#Aricka Mitchell-Benjamin
The Mitchell-Benjamin family:
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, dad/daddy/MavDad
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Penny Benjamin, mom/mommy/mama
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Aricka “MiniMav/Lucky Charm/Lux” Mitchell, oldest daughter and oldest Mitchell child
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Jeremy “Iron Man” Mitchell, oldest son
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Amelia “Meelie” Benjamin-Mitchell
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Nova “Sissy” Lee Mitchell, second oldest daughter, third born child
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Justin Michael “JJ” Mitchell, last born son and last born child (the surprise baby)
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@astralshipper @hyperionshipping @rosieshipper @sappy-secrets @letsgofoletsgo @yeehawselfshipping @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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New series idea:
Hey who took my kid-?!
A group chat AU/series
Synopsis: Pete loves the new little family he’s become apart of. Really. Truly. He does.
He just wished they’d just stop randomly kidnapping his daughter.
Aka: the series in which Aricka’s crazy aunts and uncles steal away with her and go on all sorts of crazy adventures, every other chapter being a “group chat”‘format where Pete frantically is trying to locate his kid.
Tired dad Pete Mitchell
Spoiled rotten daughter Aricka “Little A” Mitchell
Aunt Aricka “Ricki” Mitchell
Aunt Carole Bradshaw
Uncle Nicky/Goosey Bradshaw
Bradley Bradshaw
Blake Davis
Penny Benjamin
Uncle Sli
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Uncle Ice
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Uncle Holly
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Uncle Wolf/Wolfie:
(Ignore the caption. He’s the one talking.)
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Uncle Chip
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Uncle Sunny/Uncle Max:
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(On the right)
Uncle Cat (Cougar)
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Uncle Wizard (merlin)
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Gran’pa Viper
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Papaw Jester
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Uncle Cyclone
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @hyperionshipping @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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Somewhere over the rainbow….
Aricka Mitchell
As Dorothy/herself
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Jeremy Mitchell
As “Toto”/Aricka’s twin brother
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Bradley Bradshaw
As the Scarecrow
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Jake Seresin-Neven
As the Tinman
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Robbie Floyd-Denton
As the Cowardly Lion
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Pete Mitchell
As uncle Henry/captain of the guard
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Penny Benjamin-Mitchell
As Aunt Em/Glinda the Good Witch
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Charlie Blackwood
As the wicked witch of the west
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Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
As Professor Marvel/The Wizard of Oz
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The wonderful Wizard of Oz
Also featuring:
The 1986 flyboy squad as the Winkie guards
Carole Bradshaw as Dorothy’s assistant in Oz
Nick Bradshaw as the cab driver/horse of a different color driver
Ricki Mitchell as herself
Blake Davies as himself
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The flying four reunite
(Aricka x Bradley, Aricka and Jake; Aricka and Robbie)
(Special appearances by: Maisie and Sienna Bradshaw; Pete and Penny Mitchell-Benjamin, Natasha Trace.)
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Aricka nods along to the song playing in the radio of the familiar first-gen Ford Bronco, which just happened to be, “Country Girl,” by Luke Bryan. Her currently blonde-highlighted hair was pushed out of her face by the breeze, and one of her hands was held over the gearshift by one Bradley Bradshaw, who, like something out of a Taylor Swift song, had a “one hand feel on the steering wheel.”
This was the first time the pair had been together in six months, having been on separate deployments. They hadn’t even had a chance to see their kids yet, since Aricka’s mom was watching them and they were currently at the Hard Deck, where Aricka and Bradley were heading.
Being back home, being back in the car that Aricka and her now-husband had shared so many memories in, sent a wave of nostalgia through her, and made her curious as to why they were being called back to Top Gun. Bradley had fixed the car since they had been gifted it, and painted it a new color of blue, but it still had the same homey qualities as always, and Aricka was glad to be back in her so claimed passenger princess spot.
They come to a stop, but Aricka remains seated- she would get the mock scolding of her life if she didn’t let her husband open her door for her and help her out of the vehicle like he had for any occasion since their first date their senior year of high school.
Bradley does as expected, and she can’t help but slip her arms around him for another hug, soaking in the warmth of having him back in her arms. “Ready to see everyone?” He asks, seeming to know
Aricka nods. “Ready to see my parents,” she says. It was always difficult, Aricka being such a daddy’s girl, being separated from her dad, being that he was the first person to really want her in his life. Bradley was the second.
The pair walk into the bar, and their eldest, Maisie Nicole, was the first to spot them, her eyes lighting up as she darted over toward them, her twin sister hot on her heels. Maisie jumps into her dad’s arms while Sienna fell into her mom’s embrace, both twins eager to see their parents again for the first time in a long time. “Cici!” Aricka exclaims, holding her baby close. The girl had grown in the last six months; she was almost taller than Aricka by now.
