#Are not affected by the Ultima stare
bunnimy · 1 year
Sometimes I wish there had been more development on modern magic in mystreet. It would've been great to learn more about meif'wa, witches, magical species as a whole, etc and how it's all adapted in a modern world
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waloeders · 10 months
prompt: ➼ “Stop smothering me, you dumbass.” “It’s to make up for the lack of hugs in all these years in your life when I wasn’t there!”
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summary: sleipnir comes back after a mission and reflects a little on how life has changed because of kosmos
ship: sleipnir harbard/kosmos
setting: the hideaway (seen up above!)
notes: so i slightly adapted this prompt for sleipnir :3 its set a while after the reverie events and a few...other things. but dw abt it, its fine. basically a drabble that technically fits into the whole timeline eventually
words: 704
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"stop smothering me, wretched thing." he mumbled out the last part, voice slightly muffled by a mess of black hair. sleipnir sighed, rolling his eyes at the younger mans behaviour, and slipped his arms around their waist, "must you do this whenever we are reunited?"
they hummed, nuzzling into his chest and giving him a soft squeeze. similar to his King, sleipnir was always much warmer than him, as if the aether keeping the egi alive was burning through him at every moment, churning away like a runaway train.
ryder glanced up and found what they often did when giving him affection: despite all the feigned complaining and grumbling, sleipnirs' eyes had slipped close, his head resting on their own. a soft smile had even began to settle.
"of course - it's to make up for the lack of hugs before you met me." he chuckled a little, closing his eyes as he leant back against the egi, and his voice turned to a private whisper, "besides, i missed you... i miss you every time you're away."
the lord commander snorted, quickly placing a kiss on their forehead, and pulled away. one hand remained on their waist, squeezing gently, as the other reached up to cup their cheek, making them face him.
for a moment, he held them there, eyes flickering back and forth over their features, and he smirked as they leant into his palm.
"i suppose i am fortunate then, to be missed so." sleipnir hummed, tapping their nose with his finger, "come, i am sure you have much to tell me - i understand there was some matter otto had to resolve?"
"oh, right!"
the egi resisted the urge to laugh at their chatter, as he lead them back to their shared room, arm still lingering around their waist. since the events at the reverie, being separated from ryder was rare for him - on His Majesty's orders.
and now, returning to them, he was grateful for it; time away from them, even from the hideaways' inane, daily misgivings, bored him more than he cared to admit.
at first, it had been an inconvenience, an annoyance, to be at the young man's side daily. sleipnir was always happy to carry out his Leiges' orders and did so with an efficiency that he was proud of - questioning an order had never occurred to him, but even this had given him pause.
it was only after kosmos' emergence as a separate entity to the man he knew, after that unpleasant business in rosaria and an extended mission away from them (and the hideaway) that it had struck him: he had enjoyed it. he had enjoyed 'babysitting' ryder - as the man himself had put it.
it wasn't often that sleipnir found himself surrounded by non-dominants, in the whims and goings of their everyday lives. even when he was in diplomatic proceedings with the other nations, speaking with those who were neither dominants nor bearers, it was always with men in power.
men with demands, desires, wants - wills run amok. the hideaway and its' people were nothing like them.
ryder was nothing like them.
and with the uncovered knowledge of ultima's deception, of other beings from this supposed superior species, who opposed their once Lord, sleipnir found it hard to deny that perhaps there was more to reality - to humanity, than he once believed.
"sleipnir?" he hummed, glancing down to the man caught up in his thoughts, who was staring up at him behind those familiar glasses, "lost in thought?"
"tormented." the egi joked, fingers rubbing circles into their waist, "you were saying?"
he watched as their eyebrows furrowed, concern drawing their face, but they tutted instead.
"i told cid i'd help maeve - she's that new apprentice in the kitchen - get some ingredients. wanna come hunting?"
"you have been hunting without me?"
"i can ask gav if you'd rather stay here-" ryder began to say, a teasing tone slipping in.
"i shall, of course, accompany you, love."
they laughed, nudging his side, "thought you might."
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teehees a little,,, ty for readin!
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ainyan · 2 years
A Dance to Remember
Music floated on the night air, wafting in from one of the private parks set amongst the houses of Journey’s End, where the rich and influential of Sharlayan lived. She sat atop the Annex, leaning back on her hands, eyes closed as she lifted her face to the cool breeze off the sea and listened. She probably could have attended whatever party was ongoing; these days, few were those who would deny her the right, even if she was a barbaric foreign warrior.
But that would mean facing people. Although the crowds had thinned since she and the Scions had returned triumphant from Ultima Thule, she still found that people were drawn to her whenever she was out and about, wanting to talk about her deeds, her legend, her story.
Talk about her.
She hated talking about herself.
So rather than go find the party, she stretched her legs before her and gazed up at the stars above, wondering if Meteion had been correct - were they all dead? Or was there still life out there, clinging as tenaciously to existence as it did here on Etheirys. It stood to reason that the answer was yes - after all, their star couldn’t be the only one with a strong imbalance towards aether…
Damn it. She frowned, closing her eyes again. She simply wanted to enjoy the music, the clear sky, the cool breeze, the murmur of the waves against the cliffs nearby. What did it take to turn one’s mind off? How did others do it? Every time she thought she had the trick, a stray thought would send her off on a tangent.
Maybe there were meditation techniques she could use. The shinobi of Doma no doubt knew some, and the samurai of Hingashi. Even the monks of Ala Mhigo might be able to - 
“Gah!” Frustrated, she shoved herself to her feet and kicked bad-temperedly at the rooftop. 
“Is there a problem?”
Squeaking, she whirled, raising one hand to her lips as she stared wide-eyed at Thancred. The gunbreaker stood near the roof’s edge, leaning back casually on one foot, hands in his pockets. He raised one eyebrow at her, his expression amused. “What are you doing here?” she demanded.
His other eyebrow arched upwards. “Standing,” came the laconic reply, and as she glared, his smile deepened. “I’m not sure if you knew, but my room is right…” and he trailed off, pointing to her feet.
Color rose in her cheeks, painting indigo skin violet and she looked away. “Sorry. I’m…”
“Restless. Yes, I got that.” When her eyes hardened, he pushed himself upright and held up his hands. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a boor, Kali. I’m just teasing you, just a bit.” His expression softened. “You didn’t look happy even before I irritated you.”
She wrapped her arms around herself and turned away, gazing out over the distant ocean. “I’m not unhappy,” she temporized, then sighed. “I’m not unhappy, but I’m not exactly happy, you’re right. I’m… can you hear it, Thancred?”
He padded closer, his feet silent upon the roof tiles, his gaze steady on her. “The music?” he asked, his voice soft. “Yes. There’s a fête in Journey’s End. If you wish to go, they will certainly welcome you.”
Her arms tightened further about herself as she stared up at the night sky. “I know. But I don’t want people. I just want to… I don’t know. Dance. Without the small talk, without the questions and the concerns. I just want to dance,” she murmured dreamily to the moon.
This was such a bad idea. The thought crossed his mind even as he crossed the last few fulms of roof between he and she. This was such a bad idea, and yet, she’d provided the perfect opening and he found himself walking through it even before his mind had caught up with his intentions. He reached out, sliding his fingers lightly along her arm, and as she turned in surprise, he spun with her until she was in his arms and they were moving lightly across the roof.
She stared up at him in shock, caught for a moment in surprised stasis - then her face softened into affection and she unfolded her arms, reaching up to grip his shoulder in one hand even as he caught the other, folding it firmly in his fingers. He said nothing; neither did she. There was naught to say that needed words; everything was said in the way they fit together so effortlessly.
He’d intended to keep her a safe distance away, leaving several ilms between them. As before, the moment she slid so easily into his arms, all of his intentions fell by the wayside. He gathered her close, his hand fisting against the small of her back as he spun her across the roof, gazing down into her upturned face.
In the gloaming, her pale freckles stood out in stark relief against her indigo skin, glowing softly like tiny pinprick stars. Her eyes were closed, but the smile on her face fairly shouted her delight. It took far more willpower than he liked not to gather her up, not to lean down, and cover that smiling mouth with his. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and let himself fall into the dance.
She could feel him along every point where they touched - arms, hands, bodies. His proximity set her nerves aflame and had faeries doing waltzes in her stomach. As desperately as she wanted to gaze upon his face, to stare into those citrine eyes, she knew better. So she kept her eyes closed and allowed him to lead her in the dance, trusting implicitly in his skill and grace to keep them safe.
As the music soared from below, they danced above, feet light as air, barely whispering against the roof tiles as Thancred led Kal’istae in slow, lazy circles. And as the music gently drifted to an end, their steps slowed, then finally stopped, nearly in the same place they had originally started.
A heartbeat passed, then two, then Kal’istae let out a delighted laugh, opening her eyes to gaze up at the gunbreaker’s downturned face. “Oh,” she said breathlessly, “oh, that was splendid.”
Thancred’s eyes flickered open, pale citrine and far too intense. It made her words falter and she started to tug herself free of his grip, only to find it tightening, drawing her closer until she was fetched up against him. “I - Thancred,” she murmured, confused.
He wasn’t confused at all - but he was terribly conflicted. Gazing down at her, seeing her puzzlement chase the joy from her eyes, he hesitated, then loosened his grip. “It has been a very, very long time since I have enjoyed a dance with such an exquisite partner,” he said softly.
Her confusion slid away, replaced once more by incandescent pleasure. “I don’t know if I’ve ever had a partner who matched me so perfectly,” she admitted, smiling shyly up at him. “Couriers can dance, but their steps are… practiced. Beautiful, but… mathematical,” she decided. “And adventurers have spirit, but few of them have rhythm. You have both.”
There was so much he wanted to say. Instead, he smiled easily, squeezing her briefly before releasing her. She eased back, wrapping her arms around herself once more but still smiling up at him. “I did not realize how much you liked music, or to dance,” he admitted, “or this might have happened sooner.”
She chuckled softly and released herself, spinning in a slow circle. “Did you think my dancing just for battle? No, Thancred,” she sighed. “I love music, and I love to dance. I think, had I not been blessed - or cursed - with such wanderlust, I might have wanted to dance professionally. In a troupe, perhaps, or as an instructor.”
He watched her, fisting his hands inside his pockets to keep himself from reaching for her. He’d had his moment, enjoyed his guilty fantasy - now it was time to push it away and move on. Instead, he found himself opening his mouth, impulse once more taking the reins. “The bardic students often give recitals,” he said softly, and she turned, tilting her head at him curiously. “They’re open to the public.”
