rrhcaccepted-blog · 9 years
Roxanne Pernel Application
Who are you?
What will we call you?
My name is Emily, but I prefer Em.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
She/Her/They/Them. It’s fluid.
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
spiders and sexual assault/rape
Time Zone?
Usually all weekends and two to three evenings during the week. I’m a graduate student so during midterms and finals I will be less active, but during the breaks I will be on much more often.
How did you find us?
Through a friend who most lovingly reblogged a promo.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
While reading Roxy’s bio, I kept saying to myself, this is me. While my interests and hers are very different, and our personalities don’t quite match up, I can relate to a lot of her experiences and would love to bring my own perspective to her character.
Alternate means of contact?
Skype is usually best but I also have WhatsApp. I will happily provide these contacts later on.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Roxanne (Roxy) Pernel
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Even though Britton was her dream job, and trust her, it really was and she was so grateful to have found it, there were things Roxy didn’t love about working for the company. For example, the current project for Angela she was working on would never fit her if it tried. The current lines Angela were going for were made to fit a conventional body type, and even though she often got to work on designs that reached a bigger crowd, Roxy was left wondering when Britton would branch out. In the end, she trusted Angela. You don’t get as far as she has without taking risks.
So, Roxy was stuck doing her own projects after hours. Her designs were good, amazing, even, and she enjoyed the space she was given to work on them.Working when no one else was working, far after the time the sun went down, she created some of her best work.
Takeout boxes littered her work station, and her supplies were scattered among them. Her back arched as she leaned over her table, drawing and erasing and drawing some more, completely lost in the work. If someone walked in, which was very unlikely, Roxy wouldn’t even notice.
2+ Character Development Questions:
- What is the character’s favorite quote? Why?
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Roxy loves this quote for both the whimsy of Dr. Seuss, and the positive, empowering message. With the right attitude, anyone can move mountains and overcome great hurdles. Rosy feels like she’s overcome a great deal and even if those little bumps in the road were hard, and maybe her mountain hasn’t happened yet, she’s still moving forward. She still has so many places she wants to get to, and she knows that she’ll be able to reach them with hard work and the right thinking. This quote really sums up her thought process when it comes to the future.
- What is their least favorite memory of growing up?
Roxy’s least favorite memory is from the night before the dance in junior year. She’d been stressing over her dress for so long and worked so hard on finding just the right thing. She had wanted to get the perfect dress to wear, and with twenty four hours to go, she still hadn’t found anything. She remembers looking at herself in the dressing room mirror in this beautiful red gown that was just a little too tight and watching hot, embarrassed, angry tears stream silently down her face. She loved that dress so much, and she was so upset that it didn’t fit her body. In the end, her mother found something of hers to give to Roxy to borrow, a loose green shift dress and belt that could pass as vintage. Roxy remembers how that dress looked, how it felt against her skin, the way it moved on her as she danced, that Brad later told her that the green brought out her eyes, but mostly, she remembers the anger and shame of the night before. It’s her least favorite memory, but it’s also a motivating one. She doesn’t think anyone deserves to feel the way she did the night before the big dance.
2+ Goals?
Her short term goal is to continue working with Angela and making a fuller portfolio of her own designs to present. She works long hours and late nights to work towards this goal.
Her long term goal is launch her own lines. First with Britton, because practicality demands that, but then, she’d like to branch out on her own. She might even want to start her own company in the future.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Application for Roxy
Who are you?
What will we call you?
My name is Emily, but I prefer Em.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
She/Her/They/Them. It’s fluid.
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
spiders and sexual assault/rape
Time Zone?
Usually all weekends and two to three evenings during the week. I’m a graduate student so during midterms and finals I will be less active, but during the breaks I will be on much more often.
How did you find us?
Through a friend who most lovingly reblogged a promo.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
While reading Roxy’s bio, I kept saying to myself, this is me. While my interests and hers are very different, and our personalities don’t quite match up, I can relate to a lot of her experiences and would love to bring my own perspective to her character.
Alternate means of contact?
Skype is usually best but I also have WhatsApp. I will happily provide these contacts later on.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Roxanne (Roxy) Pernel
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Even though Britton was her dream job, and trust her, it really was and she was so grateful to have found it, there were things Roxy didn’t love about working for the company. For example, the current project for Angela she was working on would never fit her if it tried. The current lines Angela were going for were made to fit a conventional body type, and even though she often got to work on designs that reached a bigger crowd, Roxy was left wondering when Britton would branch out. In the end, she trusted Angela. You don’t get as far as she has without taking risks.
So, Roxy was stuck doing her own projects after hours. Her designs were good, amazing, even, and she enjoyed the space she was given to work on them.Working when no one else was working, far after the time the sun went down, she created some of her best work.
Takeout boxes littered her work station, and her supplies were scattered among them. Her back arched as she leaned over her table, drawing and erasing and drawing some more, completely lost in the work. If someone walked in, which was very unlikely, Roxy wouldn’t even notice.
2+ Character Development Questions:
- What is the character’s favorite quote? Why?
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!”  ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Roxy loves this quote for both the whimsy of Dr. Seuss, and the positive, empowering message. With the right attitude, anyone can move mountains and overcome great hurdles. Rosy feels like she’s overcome a great deal and even if those little bumps in the road were hard, and maybe her mountain hasn’t happened yet, she’s still moving forward. She still has so many places she wants to get to, and she knows that she’ll be able to reach them with hard work and the right thinking. This quote really sums up her thought process when it comes to the future.
- What is their least favorite memory of growing up?
Roxy’s least favorite memory is from the night before the dance in junior year. She’d been stressing over her dress for so long and worked so hard on finding just the right thing. She had wanted to get the perfect dress to wear, and with twenty four hours to go, she still hadn’t found anything. She remembers looking at herself in the dressing room mirror in this beautiful red gown that was just a little too tight and watching hot, embarrassed, angry tears stream silently down her face. She loved that dress so much, and she was so upset that it didn’t fit her body. In the end, her mother found something of hers to give to Roxy to borrow, a loose green shift dress and belt that could pass as vintage. Roxy remembers how that dress looked, how it felt against her skin, the way it moved on her as she danced, that Brad later told her that the green brought out her eyes, but mostly, she remembers the anger and shame of the night before. It’s her least favorite memory, but it’s also a motivating one. She doesn’t think anyone deserves to feel the way she did the night before the big dance.
2+ Goals?
Her short term goal is to continue working with Angela and making a fuller portfolio of her own designs to present. She works long hours and late nights to work towards this goal.
Her long term goal is launch her own lines. First with Britton, because practicality demands that, but then, she’d like to branch out on her own. She might even want to start her own company in the future.
Anything Else?
“found my muchness"
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you! Thanks for reading through my application.
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