#Arc: MGA Season 5
moonbokrk · 5 years
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MGA Season 5 - Episode 1 Callback Audition - Interview Mentioned: @ericxrk, @rkyoona, @rkharuto, @yuzurk, @rkxbin and @rkyeji
The adrenaline in his veins is only just beginning to return to its normal levels when Moonbok hears his name again. Automatically, he gets up once more, promising Yoona he’ll be back as quickly as he can before heading to the staff member that’s signalling for him.
For a moment, he’s a little confused, had he done or said something inappropriate while delivering his performance? No, surely they would have stopped him there and then, if that was the case. However, no sooner does the thought cross his mind does he remember what the email said about everyone being interviewed after their performances while the CEOs made their decision and Moonbok mentally kicks himself.
After having his make up very quickly touched up (he’s not even sure if it’s strictly necessary, but he’s not about to argue with the makeup noona), Moonbok yet again finds himself in front of a camera and an interviewer.
He’s forgotten how many times he’s actually done this over the past year.
“Congratulations on making it to this round, Moonbok-ssi. How did you feel when you found you you’d received a call back?
Smiling, Moonbok bows as much as possible in his seat, pushing his hair behind his ears when he straightens up.
“Thank you! And to be honest... I suppose I was relieved. I was confident in myself when I left the initial auditions, but when I got home, my mind started replaying everything I’d done, trying to find mistakes. So I began to doubt myself a little until I found out the news. It was a weight off my shoulders, really!”
In all honesty, he’d have had no idea what he would have done if he hadn’t be called back. It would have been a massive blow to his confidence that he’s only started to rebuild. To not be considered good enough to make it to a callback this year when last year, he’d at least made it to the first live show? The thought alone had caused his migraines to be almost unbearable that week.
“And what did you think when you saw the set? It’s quite different from the one you were performed on last year, isn’t it?”
Moonbok laughs and nods.
“It is! It actually reminds me a bit of Produce 101, with 100 seats all in front of the judges. Though without the ranking numbers and ability to make people get up and take their seats.” At least, he hadn’t seen anyone ordering people to move. But maybe he’d just managed to find a quiet spot.
“You're one of the few people that were in this competition last year. Do you think there will be more expected from all of you compared to the others?”
Woah. Where did that come from?! For a moment, all Moonbok can do is blink in surprise while his mind races to catch up with the question he’d just been asked. Or all the things that could have been in this interview, this was the last thing he would have expected.
“I...guess..?” He begins tentatively, floundering a little.
“I mean, yes, I’m sure more will be expected of us. We will be under a lot more scrutiny; I’m sure people will be wondering why we’ve returned and not been signed in the meantime. So they’re probably expecting us to have improved a lot since last year. Whether they’re expecting us to get far....” he chews his lip a little. Whatever about the others, he’s not sure that people are expecting him to be much different, given what he’d uploaded on YouTube and SoundCloud over the last few months.
He’ll just have to prove them wrong.
“I hope we’ll meet their expectations, whatever they are. No. I hope we’ll exceed them!”
“And how do you think you did?”
Wow, they certainly weren’t taking any prisoners today, were they? This interview made the preliminary one feel like a casual conversation in comparison.
“I think I did alright.” He’s not going to be overly humble, he’s relatively satisfied about how he performed. But he’s not going to brag too much either.
“I know I did better than I did last year. Sure, I could still use improvement; I wish I’d been able to dance to it. But the choreography needs three people to work properly, so I would have done myself no favours if I’d attempted it. But, I’m happy with how I performed; I enjoyed myself and I hope they others enjoyed it too. Of course, it’s really about what the judges thought of it, after all.”
“Were there any performances you enjoyed?”
Once again, Moonbok’s face lights up and he nods eagerly. This was far more comfortable territory, he was always happy to hype up his friends and fellow contestants.
“Yes! I’m gonna have admit that I’m very biased here, but I loved my cousin’s performance. It’s Yoona noona’s first time doing something like this, and I’m proud of her! I could tell she was terrified, but she still got up on stage and performed in front of us all. That took nerve and I’m so happy she was able to do it!”
“Also, I really liked Eric’s performance. I’ll be honest, it kind of shocked me at first though.” He can’t help but laugh at the memory. “For as long as I known him, this kid has been obsessed with girl groups and he’s always given off this cute vibe. So to see him in the outfit he’s wearing and singing a song like Killing Me, I was taken aback. But he killed it! I’m proud of him for doing the rap part too, I know he’s not a rapper, but he did his best, and that’s really what counts.”
“Biased again, but I enjoyed Choi Yena and Seo Changbin’s performances too. They’re two of my closest friends, and I hope I’ll be grouped with them at some stage, if we all make it! Any Yeji-ssi’s dance was mesmerizing, I couldn’t take my eyes off her! But in all honestly, I think everyone gave it their all, which I was happy to see.”
“So, were there any performance that you didn’t like?”
For a moment, he’s silent again, eyebrows furrowed.
“It’s not that I didn’t like it, I actually thought it was pretty cool! But I don’t understand what Haruto-ssi was trying to show us with his performance; especially when it had nothing to do with music. Or maybe I’m just too stupid to figure it out. In any case, I was pretty worried when he fell over, if noona hadn’t stopped me, I would have gone all first-responder on him. But he seems to be alright, so I’m relieved.”
“Who do you think will be eliminated this round?”
‘Watanabe Haruto.’ is the first thought that crosses his mind, and Moonbok hates himself for even thinking it. He hates this question in general, it’s cruel and it’s just proof that, yet again, Mnet is trying to create drama for the sake of drama.
“I don’t know, it could be any of us, couldn’t it? It’ll be the judges who’ll make that decision. I just hope that my friends make it through, they’ve all worked so hard to be here.”
“If you survive this round, is there anything in particular you’d like to showcase in the coming rounds?”
“Probably my dancing.” he replies with a laugh, though he quickly shakes his head. “Ah, don’t get me wrong. Like I said, I’m not a dancer yet. But I’m also not the disaster that caused so much trouble for my Team Dream teammates last year either.”
For a moment there’s a bitter expression on his face, Before the Dawn’s performance playing in his head again, Moonbok still infuriated with the way he’d messed everything up for the others. He quickly schools his expression back into a smile, though.
“Other than that....? Well, I’ve improved as a singer too, so being able to sing would be nice. But I am a rapper, after all. I’d love to be able to perform in something like Monster or District 9, something with a fast-paced rap! It would be a challenge, but I think I can take it!”
“Thank you very much, you may return to your seat.”
“Thank you!”
[Word Count: 1,349]
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the teen show genre is back. that it had announced it’s grand return at such a time of deep uncertainty and unimaginable loss, especially for an entire generation of teenagers, is relief, respite, and a necessary and urgent gain. there is nothing but gratitude for this...for its intended audience and for those of us who will live vicariously through the lives of the kids, for those of us who will watch, and walk with the kids. for someone like me who longs to feel strongly about a story enough to write again.
despite my ‘desperate begging’ for the return of the youth oriented show. i did not picture this. in my defense, i did not know about this story at all. now, when i did learn the gist of the story, i did not expect much. it is, after all, a trope we’ve repeatedly seen in practically every language. in my defense, again, i would have found this show, and watched it anyway, in support of the network, probably be mildly entertained, slightly amused, and successfully distracted. and that would have been enough. i was bound to find this show, though during a deep dive into the youtube rabbit hole, chancing upon a japanese doll and an american cutie, realizing the creative team for this show is that creative team. my favorite creative team. i was sold.
i knew i was going to love this show enough to write. the question is, how? do i live tweet, take notes, and write a post for every episode, or do i live tweet take notes, listen, take notes and write one big post at the end of the series? judging by how much detail i know this team puts into a story in the form of metaphors, seeds, pay offs, connection and clues, clearly obvious in this first episode alone, this calls for an episodic post, for the peace of my own nerdy, detailed obsessed mind.
it is worth repeating that i haven’t read the book. this focuses on the series alone. no references, no comparison to its source material.
and it begins. oddly so.
first, a note on the casting: my attachment to a show is dependent on my attachment to the cast of the show. i spent the weeks and months leading up the pilot episode learning as much as i can about this refreshing cast of newbies. i’d been watching rise since it began, and so it wasn’t difficult to develop a soft spot for the five rise kids who are part of the show. as for the rest of the cast, their interviews and streams are all surprisingly impressive. i always like to say ‘walang patapon sa mga batang ito.’ none at all. they are all so special that i am in awe of how many gifted children are in one batch at one time, in time for a show like this. the teen show slot was vacant because it was waiting for these specific kids. 
