rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Time Zone?
Fairly often. I’m in other roleplays but I think I can balance them pretty well to be on at least every couple of days (although I will aim for more frequency than that don’t worry)
How did you find us?
lsrpg tag
Are you okay with RPing smut?
not really but i am willing to discuss it.
Why this character?
I think she’s different than what the roleplay has and it’d be really exciting to portray her in this rp :)
Alternate means of contact?
the blog im applying from
Who do you want to be?
Meet BETHANIA HADDAD. She is TWENTY-FOUR and people mistake her for EMERAUDE TOUBIA. She is currently A POP STAR but would rather be AN R&B ARTIST.
“yeah, you’ve got it all, but you’ve got it all wrong.”  ♪
BETHANIA prefers to be called/goes by BETT.
+ generous, ambitious, reliable
- inhibited, self-centered, appeasing
The Past
Her mother and father were an unlikely pair, or so everyone said. Her father’s family lived in Mexico for generations, just like her mother’s but her father’s Muslim faith and being Lebanese didn’t fit well with her mother’s Catholicism and native Mexican roots. Nonetheless, it led to a unique upbringing. Her cousins on her mother’s side were aspiring musicians, six years older than she. Despite being on the shy side, she found them fun to hang out with. They handed her a guitar to play with them, but when she started to get comfortable and sing along, they discovered their little cousin had something promising. Her mother warned her to not listen to her cousins, but when she sang she lost herself in the words and the music. Performing with her cousins was cut short when her parents started to plan moving to the States for their careers. Laredo, Texas provided a different atmosphere than rural Puebla and she was exposed to different musical styles and artists, in particular Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey. Still, her parents urged her that school needed to come first and she could perform her “karaoke” as they called it, whenever she had time. However as she struggled with her parents tumultuous relationship, she turned to singing more often, even writing her own music. Her songs were primarily in Spanish, being her first language but she covered English songs as well, losing her accent when she did.
The first song she wrote with the help of a friend in English was what catapulted her to being heard. Her singing voice was always lower than her normal one and the way her words almost melted together along with the strong percussion and piano left a haunting, yearning and most importantly a powerful tone to her already vulnerable lyrics. While she sang well in Spanish, it was English that was popular among her friends. It wouldn’t be until she was twenty-two and almost finished with university that the music she recorded for her friends’ entertainment was passed around and got into the hands of popular DJs and Medieval Entertainment came to her with an offer. Everything was going great until she realized she was to be marketed as a sexy Latina, their argument being it was a good contrast to the frailty of her voice. Not only that but she had to argue with them on her songwriting, compromising to 20-80. 20% of the songs she would write, 80% it would be her working with a lyricist and she didn’t have much of a say to how her music sounded. As if that wasn’t enough, in her first music video she appeared in lingerie in a dark room room lights on her curves and cutting to scenes alluding to sex with a man. Despite making it clear she wasn’t interested in men, management argued her sexuality wouldn’t sell unless she appeared attainable to men. She agreed to do it. What was one video? She soon found out they had made a box for her and she was to fit in it no matter how much of herself she had to remove. Bethania Haddad was too ethnic and she was sold as Bett.
The Present
Bett has gained a following since signing onto Medieval Entertainment and she has been present as a pop star, if only occasionally dipping into hip hop sounds. She has appeared on tracks of other musicians and has toured with a number of them to dip into their fanbase. However, her number one focus is music. While most of her songs are written by the company’s lyricist, she still has the few that she wrote all by herself, however those have minimal promotion by the company. She has released one album, Decadence, since signing onto Medieval but has been made to work on her second album as she has just returned to Harmony from touring. Despite exhausted and almost losing her voice while performing, they have since hired a vocal coach and her first session to begin the new album has been set. Her inability to express her sexuality has led to suffering and many attempts to turn into what she’s sold as to save herself from more. She has dated women but since signing onto Medieval nothing lasts when she refuses to publicize their relationship or even worse must act like she is dating someone else while in a relationship. Most end with girls being paid for their silence. However, one leak remains as she tried to go behind the company’s back and the source turned around and sparked rumors of her sexuality. Now that she’s back from touring, they need to work on that, starting with a potential contract about pursuing relationships.
The Future
There’s nothing Bett enjoys more than singing and writing. To her, she can’t do one without the other but has become interested in experimenting musical sounds and longs to be able to produce and write her own music. She has always been inspired by R&B sounds and wants to go experimental and have other sounds bleed into her music, she doesn’t want to be tied down to a specific genre. Bett also wants to show her fans who she really is and stop hiding behind this facade a company has created for her. She is living a lie and each day she has to fight her monsters just to keep going. If it wasn’t for music she wouldn’t be able to survive, but she also would not be in the position she currently is in, ironically. Ultimately she knows she must break away from Medieval Entertainment but does not know where to go and who would take her. Her family and old friends have left her. She’s afraid to go to independent and doesn’t want a lawsuit since she has signed a contract and knows she must uphold their demands or else any chance of a career in music will be ruined
Shawn Olson - employer
April Li - employer
Darren Bartlett - employer
GIF Hunts: x x x
Icons: x x x
Bethania Haddad is an oc
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
tw: child abuse, emotional abuse, homophobia
“Mami, it has nothing to do with you,” Bett spoke, the Spanish sounds creeping into her English, but her mother had always smiled when her daughter spoke English. However, her mother’s tears and emotional state left Spanish on her mother’s tongue, English sounded too foreign, too unfamiliar at the moment. Unfamiliar territory meant clinging to familiar things.
“Es un enfermedad, Bethania.” It’s a sickness, disease.
“No!” She urged, her throat tightening at her mother’s ignorance.
Bett practiced telling her parents. She found an answer to every possible argument against her sexuality, but right now, she could only utter ‘no’.
Her mother mentioned her father, how he was going to yell, how he might kick her out of the house.
“No le va gustar.”
He isn’t going to like this.
“What? What will he not like? My happiness?”
Her mother shot her a look, taking her back to the time when she threw a tantrum at the market, wanting to get candy, just one candy or the time when she told her she was being unreasonable for thinking her father cheating just because he came home late.
When her mother stood up from the couch, she put her hands up, wiping them with the towel she had been holding onto and dropping it in front of her.
“Your father is on his way home. I must cook.”
She turned around and headed for the kitchen as Bett leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees, head down. She imagined her mother holding her in her arms, like when she got scared of the cucuy in her closet and found safety in her mother’s touch, in the way she hummed a lullaby until she fell asleep.
Instead, she got a turned back and when her father came home a slap on the cheek and a burn, a burn that she felt down to her core, as if it had charred her insides and she was left with nothing more than her bones.
The smell of burning tortillas while her parents argued underneath her forever reminded her of the day she learned of conditional love.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Do they have any tattoos or piercings? Do they want any?
She has two lobe piercings on her right ear, along with just one on the left. As persuaded by the label, she got a belly peircing to show when she exposes her midriff. She’s never been one for tattoos, but while on tour she got a Venus symbol on the side of her ring finger on her left hand, to remind herself that she is who she is no matter what she is being portrayed as. Management has yet to notice. She does not want anymore tattoos or piercings.
What is their least favorite memory of growing up? tw: domestic abuse
The time her father and mother argued to the point where they fought physically. Punches or slaps weren’t done, but her mother pushed her father and her father held his mother’s hands down to prevent her from laying hands on him again, but he held them so tight it hurt her mother and she was left with bruises and her parents didn’t speak to each other for days and she had to act as a messenger between them.
If they could time travel, would they go to the past? Or the future? When would they visit? What would they do? Would they change anything?
She would go to her future. She’s not one to look back and regret things. The past is the past and she can’t change that. She can only change the future. So she would go maybe five to seven years in the future and see how her life is like, how her career changed, how her love life changed, does she have a family? Is she happy?
2+ Goals
Completely produce her own music and experiment with sounds, especially synths, drum machines and samplers thus going with her dark R&B sound.
Leave Medieval Entertainment and go to another label or be completely independent.
Show her fans her true self as well be in charge of her own image and live a life of her own and hopefully repair things with her parents in the process
Anything Else?
0 notes
thekrpsandbox · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
IC Information ——————————— Name: Lu Han Group/Occupation: EXO-M
You have been accepted. Please create/clean out your facebook account and add Baekhyun within [3] days. Thank you for joining us!
0 notes
oasis-rp-blog · 11 years
[ character information ]  character name: Park Jiyeon group/occupation: T-Ara company: CCM
You have been accepted! Please proceed to make your fb account and add Krystal, Sunggyu & Suzy after you have done so. 
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Who are you?
What will we call you?
Zero or Z or Zee or something along those lines.
How old are you?
17. Please don’t have this present on the OOC page.
Preferred Pronouns?
I respond to any pronouns. Female is most often used.
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Suicide, choking/strangling, self-mutilation. I’m fine as long as they’re marked and I’m expecting them there, but surprises are not appreciated.
Time Zone?
At least enough to fit requirements. Otherwise it depends on real life and how much time I spend sleeping.
How did you find us?
Found might be the wrong word.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
Well, I wrote him for the purposes of me playing him.
Alternate means of contact?
Skype. Text. Snapchat (this one’s actually the most reliable). WhatsApp (also hella reliable). Messenger pigeon.
Who do you want to be?
Meet NIMROD ABSALOM. He is TWENTY-SEVEN and people mistake him for SOME FACECLAIM. He is DRIFTER with no real ASPIRATION.
“Yet I’m still collecting bones, but that’s why closets are for skeletons.“ ♪
NIMROD goes by NIM, if he goes by anything.
+ Capable, Incisive, Self-Reliant - Ambiguous, Intolerant, Nihilistic
The Past
North to South, East to West, it always felt as if Nimrod had lived everywhere but home. Both his parents worked for the government. What they did, he wasn’t allowed to ask. There were always benefits, like that even as a boy he was fluent in about ten languages, but there were just as many pros. He was always the new kid, wherever he went, and it turned out that making friends just to leave them was more toil than it was worth. It was assumed that he’d be leaving in a few months, anyway. The one thing he did have was his family, who, despite the secrets his parents had to keep, was very close. The only thing Nimrod ever remembers wanting is to be just like his father, with a distinguished military career, and pride in his country. Nimrod wanted to be proud in what he stood for, too. And, despite being out of his home country often, he was always connected to it, hoping that the nation would be what he was looking for. That he would be able to see Israel just like his father did.
