#Aricka’s descendants AU
Descendants canon chapter four: vaccinations and assessments
(CONTENT WARNING: heavy mentions of needles and vaccinations, please read at your own risk.)
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Top to bottom: Gil, Jane, Aricka Page and Aziz :)
The group eventually made their way to the Auradon Prep Library, and settled at the various tables in the room. The Jr Council assembled around the Fairy Godmother; Verna LaFae.
The motherly Fae smiled at the gathered children, “Welcome, all of you; to Auradon. I’m the Fairy Godmother, and I’m also the headmistress here at Auradon Prep. I’m here to help and support you in your transition from the Isle to Auradon, along with the future heirs of the kingdoms of Auradon. You know them as the Jr Council. Now; what we’re about to have you all do, is complete a series of assessment tests. The tests will only go over the major subjects: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Auradon and Isle History, and Health. We’ll do one test at a time, but I don’t want any of you to worry. Just do your very best, these tests are designed for me to be able to best place you where you can thrive and learn at your best pace. This will also help me make your schedules.”
The VKs all glanced at one another; and Aricka Charming caught at least two worried looks being shared, several doubtful looks, and a couple confident faces.
Miss Verna passed out the tests and Doug gave out pencils and scratch paper, and with a flick of the wand, the assessments began.
~~~~~~~~~~ time jump~~~~~~~~~~~
Aricka was the first to notice one of the new students struggling, and it was almost instinctive for her to walk over to Harry, sit beside him; and clear her throat so he wasn’t startled by her sudden appearance. “Harry… please don’t be offended by what I’m about to ask- but are you having a problem reading the text?” She asks gently. The brunette pirate grips the pencil so tightly she was worried it would snap in half, but he nods slowly. “Well, that’s not a problem. You might need an eye appointment- I’ll make a note for your upcoming physical.”
“I can see just fine,” he growled suddenly; but Aricka was prepared for this moment.
“Harry.. are the words fuzzy? Or blurry? Like the words are obscured by rain?” The boy goes silent. “I had that same issue. Turns out I have an astigmatism in both my eyes, along with my left eye having what’s called amblyopia, or lazy eye. My left eye was weaker than my right when I was younger; and now I wear glasses to correct my vision. It’s nothing to be afraid of or embarrassed about. A lot of people in Auradon wear glasses.”
“… it’s no’ a weakness?” The accent tickled her ears, and she nods, a soft smile on her face.
“No, Harry, it’s not a weakness. Mr. Smee- he wears glasses right?” Harry slowly nods. “Is he considered weak for his glasses?”
“Cap- da wouldn’t let anyone call him such,” he says.
“Okay then. I won’t let anyone call you names either. And I doubt Uma would, cause she’s a fierce captain who wouldn’t let anyone call her loyal friends any rude names.”
After the tests were over, the kids were lead to the nurse’s station at the school, where they all once again sat down and waited for instructions, Mal and Uma stationing themselves by the doors this time. During the assessments Carlos and Gil had been at the doors.
Whatever helped them feel comfortable in a new environment, Aricka thought.
“Okay, so we’re about to begin the physicals and vaccination process of this orientation,” Lonnie said. “We’re going to do the vaccinations first. Vaccinations are important, because they ward off infection by imitating the infection. Many of these vaccines require a second dose later in the year. You guys have been on the Isle for a long time with little to no access to immunizations or healthcare. That is going to be rectified now.”
Be clears his throat. “Aricka, are you willing to demonstrate getting your tetanus vaccine?” The girl nodded and rolled up her sleeve as she sat in front of the school doctor; and Evie recognized the man as Doc, from her mother’s stories.
(For purposes of my canon, Danny Devito is Doc, Peter Dinklage is Grumpy; and Owen Wilson is Dopey. Rest of the dwarves fan cast to follow-!)
Chad offered his hand to his twin, who smiled in relief as she gripped it tightly. “First; I’m going to use this antibacterial spray and wipe to clean your arm and get it ready for the needle,” Doc said. “The medicine is inside the needle, and the needle goes into your arm. It will pinch only for a few seconds, but with a tetanus shot, you might experience minimal pain for a few hours to a couple days. I recommend you stretch your arm every few hours, icing the area and even rubbing the skin where the injection site is, to help spread the medication quicker.” While he was explaining all this, the kids watched as the needle was injected into Aricka’s arm, and Doc pressed the plunger carefully.
Harry watched the girl who’d been so patient with him wince in pain as the medicine kicked in, and Doc put a piece of gauze on her arm before applying a bright colored piece of- something- over the gauze. “Thank you, Miss Charming. I must say you’re much braver than my previous patient.” She blushes and whispers a quiet thank you.