When he didn’t continue, she frowned at him in puzzlement, then offered a slight smile. “I’ll keep that in mind if one happens to occur when I’m in town. Thank you.”
“I’ll take you, if you like,” he blurted out, and didn’t blame her for staring at him. What was it about her that made him feel like a bumbling tyro? “Ah, that way you don’t have to feel like everyone will be hounding you if you go alone…”
She watched him for a long moment as if puzzling over a cipher. He gazed back, hiding all of his doubts and concerns behind an easy, cocky smile. “I - thank you, Thancred,” she said slowly. “Should we both be in town and one happening, I would enjoy that.” The words said one thing, but her tone said quite another - she did not expect him to have an opportunity to fulfill that promise.
Well enough. If he was lucky, that would be the case. He didn’t have it in himself to regret making the offer, one he would desperately love to fulfill - but he did hope that it would never come to fruition.
He could only take so much temptation.
They stood in awkward silence for a moment longer, then Kal’istae gave him a soft smile and gestured for him to lean down. He did so, curious, and she went up on tip-toe to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Thancred,” she said gently. “You have turned my night from sour to sweet. I appreciate that, and you.”
Such a back-handed compliment. He didn’t want her appreciation. He wanted… Gritting his teeth internally, he smiled at her and gave her an extravagant bow, earning another low chuckle of appreciation. “And I appreciate you, lady Kal’istae. I’m glad that I could be of service this evening.”
She gazed up at him a moment longer, struggling against the urge to leap on him and kiss far more than just his cheek. Did he have any idea what that simple dance had sparked within her? Of course not - it was just another day for him, another good deed for his friend. Part of her - the masochistic part - wanted to know what he had planned now.
She knew. She’d seen the women eyeing him since they’d come to Sharlayan. Maybe he’d abstained while they were combatting the Final Days, but now?
So she smiled, and stepped back, carefully distancing herself from him. “Thank you,” she repeated. “Have a good night, Thancred.”
He wanted to know where she was going. What she was doing. Who she was doing it with. And he had no right to any of those answers. So he smiled, slow and cheerful. “Have a good night, Kal’istae,” he replied, and watched as she backed away, then leapt nimbly from the edge of the roof and disappeared.
He waited several minutes for her to get wherever she was going, then followed more slowly, achingly tender in inconvenient places. It hindered his ability to drop down onto his balcony below, and he nearly stumbled before getting his footing. Grateful there was no one to see his unusual ungainliness, he picked the lock on his own window and slid inside his room.
Kal’istae also returned to her own room. And as the moon shone in from above, dusting the pale wood of their floors with silver light, both she and he lay upon their respective beds and remembered the dance.
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playingforever · 2 months
Do you think mono would ever noncon six? Perhaps in an obsessed crazy melty way? - retrospring ask [link]
[spotlight panning to me, as I am very severe and fingers steepled] [and my head is under a bag] Considering the fact that the whole time loop 🔁 operates on subjecting Six to torment without her consent — more or less personally orchestrating her constantly being abducted and rescued only to be abducted again... Yes, I do think that Mono has this capacity within him. In fact, I firmly believe it,,,
Usually I look to canon to gauge how much duress it would take for a character to cross another's boundaries so extremely... In Mono's case, he's able to get quite far in 'the ends justify the means', even before he has reached his apex of being the Thin Man — what he does to Monster Six is deeply upsetting. As I play it, I sure feel like I'm performing a sort of noncon... Persevering through a girl screaming and belligerently resisting me until the very end.
By contrast, I think actual rape, would be a lot more preferable for the both of them-!? (knows how this sounds, BUT HEAR ME OUT.) It'd just be a lot more direct... Not needing all the convoluted theatre of the environment around them. I think it'd be a pretty good breakthrough if Mono could lower himself enough from his position of Six's noble protector, to enact on her body for his own desires — and it'd be more digestible for Six to process her harm at the hands of her friend. I think the ending of the game leaves Six in turmoil, whiplashed about by the extreme poles of what Mono/Thin Man put her through. She likely, can't even really understand what Mono's intent even is. It might seem wantonly cruel with no goal. And only when alone does Mono perhaps, reflect on his own selfishness.
[waves hands...] Of course, this isn't me saying it wouldn't be intense, or alarming or upsetting etc... Just prefacing that I think it's both a logical escalation from their current dynamic (lol.) and that also it would be cathartic.
Now, let's get into the details. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Between the two... well, I do see Mono as closer to processing his feelings as 'a crush'... specificity of, Attracted To Six. I think he's able to identify, when Six is near, heart goes doki doki. Like to look at her, like to touch her. His reactions to her are not incidental; he knows he wouldn't feel this way about anyone else. There's a boyish simplicity to him... which, means I think he also understands, he gets Horny about her as well. He be seeing, ha panty, sometimes, as they're climbing ladders. Lingering gaze, on her bare legs. Compulsively keying into the location of her pussy. And so on. It's not something he shies away from feeling... She's a pretty girl, after all... [quietly stares, from the safe partition of my paper bag.]
As for Six... she is unable to have that kind of awareness for her feelings about Mono. Naturally kind of, doomful, listless girl... not one to think with romantic flourish. It probably feels like a fluke that they were even able to survive this long; keeping each other company is a bonus. It's not that she doesn't care about him — I do think he's able to make her feel things she never has before-!! Six would have her own moments of raw attraction as well, drawn to Mono as something distinctly familiar, in an otherwise hostile & unfamiliar world. Buuut I think she's also a bit wary of emotional intensity too ww, so she would be scared to feel doki doki... She can't quite linger on it, like Mono does.
Generally I think of it as... Six cannot consciously instigate, because she's so far from having expectations of affection (she can't even see herself as craving it...) Meanwhile, Mono is more capable of instigating, but is encumbered by self-hate and overly obsessing about being Six's protector. Mono's love language is like. Dragging Six around violently and bashing things with a pipe. He's, one-track-minded, so I think he's in this rut of seeing rescuing/protecting Six as the ultimate expression of what he can do for her. Fantasizing about kissing her is genuinely too self-indulgent... so he doesn't-!! Even if he would like to. Instead, I think he gets off on the extent his loyalty makes him sacrifice and enduring anything 'for Six's sake'. It's a problem lol.
NOW IMAGINE WE COULD GET PAST THAT BARRIER...!! (And I imagine this would be through the sheer power of looping and accruing 1000 little scant moments with Six. Basting in unmet desire.) Well then Mono could reach the Next Step of trying to Do Something-! Regardless of if it felt, selfish and awful and antithetical to what he is supposed to be doing... No, even so, the feelings just need to well up inside until he can't take it. I think he also needs to be poisoned by how passive and permissive Six is, and how much he's constantly directing her body... A part of him should understand, it's possible to get away with, Something, here...
The atmosphere varies... I could see it being stoic, severe, ahh the mindset of 'I will just Do It. Here I Go.' Harsh low breathing, forceful, crushing Six against his body, pinning her against a surface... (They're often in tight, enclosed spaces together, aren't they?) Or, something more plaintive, trying to shush her, apologetic, 'Please just let me...' petting her, trying to hold hands during, errr but also definitely keeping her restrained and not letting her wiggle away... I've also dwelled on, like a cowardly pathetic attempt at somno, like a kind of Bargaining emotion... scoot pants down, but still be in underwear, press tented boner between her legs... please god, I just want to kind of feel it, for 1 second. [TRYING TO NOT HUFF IN MY PAPER BAG...]
Emotions I envision at the start of such a thing are mostly, lowly, guilty... though I think it could escalate midway into some sort of, entitlement, arrogance, I do so much for you please just let me...!!! and so on. And then of course, her body feels good, to fuck. So there's satisfaction gained from the sheer act. Maybe a childish belief that it can't only feel so good for him. Surely, it feels good for her too... [mentally justifying actions] Six's reflex is to run from things — maybe she just needs him to be persistent. That's how it often is, between them... ⬅ わがまま!!
For Six, on the receiving end, I like it to be genuinely pretty scary and inscrutable, whatever he is initiating with her — like she's not even fully able to grasp the sensations, she can't think 'sex' or 'rape', even. It's more disorienting than that, like, Mono is acting on my body, Mono is forcing himself inside me. Feels like he's created an opening in her, he might as well be stabbing her — just that extreme, of a gap of understanding what is happening.
But ahhh I think, her own attraction and interest in Mono means her body rawly responds to things like his touch, scent... She's already keyed into his voice as a firm anchor, something she's meant to react to, so hearing him haggard, breathing, or babbling at her, slurring, anything would make her brain feel as though it's reverberating in her skull. Draws out unconscious feelings, desperation, aching — terrible awe that she's somehow made him do this? That she isn't running away from it, either? — all this happening internally/physically would make it all feel Crazier. Like oh, Mono's lost his mind, and ig me too. AhhHHH.
For how complicated it is for these two, baseline, I see things as even starting consensual ➡ descending into noncon, midway during interfacing. A consequence of having hazy memories of multiple timelines; a kind of ability to go from 0-1000 easily, with no warning... Alsoo, I kind of, stylistically(? ??) like to imagine they do not talk aloud very much, and have predominantly nonverbal interactions. But it means, they're both often floundering with their own internal perception of things, and unable to bridge a discussion about what the other is feeling or what is happening... or what the other wants. It takes a lot of pressure to reach that event horizon, I think... The great conflict at the end of the game is their discrepancy in perspective, after all.
All that said, I think the scariest rape potential is, well. Bagless Mono at the end of the game who has just usurped power from the Thin Man and is tormenting Monster Six. That guy, I think is like uniquely off his rocker, swangin his axe around and booming HEYYY at a cowering screeching girl. God help Six if he could, just channel enough power to resist being tossed into the abyss or something. I think he could fuck her to death. He really froightens me. She is right to drop him and turn and leave. Seriously get away from him before something bad happens. [laughing...]
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casualjacobwrites · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Prompt #13 - Check
I write a lot more for my WoL Pasha because until viera were introduced, she was my main. I've since remade her as an alt while my main now is a bunny boy because reasons. (You don't give me pretty bunny boys and then act surprised when I fantasia'd the moment Endwalker went live.)
Anyway, this is another one I plan to flesh out more (and, in fact, one day I hope to write out Pasha's entire story from ARR to present). This takes place just after Ultima Thule, but there's nothing in the way of spoilers really. I'll spare you my lengthy explanation of shipping.
Word Count: 733
“Did you check on her?”