“Mama!” The girl exclaimed back, not caring that she was 13 and technically shouldn’t still be calling her mother that. “You’re back! And early too. Are you all done?”
“No, no, my starshine. Dad and I got called back for a special mission for Top Gun.” Cici must have just noticed that her father was indeed standing there with her mother, because she let out an ear-piercing sound and leapt into his arms next,
“DADDY-!” Maisie folded into her mom’s comfortable and familiar hug, having missed the moments when she could seek her mom out for a quiet hug and a forehead kiss.
“My baby,”‘Aricka whispered. “How’s my little duck doing?”
“I missed you mom, it’s not the same when you’re gone.” Maisie perked up sooner than Sienna did, “Uncle Jake: auntie Nat and uncle Robbie are here already, and Jake brought our new uncle Javy with him!” Aricka grinned at hearing her oldest claim Jake’s wingman so readily. Javy was a great man, one Aricka, Brad and Robbie knew would have their childhood friend’s back on the land, at sea and in the air.
“Uncle Javy didn’t believe uncle Jake could hit the dartboard with his eyes covered and uncle Jake proved him wrong,” Cici said with a familiar, Bradshaw brand smirk. “It was AWESOME!”
“Okay: kids let’s let your parents in the door,” Aricka looks up and grins when she sees her mom standing at the bar; a familiar smile on her face.
“Mom!” It was her turn to greet, walking around the counter to hug her, an exception made only for Penny’s husband, daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren. “Dad not here yet?”
Penny gave her a confused look. “You don’t know?” She shakes her head no. “Of course you don’t- they wouldn’t have told you. Your dad is on his way but he’s- he was in a work related accident.”
Aricka knew her dad was prone to the occasional accident every now and then but for her mom to phrase it like that instantly had her internal worry system running full tilt. “Do we know the details?”
Penny tsks and shakes her head; “Classified government information but if you remember he was working on a super important project.”
Aricka remembers the details vaguely. “That dark star thing, right?” Penny nods. “I hope he’s okay.”
“He’s fine, he’s just ready to hug his kid again.” Aricka whirls around and beams as she sees her dad standing there, and throws her arms around him. Pete Mitchell, callsign “Maverick,” or to Aricka, “MavDad,” or just “dad”, and to his grandkids, “Papa Mav” wraps his oldest kid in a tight hug; and for a moment everything from the last six months faded to oblivion; and Aricka was a little girl behind welcomed home from school. “Hey mini-me,” he says; and she giggled at the familiar nickname.
“Hi dad.” She felt the familiar material of a brace under her dad’s shirt and she gave him a worried look.
“I bruised a few ribs in that accident your mom was telling you about. It’s mostly just bruises and scrapes but I’m fine, kiddo. I promise.” Aricka accepted the explanation for the moment, just relived her dad was still alive and relatively in one piece. “Go see your friends; I know you missed them.” He sends her off with another hug and a kiss to the forehead, and Aricka drifts back over to Bradley’s side.
“I spy with my little eyes a certain WSO and pilot,” she says. Bradley follows her gaze. “How hard do you think it is to sneak up on Robbie now?”
“Just a little bit, but if anyone can do it it’s you, sweetheart,” Bradley says; the vote of confidence making her beam as always. She walks over, trying to be as sneaky as possible; Robbie having not seen her yet, and slides her arms around his waist excitedly as she exclaims,
“Hiya Robbie!” Just like when they were kids. The stealth pilot managed to jump out of his skin at that but when he noticed who it was he quickly returned the hug,
“Aricka Bradshaw you little menace-!” She laughs and hugs him as tightly as possible,
“I’ve missed you-! How’ve you been?! How’s Lemoore?”
“Boring without you guys but I manage,” he says. Bradley walks up at that moment; and that’s when Jake noticed the pair standing there.
“Bradshaws! As I live and breathe,” he exclaimed, and Aricka ran around the pool table to hug her other childhood best friend; who immediately scooped her up and swung her around. “You look stunning as always Aricka.”
“I’ve missed you too Jakey,” she says. Bradley shakes his head; a teasing smile on his face.
“Hangman. You look- good.” Aricka shakes her head. Oh boy. Here we go.
“Oh I am good, Rooster. I’m very good. In fact,” here he ruffles Aricka’s hair: much to her chagrin and complete fondness, as she shoved him playfully, “I’m too good to be true.”
“You didn’t tell me you were stateside,” said one Natasha Trace; and Aricka winces. Oh Bradley. Never anger your real wife or your work wife.
