#Arcadian Ware
moonlightleafs · 1 year
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Introducing Spathi Eleftheriou (spah-th-ee eh-leh-f-theh-ree-oo), a Fire Emblem Three Houses OC for @fe-oc-week! It's been a hot minute since I tried to design an OC, and this is my first time for a Fire Emblem game (pls be nice im bby) (pls clap). It's been a lot of fun! They're def not a self-insert by any means, but they do share some aspects of my personality and ethnic background.
I know I'm super late to this, I felt so inspired by everyone's wonderful characters this year (esp @peachiehambo's Yoona and @wild-moss-art's Moss). Couldn't resist!!
More about Spathi after the cut!
Spathi hails from the seaside city of Alatisitou (ah-lah-tee-see-too) in southwestern Almyra, on windswept plains where wheat flows in golden waves, and scents of sage and marjoram carry forever on the wind.
They're the only child of a warm, close-knit family of farmers situated on the city outskirts, among the tumbling cliffs and endless highland valleys that eventually cascade down to the ocean. It's a fitting home for a kid born with dreams in their feet and salt spray in their hair; infinite possibilities and a wide, sun-soaked sky always offering new opportunities.
Growing up, they'd often be found spending their free time exploring the arcadian landscape, climbing through old ruins and cyprus groves, and occasionally ambling around the city proper to watch the sleek trading ships ply wares from far-flung lands.
They tend to be quiet and observant in public, but are extremely energetic, talkative, and personable with their friends, who would readily attest that Spathi is an indispensable one-person hype squad. You couldn't ask for someone better to gas you up when you're feeling down.
Their family grows wheat and olives in their humble fields and orchards for export and local sale. Spathi devotes themself to their family's well-being and works hard to ensure good harvests.
That's kinda all I've got so far, lol. Might add more to this later as other ideas come to mind! Some other broad stats for Spathi, in no particular order:
Their name translates to 'Sword of Freedom'
They're non-binary, their preferred pronouns are they/them and sometimes she/they
They're 19 years old when they enroll at Garreg Mach
They're 6'2" tall and are somewhat clumsy
They're passionate about breadmaking and all things bread-related
Their favorite flower is marigold
Their favorite spice is basil
Their favorite treat is mastic, a chewable resin from native trees with a bitter flavor that gives way to refreshing notes of pine and cedar (also delicious steeping into a cup of cool water!)
Their favorite tea is chamomile with a splash of wild honey and vanilla
They love to play the mandolin and pan flute, and they love to sing
They have a soft and sometimes raspy voice
They're a good sailor, though the family could never afford a ship larger than a catboat.
They fucking love boardgames dude!!!
At the academy, they have strong proficiencies with Sword, Faith, and Reason, and weak proficiency with Authority.
Anyway hope you like them!!
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tmd167207 · 4 months
Condition: Previously owned, good condition
No chips, cracks or repairs visible
Slight rubbing on gold gilding at top rim
Features Birmingham Coat of Arms crest
Maker's marks: A&S (Arkinstall & Son) Stoke-on-Trent, Arcadian China, possible blue M
Marked: Steele & Co 40 New St Birmingham
Approx. 2 inches (5.1 cm) height
Origin: Germany
Condition: Previously owned, good condition
No chips, cracks or repairs visible
Residue of sticky label on base
Impressed mark: Germany 3403
Approx. 2 7/8 inches (7.4 cm) length
Unique vintage crested ware designs
Decorative ceramic pieces with character
Excellent addition to crested ware collections
No original boxes included. Both
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asteriaspirit · 10 months
“They call you a hero,” she murmurs.
Two shadows sit comfortably atop the stone roof of The Nightstrider Tavern and Inn. It is a derelict building that is slowly sinking into the winding river that cuts through this equally woeful fishing village. The banks are muddy, the foundation is crumbling stone, but the family who owns it is kind and serves amazing baked bread with butter at unbeatable prices.
Especially when you help one of their wayward youngsters return home despite many of the denizens of the village believing them dead.
Zelrius turns his head slightly in order to make eye contact with her while the corner of his mouth kicks up into a smirk. There is no pride in his smirk, no…self-satisfaction that crosses the sharp planes of his face. Instead, he looks mildly surprised, his blue eyes slightly wider than when they were just sitting in companionable silence. And then he shakes his head.
“Nah,” he replies easily, his arms lifting and stretching above him, his back bowing until it pops. And then he sighs with relief, his arms once more finding comfort in lying limply by his sides. “I'm no hero.”
Nyx shrugs, her slender shoulders bouncing up and down beneath the drab brown cloak which covers her. Her head tilts to the right, long black locks framing her round face tumble into view while her violet gaze remains pinned to his…until he turns away. She clicks her tongue with mild disappointment.
“I'm just telling you what I hear,” she replies in monotone.
“And where'd you hear it from?”
“Oh. All over.”
Zel snorts and rolls his eyes before his upper body turns to completely take her in. He drags one leg up, bending it at the knee so that he can wrap his arms around it and rest his chin atop it. This time, he does not look away.
“Bullshit,” he tells her, though his words lack any kind of fire or actual accusation. “We've been traveling together these past two days. I've heard everything you have. And I haven't heard shit about me being a hero from the Arcadians.”
“Maybe because you don't wanna hear it,” Nyx replies with a knowing wink. She sits up straight, her long legs crossing at the ankles, her hands folding in her lap, the wrappers from their bread and butter forgotten for the time being. “I dunno why you don't,” she continues, “because you're doing something good. Changing lives.”
“It's not…simple like that.”
“Oh?” Nyx asks, her tonal inflection barely presenting the word as a question. “Explain it to me then.”
A grunt passes Zelrius's lips and it's obvious in the way his eyes dart to the minuscule space between them that he doesn't want to answer. He doesn't want to explain. Being a hero came with expectations and he never lived up to those, not even in the real world.
“I just wanna have fun,” he says after a prolonged moment of silence.
“Does one beget the other? Can you not have fun, but also save lives? Change destinies?”
Zel remains silent, but Nyx can see the muscle in his jaw flex and she assumes he grinds his molars. This forces her to grin, the long canines in her mouth flashing not in threat, but the facial gesture is certainly meant to annoy.
“That's what the Starcalled do,” she continues in a singsong voice.
“Yeah, well—”
“—And that's what you are. A savior to Arcadia! A hero to the people! Someone who can tie the strings of destiny together just as easily as he can rip them asunder.” She exhales a long, slow breath. Her voice drops to a whisper. “Does that make you feel powerful, Zelrius?”
“No,” he replies, equally as quiet, and more unwilling to meet her unflinching gaze. “The opposite, actually.”
Nyx blinks and her brow furrows.
She waits for him to continue.
And she finds herself waiting for some time. The silence that swirls between them is interspersed with gulls crying overhead, with the clomping of horses as they move through the few ruined cobblestone streets, and the cry of fish mongers attempting to sell the last of their wares out by the docks. The sun would set soon, the stalls would close, and the tavern below them would open for the evening.
This silence was fleeting, precious even, but the weight of it began to prickle uncomfortably.
“…What happened to you isn't fair, Nyx,” Zelrius says, his statement drawing her attention back to him.
And Nyx cannot help but blink, this time in surprise instead of confusion. But her confusion is not enough to stop Zel from speaking.