Thancred shot Estinien a withering look. “Of course I did, and Urianger has done everything short of dragging her to an apothecary to test her blood. Not that she'd let us.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Physically she's in top form all things considered. Some lingering bruises and soreness, but nothing unexpected.”
Estinien closed his eyes and dropped his head to rest against the wall at his back. It'd been one week since the Scions returned from Ultima Thule with the Warrior of Light. One week since she'd deigned to show her face to anyone outside of her two lovers.
“I know we should give her time,” Thancred said, his eyes staring at the doors of the Baldesion Annex. “I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. Urianger said she needs rest, but he can't hide his anxiety from me.”
“What about G'raha or the others?”
“She won't see them, not even the twins. I thought Y'shtola might get through with her customary bluntness, but she refused. She couldn't bring herself to push Pasha and said she was worried it would only make everything worse.” He rubbed his forehead. “I saw her like this once before, after Ala Mhigo, though somehow it seems worse this time around.”
At the mention of Ala Mhigo, Estinien pressed his lips into a thin line. He knew Pasha had gone to Coerthas not long after the Resistance's victory. To this day he still wasn't sure whether encountering her there was happenstance or divine intervention. Either way he remembered well the look in her eyes that day and how frighteningly familiar it was. Once someone wished for their own demise, it was impossible not to see the same desire in others. Had he not intervened that day, the Warrior of Light would have flung herself into the abyss.
In hindsight, she'd helped pull him from the brink as much as he had her. The two Azure Dragoons shared a connection that night he'd never quite been able to let completely go. Afterwards, they'd gone their separate ways, him to Garlemald and her to The First. When she returned it was obvious where her affections lay and he was honest enough with himself to know he could never provide the sort of stability she needed and deserved. He didn't begrudge Urianger or Thancred their love, but that didn't lessen the feelings he'd developed or ease his current sense of helplessness .
What did you see at the end of existence? Estinien wondered. Though none of the Scions wanted to speak of it, Pasha was all but dead when she reappeared on the Ragnarok. It was impossible for him not to draw parallels to his own experience as Nidhogg's vessel. He recalled with painful clarity the confusion and terror upon waking in the infirmary. Terror for the realization he had to find a new path in life and a new way to live without relying upon his anger and thirst for vengeance to drive him. He'd chosen to run away after a fashion. It was easier to isolate and avoid the friends who'd risked all to save him lest he hurt them by telling them he had preferred death. Knowing Pasha she'd be even less inclined than he ever was to tell the men she loved the truth.
“Let me take her away from here,” Estinien said, a plan taking root in his mind.
“What? To where?” Thancred arched an eyebrow.
“Thavnair,” the dragoon answered without bothering to elaborate. “But you and Urianger must stay behind. Let her go alone.” He raised a hand to stop Thancred's protest. “I'll keep an eye on her and I'll keep a linkpearl handy should aught go awry. At worst she'll get a bit of sun and a chance to spar against me.”
Thancred studied him a moment, his eyes narrowing in consideration. “If you truly believe it will help, then I'll get her supplies. But,” he pointed a finger at Estinien's face, “you contact me or Urianger the instant anything seems off.”
Estinien put a hand over his heart. “I promise.”
The two men hammered out a few other minor details before parting ways. Though he'd spoken with confidence and surety, there was no small amount of doubt clouding Estinien's thoughts. He could only hope the Warrior of Light would be willing to let him help.
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kitjoestar13 · 1 year
Fandom: FFXIV Characters: WoL OC, G'raha Tia
Summary: A request for the wol to fulfill G'raha's promise of seeing Ishgard. For Xan Blackwood
“First, I want to visit Ishgard with you. Properly.” 
Xan sat up in a cold sweat, awaking himself from his dream he dared not let continue. He scanned his surroundings, finding himself alone in the inn. Ultima Thule was conquered and behind him, sitting around feeling as if despair was clawing at his throat was not like him. Jumping out of bed, Xan stretched and popped joints in his body, the dream renewing his vigor. Today was the day he would keep that promise to G’raha as he no longer wished for that dream to haunt his mind and heart. 
Stepping out of the inn, Xan had found G’raha absorbed in a book, so much so that the food in front of him had gone cold. Xan went over as quietly as he could, grabbing a piece of toast on the plate and shoved it into G’raha’s field of vision. 
“Why did you not eat me?! As bread I help absorb information and stomach stuffs!” 
G’raha was startled at first but soon chuckled as he heard the dramatic voice lament. While Xan held the toast he took a bite and decided to play along. 
“You’ve done your job well, toast. You may rest with ease now knowing that the knowledge from this tome shall stay with me.” 
Closing his book, G’raha glanced up at Xan, giving him a warm smile. Xan grinned back at him before he gave G’raha a gentle head butt and nuzzle. These expressions of affection still made G’raha flustered but he knew that it gave Xan a sense of comfort, that G’raha was not some illusion of hope and was truly there in the flesh. 
“Are you ready for a little excursion? No, it is not tied to official business, I have a promise to keep.” 
G’raha’s eyes sparkled, alas he gets to go on an adventure with Xan. He wondered where they would be going as various locations sprung to mind. He jumped up to gather his things to get read. G’raha was right, the last time he got to see Ishgard was short lived, just long enough to find Estinien and then be about their way. While most would say Ishgard has very little in the way of sightseeing, Xan had seen Ishgard most intimately and felt he could provide a proper tour. After procuring the necessary outfits for their time in the cold and a short airship ride, they arrived. 
Glancing at the snow covered airship landing, Xan was flooded with memories both bitter and sweet. From the pain of being branded an enemy from all those he had trusted, to a stranger that accepted him into his home without a second thought and treated like a brother. With a melancholic expression on Xan’s face, G’raha was ready to reach out and save him from whatever plagued his mind but just as quickly, Xan shook his head and grinned. 
“Now that we’re here, we should start with the country’s guilds. To the Ath…Athen…ahem to the Astrologian guild where we learn of the stars and cards. To the Skysteel Manufactory where we learn to shoot with strongly condensed aether and to a random spot that I can’t rightfully recall but can feel, to learn about yourself.” 
For a moment Xan stared off into nothing, G’raha was certainly confused before his friend finally moved, a hand over his heart and a brief moment of silence. Startling G’raha, Xan had continued on with his tour,a big grin on his face as he hummed. 
“Next we will go to The Pillars. Here we will find the four houses of Ishgard that no longer serve a purpose. I mean they might but the only one that truly matters is House Fortemps. The family I had when everyone I fought for abandoned me. Offering Alphinaud, Tataru and myself sanctuary when we thought we had lost everything and everyone. They will always hold a special place in my heart and I know I can always call this place home.” 
A warm smile graced Xan’s lips as he waved to the Guard. Peering over the house sigils, G’raha paused on the Fortemps coat of arms. The writer who penned the adventures and trials Xan faced Heavensward, the one who kept him sane and pushed him to persevere when he had no one for so long; was right behind these very doors. Lord Edmond de Fortemps, in his heart he had thanked him for so much but mostly for protecting Xan when he needed someone the most. 
Leaving the Pillars the pair walked aimlessly about the rest of Ishgard. Xan was greeted by many, waving to everyone and even participating in conversation. Helping even when no one outwardly asked for it but simply out of the kindness of his heart. Together they walked about Empyreum, Xan enthusiastically telling G’raha how he helped restore the living quarters for the people of Ishgard and adventurers alike. Then playfully he pouted about not being able to get living quarters here, despite all the hours he put in making the place beautiful. He laughed though, still proud of what he was able to accomplish. 
“So what did you think? To most people it’s probably just piss cold and a whole lotta snow and well I wouldn’t blame them because it is but did you enjoy the tour?” 
G’raha beamed at Xan, taking a big breath in and closing his eyes. He felt his surroundings for a moment, eyes reopening. 
“Through your eyes and your words, this is truly a beautiful and warm place. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I will always remember this.” 
Xan’s tail swished happily, G’raha’s tail matching in joy. 
“How about next time I take you to the Cieldalaes! There is this lovely little area out there that you might just like. It has luscious flora and big animals, annoying little robots and a place to relax. There are many sights there as well. There is one spot in particular that I am fond of, it has a beautiful view out to sea, as if sending me an invitation for more adventures!” 
“I would love to go and see it through your eyes as we have done here. Thank you again, truly for keeping your promise.” 
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eva-cybele · 1 year
wolmeric week day 7: future
Aymeric took a deep breath and regarded seriously the large hyur and tiny raen who sat on the other side of the sitting room. “I had a question I would like to ask of the two of you, if I may.”
Roric snorted and shook his head. “It’s yer house, ain’t it, boy? Quit beatin’ about the bush and ask.”
Resting his elbows on his knees, Aymeric linked his hands together in an effort to keep from any nervous fidgeting. “My apologies. The matter is usually handled with a great deal of formality in Ishgard, though I take it not quite so much in other parts of the world. I would like to request your blessing that I seek Kaede’s hand.”
“Oh, do ye now? Yer grown, and so’s she, so why’re ye bringing us into it? I figure you two could hash that out yerselves.” A large hand rubbed against the stubble over his square chin, amusement giving way to bemusement.
“’Tis customary, I suppose. A part of the courting process, as marriage oft affects more than just the two people directly involved. Bad blood between families is a risk my people could ill-afford during centuries of war.”
The mercenary leaned back, raising an eyebrow and stretching his arm along the back of the settee behind his wife, who kept her own counsel for the moment. After a moment, the man spoke. “And if I said no, yer not worthy of my daughter, what would ye do then? Would ye stop there, and abandon yer dreams of takin’ her to wife?”
Aymeric’s jaw clenched briefly at the choice of words – unworthy, the same that had been thrown at him again and again from countless ladies’ fathers – but he forced himself to relax. He knew a trial when one was set before him.
To this one, there was only one answer: the truth.
He sat up, drawing his shoulders back and fixing the man with a steady look. “I would not. In fact, I have already asked her, before she ever left for Ultima Thule. Whether or not you assent has no bearing on my actions. I simply wished to know if I should prepare myself for a fight.”
A deep, hearty laugh echoed off the walls of the sitting room, and Aymeric exhaled in relief as Roric slapped his knee and leaned forward, grinning. “Well said, son. The only thing that would have made ye unworthy in my eyes is if ye’d been so spineless as to give up there. If yer willin’ to fight fer her, then who’m I to stand in yer way? Ye’ve got obstacles enough, I reckon.”