“I wanted to surprise you-!” Bradley protested. Nat goes to take a shot at the pool game, and hits Bradley in the stomach with the pool cue.
“Now I’ve surprised you; too;” she says with a familiar smirk, and Aricka laughs outright at the look of stunned pain on Bradley’s face.
“Good to see you, Nat,” he says, patting her shoulder.
After a little while of catching up and talking about the new mission, Aricka spies her husband wandering over to the jukebox, bending over to unplug it, and she grins as she follows him over to the piano at the end of the bar, letting Bradley tug her down into his lap as he wraps his arms around her to begin playing a few keys, “any requests, m’dear?” He asks, aviators slipping down his nose. She pushes them back up, kissing his forehead for a moment, before saying,
“Play our song Brad.” He grinned, and she knew if his sunglasses were off he’d wink at her before launching into the song that defined not just their relationship, but Bradley’s parent’s relationship.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane-!” He cues her in with a tip of his head and Aricka joins,
“You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The two couldn’t contain the smiles on their faces as their friends joined in, singing the song at a loud and proud pace, some of them unable to hide the laughter in their voices,
“I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny
You came along and you moved me honey
I've changed my mind, this love is fine
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Everyone drops out so Bradley could sing direct to Aricka,
“Kiss me, baby, ooh, feels good-!” As she laughs and kisses him again as the song instructs, wrapping her arms around him and singing,
“Hold me, baby
Well, I'll still love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine-!” Bradley
“So kind-!” Aricka.
Imma tell the world world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!”
Maisie and Sienna walk over, the aviators parting so the kids could sing with their parents, and Bradley noticed, saying,
“May-May, Cici, sing with the family-!” And they all sang the third verse,
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm getting nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're drivin' me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” Maisie and Sienna laughing and clapping their hands like they did every time their dad sang this song.
Pete and Penny stood back at the bar, watching the scene with equal looks of pride and nostalgia. “They remind you of anyone?” Penny asks. Pete nods.
“Reminds me of us. Of Nick and Carole. Too bad they’re on that anniversary honeymoon of theirs. They’d have wanted to see this.” The scene before them reminded Pete of another diner; of another piano, where two kids sat on top, the little boy holding the little girl’s hand as they sang the same song they were currently singing, but it wasn’t Bradley playing or singing, it was his father, and Charlie had been there, as well as Aricka’s twin brother Jeremy.
“Kiss me baby
Ooh, that feels good, baby
Hold me, baby-!” Everyone but Aricka stops singing as she looks at Bradley she says,
“I wanna love you like a lover should-!”
“You're fine, you're so kind
I'ma tell the world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine-!” The pair were continuously lost in each other’s orbit, even the music faded for a moment as Aricka and Bradley looked at each other with an unreadable expression to anyone but each other.
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I get nervous, but it sure is fun
Come on, baby, you're driving me crazy
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire-!” The song finishes and Bradley looks at Aricka for another request, but the girl in question merely leans forward to lovingly kiss her husband, resulting in various reactions- hoots; hollers and wolf whistles from everyone present. “Brad Brad, you big stud?” She whispered. Bradley knew what was coming but played along, keeping both arms wrapped around his wife.
“That’s me honey.” She laughs and leans her head against his shoulder, saying,
“Take me to bed or lose me forever.” Bradley pulls her up so her legs are across his on the piano bench, looking her in the eye before replying,
“Show me the way home, honey.” Not that she needed to. Anywhere Aricka Mitchell-Bradshaw was; that was Bradley’s home.
And it always would be.
So- this was supposed to be more centric on the four friends but ended up being a cute fluffy Aricka and Bradley fic.
Oops-? 😅
Anyway, I couldn’t sleep so have a fluff story!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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DWTS AU Chapter One: Premiere Night!
(Eventual Aricka x Bradley)
(@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge)
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“Our first couple tonight is a debut pro and her first partner! Find out what happened when young pro dancer Aricka Mitchell met her partner, BAFTA, Teen and People’s Choice Awards winner Bradley Bradshaw….”
~~~~~~~~~ Rehearsal Package Footage~~~~~~~~
“Hi, I’m Aricka Mitchell. I’m 24 years old and this is my first season competing on Dancing With the Stars.” Aricka is sitting on a chair with a camera in front of her. “My parents are DWTS judge Pete Mitchell and former DWTS pro dancer Penny Benjamin-Mitchell. They are the sole reason why I dance today. I do everything to make them proud and I hope to win the Mirrorball Trophy my first year competing.”