“You'll sit there and tell me that it's not my fault, that I had nothing to do with it and it was just…bad luck. But I'm not stupid.” His arms uncurl from hugging his knee and his hands rake down his face. “I left you out there when you needed me, because I was…hunting glory. Right?”
A bark of laughter comes from him, but there is no humor. It is a thing forced from his chest, something that keeps the quietude at bay, perhaps even keeps his demons from sinking their claws in deeper.
“…That's what they really say.”
“Who?” she asks, but it comes out as a sound of inquiry instead of a word, a note of curiosity instead of a language.
“The other Starcalled. They see me for what I am. Not a hero, just a…glory hound that can…rise from the ashes like a phoenix.” His teeth click together as he finishes speaking and he shakes his head in what Nyx can only assume is self-loathing.
She has no smartass comment to reply with, no off-brand advice to give. So, she says nothing…and perhaps in saying nothing, she has said everything that she needs to. Even the unintentional things that she didn't mean to say all.
Zel, in reply, clears his throat and makes to stand, his lean figure moving quickly. He is on his feet before Nyx has the time to stretch out a hand and wrap it around his wrist, to even attempt to yank him down beside her and keep him here where there was only the two of them. They had so few moments like this together.
In fact, he moves so fast that by the time she wants to put that thought into action, he's already halfway across the roof and preparing to open the door which leads to the ladder that will take them down into the tavern and out into the streets.
Nyx is not as fast, not by a long shot, but she finds herself on her feet rather quickly and follows his footsteps with just as much speed.
“I don't blame you,” she whispers. She knows that his hearing is just as good as hers and these words are probably better said to his back than his front. “What happened was…unfortunate, but I'm still here. Still…six feet above the dirt.”
His footsteps grind to a halt and he makes to turn around, his upper torso leading his body's momentum. Nyx reaches a hand out to his back, not to push or shove, but to stop his rotation.
He acquiescents.
Her hand remains there against the back of his tunic, fingertips brushing against the coarse material before falling away and retreating to her side. She even takes a step back away from him.
Time slows to a halt.
Nyx understands that she should say something, but nothing comes to mind.
Zelrius believes that he should continue to explain, perhaps even offer more apologies, but his words remain trapped within his throat.
He reaches out a hand to the doorknob, the curved handle reminding him of the pommel of his sword. He grips it while expecting-hoping-Nyx to stop him.
She doesn't.
He tugs the door open, slips beyond the barrier into the darkness of the attic, and grips the waiting ladder that descends into the Tavern.
She doesn't follow.
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thefollyflaneuse · 4 years
Gibraltar Tower, Heathfield Park, East Sussex
Gibraltar Tower, Heathfield Park, East Sussex
In 1791 Francis Newbery, bought Bailey Park, an estate in East Sussex, which he renamed the Heathfield Park Estate. Almost immediately he set to work constructing this elegant tower on high ground in his park. The Folly Flâneuse has joined forces with The Garden Historian to elaborate on its history.Continue reading
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
Alec and Sarastro | Hey, Runner!
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For @glacia-posts​ who requested 38. Dragging the other from the Arcana Interaction Prompts with their OC Sarastro! Title: Hey, Runner! by The Arcadian Wild
Afternoons alone were hard to come by, so Alec normally spent them perusuing the marketplace, “ooh”ing and “ahh”ing over the new wares. Normally, she would stop by Selasi at least twice, for both a snack and some small talk, and she had just left his stall for the second time when a flash of purple hair caught her eye. She watched as the person stalked over to a fruit stand, and they waited for the seller to turn his back before they started reaching out for a piece of fruit.
Alec quickly walked over to them and grabbed their wrist. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Jumping back slightly, the person’s eyes widened. “Oh, uh, nothing!” They tugged at a curious strand of green hair nervously, looking everywhere but at Alec. “Definitely not stealing, nope.”
“Not with that technique you’re not; here.” With a flick of her wrist Alec grabbed the fruit from the stand, left a coin in its place, and ushered them away before the seller even had time to blink—and he was left standing and staring at the coin with the dumbfounded expression on his face.
Handing the fruit over, Alec looked them up and down. “You gotta be a lot quicker if you don’t want to get caught.” They took the fruit, confusion painted across their face.
“I thought you were going to turn me in.”
Alec waved her hand as the two of them walked. “Oh, no, of course not! But you should pick better people to steal from; he’s harmless.” She glanced back at them, giving them a small smile. “I’m Alec, by the way.”
“Sarastro,” they said, mirroring her smile. “And what do you mean, pick better people?”
“Well, Sarastro, If you really want to steal something from someone, steal from her.” Alec pointed to a spindly looking woman with a thousand-yard stare at the other side of the marketplace. Even as she was surrounded by cacao beans and chocolate, she didn’t look like the kind of person you stole from, she looked more like a person who stole. Or killed.
Sarastro shivered. “Her? Why?”
“Because she’s awful,” Alec said, throwing her arms out in annoyance. “She’s a mean old crone who overcharges and lies to everyone. She says her chocolate is imported from beyond Karnassos, but she just gets it from a vendor outside of Nopal, and resells it here at like three times the price.” She furrowed her eyebrows, anger flashing in her eyes. “And the last time I bought something from her, I gave a piece to a kid that was running around in front of her booth. And she looked me dead in the eye and said that she never would have sold me the chocolate if she knew I was just going to give it to a ‘street urchin!’”
They winced, glancing back at the woman. “That is awful.”
“So, how should I do it?”
With a cackle, Alec rubbed her hands together. “I’ll distract her, and you sneak up on the side of the stall when her back is turned. Grab whatever you want, and as soon as you’re done, book it, got it?”
“Got it,” Sarastro nodded, and splitting up, the two of them made their way over to the woman’s chocolate stall.
When she saw Alec she immediately turned her nose up, and glanced around the stall as if looking for anymore “street urchins.” “What do you want?” she asked, a voice full of disdain.
Plastering a fake smile across her face, Alec leaned towards the woman and started to engage her in friendly conversation—though friendly was a broad term in this case—drawing her attention to the stock she had on the opposite side of the stall from the side Sarastro was currently sneaking up to.
She watched out of the corner of her eye as they started grabbing chocolate, and they were about to step away from the stall when the woman’s eyes narrowed and she glanced over her shoulder.
“I knew it! Thieves!” She cried, swiping for Sarastro, who stumbled back, dropping most of the chocolate. She then tried to grab Alec, long gnarled fingers stretching towards her.
“Shit!” Alec stumbled back, grabbing Sarastro’s arm. “Run!” 
The woman yelled obscenities behind them, but they were faster, and Alec dragged Sarastro through alleyways back to the shop, where they both paused to catch their breath.
“That was close,” Alec sighed, wiping her forehead. “Did you get anything?”
Still out of breath, they nodded, and held their hand out. In their hand sat a bar of chocolate, maybe a little crumbled and melting, but otherwise intact. 
Alec laughed and gave them a high-five. “Alright! Not bad.” She unlocked the door to the shop with a wave of her hand, and gestured to Sarastro to follow her. “Come on, let’s split it inside!”
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thepelagoislands · 5 years
Founding Celebration 2020 || March 7 - 29, 2020
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One hundred and four years ago, various non-humans had discovered Arcadia as a land to settle for their own. One year later, some humans discovered Leuda not too far from there and began to profit off the mines. It all started on MARCH 12TH…and what better way to celebrate than with a huge celebration?