At eighteen, finally old enough to join the IDF, Nimrod found his first, and only home. He was thrilled to finally be able to stay in one place, and to get a chance to make his parents proud. Adjusting to the lifestyle, training, not needing to switch between languages… It should all have been foreign, but in reality it what what he had been preparing for his whole life. It wasn’t long before he was rising up in the ranks, signing onto a unit that would keep him for longer than the customary three years without a second thought. But that was things got messy. On his last year in the army, out on the front lines, a confrontation didn’t go as planned. All Nimrod knew was that when he woke up, he couldn’t see out of one eye. His parents were there, as were the doctors. Nimrod was told he couldn’t serve anymore. Shrapnel from an explosion caused him to lose an eye, as well as a leg, below the knee. He was devastated. Everything he’d worked towards was ruined. There was no more plan for his life.
The Present
After rehabilitation, he got used to his injuries. Nimrod compensated, just as strong, fast, and able as he was, so long as he had his prosthetic. He appeared normal. But he was still a liability, and despite trying to prove otherwise, he was deemed unfit for duty. Israel no longer felt like home, but became something he was ashamed of. It reminded him of what he’d lost in life. Slowly, he stopped talking to the friends he’d made while serving, and everyone but his parents. But he even began to cut himself off from them. One day he decided he couldn’t stay there, too ashamed by things he couldn’t change. Nimrod caught a plane to America, deciding there was as good a place as any. But not New York, or anywhere on the East Coast. He’d spent too much time there, hoping for a future he couldn’t have. The West Coast would have to do. And so, Nimrod found himself in Harmony, California. It was as good a place as any to stay, for now. Far away from Israel, and any connection to it.
The Future
There isn’t much Nimrod wants for himself anymore. Eventually he’ll need to get a job, but that’s all he knows for now. Getting a job means settling, somewhat, though, and he isn’t ready for that much of a commitment. For that much openness. Nimrod won’t even volunteer his name anymore. Ambiguity leads to forgetfulness. And if no one remembers him, how can anyone grow attached? He’s sick of losing things. So as long as he has nothing, there isn’t anything left to lose.
GIF Hunts: x x x
Icons: x x x
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
It was only a matter of time before the ceiling collapsed. Mold stained the ceiling, creeping out from the corner over his bed. It was darker than any other part of the drywall above his head, the material starting to warp and curl onto itself. Occasionally some water slipped down to the floor below, the wood there warping as a result. It probably would have made more sense for Nimrod to place his mattress in any of the other corners of the room, especially once he’d noticed that it had started growing mold. But, practical as he was the majority of the time, the drip reminded him of better days. Ones where he didn’t even have the comfort of a mattress and, despite the fact that too much water had certainly not been a problem, the conditions were much worse than the ones here. It may have been wrong to miss a war zone, but at least there he had a reason to wake up in the morning. Today, just like every other day after he’d arrived in America, he couldn’t even begin to wrap his mind around the thought that there might one day be a reason.
Nimrod’s eyes slid shut, just as a drop of water hit his nostril, slowly oozing it’s way down his cheek. It smelt stale, just as everything else in his apartment did. It was a small, broken, attic apartment, but that was perfect for him. The accommodations were much better than the ones he felt at home with. Rent was exceedingly cheap, And no one, landlord included, bothered him. Most importantly, it was quiet. He could hear his breathing, time to the tapping of his toe against the inside of his boot. In for ten, hold for five, out for ten. Repeat. A trick he’d learned, to keep from thinking too hard. Focus on something simple, and put all your concentration in it. He didn’t need thoughts, not wanting that headache thrumming against his temples at the moment.
The knocking of hard-soled shoes against the floor threw off his counting. He hadn’t expected the sound, faint as it was. Whoever lived below him usually did not return so early. Two in the morning being early for his neighbor. But regardless of the hour, that return always caused a clamor. For a moment Nimrod contemplated going down and snapping at whoever it was (man or woman, he never cared to check). But, just as he did every night, he decided against it, not worth the fuss. He knew well enough that confrontation turned too many eyes in his direction, and while he used to relish it… It wasn’t worth the fuss anymore. But the noise did prompt him to get up, a soft groan escaping his lips as he crossed into the bathroom.
With a squeak, the faucet turned and water poured out, washing over his waiting hands. Absentmindedly, Nimrod brushed his teeth, toe still tapping a steady rhythm as he counted how long it took him to accomplish the task. He rinsed his hands again, before raising it to his face to slip out his prosthetic. He rinsed it, quick, then dropped it into a container of lukewarm saline solution, twisting the lid on tight to make sure nothing got in. An infection would be a hassle. He turned and walked out again, back to bed. This time he sat on the edge, instead of laying down, slowly undressing. Shirt first, neatly folded and placed at the foot of his bed, followed by his pants. Socks afterwards, and soon a plastic leg joined the pile. Then Nimrod lay down again, closing his eyes. But this time the drip wasn’t the only sound in the room. It assisted a hum, keeping time for it, as Nimrod slowly sang himself to sleep, just as his mother would. God, he missed her.
2+ Character Development Questions:
What is their favorite memory of growing up? There were a few months where Nimrod and his parents were staying in Rome, the adults doing some work at the consulate there. He was a vivd recollection of walking along the cobblestone backstreets in the city, only half certain of where he was, trying to get home when he decided to skip school. He found himself lost after a while, and decided to step into a church to find someone who knew the way back. But instead of finding a friendly churchgoer, or even a member of the clergy, he stumbled upon a choir rehearsing. Sitting in the back, just beyond where the colors of the stained glass window illuminated the pews, he listened for a while, in awe. It was the first time he remembers seeing something truly beautiful.
Nimrod “Nim” Absalom (etymology of his name) As far as last name goes, Absalom comes from the Hebrew name Avshalom, roughly translated to “my father is peace.” Something was lost in translation however, the English spelling being butchered by a relative whose spelling wasn’t the strongest. But it stuck, and for surnames, it’s not horrendous.  It’s Nimrod’s first name that’s a problem. It didn’t seem to be when he was named in Israel, and no other part of the world seemed to have any issues with it. Nowhere but America, but seeing as that’s where he resides… Originally it’s assumed to mean “rebel” in Hebrew, and came to mean “hunter” in English until Bugs Bunny turned the connotation of the word to “fool.” And seeing as he was stuck with the name, he decided to shorten it to just “Nim” while he was in English speaking countries, something his parents protested, but a new kid had to do what he could against bullying. Now he prefers to just not mention a name at all, though he still pulls out his old nickname if he’s forced to share any name. He hasn’t had too many issues so far.
2+ Goals
Nimrod wants to forget. Not necessarily to find himself with amnesia (though he wouldn’t be opposed), but he wants to be able to be able to to wake up in the morning without regret haunting him. Forgetting seems to be the best (and only) way to do so.
Proving he’s fit for duty is of the utmost importance. Nimrod refuses to see himself as invalid, or even weaker than anyone else. Mentally and physically. He wants to get back to a point where the people who called him unfit have to eat their words. How he plans to make that happen? He has no idea.
Anything Else?
Found my muchness.
I don’t have a faceclaim for him, I probably need one. I can find one and get an okay, or if there’s a face you want used, that probably also works. P.O.C. probably doesn’t work, seeing as he’s a few generations Israeli, but any Mediterranean or European looking male in his mid/late twenties and has the build of a soldier/athlete will probably work. Let me know which option.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Twenty Nine
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Time Zone?
I’d say between an 8 and a 9. I am on pretty much everyday. I do have a job and quite a few other rps but I manage everything pretty well.
How did you find us?
Through an rph site.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
I like to play characters that I feel an immediate connection with and that I feel I can really make my own. When I read Davis’ bio, I felt that connection. I’ve been thinking about applying for weeks.
Alternate means of contact?
This is my main blog.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Davis Fletcher
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Davis sat on the floor of the van strumming his guitar. He’d been up since dawn, unable to sleep. It bothered him that they’d been in New York this long and he still hadn’t been able to find work. He thought maybe he was setting his sights too high. Sure, he had dreams, but dreams didn’t pay for things.
He needed to remember this wasn’t just about him. He was perfectly fine just living here in the van. Betsy was old but she ran fine. Yes, he’d named his van Betsy. He had wanted to call her The Shaggin’ Wagon, but since the van didn’t see any action the name didn’t really fit.
Sophie deserved better than living in a van. That was why he needed to find a job, so he could get them a real place. He would do whatever it took. He was startled out of his reverie by a ringing sound. Confused, he looked around and then he remembered. He’d gotten a pay-as-you-go phone. Setting down his guitar, he dug the phone out of his pocket and answered it.
“Davis Fletcher speaking.” He answered, trying to sound as professional as possible. The only people he’d given this number to were Sophie, his parents and prospective employers. “Mr. Fletcher? This is Ms. Hart with Paradigm Industries. We got your application but I’m afraid we’re going to have to decline. We just don’t have a place for you at this time.” She said.
“Alright. Thank you for your time.” Davis said. “Of course. Have a nice day.” Click. As the phone hung up, Davis felt his heart sink. Another rejection. How was he ever going to find a job?
2+ Character Development Questions:
It starts to rain… they’ve had a romantic outdoor date planned… what do they do?
“I’m really not the type to let rain deter me, honestly. And the thing is, sometimes plans change. Life is unpredictable. You have to be spontaneous. You have to be one of those people who can adjust to change. Because it’s going to happen. I think it would depend on what my plans were. If I had a picnic planned for example, then the rain would definitely put a stop to that. But, we could always go inside for a bite to eat and then go play in the rain. Embrace it. It’s just water, right? Now, if lightning and thunder started, then it would be a good idea to stay inside.”
What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night?
“I’m afraid of Sophie finding out how I feel about her and not feeling the same way. I’m afraid it will change the dynamic of our friendship. Being in love with your best friend is both the best and worst thing that could ever happen. Because they are the one person who knows you better than anyone and if they love you back, it’s wonderful, but if they don’t? You stand to lose the one person who makes your life complete. I don’t know if I could handle that. I’d rather have her as my best friend and not tell her how I feel than lose her by telling her and her not feeling the same way. Sometimes it’s better to not tell the truth.
2+ Goals?
His goal, short term, is to find a job that will make ends meet, to be able to put a roof over their heads that is more substantial than the van.