“Who’s next?”
Halfway through the process, there was a brief scene, but Aricka and Chad quickly hurried through to Gil’s side, since the others were all busy watching the physicals or the other kids get their vaccines. “Woah, Gil; what’s wrong sweetheart?” Aricka asks.
“The needle-,” he says; almost a whimper. Chad glances at Aricka, who nods.
“Are you scared? It’s okay if you are. Chad knows I’m scared of needles too and he holds my hand whenever I get shots. We could hold your hands and distract you if you want-?”
Gil looks between them, and Aricka holds his gaze, knowing Chad would as well. “… you won’t laugh at me-?”
“No,” Chad promises. “Everyone is afraid of something. Aricka is afraid of needles, I’m afraid of the dark,” he confessed.
“… you’re afraid of something-? But you guys are heroes?” Gil says, his hand creeping towards Aricka’s outstretched one.
“We’re just kids, Gil.” Chad soothed. “We’re all scared of something.” He gently grips Gil’s shoulder. “Can we help you get through this?”
Gil considers for a moment longer; then takes Aricka’s hand and nods. “Okay.”
Later, they would show the new students to their rooms and let them get settled, informing them about the agenda tomorrow: learning to access their allowances and managing their money wisely.
But that is a story for later.
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Parent’s Day
This is a fic that takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘ Rise of The Descendants AU. Since this fic is my character’s perspective in this scenario, I’ve used/edited some of the dialogue from her original fic, which you can read here. Hope you enjoy!
It was parents day at Auradon Prep, and the students and parents alike were dressed up and enjoying themselves. Friends and acquaintances were chatting, a wide variety of food was spread, and croquet hoops were scattered around the fields. 
Needless to say, the VKs were hesitant about an event like this. Formal gatherings, manners, and pleasantries weren’t things they were familiar with; much less anything related to family. However, as the day went on, they actually found themselves having a fairly good time. Evie found herself right at home in the midst of the higher ups, aiding Mal in many a conversation she found herself roped into. Aricka stayed by Evie’s side as well, providing her own insight into the upper class discussions. Uma was keeping an eye on Harry- not necessarily for his own sake, but just to make sure he wouldn’t mess with anyone (too much). Carlos had his hands full with Dude, but Gil seemed happy to help look after the pup. 
Jay and Azalea were no exception either. After helping themselves to some food, Jay particularly enjoying the chocolate fountain, he agreed to a game of croquet with Ben. Azalea watched from the sidelines, smiling as xyr boyfriend learned the ways of the game.
“Hey, nice shot!” Ben exclaimed after a clean stroke by Jay. 
“Heh, thanks.” The two high fived.
“Looks like you're getting the hang of it, Jay-Jay.” Azalea called with a teasingly smug tone. 
“Well, had a good enough teacher to show me the ropes.” He shrugged, gesturing to the prince. 
“Thank you! My parents taught me since I was young.”
“No problem, man.” 
The boys eventually finished their game, and Ben left to overview the festivities. The two took the time to enjoy each other’s company. 
“Never thought I’d say this, but this hasn’t been too bad of a shindig.” Jay commented, looking over the crowd. 
“Yeah. Glad to see everyone’s having fun.” Xe turned to him. “Guess we ought to give the Auradon Kids some credit, huh?” 
“With the way things are going, I’d say so. Never figured some rich-kid gathering could be this fun.” 
“Even if we did have to get prim and proper for it.” 
“Well, I think you look very handsome when you’re prim and proper.” He grinned. 
Azalea chuckled. “Same to you, pretty boy-
Jay and Azalea froze at the voice, turning to the scene along with the rest of the crows. In the middle of the field, Mal was confronted by Queen Leah and Ella; and Leah seemed none too pleased upon learning who her mother was. Glancing at each other, the two hurried over, figuring that this couldn’t be good. Upon further inspection, the other VKs seemed to have the same idea, circling behind Mal with Aricka by her side. 
“Your majesty Queen Leah,” she said, “Princess Aricka of Olympus, we’ve met before. May I present my sister Mal Page?”
“How are you so young?!” The queen exclaimed.
“Grammy, this isn’t Maleficent, this is her daughter, Mal. She’s one of the Isle children we brought over for our Reformation Proclamation,”’Audrey tried to explain.
“Audrey- you LET her over?!” Leah gasped. “After what her mother did to your- did to my DAUGHTER?!”
“Yes, Grammy, Maleficent did that to my mother. Mal has done nothing to me,” Audrey said, grabbing Mal’s hand. “She is my friend.”
