#Apply for Australia  PR Visa
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Want to apply for Australia PR visa from India? Don’t know where to start? Here are 9 tips to help to get a head-start. 
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visamasterz · 2 years
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Consider studying in Canada! With the best universities, diverse student communities, and breathtaking natural beauty, Visamasterz offers a wealth of opportunities for career growth. Start your journey today!
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pathwayeducation · 2 years
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Complete Guide: How to Renew or Extend Student Visa Australia?
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visaexpertsblog · 2 years
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Do you want to immigrate to Australia as permanent resident? This handy guide will give you all information you need to relocate to Australia in 2023.
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getloan · 2 years
Certified & Licensed Debt Consolidation Loan for Poor Credit
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With EFT Capital, you may combine all of your current debt into a single loan and manage your instalments with a single weekly, biweekly, or monthly payment. Several debts are consolidated into a one payment through debt consolidation. If you have decent credit, manageable debt, and terrible credit, consolidation may be an option for you. It may also be an option if your debt isn't too high. To know more visit:- Debt Consolidation
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idsb · 2 months
So just wondering basically whatever you can think would be good advice or insight or tips for someone wanting to move to Melbourne from the UK
Doesn't have to be limited to the likes below;
healthcare, prescriptions (I have a few chronic illnesses; nothing too serious, but I do need different medications etc), Visas, nominations, what sort of yearly wage/income would I need to be comfortable, taxes/insurance, bills, education (I don't have a family; but say I wanted to do a uni course, could ?); rent or buy, is a car needed, should I look into city living or suburb living, is it safe for a single female to move there & live on her own... and yeah just anything else you or anyone else can think of, l've never moved abroad before
Okay I can help with a lot of this!!! Great news re: health insurance, I know this from having a British housemate - your UK Medicare is 100% valid at any public doctors office in Australia! I’m not sure how this works with prescriptions because I don’t know how that works for you guys in general, but I know everything you have works just like if you were an Australian citizen and your Medicare transfers over (whatever that means). It’s, like, actually incredible.
I’m not sure how old you are, but a UK -> Australian working visa is literally one of the easiest work visas in the world to get as of July 2024! You literally can just go and work for up to 3 years if you’re under 35. The terms each last 1 year, and you can renew for 3 years and they do not have to be consecutive. Previously you had to do farm work to stay that long, but they’ve completely rescinded that for UK citizens. I would recommend just getting that and going to start off, and once you’re actively on the ground there I think a lot of possibilities will open up to you to get a sponsorship to stay permanently, if you want to. If after a year you don’t have any kind of leads for a path to sponsorship, that’s when I’d speak to an immigration lawyer and try and figure out a plan. But I think the possibilities are pretty open if you’re a UK citizen. You can also very much take uni there, but you won’t get any kind of financial aid outside of what’s available to you in your country. You can do that on a working holiday visa (WHV 417 is the one I’ve described), or there’s also a separate student visa you’re able to go on. I personally would do them separately, because you can apply for residency after 5 years. So if you’re a student for 2 years and then do your 3 year WHV, bam you can apply for PR. It buys you some more time if you can’t get a sponsor.
Suburb vs city is really down to personal preference, and same with car - I find amenities are incredibly close together in suburbs, and know heaps of people both in the city and suburbs who did not have cars and got around just fine. I had a car because I wanted one, but I don’t feel it’s 100% necessary, although imo it is if you’d like to go far outside the city and see all of beautiful regional Victoria, which to me is SO valuable. I wouldn’t want to live downtown in the city (called the CBD) with one because all parking is metered and v hard to find, so for that reason I chose to live in the suburbs. I thought it was a very easy process to buy a car, and I bought one on FB marketplace and just sold it when I left the country. Thought that all and getting the car registered was a very easy process, but the girl I sold it to was from the UK and called it a headache so I think selling cars is easier for you guys 😅
I’m from the US and it’s pretty unsafe there objectively so like, lol take this with a grain of salt, but Melb is the safest place I’ve ever been in my life. I could walk around at night and not really think anything of it, even at like 4am in the “nightlife” sort of area I worked in. I think there’s petty crime in areas like that like cars getting broken into and stuff, but yeah I’ve legit never felt safer in my life and I am a very tiny blonde girl who was always alone so!
A lot of aspects are VERY difficult (buckle up if you’d like to hear about my experience, happy to tell you about it) in that the startup tasks can be A Lot when you first arrive and you have to be prepared for anything and everything to go wrong - not that it will, but just in case. But I think Melb is the best place you could POSSIBLY move to and I think it is so so so SO worth it to give it a go, esp w how easy it is for UK residents!!!