everyone who was given moments on this episode made the most of their moments. episode one’s surprises were criza, who is a natural. i am just grateful naih was able to use all of criza’s kulit energy. gelo, i’ve known is funny, but it wasn’t until i saw him in character that i realized just how hysterical he is. i enjoyed his interaction with ysay, i am wondering if there is more of that. v no longer surprises. i find that she is incredibly underrated still. i love that girl. fictional life sometimes clouds my judgement, ever so slightly, but these mean girls, are the mean girls i would cheer for. i’ve just been enjoying the girls’ junket interviews so much that it is also a joy to watch them in character. aimee is spunky, sophie is incredibly poised. khloe is a joy to watch, and ash just fits in, dalia...i have never seen a girl with such strong presence and beauty since hopie. i have never enjoyed watching a local queen bee as much as i feel i would enjoy, and hate to watch kim. dalia is amusing to watch too, so there’s that. joao, you know i have always found reliable and competent. limer, i am just happy an actor like him is in a show as big as this. kaorys is my in on this show. they are favorites. i adore them. she registers well on camera, and rhys is music to my ears, and has such an animated, expressive face. i cannot wait to watch their subplot and write about them in detail. i am attached to these kids. i know they are going to be a joy to watch.
melizza, melizza deserves her own paragraph. i first paid attention to when she was answering those miss universe questions on rise, and my jaw literally dripped at how intelligent she is. that intelligence shines through in her portrayal of elle. she is self-aware, and aware of her co-stars in a scene. she is conscious of where she is in a scene. she does she is a realiable actress in that there is no fear that she will break character it doesn’t have to be her scene, but i cannot help but watch her. she isn’t a scene stealer, but she is always acting, always reacting. she gets the assignment: from speaking french to playing a nuanced mean girl whose meanness, is as she understands and plays elle, stems from fear, from being threatened. i actually love that. there is no real villain in this story, just kids navigating unfamiliar, ugly, strange feelings, with limited ways to express these feelings. melizza gets it. i said i am a melizza fan now. i mean it.
donny and belle individually: i had known of donny, watched him long enough to know him, and who his family is. since he started mostly on social media, this ate didn’t quite get the appeal. no offense, it’s just a generational thing. haha! when he started acting, he was like most greenhorns to me, appeal understandable, charming to an extent, but with still so much to learn. i missed his last acting stint before this show. i did not watch jpd.
belle is a going bulilit alum. that’s all i really need to know to trust the casting. i wasn’t a fan yet. i had no clue about the story so i did not know just how much weight the character carried, but by virtue of the fact that she’s been acting the longest out of the ensemble, i knew she knew what she would be doing. i knew the management knew what they were doing when they casted her. belle as the focal point of the story lends such an air of confidence that the story will be told well and that the necessary intimacies will be handled with care. belle’s ability to transform would make max’s arc effective. i did not watch jpd. i had heard about it.i had heard it was surprise. ‘the ending part...’ it was all too familiar: lizquen, circa 2012, must be love: ‘the ending...’
it was completely blind, complete trust.
their casting made me momentarily forget that there were multiple rounds of auditions, from which the each of the cast were carefully picked. it just seemed so random, that is, in context of say, kaori and rhys that could count kuya’s house as part of their shared history. so much of my acceptance of this new pairing depended on how much i trusted the team, and how i knew they worked. i then consumed any and all donbelle content i could find, which, at that time was painfully lacking. imagine the excitement when that first general assembly officially kicked off the hih junket, from then on, they started to grow on me. 
these are two calm, cool, collected kids, with a kulit side for sure, but they both take their sweet time. there is a formality and wide open space that was begging to be bridged with these two. there were times i would will myself to see it.  theirs isn’t an instant explosion of chemistry, but a sustained afterglow. once that was clear, the goal of sustaining this partnership for however long, how many other stories they can tell together, also became clearer.
it was the tv patrol interview by the lockers that had me sold. it was him joking that they were already married with three kids. it was the way he looked at her in that interview, the way he still does, with donbelle, it’s all the little, quiet things. i don’t know how to explain it, but if they were to jump into the emotional deep end together, i have no fear.
now, back to the beginning which i thought was strange. a recap of what i imagine is the entire first season, artistic as it may be, is one huge spoiler. i realized, this is based on a book. those who’ve read it obviously know what’s going to happen. such opening is meant to set the mood. it’s an invitation to emotionally invest. it’s safe to say, it accomplished those two goals, but i feel as though there is more to that opening. as someone who is clueless about the source material, it reassures that it doesn’t matter what we know, or don’t know, because this is less a story of ‘what?’ and more a story of ‘whys?’ and ‘hows?’this takes me back to the first general assembly when comparisons to the meteor garden, boys over flowers were brought up. i understand the comparisons, but now that the first episode has aired, i feel so strongly against it.  
this introductory montage is proof that it is not about the pieces of the story, but how the pieces are moved around to tell a story, to give us a fresh new perspective of a trope, starring stereotypical characters. the story is told in retrospect, with our lead looking back, taking all the pieces of the whole apart, rather than building the story as she goes along (which is incidentally how i like to take in stories).
the introductory montage is a device that allows a more expanded storytelling. the story is told from max’s point of view. it’s a story of how she sees things, this makes her an unreliable narrator due to her blind spots and clouded judgement. as the story goes along, the audience sees that it is not only max’s story, it is deib’s as well, and the rest of the characters’ stories, max only sees the bigger picture in retrospect. because i am such a nerd, imagine my kilig when i realize why that choice for an opening was made? i may have screamed.
notes, questions, favorite moments.
belle’s ‘sigurado,’ the first 4-5 notes of the hooked sprinkled throughout the episode.
on the road: the transition from max on the trike and deib, in his car rushing through a countryside road, if that was clean editing, i’d celebrate it...that the two people were on the same road at the same time travelling different directions is the most clever storytelling moment thus far. i love when seeds are planted and pay offs are grand. it was hardly a meet cute, but it was some intense head on collision. okay, i got it just then, the accident was a literal representation of their metaphorical colliding. it was a lot of things for her: irritation, wonder, disturbance, fascination, disruption. it was a complicated mix for him too, except clouded by the rush of having to be somewhere else other than that moment. charged. electric. spark. lightning that escaped him. (yup. more on that later).
this encounter begs the question: what was deib doing there? why was he in a rush?
the airport scene: ‘hinihintay ka na ng kapalaran mo.’ a beautiful verbal sign of things to come.
meeting daddy: it’s what uncertainty does to max that i find so disarming her fidgeting the heart shaped pendant close to her chest, summoning said heart for strength, and grace, counting on the assurance of its familiarity.
the car conversation with dad: still disarming. charming. curious. that the necklace from which hangs her heart shaped confidante was actually her dad’s gift to her mom. how heartwarming is the thought that the one thing that makes her feel close to her mom is actually from her dad who she is meeting for what i assume is the first time? i think it’s a beautiful irony.
the dinner table scene. the family dynamic it established. elle’s french, max wrestling with the chopsticks on the side.
sleepless max. her hidden vulnerability, and with whom that vulnerability finds comfort. who is babu?
max’s fist at the school entrance, and elle calling her out on it.
the cafeteria scene, and how that whole moment is the selling point of the story - brave max who does not care for the social rules of her new school standing up to the bully who happens to look the way he does. i won’t say she’s unaffected, but at that point  her view is clouded with the injustice she just witnessed, that is until they recognize each other. as a side note: ysay and lorde’s interaction made me smile.
the aftermath. max has now caught the attention of the whole school, she has caught the attention of the mean girls so much so that walking down the halls is social suicide. when aimee confronted her, (sophie did so well!) my eyes looked for elle’s eyes. there were layers upon layers of emotion there: shame, hesitation, confusion, fear, maybe anger, there was a flash of her wanting to connect too, or did i just imagine it?
the gym scene with all the boys. it’s probably my favorite...not really, but it’s the scene that gave me so much, the scene that proved to me that this is more than just a simple, one dimensional teen show. this one moment spawned so many fan theories online that i have yet to read. it’s interesting when we cross that bridge, but to me for now, it is from this point up to the debate that kind of turned the tables, and gave the story a sudden depth that’s unexpected. it made the audience pay attention to deib as well, that this is as much his story too. and on the aspect of change, in one interview (i can’t remember which one), i remember belle describing max as someone who wants to change the people around her, and through that, she is changed as well. i did not understand what she meant at that time, until this. and the debate.
the debate: i just love the debate, simply because i love words, but long-winded dialogue like that is risky especially on a show like this. i loved it. i loved the rhythm, poetry, and point of it. i love how layered it is. i loved how comfortable was delivering his lines. i did not cringe, which just means he has gotten better at this whole acting thing, and it’s always a joy to watch someone breakthrough. this moment was necessary as a springboard to the next scene, to show that the rivalry isn’t just a physical one, but a rivalry of the minds too. (i enjoyed that that was pointed out in one of the kumu lives)  this is also one of the scenes that proved what the introductory montage was trying to establish: that max is an unreliable narrator, that there are things she doesn’t see. i would say the tables have turned, and it has, but we also discovered that deib has always been the romantic, and max the realist. at that moment we know that max will be changed irrevocably. that ending took the wind out of me. that hurt, but it was thrilling too, made me excited for things to come.