A quiet, softly-accented voice cut through the conversation, and both men instinctively turned towards Yuriko Kazarishi – the source, it was clear, of Kaede’s ability to command the attention of a room when she wished.
“When you asked, what was her answer?”
It was impossible to demure under her stern gaze, and Aymeric felt his shoulders droop slightly at the memory. “She… told me to ask her again upon her return. She did not wish that the bonds between us turn to shackles on my heart, should she fail. ‘Twas unfair of me to ask her now, if I am honest with myself. She knew full well that should she reject me, it could well lead to despair deep enough that it might mean my death. Perhaps she sought merely to postpone, so that I might not lose hope, if it is not her wish to be wed.” The darkest fear in his heart tumbled free of his lips without his consent, ripped free under the weight of Kaede’s cool blue eyes staring out at him from her mother’s face.
Yuriko tilted her head, composure utterly unshaken. “I do not believe my daughter would be so smitten with a man foolish enough as to truly believe such nonsense.”
The flat statement dropped into his mind as a rock does still water, and the ripples of surprise must have shown on his face, because a small smile curled the corners of Yuriko’s mouth before she continued. “It was never us you need fight for her, Aymeric. For all her strengths, Kaede has a terrible habit of running from that which she wants most, for fear of its loss. She has never loved herself enough to believe she was deserving of the things she most wished for in life. No amount of love from me has ever made up that gap. Perhaps yours might bridge it.”
Aymeric took a deep breath, closing his eyes in sorrow and acknowledgement, and then opening them in determination. “I am prepared to spend my life attempting to do so, if that’s what it takes.”
Warmth broke through the cool facade, and Yuriko smiled and nodded once, decisively. “Good.”
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enkeynetwork · 2 years
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firstblesssed · 2 years
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Walking alone unto journey’s end
ffxivwrite2022: 6 - Onerous
751 words | ew - ultima thule | Masterlist
“The sorrow of a thousand, thousand worlds weighs heavy.”
Elletha could say with confidence that the past couple of hours in Ultima Thule had been the worst hours of her life. No primal, no near death experience, no battle could match up to the overwhelming sense of despair and loss that felt so suffocating here. 
She’d be lying if she said it wasn’t affecting her, but the warrior must stand tall, must be the scion’s beacon to continue forward, to rally her friends to keep moving on. But as she watched the twins disappear into smoke, creating another beautiful bridge for her to continue onwards, she found herself without allies to inspire any further.
Elletha just stared at the spot that they had disappeared from, the deafening silence interrupted by an involuntary sob that had her clutching at her chest and cursing her emotions.
‘I’ve cried too much in the past 2 hours.’ She thought bitterly, thinking back to after G’raha had sacrificed himself, the twins leading her up the crystal bridge as she sobbed. She’d almost considered using Hydalelyn’s magic there and then to return everyone to her, ignoring Y’shtola’s words ringing in her ears, but Alisaie had knocked some sense into her.
To return her friends to her side would mean invalidating their sacrifices, to throw away everything that had brought them so far would mean the end of the star, all for her own selfish wishes. 
“It’s not fair” She choked out between her tears, sinking to the floor, “It’s not fair.”
Why couldn’t it be someone else? Always the last left alone, more important than the others supposedly, but she didn’t understand why. She hated it, wished she could’ve been the one to guide her friends forward, build a bridge of flowers and light, her gentle magic lighting the path. Elletha dug her nails into the dirt, sobs wracking her whole body, feeling guilty for even feeling this way, feeling like a disappointment for breaking down at the last second, but no one was left to tell her otherwise. Metieon having flown to the next place to taunt her, no one was here to tell her off for indulging in her emotions, so she screamed.
Screamed and cried and wallowed in the despair of Metieon’s domain, even if just for a moment, the weight of the situation finally landing on her shoulders.
The Warrior of Light left alone at the edge of the universe, screaming with grief at the position the world had put her in. 
She slammed a fist on the ground, gritting her teeth at the shock it sent through her. Elletha picked up her cane from the floor, using it as leverage to stand up, brushing long purple hair out her face and wiping her tears on her gloves. Knowing she has to continue on despite everyone being gone had left her bitter, for her companions gave her strength, and while Elletha knew that everyone back home was counting on her, it only added to the grief she felt, that she was here wallowing in pity rather than being the hero that everyone was counting on. 
As she wished for someone, anyone to be at her side, someone to tell her that everything was going to work out, the sound of distant chatter filled her ears.
Elletha looked up to see shades of people floating through the empty city, she approached one without thinking, using her cane as a walking stick, and yet when she came close to it, the shade evaporated and a voice sounded out. It sounded like it came from inside her head, resonating through the courtyard.
“If you need a push, I’ll be right there behind you.”
Elletha choked back more tears, the universe had heard her. She approached another shade, listening in shock to a voice she had not heard for a very long time.
“Do not despair, you are not without allies.”
She knew her mind was just pulling memories from the various people she had known and loved throughout her travels, but the exact words comforted her exactly the way she needed. That didn’t stop her from sobbing each time a memory was pulled from her, pausing at each evaporating shade and having to compose herself before walking forward.
‘I’m probably going to be a mess when I see Metieon up here.’ She smiled to herself and placed a hand over her heavy heart. ‘But I’m not alone at least.’
So yet, she can still walk on.
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sharinluna · 5 years
Chapter 21 Translation Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Translation Part 1
I skip parts and paraphrase a lot when I translate. So that I could let the players enjoy the complete original translated text by themselves when the chapters are released. This is just to give you a small taste of what is going to happen.
Also, I didn’t have time to quality check so bear that in mind.
Trigger Warning: This chapter includes actions that reminds of real-life relationship abuse, physical violence, and near-death experience.
Because of yesterday’s explosion, few people were out on the streets. There were feelings of dreariness in the air. The protestors at the front of Lucien’s Research Institute didn’t come out today as well. But the door to the institute still remained firmly locked, barricading the building from visitors.
I went in using the back door again. Once inside, I pulled my hat over my eyes and grasped the recorder pen hidden in my pockets. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Lucien’s door.
I waited for a long time but there was no answer. I heard footsteps approaching me and turned around to see a young professor wearing a lab coat. He looked at me standing in front of Lucien’s office quizzically, with a bit of doubt in his eyes.
Young professor: What are you doing here? Professor Lucien is not here today.
I tried to explain myself.
Yōurán: I’m not here for an interview. I’m here to see Professor Lucien on personal business. Can you tell me where he is right now?
Young professor: You’re really not here for news?
He looked me up and down as if he still didn’t believe me but after a bit of hesitation he opened his mouth to answer.
Young professor: Professor Lucien has not returned to the lab since he left the office yesterday. I don’t know where he is.
Yōurán: Thank you.
I felt disappointed and at a loss for what to do next. Did Lucien leave right after I visited him? Where did he go then?
I stopped the world from ending with my death, but did I also stop the flu outbreak and Black Swan’s plans?
Was yesterday’s explosion just an accident, or was it done by an Evolver like the rumors on the Internet?
My thoughts landed on my precognition Evol. If I could see Lucien’s future, I would know his next target. I closed my eyes and repeatedly thought the one name in my head – Lucien – willing myself to see his future.
My firm resolution drew out a certain power that was flowing in my veins. Silent darkness covered my vision for a while. Soon, a greyscale light tore out the darkness to reveal a faint image.
???: Kill her.
I could hear a familiar cold voice.
In a dark, deserted place, a man wearing black was standing in the only light. The looks on his face was sharper than knives.
In front of him stood someone whose back was hunched down in pain. It was too blurry to see who it was, but the person somehow felt familiar.
Yōurán: Who is that?
Before I could see them clearly, the vision shook and abruptly ended. Simultaneously an awful migraine came over me. I had to grit my teeth to not cry out in pain.
I recalled the vision in my head. The desolate building looked familiar. It was the address of Ultima Bioresearch Institute’s old location where I once went with Lucien(The abandoned lab in chapter 13). Why did it have to be that place again? It seemed that everywhere I went it was connected to Black Swan.
Father once wrote in his report about KEY. He wrote that World Genetics Organization established Ultima Bioresearch Institute 70 years ago, and Loveland branch was established 20 years ago. 17 years ago, KEY attacked the server of the Institute. The incident affected the genetic data of humankind, leading to a huge impact.
So there was nothing useful left in there. Why would Lucien feel the need to go there again? Was there something I missed? I couldn’t think of a reason why he would go there. But thinking about what happened 17 years ago made me solemn. There must be a good reason why Lucien went there.
For the second time I visited the old location of Ultima Bioresearch Institute. Things looked the same as last time.
On the snow in the vacant lot were footsteps leading into the deserted building. I slowed to a walk and started to place my steps on the already existing footsteps. Steadily heading towards the building.
The door to the institute was unlocked. And there were signs of people shaking off snow on the entrance.
I heard sounds of something shattering and talking voices. I tiptoed toward the noise. As I went closer, I could make out Lucien’s voice among them. The silence was suddenly interrupted by a piercing scream.
The scream shook me and I accidentally stepped on something, and the sound was quite loud.
??: Who’s there!
A pair of sharp eyes spotted me immediately. Darn it.
Beyond the half-opened door I could see everything inside the room. Lucien was standing next to the window, looking eerily cold like someone who had no temperature. Closer to me was a woman wearing black. The one who had just shouted was her. Her expressionless grey eyes brought out a sense of terror from my memory. What was she doing here?!
Staying on alert, I looked at the female member of Black Swan that I had once encountered in the TV tower. She was more dangerous than most of the other Evolvers I had met.
She had easily overpowered a man who was crouched on the floor. His face was contorted and his eyes had no focus. His mouth was mumbling something senseless. I tried to hear what he was saying, and felt a chill when I understood his words.
Man: EVILS should all die…. You should all die…
He stopped talking when she punched him into unconsciousness as if she was annoyed. Then she stood up and looked straight at me.
Artemis: Well, now that you’ve seen us, we can’t let you go free then.
She narrowed her eyes. Dangerous energy seemed to flow from her eyes.
I wanted to immediately run away but she was quicker than me. Quick as a flash a suffocating grey fog swooped down on me. Even before the ash came into contact I felt my skin burning. I shouted out in pain as I felt death approach me.
Lucien: Stop.
Lucien spoke coldly but to me it sounded like a rescue spell. The grey ash that was about to swallow me up suddenly disappeared.
Artemis: She saw everything. Can we afford to let her slip?
Artemis wasn’t so keen to let me go. I looked between her and Lucien, desperately thinking of a way out of this.
