#Arar units
omnletart · 2 months
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schwarzgeier · 2 months
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Please be in my walls, Please be in my walls, Please be in my walls
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gradientsys · 4 months
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some-creep · 1 hour
Instead of sleeping I'm thinking about pants Ara 😔
Thinking about her relationship with emotional intimacy and sex and the hard line she was designed to establish between them and how that was difficult but in every situation where she's made to perform sex acts she falls back to that logic and how as a Replika and needs to feel useful by doing the things she was designed to while at the same time not really getting anything out of the experiences with people other than the woman who designed her to begin with. How she sees herself as just a tool to be used because that was her original function anyway and it's easier than trying to make sense of everything.
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fishareglorious · 1 year
Huh, so the name theme of Sierpinski's Eule cadre is from german months. It corresponds to their numbers too. Good to know.
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EULR-S2303: März - March
EULR-S2306: Juni - June
EULR-S2305: Mai - May
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kerboid · 8 months
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“Even though they may seem like quiet simpletons, do not underestimate Aras. While they may not show it, they judge those who are rude or unkind harshly and will quietly share this judgment with their entire Cadre. Aras get along best with Eules, who tend to be patient and friendly, and have a talent for reading Aras' expressionless faces. In many facilities, Aras will construct service tunnels accessible only to them, often under floors and in walls. Unstable units may retreat into these tunnels. It is not recommended to attempt to retrieve them. Ara Personalities can be stabilized by allowing them access to plants to take care of, ideally colorful flowers or trees."
Really happy with how this model came out, I love ARARs sm
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seishinpilled · 6 months
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i love ARAR units
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gingersn4pp · 11 months
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A large collection of signalis AU doodles of mine and my buddy cam's ocs! Further description under a readmore, bc i got a lot to say about em LMFAO. I defo gotta draw more of the canon units more than just my ocs because they're all so cool -- the aras are especially charming to me!
Though I got to solidify the corrupt versions of my ocs too....
Lucy, STZR "SPATZEN" is basically a flight coordinator, stationed on an outer space station that is one of the last stops on the edge of the system. Occasional encounters with penrose style missions, she excels in calculating trajectories into the vastness of space. Dedicated to the Nation, though has a particular curiosity that often gets her into trouble/disputes with her superiors, often HENE, cam's management unit, much like a belligerent teenager to her strict mother.
Meyer, an LSTR unit (or similar type!) Assigned to a Penrose exploration mission, though on the edge of everything, her Gestalt officer (Percy) backed out and ran away. Can she really be mad at them, though? She told them to think of themselves more. It doesn't matter how devoted she was if it was one sided. She's out of place on this distant space station, but with limited resources, the ARAR units are grateful for the extra mechanical help. Meyer butts heads with the inexperienced STORCH unit, Boa, but despite their confrontations, they eventually grew closer. Meyer was trying very hard not to get attached...to no avail. :*
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jijunbzz · 3 months
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I heard the "Adler is Nikolai and Nikolai is the Sun" theory and can't stop thinking about one silly idea anymore. Not me being delusional about weird pairing in my head nope nope
Okay so. This theory is absolutely silly, but... There is a Construction worker profile in medical database of Rotfront, and there was two spies. One is Sun (aka Nikolai), and the other is... Let's call them Moon (planets represented by those tarot cards are Buyan and Rotfront by the way, which is kinda interesting...). And well, I imagine the scenario of them both eventually being captured and used as replica patterns (the only problem is their generations. since ARAR units existed before ADLR units). But the best part is in potential story after they were captured. Just imagine being a spy for Empire and after failure being made into a literal obedient right hand man of a replica that resembles Nation in all it's glory. Bioresonance sensitivity included. ARAs on the other hand being everywhere in a facility and probably knowing more than they should by hiding in walls and under floor spying. Would be an interesting counter prank against Nation I guess. Like one of them actually got her hands on important documents.
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audre-falrose · 7 months
Hcs for Signalis? Oh, and thoughts too, maybe if you don't particularly have any hcs.
I see thoughts are being had about Falke but honestly y.yeah.