 ‘love is like lightning.’ poor deib doesn’t know he has been struck by lightning, and is prone to the electricity of one. he doesn’t know it yet because of the gray sky gloom of his shattered heart.
the kiss is everything, it was shocking, kilig and all that, but in context of the story, it is more appealing more kilig to think of all the interactions that lead up to that accidental kiss, all the pent up tension in those interactions that is channeled into that meeting of lips. oh gosh! it just occurred to me, this kiss was predicated by such a verbose exchange just to prove a point, to win. it only took this kiss to shut both max and deib up. i would say there are no winners here. they are both losers to love. except. it’s still to early to call it, right?
in terms of the team up: implied as it is, this is what i mean when i say, i am unafraid for these two to go there, when necessary. there is such a safety i sense between donny and belle, in the way they care for each other. it’s beautiful.
to say that this show only promotes bullying to its young, impressionable target demographic, could not be more wrong. this show matters because it gives its characters (who are representative of today’s teen generation), complete arcs, and safe spaces for feelings no matter how ugly they are. it’s a show that allows teens to be teens, allows them to figure things out for themselves, a show that allows them to relate with one another, as they should. and the usual byproduct of emotional teens relating with one another is bullying. it’s not the best thing ever, but it is what it is. see, we can only pray and hope that the kids turn out to be good ones, but to expect kids to be perfect is out of the question. this is a work of fiction, of course there is a tinge of exaggeration. now, if you all are that bothered by the bullying, i hope there are adults watching with you. be kilig. have fun with the show, but always look deeper.
why do you think i needed three re-watches and few days for a post this long?
i am excited for the next episodes.
(if i think to add more, this will be edited).
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yuzurk · 6 years
「 Interview with a Mun 」  ⇢ RK Anniversary Solo ( + 5 SP ! ) ⇢ featuring all muses that Jen has ever had in Rookies
“ Who is ready for things to get buck-wild?! ”
Yuju: hi! this is yuzu and you’re watching choi’s choice! Mun: liiiiieeees Jkook: liar liar panties on fire! Jieun: oh lord- Soyeon: this is madness- why do I have to be here again? Yuju: now now guys! we’re here to interview Jen! Jackson: ohhhh this will be fun! Mun: I’m scared- Yuju: well first of- maybe Jieun eonni should have a go! she was the first, right? Jieun: ye the first and the oldest-  Mun: pfff Jieun: you’re my age! Don’t you dare laugh woman! Mun: I ain’t said nuffin~~~ Jieun: *sigh* anyway! It’s been five years huh? You were in rookies for majority from it’s opening time, no? Mun: you could say that yes. I think I joined sometime.... january 2014? right after the first season of the mgas Jieun: and daehyun’s mun dragged you in Mun: ohhhh yes he did. he tried to make me join even earlier, in december already when it just opened. I’d been complaining to him how bad things were for me in indie rp. I’d never been in a closed directory before at that time and I was kind of scared I’d lose contact to all the folks I was writing with by limiting myself. Jieun: buuuut you found your way in quickly, no? Mun: I guess you could say that xD still kind of funny to me that your first collab partner was a yoongi when I didn’t even rly care bout bts back then.... Jackson: we’re getting off topic! Mun: okay okay yes. sure. I get it. so yeah... Jieun was around for a while... I was very bad at handling multiple muses back then but some folks talked me into bringing jackson to life- well he was Tao on his first run before I decided to change his face when I brought him in during his second run xP Jackson: *sheds manly tears* the abandonment Mun: oh come oooon! you got your happy ending! Jackson: thaaat’s true! even if I had to suffer through a bisexual crisis Jieun & Soyeon: *rolls eyes* Jackson: oh look who’s rolling her eyes there! the girl who took my spot! Soyeon: wanna pick a fight?! Mun: there there kids. no fighting~ Soyeon: tch Jieun: sooooo the little spitfire was your third muse, right? She ultimately won out against Jackson and you brought her in? Mun: yup! She was a pretty consistent muse even if I went through 4 face changes for her orz First Jimin from AOA, then Heeo from 4ten and Chaeyeong from Twice- dunno the order anymore xD I think first Chaeyeong and then Heeo? Either way I settled on Soyeon eventually and was happy with that! She was honestly a pretty controversial muse. I clashed on alot with her but I still love her dearly ♥ Soyeon: tch, so cheesy Mun: you’re still smiling though~ Soyeon: ye ye whatevs Jieun: and for a good span of one- two years you were doing fine, right? Mun: yup! and then rookies allowed folks to have a third muse! I still remember how mira jumped right at me to tell me the news xD she knew how many muses I had swirling around my brain but I wasn’t sure if I could handle another one... JKook: and then there was me! The meme son! Mun: yeah the meme son xD my sweet prodigy photographer~ JKook: heh. kek Yuju: kek Jieun: can you two kids stop with the gamer stuff for just one sec?! Mun: I think it’s funny uwu jeongguk in general was a muse that made me roll on the floor with laughter. I love and adore him for the sole reason he didn’t want to be an idol at all. He was set on photography and had his own issues with his dad. even after I angsted him up (and lowkey gave him a bisexual crisis as well)  JKook: I STILL HATE YOU FOR THAT! Mun: you loooove me! Anyway! I was doing well juggling three muses for a while but then things... changed around me. I was moving on mentally. Last year summer I just felt... dis-attached to everything and everyone. I knew I needed space and time to just... clear my head, move on to new adventures and find myself again. I’d been a personality here for so long with a reputation I felt no longer fitted me. So I did what I had to and I... left ^^; Yuju: And y’stayed away for a whole of 8 months, almost a whole year. So I’m here to ask ya the golden question: why did ya come back? Mun: first of all- the bro-squad chat. I was still kind of in there here and there and one of my ooc friends is in it too so I was never not rly up to date with what was happening? And then I watched pd48 with a friend and it gave me muse for the idol theme again. I had my muse and I just needed a face. I picked Yuju at first but I fell in love with Yena throughout the show and she fits perfectly to my muse. So here I am with this little whirlwind~ back on stage for a good show! Yuju: you got it! Jieun: I’m curious though- Jackson: not just you, Jieun. Jieun: if you could bring one of us back? Would you do it? And who would it be? Mun: Jieun’s arc in rookies is over. Bub you’re happy with your career and your life right now. You function as an npc for Yuju anyway since you guys are cousins. Jackson your arc is over too. You’re happy and big in the model business right now. Jackson: you got it~ Mun: dork xD Soyeon is happy as well. She’s successfully making her degree at university and has been working on building up her own studio to teach kids martial arts. So.... JKook: me? Why- Mun: I feel like I left your story unresolved in many ways. I always had a lot of fun writing for you. If given the chance I’d like to explore it a bit more. Yuju: but for now all yer attention’s on meeee, right?! JKook: YAH! Yuju: >P fyte me! JKook: you wanna go?! Mun: xD the fact I made the two of you best friends might make it difficult for me to play you both out in rookies but I can’t say I wouldn’t like to give it a try ^^ Yuju: so comin’ back here, and considerin’ all that’s happened during the past five years- what would yer final words be to sum up how y’feel bout rookies?! Mun: I’d have to say that it’s been wild, it is wild and it’s going to be wild for many years to come~ I wish people would be less competitive and see the rp for what it is: a place to write creatively together and have fun. buuut that’s just my two grains of salt added to the dish ^^ I’m looking forward to see what kinda stuff the mods will keep throwing at us basically and I hope things will continue on peacefully! Jieun: I guess that concludes the intervie- Yuju: hey hey! My stage! My closing! Jieun: *sighs deeply* JKook: well guess that’s it! BYE! Yuju: YAH!!!