There are TONS of specifics I’m happy to talk about that I didn’t want to put all in one ask such as the vibes of diff suburbs / pros and cons and how to choose, where to find housemates/ a place to live, what you need for taxes & to hold a job once you arrive, how to become a legal driver and car owner if you want to go the car route, etc. I’m more than happy to answer hyper specific things like this and you can feel free to DM me!
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sunlandeducation-blog · 7 months
Welders TR to PR For Australia
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Welders TR/PR For Australia
*Overall 5 Band Required in IELTS
Need ITI ( First Class ) 60%
4 Years Experience Required
Processing time 6-12 months
Let us fulfill your dream to move to Australia.
Here are the Benefits of applying for an Australian Permanent Residency (PR) visa.
You can come and meet our visa experts for the right guidance: Ms. Anisha Gupta: C.E.O., Migration Agent of Australia and Licensed Adviser of New Zealand
For further assistance, Contact- 9872-554433, 98146-10782
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sukajunin · 1 year
Amor fati
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I’ve always told myself that everything happens for a reason whenever I needed major consolation. Without truly knowing what that meant, it was somewhat reassuring to me that even the terrible things that happened to me had a genuine purpose. It became almost a stock-standard response to every misfortune I’ve ever encountered. The phrase itself is meant to be said for moments of comfort. But is it enough to brush off everything negative with this one-size-fits-all sort of comeback? I must’ve used it too many times that its meaning has gotten lost, like when you say one word over and over again that it starts to sound funny and you start to question whether it’s actually a real word or not. Now it’s a cliched phrase that no longer provides the same solace it used to.
Despite being overused, everything does happen for a reason. And it’s true: we may not know what that reason is yet. It might come to us in the next minute, the next hour, or years down the line. To me, this saying had always implied that some greater thing has control over our outcomes, our decisions, and everything else in between. That whatever bad thing that just happened to you was all part of a bigger plan.
I used to hear this a lot, too: Do your best and let God do the rest. It was also another phrase that was thrown around when I thought I was going to fail an exam or when I thought I wasn’t going to do so well at my violin recital. It wasn’t enough to be told to just do your best, because it’ll be even better when God has got your back, too. Maybe it was just another combination of comforting words, to let me know that my best was good enough and that a greater being will make sure I see positive results. This higher, omnipresent being, will move the earth to ensure that everything will be okay.
But my secular self refuses to believe that a big man in the sky has a say in how my life will turn out. After all, it was me making the decisions down here on humble earth… 
My partner and I had been struggling for a while with getting a permanent residency in Australia. Ever since we finished up our student visas, it’s been an endless cycle of temporary visa applications. From terrible timing to not finding the right work, getting any sort of temporary visa was a real struggle. Dinner table discussions often included which visa to apply for next in order to stay here longer. But only just recently, did I realise that maybe our efforts of trying to get a PR was the ultimate roadblock that I didn’t know I needed.
Perhaps these plans never came to fruition because they’re not for me… yet. The one thing I love the most about my partner and I - and also my main source of crippling anxiety - is our ability to be… flexible, for lack of a better word. This time last year, we didn’t know where we would be, what our year was going to look like. And surprise, surprise, we still don’t know now. Not knowing where we are going to be in a year from now frightens me a little bit. But it is simultaneously one of the most exciting things ever. I look to my two older sisters as an example, who are both very much settled. Sydney is their definite home. This is their lives and it isn’t a bad thing, but I think, subconsciously, I haven’t thought about settling down in that sense and neither has my partner. 
I want to believe that in some sort of twist of events, that all the decisions I’ve made - big and small - had caused a butterfly to flap its wings and led the stars to align or something for the universe to come up with this path for me. In the end, stories are stories and we love telling ourselves stories to make the unreasonable feel reasonable. But this narrative seemed far more interesting to me than a mastermind somewhere in the clouds was puppeteering my fate. In some way, I still had some control in my outcomes and that, yes - everything does happen for a reason because I subconsciously do things to lead me to this particular way.
Amor fati - a succinct Latin phrase, which means “to love one’s fate”, is probably one that I should tell myself instead when things are tough. And I think I had been headbutting my fate for too long because I had synonymously thought of it as giving up. Sometimes I do think that I’m not trying hard enough to get a PR. Maybe that’s true - there are ways to get it but the way to do it isn’t for me. I could also keep living on temporary visas but the thought of living that precariously haunts me.
