + Havok + Gorguts + Revocation – Trabendo 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud 29. The Psychedelic Furs – Elysée Montmartre
Septembre 09. Pierre Bastien (Traversées du Marais) – musée des Arts et Métiers (gratuit) 12. No More + Plomb – Le Klub 13/14. LCD Soundsystem – Olympia 15. Cocaine Piss – Espace B 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 21. Claire Bergerault + Mark Fell & Will Gurthrie (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Onceim & Jon Tilbury + Hanna Hartman (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 22. She Past Away + Qual – Petit Bain 23. Jon Gibson's Ensemble + Eddie Prevost & John Tilbury + F Pierce Warnecke (fest. Crak) – Eglise Saint-Merry 23. Martial Canterel + Holygram & Adam Usi – Le Klub 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex 29. Tim Hecker + Gas + Midori Takada + Prurient + Pan Daijing (Red Bull fest.) – Palais de Tokyo 30. Zombie Zombie + Marie Davidson + Not Waving + Soft War (December b2b AZF) + Simon Cell b2b The Pilotwings + Voisky présente "Disconnections, music for Clouds" (Red Bull fest.) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 30. Nova Materia & Latetitia Sadier : "Du point de vue des pierres", d'après Tristan Garcia (Red Bull fest.) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil
Octobre 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 04. Ben Frost (Biennale Nemo) – Le Trianon 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + Dolch – Petit Bain 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 02>04. The National + Run The Jewels + Ride + Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Polo & Pan + Jungle + Bicep + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + This is the Kit + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Andy Shauf + Chassol + Kamasi Washington + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Hmltd... (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 17. Trisomie 21 – La Machine 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 24. Laibach – Trabendo 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena
Décembre 15. Jessica93 – La Maroquinerie
Janvier 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise)
Février Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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emotional-landscapes · 10 years
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entre-image-blog · 11 months
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trilogie Ink is my Blood, Apollonia Saintclair, disponible sur entre-image.com
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entre-image-blog · 11 months
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Trilogie Ink is my Blood, Apollonia Saintclair, disponible sur entre-image.com
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