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neo-shitty · 3 years
i was only gone for a while tas pagbalik ko, dami ng updates :">>> i love it heh. pati lmao everytime i open your blog, gif ni haechan lalabas. bet ko to, nakaka good mood todo <33
gusto ko yung "beloved ghost anon 👻🖤" 😩 pero grabe ah, mapa nobela man ean o short read lng, pa amaze ng pa amaze ako sa mga stories mo habang tumatagal 😌 sorry checkmate, 2nd place ka na. DUDE IDK WHY pero never imagined na may makakatalo pa sa checkmate mo pero iba talaga to e (dagdag na this was my request kaya feel na feel dbuh). "when the dust settles and the smoke clears and you get a clear glimpse at the aftermath..." yung paragraph na to, omaygad ang galing mo :">>> like, alam mo ba yung feeling pag dumating yung climax ng movie? ETO EON ETO EONNN MAREEE. LEGIT, when i read this "omg when the dust settles omf omg eto yung title omg" PARANG TANGA AKO 😭🤌🤌🤌 i mean ganon naman talaga ako sa lahat ng mga nagugustuhan kong stories pero uGH. your description and narration sa inner thoughts and feelings ni mc ?? fucking ?? perfect ?? i expected it to be full fluff honestly, kaya nung nakita ko hurt/comfort <//3 */ rineady ung heart. anyways, reading this made me miss the rain :<< i ve always loved the rain. lamig ih , so hot in the pelepens kc ~.~ . and, yung pitter patter sounds, ang comforting sobra aaaa hbu? cold or hot season 🤔
eto na no longer human 😩 lakas ng kutob ko na matatalo nito crimson sa #1 spot. natutuwa talaga ako sa 30k wc, gawin ko ding 30k feedback ko para bumawi 😎 JKJK pero in all honesty, i feel like todo rant den ako dito. i m very nervous bc wala talaga akong mahula sa pwedeng mangyari and at the same time, really really excited sa release neto :>> nakakakaba yung childhood bestfriends to ??? au pero i feel like regardless if magka tuluyan sila or di,, it would nt bother me that much LOLOL even if they become enemies xd i know sabi mo no relation to bsd BUT the bandages ni mc ??? = ?? DAZAI ?? warafark. just reminds me of him hihi.
moving on ! dude, tumblr also broke the tags 🤷 they used to work pretty well but the update happened tas ayorn, hirap na. especially for the rec blogs since basis nila is yung tags ~.~ OHH SAMEE, battle of the bands is the most anticipated event tuwing foundation day. out of the 3 days ng celebration, one of them would end very late at night (10 pm ganon) kasi want nila bonggang bonggang lights, lasers eme eme once the bands start playing. it was fun kaso close na yung food booths after 5 pm kaya gutom kaming lahat :<< oh yeah and all the students would line up and those belonging in the council would inspect bags and ganon in case may nag dala ng ya know. high school lang naman pwede umattend gn botb kaya mabilis lng den yung inspection LOL AND YES,, chika mo lng yan 😎
yupp, everyday was the one about changing bodies. it s fine, thank youu pa denn. i did caught up with sleep but it seemed like you didnt Y^Y or is that 10 pm to 11 am? kasi kung 1 hour lng tulog mo, buti nakakatayo ka pa Y^Y SLEEEPPP. unfortunately, spy x family is far from finished. i feel like matagal tagal pa yun matatapos kasi di masyadong umuurong main plot (yung side arcs are very entertaining naman kaya no loss). pati it has over 55 chapters pa lang pero it s a great manga 🤩 we stan port mafia😔🙌 lol the mc in deranged detective does act like ranpo with the 'choosing only the cases that interests me'. nakapag pahinga naman ako in between, thanks! how s your week :3 (how s the beach 👀)
ALSO, i used to think that haechan was the left guy looking straight at the camera in the banner of your what if we stay fic LOL and thought the one holding the guitar was another nct member... omg.. in my defense, this was before i started stanning nct. i just looked through all your masterlists and saw that LMAO we also do that a lot at school, eating in class HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA it was kinda sad na bigla biglaan na lang canceled whole sy that time because of the pandemic :// i thought bibigyan lang kami short break tas babalik na tas biglang poooffff :<< pero dapat lang kasi deliks tlguhh. your fortunate enough not the get caught by the teacher Y^Y a row na dapat sampo lang pero biglaan naging 13 would be very noticeable HAHAHFJHASDFJHJDFHS
HAHAHAHHDSHDHDHA i actually stalked op in the famous twt post going around in tumblr. the one with the pretending to be clueless to promote voting. LMFAO the user doesnt know that they got really really sikat sa tumblr Y^Y AY PATI OMG yung performance nila sa AAA aaaaa. dude the last time they performed at an award show (forgot the name) they showed scissors which is a song na hindi pa released before. tas bagong kanta na naman yung pinakita nila. we stan 😌🙌 AND really happy they got a daesang, dasurv nila eon. plus, doyoung and nct 127 got focus award and album of the year. I DIDNT KNOW HE ACTED DAMN. dasurv then hihi. all in all, a good day for both them and the fans <33
i havent read star lost yet :"<< but i will later. sama ko na den reread ng gladius para may recap 😎 very happy that gm got a sequel aaaaa. kinig na den star lost before reading para feel na feel. AND , another minho fic coming up 🤨 will. patiently. wait. 😩
also for the ask game, 5 and 89 ?? spoti said i spent exactly 158,007 minutes listening 👁👄👁 should i be scared? LMAO 😭😭😭 629 repeats of grow up plus in the top 0.005% listeners of skz. i should chill for a bit. ALOS GOOD NIGHTTT
- 👻
gandang bungad, lee haechan agad! (also i can’t shrink the font rn, i think it’s because of the photos .__. so sorry in advance!!)
"sorry checkmate, 2nd place ka na” NAUUUR kawawang checkmate HAHAH i think you liked this better kasi request. am so happy i got to write this for you, and i’m glad you liked it :(( cute mong mahype sa fic HAHAHA T_T i came up with those when the dust settles metaphors while cleaning last week AHAHA tapos kaya sobrang realistic kasi based on experience *tumambling* GHOST ANON NAGMURA *GASPS* it was either this or a breakup au, bestie. at least may konting fluff pa dito T_T it’s been raining a lot here, hindi ba maulan diyan? there are times na natatakot ako sa sound ng rain (bagyo trauma tingz) but yes there are times na comforting :(( and definitely cold season!!
YUNG 30K FEEDBACK HAHAHHA OH NO T__T no longer human is literally just your typical zombie apocalypse au ganorn. i think to work more on establishing jaemin and mc’s relationship kasi may mas pinag-effortan pa kong side character kaysa sa bida mismo ;n; HAHAHAHA MOOD YUNG DAZAI. same tots nung nireread ko na siya. dagdag pa na no longer human yung title. 
battle of the bands happy place olweys hihi dapat advance kayo bibili ng food or magdadala ganon? oh ine-inspect for liquor? LMAOOO sa’min council pa pasimuno T_T jail y’all, j a i l. and the chika HAHA back nung 2019 i had this fling that i really liked. pero siguro kaya hyped lang ako sa kanya kasi it’s not every time na i meet someone who meets my standards? (di ako nagmamaganda which is a problem, i just have a very strict vibe check???) tapos (yall i’m having flashbacks, could be fic inspo) we fell apart. char lang, he ghosted me. tapos i was bitter for a few months pero eventually naging casual ganon since he still reached out and i pretended that what we had didn’t matter as much as it actually did. nung nagfoundation days, he was invited by my classmate (*coughs* wingman) who was competing. since he didn’t know anyone else, i ended up accompanying him throughout the show. that day, i wasn’t expecting that he’d show up but...he did. LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED PRIOR TO THIS I KEPT TWEETING NA BOTB DATE WHERE. pero anw, we watched the performance from the back. i told him na a spot for him was reserved malapit sa front bc he was 1) invited, and 2) i had council privileges but we stayed at the back. and...in the show, huling sandali was performed and it just hit different bc months before that i got to watch december avenue fresh out the ghosting and nearly teared up hearing the song live LMAO and watching it with him felt... like closure? later that night he tweeted smth about closure THAT I DIDNT GET TO SCREENSHOT but i liked it and i agreed. it felt like that. a silent closure for something that didn’t have a label. feryodt. if you want to read more on this, stone cold sober & chasing daydreams were for him and i just rewrote them to fit hyunjin HAHAHAH
anywaaaays i’ve been napping a lot after eating breakfast so mej bumabawi. bummer nga lang na nacucut yung tulog ganon. i sleep my regular 6 hour thing naman, i just sleep in between the day to catch up with the remaining 2? 