His goal, long term, is to try and get both him and Sophie a record deal with Renaissance Records, and pursue their dream of making it big. If he can eventually overcome his fears and tell Sophie how he feels about her that will be an added bonus.
Anything Else?
Nope. :)
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Application for Roxy
Who are you?
What will we call you?
My name is Emily, but I prefer Em.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
She/Her/They/Them. It’s fluid.
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
spiders and sexual assault/rape
Time Zone?
Usually all weekends and two to three evenings during the week. I’m a graduate student so during midterms and finals I will be less active, but during the breaks I will be on much more often.
How did you find us?
Through a friend who most lovingly reblogged a promo.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
While reading Roxy’s bio, I kept saying to myself, this is me. While my interests and hers are very different, and our personalities don’t quite match up, I can relate to a lot of her experiences and would love to bring my own perspective to her character.
Alternate means of contact?
Skype is usually best but I also have WhatsApp. I will happily provide these contacts later on.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Roxanne (Roxy) Pernel
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Even though Britton was her dream job, and trust her, it really was and she was so grateful to have found it, there were things Roxy didn’t love about working for the company. For example, the current project for Angela she was working on would never fit her if it tried. The current lines Angela were going for were made to fit a conventional body type, and even though she often got to work on designs that reached a bigger crowd, Roxy was left wondering when Britton would branch out. In the end, she trusted Angela. You don’t get as far as she has without taking risks.
So, Roxy was stuck doing her own projects after hours. Her designs were good, amazing, even, and she enjoyed the space she was given to work on them.Working when no one else was working, far after the time the sun went down, she created some of her best work.
Takeout boxes littered her work station, and her supplies were scattered among them. Her back arched as she leaned over her table, drawing and erasing and drawing some more, completely lost in the work. If someone walked in, which was very unlikely, Roxy wouldn’t even notice.
2+ Character Development Questions:
- What is the character’s favorite quote? Why?
“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!”  ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Roxy loves this quote for both the whimsy of Dr. Seuss, and the positive, empowering message. With the right attitude, anyone can move mountains and overcome great hurdles. Rosy feels like she’s overcome a great deal and even if those little bumps in the road were hard, and maybe her mountain hasn’t happened yet, she’s still moving forward. She still has so many places she wants to get to, and she knows that she’ll be able to reach them with hard work and the right thinking. This quote really sums up her thought process when it comes to the future.
- What is their least favorite memory of growing up?
Roxy’s least favorite memory is from the night before the dance in junior year. She’d been stressing over her dress for so long and worked so hard on finding just the right thing. She had wanted to get the perfect dress to wear, and with twenty four hours to go, she still hadn’t found anything. She remembers looking at herself in the dressing room mirror in this beautiful red gown that was just a little too tight and watching hot, embarrassed, angry tears stream silently down her face. She loved that dress so much, and she was so upset that it didn’t fit her body. In the end, her mother found something of hers to give to Roxy to borrow, a loose green shift dress and belt that could pass as vintage. Roxy remembers how that dress looked, how it felt against her skin, the way it moved on her as she danced, that Brad later told her that the green brought out her eyes, but mostly, she remembers the anger and shame of the night before. It’s her least favorite memory, but it’s also a motivating one. She doesn’t think anyone deserves to feel the way she did the night before the big dance.
2+ Goals?
Her short term goal is to continue working with Angela and making a fuller portfolio of her own designs to present. She works long hours and late nights to work towards this goal.
Her long term goal is launch her own lines. First with Britton, because practicality demands that, but then, she’d like to branch out on her own. She might even want to start her own company in the future.
Anything Else?
“found my muchness"
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you! Thanks for reading through my application.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Who are you?
What will we call you?
Tamara, but Tami also works for me.
How old are you?
21 and almost two months away from 22 yay !
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Sexual abuse.
Time Zone?
UTC/GMT -3 hours.
Mostly weekends, but all day long when it comes to vacations.
How did you find us?
A dear friends that just joined you as Alexander Colton !
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
Spend a large time roleplaying sweet, polite characters that are nice to meet new people but not actually fun to explore. And Catherine? Wow, the profile blew my mind. She is a kickass girl that I’m really excited to write and already has so many ideas to develop her !
Alternate means of contact?
I have an Skype account (kurogane.hikari) and two other Tumblr accounts where I’m active and check frequently (sunlight-maiden and notcrazyinlove)
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Cold, wet, containing. The fields of wild, untamed grass are a cradle with the stars as her mobile. The wind singing a secret lullaby for her and only for her while it caresses her skin and make her feel safe from the noises of both her mind and momentary residence, where nights are a turmoil of shouts to the sky, laughs, music and the smoke of cigarettes like the one she is right now lighting up and taking to her lips for a long inhale.
She should be somewhere else. Maybe looking for that goddamn work that could bring some other thing to the fridge that aren’t beers and some chinese takeaway. Maybe even getting the contacts for the band she craves and wants and needs, for the scenario tha’s waiting for her, for the people that will shout her name to this moon above her letting everyone know that Catherine is in town and ready to blast everything up.
She should be doing so much. Yet she closed her eyes and focused on the field’s lullaby.
There’s going to be time tomorrow. And after tomorrow. And surprise, surprise! Also after tomorrow. But right now there’s only silence and stillnes. No time, no space. No future and no past. Only her and her cigarette and the hold of grass around her sillhouette.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Have they ever been arrested? More times than she can count. They never are the big thing. She is no bad, only not the best at taking care of herself when night take over the city. Sometimes is the innapropiate public behaviour, sometimes are the fight in the alleys in the name of the trassgresion to her own person by people that think girls in a bar and nothing more than an open invitation to slide your hand under a skirt. Sometimes is miscalculation while trying to 'borrow’ some food from a gas station. But it isn’t something that takes her sleep away, less now that the officers even slide some leftovers for her and stop to talk when she is behind the bars.
Are they an optimist? Or a pessimist? Why? World outside is not good, lover boy. It takes everything you love away in the blink of an eye and turns its back when you need it the most. People are cold and they are not going to help you if you don’t have something to pay them back. But that’s something great, you know why? Because at the end of the day when youa re sitting in that throne you worked your ass of to get you can look down and laugh at a place that only wanted to take you down. But that couldn’t. And will never can.
2+ Goals?
Happiest time of her life was when she was the center of her family universe so she is trying to go back to that time by getting the spotlight all by herself and having the world at her feet. Not actually wanting to get attached to someone or somewhere so another goal is to get the power to live everywere and nowhere at the same time. See everything, live everything around this planet we call Earth.
Anything Else?
Not really, as I said I loved the character just like she is and I like to thank in advance the chance to apply for her. Hope you guys like my little piece of Kat !
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Beholden the Colton!
Who are you?
What will we call you?
I go by Ren, thanks! I’ll honestly take any number of nicknames, though, so feel free to get creative. :)
How old are you?
21, y'all. I can drink, drive, vote, and have consensual sex. A D U L T H O O D ! ! !
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Actually, just a few, but they’re not terribly likely to come up. I have a very bad visual reaction to snakes, lizards, and other reptiles, but am happy to blacklist any reasonable tags for those accordingly.
Otherwise, I’ve got one “trigger” that I don’t usually touch on because it doesn’t usually ever come up, but in the interest of full disclosure, I will emotionally lose my shit in the most tearful of ways whenever WWII/The Holocaust comes up.
Time Zone?
CST, baby.
I discussed this a bit earlier; what with classes and all, you need to consider me a super-bare-minimum member. Maybe one post a week–but a week as in Sun.-Sat. not as in seven whole days. That said, the headcanon thing I’ll try to keep up with, but…probably gonna need some help with that one…never religiously thrown them up before, I’m kind of a seat-your-pants sort of gal concerning those.
Just prompts and a banner oughtta suit me fine.
How did you find us?
Sooooooo I know Harley. Like. We were in TWaC together, for the brief time I was in TWaC, and I follow her RPH, and we interacted a little on an OC of mine. Hi Harley!
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Yeah. I kinda dig it. :3
Why this character?
Well, I mean, there’s the hyper obvious: It’s Alan Cumming’s face. I know, I know, character over face, but let’s be real y'all: That’s a HUUUUUGE drawing factor! Alan is the Scottish fairy king of my heart; little goofball always makes me smile, so I tend to pay more attention when I see his face.
And honestly I thought about applying for Matthew at first, ‘cause he’s very much opposite the sort of characters I usually play, but you know what? Until I can up my activity a little here and promise more solid work on my part, I’m not gonna take up such a crucial role.
Listen. People will vouch for this. I write bitter well. I write sarcastic well, I write sassy well, I write flirtatious well, I write swinging pendulum of sexuality well. I write for larger than life characters with performative attitudes; if a character’s not dramatic, and not pointedly not dramatic, I’m not sure I’d know what to do with them! I think I can write Alex. I think I can make you proud.
Alternate means of contact?
So this blog is great: winewomenwit. I’m on it a lot. If I disappear from here as well, I’m known to check lostinthecarnival fairly frequently–also a blog–and of course if you want me on Skype I can be found at buggeredson. :)
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Alexander Colton, The Great!
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
A small plume of white smoke shot ever so nicely out from between Alexander Colton’s thin, unimpressed lips as he watched the sun set over Harmony, California. There was a peace to be found on the roof of Crescendo (hah!, the very crescendo of Crescendo!, he might have laughed if not for the melancholy turn in his mood, and even with that turn his lips twitch into an understated smile) that was nowhere else to be found in the town. This was the town his brother had built. And this was the roof of the club he had built. And it was suddenly very difficult to imagine the one without the other.
He took another drag from the cigarette burning to ash between his careful knuckles and this time tried to hold the smoke in a little longer.
Would everything he ever accomplished come only off of Matt’s back? –No. No, his late adolescence had proven that much, taking up at clubs looking for nubile male dancers, doing what had to be done to make ends meet, his inner Cynic and his inner Romantic squaring off against one another every night as he lay on his back, watching his ceiling and wondering when there would be an end to the cheap apartments on the shady side of town. Maybe yes. Maybe no. In those moments the answer never really seemed to matter. It didn’t matter now, for that matter. Harmony and Crescendo. An unlikely pair even musically, a strange, an exotic, an enticing pair outside of the theoretical.
Exhale. Another plume of thin white smoke, wafting out towards the horizon.