On another level, my anxiety and spiraling thoughts stem from a lot of uncertainty. Of course everyone’s future is uncertain - we can die tomorrow and worrying about our pension plan should be the least of our problems - but being unsure of where you are going to be physically, geographically is scary. The thought of having to pack up your whole life that you had built to potentially relocate is incredible, yet stressful. It doesn’t help that being in my 20’s I see friends in very different stages of life. Some are married with kids, some are homeowners. Fuck, some have died. And you can’t help but to compare your very much unsolved life to ones that are seemingly very… solved. 
As cliched as it sounds, your 20’s are absolutely a pigsty in terms of figuring yourself out. There were nights where I could feel my cheeks hot from the anger; my pillowcases soaked from tears. There’s a lot of mistakes being made and that’s okay, and I can’t believe I’m only just figuring that out.  
It’s possible that I’ll never figure it out, so I’ll end this essay as banal as my former mantras - with a quote. Perhaps the answer can be found in the words of Austrian poet, Rainer Rilke: “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
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Australia has been one of the most amazing destinations for people looking to immigrate to the country. Hundreds of people from around the world choose to immigrate to Australia on a PR Visa. This visa allows you to live and work in Australia for five years. After three years, you can apply for permanent citizenship without any hassle. Contact the professional team at Oasis Resource Management to know more about Australia PR Points Calculator.
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How to apply for the Skilled Worker Nominated Visa to obtain Australia PR?
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Australia PR points calculators are a point slab that can calculate an applicant’s eligibility for the Australia PR on the basis of certain factors such as age, work experience(Australian, overseas, or both ), English proficiency, educational qualification, etc. The Australia PR points calculator estimates the points required for the Australia PR application process initiation. 
One of the major skilled migration visas for Australia is the Skilled Worker Nominated Visa also known as the subclass 190. This visa requires an applicant to be nominated for a skilled occupation by the state or territory of Australia. With the Skilled Worker Nominated Visa, a skilled worker can work, live, or study in a specific territory or a state in Australia. They can stay in Australia for an indefinite time period. The subclass visa holder is also eligible to sponsor their relatives for Australia PR as well and they can subsequently become an Australian citizen themselves.
The procedure to apply for the skilled worker-nominated visa for the Australia PR starts with calculating the required Australian PR points which are mandatory to score to be acceptable for the Australian subclass 190 visa. The minimum points required to apply for the Australia PR is 65 out of the total 100 points.
 After attaining the 65 points, an Australian immigration aspirant has to visit Australia’s SkillSelect to submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) to let the country know their intent to reside in Australia and a pure motive to work in Australia while complying with the Australian work environment and ethics.
A subclass 190 visa applicant must satisfy the skills requirement as well and they must pass the skills assessment to conduct the nominated skilled occupation successfully after immigration to Australia.  
The next step is to gather the required documents to support the claims that an applicant makes in the Expression of Interest (EOI).
If among the pool of various candidates and applicants, the Australian Immigration authorities concurs with your profile then the authoritative body responsible for Australia PR will invite you to apply for the visa online. After the invitation, 60 days is the maximum period to submit the documents and respond to the invitation.
After an intense cross-checking of the document by the authorities, you may be at last granted the Skilled Worker Nominated Visa or the subclass 189. From thence you can ravish your dream job in your dream country.
Want to join the Australian family of skilled workers in 2021? Then stop ruminating and start acting for the Australia PR to fly to this fantastic country in Oceania
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digibitepro · 16 hours
Western Australia Skilled Occupation List 2024-25: Your Pathway to Australian PR
The Western Australia Skilled Occupation List 2024-25 offers a golden opportunity for skilled professionals to secure permanent residency in Australia. With a wide range of occupations in demand, this list serves as a critical pathway for those looking to live and work in Western Australia.
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Whether you're a healthcare professional, engineer, IT specialist, or tradesperson, the Western Australia Skilled Occupation List (WASMOL) identifies high-demand roles across various industries. By applying under this list, eligible candidates can streamline their visa application process and fast-track their journey to Australian PR.
At Province Immigration, we provide expert guidance on navigating the complexities of the Australian immigration system. Our experienced team ensures your application is tailored to meet the requirements of the Western Australia Skilled Occupation List 2024-25, maximizing your chances of success.
If you're ready to take the next step toward a new life in Australia, Province Immigration is here to support you at every stage. Get in touch today to start your journey!
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Want to go through the Australia PR process from India? Don’t know where to start? Here are 7 easy steps to achieve Australian permanent residency in 2022 and beyond.