HELP MEEEEE why is that story so long T_T grabe yung hindi umuurong yung main plot. buti di nawawalan ng inspo yung writer HAHAH i think ranpo stans would like deranged detective. the beach was okay. i expected better but we can’t have better unless island beaches. sleeping somewhere else na di bahay ko after a year was great tho. I SLEPT AT 11. which is impossible kung dito lang sa bahay. the change of scenery helped me write the outline of roger rabbit (minho fic hihi) how was YOUR week? 
we all get confused with members before stanning. i used to think bang chan and changbin were the same person T_T damn i miss my friends HAHAH most of my high school fics is just me venting. and same. we really thought na isang week lang yung suspension HAHAH before we knew it months na akong nakakulong sa bahay ??? i think teachers barely paid attention to us kasi madaldal yung front row people HAHAH
HAHAHAH thoughts on the twt post? i haven’t watched the performance yet oml but i watched the vlive and AAAAA kakaproud talaga :((( they’ve come this far na. yeah doyoung does plays and acted in a drama (which i havent watched yet) YK I THINK THE NCT MEMBERS WILL ALL GET ACTING CAREERS SOMEDAY. 
good luck with reading star lost! i initially hated it but the writing’s okay naman pala :(( it was just a random idea and i’m glad i got to write it down. AND YES PLEASE LISTEN TO THE SONG WHILE READING AAAAA roger rabbit will be posted idk pa kasi no longer human muna tapos roger rabbit T_T i hope you’re still around by then T_T
here are the quotes for the ask game tho, first is sad beautiful tragic by tayswift and dive into you by nct dream. HELP MEEEE i only had 50k minutes and yours is triple T_T but then again, ganyan din ako nung hs HAHAHAH help me thats so close to the top for skz listeners .____. scary
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
4R’s: Encantadia Season 2 (May 5, 2017 week-ender episode review)
Episode 208
The babaylans tended to Ariana’s wounds. Ybrahim was still puzzled over Ariana’s claims that Amihan is inside her body, Pao Pao strongly believes that Ariana was telling the truth. But Ybrahim chose not to believe it for there is only one Amihan, and if there is anything he’s hoping and waiting for that is for the real Amihan, his true love and his daughter to return.
A mother’s love
Being outnumbered and Mine-a choosing to attain a second death, Hagorn escaped. Mine-a already recognized her daughters and apologized for what happened. Pirena also grabbed the opportunity to close whatever conflict she and her mother had back then. Mine-a has already forgiven her and told her how much she loves her. Danaya extended her regards to Amihan in Devas but Mine-a revealed that Amihan is not there anymore and promised that the four of them will be reunited once again. Mine-a’s cursed ivtre vanished, but left behind a plant, which Imaw perceived as a symbol of Mine-a’s love for her daughters. The sisters decided to plant the tree and blessed it.
The Curse of Being A Sang’gre
Muros and Hitano came shortly after and informed about the deaths and the wounded soldiers including Aquil, Danaya was initially worried but was relieved when Hitano assured her that Aquil was only injured. Danaya immediately left, leaving Pirena stating how being a sang’gre is a curse, they are bound to do their duties first than following their hearts, Alena wondered if they too are going to end up like Mine-a, unfortunate when it comes to love. Danaya visited Aquil and used the earth gem to heal his wounds, Danaya admitted that she can tolerate not being with him as long as he stays alive and kissed him.
The Return of the Heiresses
Arde went to the room where Lira and Mira’s bodies were being kept, being the god of Balaak, he has the power to resurrect the dead. This was the very reason why Lira and Mira were brought back to life, the two were puzzled at first and were clueless as to who the creature was in front of them, but after hearing him speak, Lira recognized her—it was Arde. Before the two could escape, Arde captured them and brought them to Hagorn’s camp. Meanwhile, Juvila decided to retreat in battle after finding out that Hagorn was no longer in Lireo. Hagorn showed up, Asval searched for Andora but Hagorn revealed that the other Mashna was captured and is now imprisoned in Lireo, Asval initially wanted to help her but Hagorn stopped him for Arde brought them “gifts” that would be very useful to them.
Pirena visited Lira and Mira only to find out that their bodies were missing, even the guards were clueless. Pirena immediately went to Ybrahim and informed what happened to their daughters, they consulted Imaw’s cane and were surprised to find out that Lira and Mira has returned and were very much alive but was abducted by a creature who turned out to be Arde. Pirena and Ybrahim who were very eager to be with their daughters made an impulsive decision to attack Hagorn’s camp where Arde probably brought the diwanis. Alena stopped them and stressed that they should talk this over and come up with a plan if they don’t want to lose their children once again. Danaya was happy for Pirena and Ybrahim after finding out about Lira and Mira, however, she agreed to Alena’s suggestion. After all Hagorn will be the one to come to Lireo and make bargain, Imaw also took their side leaving Pirena and Ybrahim no choice but to follow them.
Lira and Mira were brought to Hagorn’s camp where they met Ether, Juvila, Hagorn and Asval. Lira was enraged after seeing her and Mira’s murderer but was chided by Hagorn and warned her to stop. Hagorn ordered to look for Deshna but the soldier told him that Deshna has already escaped, Lira laughed at Hagorn’s face for even his own daughter has ran away from him.
Deshna made it back it to Lireo and reunite with her friends, Pao Pao was puzzled as to how Deshna was able to get away and asked if Hagorn told her to go to Lireo.
💜💗 THE COMEBACK IS REAL! Super twiiiins! I thought they’re going to save that scene for next week but they gave it to us tonight and I couldn’t be more happier right now. Question though, if Arde “dies” in that battle against Emre and Cassy, it is possible that Lira and Mira will die again as well right? What do you think? But anyhoo, glad that the bessies are back again and I hope these two stay until the finale of the show, I would want to see Mine-a finally meeting her granddaughters though, that would have been sweet. Na-miss ko ‘yung mga banat in Lira tbh, I really enjoyed the episode tonight, great job team! And it’s good that you brought them back.
💛Ugh! My DanQuil heart, no words, my heart will always bleed for you the same way my heart is still bleeding for YA 😭
💎Aside from Lira and Mira’s return, I think one of the best scenes in this episode was that scene between Mine-a and her daughters. That brought closure especially to Pirena and Mine-a’s conflict back then, anyhoo, that scene brought tears on my eyes. Mother’s love at it’s finest. Also holding on to that hint of Kylie, the real Amihan to return to the show, pleeeeease! Make this happen! I don’t want a sarkosi, I want the REAL one.
😈TORTURE ANDORA TO DEATH! That’s what I want, oh wait, that’s rated SPG, but who cares?! They should make her pay. 
💚Ugh, Alena what will your sister do without you? Love the dynamics of Pirena and Alena’s contrasting personalities. Alena dousing off Pirena’s fiery personality and not to mention the mediator of the three. She’s more mature and is making more sense than her older sister. If there’s anything to rave about this season, it’s Alena’s characterization (except for her concept of first love never dies, she gotta move on ya know).
🤔But what I don’t understand is that why didn’t Mine-a just tell them straight that Amihan has returned and is inside Ariana’s body?
🤔I’m sorry but I still don’t see the whole point of killing Lira and Mira if they’re going to be resurrected and be used against the diwatas to gain the gems. It seemed like the super twins’ deaths were like a trial and error to see how their ratings will go without them. Like seriously? Like I said before this killing and resurrecting thing is sooooo overused since book 1. Just how many times does Lira have to die?
Best performer/s for this episode: Mikee Quintos ⚡️ Kate Valdez 💥 Sanya Lopez 🍃 Gabbi Garcia 🌊
Rating: 9 out of 10💎s  
Week-ender thoughts: It is clear to me now that Marian’s return is just an arc filler, as much as I hate to admit it, it is. I seriously think that if they are going to device a plot for Lira and Mira’s character developments and deaths, then they should have given the Mine-a’s return subplot to Lira and Mira. Kidnap the two, brainwash them and turn them against their parents, that would have been more painful for Pirena and Ybrahim. And maybe insert a character development for Ariana for her to remember who she really is in her past life, or give the new guardians mission to save the super twins? Then it’s going to be either the super twins are going to do the same thing as what Mine-a did and sacrifice themselves in the end and continue Lira and Mira’s adventures in the afterlife, maybe reunite with Kahlil and help him free the imprisoned ivtres in Devas, or heck maybe help Emre and Cassy with their ridiculously stupid quest to find Haliyah’s stupid weapon. Or simply, just let Lira and Mira find their way to be free from Ether’s spell and return to team Lireo. Anything but the die-and-live-again pattern. Their story reminds me of Son Goku where he died a couple of times and returned a couple of times. 🙄
The de-jar’s purpose was to make Emre and Cassy’s travel to Devas faster and that was just about it, if the weapon is oh-so-powerful, then Emre shouldn’t have returned it to Haliyah yet. The moment they set foot on Devas he and Cassy should have searched for the antidote first, fight Ether’s forces using the de-jar, and return it to Haliyah and listen to her who-knows-how-many-years-old heartbreak story. The sequence of the episodes this week is kind of confusing like, why the hell would Emre and Cassiopeia return to Encantadia and return the weapon to Haliyah when they already made it to Devas?
Overall best performer/s this week: Marian Rivera 👸🏻 Sanya Lopez 🍃 Gabbi Garcia 🌊
Overall rating: 7 out of 10 💎s
Credits to: GMA network via YouTube and Dailymotion @GMAEncantadia (Encantadia’s Official Twitter account) @GMANetwork (GMA’s Official Twitter account) @GMADrama (GMA Primetime series’ Official Twitter account) Encantadia 2016 (Official Facebook page) www.encantadia.com.ph (Encantadia’s Official Website)
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djbugi-blog · 6 years
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honoredsage · 7 years
Top 5 heartbreaks ko.