Alex smiled, flicking the short remainder of his cigarette down and crushing it beneath the ball of his foot, like they did in the movies. The sun had set over the town of Harmony, California, and with the darkening of the sky came the flickering neon life to the signs outside his club.
Get fucked, Harmony. It’s time to make some noise!
2+ Character Development Questions:
15- Have they ever done something they’re ashamed of?
Well, that depends almost exclusively on who you’re asking. If, for example, you took it upon yourself to question the workers–the bartenders, the dancers, the DJ’s–of Crescendo, they’d laugh and describe to you musical nights gone awry: Choreography that fell apart, theme nights that ran people out, musical tracks that left the listeners very nearly dead…all the sorts of hazards faced by taking risks at a club.
If you asked–again, as an example–his brother Matthew, you might get an evasive answer born of long-standing rivalries and strained years of distant contact.
And if you asked the man, Alexander the Great!, himself, you’d get laughed at. You’d get told that shame isn’t sexy, that everything about him is sexy, and thereby that he holds no shame. But if you could look beyond the haughty smile and see what was actually lurking behind his sly brown eyes, you would find an endless well of shame as deep as life is long, born of things done in the name of survival.
It is a terrible thing, to be young and alone in the world.
21- Would they ever sign with Medieval Entertainment? Why or Why not?
The answer to this would be a very strained, very chewed over, very reticently given “yes”.
Blood has to come first at some point, that’s true–but what about payback? What about sympathy, what about loyalty, what about believing the face that stares back at you each day in the mirror? Once upon a very long time ago, Alex needed his brother–and his brother made it abundantly clear that he didn’t need Alex.
A record company’s a record company, and Renaissance isn’t exactly beating down Crescendo’s doors for a signature. If Medieval Records is going to play ball…why not?
2+ Goals?
The business goal, right now, is to actually expand what he’s doing with Crescendo. A nightclub is all good and well–the sexy dancers and the overpriced, watered-down drinks make for a pretty penny more nights than not–but that’s not Alex’s vision, you see. He wants bands. He wants established artists. He wants Crescendo to become a VIP music club, a red-carpet after-party staple, fodder for the daydreams of whole generations of music listeners. Getting established was just the beginning: It’s time for Crescendo to move on and up!
On a more private, short-term basis, Alex is looking to expand his personal library. It’s not something anyone knows about him, really, and he’d prefer to keep it that way. If it got out that he read anything, let alone anything with no sexual, musical, entertainment, or business value to it, his spotless reputation for scandal in the absolute would be ruined!
Anything Else?
I got nothing. :)
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
OC App - Jasper Delano
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
17, going on 18 in November
Preferred Pronouns?
She/her or they/them
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Please tag images of fire, and all mentions of self-harm and negative body image
Time Zone?
I start school next week but my workload shouldn’t be too much to work around, but I am involved in two other rps and would like to divide my time between my children fairly. I think I will be able to make more than the minimum posting requirements for activity.
How did you find us?
I actually found you through Penny’s rph blog!
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Nope. (And honestly, I probably won’t be even after I turn 18.)
Why this character?
Because I like to live vicariously through fictional characters and to inflict emotional pain in others.
Alternate means of contact?
my skype is jacemchardwick! i have it on my phone and my desktop so i’ll see messages from anywhere.
Who do you want to be?
Meet  JASPER DELANO. He is 29 and people mistake him for PETE WENTZ. He is currently UNEMPLOYED but would rather be A BAND/TALENT MANAGER.
I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle ♪
JASPER also responds to JAZ.
+ spunky, honest, empathetic
-  opinionated, idealistic, stubborn
The Past
Jasper Delano grew up the youngest of three siblings in a crowded townhouse in the suburbs near San Diego. Money was always a little tight in the Delano household, but they were never really unhappy. His father worked for a local construction company, and his mother was an elementary school teacher. There weren’t many kids his own age in the neighborhood, so Jasper’s older brother and sister often had to bring him along when they went out to play. Growing up, Jasper always had to prove that he was tough and smart enough to play with the big boys. His brother taught him how to throw a punch and twist out of grapple holds, and his sister taught him how to dodge offenses. Most kids learned not to pick on the Delano Baby after that summer.
When he was a sophomore in high school, his brother picked him up from school one Friday and took him out to his college campus for the weekend. Jasper experienced his first college party as a high schooler, and experienced his first concert in the same night. The concert was in a dingy basement in some dingy building just a short walk from his brother’s dorm, and the band totally sucked, but he admired their enthusiasm. It was inspiring to see these kids putting their heart into a show that they probably only made fifty bucks out of. After dealing with his first ever hangover, Jasper decided to look into the music industry when he got back home that Sunday.
Jasper quickly learned that he couldn’t play music for the life of him, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting involved in the music scene. After high school, he bounced around job to job, saving everything he could. He moved out of his parent’s home and focused on giving back to his community and donating musical instruments to the schools before he heard about Harmony and planned his next move. Sure, helping out and being close to home was rewarding, but it also meant he worked any job he could, and he needed something permanent. So he packed up and found himself an apartment and would figure it out when he got there.
The Present
In Harmony, Jasper is just getting started. He’s only lived here a few months, but he’s still scoping things out. He can’t just throw himself at talent and ask them to hire him, and he can’t offer his services to just anyone. Right now, he’s skating by on his savings and Top Ramen, but he’s keeping his eyes and ears open. He’s a little nervous because most kids these days take care of themselves as far as their bands go, but he’s determined to reel in a catch before his bank account catches up with him.
The Future
Jasper wants to find the Next Big Thing and help them become the Best Big Thing. Honestly, a little of it is because he’d like a source of income, but also so he can hop along on the coattails of fame. and to get himself out there. He’s almost 30 and he still technically doesn’t have a career, and he can’t help but feel a little out of place. He hopes that Harmony is the place that can change that.
GIF Hunts: x x x
Icons: x x x
Jasper Delano is an OC
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
Despite the air conditioning in the small venue, Jasper felt like his skin was melting off his bones. Even standing on the outskirts of the crowd, heat radiated from the mass of bodies that gravitated towards the stage. He used to love going to concerts and being part of the crowd and never used to care if he felt like half the sweat on him was from other people. But once you start going to two or three shows a week and you’re not sure what exactly you’re looking for, it kind of loses its magic.
Jaz tried his best not to let his spirits waver, but sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder why he did this at all. At least back home the kids at the schools were excited to see him when he brought in boxes of new drums. Here in Harmony, the men at the doors of the concert halls and bars just gave him looks that all but said ‘You again? Ugh!’ It was a little (a lot) discouraging.
He sighed at the thought and migrated to the bar and ordered a bottle of the cheapest beer they had. A band took the stage as he sipped half-heartedly and found a spot to lean against the wall. Their drummer desperately needed a click-track, their bassist had too much feedback from their amp. The singer wasn’t bad, but they seemed more interested in trying to get everyone to scream in between songs than actually focus on singing. This was not his golden ticket.
If his Next Big Thing was out there, he wasn’t going to find it in here tonight. Jaz downed the rest of his beer as the band finished their set and was almost to the door when the crowd roared with excitement and applause. He glanced over his shoulder and the lights went down and a soft piano intro began to play. A soft voice found its way over the other noise pollution and Jasper found himself moving back towards the audience. Okay, maybe he could stick around a little longer.
2+ Character Development Questions:
What is their worst quality?
Jasper has a hard time grounding himself. He likes to live in the moment, and that can mean making spur-of-the-moment decisions like moving to a new city with a vague idea of a plan instead of researching the job market and situating himself in a way that is stable. He feels like he missed out on a lot of stuff by staying back home, and he wants to make up for it now. The boy’s got big dreams, and he’s gonna chase them, even if it’s not totally clear how he’s gonna get there.
What are they most proud of that they’ve done?
Jasper doesn’t have a lot that he thinks he can be proud of (yet),  but being able to give back to the town where he grew up is one thing that he wears proudly. If he can help children find their niche by giving them a tambourine, then that’s his badge of honor.
2+ Goals
Find talent to manage.
Get paid. His rent will be due eventually, and he can’t pay in ramen noodle flavor packets.
Anything Else?
Found My Muchness.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Application for Toby Baxter
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
nope x
Time Zone?
GMT +1
Mostly everyday in summer, check every one two hours for activity notifications.
Times you will usually be on?
Afternoon or evening except this week only afternoon
RP Experience?
have run several rps myself all bio based and have only been a part of them as well been rping for several years 
How did you find us?
Promo tags
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
very similar to what i have played before i see a lot of potential and character development with toby
Alternate means of contact?
this is my main blog :)
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Toby Baxter
Secondary Character?
Leah Rhee
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
“Hey Toby..I uh was wondering if you could keep it down a bit its 7am and you’ve been jamming for… like 2 hours?” sighed Jake, Toby’s neighbour yawning in front of his garage door. Toby put his newest Paul Reed Smith electric guitar back in it’s stand. “Geez, I’m so sorry mate I really need to buy a clock or like watch or something” he laughed looking at the dusty alarm clock sitting in the corner. It was not 7 am it was 6:49 thats not the same and its a weekday, its not like no one is going to wake up anyways to go to work or like a morning jog. Jake put his hands in his pockets and starting walking away before turning around and peeking his head into the garage again. “You know you should start a one-man band. Just gotta grow some more arms” he smirked and Toby laughed as Jake left. “Yeah.. I should." 
"My name is Toby Baxter, I’m 24 years old, I play 8 instruments and Im barely a millionaire, and yet I’m sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling, alone. Great going Toby, just the way your parents taught you” Toby let out a small huff and rolled onto his stomach to continue cleaning his violin. ‘Why do I even play the violin, who the hell decided to make me play the violin. “Here Toby play the violin it’ll be fun you’ll be a cool musician who plays the violin!” yeah and the cello and what a clarinet good thing I only barely play the guitar and the piano but hey! it’ll be fun!’ he thought as he realised he had rubbed the poor violin a little bit too roughly and there may be a little temporarily permanent mark, letting out another sigh or the 50th one this week which is still a bit far from his record of 108 he decided to check some craigslist listings for possible bands to join just like he does every single afternoon. “Too punk, too nerdy, too.. tattoo-y, what’s the point of the triangle in a rock band? And that listing looks like an ad to be their new sex slave, great.” closing his laptop Toby decided to hit the streets and search for a karaoke bar or some sort at least try to get to know some people. It’s pretty shit only exchanging a two or three words with somebody a day, especially if it’s your neighbour. He’s a nice guy but like the dude is what, 5’ 3 and wears sandals with socks.