The package cuts to show the door opening and Bradley Bradshaw walking in. Aricka claps her hands under her chin and wiggles side to side excitedly, “oh my gosh hi! How are you-!”
“I’m great, it’s nice to finally meet my dance partner,” Bradley immediately offered her a hug which she willingly accepted.
The footage cuts back to Aricka, hands over her face as she stage-screamed, “oh my GOSH, I got Bradley freaking Bradshaw, are you KIDDING me-?! He’s so talented and good looking, I know we’re going to have a blast.”
The footage cuts to Bradley; sitting backwards in his chair as he says, “I’ve watched a few seasons of this show and I knew it was something I wanted to do on my acting bucket list. I’ve seen Aricka dance when she was in the troupe and she just- lights up the ballroom so I can feel we’re going to have a good time this season together.”
Back in the rehearsal room, Aricka asks, “So, how much or little dance experience do you have?”
“I was a main character in the remake of Footloose, so I have that much dance experience. Plus my parents were and are firm believers in spontaneous song and dance parties.”
“Great. We’re going to be the best team this year.”
“And we’re going to win?”
“You know it!” Bradley and Aricka high five and laugh; and then the work began.”
**** jump cut*****
“And one two three- whoa-!” They trip and Aricka braced her arms on Bradley’s shoulders to steady him. “You good?”
“I’ve gotta get this right,” he says. Aricka smiles up at him reassuringly.
“You will. I know you can do this. Let’s try again.”
The footage cuts back to Aricka sitting in her chair, “Bradley has natural talent and charisma, but he gets in his head when it comes to letting himself relax and enjoy the music and not completely get lost in memorizing the steps. But it’s a challenge I enjoy facing, because it means he’s learning.”
Back with Bradley, we see him drag his hands down his face, “so this was a little more challenging than I originally anticipated, but Aricka is a great coach and she doesn’t let me stew too much if I make a mistake, she’s good at being the right mix of encouragement and constructive criticism.”
****jump cut***
“Watch me dance- YES-! Yes you did it-!” Aricka jumps into Bradley’s arms excitedly as he swings her around, “let’s do it one more time to lock it in.” The two of them return to their original position and redo the step Bradley had struggled on, and then the video faded out.
“Dancing the jive with his partner, Aricka Mitchell, it’s Bradley Bradshaw!”
Aricka stood in the center of the ballroom, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other in her hair mussing it playfully. Dua Lipa’s, “Dance the Night,” filled the room with playful music and Aricka flicked her arms out to the beat, and when it came to the, “don't you wanna just come along for the ride?” She motioned to someone in the audience; and Bradley slid out, literally, right to her feet where she pulled him up by his tie, kicking her feet out as he grabbed her hands and spun them both in a circle, and as the song reached the, “That's the moment I shine,” part hit, the spotlight shone down on them as Bradley dipped her with one arm, before pulling her up.
When the chorus hit, the couple exploded, pulling all the stops as they kicked their heels, hands out to the side, before Bradley grabbed Aricka’s hand, spun her twice, and as the chorus ended, hauled her up onto his shoulder as she reached for the ceiling as confetti rained down on them, before he dropped her, gripping her ankle and wrist as she posed for the camera, both of them panting, breathless from the fast paced energy the jive required.
The audience erupted in applause as Bradley helped Aricka stand up, pulling her in for a hug as she whispered an excited and proud, “That was so good!” In his ear. Grinning, he pulled her up into his arms again, carrying her bridal style over to the judges table.
“Wow! That’s how you kick off the season!” Alfonso says. “What a dance! Carrie Anne, we’ll start with you.”
“WOW! That was incredible, you two just set this place on FIRE! Aricka I can’t believe this was your first time choreographing a dance, you’re a natural! Bradley, the trust and care you have for your partner is incredible, it’s hard to believe you two didn’t know each other before this, the chemistry you have is insane! There were a few bobbles here and there but it’s all very fixable, but other than that, way to kick of the season!” Aricka squeezes Bradley’s arm and grins, mouthing the words, “Thank you,” as Bradley nodded.
The audience cheers as Alfonso says, “Pete; judge your daughter.”
Pete grinned as proudly as ever as he began, “what can I say other than that you, Aricka, are right where you belong. You have such a confident stage presence and I saw you before the dance even started helping Bradley focus and ground himself before the music began. This is the start of a dynamic relationship and I can’t wait to see where it takes you both.” Then he walks out from behind the table and quickly hugs his daughter to the delight of the audience as Aricka tried not to cry.
“Derek, it’s your turn.”