Sa basketball.
Compilation ng mga heartbreaks ko as a fan ng basketball. Naisip kong gawin to kasi natalo ang Gilas 2 days ago sa SoKor, in a really humiliating way.
5. 2007 PBA Fiesta Conference Finals Game 7 (Talk ‘N Text Phone Pals vs Alaska Aces) – Throwback tayo ng elementary days ko. Grade 5 ata ako neto. Sobrang hyped ako neto kasi game 7 ng finals, at sobrang nagagalingan ako nun kay Mac “Captain Hook” Cardona. Kaya actually isa ang hook shot sa natutunan kong tira sa basketball kasi sya best player ng TnT nun (kahit actually naman, karamihan ng shots nya ay tear drop). Eto rin ang una kong tanda na Game 7 sa alaala ko. Masakit to kasi tanda ko lagi na ang projection ay every time na makaka-30 points si Cardona, mananalo TnT. Down by 3 ang TnT, possession nila. Kahit elementary pa lang ako, tandang-tanda ko nangyari. Inbounds pass, ang gusto ko actually makakuha ng bola ay si Cardona, or at least si Alapag, pero yung import namin ang sumalo, si Sullinger. Sablay 3 points nya. Champion ang Alaska. Points ni Cardona nun? 29. Baka may naiba kung naka-30 points sya nun.
4. 2014 NBA Playoffs – First Round (Houston Rockets vs Portland Trailblazers) – 3 teams ang sobrang fan ako, Gilas Pilipinas, TnT Katropa, at Houston Rockets. Medyo in-order din yan. Syempre pinaka-last yung Rockets kasi mga 2009 ata or 2008 lang ako naging fan nila at mga 2012 ata or 2013 na lang ako sumubaybay. Pero iba tong playoffs na to kasi nasa US kami nun. Ibig sabihin, makakapanood ako ng live ng playoffs. At since laging improving ang Rockets nun since dumating si Harden nung 2012, sobrang hopeful ako. Portland kalaban nila nun. Game 6. Lahat ng games nila ay competitive. 3-2 ang series, lamang Portland. So win or go home ang Rockets. Sobrang dikit ng Game 6 at tuwang tuwa ako nung naka-score si Parsons sa Rockets to give a 2 pt lead. Kaso napansin ko may 0.9 second pa, so di pa ako maka-celebrate fully. Possession ng Portland. Na-inbound kay Lillard. Nasa labas sya ng three point arc. Pumasok. Sobrang sakit nun kasi isa yun sa mga season na sobrang natutukan ko ang Rockets, pero di ko naman inaasahan pati yung masakit nilang pagkatalo ng ganun, matututukan ko rin.
3. 2017 FIBA Asia Cup Quarterfinals (Gilas Pilipinas vs South Korea) – Eto pinaka-recent, 2 days ago lang. Sumubaybay na ako sa Gilas Pilipinas ng mga 2012. Jones Cup actually, nung nanalo sila against US. Napaisip tuloy ako kung bakit pinaka-recent ako naging fan, ng national team pa. Ang sagot ay nung elementary, PBA lang focus ko nun, at sa naaalala ko, Grade 4 or 5 na ako medyo tumutok talaga sa TnT. Highschool naman, medyo lie low ako sa pagiging fan ng basketball. So 2012 ay 4th yr HS na ako nun. At sa span ng pagiging fan ko, nakita ko ang steady improvement ng Gilas. Sa 2013 at 2015 FIBA Asia Championships, parehong 2nd place ang Gilas at tinalo nila nun ang SoKor at Iran, respectively dun. At, coming in sa QFs na ito, natalo na rin ng Gilas ang China, which is a big, big upset. Considering na wala si Blatche na import at injured si Fajardo, Filipino fans were in a euphoria. Na-sweep na rin ng Gilas ang bracket nila. Parang for Gilas, there is no way to go but up. Then QFs came. Gilas lost by 32 points to SoKor. Idagdag mo pa na sa last 10 outings ng Gilas against SoKor, 9 dun talo Gilas. Pero based sa research ko, eto lang ang total landslide. Unlike sa ibang losses ng Gilas sa Korea na masakit kasi close games lahat (or at least competitive), masakit to kasi sobrang unexpected. Losing like that to our so-called rivals was painful. Napahiya Pilipinas eh. Eto yung type na ang saya tapos biglang boom, lungkot. Gilas played at their worst in the worst possible time, with SoKor playing their best. It was a tragic ending on what was supposed to be a fairy tale to Gilas.
2. 2012 PBA Commissioners’ Cup Finals Game 7 (Talk ‘N Text Tropang Texters vs B-Meg Llamados) – Eto lang ang nagpaiyak sakin haha. Nagbalik loob ako as a solid fan ng PBA (and syempre TnT) nung 2012. Nagsimula to nung sa previous conference, All Filipino, bumawi ang TnT down 3-1 nung semis against Petron tapos sila nag-champion sa Finals against Powerade, 4-1. Nagtitingin-tingin ako sa net nung mga panahon na lie low ako as a fan para at least may balita ako sa TnT. At unfortunately, kung kelan ako naglie-low, dun sunod-sunod championships ng TnT. Tanda ko nung nabasa ko na nakuha ng TnT si Kelly Williams, Ryan Reyes saka Fonacier nabigla ako kasi alam kong ang lalakas nun. Pero feeling ko kasi ang busy ko nung high school kaya wala ako time manuod. Pero ayun, balik loob na nga. Game 7. All-or-nothing. Nasubaybayan ko lahat (or halos lahat) ng games ng TnT that conference. Sobrang hyped na ako neto. Last second ng game, lamang ng dalawa ang TnT. Tumira si James Yap, sablay. Gets his own rebound. Passes it to Bowles. Misses. TALK ‘N TEXT WINS -pati yung commentator na-iannounce na nanalo na TnT. KASO HINDI PA. MAY FOULD NA TINAWAG KAY WILLIAMS DUN SA TIRA NI BOWLES. WTH. Ayun, pasok 2 free throws ni Bowles. Overtime. Nanalo B-Meg. Soooobrang sakit neto kasi di talaga dapat tinawag yung foul na yun. Pramis. Literal na game-changing call on what should’ve been a game decided by the players. Inisip ko nun na kung kelan ako nagbalik loob manuod, saka natalo. Sakit pre. Di pa nakatulong na after the game, tumawag pa yung tito ko ata or tita, na medyo nang-asar pa. Napaiyak si acoe.
1. 2015 FIBA Asia Championship Finals (Gilas Pilipinas vs China) – Masakit talaga to. Eto kasi yung game na parang epitome na ang gusto mo lang ay chance, pero maski man lang yun hindi man lang ibigay kahit ginawa mo na ang lahat. Coming to the game, nasa high din ang mga fans kasi natalo ng Gilas ang Iran sa grup nila, na tinalo ang Gilas nung last FIBA Asia nung 2013 sa finals. Hype din kasi ang kalaban pa is China, home crowd. Pero before the game pa lang, may “cooking” na nangyayari na. Late ang bus driver ng Gilas, di agad nabigyan ng ticket yung ibang staff, at nung magsho-shooting na ang Gilas, biglang pinalitan yung net. Then the game played. Yung mga tawag ng referee sobrang pabor sa China. Syempre biased ako pero ang daming judgement calls na favored sa China. Natapos ang game na lamang ng 11 ang China. Masakit at nakakagalit sya kasi what Gilas and its fans wanted was a chance. And Gilas earned that chance. Alam naman kasi na malakas ang China. And if Gilas were to lose, it would want to lose to China fair and square, walang kaso. Ang problema, you saw how Gilas players’ sacrificed their bodies and put in all what they can para manalo, tapos ganun ang gagawin. Di ka lang masasaktan as a fan nung team, pero pati yung sakit na naramdaman ng mga players emotionally after the game, ramdam mo. Sobrang sakit. Masakit talaga. Tanda ko pa kasi October to at malapit na birthday ko, sabi ko sa parents ko na kung kakain kami sa labas, wag sa Chinese resto. Hindi dahil racist ako, pero maaalala ko lang kasi yung nangyari sa game haha.
Ayun, sulit naman maging fan kahit ganyan. Marami rin heart winning moments.
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moonbokrk · 5 years
odd soc on tour
Whenever he thinks back to his first meeting with Changbin, Moonbok still wants to crawl into a hole and die with embarrassment. At least what had started a rescue mission of him from Seulgi and Jiwon had turned to a genuine friendship and resulted in Moonbok eventually joining the odd society crew.
He hadn’t actually told Changbin that he was entering the MGAs again (not that he had told anyone), so when he spies him at the callback, Moonbok can feel him flushing to the roots of his newly dyed hair. Still, he approaches the other with a laugh.