Lucien continued to stare at me blankly. I couldn’t read what he was thinking from his eyes. I waited for his verdict like a prisoner waiting for their death sentence.
Lucien: Leave it to me.
I looked at Lucien. He looked so familiar, but yet so strange to me. Was he going to kill me in person? Or was he going to let me go?
Lucien: First, get that one out of here. Artemis.
Lucien eyed the unconscious man on the floor. Artemis nodded after a moment.
Artemis: Don’t ruin our plan, Ares.
She soon disappeared with the man. There was only me and Lucien now.
I opened my mouth. There were so many things I wanted to ask him but the one that had been most weighing on my mind popped out.
Yōurán: Why did you save me?
Feelings of danger still remained but I forced myself to look at him. His cold indifference made me feel like I was someone insignificant.
Lucien: Spontaneous decisions likely end in failures. But you might still be useful.
He said matter-of-factly. And the truth hurt so much.
Yōurán: So I’m just a test subject to you…
What was I hoping for, that he would still care for me? What was I waiting for him to say? Words of assurance? But Lucien shattered my foolish hopes at once.
Lucien: What else are you supposed to be then?
When he was not smiling like this, it was easy to feel terrified of him. I thought I could face it, but my heart still hurt to see him like this.
It seemed that I had never known him for real, whether he was Lucien, or Ares
Lucien: By the way, I’m curious how you came to be here.
Yōurán: I…
I had thought up an excuse, but I felt I could not trick his penetrating stare. Avoiding his eyes I asked back.
Yōurán: Why are you here then? This is where the Ultima Bioresearch used to be, not a place for casual meetings. If I spread the news that Professor Lucien was seen here, I’m sure many people would take an interest, right?
In his eyes flashed a look of surprise. He moved to the spot where the young man used to be, there was still blood in that spot.
Lucien: So that is what you want.
Yōurán: What do you mean…?
I looked at him not understanding his words and actions.
Lucien: 17 years ago, the server of Ultima Bioresearch was attacked by a hacker and massive amounts of genetic data were leaked. Among them there were data about Evol genes, and also information about the only person who had the Queen’s genes.
I stood thunderstruck hearing his words. Lucien, Artemis, and the man they had captured, was here because of the leaked data. Everything was still confusing, but I was certain that my speculation was right. They were looking for the Queen.
Yōurán: But didn’t all the data and information got destroyed?
There was anxiety and panic in my voice. I looked at Lucien desperately.
Lucien: I suppose you could think that.
The shadows in his eyes grew deeper as he answered my question vaguely.
Yōurán: Why… are you telling me this?
Lucien: Because you know more than I thought.
Half of his body was covered in shadows, the other half was covered in light. He walked closer to me step by step. His dark eyes emitted out a cold light.
Lucien: I’ve noticed this since the last time we met but…
His lips formed a bizarre smile. A smile that was cold, ruthless and extremely foreign.
Lucien: …why are you so sure that I won’t harm you?
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As soon as he finished the sentence, a big shadow swooped down on me. Before I could react, my neck was being strangled by a brute force I could not escape.
He was so close to me our bodies were touching each other. In the eyes of a bystander, it would look like we were having a lover’s embrace. But his hands were suffocating my neck harder and harder.
I struggled to get out of his lethal grasp, but an invisible layer was restraining my body, leaving me unable to move.
His dark eyes held no emotion and no hesitation. They just quietly watched me painfully dying.
Yōurán: P- please let me go.
Tears flowed from my eyes, not out of sadness or fear, but as a pure physiological response from my body. My vision became blurry as I slowly choked to death, but I could see Lucien’s face clearly. There was no mercy, no pity in there. Only malice and cruelty.
Lucien: I already let you go once.
Yōurán: Why… why…?
I fell into despair as I saw that Lucien was trying to kill me for real. My sadness was inexpressible, and my brain fought to stay conscious.
Would I die? In front of my eyes I could see warm, white light but I wasn’t glad at all.
I don’t want to die yet. There were so many things left for me to do. I just came back here to this word…
Yōurán: No…
The light became bigger and bigger. In a pure white visual field there appeared numerous twisted black lines, constantly changing and fluctuating like error messages. The waves that I had felt once appeared again. Transparent patterns flared out forming concentric circles, spurting golden light.
If this was the power of my Evol…
A hole appeared in the invisible layer around me, and the strong force that was constraining me lessened.
I opened my eyes wide. I wanted to look directly into his eyes. With effort, I slowly raised my hand and grabbed his wrist. In a hoarse voice I whispered.
Yōurán: It can’t end…. like this….!
Suddenly, the restraint vanished and the hand strangling my neck let me go. Unprepared for this sudden change of actions I staggered and barely kept myself from falling. I breathed in the icy cold air and my lungs felt like burning. My chest hurt but the pain made me glad that I was not dead.
Lucien: You are the Queen of Black Swan.
I pulled my head up and faced him. Lucien was a few steps away from me and smiled in a cryptic way. The ruthlessness in his smile was bone-chilling.
Without the time we spent together. If the person in front of me had been Ares from the start and had only been Ares. If the Lucien that I had come to know hadn’t existed at all… then this man was more dangerous than anything I had ever faced.
Yōurán: I am not your Queen. I never was!
I met his gaze fiercely.
Yōurán: I’m not your lab rat that you can strap onto a med table and do your experiment on. And I certainly cannot be a reason that justifies the harm that you’re inflicting to people!
Lucien: You’re wrong.
Lucien put his hands in his coat pocket. There was no qualm in his heartless expression. And he seemed unfazed by my resistance.
Lucien: Evolution is necessary and Queen’s genes is just a way to a shortcut. Even without your input, we would still go for the same destination.
His words were candid and brutal. All the monstrosities I’d experienced in the past appeared in front of my eyes.
The sudden influenza virus was made by Black Swan to force people into evolution. But few people survived the attempt and the rest of them died in excruciating pain.
I clenched my fists and my eyes turned red. I can never forgive such a thing.
Yōurán: So it’s necessary that millions of people be sacrificed for your grand plan?
Lucien: New world and new order has always been founded on brutal realities. There has been no exception. Humankind’s evolution will never stop. If you fall behind, only death will wait for you.
It wasn’t surprising to hear him say these things. So why did I feel heartbroken?
Lucien: Evolvers are born out of a chance of thousands to one or millions to one. But there is only one Queen. Your genes can evolve ordinary people. Don’t you want to know the reason?
There was incomprehensible fervor in his eyes as he asked me that.
Yōurán: I don’t want to know…
I shook my head, refusing to hear the answer. But Lucien didn’t let me have that.
Lucien: Queen, by itself, is the height of natural evolution. If humans are the product of nature’s creation, Queen is a creation that ‘cannot exist.’
Yōurán: What do you mean by ‘cannot exist’….?
Lucien: The English scientist who first studied Evols called it “a pioneering creation”
There were deep meanings in his words that I couldn’t understand at all.
Lucien: It would be beneficial to us to cooperate with the Queen, but right now you are too weak, too insignificant and… entirely out of control.
The air around us hardened again. It felt like an invisible wall had separated us from the real world.
The danger was not gone yet. This time his expression was more serious, as if determined that he would not let me go this time. The depth of his eyes swallowed all light like a vortex from an abyss.
Trying to keep my intentions hidden, I calmly thought of a way to distract him.
Yōurán: Lucien! What are you trying to do?!
Lucien: Why, hold you captive of course, or…
He suddenly stopped talking.
Unseen rift expanded in the air, silently battling against another invisible force. I suppressed my dizziness and concentrated. Twisted white beams and black lines ceaselessly thrashed and drove out his power.
I unclenched my sweaty fists. It was a wild shot in the dark but I had succeeded.
Lucien: I didn’t know that you could do this.
Yōurán: …I just figured it out myself.
My voice was still hoarse from his strangling.
Yōurán: Ares, I will prove that you and your Black Swan’s doings are all wrong.
I wasn’t sure how long I could keep him constrained with my inexperienced Evol. With staggering steps I ran outside.
Lucien watched her go further away from him. After a while he laughed quietly and dissolved her powers that was restraining him with ease.
Lucien: Let’s see how far you can reach.
He stood by the window and watched her struggle to run in the snow.
Suddenly, her form, which had been grey like everything else in his vision, suddenly tinged with vivid colors before it turned back to familiar darkness. But the colors still remained lucid in his retina.
His hand that had strangled her started to shake involuntarily, but he soon suppressed it with his reason.
Lucien: This won’t last long.
It wasn’t sure whether he was talking to himself or someone else.
Why did I start this... ch21 is so tough to translate... I’m not sure I can come up with part 3 and part 4 of this chapter...
We now uncovered another aspect of Yōurán’s Evol. And honestly the descriptions are very abstract. I felt like I was reading a geometry book when I was reading about her powers.
1. Precognition(She can now use this power somewhat proactively)
2. Evolving other people(I think this has more to do with her Queen gene and not something she can control it.)
3. Invisible force(???)
She used this new power for the first time in chapter 20 when Helios was threatening her with a knife.
Suddenly, it seemed like time had stopped and my line of sight was bombarded with blinding white light. My soul was inside a pure-white space. In front of my eyes numerous black lines appeared forming unfathomable patterns. I reached out for those black lines. From the depths within my soul came out waves that passed from my fingertips and converted into soft lights that divided the shadows.
For a fleeting moment of 1/1000 second his powers restraining me vanished. I didn’t miss the chance and managed back off and escape from the blade at my throat.
I wasn’t sure but, it seemed like my consciousness had escaped the corporate reality for a short moment.
She used her powers again when Lucien was trying to kill her.
In front of my eyes I could see warm, white light. The light became bigger and bigger. In a pure white visual field there appeared numerous twisted black lines, constantly changing and fluctuating like error messages. 
The waves that I had felt once appeared again. Transparent patterns flared out forming concentric circles, spurting golden light. A hole appeared in the invisible layer around me, and the strong force that was constraining me lessened.
Unseen rift expanded in the air, silently battling against another invisible force. I suppressed my dizziness and concentrated. Twisted white beams and black lines ceaselessly thrashed and drove out his power.
Let’s try to figure out her new powers.
1. This ability manifests itself when she is constrained and unable to move in life-threatening situations(Helios about to stab her with his knife/Lucien choking her to death.)
2. Her mind goes to a place where there is a white light. She described that her consciousness seemed to have escaped reality.(My guess is that her mind came to contact with Black Cabin for a fleeting moment.)