“Hit the road Jack!  anddd don’t ya come back no mo’ no mo’ no mo’ no mo’” echoed in some weird alleyway as Toby approached it. 'Perfect’ neon lights flashing everywhere, bunch of drunk people standing outside getting even more wasted, one of them was probably standing in their own puke and the bouncer, if you’ve ever seen a bouncer for a karaoke club was hitting it up with some 30 year old. The bar or club or whatever was filled with cigarette smoke, making it more like a pub but had several tv's displaying the current lyrics in every possible colour there is. One tv had a sunset in the background while the other a colourful autumn forest. The stage of course was elevated around a meter high, just enough for it to hurt if you fell off and possibly fall onto someone’s drink on the first row table. Even if he isn’t going to make any friends he will be able to have a good laugh. Approaching the bar was harder than expected with people pushing him side to side with their elbows trying to save their slightly overpriced drinks. I mean $7 for a martini shot which tastes more like laundry detergent is a tad on the pricey side, but after a round no one even looks at the pricelist anymore. Toby sat down at the nearest bar stool sipping a whisky cause he’s fancy like that as he watched the hostess find the next possible person to sing who was surprisingly still pretty sober. The girl, Leah apparently was an event planner and pretty quirky and as she started singing Toby knew there were a few people in this city he might want to get to know better. 
2+ Character Development Questions:
What color or smell brings back the strongest memories for them? (Pick one) Describe the memory.
-Dusty wood. He can’t really put his finger on why, probably from hours of practicing piano in the old music class after school. The old oak piano may not have been the prettiest and best sounding piano, geez he had a yamaha at home, but something about her, Rosie was what his music teacher always called her after the red velvet cushioned seat that was falling apart as well. Rosie hasn’t been used in class for years, Miss Gartner said she can’t remember when she last played her, they even gave up on tuning her every 6 months, but Toby loved her, her sound was similar to Lana Del Ray’s voice, harsh but still a calming deep sound, relaxing. 
Does your character have any secrets? If so, what?
He once cut three strings off the harp because he kept messing up a bit in Clair de Lune. No one really found out it was him, but they did notice immediately, sadly as soon as they replaced it, he had to play it for his final grade.
2+ Goals?
His ultimate goal is forming a band, secretly because he’s lonely. He’s always loved music and playing in music class, the whole class, together. He sometimes had jam-offs with clarinets and flutes he never dared to challenge the french horn, Stephen always won. In longer terms he’d love to sell out stadiums, tour the world with his friends and stay up all night writing songs around a camp fire for their latest album. 
Anything Else?
Not at the moment x
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
They, Them, Their
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
The only one that I need to steer clear of in rp is incest, it’s a really touchy subject. Otherwise, most of the things that would normally upset me get put aside for the sake of writing. 
Time Zone?
Daily, since I honestly have nothing else to do with my life right now. I’ll notify you guys if that changes. 
Times you will usually be on?
All day (which most likely begins at noon for me) , and until about 10 pm or later my time. 
RP Experience?
I’ve been roleplaying for, god, like 10 years? I lost track, it’s been such a long time. I can’t think of specific examples, but ye. 
How did you find us?
RPG tag on tumblr, because I was just trying to find a new group as I’ve been AWOL for reasons and lost contact with the ones I was in last year. 
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Yep! Especially if it’s good for the plot/character, which I have a feeling it will be a big part of her.
Why this character?
I love problematic grunge girls, and also grunge music in general. Her connection with Branden interests me and I would looooooove to explore it! Also, I would love to write from the perspective of a lead singer/wannabe lead singer because it matches up with my own aspirations and I feel like I could capture it well. 
Alternate means of contact?
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine Hargrave
Secondary Character?
Freya Dahlstrom or, if there’s a problem with F/M/NB ratio, then Rowan Phillips
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
With a sigh of frustation, Kat glared at her ex through kohl-rimmed eyes. Sure, she’d screwed him over, but he’d returned the favor already plenty enough. He didn’t have to keep interrupting her during her increasingly vital vocal practice. The last thing she wanted was to get stuck in a band as a guitarist. I mean, maybe it wasn’t the last thing. But it wasn’t what gripped her heart with a passionate hand. That would be singing, letting everyone know how she really felt like she could never do with spoken words. Singing let her belt out the truth without repercussions. Her crystal gaze settled on him as she set her guitar down impatiently. 
“Make it quick, alright? Some people have more important shit to do than be pestered by you. Actually, almost everybody does. Even people whose only goal in life is to collect scabs. Or maybe not, since you are actually a scab.” Now she smirked, relieved to be able to tease him. Maybe she did need a break, after all, and maybe he was just the person she needed to see. Not that she’d admit it. No, she’d totally die first. He was already full enough of himself, he really didn’t need the praise of somebody so substantial. He’d gotten plenty when they were together, and while they were still (sort of?) friends, she didn’t feel the need to be nicer to him than absolutely necessary. 
Some people told her to be careful, that he could make or break her, but they’d shared too much to become total enemies through simple heckling. At least, that’s how she saw it. And when Kat trusted somebody, that was that until they fucked it up. And in his case, sometimes even after. When he remained silent, she figured he was either just here to bug her, or maybe even here for support. Perhaps just to listen; she was, after all, pretty damn talented. She once again began to strum and hum along, before opening her mouth and letting the words of her latest penning spill out from her painted lips. Her voice was somehow both clear and gruff, powerful and free.  
2+ Character Development Questions:
It starts to rain… they’ve had a romantic outdoor date planned… what do they do?
Considering that either electronics or an acoustic guitar would probably be involved in someway, she’d be forced to go inside. Not that you’ll find her complaining; she hasn’t really been fond of rain ever since the accident that took her family from her. 
What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night?
Vehicles. She still uses them when she absolutely has to, but she’s never been excited to drive around like she was when she received her license. The thing that really keeps her up, though, is the guilt of being the one who killed her family, and the recurring nightmare that vividly replays the event of that warm but rainy night. 
2+ Goals?
1. To become a respected musician, a legendary frontwoman of her very own grunge band. She wants to be known for years to come as somebody truly original, she wants to be looked up to (to an extent; she doesn’t feel like she deserves to be a role model as a person, but as a singer, she does want to be idolized to an extent. Not for the fame it brings, but merely because she wants her talent recognized fully.) 
2. Her secret goal, which embarrasses her to no end, is to lock down Branden. It’s not primary, obviously, and she doesn’t acknowledge it or even actively pursue it, but a small part of her is still very attached to him. An even smaller part of that part thinks he could be her end game.
Anything Else?
found my muchness (i hope i typed that right but you get the point?) also, my writing probably won’t be as on point as I wish it were, but English is my second language, and I’m just feeling pretty braindead today. I hope that I can find a place in your group, even if it can’t be as Kat (which, don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE!) 
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Application for Abigail Prichard
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Rape/Sexual assault
Time Zone?
On a scale of 1-10, I’m about a 7/10, some days a little less because my nieces just moved here and it’s chaos haha. I’m usually on daily if not every other day, and on days where I’m busy I try to reach out to someone to let them know what’s going on. My husband works every other week, but even then I find time to be on.
Times you will usually be on?
Ohhh this varies big time. If my day is free I’m usually on the majority of the day. If my husband is off work, usually I’m on during the morning/early afternoon. I go back to work August 17th, so I’ll be on afternoon/evenings then.
RP Experience?
I’ve been roleplaying for almost…15 years. Wow I feel old saying that. I started on Neopets and I have doe both gif chats and paras.
How did you find us?
Penny! I’m also the admin of your affiliate, Cirque Of The Lost :3.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
I’m very comfortable with the FC and biography, which you guys were amazing and wrote for me and I can’t thank you enough for. I feel like I can really bring her to life and develop her to all of our satisfaction.
Character you want?
Abigail Prichard
Secondary Character?
I…Actually don’t have one. I hope that’s okay?
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Another Friday night, another night at work.  Abigail didn’t mind working it since it was a guarantee not only to have the microphones in use but for it to be of definite quality. Not that any other night would be of less pleasurable listening, she certainly wouldn’t complain. However something about tonight’s performance was…Missing.
It was beautiful, yes, catchy even. Then again, it was Ed Sheeran: You couldn’t hate him even if you tried, and no matter how much you tried to deny it, the songs found a way to latch themselves into your brain and stay on overplay in your ears. Tonight was no different as the singer belted out acoustic covers of his music. Now, as Abigail prepareda costumer’s sugar-free-light-extra-whipped-cream-skim-milk-cocoa powdered­ drink that was a walking oxymoron she found herself nodding along to the beginning beat of ‘Thinking Out Loud’. It was then that it hit her; An overlay of some sort. The singer was talented, but it was the same-old-same-old that just about every performer came in with.  After the customer paid and went on, the brunette found herself running through her brain for every possibility imaginable until one came to mind that fit picture-perfectly.
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks? And, darling, I will be loving you ‘til we’re 70.— You and me, we made a vow, for better or for worse.— And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23.— I can’t believe you let me down, but the proof is in the way it hurts.—
She was being quiet as she did it, whispering softly to herself while there was a brief pause in customers. Never would she approach the stage and demand the singer change things, but for these very moments it was her creation. It brought a wide and genuine smile to her lips, one wide enough to make her cheeks hurt. The mash-up was too slow for a night club, but all she could think of was this; imagine the possibilities. If this wasn’t good for a night club, what about setting that up on a stage with a second performer, or even better…Her own radio station.
It would be in the evening or at night, away from the hustle and bustle of the morning hyperactive hosts that were determined to play what they referred to as the “Top 40’s” but was truly the same four songs by a particular blonde young lady that loved her red lipstick and cats.  No, this would be her show, her own creations.  Songs she personally put together through her computer and by splicing and combining specific parts of tracks, not simply playing verses over one another and changing the rhythm in hopes they worked. It would be perfect, her own little–
A harsh whisper from a co-worker startled her back into reality, her frame visibly jumping back into reality as she looked back around. No, this wasn’t her own studio or station…She was back at C-U-Latte, back in uniform, back on a Friday night. “Huh?” She blinked a few times and turned towards him with reddening cheeks, hoping to playing off her day dreaming, though their furrowed eyebrows and thoroughly confused expression didn’t fade one bit.  Instead he nodded towards the patiently waiting customer across from her, waiting until she turned to prepare the order to approach.