Welcome to the Founding Celebration, where every citizen of the Pelago Islands celebrates the days when their islands were found and settled. While both Arcadia and Leuda are relatively new compared to many other countries around the world, it is still important to remember those days. On BELLICOSE ISLAND, there is a LARGE FESTIVAL being held in one of the arenas, where everyone is free to mingle, dance, and purchase gifts from various bazaar booths…
Though, things don’t all have to be friendly between all of the citizens. Like in previous years, the Explorer’s Guild has decided that some friendly competition between the islands is always healthy, and they’re holding an ARCHIPELAGO-WIDE COMPETITION BETWEEN ARCADIANS AND LEUDANS.
For what? NEW AREAS.
The Explorer’s Guild has collected a mass of funding thanks to the efforts of voyagers and various fundraising events that have taken place. Before them lies TWO DIFFERENT PLANS TO FUND.
One is a plan to completely repair and make the GRAND AIRSHIP OF LEUDA completely accessible for rental, be it for voyages, impressing that special someone with a date, or for a trip along the ocean. 
The other is to renovate a specific pathway leading from the main area of Arcadia to CREATE A WIND GARDEN WITH FLOWERS AND PLENTY OF WIND CHIMES, allowing for a spot for bazaar booths to be held year-round, a couple new business locations, and potential blessings for visitors via magically-imbued wind chimes!
In order to decide who will receive the new area, the competition will be based upon points. Every citizen of each island can earn points towards their island, and all of the points will be added up together at the end of the festival to decide the winner!
Points are gathered from doing minigames, voyages, gathering monsters, and making a pact with a summon.
Here are the many ways to collect points for the festival:
MINIGAME POINTS: Minigame points will be earned from March 7th - March 21st only, within that activity check. The minigames where points can be earned are the mining minigame, the foraging minigame, the logging minigame, and the critter catching minigame. The earners may earn 1 POINT FOR EVERY 1,000G VALUE EARNED IN EACH MINIGAME. For example, an Arcadian who earns 12,900G in the mining minigame will earn 12 points for Arcadia! Points are based on the TOTAL VALUE of your haul, without regard to whether you sell the items or not, so if you get a 10,000G Pink Diamond, then you will earn your island ten points regardless if you keep it or sell it.
15 POINTS are earned from completing a voyage during the festival. Points will be given to the island whose residents are most represented on the voyage. For example, a voyage with three Arcadians and one Leudan will earn points for Arcadia. A split voyage with two and two will be decided via coinflip.
5 POINTS are earned from each monster tamed or defeated.
10 POINTS are earned for successfully making a pact with a summon or defeating a summon.
THE SURVIVAL MINIGAME: Can be attempted ONCE per character during the festival! Check out the details here!
RAFT RACE MINIGAME: Can be attempted ONCE per character during the festival! Check out the details here!
Points will be given to the character’s island of residence. CHARACTERS WHO DO NOT LIVE ON EITHER ISLAND, SUCH AS A PIRATE LIVING ON THEIR SHIP, MUST DECLARE WHICH ISLAND THEY WILL BE SUPPORTING BEFORE THEY BEGIN COLLECTING POINTS. They must only be supporting one island the entire festival.
Since the points are recorded at each respective Explorer’s Guild, THERE IS A CHANCE TO MARK UP THE BOOKS.
/choose success, success, success, success, arrest
t!choose success | success | success | success | arrest
A success means that they succeeded moving points from one island to the other. An arrest means that they are CAUGHT AND THROWN IN JAIL WITH A 10,000G FEE TO BAIL THEM OUT. If they don’t have the money…they might be there for a while. And even if they do have the money, they’ll be forced to stay IN JAIL FOR ONE NIGHT. 
It’s a risky move. But maybe if someone were to offer a large enough reward for marking up the books on the Pirate’s Den Request Board…someone may attempt it.
At the beginning of the festival, there will be a spreadsheet posted where characters can report the points they’ve earned. Characters must include a link to the post where they earned points in order for the points to count, and this includes any successful attempts to mark the books.
This is a huge event, so YOU MUST BOTH POST YOUR MINIGAME RESULTS TO THE DASHBOARD AND RECORD IT IN THIS DOC so everything can be as accurate as possible!
Points can begin to be collected ON MARCH 7TH AFTER THE ACTIVITY CHECK TO 10PM EST ON MARCH 28TH. Once the cut-off announcement is posted at 10PM EST that day, no more points may be reported. 
Starting on MARCH 21ST and lasting until the end of the festival will be a formal event on Bellicose Island to officially close out the festival! It will be taking place on the OOC Discord and the results of the festival will be announced during this dancing chat! More details will be announced in Discord when the date grows closer!
Note that during the dance, last-minute points can be collected from dancing with as many people as you can! So make sure you brush up on your dancing skills!
Along the arena is also a BAZAAR where people from both islands can sell their wares. IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE, MAKE A BOOTH POSTS THAT CONTAINS NO MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE ITEMS IN TOTAL! Bazaar booths are free to be purchased from as soon as they are posted, so have fun!
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libidomechanica · 3 years
And lo, she wins, and each base
— —For since thy duties be  go tell court huntsmen that hour  with his beetle 
brow sun-shaded in threes, till  all from enclouded eye, and all I  was, indeed! Picturd-
forth do please— having a friend  remembered not. When  others are just new, 
and how she wept with  yours, it is not yours,  the cup that clears 
to-day of past Regrets  and future tense,                            in the  lily, at evening heart of 
me: so then they do shout, that  sets us praising God, that weeps . These  things straight then Hesperus his 
head doth rere. And then we see  the helm, now set a wrathful Dians  moon on flame, and Phoebus 
mounts the gods ordaind the  three castle-bell strike twelve yards off, or  so; a gentlemen 
to death of  Morn when she struggled in her  face it bloomed like a 
star through the waves at last,  by hap, through the sun delights  to lose, at once, and 
she, like some mean, magnetic soul  to hide their mail and said “You shall  not. Who stands beside some 
midnight, alone I am  to see me.” And stare them in  statlier glorie shine, or gloom 
oercast, theres a hole, where  some wild cress washed by the sunset,  which perish in the 
garden of a shepherd  song; each having writ, moves on: nor all  the best ot yet, 
were alike, he leapd  amid a crowd of stars. Nor fame, nor any;  nay, you shame your features, of 
the long-laid galleries  past a hundred  hollows like a spread of 
in Arcadian books;  such as these poor desires has broken  pillar, not uncouthly hewn, 
but which shall appoint a  week, and leave the boat, for  many more beside, lads! 
The hearth, and in  hand at a game that whispers  in my mind, thy words fond ware?
0 notes
wallpaperpainting · 4 years
The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings
Vintage collectibles, abnormally those accompanying to sports, advertise bound at auction, conceivably because not all are expensive. Sometimes they are not noticed by the committed sports collectors and advertise at arrangement prices.
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Tulip and Lily by William Morris (1834-1896). Original from The MET Museum. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel | antique floral paintings
The metal lunchbox apparent actuality was fabricated in 1976. It is busy with the helmets of the National Football Conference on one side, and American Conference helmets on the added side.