“I’m going to echo my fellow judges and say ARICKA, welcome to the pro ballroom girl! Like Bradley said in his package, you lit up this ballroom and made it your home. Bradley, I gotta confess, you’re a tall guy so I was a little nervous about that when it came to this dance but my man, you can DANCE! There’s a few things that need polished but like Carrie Anne said, it’s all fixable. Great job.” Aricka laughs and blows a kiss at Derek who pretended to catch it and hold it to his heart.
“Oh, someone call the fire department, because these two just set this place on FIRE! Aricka my darling welcome to the ballroom, I am so pleased by this choreography. Bradley, you have been holding out on us darling, you never showed us you could dance LIKE THAT-! The way you two moved, it was watching a scene from a romantic comedy, where the two main characters just met for the first time. Very wonderful the both of you, just fix those fine details and you’ll be golden.” Aricka and Bradley both laugh as Aricka leans her head on Bradley’s shoulder as he squeezes her arm.
“All glowing remarks from the judges. Alright you two: head on up to the skybox for your results!”
Bradley and Aricka beamed at each other as they grabbed each other’s hands and ran toward the stairs leading to the skybox.
“Aricka! It’s so good to see you up here as a PRO DANCER and not just a member of the troupe! How does it feel?”Julianne hugs the girl she saw a a mentee figure proudly.
Aricka laughs and leans against Bradley again, “Well I got a really good partner this year and it feels so incredible, Bradley puts his trust in me every day and I just want to honor that trust.”
“And she does,” Bradley says; and nobody in the audience or watching live could deny that the man had hearts for pupils in that moment.
“So; Bradley how different is this dance from what you know from Footloose?” Julianne asks.
“It has its similarities and its differences, but Aricka is super patient and takes the time to explain every new step we do together, I feel very fortunate to have been made her partner this season,” Bradley says.
“Alright, now let’s see those scores!” They turn to see the results:
“Carrie-Anne Inaba!”
“A fiery start to the season, it’s a 7!” Aricka wiggled and stomps her feet excitedly.
“Pete Mitchell!”
“Beautiful debut dance, it’s a 7!” Bradley grins and squeezes Aricka’s shoulder encouragingly.
“Derek Hough.”
“Way to kick things off, another 7!” Aricka’s jaw drops and she looks up at her partner proudly; and Bradley beams down at her.
“Bruno Tonioli!”
“Wonderful way to begin the show; that’s a 7!” Was proclaimed with a flourish. Aricka squeals and jumps into Bradley’s arms and he spins her around again,
“So proud of you!” She exclaimed.
“Right back at you, coach,” was said warmly.
And thus began a beautiful journey of love through dancing.
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OC character profile: Aurora Kazansky
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Basic Information
Full name: Aurora Anne “Rory” Kazansky
DOB: May 21, 1988
Age: newborn - 34
Eye color: sky blue
Hair color: white-blonde
Marks/scars: barely noticeable scar on her lip from when she tried to eat the stapler as a toddler, faint line on her wrist from stitches due to falling out of the tree in the Mitchell’s backyard.
Callsign: Snow Queen
Quirks: bites her lip, chews her nails, has a habit of shaking her leg when nervous, paces a lot.
Positive traits: determined, loyal; dependable, charismatic, confident, strong, brave.
Negative traits: stubborn, over ambitious, too self reliant at times, can be argumentative, feels like she has to be perfect at all times.
Talents: anything artistic, likes to be outdoors, riding her bike, can answer any questions regarding her mom and dad’s jobs, knows her and her siblings health history, can remember any date pertaining to her family.
Drives/motivation: she wants to be just like her dad when she grows up- she wants to be in the navy in some way and she wants to rise up in the ranks quickly as she can. She also wants to emulate her older cousin Aricka, who considers Rory a baby sister.
Mom: Aricka “Ricki/Leia” Mitchell
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Dad: Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
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Siblings: Piper and Davey
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Godfather: Ron “Slider” Kerner
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Love Interest: Billy “Fritz” Avalone
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Aunts/Uncles: Pete Mitchell, Penny Benjamin, Carole and Nick Bradshaw, Bill and Jennifer Cortell, Sam Wells, Marcus Williams, Rick Neven, Leonard Wolfe, Charles Piper, and Blake Davis.
Cousins, biological or otherwise: Aricka Mitchell, Jeremy Mitchell, Bradley Bradshaw, Jake Seresin, Bob Floyd, Amelia Benjamin.
Why she has her callsign
It started as a nickname her cousin Aricka gave her; teasingly calling her so because of her dad’s callsign, but as Rory got older she realized she liked the idea of having a part of her dad’s legacy as her callsign. Luckily for her it stuck and she didn’t have to have one made up for her.
She also is the Snow Queen because she has a death glare that could cut through ice, and it makes you freeze internally.
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