“I didn’t realize odd soc had decided to go on tour. We should have entered as a group~” he teases, also noticing Chan and Yeosang amongst the crowd. Laughing gently, he tilts his head at his friend and crew leader.
“You think we’ll be losing members this time around, or...?” he probes gently, gut twisting slightly the thought. Sure, he wants to get as far as possible, but the crew had gone through so many member shake-ups in the last year that Moonbok couldn’t help but worry about its survival, given that all four of them had made it to the callbacks.
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moonbokrk · 5 years
FULL NAME: Jang, Moonbok BIRTHDATE: 95 - 08 - 03  GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 167cm WEIGHT: 50kg BIRTHPLACE: Incheon, South Korea CITY OF RESIDENCE: Yongsang-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Contestant on MGAs Season 4
Active Youtube cover channel
(Former) Member of the Juan Presbyterian Church’s choir
Participant in TRC’s Triple Threat Challenge 2
Student of Musical Theory and Composition at SNU
Dance classes at the Jung Community Center
Jang Yeonseok; Father; 49 - Pediatrician; head of pediatrics at Inha University Hospital
Kim Minyung; Mother; 47 - Ophthalmologist
Choi Jimin, Maternal Grandmother;  71 - Retired Nurse; Defector from the North
Jang Chaewon, Sister; 17 - High School Senior
Jang Yoonsung, Paternal Grandfather; 75 - Retired surgeon; Co-Founder of Yeungnam Medical Center
Jang Minseok, Paternal Uncle, 51 - High Court Judge
Advanced English
Advanced CPR and First Aid training
Song writing
Nicki Minaj
Super Junior
2ND DREAM COMPANY: KT Entertainment
(✗)  Move the symbol between the parentheses if you agree to the terms listed by the audition guidelines and also agree to be present during the official dates of the MGAs Season 5.
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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Date: 14th June 2019 Location: Seoul Arts High School, Jogno-gu Song used: FACE by NU’EST (00:12-01:02) Updated outfit: x
                                     ~Second Skill: SINGING and Departure~
Last year, he’d used his 20 minute break to nap, remembering how much he’d tossed and turned the night before. This time he intends to use it to freshen up a little. 
Ducking into the bathroom once he’d been dismissed from the interview room, Moonbok shuts himself into a stall and pulls a fresh shirt out of his bag. The temperatures had been rising steadily throughout the day and even in spite of the air conditioning, he knows that his current shirt is all but sticking to him. Gross.
He’s seriously gonna to have to complain about false advertising when it comes to deodorants. 24hr protection? They must be using a different clock to him. Pulling his shirt over his head, Moonbok quickly wipes himself down with a body wipe, stopping at the tattoo on his lower right torso briefly. Sometimes he was still stunned that it was there, even though he’d had it about two years by now. Smiling a little, he replaces his shirt with the clean one and pulls his hair (yet again) out of its braid, simply content to tie it back into a wavy ponytail for this last section. Exiting the bathroom, he makes his way back to the audition hall, nibbling on a cereal bar.
Almost home free.
Taking a seat outside the room once more, Moonbok scrolls idly through his phone for a good song. He’d had a slightly hard time in choosing what song he’d like to preform, having hovered between four in particular since the auditions had been announced. Singing under his breath, he tests his two absolute favourites of the four he’d chosen. It was pain to have to settle with one of them, when both resounded with him so much. But it's not as though he could simply mash them together. Though, technically, it would be showing how he could improvise creatively, wouldn’t it?
The risk of screwing it up is too high for Moonbok to be able to stomach, however. Mnet had already broadcast two of his spectacular failures to the whole nation, he doesn’t want to give them a third chance.
“Jang Moonbok?”
Well, it’s now or never, isn’t it? Getting up and returning to the audition room once more, Moonbok’s mind works at a mile a minute and he eventually comes to a decision he hopes is the right one as he’s stands in front of the judges once more.
“Hello again. For my improv skill, I’ll be singing FACE by NU’EST.”
This is a little more difficult without music, but it is an improv skill, after all. Hence why Moonbok had made the choice to forgo any backing track for this last round. Taking a breath in, he slowly exhaled and began.
You’re in my way stupid, what are you saying? The insides of your head is so light that your words are like feathers In this small, palm-sized place You search for the Himalayas but I’m different
He’s different, alright. Different from the rest of the family who were so involved with helping to make South Korea’s judicial and health systems what they are today. Now that’s publicly admitted who is family are, Moonbok knows there’ll be nothing but scrutiny, assumptions and comparisons directed towards him if he gets through.
He’s also reminded of himself from a year ago, a cocky brat who waltzed around after getting past the initial auditions only to get a slap in the face from reality soon after. He hopes the inside of his head is a better and more adjusted place now, even with everything he’s been through.
Hey, you’re gonna get hurt, move, you’re gonna get hurt Sometimes being too courageous is a problem Shout out, shout out to ask to save you If not, from now on, watch closely
He has to remind himself to take it slow this year. That even if he makes it past the first round, he can’t rest easy. There’s a fine line between being brave and being cocky, and Moonbok has no wish to be on the wrong side of it again. AT the same time, he knows that even though this is a competition, he should rely on his teammates and accept any help they give him, instead of turning it down under a misguided belief that he was being a burden to them.
He would do them all a greater disservice if he simply tried to plough on by himself to save his pride again this year.
The bursting out jackpot! No matter what anyone say, so what? This is the difference between me and you The bursting out jackpot! Till we finish, we can’t stop You always find out that it hurts after it shatters That’s what you’re only at that spot
It’s a hard lesson that Moonbok is still learning. That he will have to fail, multiple times before he can achieve his dream. The past year has shown him that. And he won’t lie, the sting of disappointment never gets any easier to deal with. It’s just that he knows that dwelling on the ‘what-ifs’ and ‘could have beens’ will only make the failure even more painful and harder to overcome.
So he just has to keep going until he gets his jackpot, move forward without stopping, no matter what was waiting for him. He won’t be like the others who’ve been forced to abandon their dream after too many failures, not if he can help it.
Coming to the end of the song, Moonbok pauses for a brief moment before bowing once more, not letting the relief show on his face. It had been a long day; just as long as it had been last year, but different. 
“Thank you for listening to me once more. It was a pleasure to perform for you all.”
Handing back his nametag once more, Moonbok exits the school and for a moment, he’s slightly dumbfounded and unsure what to do next.
This year’s audition had played out so similarly to last year’s that it was slightly unsettling. Admittedly, Moonbok didn’t have the negative emotional reactions he’d had back then, and his performances felt more mature than they done a year ago. Maybe he’s simply overthinking things again, but a nervous feeling begins to brew in the pit of his stomach.
Shaking his head hard, enough to smack himself in the face with his ponytail, Moonbok decides not to dwell too much on it. He’s done all he can do, done his very best; it’s up to the judges from here on out. 
Without a backward glance at the school, Moonbok heads towards the nearest subway station, a smile on his face despite the exhaustion. He truly hadn’t been lying when he’d told Youngjae that he’d planned to visit his family this weekend. He hasn’t actually spent time at the family home since he moved to Seoul six months ago, and while meeting his family in the city was nice, it was not the same as being in the same home as them, sharing meals together or having petty squabbles over the silliest thing.
He missed it. He missed them. And if that one good thing came from the audition is that he’ll be back with his family again, if only for the weekend, then Moonbok is satisfied.
[Word count without lyrics: 1.106] Lyrics credit: x
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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Date: June 14th 2019 Location: Seoul Arts High School
                            ~Special Skill Demonstrations - HAIR BRAIDING~
When Moonbok announces that his special skill will be braiding his hair, he can’t help but laugh at the confused expression on the interviewer’s face. Granted, to some it wouldn’t even count as a skill, let alone a special one; but given some of the suggestions that had been on the application form, Moonbok had decided that this would have to suffice.
He would have dearly loved to do another first aid demonstration, but his full kit was back home in Incheon and trying to get it to Seoul would have meant that he’d have to explain to his parents what he needed it for, and Moonbok was determined to keep this audition as secret as possible. Plus, he was still aggrieved that Mnet hadn’t seen fit to air his CPR presentation last year. While part of him could understand why (it would just be troublesome to only show a clip of it on national TV and give the audience an incomplete view of such a serious action), the other part of him was still sulking. His demonstration was cool, dammit!
But, back to the present.
Pulling his hair out of the braid he’d put it in this morning, he smiles at the interviewer who is still looking for an explanation about his choice of talent. Quickly darting to his bag to pull out a brush and pull it through his hair, Moonbok returns to his seat, but sits at a 3/4 angle, with most of his head facing the camera.
“I know what you must be thinking. ‘How is braiding your hair a skill, let alone a special skill?’ Well, this is the special part! I’m gonna do it without any help from a mirror and with my eyes closed.” He grins a little sheepishly. “Let’s hope it works out as well as it did last night.”