Oh, please do take this as an opportunity to gush about whatever, scenarios, anything
I got you boo~
-Call any of them short and they *will* gang up on you
-huge sweet tooth
-gremlin energy (pranksters)
-occasionally "accidentally" broadcast their thoughts to any replika around them, has gotten many of them in trouble with ADLR and FLKR
-dislike most STCR units for their height advantage and the bullying
-if a FLKR body pillow existed in universe, he would own at least one
-the only straight one (ew-)
-wet cat energy
-always tired
-gets FLKR way too much coffee even if he thinks it's overkill
-cannot physically tell FLKR no (simp)
-love to eavesdrop, especially in the STAR/STCR dorms
-chatty and love to gossip
-one ARAR overheard ADLR swear and now the entire facility knows except for him
-loves poping down from the ceiling to scare other replika units
-ARAR dorm is more like a greenhouse than a dorm due to their live for plants
-BALLET DANCERS?! YES PLZ!! (Also musicians)
-theater kids
-sweet yet occasionally catty if angered
-also kinda ditzy? Depends on the day and specific unit
-love to hit on other units, especially STAR units while they're on duty
-holds facility wide dance parties (with permission, ADLR was pissed with their first attempt)
-literally perfect hair, always smooth and silky
-stoic and sometimes irritable but not STCR levels of pissy
-strategy nerds, love reading pre war military strategy books
-STARs always protect each other, no matter the situation
-protective of the weaker units, especially EULR and KLBR units (big sister vibes)
-lowkey hate/don't get along with STCR units
-dislike ADLR but are forced to follow his orders
-not good with jokes/pranks
-gun nuts
-also military strategy nerds, but they prefer post war
-smell oddly nice?? Mostly lavender or other flowery scents from their body wash
-like to bully KLBR units
-fairly quiet, calm personality, moon
-great listener, even better with keeping secrets
-smooth voice, one could listen to an LSTR read the dictionary and they'd fall asleep rather quickly
-good with tools and small mechanical projects
-loner type, longing for friends
-socially awkward
-will warm up after at least a few weeks of interaction
-golden retriever Gundam
-gentle giants
-8ft tall children with plasma rifles (they don't like hurting things)
-love *anything* soft; stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, you can bet your sweet ass they'll love it
-can't actually read (some have at least a 2nd grade level, but it's not the norm)
-also can't write well due to their hands being so large
-sometimes forget their own strength
-love giving KLBR units rides on their shoulders
-would dive into a bottomless pit to save a puppy
-armor has so many scratches and typically covered in dirt/dust
-they're all sisters, change my mind
-coffee queen, overachiever, overthinker
-Insecure but hides it *extremely* well
-can "link up" with and KLBR unit through bioresonance from anywhere in the facility
-usually the one to call a KLBR out when they broadcast their less desirable thoughts
-can also see directly in their minds, it's not always pretty...
-has caught ADLR doing "odd" things with her items on several occasions
-has seen things only demons could conjure (corrupt units are hell to look into the mind of)
-prolonged use of bioresonance causes stress to the mind of a FLKR unit, but all FLKR units are trained to conceal such pain from all other units and officers to "maintain order"
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tangerangtiger · 8 months
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another addition to my REPLIKA HEAT project,
the Crawler Of Vineta herself, Lucy, aka ARAR-V1201! a Krav-Maga and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu instructor with reinforced arms/legs, alongside with a more bulkier physique which made her grew to an astonishing 6'5, making her one of the most feared and strongest ARAR units out there among all others in Replika Heat.
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heorotcarousel · 7 months
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ventxekart · 2 months
Voice Actors for SIGNALIS?
Three years ago I posted a list of voice actors whom I thought could play the various characters from the game VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartending Action.
I semi-recently composed a similar list albeit one that focuses on the characters from SIGNALIS instead. Here are the contents of said list:
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as LSTR-512 "Elster."
Kara Eberle as Ariane Yeong.
Amanda "AmaLee" Lee (AKA Monarch) as Isolde "Isa" Itou.
Antonio Greco as ADLR-S2301 "Adler."
Jennifer Dawne Graveness as FLKR-S2301 "Falke"
Mary Kae Irvin Lindsey as the surviving STAR units.
Cristina Vee as the surviving EULR units.
Paula Jean Hixson as the lone surviving ARAR unit.
Talya Pulver-Lindqvist as STCR-S2307 "Sieben."
Dawn M. Bennett as KLBR-S2302 "Kolibri."
Samantha Dakin as MHNR-S2301 "Beo."
Also, as a bonus I could imagine Terri Brosius voicing over the various quotes from the various pieces of Eldritch Horror literature used in the game (IE: “Great holes secretly are digged where earth’s pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.”)
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as-easel · 7 months
the colours on an arar units hat is a resistor color chart
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some-creep · 13 days
Thinking about those joke husbandry posts but like. For Replikas... Like.
