#Apple Vision Pro
rayray-razorblade · 7 months
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256gb · 8 months
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viejospellejos · 8 months
Graban a un hombre usando las Apple Vision Pro mientras conduce un Cybertruck:
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stra-tek · 8 months
More Roddenberry Archive musings...
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This is supposedly the launch configuration of the Prime universe U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701's main bridge. It's based on the first piece of concept art for the TOS set, and is one of several weird not-quite-canon things the Roddenberry Archive has decided to consider canonical. 2 command chairs and the whole centre console and chairs spins to face the very minimalist 60's scifi perimeter consoles or viewscreen. Try to imagine Captain April and first officer Chris Pike on this bridge, it's weird.
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Behold! The top of the Jeffries Tube.
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The view from OG Captain Pike's bed, featuring his awesome TV, his laser gun and his Starfleet hat. We wouldn't get hats back in Trek for 50 years.
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This is inside the Ringship Enterprise XCV-330, circa 2100. The Ringship in canon was seen only in picture form or a desktop model, we never saw inside. The ship was actually designed for a non-Trek Roddenberry scifi show called Starship which never came to be, and there was actually concept art made for the interior which the RA people decided to import to Trek too. Predating the transporter, here is the Metafier.
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Discovery Season 2's U.S.S. Enterprise has a cool corridor running around it. Walk around it and... it goes nowhere😂 the Archive tries to balance the reality of everything being a television show with the fantasy of a 100% accurate in-universe museum, it'll give sets ceilings to make them into a believable spaceship but doesn't want to go nuts inventing too much of it's own stuff and that sometimes leads to weird stuff like this dead end
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Speaking of ceilings, here's the ceiling and lights of the classic TOS Enterprise's corridors. I think they did a decent job keeping to the TOS aesthetic. The sets TOS was filmed on didn't have ceilings at all.
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The Enterprise-B actually had a red carpet for special guests Kirk, Scotty and Chekov
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Strange New Worlds has the coolest transporter room of all. Just look at it😍
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The TNG Enterprise battle bridge has it's own ready room! And it's super tiny, ultra cramped and Picard probably never used it because there's no replicator in there and thus no access to tea.
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The 1st version of TNG engineering's big Master Systems Display as seen in "Encounter at Farpoint". Ten Forward wouldn't be a thing until season 2, and you can see here an earlier deck layout and the original concept for the saucer rim, a corridor walkway with windows above and below. You'll also note Ten Forward would actually be on deck 11 had they not changed the diagram by then.
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Kirk's quarters on the TOS Enterprise has dresser drawers full of uniforms for when his gets torn
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Walking around the Roddenberry Archive ships is eerie as hell. You're the only one on board, exploring corridors and poking your head into rooms. These starships are liminal spaces. This for me adds to the atmosphere greatly.
Here's the link (enjoy before it vanishes again!):
Here's my original post about the Roddenberry Archive:
Also a clarification, I was wrong when I said it won't be in VR. There is one VR setup it was designed for - the $3,000 Apple Vision Pro. More details here, although it appears to only show a 2D window rather than be fully immersive 3D, possibly confirming what I was told previously that no current 3D setup is capable of doing a true VR experience:
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teathattast · 1 year
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odinsblog · 7 months
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Future divorcees
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nixcraft · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro
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Through time, we’ve seen a progressive narrowing of how we experience entertainment: from the collective cinema experience, to the family viewing of the television, to the even narrower audience of the streaming service and various video apps, and now the expectation is that we’ll strap a set of screens directly onto our faces to ensure we can’t share an experience with another person. The development is a worrying one, and illustrates how disconnected tech executives are from real life.
The leaders of the tech industry are not only separated by much of the public because their wealth, experience of the world, and exclusive lifestyles, but also seem to have stunted social lives, or at least a lack of insight into the social nature of regular humans. They think an ideal way of living is one where as much as possible is mediated through digital technology because they have a specific interest in the tools that made them rich and powerful, and continuing a process that put them in that position in the first place. And while people have been open to going along with their visions, it’s pretty clear there’s a growing frustration and even dissatisfaction with the world they’ve created. Doubling down on it seems like a bad idea.
Given that the Vision Pro will retail for $3499 and won’t launch until 2024, with an initial rollout limited to the United States, I think we have a unique ability to ensure this project fails. We’ve already seen how ridicule can take the hype out of a tech bubble, most recently with crypto and the metaverse, but a decade ago the same thing happened with Google’s attempt to make its Glass smart glasses happen. Instead, its users were termed “Glassholes” and the product was scaled back and sold as a niche enterprise tool.
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welele · 5 months
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La enésima vez que muere la VR.
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ilfascinodelvago · 8 months
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smoshers-comment · 11 months
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▶ Apple Vision Pro SUCKS (Sketches)
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viejospellejos · 8 months
Esta chica usa las nuevas Apple Vision Pro para cambiarle la cara a su novio:
¿Preparados para este nuevo capítulo de Black Mirror?
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thesochill · 8 months
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the future is now
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madeupfromglue · 6 months
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apple vision pro
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teawitch · 7 months
I'm beginning to suspect that the dudes reviewing the Apple Vision Pro don't do a lot of actual cooking.
"You can set a timer to run over each pot"
So, the timer stays over the pot which means to see it, I have to be standing where I can see the pot. In general, the point of a timer is for me to be able to go do something else and be notified when the timed items needs attention. If I have to stay within view of the pot to see the timer, then I can see the food in the pot and judge it's doneness by looking at it.
From a cooking perspective, the ol' Trojan Room Coffee pot was a better application of technology. (early 90s - first live webcam was in Cambridge University to show if there was coffee in the coffee pot.) To walk away from the kitchen and be able to still see how my soup is simmering seems more useful than a timer that requires me to go back to the kitchen and look at the soup.
(Which is perhaps why I am amused at how many of these videos also want to show me sponsored ads for some sort of meal product.)
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