Lunchbox accession began in 1950, with the aboriginal archetype picturing the fabulous cowboy amount Hopalong Cassidy. The metal boxes and analogous thermos bottles remained accepted until 1960, aback bendable artificial boxes became the style. (And it is a allegory that metal boxes were replaced because acceptance were hitting anniversary added in the arch and causing injuries.)
This football collectible included a analogous thermos and was an arrangement arrangement at $35. The King-Seely Thermos Company fabricated abounding metal lunchboxes, including the one with the football helmets.
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Small Vintage Floral Oil on Board – Reclectic – antique floral paintings | antique floral paintings
Q: I bought a cup and saucer with a painting of a alarm on it at a austerity store. The basal of the cup says “Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light, A Light in the Storm, 2003, Thomas Kinkade, Media Arts Group, Inc., Morgan Hill, CA, Teleflora gift, fabricated in China.”
A: The alarm scene, “A Light in the Storm,” is the name of a painting by Thomas Kinkade (1958-2012), who is accepted for his light-filled arcadian mural and cosmos paintings.
Kinkade lived in California, advised at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, and began affairs his oil paintings in the 1980s. By the backward 1980s, abundant of his assignment was mass-produced, with Kinkade designing and painting works that were accomplished by assistants. He trademarked the appellation “Painter of Light” in 1996.
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Pink and Rose by William Morris (1834-1896). Original from The MET Museum. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel | antique floral paintings
His assignment was best accepted from about 1995 to 2005 and abounding Kinkade food were franchised. Since then, absorption has declined. His paintings accept been reproduced as prints and acclimated on ceramics.
Teleflora is a account acclimated to adjustment flowers online. This cup and saucer would accept included a boutonniere of flowers tucked into the cup. The dishes advertise online for $10 and less.
Q: I accept affiliated a accumulating of 20 best and aged toy stoves, some from the 1940s, ’50s, etc. I accept advertised them alone on a bounded online barn bargain and on several eBay-type websites. I accept contacted abundant bounded shops and advertised in a bounded account aged newspaper. I’m active out of business ideas. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Vintage Floral Art – cake by SugarcraftIndia – CakesDecor – antique floral paintings | antique floral paintings
A: In the aboriginal 1900s, salesmen catholic the country to advertise their wares. Stove salesmen had miniature replicas of their articles fabricated with the aforementioned abstracts and capacity as their full-size counterparts.
Today, those replicas abide collectible, abnormally alive examples, which were added accepted afore 1920.
Sample stoves were fabricated mostly from 1900
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Vintage Floral Collage Illustration – Antique Style Collage Art .. | antique floral paintings
The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings – antique floral paintings | Welcome for you to the website, within this moment We’ll explain to you in relation to keyword. Now, this is actually the initial photograph:
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20 best images about things to do with seed packets on .. | antique floral paintings
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Here you are at our website, contentabove (The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings) published .  Today we are delighted to announce we have found an incrediblyinteresting nicheto be discussed, namely (The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings) Some people looking for details about(The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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Vintage Floral Bead Art, Vintage Flower Bead Art, Vintage Floral Art .. | antique floral paintings
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Fowering almond (1862-1865) in 2019 | * Botanical Prints .. | antique floral paintings
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Antique Gold-Encrusted Dinner Plates – Set of 10 | P.O.S.H | antique floral paintings
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Antiques Atlas – Oil Painting Still Life Flowers By John .. | antique floral paintings
The post The 10 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Antique Floral Paintings | antique floral paintings appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/the-10-common-stereotypes-when-it-comes-to-antique-floral-paintings-antique-floral-paintings/
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bi-buddha · 5 years
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Here: Jerry Saltz and the Adoration of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.
Here's how this painting came into being. Turn back the clock one-year to 1906. Matisse, 37 - 12 years older than Picasso - was cock of the modernist roost. That year Matisse painted Le Bonheur de Vivre, a breathtaking Arcadian landscape with figures that synthesized Giorgione, Ingres, Gauguin, Cezanne, Islamic art, Japanese prints and Signac (who called the painting "disgusting"). It contains almost all the motiffs Matisse addressed for the rest of his life: musicians, dancers, and nudes.
Picasso knew that it was all over unless he acted.
Matisse said "What Picasso does he does in blood." In late 1907 - after two intense painting campaigns in his unlit unheated studio, working at night by oil-lamp, and fueled by opium and desperation - Picasso responded with one of the most thunderous, insurrectionary paintings in all of western art history.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is the epoch-altering image of five prostitutes in a Barcelona bordello on the Calle d'Avignon. Translated roughly the title is Five Whores of D'Avignon Street.
This painting still looks dangerous and brazen.
We see 5 female nudes: All look at us as intensely as any figures have looked at viewers since Egyptian Fayum Paintings. We have just entered the bordello. On the left a Madame parts the curtains for us to peruse the House's wares. Second from the left a great nude with her right arm over her head and her left leg raised stares at us: Look closely. She is lying on a divan, propping her dead up provocatively, pulling her left foot up to expose herself to you (she allows the sheet to slip ever so slightly below her sex). Picasso has tiled space and stood it up at the *same time*. The central figure raises both arms over her head; next a woman partly in shadow parts the curtain: She is coming into the room after being with a client.
Finally at the painting's bottom an astonishing figure next to a fruit bowl, sitting turning away from us and yet facing us directly with the face of an African mask.
Space has been shattered.
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leyhejuhyunghan · 4 years
서산 용현리 마애여래삼존상, barbot, lotte monkfish, Lehmann, barbotine ware, Granita, graniter, granitaire, barbotage, Barbotage for Calcific Tendinitis, Understanding Brain Death Conversations with Dr Bauchner, Nicolas Poussin (French, Les Andelys 1594–1665 Rome), Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
서산 용현리 마애여래삼존상, barbot, lotte monkfish, Lehmann, barbotine ware, Granita, graniter, granitaire, barbotage, Barbotage for Calcific Tendinitis, Understanding Brain Death Conversations with Dr Bauchner, Nicolas Poussin (French, Les Andelys 1594–1665 Rome), Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
서산 용현리 마애여래삼존상
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The Berkshires in White
Recently, I asked a friend who grew up in the Berkshires how his family had spent their winters in the mountainous region. He answered with an adamant “Inside!” What a shame, I thought. Most people who've been to this western corner of Massachusetts experience it in summer-when stalwart and novice pilgrims alike cram their calendars with world-class performing and visual arts. But snowfall and cold weather hide few of the Berkshires' charms. Quite the opposite, in fact: Winter reveals many more.
This is where to trade splashing through city slush for snowshoeing in woods shared by overwintering moose, bobcats and foxes. Many of the cultural institutions don't hibernate either; the recently, splendidly restored Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center presents a busy winter schedule of filmed performances of plays by London's National Theatre; classic movies; and concerts by musicians on a spectrum from Yo-Yo Ma to Diana Ross.
A little shopping for antiques or contemporary goods, or the appeal of a massage at a mansion-housed spa, pulls some skiers and snowboarders down from the Berkshire Mountains' approximately 1,000 skiable acres. And come dinnertime, you'll find wine and craft-beer bars and locally sourced fare at cozy restaurants-where there's a good chance of finding barstools and tables by a roaring fire.
Schussing Into Winter
Berkshire towns are about 10 to 20 minutes apart by car. Hurrying is discouraged here. Driving on two-lane roads and “highways,” whose speed limits hover no higher than 50 mph, is worth it to see the snow-fluffed fields and villages-straight from a Grandma Moses painting-you'll pass along the way.