3. Numerous black lines appears and fluctuates into waves and patterns.
4. She is able to shake away the powers that constrain her and with Lucien, she was able to constrain him, albeit briefly.
5. It seems that all of this happened in the short span of 1/1000 second. (0.001s)
All I can say about this is....wow.
I’d like to end the discussion by asking a question.
It can be inferred that Ares strangled Yōurán to see if she was Queen. The logic was that if Yōurán was really Queen, survival instincts would cause Queen’s powers to manifest itself when her life was in danger.
But if she had failed to do that, or if his assumption was wrong, she would have died in his hands. Can you say that Ares tried to kill her? Is what he did a murder attempt?
By the way, did you notice that his hand that strangled her shook when he started to see her in color? But he suppressed it and refused to think about it? *ugly sobs*
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meritre24601 · 5 years
Black, grey and white
Sounds really deep doesn’t it? It simply means good, bad and somewhat fitting into both categories. And actually it is even simpler I just need a rant. I spent too much time in the English Cheese in the trap comment sections and it really bugs me that especially starting with the Goodbye chapter Inho is seen as better than ever, practically a perfect little angel and Jung as worse than ever, the devil in person (if Inho’s the angel). So I decided to look at the good and bad qualities of both boys. I guess most if not all of their qualities fit in the grey category but I’ll try to consider what I think the most accepted opinions are among readers. Feel free to argue, to add to my lists or just simply comment, I love talking about CitT. Oh and I’ll edit, expand this post as my opinion changes and I think of new things to add to the lists. It’s not really continuous, and since it’s long I doubt people will read it, the sole purpose is to get this out of my system (and maybe start a nice discussion). I’ll also pepper it with some of my drawings I uploaded earlier to make it more fun. I try to be objective but it’s easy to guess my preferences, right? Let’s get started!
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Inho’s biggest problem in my opinion is his selfishness and that he simply doesn’t understand that everything he does, including speaking (it’s closely connected to his rudeness) has its consequences. (insulting people in high school, putting down Inha’s art) It’s understandable that he is selfish as he had to look out for himself  the better part of his life and I see it as a survival method (same with his sister Inha) but it can ruin his relationships with other people (all kinds of relationships). As a result, he doesn’t really value human relationships, especially friendship or at least he says so on more occasions (for example after the dinner at Seol’s, right before the fistfight of the boys). His treatment of his old co-worker and somewhat friend also demonstrates that. Leeching off people is also part of his selfishness, not caring if the other doesn’t have more money than him. But that’s something he showed in the first half of the story. His short temper and tendency to violence gets him in trouble especially because he rarely stops to think before he acts. He gets better with  controlling his temper and does give up his pride to play piano again, although due to a push from outside. He refuses to look at things from other peoples point of view, what he sees and believes is the truth and changing his mind is really hard if not impossible (example: his belief that Jung broke his hand) He improved a lot, he’s better now at controlling his temper and sometimes sees the wrongs he did and tries to correct them (Inha). But himself, his pride is most important, always, even if he hurts others.
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(Picture is webtoon Inhos opinion about his drama self. No question who wins if there is a fight. Text is by English Webtoon CitT commenter Celery)
Now Jung’s biggest problem is his manipulative behaviour, and it’s greatly disliked and frowned upon so it landed in the black zone. It’s very useful at times but it can also bring great harm. (stalking, homeless lady, unnamed kid nicknamed Chopin) Like Inho he also improved, his punishments are not as severe as earlier (Sangchul S4) But just like Inho looking out for himself, Jung uses manipulation mainly to protect himself and those he cares about. Since it’s effective I don’t think he will stop, ever, it’s a core part of him that can’t be completely changed, like Inho also stayed selfish and aggressive and rude, although better than at the beginning.
Being calculative is connected to Jung being manipulative it’s a trait that helps him with his plans and life. Likely also helps with work and helping Seol.
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Another trait readers dislike is his mask of smile, he just wants to be left alone and probably has the least trouble this way. And why should he care for all the people around him, there are just too many and they don’t care either. But being rude to them doesn’t bring anything, either, so there you have it. It’s the opposite when he turns cold - that’s basically him being angry. He closes himself off so one can only guess what’s the problem. I consider that a bigger problem since it also affects his loved ones. It’s okay to cool off but if he stays a sad little clam, who can guess what caused trouble and how to correct things? I think Seol is slowly getting him to be more expressive but that also results in him being more vulnerable (S4 Ch66) and that his “bottle“ can’t hold that much - he keeps things to himself, bottling everything up but he can’t bear that as well as earlier. (S4 Ch 66 and 71) Bottling things up isn’t good, either, as he himself tells Seol, trying to  get her to share her problems with him so he could help.
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He’s quick to judge people and it’s hard to change his opinion (but not impossible) Yep, the number one example is Seol’s case.
Both boys have victim mentality, thinking what is theirs is taken or them receiving undeserved damage.
Done with the blacklists, moving to the grey questionable traits (actually most traits can be both harmful and helpful)
To tell people right away what he thinks is very typical for Inho (like when he told Seol she’s way out of Jungs league, bragging that he won the fistfight) so he appears genuine and honest to readers - but his truth is often distorted, just like Jung’s and while people see it with Jung, they often overlook it with Inho,  believing his truth to be the ultimae truth. It has two sides and the real truth lies somewhere in between. Honesty is a great trait but it can cause just as much confusion and a biased view on the story. (And that drama didn’t help with that) Loud. Why did I put that there? Because some people aren’t bothered one bit by him starting to yell out of the blue while others can’t stand those kind of people. Inho is also not the smartest out there and he is aware of that. it’s not that bad but not good either. But it’s an important reason in my opinion for him not being a good match for Seol romantically even if they were in love. She is so much more intelligent and capable, I have no idea what those two would talk about if Seol doesn’t develop an interest in classic music and piano. I don’t think that would end well. Right now I don’t think he could be someone for Seol to lean on, he would get a lot from the relationship but - forgive me - he would be an additional burden for Seol. When he has built up his new life (S4 Ch76), I’m sure he’ll be a supportive, good partner to a suitable girl.
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Now let’s look through Jung’s grey list. He is secretive and mistrusting, those two traits walk hand in hand, also his sensitivity. It’s good if you don’t burden others with every little thing and keep things safe but going extreme causes not only harm for others but for himself, too. I think one important cause of the misunderstanding between him and Seol was him being mistrusting and sensitive (actually Seol as well) It got worse with Seol again and again unintentionally making him appear to be weird in public. (staring at him as she observed him, snickering incident, when she talked to others right before dropping the papers that Jung kicked) That freaked him out more than anything since he doesn’t want to be the weird one his father stampled him to be ever since he was little. Sensitivity helped them to determine what kind of people they encounter but it also makes both of them judgemental.
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Now let’s get to the good part. Inho is good at heart and if he cares, he really cares and tries his best to help. My favourite example is the pepper spray but he also tried to stop Younggon with his fists, although that didn’t discourage Younggon one bit but it still shows Inho cares. He is really passionate about playing the piano and is also talented.  I put him being impulsive in the list trying to capture the good half of his brutal honesty and thinking before acting. In  situations where quick acting is vital it’s very useful. Maybe I should have left it as honesty as I initially did but he caused too much harm with that (starting with Inha’s art and the unwanted nickname Dogfur) He’s a good boy but has lots of baggage.
Jung doesn’t have less baggage, just different, but that doesn’t make either him or Inho bad people. They are like most people out there with their own troubles and good qualities.
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(That’s just an unfinished sketch because I wanted to draw them happy together.)
Now back to Jungs good points. He’s intelligent, he cares for Seol and tries his very best to please her (once it got through to him that she’s a good girl, not like he initially thought). I guess he could be more open, but if you leave him alone he’ll leave you alone, too.  But he does care and he is obedient and listens to what others tell him and tries to act on that. He’s still trying to be like his father wants him, he listens to Seols wishes and even if he doesn’t show it, he even considers what people he dislikes tell him. Inho is a good example, when he told Jung that Inha is potential danger to Seol or when during their fistfight he told Jung that he’s bad for Seol, in the chapter where Jung actually ran to Seol for comfort it was shown that he did think about what Inho said and it made him uncomfortable. In S4 Ch76 we hear that Seol didn’t make it into Jung’s father’s company - I take it as Jung listening to Seols request to not use his influence to get her in there. (She must have had a bad day, otherwise she would have been accepted for sure, she is such a good worker) How odd now that I have the chance I can’t think of anything more to write so that’s it and here is one last picture, simply because it’s one of my favourite moments.
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bunnimy · 1 year
do they ever explain how/why the ultima stare can't affect meif'wa. Are all meif'wa also cursed souls or do they just have a Good Ending version of the ultima origin story and are all blessed souls. Or is it just because they're cats
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nosafeharbour · 4 years
The Sorrow of Werlyt thoughts/reactions (5.2)
I originally screamed these thoughts into the void on Twitter on 5.2 patch day, (February 18th), but I’m putting them here for prosperity, because Tumblr is easier and I’ll probably do the same here for 5.3. I had to leave for an appointment right after finishing it, so I was just sat on the train pouring my thoughts into my phone...