If I see one more person posting about their ARAR unit hiding under their bed, or worse, digging a tunnel in the floor I'm going to scream. It's not funny or cute or whatever people online think. ARAR units only do that when they're *extremely* stressed. A well taken care of unit can be as social as any EULR and I'm tired of inexperienced hobbyist thinking just because ARAR units have been in the hobby for the longest that means whatever bullshit they told you when you got her was a substitute for DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Or maybe like.
The amount of people who get STAR or STCR units just because they're *cool* is giving those units a bad rep. STCR especially require an experienced keeper and extensive training early on otherwise they start to act out. They can be incredibly rewarding Replikas to have IF you take them seriously but 98% of people should not be buying one.
And while I'm here no one should own a FKLR unit. They belong in charge of a well maintained facility with plenty of staff for enrichment. Owning one is like owning a fucking tiger and I've never heard of anyone who has one keeping her for more than a few years before rehoming her or worse abandoning her on Leng.
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celesionnn · 1 year
These two first appear to be quite different in personality -- while Segler units prefer physical tasks and wide open spaces, Adler units often fail to understand why this is the case when novels and puzzles can provide similarly stimulating experiences within the comfort of the dormitory. Despite this, it isn't unusual for Adlers and Seglers to develop a level of closeness akin to that of siblings -- the former "cleaning up" after the latter, a stern disciplinary approach veiling an appreciation for her hardworking nature; and the latter, though frequently annoyed with the former's stringency, regardless holding a level of respect bordering on idolization.
Adlers and Seglers commonly interact due to the nature of their respective work. Adlers are constantly sending and receiving paperwork/parcels, typically on behalf of their assigned FLKR unit.
Under normal circumstances, Ara units and Segler units do not interact outside of the number of inevitable shell and exoskeleton repairs the latter require on a regular basis. While Seglers typically have no issues with Aras and even seek to show their appreciation for the frequency of maintenance requests, Ara units usually (successfully) attempt to avoid contact entirely. Segler units often bear the brunt of jokes within an Ara Cadre for their perceived overconfidence and lack of patience, though such jokes seldom make their way outside of a facility's service tunnel system. Despite this, Aras maintain a professional yet distant attitude when interaction with Seglers is unavoidable.
Aras and Seglers commonly interact due to the nature of their respective work. Part orders are frequent and most often fulfilled by one of a facility's Seglers.
Though deep interpersonal relationships are rarely observed between Aras and Seglers, a note should be made that it is not entirely unheard of. There exist multiple documented cases of Seglers returning from field work with species of wild flora normally unobtainable on-base, which are later discovered within the facility's service tunnel system.
Segler units are most likely to have positive interactions with Eule units, given that both possess relatively sociable natures. Eules are among the few that are able to completely comprehend Seglers' rapid-fire speech patterns, responding in kind and bringing them down from the peak of their excitement if required. It is quite easy to detect when a Segler has made a delivery to a Eule Cadre due to the fact that the average volume of conversation is commonly found to dramatically increase (usually much to the annoyance of any neighboring dormitories).
On an individual basis Eules and Seglers experience a below-average level of interaction, as Eules do not commonly require sizable shipments. However, if the Cadre is considered as a whole, it is not unusual to see a Segler in the Eule dormitory at least once a day.
[[While Seglers typically interact favorably with an entire Cadre, they will usually subconsciously favor one Eule in particular. Administrators must be monitor these relationships and be aware of any jealous behavior that may occur within the Cadre, as Segler units tend to be oblivious to such interactions and require intervention from a third party.]]
As with other replikas, in the eyes of Segler units the Falke unit is a god-like figure. Seen as a beacon of absolute authority, Falkes are the sole individuals that Segler units will take orders from without question or attitude. With that respect comes a mix of emotions including idolatry, awe, and fear. It can typically be assumed that a Segler observed working at maximum capacity with minimal mistakes is on direct orders from their facility's Falke. While Falkes typically appreciate the hard work put in by Seglers, they treat them similarly to any other replika.
Falkes and Seglers rarely interact, due to Adler units typically acting as a proxy for any deliveries or expeditions.
Interaction between Kolibri units and Segler units is crucial to the delivery infrastructure within each facility. Though Seglers commonly receive instructions in-person or through digital means, smooth function and quick changes are only made possible through utilization of the bioresonance network produced by a Kolibri Cadre. This means that Kolibris and Seglers often must communicate effectively in a professional setting, which has been shown to increase with improved levels of interpersonal connection. Segler units are therefore encouraged to spend time bonding with Kolibris from the Cadre most closely associated with their delivery range.