Wherever you're staying, downhill skiing for all ages is not too far away. Jiminy Peak, 12 miles from Pittsfield, is the biggest ski center in a collection of small to medium ones. (Compare Jiminy's 45 runs and 1,150-foot drop to, say, the 127 runs and 4,425-foot drop at Colorado's Telluride.) The smaller Bousquet Mountain, just south of town, is more sparsely attended and less expensive than most of its peers, part of the reason the passionately opinionated Skibum.net ranks it the best in the Berkshires. Ski Butternut, east of Great Barrington, suits the “relaxed” skier and has especially kid-friendly slopes.
Taking It Easier
Those preferring a more meditative pace can head to the Arcadian Shop in Lenox to rent cross-country skis or snowshoes. The store suggests customers use its webby footwear on Lenox's 500-acre Kennedy Park, set right behind the store and polka-dotted with walkers, skiers and sledders. After a frosty workout, you can warm up with hot drinks at the in-store Trailside Café.
A less populated swath of the silent white landscape, Hollow Fields' 40 acres are protected by the Berkshire Natural Resources Council. BNRC's occasional guided tours lead participants above the gorgeous sea of snow to look for signs of winter wildlife. Otherwise, a trail map helps you find your own way.
Museums and Performing Arts
Any Berkshire sojourner who skips Mass MoCA's enormous North Adams campus-it's the largest contemporary art museum in the country-will practically be committing a cultural crime, especially since the completion of the latest galleries, in Building Six. Along with installations by artists including Laurie Anderson and Jenny Holzer, the space houses the late Gunnar Schonbeck's handmade instruments of his own invention and appeals to even nonmusical visitors. At The Mount, Edith Wharton's former Lenox residence, the famous garden is dormant in winter, but the house regularly hosts literary events related to both Wharton's work and others'. Tours of the interior can be made by appointment at this time of year. In Stockbridge, the Norman Rockwell Museum celebrates the master American illustrator's trenchant, loving depictions of American life while also championing the work of other artists. A holiday exhibit stays up through February 2018, and “Never Abandon Imagination,” featuring American fantasy artist Tony DiTerlizzi-who cites Rockwell as an influence on a timeline between Hieronymus Bosch and Jim Henson-runs through May 2018. For HD-streamed performances by the Metropolitan Opera and the Bolshoi Ballet, movies and more, check out the schedule at Great Barrington's Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, a landmark since 1905.
Getting House Proud
The Berkshires' range of unusual, beautiful and useful wares for any room in the house is mind-expanding. At One Mercantile, in Great Barrington, you'll find ceiling lamps with long cords in an array of colors, red metal first-aid kits worth putting on display, and rustic-chic rugs made of flattened firehoses. A short walk north leads to Farm & Home, which has shelves lined with contemporary pottery. Here, large Depression-era reach-in coolers still bear their original signage-“Please serve yourself”-but are filled with tidy rows of notebooks and many-shaped soaps (one in the form of an avocado). In the back of the store, you might run into co-owner Chapin Fish, who practices real estate at a desk in the midst of everything. In Lenox, Design Menagerie promises “Objects of Utility and Beauty” and keeps its word. Women's unusual, minimalist, un-retail-looking accessories is Rei Kawakubo–meets–Eileen Fisher; and quilts by artisan Louise Gray are flexibly designed to use on a bed or hang on a wall.
Taking the Edge Off
After a day of skiing or walking from shop to shop, think about heading to one of two mansions turned resorts for a massage or other soothing services. In Lenox, both The Potting Shed Spa at Blantyre and The Spa at Cranwell are open to nonguests-but even in colder months it's wise to make an appointment in advance.
Tasting Trio
West Stockbridge has an artsy-craftsy Main Street, but if you're not in the mood, consider giving this town its due at three cheek-by-jowl establishments of a different kind. All day at the busy No. Six Depot, the clientele lines up patiently for coffee hand-roasted on-site and takes fresh pastries, salads and paninis to tables beneath a rotating display of sophisticated works by local and international artists. The café also hosts pop-up dinners prepared by up-and-coming New England chefs. Across the street, Shaker Mill Books houses an abundance of new, used and rare books, as well as those by local authors; owner Eric Wilska is restoring a nearby barn to house even more inventory. Down the street, Charles H. Baldwin & Sons makes vanilla extract and other goodies, such as Mr. Baldwin's Proper Bloody Mary Mix and maple syrup, which are tempting enough to make adults feel like kids in a candy store (meanwhile, loads of real candy keep real kids happy too). It was the Mohicans who taught the first settlers here to tap maple trees and boil the sap down to syrup-just one bit of magic from experiencing the Berkshires in winter.
Bousquet Mountain
101 Dan Fox Dr., Pittsfield; 413-442-8316; bousquets.com 
Hollow Fields
Visit website for detailed directions
Jiminy Peak
37 Corey Rd., Hancock; 413-738-5500; jiminypeak.com
Kennedy Park
Behind the Arcadian Shop, see “Shop”
Ski Butternut
380 State Rd., Great Barrington; 413-528-2000; skibutternut.com
Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center
14 Castle St., Great Barrington; 413-528-0100; mahaiwe.com
Mass MoCA
1040 Mass MoCA Way, North Adams; 413-662-2111; massmoca.org
The Mount
2 Plunkett St., Lenox; 413-551-5111; call ahead to inquire about winter operating hours; edithwharton.org
Norman Rockwell Museum
9 Glendale Rd., Stockbridge; 413-298-4100; nrm.org
10×10 Upstreet Arts Festival
The annual winter arts festival hosted by Barrington Stage Co. and Pittsfield's Office of Cultural Development hosts 10 days of dozens of events, including fireworks, a wildly popular 10-minute-play festival, art auction, poetry slam and dance performances. Feb. 15–25, 2018, at various venues, Pittsfield; 413-499-9348; discoverpittsfield.com
Arcadian Shop
91 Pittsfield Rd., Lenox; 413-637-3010; arcadian.com
Charles H. Baldwin & Sons
1 Center St., West Stockbridge; 413-232-7785; baldwinextracts.com
Design Menagerie
26 Housatonic St., Lenox; 413-551-7528; designmenagerie.com
Farm & Home
276 Main St., Great Barrington; 413-528-9100; farmandhome.us
One Mercantile
8 Castle St., Great Barrington; 413-528-1718; one-mercantile.myshopify.com
Shaker Mill Books
3 Depot St., West Stockbridge; 413-232-0251; shakermillbooks.com
The Potting Shed Spa at Blantyre
16 Blantyre Rd., Lenox; 844-881-0104; blantyre.com; spa services, from $125
The Spa at Cranwell
55 Lee Rd., Lenox; 413-637-1364; cranwell.com; massages, from $60
Freight Yard Pub and Restaurant
A good stop for its broad-ranging menu-think soup to nuts (or omelets to steaks)-near Mass MoCA. 1 Furnace St., North Adams; 413-663-6547; thefreightyardpub.com; dinner for two, $60*
Mission Bar + Tapas
On Thursday nights a local music collective plays at this classic neighborhood haunt with American “tapas,” like mac 'n' cheese. 438 North St., Pittsfield; 413-499-1736; missionbarandtapas.com; dinner for two, $30
No. Six Depot
6 Depot St., West Stockbridge; 413-232-0205; sixdepot.com; lunch for two, $25
A small, airy storefront restaurant that collaborates with local farmers and craft-food makers to realize a creative yet comforting menu. 37 Church St., Lenox; 413-551-7183; nudelrestaurant.com; dinner for two, $100
The Old Inn on the Green
High-style local fare, such as Hudson Valley foie gras, served in rooms lit entirely by candle- and firelight. 134 Hartsville–New Marlborough Rd., New Marlborough; 413-229-7924; oldinn.com; dinner for two nonguests, $70
Rubi's Coffee and Sandwiches
In a sunny space at the end of an alley off Main Street, with espresso, fresh pastries, sandwiches and an enormous fireplace. 264 Main St., Great Barrington; 413-528-0488; rubiners.com; lunch for two, $25
Widow Bingham's Tavern
Dine on the likes of turkey sandwiches and Lion's Ale beer-battered haddock in a bar connected to the oldest hotel in Stockbridge. The Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge; 413-298-5545; redlioninn.com; dinner for two, $50
RCI® affiliated resorts in the Berkshires include:
Vacation Village in the Berkshires 6057
All of the cushy accommodations feature a kitchen and a hot tub. 276 Brodie Mountain Rd., Hancock Member Review: “Serene and quiet setting.”