I’m… [head in hands] - It was probably an issue of screen time more than anything but the fact Raubahn was just [resigned sigh] at Gaius in Ala Mhigo while our character was just IMMEDIATELY VIOLENT AT SEEING HIM AGAIN was so funny to me. Albi is more forgiving than most and it’s been hard not to just slap my love for Gaius on her, but that’s one of the few people where she would just wanna go straight for the throat - I’m glad his companions have names now, I love Severa… as soon as she was like yeah, Gaius got really injured defending me and [makes jokes about him hobbling around] I was just 🥺 - Nervous laughter at “spending my remaining days” line, I know you’re getting old Gaius but please— - I was already screaming into voice chat when it was Project: Darnus and screaming at the Ultima remix and…  wondering if the Dalamud in the trailer was actually from this fight somehow BUT… THE… THE SECOND PHASE WAS DEADASS THE MOST SHOCKING INCREDIBLE THING. Rise of the White Raven kicking in with those wings? NAEL? MY QUEEN??? DALAMUD, THE BURNING CITY STATES, FUCK - Even Nael mentioning her brother during the fight was cool, and recognising that something was wrong… I’m so curious about this self-awareness she seemed to have, it wasn’t just a projection, huh..? - Before the fight started I was ready to die if it was Livia piloting but NOPE IT’S A WHOLE ASS NAEL DEUS DARNUS - I feel like I never burdened my WoL with too much trauma, the only things that really affected her was like… The Ghimlyt Dark, Ultima Weapon, and seeing Dalamud fall [stares at that trial] [stares into the camera] - Anyway the elephant in the room I DON’T KNOW HOW I EXPECTED THEM TO INTRODUCE THE RAEN BUT IT WASN’T LIKE THAT - First of all the fact they’re from Ilsabard and don’t have Japanese-inspired names is not only my dream come true, but also means these guys are almost certainly related to Albi’s dad in some way. Come for the Ruby Weapon, stay for the… cousins?? - I can’t believe they were so un-dramatic about Gaius just being like oh! my kids!! there was no tense surprise it was just Dad Mode Activated. I’m… [shocked crying laughter] - I always loved that he adopted Livia and Cid but now he’s just straight up helping out at orphanages, even if all he did was rescue them and drop them off he was absolutely okay with all these baby Raen calling him dad. oh my god. oh fuck. oh my go— - It’s almost comedic how many Good Guy Flags they’re giving Gaius now. He’s just a POC single dad with ten kids who gets himself injured to save his comrades on a regular basis while they hunt fascists... I guess…
- I do hope the plot holds him more accountable for his past actions because that’s a very major thing that felt downplayed in this, but I can live for now - It was almost anti-climactic how lowkey his reunion with Cid was, for both parties, but Gaius just so (I’d say uncharacteristically, but he reacted similarly to Rhitahtyn and Livia’s deaths) quietly sad and vacantly walking off… and Cid recognising that his anger fizzled out pretty quickly upon seeing him again was really lovely and felt at least a little in character. I wanted Cid to deck him but instead I got another confirmation that he’s literally the kindest character in this game - Especially when he just [recaps his tragic backstory and mentions wanting to check some Dalamud information elsewhere] lmao I am ready for the Bozja relic quest too, bud - Can’t stop thinking about how quickly Cid went from :/ more of his CRONIES huh?? oh they were some of the orphans? I get it. He just collects wayward kids like some people collect triple triad cards - Nervous laughter at whatever that last dialogue with the Elezen guy was… who are you to be threatening Gaius van Baelsar so easily?? He wasn’t even like “I’ll kill something you care about” he was just “I’ll kill you” - I assume we’ll get to see more of where Werlyt is because Albi’s dad is absolutely gonna be from that region, I think - The EX unlock had me crylaughing, he’s just… a gunpla nerd… I understand the “gundam fans will enjoy this” thing now - Your WoL’s utter despair at this nerd babbling on about Garlean Allagan fusion design was funny but also THAT IS SO ME AND SO ALBI - Also 🤔 at the guy mentioning that Ruby Weapon’s face was very voidsent-like, and that perhaps it absorbed the aether from a primal summoned during one of the uprisings… I wonder if that’s the ramblings of a mad man, or has some truth - I’m so grateful to friends in VC and I guess maybe anyone I know for putting up with me because I feel like a piece of content could not be more tailored to my tastes, I’m in utter disbelief I just experienced all that… Allagan Garlean FFVII Ultima Raen whale of a time. I was already so excited for Gaius content but [thru tears] NAEL? CID?? - I wonder what the next content will be like, I have no idea how any of this could be topped… I feel like the FFVII appeal is such a thinly veiled guise for them to just pick up on very cool Garlean lore left over from the Praetorium and Coils - I still hope Nero turns up at some point, the gangs all here and I also want his weirdly comfortable family reunion scene - I’m gonna need some time to get over how Gaius really just went from [Praetorium voice] LET US DANCE CHAMPION OF EORZEA, KILLING YOU WILL PROVE MY READINESS TO RULE to [trails off mid-sentence and half heartedly limps away from a confrontation because he is sad about one of his kids dying] - I guess in regards to Albi she probably went into this with grim determination and ready to punch Gaius, but was blindsided by her unchecked PTSD and sudden Raen echo… probably just as [stares into the distance] as everyone else right now. This was the first time I wanted to use BLM since The Ghimlyt Dark so it really would have been a lot for her. Much to think about - I dunno what kind of relationship Albi and Gaius are gonna have yet but I guess along the lines of enemies to we’re-both-too-sad-and-tired-to-hold-grudges... Welcome to the Baelsar-Garlond-Raen found family
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onwesterlywinds · 4 years
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Ashelia Riot tucks her newly long hair behind her ear as the door to the Keane house closes behind her. Edge Marbrand had been sitting by the warmth of the fire, waiting in tense solitude from the moment Linini Mooglesworn had informed him the others would be returning. Ashelia Riot: Surprise. Edge Marbrand looks up as the door closes, and stands up so fast that his chair falls to the ground. Ashelia Riot admittedly didn't know how she would feel once she returned - and now, she's beaming and crying and laughing all at once. Edge Marbrand: You're here... you're really here... Edge Marbrand can't move, for some reason - not to hug her or kiss her or hold her in his arms. Instead, his lip quivers and tears come to his eyes. Ashelia Riot walks over slowly and throws her arms around him. Edge Marbrand finally returns the gesture and cries into her shoulder. Edge Marbrand: Gods... I thought this was really it. I thought I'd lost you... Edge Marbrand grasps her shoulders, looks her up and down, runs his fingers through her hair. Edge Marbrand: You're... really you? Ashelia Riot nods vigorously through her tears. Ashelia Riot: Though for a time, I thought I'd lost myself. No longer.
Ashelia Riot runs a hand of her own along his face and through his hair. Edge Marbrand: Your hair has grown back... it feels like it could have been that long, though I know it can't have been... Ashelia Riot shakes her head. Edge Marbrand buries his head into her shoulder again. Edge Marbrand: I missed you. Ashelia Riot replicates the gesture, knowing she has to tell him everything but wanting only to be with him for now. Ashelia Riot: You deserve to know what happened. All of it. Edge Marbrand: I think I do. Please. I know some, but... Ashelia Riot: That's right. You'd have seen what Lini saw. Ashelia Riot: ...I'll make tea. I likely shouldn't be drinking yet. Edge Marbrand: I saw some of the things you've done. The things Lini had done, all of you... Edge Marbrand: I'd hear it from your lips. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: ...I wouldn't deny you that. Ashelia Riot breathes in heavily, as she prepares a kettle. When it's ready, she takes the tea right into bed, preferring comfort over the idea of sitting at a table. Edge Marbrand: Lini told us of those stones. I saw how it had a hold on her, and heard how it enslaved near everyone else. How could you let such a thing happen? Ashelia Riot: You'll remember that I was the first to receive one of the stones. It was offered to us by the Resistance, through my aunt - as a token of goodwill, though the suggestion came from one Resistance member in particular. A man named Grissom. Edge Marbrand nods for her to continue. Ashelia Riot: Grissom was a double agent for the IVth Legion. He meant all along to gather the zodiac stones for the Riskbreakers to use - at the orders of Legatus Noah van Gabranth. Edge Marbrand: Lini encountered him in Valnain. With your father. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: Gabranth wanted us to be taken over - preferably captured, studied. I believe Grissom had other ideas. He was of an old religious order: one that believed that enough sacrifice would bring about the Zodiac Braves, who would then free the world from chains. Edge Marbrand: And you were the sacrifice? Or the harbinger for these Zodiac Braves? Ashelia Riot: The harbinger. My stone was Virgo: that of Ultima, the High Seraph. She spoke to me. Much as Exodus spoke to Lini. But she showed me things, too. The entire history of Ivalice, from thousands of years ago... all the way up to the near present. Edge Marbrand: What did she want? Ashelia Riot: To take hold of my body - and for me to set about a massive sacrifice in her name. She would have needed an entire war to bring about her resurrection. A war to tear down the Empire. Edge Marbrand: And what did you think about all this? Lini was herself sometimes, so I would think you were too...? Ashelia Riot: Only rarely. I... don't remember much by the end. But I know that my own actions, my plans, were still my own. Ashelia Riot: Even to what should have been the last, I was protective of the others. I demanded their safety, and trusted in them wholly. And I... I was determined to destroy the Empire at any cost. Edge Marbrand: Those monsters were powerful, Ashe. Perhaps more powerful than anything else we've ever faced. Did you know their reach extended even here? To home? Ashelia Riot stares at Edge Marbrand in fear. Ashelia Riot: You and the others weren't harmed, were you? Edge Marbrand: Exodus used our connection to Lini. Through her, he corrupted even Azi and Siz'ir. They fought us... and tried to kill us, even. If we didn't stop them they could have hurt the rest of the Riskbreakers. Ashelia Riot: Were any others outside of the Cluster immediately affected? Edge Marbrand shakes his head. Edge Marbrand: Not that I know of. Ashelia Riot: Good. Edge Marbrand's gaze is hard. Edge Marbrand: Never again, Ashe. Promise me. No matter what kind of power is within our reach, we will not accept anything that isn't our own. The price is too great. Ashelia Riot: I waged this campaign on a foundation of absolute honesty. I'll have to share this information with the others soon, but it... certainly puts our failures into a different perspective. Edge Marbrand: A different perspective? Ashelia Riot: I endangered the entire company - not solely those who went to Dalmasca. Edge Marbrand: Yeah. Edge Marbrand clenches his fist. Ashelia Riot swallows hard. Ashelia Riot: I'm sorry. I'm... so sorry. Edge Marbrand shuffles closer to her in bed, gently brushing her hair behind her ear. Edge Marbrand: I'm so angry. Partially at the whole situation, but mostly at myself. Ashelia Riot shakes her head. Ashelia Riot: Don't. This was no fault of yours. Edge Marbrand slams his fist into the futon mat. Edge Marbrand: I should have been there. Once again, I was on the other side of the world when you needed me most. Ashelia Riot: To do what? Ultima was whispering in my ear that you would have made a perfect vessel for Belias. Ashelia Riot holds his face in her hands. Edge Marbrand pulls away and stands, his blood boiling. Edge Marbrand: Then I would be a vessel right there with you! I promised once that I'd follow you through all the seven hells if that's where your path took you! Edge Marbrand takes a moment to fume. Ashelia Riot doesn't look at him; if anything, she looks like she's about to cry. Edge Marbrand: But instead you were alone, and I was here, and helpless to do anything. Ashelia Riot: You know that would be the last thing I would want. Edge Marbrand: Going to hell with you would be preferable than losing you altogether. Ashelia Riot: And what of the company? What of the rest of the Cluster? Edge Marbrand: They don't need me like they need you. Ashelia Riot: With you safe, you were able to deal a blow against Exodus. What if you were not there? Edge Marbrand: It wouldn't have mattered. Ashelia Riot: What matters is that we both survived. Everyone in the company survived. And I have no doubt that I survived because that small, sleeping part of me knew that you were safe at home. Edge Marbrand: I love you. If I lost you to something like... something like that, then I don't know what I would have done with myself. Ashelia Riot: I understand. Ashelia Riot: ...You say 'never again,' but... Gods, how do any of us know what we'll be made to face? Edge Marbrand wipes her tear away. Edge Marbrand: We won't. We never will. But next time... next time we need to face it together, okay? Ashelia Riot sobs again, nods, and throws her arms around his shoulders; she leans her weight against him for a time, just crying, not saying anything. Edge Marbrand embraces her tight, crying just as hard. Edge Marbrand: I love you. Ashelia Riot: And I love you. Ashelia Riot speaks again when tears have subsided. Ashelia Riot: ...I mean to go back to Dalmasca. Not to wage an all-out war, but... to rebuild. Edge Marbrand: And what of Ala Mhigo? Ashelia Riot: I'll split my time, as well as I'm able. If it means the Riskbreakers remain without an acting leader for a time, then so be it. But I daresay those who participated in the campaign... are as eager as I am for a hiatus. Edge Marbrand gazes upon Ashelia Riot in deep reflection. Edge Marbrand: Will you be safe in Dalmasca? With the imperial occupation? Ashelia Riot: I'll have my aunt. Ashelia Riot: She... gods, I was horrid to her. Edge Marbrand: You were? Ashelia Riot: I doubted her at every turn. Though I had no cause to do so. Edge Marbrand: Well... Now you have all the time in the world to make it up to her. And I can't wait to see her again. Ashelia Riot nods. Ashelia Riot: ...I'll have to get her to stop calling you 'Gerald' first. Edge Marbrand laughs. Edge Marbrand: So, when do we leave? We'll have to take the long way, since I can't teleport there... Ashelia Riot: ...Leave? You mean for- Edge Marbrand: Dalmasca, of course! Ashelia Riot starts laugh-crying again, mostly from all of the other emotions from the day. Ashelia Riot: W-We've a need to wait for things to die down. After the last battle at Ridorana, the Garleans are eager for any sign of us. But... soon. Edge Marbrand: That's fine. That'll give me some time to set some things in order. Ashelia Riot stares at her husband in wonder, then throws her arms around him again.