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anjali0899 · 3 days
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pathwayeducation · 2 years
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New Rules for Course Change in Australia for Student Visa 500 Holders
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immigrationoffers · 4 days
Canadian Permanent Residency, Australia Permanent Residency, and Germany Permanent Residency: Your Path to a Better Future
At ESSE India, we understand that securing Permanent Residency (PR) in countries like Canada, Australia, and Germany can open doors to unparalleled opportunities. Whether you are a skilled professional, student, or family looking for a brighter future, these countries offer exceptional immigration programs tailored to various needs. With pathways like Canada’s Express Entry, Australia’s Global Talent Stream, and Germany’s EU Blue Card, understanding the right PR process is key to your success.
1. Canadian Permanent Residency (PR)
Why Choose Canada for Permanent Residency?
Canada’s welcoming policies and strong support for skilled workers and international students make it a top destination for those seeking PR. The Express Entry system is the most sought-after route, ensuring faster processing and a smooth transition to Canadian life.
How the Express Entry System Works
Canada’s Express Entry system manages three main immigration programs:
Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Applicants are assessed using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), where points are assigned for factors like age, education, work experience, and language skills. If you want to increase your chances of getting an Invitation to Apply (ITA), you can apply through Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) like BCPNP, MPNP, or NBPNP. These programs can boost your CRS score by an additional 600 points.
Latest Express Entry Updates
Recent draws show the competitive nature of Express Entry:
September 19, 2024: 4,000 ITAs were issued for CEC candidates with a minimum CRS of 509.
August 27, 2024: 3,300 ITAs were issued for CEC candidates with a minimum CRS of 507.
Canada Immigration Consultants in India
Our Canada immigration consultants in India provide expert guidance on navigating the complex Canada PR process. With our personalized approach, we ensure that your documents meet the stringent requirements, paving the way for a successful PR application.
2. Australia Permanent Residency (PR)
Why Choose Australia for Permanent Residency?
Australia’s booming economy and need for skilled professionals make it an attractive option for PR. Through the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program, Australia offers several visa categories, ensuring that you find the perfect pathway to PR.
General Skilled Migration (GSM) Pathways
Australia’s PR process offers various visa options, including:
Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)
Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)
Skilled Work Regional Visa (Subclass 491)
The GSM system is points-based, with applicants scoring higher points in areas such as qualifications and work experience having better chances. Australia’s Global Talent Stream is also available for fast-tracking PR in high-demand sectors such as IT, engineering, and healthcare.
Australia Immigration Consultants in India
At ESSE India, our Australia immigration consultants provide comprehensive support to Indian applicants throughout the Australia PR process. Whether it’s improving your points score or handling your visa application, we ensure a seamless process.
3. Germany Permanent Residency (PR)
Why Choose Germany for Permanent Residency?
Germany, with its strong economy and demand for skilled workers, is an excellent option for PR. The EU Blue Card offers an efficient route for qualified professionals to live and work in Germany. After 21-33 months, Blue Card holders are eligible for permanent residency.
Global Talent Stream in Germany
Germany’s Global Talent Stream attracts highly skilled professionals, especially in fields like technology and engineering, helping you achieve PR faster.
Germany Immigration Consultants in India
Navigating the Germany PR process can be challenging, but our dedicated Germany immigration consultants in India provide end-to-end support. From language requirements to document preparation, we ensure you meet the criteria for a successful PR application.
4. Work and Study Opportunities in Canada, Australia, and Germany
For international students, securing a PR often starts with studying abroad. Canada, Australia, and Germany offer incredible post-study work options:
Canada: The Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) allows students to work for up to three years after completing their studies, often leading to PR.
Australia: The Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) provides similar post-study work rights.
Germany: The Job Seeker Visa allows graduates to remain in Germany for 18 months to find employment, leading to permanent residency.
These work-study programs are designed to help you gain valuable experience and transition into permanent residency through programs like Canada’s Canadian Experience Class, Australia’s GSM, and Germany’s EU Blue Card.
At ESSE India, we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams of studying, working, or permanently residing in Canada, Australia, or Germany. Whether you’re looking to explore the Canada PR process, Australia PR procedure, or Germany PR procedure, we offer expert guidance tailored to your individual needs. With our experienced immigration consultants, you’ll be better equipped to secure your place in these highly competitive countries.
For personalized immigration advice, trust ESSE India to help you every step of the way, ensuring that your PR, study visa, or work visa application meets the criteria for success.
This content covers vital keywords such as Canada immigration, Australia immigration, Germany immigration, PR process for Canada from India, Provincial Nominee Programs, and more, offering a detailed guide to help you make informed decisions about your future. @immigrationvisa4uk-blog @immigrationvisa @immigrationvisa4-blog @immigrationvisaaustralia @immigrationnewsdigest
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