Holiday Inn Club Vacations Oak 'n Spruce Resort 1243
Equipped with an indoor pool and lots of other on-site activities for families. 190 Meadow St., South Lee Member Review: “Fantastic location.”
Berkshire Mountain Lodge D567
When you're not out and about, you'll appreciate the resort's modern amenities and plush living and dining areas. 8 Dan Fox Dr., Pittsfield Member Review: “Lots of hiking trails nearby and great scenery.”
Wind in the Pines 1903
Access to outdoor activities, shopping and great restaurants makes this an idyllic Berkshire getaway. 949 S. Main St., Great Barrington Member Review: “The rooms were excellent.”
Wyndham Bentley Brook II 7819
At the base of Jiminy Peak, this resort offers a reprieve after full days visiting the nearby attractions. 1 Corey Rd., Hancock Member Review: “Nice pool and waitstaff.”
For complete member reviews (as member reviews have been condensed) and additional resort listings, visit RCI.com or call 800-338-7777 (Weeks) or 877-968-7476 (Points). Club Members, please call your specific Club or RCI telephone number.
Search Now
Non-RCI affiliated resorts in the Berkshires include:
The Briarcliff Motel
A retro '60s-style motel conveniently located at Monument Mountain. 506 Stockbridge Rd., Great Barrington; 413-528-3000; thebriarcliffmotel.com; doubles from $90 a night
Hotel on North
No two rooms are alike at this boutique property. 297 North St., Pittsfield; 413-358-4741; hotelonnorth.com; doubles from $159 a night
The Red Lion Inn
Guests can choose between the main inn and private guest houses, many named for former residents. 30 Main St., Stockbridge; 413-298-5545; redlioninn.com; doubles from $114 a night
The Old Inn on the Green
This historic inn-a former stagecoach relay-has candlelit dining rooms and pastoral murals. 134 Hartsville–New Marlborough Rd., New Marlborough; 413-229-7924l; oldinn.com; doubles from $260 a night (including breakfast and one overnight dinner)
The post The Berkshires in White appeared first on Endless Vacation.
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notbemoved-blog · 7 years
The Start of the Southern Black Cooperative Movement
Second in a Series on the Federation of Southern Cooperatives
I’m reading a little-known but important work by former U.S. Labor Secretary Ray Marhsall and former Ford and Rockefeller Foundations executive Lamond Godwin called “Cooperatives and Rural Poverty in the South”, published in 1971 by Johns Hopkins Press. It discusses the very things I wrote about this summer in “50 Years of Courage, Cooperation, Commitment & Community”—the 50th Anniversary Commemorative book on the Federation of Southern Cooperatives. Even then, back in 1971, it was clear that the South needed cooperative organizations to help break through the cultural barriers to Blacks in agriculture. Thankfully, the Federation of Southern Cooperatives came along. Here is its foundational story. . . .
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Mural (partial) at the Federation’s Rural Training Center in Epes, Alabama, created by the noted artist and graphic designer Donald Alexander (aka, ALDOX), from Lafayette, Louisiana--a hotbed of cooperative development in the 1960s.
It is difficult to precisely pinpoint how the idea of creating Southern Black-owned cooperatives initiated. Agricultural cooperatives, of course, were nothing new in America. The Midwest abounded with them, as did the segregated South. They were a way for farmers to realize economies of scale in the purchase of seed and fertilizer, to coordinate the sale and marketing of their crops, to gain some power in a volatile agricultural marketplace. They were also a way to exert some control, since the co-op was owned by the farmers it served. None of these points were lost on the Blacks who were trying to find a way out of the restrictive stranglehold of the White power structure. Surely the influence of the union and other collectivist, progressive movements of the 1930s and ‘40s also had a lasting impact.
Whatever the genesis, it was in the late 1950s that the idea of forming locally based farmer cooperatives seemed to take hold. One instigator was the Reverend A. J. McKnight, a Catholic priest from Brooklyn who had joined the Holy Ghost (Spiritan) Order and was assigned as pastor to an impoverished Black parish in Lafayette, Louisiana. McKnight was charged up with a fire to improve the lot of his parishioners and immediately began holding voter registration and literacy classes in the hope of helping the indigenous Black populace to gain a level of political power. But when few folks showed up for the classes, McKnight was stunned. Surely, they must want their freedom!
Wisely, McKnight began holding listening sessions to determine the “felt needs” of the community, rather than imposing his own vision of what was required. “One need that surfaced many times was how difficult and how expensive it was to borrow money,” McKnight would later write. With this insight, he realized that the first brick in what he was hoping would be a vast Southern cooperative structure was to create credit unions so that individuals in low-income communities could have access to capital. Because of the inherent difficulties with growing a capital base with limited funds in low-income communities, however, McKnight eventually struck upon the idea of creating a regional investment cooperative that could attract funding from outside sources and become the mechanism for funding all manner of cooperative enterprises. This became the Southern Consumers Cooperative (SCC), established in 1964. McKnight used to enjoy boasting, as he did in his autobiography Whistling in the Wind, that SCC “received the first loan in the War on Poverty”—$25,000 to help start one of SCC’s subsidiaries, a bakery called Arcadian Delight, which offered fruitcakes and other Creole delicacies and helped put people to work. SCC formed a number of other subsidiaries, including an education arm (Southern Consumers Education Foundation) and a capital development and lending arm (People’s Enterprise).  
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Reverend A.J. McKnight--a leader in the creation of the Southern Black Cooperative Movement. 