“What were you mumbling about?” He asked quietly, absently pretending to clean the counter nearby.
“Hm?” Thin eyebrows rose as she bought herself some time to think up an answer. Though in the end she simply smirked and turned to finish the transaction. “Oh, nothing. You’re hearing things. Y’know, they have medicine for that.”
2+ Character Development Questions:
It starts to rain… they’ve had a romantic outdoor date planned… what do they do?
Why, you learn to dance in it, of course! Abigail isn’t one to let a little rain ruin her parade, but instead would find a way to embrace it. Most likely by the time her date for the evening had fished out their keys to find the car she would already have kicked off her shoes and started down the street in them.  “C’mon!” Her laughter would ring out in the air as she spun around, soaking her and whatever carefully picked attire she had worn for the evening. Any other plans would be out the window but she would think on her feet for the next best nostalgic childhood memory; Puddle jumping. Mud and dirt could be washed out of a dress and forgotten of no sooner than by the time it was down the drain, but it was these memories that would never be forgotten. The way shock could turn into disappointment at a ruined evening, but then how disappointment could warm up one’s eyes to complete adoration for the person before them. How laughter could make you forget how long you spent on your hair or make up, and instead make you remember these moments where your heart was beating hard enough you could hear it.
What are your character’s bad habits?
To put it simply, Abigail’s bad habit is chewing. As a pre-teen she began to bite her nails when nervous, though after a nasty infection and bitter tasting nail polish she moved the few centimeters over to simply gnaw on her cuticles. Her lower lip has become another victim to her teeth, specifically the inside of it when she’s nervous and the exterior as she is thinking. It is not meant to draw blood and rarely does, infact there is little evidence of her habit now that she has given up the assault of her nails. Or,  rather, no physical evidence of herself. When the brunette is writing out her ideas it has always been in pencil, as she tends to gnaw on the end of it, and quite a few times had has a nasty case of a pen exploding in her mouth.
2+ Goals?
Abigail would like to move out of her apartment and rent a small house once she has the finances. For now the volume and timing of her music and occasional singing is limited due to those living around her, and having her own place would be a more feasible option to do as she wishes. Clearly renting is a better option than buying, as a barista job isn’t exactly the most logical way to save for a full down payment.
Abigail’s other goal would be to earn an internship through a radio station, even if she’s only running and getting coffee. It would be her way of getting her foot in the door and seeing how everything works behind the scenes. Many radio stations work with up and coming artists so she could be able to not only network, but also get both life and job experience. If it were paid would be even more beneficial, though she has also planned to adjust her schedule working at the café while interning.
Anything Else?
Found my muchness! …I really did write ‘munchness’ at first without meaning to.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Application: OC -Tom Hardy FC
Who are you?
What will we call you?:
How old are you?
Old as dirt. Nah, just kidding. I’m 26, but I’m a grumpy old man at heart.
Preferred Pronouns?
He/Him/Hey you, stop chasing the pigeons!
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
I have absolutely 0 triggers. I know, kinda’ scary, but, them’s the breaks.
Time Zone?
EST Represent!
Ohhhhhh way too much. Very much. I am a dedicated writer and give feedback if I can’t be around for whatever reason.
Times you will usually be on?
It varies. Whenever I can get on for lengthy periods of time. If I can’t sleep, or if I’m just bored.
RP Experience?
3 Years of Tumblr Rp’dom. Started from a fandom now I’m here. (Yes, Drake’s song’s tune, go ahead, judge me.)
How did you find us?
Trolling the tags like a G. You know how we do.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Pft. Psh. Bruh… it’s like, a specialty of mine. (Seriously though, I’m very comfortable with it, but it isn’t what RP is all about)
Why this character?
Um… because he’s from my blood, sweat and tears.
Who do you want to be?
Meet Nicholas (Nick) Cassidy. He is 37 and people mistake him for Tom Hardy. He is currently Tattoo Artist/Bouncer but would rather be a rapper.
I come down like a bloody rain cuts up flesh sky,
Pulse beating under, yeah
Meat petals bloom in a bone garden
Ain’t no god, no ghost gonna save you now
  I sell souls at the side of the road
Would you like to take a number -Distillers
Nicholas prefers to be called/goes by Nick/Nicky.
+ Passionate, Creative, Intuitive
- Brooding, Temperamental, Reclusive
The Past
From Hackney, London, living with an alcoholic mother who turned to prostitution, ten year old Nick was taken from her custody and sent to live with his Navy-hardened father in Baltimore, Maryland..USA. The view was similar, the structure, however, was entirely different. He no longer went hungry, he showered daily and was required to go to school every day. At first, it was rough and the two fought like crazy, but Nick’s father instilled respect and before long, they became the best of friends. That didn’t mean life was sunshine and rainbows. His father wasn’t an easy man to please and Nick was a hard-headed, angry, violent kid. Often suspended for fighting during school, counselors were called to intervene, but ultimately, nothing could be done. No amount of anger management, no therapy, no mediation would calm the youth down. Nick’s father did the next logical thing he could think of. He put him in a gym and let him take his anger out on the bags. And that did just the trick. Eventually, Nick started sparring, he fought other boxers and Mixed Martial Artists and with a release for his pent up anger, Nick was able to partake in more enjoyable, creative facets of life. That’s how they discovered his talent for drawing and painting.
With proper nurturing, finally, Nick was able to get himself into a decent college. He attended Otis Institute in California and liked the area so much, he made the west coast his home. Getting started in his career, however, wasn’t an easy feat. Or a cheap one. Nick began apprenticing under a few tattoo artists, figuring it was the easiest way to get his drawings some decent attention, and also finding another outlet for his creative abilities. Human skin was just another canvas, after all. And to help pay for his loans, Nick started bouncing at the local clubs, keeping drunk and disorderly patrons in their place. Sometimes he even played a hand as a roadie for a few bands passing through, but that was only if they didn’t have any and couldn’t handle the equipment themselves. Eventually, after the shop’s owner passed away, Nick found himself completely taking over. He had two artists looking to him for answers and the shop ran on his schedule. How it all happened still blows him away.
The Present
He might be a long way from home, but Nick is still very much apart of his father’s life. He even talks to his mom and younger half-siblings sometimes. (Mainly to send her money) He runs a local tattoo shop called ‘Kalypso’s Cove’ right off the boardwalk, ocean view and all. It’s probably one of his most greatest accomplishments he’s been able to maintain. Weekends is spent down at the clubs, bouncing still, and when he’s not throwing drunks on their asses, he’s in the gym, boxing and fighting to maintain his skill. There’s still quite a bit of anger and darkness pent up in his brain and fighting is the only outlet he has to maintain a sense of normalcy.
The Future
Nick is in love with the tattoo shop, and he loves being an artist. Those things, he’ll never give up or change, but what he has found a passion for, and something he only does as a joke or to goof off, is rapping. He’s not too bad at it either. His hopes aren’t to take the world by storm like Biggie or Tupac or anything like that, and he certainly knows he’s not the next Eminem, but making a few videos and getting Vine-Famous can’t be too hard, right? If you ask him why he doesn’t pursue it seriously, he’ll tell you, “It’s a young man’s game.”
None Yet-However, since he runs a tattoo shop, maybe he has many acquaintances who frequent his chair?
It is only necessary to include relationships with people that will be in Harmony, or already are.
GIF Hunts: x x x
Icons: x x x
Nicholas Cassidy  isCLOSED
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
“Help me get ovah’ the fact that you come in here asking me for a bloody favor when you know well and good you owe me quite a bit of cash for all the oth’a favors I’ve done for you throughout the years. Help me understand what’s going through your fuckin’ mind right now, mate.” Nick balled both his hands up into tight, war-hammer-like fists. The man standing across from him, someone he used to consider a friend, was too high–too drunk to even care that he was seconds away from receiving hell’s fury in quantum doses.
The man, Jesse, just stares. His eyes are red and swollen. His nose nearly matches. He wavers as he stands still, nearly toppling over, but doesn’t quite make it all the way. Heroin addicts, man, they were like Weeble-Wobbles. They didn’t fall down.
Nick sighed, obviously frustrated and hurt to see his former best friend in this condition. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to muster up a little bit of patience, though he was running on E and had very little of it to begin with. Nick was a passionate man, not a patient one. “Look. I can’t loan ya’ shit. Okay? I can’t, knowing what you’ll just blow it on.” His voice was calmer now, left-over British drawl nearly gone–nearly. There would always be a hint of where he comes from lurking under every word.
“Nicky, please,” Jesse begged, “I know I’m shit, man, okay? I know I got problems. But I feel like death. I feel so far from gone. I need this. I need just one more. Man, please? Just a bump. I’ll pay you back. I’m good for it.”
“No.” Nick came out from behind the counter and, using his excellent bouncer skills, dragged Jesse from his shop. For a skinny, wiry guy, he was quite heavy, surprisingly. “Sign says closed anyway, mate.” And with that said, Jesse was bounced right on out, leaving Nick the evening to himself to brood and fester over this minor altercation. For the artist, it just was a wakeup call. He lost his best friend and now it was official.
The world keeps turning and so you either adapt or get left behind, and Nick was not about to lose himself because some brat kid wanted to shove needles into his arm.
(An Hour Later)
Oh the burn.
    The familiar stinging of the needles penetrating just under his skin; deep enough to deposit his new collective piece and somehow just not deep enough.
Nick had his arm splayed on his table, hand tugging the skin back as he carefully shaded in the new bull-dog on his forearm. He wasn’t much of a lefty with the gun, but, he made it work.
Ink smeared around the surface, making the fine lines and detail harder to see. The rag in his palm was nearly brown from the black and his blood. He dabbed away the excess and smiled at his work.
More buzzing. More liquor. More shading. More burning. More delicious burning.
Better than sex. Better than company.
      Better than heroin.
Stuck? Find some prompts to help here.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Have they ever lost someone close to them? Who?
When Nick was thirteen, he lost his grandfather, Charles, to Leukemia. He was close with him. In fact, they were such good buds, Nick would wear his hats or his racing jackets around and pretend to be just like him. It was the hardest day of his life, the day his grandfather passed on, but time heals wounds and Nick’s found artistic muse in the loss.