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pan-kawaii-chan · 5 years
Behind These Emerald Eyes Lyric Comic/Animatic Script Thing??
yall can thank @incorrectmcdquotes for this bc she ruined a reaction image of kc and i cant stand for that. this pulls inspiration from the one anon that @someartistsammy got about Travis being sent to another dimension in season 6 and is obviously scripted to fit the song that @pmseymourva sang
regular text is the lyrics, bolded text is the direction (everything i wrote for the script)! under the cut bc its pretty long
For some reasons,
I can't explain
A shot of Travis sitting alone in a black void, his back to the camera. It's easy to see that he's hugging his knees to his chest, his head bent over his knees
That the way I live,
Almost seems to stain
The camera moves to show Travis' face. He's crying and tear stains are all over his pants legs
My whole life,
A shot of Travis being affected by the forever potion flashes on screen
Seems to be filled with lies
A shot that shows Aaron fully in Ultima form flashes on screen, then another shot that shows Aphmau in her Irene form
I yearned for the truth
The screen moves back to Travis, though much more zoomed out
Behind these emerald eyes
The screen shakes before zooming in on Travis' eyes. It shows his eye color from when he was affected by the forever potion. He looks confused, sad, and lonely all at once
I miss the days
When the world was grey
A shot of Travis and Katelyn snuggled together on the couch at her place during Lover's Lane. The window behind the TV shows a grey sky as rain falls down
Where love,
Katelyn by herself shows up on screen, blushing with her arms crossed over her chest
Laughter and fun,
A shot of Travis chasing after Dante during their high school years. The two are both grinning
Had it's way
The image disappears, showing Travis standing up in the black void he's current residing in
But now control
The demon warlock appears on screen
Has come to rise
A zoom in on the demon warlock's face. His eyes are blacked out by shadows, but it's easy to see his evil grin
What can I do
The camera comes back to Travis. He is now standing and staring out into the void, his eyes still watery but he no longer is crying
To see behind
These emerald eyes
The camera zooms back in on Travis' eyes, which have returned to their normal color. He looks much more confident compared to the last zoom in
I want to break free
A shot of the blue sky above Starlight
I want to clearly see
The camera shakes again, unfocused and blurry. Travis' blurry figure can be seen in the center of the camera
I miss who I was,
The camera refocuses, showing Travis in his original outfit from Mystreet Season 1
But does anyone miss me?
Katelyn and Dante appear as faint outlines next to him, also in their Season 1 outfits. Dante has an arm around Travis' shoulders, and Katelyn has her hand placed on Travis' back
And now I'm here
The camera moves back to show Travis' face, Katelyn and Dante are both looking at him, worry clear on their faces
Alone and scared
Katelyn and Dante fade away and Travis' clothes switch back to the ones he was wearing at Starlight
And my curse
Will make my soul
Rip and tear
There's a shot of the fight of the demon warlock. He's having an easy time throwing everyone around when Aphmau appears in Irene form
At last she's here
A shot of Katelyn in her Starlight outfit. She's reaching out her hand to Travis, giving him a half smile
To help me
Grin and bare
The shot switches to Travis, reaching for her hand, a grin appearing on his face as he looks up at her
My hope…
A zoom in on their hands, so close that he can almost reach
I see behind…
The camera moves to Katelyn's face. She's no longer smiling
… those sky blue eyes.
A zoom in on Katelyn's eyes, showing her shock, worry and fear. At the end of the lyric, she fades away just like before, leaving Travis alone. His hand falls to his side. The camera pans out, backing further and further away, Travis' outline once again becoming blurry
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shadessimsworld · 3 years
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Melody si è trasferita circa sette anni fa a Brindleton Bay. Sean, il suo fidanzato, nonché primo vero amore, è del posto. Lo ha conosciuto ad una festa in una zona balneare, nella quale si era recata in vacanza con i suoi genitori e fra loro è subito scattata un'attrazione irresistibile. Entrambi si sono innamorati perdutamente dell'altro, così tanto che, Melody molla tutto dopo le superiori e lo segue, per una convivenza, a Brindleton Bay. Ingegnere informatico, benestante e di bell'aspetto, cosa si potrebbe desiderare di meglio?
Trascorrono quattro bellissimi anni d'amore insieme ma, dopo un incidente stradale, Sean inizia a cambiare. Qualcosa lo porta ad essere distante da Melody e sempre più freddo. Lei ne soffre immensamente, ma sceglie di pensare che sia solo un periodo e che il suo grande amore sarebbe, prima o poi, tornato lo stesso di sempre, appena gli fosse riuscito di superare il trauma dovuto all'incidente.
Il quinto anno insieme la loro storia sta andando a rotoli. Melody continua a sperare in un miglioramento, ma un bel giorno, Sean le comunica di non aver più voglia di avere una storia seria e di voler stare da solo perché l'incidente gli ha reso chiaro che la vita è breve e lui non ha voglia di sprecarla limitandosi in una storia fissa. Ha voglia di godersi la vita. A Melody si sgretola il pavimento sotto i piedi, non riesce a credere alle sue orecchie ma, purtroppo, è la realtà.
Così, triste, prende le sue cose e va via da casa di Sean, che le chiede di restare amici ed, ogni tanto, le telefona per chiederle come sta. Ovviamente, lei spera che dopo che Sean sarà rimasto da solo, si renda conto che lei gli manca e che torneranno, di nuovo, insieme. Le chiamate di Sean, però, sono davvero dettate da puro affetto e niente di più. Infatti, pochi mesi dopo, Sean inizia a vedere diverse ragazze ed a postare le foto con loro sui social media. Melody ha il cuore a pezzi, ma la consola il fatto che lui cambi spesso partner perché questo lascia ancora presagire un momento di crisi nella sua mente.
Fin quando, un giorno, sul profilo social di Sean, lui annuncia il suo matrimonio con una ragazza, la sua ultima donna. Melody pensa sia uno scherzo, infondo le ha detto di voler stare da solo, ma pochi giorni dopo, ecco le foto della cerimonia in spiaggia, a Sulani. La rabbia di Melody divampa e, presa da questo sentimento di dolore, amarezza e furore, si promette di restare sola per il resto della sua vità e così fa, per ben due anni, fino al momento in cui, un giorno, guardandosi allo specchio si dice. (To be continued)
Melody moved about seven years ago to Brindleton Bay. Sean, her boyfriend and first true love, is from the place. She met him at a party in a beach area, in which she had gone on vacation with her parents, and between them immediately snapped an irresistible attraction. They both fell madly in love with each other, so much so that Melody dropped everything after high school and followed him to live together in Brindleton Bay. A computer engineer, well-to-do and good-looking, what more could anyone want?
They spend four beautiful years of love together but, after a car accident, Sean begins to change. Something leads him to be distant from Melody and increasingly cold. She suffers immensely, but chooses to think that it is only a period and that her great love would, sooner or later, be the same as always, as soon as he was able to overcome the trauma due to the accident.
The fifth year together their story is falling apart. Melody continues to hope for an improvement, but one day Sean tells her that he no longer wants to have a serious relationship and that he wants to be alone because the accident has made it clear that life is short and he doesn't want to waste it by limiting himself to a permanent relationship. He wants to enjoy life. The floor crumbles under Melody's feet, she can't believe her ears but, unfortunately, it's reality.
So, sad, she grabs her things and leaves Sean's house, who asks her to stay friends and, every now and then, calls her to ask how she is. Of course, she hopes that after Sean is left alone, he will realize that he misses her and that they will be back, again, together. Sean's calls, however, are really dictated by pure affection and nothing more. In fact, a few months later, Sean starts seeing several girls and posting pictures with them on social media. Melody is heartbroken, but she is consoled by the fact that he often changes partners because this still portends a moment of crisis in his mind.
Until, one day, on Sean's social profile, he announces his marriage to a girl, his latest woman. Melody thinks it's a joke, after all he told her he wanted to be alone, but a few days later, here are the photos of the ceremony on the beach, in Sulani. Melody's anger flares up and, taken by this feeling of pain, bitterness and fury, she promises to be alone for the rest of her life and so she does, for two years, until one day, looking in the mirror, she says to herself. (To be continued)
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