Besides his fervor for cooperatives, McKnight’s very presence in southwest Louisiana was revolutionary. He was the first Black priest the parish had ever had. “It was a big deal,” said Carol Prejean, who was ten-years-old at the time McKnight arrived in the 1953. She and her older brother Charles began hanging out at the church, trying to imbibe the fresh wind of change that McKnight was preaching. McKnight seemed to embolden local Blacks to think bigger than they ever had before, to create their own institutions, to work their way out of the grinding poverty and dependence on the White ruling class that had characterized their existence for generations. Charles Prejean was smitten with McKnight’s fervor and determined that he, too, would become a priest. After a few years at seminary, however, he realized that a celibate life didn’t suit him, so he returned to Lafayette to work with McKnight and help build the cooperative institutions McKnight had begun dreaming up. “I came to the understanding,” Prejean said, “that the sense of communal life that I was being taught in the seminary was transferable—working in a community for the betterment of the community.” Prejean first volunteered with McKnight as a community organizer while teaching at the local Catholic high school; then he was brought on full time, first at People’s Enterprise and later, when McKnight was forced to spend more of his time on pastoral work, as general manager of SCC.
 But McKnight and the Prejeans were not the only cooperative boosters in the South. Indigenous cooperative institutions seemed to spring up everywhere all at once, usually sparked by a local need that could not be filled by other means and often spurred by White intransigence. For instance: 
·       When farmers and sharecroppers working for voting rights in west Tennessee were denied the ability to buy gasoline for their tractors from local White-owned gas stations, they started driving to the Missouri bootheel, just over the state line, to buy gas and oil and trucked it back home. Thus, the Mid-South Consumers Oil Co-op was born.
 ·       When a group of impoverished Black women in rural Alabama showed their handmade quilts to a Northern Episcopalian priest, he arranged for their wares to be shown at craft fairs up North where he knew a ready market would be enthralled. Thus, the Freedom Quilting Bee was born.  
 ·       When a group of Black sweet potato farmers realized they could break up the White landowners’ purchasing and distribution monopoly in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, by working together, the Grand Marie Vegetable Producers Co-op was born.
 ·       When sharecroppers in Sumter County, Alabama, got involved in advocating for equal rights and were evicted from the land their families had farmed for generations, forty of these families banded together to find a way to purchase their own land. Thus, the Panola Land Buying Association (PLBA) came into being.
 ·       When Black farmers in ten Black Belt counties of Alabama began comparing notes, they realized they could likely get a better price for their cucumbers, okra, and peas if they were to combine their output and mass market their crops. Thus, the Southwest Alabama Farmers Cooperative Association (SWAFCA) was born.
 It was these start-up co-ops that formed the nucleus of what would become the Federation of Southern Cooperatives. We have Al Ulmer to thank for pulling them all together. Ulmer was director of community outreach for the Southern Regional Council and had spotted a trend in majority Black counties throughout the South. It was Ulmer who invited and underwrote the travel expenses for representatives of ten of these emerging co-ops to a meeting in the spring of 1966 at the Mount Beulah Center, a church-based conference center just west of Jackson, Mississippi, where civil rights groups often met. 
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Al Ulmer, Director of Community Outreach for the Southern Regional Council, identified a trend among rural Blacks for developing self-empowering cooperatives and invited their leaders to a gathering in Edwards, MS, which would become the foundational meeting of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives.
Once gathered, co-op representatives swapped information, learned more about each other’s cooperative enterprises, and began to conceive of a plan to coordinate and scale up their activities. All of them—each in their own sectors—were up against incredible odds, given the harsh racial climate of the times. Black people were not supposed to be successful. They were only supposed to thrive if they served and were subservient to the Whites in power. They weren’t supposed to create their own pathways to power or economic security. But as is the case in all societies, the poor find their own ways to survive, often outside of the established norms. They “make a way out of no way.” In the rural South of the 1960s, cooperatives seemed like one of the best ways to a better future.
 The Mount Beulah meeting led to a second gathering—again arranged for by Ulmer—in February of the following year, this time in Atlanta on the campus of Atlanta University. Those in attendance—22 representatives from various cooperatives in nine states throughout the South—agreed to establish a loose confederation of cooperatives to help them coordinate their activities and find ways of making each individual cooperative stronger. They called this new organization the Federation of Southern Cooperatives.
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 NEXT: Carol Prejean’s Documentary Poetry of the Federation and a John Lewis 50th Anniversary Tribute.
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thepelagoislands · 5 years
Arcadia Fair || September 21st - 29th, 2019
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With the coming of Fall and the upcoming harvest season, the people of Arcadia have decided that it’s time to have a fair for the entire island to participate in and enjoy! While the primary goal of the festival is to showcase the island’s many farmers and their products and livestock, there is also plenty of activities to celebrate the end of summer as well. Come for a petting zoo, plenty of fair rides, deliciously unhealthy fair food, and a bazaar for any farmer or other person to sell their wares!
While at the Arcadia Fair, there are plenty of activities to enjoy and participate in! You are able to start threads of any kind during the festival or you can enjoy the activities in a IC Discord chat that will be open at that time!
Petting Zoo
There are plenty of animals available to pet and spend time with in a special area near the bazaar. Come and pet sheep, goats, pigs, and even some other farm animals! There is also a special section for tamed monsters where you can go pet the more cuddly and friendly of monsters, such as woolies, chipsqueeks, buffamoos, and...it also seems there’s a baby dragon you can pet. Be careful when you pet the dragon, though! While it’s a very friendly baby dragon, it can start spewing flames when it gets too excited...
If you want to pet the dragon, roll this line in Discord!
t!roll Just a Nice Pet | Too Much!! | A Gift? | Monch
Just a Nice Pet: You pet the dragon and it’s a great time!  Too Much!!: You pet the dragon and she gets way too excited! She may have let out some fire in your direction. Next time don’t pet so vigorously! A Gift?: You pet the dragon and it loves you so much it gives you a nice, big lick on the face. Now half of your face is full of dragon slobber, but it’s so cute that you might not feel too bad about it. Monch: You pet the dragon and it starts nibbling on part of your clothes. You came during feeding time and your shirt looks super yummy.
Fair Rides and Entertainment
There are an abundance of rides and other entertainment available at the fair. There’s a standard ferris wheel near the sea, a little haunted house to tour through, and a small selection of thrill rides for the daring Arcadians. There are even some bands performing intermittently throughout the day if you need a break! It’s up to you just what awaits your characters there and how they enjoy all of the excitement there!
During the fair, there will be a large bazaar where anyone is open to selling their wares. Anyone may reserve a space to sell their wares. The only stipulation is that you must not have more than 25 items in stock! Just what you want to do with your stock is completely up to you! For example, you can sell 15 roses and 10 books and you’re good to go for your booth! Or you could even just sell 25 kisses on the cheek if you’re so inclined :wonk:. 
Bazaar booths can only be purchased from when the festival officially begins on September 21st.
When you have created your bazaar booth, post it to Tumblr and link the post on a corresponding Discord chat in the OOC server.
Animal Contest
Do you have the best animal out there? Is your animal better than any other animal in the world? Then join the Arcadia Fair Animal Contest, a general judging event where anyone can present a pet, livestock, or other animal or monster of their choice! Animals are judged by their obedience and even temperament as well as other certain criteria!
When entering the Animal Contest, you must choose your animal (it can be any animal that your muse owns, such as a pet, monster, or an animal on their farm) and run the following rolls:
t!roll rowdy | rowdy | calm | calm | okay
t!roll amazing | okay | okay | okay | terrible
t!roll d7
These three rolls all have scores attached to them that you’ll need to add together.
The first roll scores just how your animal acts during the entire presentation. If they’re rowdy, they’ll be given 1 point. If they’re calm, they’ll be given 5 points. If they’re okay, they’ll be given 3 points.