   2.   What is their favorite memory of growing up?
As a young child, his mother didn’t have a car, so to get around, she had to walk. Well, walking for kids and with kids is a drag, so she saved up what she could and bought a little wagon to pull him around in. The thing had blankets lined on the bed of it, she’d pack snacks, juice, toys and they’d go on adventures. At least he thought they were adventures. They used the city’s railroads as a way to get around quicker and more efficiently, plus, whenever a train rode by, they’d lay coins down on the tracks and wait for the train to flatten them out. He still has them all still. Later, he would find out the trips were so his mom could get beer, cigarettes or sell a few sexual favors for money, but at the time he was blissfully unaware.
  2+ Goals
Become a headlining tattoo artist like Kat Von D or Ami James.
Make a hip-hop album, no matter how silly or ridiculous it is and feature one up and coming star, just to say he recorded with them.
Anything Else?
Found My Muchness
Nick has a hint of an English accent, though it’s been chopped up to hell thanks to Eastern United States slang and lingo.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Freya Dahlstrom application
Who are you? 
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Time Zone?
Probably every day if nothing gets in the way.
Times you will usually be on?
I will probably be on most nights, if I’m not insanely tired or busy, and some afternoons too.
RP Experience?
About four years I think? I’ve been in a kind of break from rping lately but yeah before that about four years.
How did you find us?
Promo tags. 
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
I guess she reminds me of me in some ways. After many years I think she thought maybe it was time to let her real self finally shine out from the inside all the way to the outside, starting with her hair. But still, I don’t think she ever betrayed her morals or her education in order to let that bunch of amazing personality come out - which apparently some people forgot existed and instead decided to focus only on her looks -, she didn’t force it to come out by being insanely rebellious or against everything she believes in and that she was taught - like being a sensible lady. And she also has such a big dream, and I really like the fact that she’s working so make it come true.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Freya Dahlstrom
Secondary Character?
Jo Jakobs.
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
“And that’s a wrap!”Tom called from behind the screen where all the photos were displayed. “Great job everyone.” He clapped a couple times, gave a quick smile at the room and looked back at the screen. At the sight, Freya couldn’t help the creeping curiosity that started in the back of her mind so, as she pretty much always did, the girl pulled her slightly over-sized sweater over her head and strutted towards her friend. “How’d they look?” She asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and peeking over Tom’s shoulder to steal a look at the finished photographs. “Pretty nice.” She mumbled, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she observed the result of today’s work. “Yeah,” Tom agreed, clicking on one of the pictures to enlarge it, “the lighting in this one’s perfect.”A hum left Freya’s closed lips as a response.
After a couple more minutes of staring at the pictures, she let out a sigh and stretched her back and arms, groaning a little as she did so. “Well, I’ll be going then,” she started, moving to pick up her things and heading towards the door, “I’ll see you for some coffee or something soon, though!” Freya laughed as her friend gave her a short response and then headed out of the building she was in. Once she was out, she took a deep breath and a quick look at the watch on her wrist. With something around an hour to spare, the girl decided to go to the beach before going to her next job.
It didn’t take her long to get there - considering that she only had to cross the street -, and once she did, Freya slipped off her sandals, put them in her bag and walked towards the shoreline until the cold water touched her feet. For a second, she closed her eyes and felt the breeze dance through her hair and over her skin. Breathing in, she took in the salty scent and opened her eyes again to rummage inside the bag and pull out her camera. It were busy days like today when she needed photography the most, after all. And she didn’t mean being the one in front of the camera, no. She meant being the one freezing a moment and saving it to remember how things can remain perfect if you only take a look at a picture. And it can be preserved forever. She looked around for a second before finally finding it: a dog running towards the water with a girl behind trying to catch it. One… two… snap. She took a look at the tiny screen on the camera and smiled, the photo turning out exactly how she’d meant it to. Another intake of breath filled her lungs as she looked back up, her mind starting to run towards the same thought it always did: someday she would be doing this every day forever, she’d be doing what she loved the most.
2+ Character Development Questions:
1. What is her favorite band? Why?
The Joy Formidable.
First of all she likes the fact that they have a female lead singer. She also likes the music in itself, the feeling it gives her whenever she listens to it. Somehow whenever she listens to their music she feels powerful and a lot like herself.
2. What is her favorite quote? Why?
“This is what I like about photographs. They’re proof that once, even if just for a heartbeat, everything was perfect.”
It’s pretty self-explanatory, but sometimes she has to remind herself of this, that it doesn’t matter what happens in life, what stones in the road may appear to trip you over, things can be better again. She needs just remember this quote and take a look at her photos to recall how amazing life can be.
2+ Goals?
Obviously getting a job as a photographer is Freya’s main dream, maybe photographing models like herself or maybe moving on to different scenes in the photography world like nature or city life. Traveling through a job like that would be amazing for her, I think; being able to see the world and how many moments she can keep forever.
I also think that maybe having a photography company of her own might be in her plans. Or a small office with several photographers working in it could work too, maybe even working as a freelancer, but using her knowledge in business to guide the whole thing.
Anything Else?
Just one question, did Freya’s mom died? And also, I found my muchness.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
What will we call you?
Tabbie, that’s my name, please don’t wear it out because I tried hard to make it cool, better than the regular spelling - Tabby.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
I just need you to tag self harm, anything with self inflicted pain or loathing (burning*, cutting, you know the deal) and bulimia, as long as both are tagged (as such “ cutting tw”) I can even read it, I just need to know it’s there. 
Time Zone?
I am usually on daily, it kind of depends on when I work - how busy the dash is and how many replies I have. I am more often on in the evening until the wee hours in the morning, during the day I usually get distracted, I’m not going to lie to you there and end up either scrolling the dash or tags, but I’ll always get on pretty nightly (or bi-nightly, because sometimes I have twelve hour shifts) to get my replies done and plot and whatever else. I feel it’s really important to actually be truthful in the activity section, so admins know what to expect. Overall, I’m pretty active, I just have days. 
RP Experience?
Tumblr RP: 4 - 5 years, I can’t remember, honestly. 
In general: 7 + years
How did you find us?
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Oh course, it’s one of my favourite things (no shame), only if it’s appropriate though. I wouldn’t be just randomly doing smut threads. 
Why this character?
Her story was very quick to intrigue me, her bio was an automatic draw because of the clear layers and transformations that she has already gone through from past, present and future (mostly what I have planned for her, but also what is written in her bio). She is destroyed and rebuilt, but can be broken again I feel — because of the life she came from, she is fragile in a hard shell and refuses to be seen as anything else. Her dark rimmed eyes hide secrets and pain that no one could ever really think about. She’s well crafted, well moulded and I want to work with her desperately. 
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
Secondary Character?
I think if I don’t get her, I’d like to just write another application or see what happens from there, I can’t think of anyone else I would want really. 
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
*mentions of: Underage drug use (acid trip{bad}), death, cutting, blood & gore*
This is younger Catherine, during her harder years — the years that will forever leave a dent in her. She’s about 17 here. 
The wind pulled at her hair slowly, eyes closed she could see shapes that weren’t there – playing behind her eyelids. Her snow high wore off almost an hour ago, she had to go stronger, she had to bring something to life – she couldn’t bring what her heart yearned for back to life – so she could bring her senses. 
Air, that’s what she though she needed – but it was a strip of paper under her tongue  that really brought life to the situation; often it’s said that you shouldn’t use while melancholy danced through your senses… she couldn’t do it, she had to see the colours, the vibrancy – there was so much black, this was the only way. 
The fall wind chilled her, in ways that she never thought could — it was different, today it had been a year. A year and the pain filled her chest, fingers pressing against the scars that marred her delicate skin. 
“You have such an infectious laugh,” 
her mothers face followed her, the passenger seat that later was left ragged in her car, the very same car that would haunt her. She wasn’t cheerful though they day it was said — she had been, now she was angry, scornful even — like showing happiness, she was horrible. The colours didn’t come, she stood behind the concert hall — no one knew where she had left too, her friends were too busy, letting music creep inside their soul. It was her alone, with images that followed - the colours didn’t come, and the creeping darkness engulfed her. 
“Aren’t you just beautiful, is there wheel right for you? Enough grip?” 
His voice; it was deeper, with a tone under it that didn’t match her father, a man of so many words and so many questions— everything about him should be imprinted in her memory but now that she saw him, the glass in his forehead was a picture that scrawled a thousand words into her memory. 
Long blonde locks were entwined in her fingers now, tears staining her checks as she screamed at them to go away — told them that she couldn’t have this, not today… 
“Why are you going so fast? Slow the fuck down Catherine!”
 Gargled in what she would never understand, these were the only memories that she could remember of them — but her brother, she felt the worst for him — he didn’t get a life, he didn’t get to move on and here she was — waisting away hers away, with demons of a past that would drown her if they had the chance. She could see their faces, mangled, dancing around her in a a scene that was written from a book, holding hands — they taunted her. 
Catherine’s voice was raw against her throat, she didn’t know how she got home that night and what had happened in between the drive there and back — the raked lines on her legs from previous admissions of hatred were more torn, as well as her stockings. Who ever brought her home, was a saint. 
2+ Character Development Questions:
What are your character’s bad habits?
 Kat get’s nervous easily, it may not show and she may hide it under some sort of ruse — that’s why this particular bad habit comes in handy. She bites her lips, drags her teeth across them and pulls up unmoisturized skin. They are often left in pretty rough shape, which she believes adds to her looks (at least, that’s one of the lies she tells.) 
Listening to music far too loudly: she has been kicked out of multiple apartment complexes, friends houses, hotels and even the dirtiest motels for disturbing the peace in the middle of the night, but to her, it chases away the night terrors. 
Are they a better leader or follower? Why?
Kat is a leader, she hates to be perceived as a follower. Even with Brandon, now that she looks back on it. She wants to think of herself as a silver tongued snake, that was able to get her way, the way she had always been even in the beginning of her life. She’s like this because she’s never been a leader in her life, she’s always had her parents, and her aunt that tried to boss her around. She cannot be a follower because it’s not the box that she’s meant to be in. 
2+ Goals?
 1. Kat is going to find her band, even if it means she has to hold a thousand auditions — if it means she’s going to couch hop. She’s going to do it, because that’s what matters to her. This is how she’s going to control her life, which is what she need — utter control, she’s given up so much in her past years, all through her teenage rebellion, she followed crowds. So now, she’s going to make her own crowd. 