His hair is wavy due to the fact he’d had it in a braid already this morning, which makes things a little more difficult than when it is completely straight. But Moonbok isn’t too concerned, simply fixing his hair tie as close to the top of his right hand as possible without it interfering it what he's about to do. Quickly sectioning his hair into three equal bunches, at least as equal as he can get them without being able to see what he’s doing, Moonbok shuts his eyes and begins.
It’s a little on slow side as he carefully weaves his hair back into a braid, occasionally having to pause and use his fingers to feel how he is progressing and to gently tug the braid back into the center of his head if it began to veer too far in either direction. And yet, he chatters throughout his demonstration, as though he wasn’t voluntarily blinded and doing his hair in front of a camera.
“I never used to be able to braid my own hair, you know? I had to get my mom or my little sister to do it for me. It must have looked so crazy to an outsider! But when I moved to Seoul, I had to figure it out myself. I mean, ponytails are good and all, but if it’s windy, your hair is still gonna get tangled and messy. At least in a braid, it stays mostly neat! I don’t know why I decided to try and learn how to braid without be able to see what I was doing... I was probably avoiding an assignment or something, to be honest. But I’m glad I did, it makes it a lot easier to do my hair if I’m running late in the morning.”
As he speaks, he words his way steadily down his hair until he can braid no further. Gripping the unbraided tail end of his hair, Moonbok works the hair tie from his hand into his fingers. Then, with the tip of his tongue poking out in concentration, he carefully ties off the braid. Once he’s done, he runs a hand down the length of it before calling out a triumphant ‘Jjajan~” he turns around fully in his seat to let the camera get a good look at his work. It’s not as neat as it had been when he’d braided it earlier that morning, but a braid is a braid. Opening his eyes and turning to face the camera again, Moonbok gives it and the bemused interviewer a sunny smile.
“Like I said, compared to what other people are probably doing, it’s not very special, is it? But it’s a talent of mine anyways, I hope you found it entertaining, at least!”
[Word Count: 770]
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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Date: June 14th, 2019 Location: Seoul Arts High School
Again, he’s following the same pattern he followed this time last year, but there’s a different nervousness in his stomach. Moonbok is painfully aware of how he made direct references to his family and their occupations in his application. Last year he’d been deliberately vague about his father and hadn’t even mentioned his uncle or grandfather, not wanting to been seen as trying to get an advantage over everyone else. But having watched other contestants speak of their connections made him realize that people will use anything they can to get ahead and him being too humble will only get him left in the dirt again.
He’s also nervous about being asked about his maternal grandmother and his heritage. While he adores her with all his heart and he’s proud to be half North Korean, he fears what reaction he may get if this fact is aired. He knows that defectors can be viewed with suspicion and be discriminated against, and while his grandmother is well respected for her work as a nurse, Moonbok doesn’t want her or the rest of his family to be viewed badly over something none of them could ever help. Hopefully the interviewer will be more interested on why he’s making a second attempt at the MGAs.
Make up applied (it’s still a strange feeling to be made up like this), he waits his turn to be called in, running through any possible questions in his head, brows furrowed in concentration. So immersed in his thoughts, he jumps a little when his name is called, staring at the interviewer with wide eye for a moment before hurriedly acknowledging them and entering the room. Taking a seat, he smiles and offers the camera bow of his head before the interview starts in earnest.
‘Let’s begin. Please introduce yourself.’
“Hello! My name is Jang Moonbok, aged 23! I’m from Incheon but now live in Yongsang-gu. I’m in my 3rd year of Music Theory and Composition at SNU. I was a contestant on this show last year, but I got eliminated very early. I’m hoping I can move further this year.”
‘Why have you returned to the MGAs this year? Are you trying to prove something?’
Moonbok just about stops himself making a face. Didn’t he just answer that?! That said, he sees the question for what it is, an attempt to trip him up. Instead he acts as though he’s thinking of an answer before replying again.
“Well, like I said, I want to get further than I did last year. It was very embarrassing to be eliminated when I was. But I also want to showcase how much I have improved since then. Over the past year I’ve been working on all my skills, not just my rapping. I’m not saying that I’m a much better person than this time last year, that will be for the judges to decide. But I hope they see that I took all their criticisms on board and used them to better myself.” His smile grows and he laughs a little.
“Ah, this probably sounds dumb, too. But I loved the rush of performing in front of everyone! It was a dream to be on-stage, no matter how short my time was. I want to experience that again, I want to perform again in front of a crowd and hear them cheering me on. It’s selfish of me, I know. But it’s my wish.”
‘Last year, you had Sphere as your first choice of company if you succeeded, with TRC in second. This year you’ve listed TRC first and then KT. Why have you decided you’re not interested in Sphere now?’
Ah. This is was one of the questions he’d been dreading, and Moonbok wasn’t surprised that the producers had picked up on it. Though first he wanted to clear up a misconception and he holds a finger up in the air.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry if I sound rude, but you’re incorrect about me having no interest in Sphere this time around.” At the raised eyebrow of the interviewer, Moonbok winces internally. But he couldn’t exactly explain that a person he didn’t get along with was a trainee at the company, nor the fact that he though Baek Jiyoung had made a terrible mistake when it came to the Convex dating scandal was the reason his feelings towards Sphere had cooled in the last 12 months, could he? But he plows on regardless.
“It’s not that I don’t have an interest in Sphere, I would love to be signed by any of the Big 5, if they think I’m worthy of a contract! But... I’m a different person to who I was last year and personally, I think I would fit in more with TRC. My best skills are rapping and singing, something that TRC is always on the look out for, and I think it would be easier for me to find my place and grow there. As for KT...” His smile returns, but it’s wistful and a little sad as he remembers what Hyunjin told him the night he was eliminated.
“The main reason I want to sign for KT is because of a promise I made to a friend, to Hwang Hyunjin... We promised that one day, we’d share the stage together again. If I was signed to KT, that promise is a stop closer to being fulfilled. It’s sentimental, but it’s something that helped get me through the last year.”
He thinks he can see a hint of a smile on the interviewer’s face before they move onto the next topic, another one that makes his insides squirm with nervousness.
‘Last year, you were very vague about your family, but this year you’re a lot more upfront. Why is that? Is it because of their status?’
He thought he’d had an answer prepared, but at the question, his mind goes blank for a moment. He wants to yell that he’s not using their connections to gain an unfair advantage, that he doesn’t need their status to prove himself. Instead his mashes his hands together, squeezing a few time before letting out a breath.
“Hmm... this time last year, my parents were still getting used to the idea of me being serious about becoming an idol, let alone appearing on a show like this. I didn’t want to give out that information in case I shamed them and hurt their reputations.”
Not that his plan had worked. People mightn’t have commented to Yeonseok about his son’s performance, but his father had all but told him about the jokes behind their backs at his expense. The less said about what his mother and sister had to go through because of him, the better. And the confrontation with his uncle at Chuseok was still embedded in his mind.
“But this year... this year I decided to be honest, completely and truly honest. Because no matter what, if I reached a certain point in the competition, my family ties would become public knowledge. So it’s better to be upfront for the very start. If people view me badly because of it, so be it. But if they investigate my family, I hope they’ll see all the good work my father and grandfather have done for South Korea with their work. That’s the most important thing to me.”
There’s so much more he wants to say, but no idea how to articulate it. He wants to crow from the top of the roof about how his grandfather founded one of the biggest hospitals in Daegu, he wants to shout about all the research and the families his father has helped. But there’s no way for him to do that here. It’s not fair.
Surprisingly, the interview leaves it at that, seemingly not interested in his uncle being a judge (Moonbok privately thinks that’s hilarious) nor his grandmother’s status as a defector. Perhaps he’d been thinking about that too much after all.
‘Will you continue on your path of being an idol even if you don’t make it to the finals again this year?’
“I’ll keep trying to be an idol no matter what. I said it last year and I still feel this way. I’ll keep going to auditions and do any amount of interviews I need to. I’ll keep showing off my skills online and on the streets of Hongdae. I won’t give up on this dream, I promise you I’ll walk on the flower road someday.”
It’s only when the phrase ‘flower road’ escapes his mouth does Moonbok realize how cliché it sounds and had there not been a camera there, he would have crawled away in embarrassment. As it is, he can feel his face heating up again and he fights to maintain a calm expression. Tactfully, the interviewer makes no mention of his blush or choice of words, simply nodding.
‘I see. I feel we know a lot more about you than we did this time last year, Moonbok-ssi. Thank you for your time, do you have any special skill you’re willing to show us?’
It feels like an anti-climatic end to the interview, but Moonbok is just happy that it’s done. He smiles and nods once more.
“Thank you. And yes, I hope you’ll find it worth waiting for!”
[Word Count: 1,554]
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