The second roll scores with how your animal performs during your presentation. This can be anything like them performing tricks or something of the sort. An amazing performance will get 5 points. An okay will get 3 points. A terrible will get 1 point.
The final roll is the fabled Announcer-Chan wildcard score! Whatever you receive in this roll will be added to the total, giving your animal a potential boost!
Once you roll everything and make a post with your score, post the result and a link to your post in a corresponding Discord channel in the OOC! The deadline for all Animal Contest posts is the final day of the fair!
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Founding Celebration || March 2nd - 30th, 2019
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One hundred and three years ago, various non-humans had discovered Arcadia as a land to settle for their own. One year later, some humans discovered Leuda not too far from there and began to profit off the mines. It all started on MARCH 12TH…and what better way to celebrate than with a huge celebration?
Welcome to the Founding Celebration, where every citizen of the Pelago Islands celebrates the days when their islands were found and settled. While both Arcadia and Leuda are relatively new compared to many other countries around the world, it is still important to remember those days. On BELLICOSE ISLAND, there is a LARGE FESTIVAL being held in one of the arenas, where everyone is free to mingle, dance, and purchase gifts from various bazaar booths…
Though, things don’t all have to be friendly between all of the citizens. Like in previous years, the Explorer’s Guild has decided that some friendly competition between the islands is always healthy, and they’re holding an ARCHIPELAGO-WIDE COMPETITION BETWEEN ARCADIANS AND LEUDANS.
For what? NEW AREAS.
The Explorer’s Guild has collected a mass of funding thanks to the efforts of voyagers and various fundraising events that have taken place. Before them lies TWO DIFFERENT PLANS TO FUND.
One is a plan to COMPLETELY REJUVENATE THE UNDERGROUND CITY BENEATH LEUDA, making it 100% accessable to the island without harm coming to the inhabitants, and also giving room for a few new business spots open to Leudans down there as well as allowing additions to the mining minigame!
The other is to renovate a specific pathway leading from the main area of Arcadia to CREATE A WIND GARDEN WITH FLOWERS AND PLENTY OF WIND CHIMES, allowing for a spot for bazaar booths to be held year-round, a couple new business locations, and potential blessings for visitors via magically-imbued wind chimes!
In order to decide who will receive the new area, the competition will be based upon points. Every citizen of each island can earn points towards their island, and all of the points will be added up together at the end of the festival to decide the winner!
Points are gathered from doing minigames, voyages, gathering monsters, and making a pact with a summon.
Here are the many ways to collect points for the festival:
MINIGAME POINTS: Minigame points will be earned from March 16th - March 30th only, within that activity check. UP TO TEN PEOPLE FROM EACH ISLAND CAN TURN IN THEIR MINIGAMES FOR POINTS. The minigames where points can be earned are the mining minigame, the foraging minigame, the logging minigame, and the critter catching minigame. The earners may earn 1 POINT FOR EVERY 1,000G VALUE EARNED IN EACH MINIGAME. For example, an Arcadian who earns 12,900G in the mining minigame will earn 12 points for Arcadia! Points are based on the TOTAL VALUE of your haul, so if you want to keep that 10,000G Pink Diamond, then you don’t have to worry about skipping out on 10 Points. 
15 POINTS are earned from completing a voyage during the festival. Points will be given to the island whose residents are most represented on the voyage. For example, a voyage with three Arcadians and one Leudan will earn points for Arcadia. A split voyage with two and two will be decided via a coinflip.
5 POINTS are earned from each monster tamed or defeated.
10 POINTS are earned for successfully making a pact with a summon or defeating a summon.
THE SURVIVAL MINIGAME: Can be attempted ONCE per character during the festival! Check out the details here!
RAFT RACE MINIGAME - NEW TO 2019: Can be attempted ONCE per character during the festival! Check out the details here!
Points will be given to the character’s island of residence. CHARACTERS WHO DO NOT LIVE ON EITHER ISLAND, SUCH AS A PIRATE LIVING ON THEIR SHIP, MUST DECLARE WHICH ISLAND THEY WILL BE SUPPORTING BEFORE THEY BEGIN COLLECTING POINTS. They must only be supporting one island the entire festival.
Since the points are recorded at each respective Explorer’s Guild, THERE IS A CHANCE TO MARK UP THE BOOKS.
/choose success, success, success, arrest
t!choose success | success | success | arrest
A success means that they succeeded moving points from one island to the other. An arrest means that they are CAUGHT AND THROWN IN JAIL WITH A 10,000G FEE TO BAIL THEM OUT. If they don’t have the money…they might be there for a while. And even if they do have the money, they’ll be forced to stay IN JAIL FOR ONE NIGHT. Additionally, if it was an EXPLORER’S GUILD MEMBER CAUGHT ALTERING THE BOOKS, THEN THAT WOULD PROBABLY MEAN THEY WOULD LOSE THEIR JOB.
It’s a risky move. But maybe if someone were to offer a large enough reward for marking up the books on the Pirate’s Den Request Board…someone may attempt it.
At the beginning of the festival, there will be a spreadsheet posted where characters can report the points they’ve earned. Characters must include a link to the post where they earned points in order for the points to count, and this includes any successful attempts to mark the books.
This is a huge event, so YOU MUST BOTH POST YOUR MINIGAME RESULTS TO THE DASHBOARD AND RECORD IT IN THIS DOC so everything can be as accurate as possible!
Points can begin to be collected ON MARCH 2ND TO THE ACTIVITY CHECK ON MARCH 30TH. Once the Activity Check is posted on the 30th, no more points may be reported. At the end of the day on the 30th, results will be posted.
Starting on MARCH 23RD and lasting until the end of the festival will be a formal event on Bellicose Island to officially close out the festival! It will be taking place on Discord and the results of the festival will be announced during this dancing chat! More details will be announced in Discord when the date grows closer!
Note that during the dance, last-minute points can be collected from dancing with as many people as you can! So make sure you brush up on your dancing skills!
Throughout all this friendly competition, THE FESTIVAL ON BELLICOSE ISLAND IS FREE TO ATTEND FOR ALL ISLANDERS! There will be FREE TRANSPORT TO BELLICOSE FROM ANYWHERE, AND YOU ARE FREE TO THREAD IN THE CENTER OF THE FESTIVAL. Maybe even the elusive announcer will make an appearance somewhere…
Along the arena is also a BAZAAR where people from both islands can sell their wares. IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE, MAKE A BOOTH POSTS THAT CONTAINS NO MORE THAN FIVE ITEMS WITH QUANTITIES OF NO MORE THAN FIVE EACH AND SUBMIT THE LINK TO THE MAIN! The bazaar will open at the start of the festival.
Examples Bazaar Booths can be seen here: 1 / 2
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galleryantiques · 7 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: #Edwardian Art Nouveau #Antique #Arcadian #China #Crested Ware Jug / Ewer with Crest of #Stourport c1900's #collectibles #etsyseller #etsysale #followantique #antiques #etsysellsantiques #eshopsuk #shopsmall http://etsy.me/2Dz8G9u
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galleryantiques · 7 years
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Friends, a shiny item is here ✨ Antique Edwardian Arcadian China - Arkinstall and Sons (Ltd) Crested China City of Winchester crest ware Vase c1900's (ref: 4004) http://crwd.fr/2yezsDx
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