2. For her to become a good friend of someone, for someone to mean something to her more than anything. Not a meaningless fling, not a friend that she is mooching off. I don’t mean just someone to love, but someone that means the world to her. 
3. This is more of a long term goal, I want her to slowly become whole again. She still sleeps around, she still dabbles heavily in drugs, I think this will come together more when she gets her other two goals (to put together a band.) She is going to fall, she is going to sleep with the wrong people and there will be a huge share of altercations, toxic lungs, fall downs, and restarting, but I think in the end that is kind of my main goal for her. Is to piece together the girl that is now broken and hope for the best. It will be messy, and probably go horribly, multiple time, but it will be a fun ride for myself and my muse. 
Anything Else?
There isn’t really much to add here, unfortunately I don’t have enough time to make any graphics or moodboards that I would usually do for this area. I hope you can get a good feel for how I am intending to play her through the application and I hope you enjoy even if I am not accepted, thanks.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
OC Application
Who are you?
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Time Zone?
I’m almost always near a computer, ready to reply, so on a ten point scale, we’ll say an eight.
Times you will usually be on?
Probably afternoon and evening
RP Experience?
I’ve done oc rping for about 3-4 years now
How did you find us?
I searched the tag city rpg
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
I wanted to do a French character to add to the diversity and drive in a plot of the importance of Harmony in achieving goals as an artist and just life in general. I wanted to also include a little bit of not necessarily a sob story, but a story in how art is an escape, sometimes in a literal way!
Who do you want to be?
Meet Marguerite Beaupre. She is 19 and people mistake her for Allison Harvard. She is currently a waitress and a record store worker but would rather be a Musician.
song lyrics ♪
Marguerite only goes by Daisy.
+ imaginative, clairvoyant, visionary - timid, impulsive, distracted
The Past
When Mr. and Mrs. Beaupre had their first born child in Chartres, France, they named her Marguerite Voie, French for Daisy Lane. She was always a happy-go-lucky little girl with parents who supported flowers in her hair and bare feet in soil. Her parents tried their very hardest to make their little Marguerite believe that they had money even though they were living below the poverty line. She was always dressed in her dad’s old tshirts and only own one pair of beat up sneakers until she was six years old. Her dad always liked to call her Daisy because he loved the English language, but her mom insisted on keeping her name French, because she loved France more than her home country of America.  The Beaupre family ended up having to move a lot for both of her parents to find jobs, however, no matter where they were, they always knew how to all gather around a long days of work with their record player playing and singing together. The only stable thing the Beaupre’s ever had was music.
 On February 14th of her fourteenth year, her father died two weeks after her baby brother was born. Her mom swirled into a manic depression that made her stop working and never taking care of her children. They had to move to her mother’s hometown in an outskirt of Henderson, Nevada where their income was mainly based on whatever she could earn with lying to employers about being old enough. Her mother’s absence in her life fueled her abhorrence for her mother and  her own insistence for everyone to call her Daisy Lane. Her days mostly consisted of riding her bike to school, then work, then getting home close to 10 pm to take care of her brother. While Daisy could be considered wise, her grades in school didn’t reflect it-what with never being home to study.  The day before she turned seventeen, she decided that living in a house where her mother who only spoke a sloppy mix of French and English and did nothing for her and her brother but yell had to end, and she packed up all of her belongings and hopped into the greyhound station near her house. In her pocket was a flier advertising Harmony, California with an address to where she shipped her dad’s record player and vinyls while she carried a back pack and large duffle bag with clothes, her music journal, and her other essentials to hold for hours until the beginning of a new life.
  The Present
Currently, Daisy has been residing in dingy apartment as she works as a waitress at a diner and work at a vinyl store. The life she is pursuing may not have been exactly what she imagined, but it is a hell of a lot better than what it was. Daisy sometimes get small gigs to play the ukulele and sing at the record store, as she waits for a manager to pick her up. Financially, she finds herself in a tight spot most of the time, mostly relying on her boss’s creepy crush on her to let her borrow his uke and bring food to work. Daisy has learned to sometimes put her pride aside if she really wants to make it. She does what she deems necessary to stay in Harmony, having a gut feeling that something has got something good coming for her. Music and the ability to pursue her heart is all worth the temporary stress, right?
The Future
Working two jobs is not what Daisy considers her life goals. In fact, this is just another stepping stone to where she wants to be. Where does she want to be? Wherever someone will take her for who she is. She loves to sing and play almost any string instrument (her far favorite being the ukulele), and has the voice to make it. Eventually, she wants to be well enough to return to her home country and live happily in France while she plays and sings for the people in the two languages she knows. She likes the idea of being a solo artist, but she has to start developing her image-maybe even learn how to play piano better. The indie scene she wants to go for is no easy scene to get in, even if she is a talented singer with a gift for playing string instruments. But if she did have to work with a band, she would. She only wants to be known for more than the blonde with big eyes. She wants to have substance; something she already has hidden in her stacks of notebooks and sheet music.
GIF Hunts: x x x
Icons: x x x
Daisy is oc
3+ Paragraphs in Character:
“Welcome to Peach’s Records!” Daisy called out from the bottom shelf of the movie soundtrack isle as she tidied up and made sure that all of the labels were facing out. As she got up, she hit her head on the second shelf with a thunk, then got back up to pretend that she totally meant to do that. She saw that the middle aged man’s daughter had a Pink Floyd t-shirt on, so she scurried over to behind the counter to put on The Wallalbum. When the girl looked up to ask the man about the song, he mocked her. In the midst of her embarrassment along with his insistence to never wear her shirt anymore, Daisy hurried back to get a copy of the album. She came back, haulting the man’s griping, “She can still wear the shirt if she just listens to this album, right dad?” she smiled, handing over the album. She winked at the girl as she returned a thankful smile. A few minutes later, the two came to the register with the 1975-1988 Box set for them. As the two walked out with their merchandise, Daisy slipped from behind the counter and flipped the open sign on it’s opposite side, locking the front doors. She slipped the dollar bills and loose change from the tip jar into her coat pocket and grabbed her backpack with her waittressing clothes and her music journal in it. Shit, she looked at her watch to see it was already half past 8, with only fifteen times to get to the diner.
“You’re late,” her relief called as she barged through the door, slugging her backpack under the counter and tying on her apron in a singular motion.
“I’ll wash dishes tonight,” she offered a little too desperately, knowing she couldn’t lose this job. She grabbed her notepad and made her way to a group of men who just sat down. “Can I get you boys something to drink?” she said, holding her notepad in her left hand.
“Yeah, blondie. We’ll all take some coke and a piece of you for dessert. The men all burst into laughter as all of their eyes scraped her body. Daisy smiled, trying to maintain her confidence even though the nasty comments always made her want to crawl in a hole. In her nervousness, she tried to deliver all six of the cokes on tray, until she bumped the back of the barstool with the soda spilling all over the floor. “Damn, it sure is a good thing you’re pretty!” They all called out, as she rushed to the back to get new drinks-bringing them two at a time- and getting a mop. Daisy cursed under her breath as she tried to steady her breathing. She couldn’t let them see how nervous she was. All the regular’s rolled their eyes at her, knowing that she was just another pretty girl that got the job even though she had no experience in food service. While the men bothered her for the next two hours while they ate and chatted, Daisy walked back and forth from her tables to the back, trying to keep herself moving to ease her tension. When the men all left, Daisy couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief as she walked up to see what they left as her tip. Her whole face just dropped in seeing that not only did the men not leave a penny, but the all left their phone numbers.
As Daisy walked home around 1 am, she hummed to herself as she dug in her backpack for the keys to her apartment. She could almost feel her feet dragging up the steps as she silently motivated herself to make it to her bed. As she opened the door, her cat Vincent met her, jumping into her arms. She hugged him and sat on her couch next to a pile of sheet music she was working on the other night. As she looked up from petting Vincent, she saw the dishes stacked in the sink, remembering that her morning self decided to stay in bed the extra twenty minutes instead of picking them up. She slipped off her checkered vans and started working on all the dishes, singing absentmindedly. As she finished the last two dinner plates, she took out her favorite wine out of the fridge and poured it in the last clean glass in the cabinet. She made her way back to her bed room to her desk. Dammit, she realized she forgot to bring her boss back his uke-again. She looked at her pieces of paper on her tiny desk, trying to depict where she left off the night before.
2+ Character Development Questions:
What is their favorite memory of growing up?
Daisy can’t quite remember how old she was, but she was still living in France. Her mom and dad got home at the same time, and they decided to celebrate. Her mother went inside to make dinner, and her father went into the backyard. When everything was ready, the family of three ate dinner where her dad made a fire and talked about their day. Both of her parents shared a bottle of wine, and by the time dinner was eaten, it was fairly easy to coax both of them to stay outside and sleep under the stars. Her parents told her if she gotten them all blankets and a pillow, they would do it, since it was one of the nicest nights of the year. They sat around the fire while her dad played his ukulele and her mom and her sang until the fire was out.
Do they have any tattoos or piercings? Do they want any?
In an effort to make herself look less innocent in a world where people find her unable and naïve, Daisy has 3 tattoos, and her nipples pierced. All of the tattoos and piercings weren’t drunken mistakes, but they’re also not exactly what Daisy is proud of. Actually, she had each tattoo really well thought out. One day, after a horrible day from work and her boss telling her that people would always only see her as a girl with big eyes, she went home and planned everything she was going to do. The first, she wanted him to see when she went to work. And so, she has a sleeve of flowers-to help her remember who she is trying to make proud with her music. The next, she got a sternum tattoo of a moth to remind her to be gentle with herself. When vowed that she had enough, she decided that she wanted her nipples pierced. Getting them done was the worst pain she ever experienced, and the guy offered to do another piercing for her for free to distract her from the pain, which led to her getting wishbone on the back of her neck.
  2+ Goals
More than anything else, Daisy wants to rent out a studio space for a whole night. She has the idea that if she were able to just have that, she could hopefully release her first album.
While Daisy is gifted with instruments, she doesn’t quite own one. She may work her tail off just to make rent, but trying to move on as an artist who still uses other people’s instruments won’t do.
With that being said, she would also love to learn how to play the piano-being one of the only instruments she was never good at playing.
Anything Else?
((I looked everywhere for a password and I hope I didn’t pass it up))
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