This can occasionally prove to be difficult, however, due to definite differences in the two units' neural pattern development. Similar to Adler units, most Kolibris prefer literature to physical activity, establishing a rift early on between them and the athletic Seglers. In addition, due to Seglers' excitable nature, Kolibris often find themselves struggling to use their bioresonance to return them to baseline. Some Cadres have discovered that presenting reading materials aloud allows them to simultaneously dampen Seglers' tendency for emotional volatility and form lasting bonds with them.
Despite these difficulties, most Kolibris and Seglers are on good terms. Both can be quite passionate about their interests and as long as this energy is directed into something productive, beneficial relationships can be established.
[[Administrators should be aware that it is possible for a Segler's emotional state to have a negative effect on the performance of the bioresonance network of a Kolibri Cadre. If such a case arises, the Segler unit should be immediately decommissioned and the members of the Cadre treated using emergency persona stabilization methods.]]
On-base interactions between Elster units and Segler units are limited in scope and do not frequently occur; however, due to their shared nature as land scouting units, they are often required to perform expedition missions together. As one would expect, they are required to interact favorably, particularly on assignments where no direct and consistent contact with a gestalt is to be established.
Elsters' focused, no-nonsense attitude and Seglers' outgoing, talkative nature typically mesh surprisingly well. Though most assignments may start with the Elster ignoring most of the Segler's attempts to interact outside of required tasks, the latter's stubbornness and increasingly creative ways of getting the former's attention often allow Seglers to break through Elsters' cold exteriors. Elsters and Seglers sent on duo missions typically return with significantly altered neural patterns; while this was initially cause for concern, marked improvements in performance indicate that this is a beneficial result.
[[Administrators should be aware that while the previous statement is true, any Elster-Segler duos returning from scouting assignments should be closely monitored for a period of time upon return. While uncommon, there exist documented cases where loyalty shifts from that of the Nation to that of the paired unit. In such cases, both units must be decommissioned immediately.]]
Like most other replikas, Segler units interact favorably with any Mynah units stationed in the facility (if present). Mynahs will typically look forward to visits from Seglers in particular, both because of their loose, honest attitude and because they usually come bearing news of the happenings in/around the facility. Mynahs act as a calm and accepting pillar of support for Segler units, who often jump at the opportunity to make deliveries down to the mining levels despite their fear of dark and cramped spaces.
As long as it is not to the detriment of efficiency, Seglers are encouraged to spend short periods of time with Mynahs. It has been observed on multiple occasions that Seglers who return from deliveries to Mynahs exhibit improvements to emotional stability for notable periods of time, likely due to favorable discussion and interpersonal connection.
Mynahs and Seglers commonly interact due to the nature of their respective work. Seglers deliver supplies and equipment to replace those used by Mynahs, as they themselves cannot often return to the surface levels of the facility.
Interactions between Star units and Segler units appear to be the most inconsistent among all those discussed here. Analysis of relationship and conflict data indicate that this may be due to Seglers' general distaste for or ignorance of the internal hierarchy that often exists within Star Cadres. Seglers tend to treat each Star equally regardless of their rank, which lowly-ranked Stars find refreshing but highly-ranked Stars see as incredibly infuriating.
Though Seglers lack the combat proficiency and overall physical capability of Stars, this does not stop their competitive nature from occasionally taking over. During their free time, they often seek out Stars to challenge in more trivial contests; this can either build rapport between Seglers and the Cadre or progress too far, creating unnecessary conflict.
Stars and Seglers somewhat commonly interact due to the nature of their respective work. While most repairs and equipment orders are fulfilled by the closest ARAR Cadre, Seglers still make the majority of smaller supply deliveries.
Unfortunately, Storch and Segler units tend to exhibit the most volatile interactions. This is believed to stem from the fact that Storches typically prefer control, organization, and focus, while Segler units generally despise strict rules, professionalism, and structure. Seglers' carefree attitude can drive even the most patient Storches to lose their temper, leading to a slippery slope of argument between the two. Despite Storches possessing a generally physically superior construction and higher level of authority, Segler units are typically not afraid to butt heads with them.
In an effort to avoid unnecessary conflict, any deliveries a Storch wishes to place should be made through a proxy, whether that be a Star within their associated Cadre or a KLBR stationed nearby.
[[Though both units report that they "try not to pick a fight with each other," administrators should be aware of the possibilities and organize jobs to reduce chances for interaction. When it is required, ensure that they are closely monitored to guarantee a professional exchange.]]
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