Mal seemed thunderstruck by Audrey’s claim, but Aricka Page seemed to have taken over speaking for her twin. “Queen Leah, my twin is more our father’s daughter than she ever was our mother’s. Mal is innocent and has done nothing to deserve your prejudice or hatred.”
“Are you so sure of that? How can we trust you? Any of you?” Ella spoke. 
Aricka Charming paled at the words that came from her own mother’s mouth. 
“How do we know you haven’t spelled our children to say whatever makes you look good?”
“Mother?!” Aricka and Chad exclaimed.
She laughed in a condescending manner. “I mean, look at them. The daughter of the mistress of all evil, who cursed a baby to die before she was even truly alive.” 
Mal’s eyes glowed a dangerous shade of green, only to calm when her sister gripped her hand. 
“The son of Jafar who tried to take over an entire kingdom because the sultan wouldn’t let him marry the Princess- not to mention the no-name sorcerer that he decided to drag along.” 
Immediately, Jay’s hand hovered in front of Azalea protectively; but xe wasn’t about to let what she said about him slip either, made evident by xyr subtly glowing pendant.
“And if that wasn’t bad enough, the daughter of the evil queen who is surely nothing more than a gold digger and a cheat.” Aricka and Harry reached to soothe the now crying bluenette, anger burning Aricka’s skin. “The son of Cruella who is surely just as crazy as she was. The voice stealing daughter of Ursula and to make everything WORSE you invited Gaston’s spawn over-?! Belle and Adam’s worst ENEMY?!”
“H-Hey, that’s not very nice…” Gil protested softly, only for Ella to speak over him.
“And don’t get me started on your so-called boyfriend, daughter of mine. The son of Captain Hook? Really?! The man who tried to kill innocent children if they didn’t join his crew? I bet he was just as evil as his father, he should’ve been left there just like the rest of them!”
“ENOUGH MOTHER!” Aricka yells, pushing Harry behind her and staring Ella down. “I am sick and tired of this. Ever since we started the proclamation you’ve been against it. Saying the VKs are dangerous and evil and twisted. What about my cousins, huh? Do the names Diana and Anthony mean nothing to you?! And don’t even think about hurting my friends- my chosen family. If you tried to get to know them you’d realize how very wrong your judgments of them are. Mal is so talented and creative, she just wanted to go to school and get more kids safe and off the Isle. Jay is strong and athletic, he’s a great dancer and an even more loyal bodyguard and friend. Azalea is protective and resourceful, and is so talented with jewelry. Evie is beautiful, smart and kind and has a great fashion sense. In fact, she made the dress that I’m wearing today.”
“Aricka, enough of this-”
“And furthermore, Uma is not her mother. She is an amazing chef, navigator and storyteller. And don’t get me started on Gil LeGume. He’s so good and he just keeps trying to do better, to learn everything he can, to enjoy all the little things in Auradon. Gil, I still wanna cry thinking about you experiencing grapes for the first time.” 
The blonde VK who looked too much like her and Chad smiled. “Aw, thanks Aricka, I like you too!” Aricka couldn’t help but laugh, the traits she had listed evident even now.
“And finally, we come to Harry. And I could write a whole book on how he has changed me for the better. Harry showed me that I have worth simply because I am a good ally and friend to everyone I meet, that my beauty is from within; and that my power comes from the knowledge of those who have my back. Harry, I am forever grateful that we met and know each other. And Harry,” she takes a deep breath, “I know we’ve only known each other for a short time but I love you, plain and simple. I don’t care what anyone says or thinks, I’m yours. I’d give up being a princess if it meant I could be your girlfriend. Plain and simple.” 
And there, in front of everyone, she stood on tiptoes and kissed him, only to be jerked toward her mother.
“How DARE YOU!” Ella hissed. 
Aricka wrenched away from her mother’s grip. “I dare because Harry is my boyfriend.” She retorted. “You can’t tell me who or how to love-!” 
A stinging sensation filled her cheek and Aricka recoiled from the feeling of being slapped.
Her mother hit her. Actually hit her. 
Both Jay and Azalea saw red. Even her comments from earlier had left their mind; their friend had been hurt right in front of them. The two stormed forward, an emerald-colored flurry surrounding them as Azalea's rage seeped into xyr pendant. This caused the crowd to flee, Leah stepping back in fear while Ella barely registered them outside of her own fury towards her daughter. From there it was a blur, it seemed like Jay had his hands on Ella for a split second, but Azalea’s flames were doused by a blue powder. Evie had intervened with a potion, and in the confusion, used her mirror to cast a sleeping spell on Ella. 
“You two! Back off!!” She cried, a mix of fear and anger in her voice. 
Both of them came to their senses at her words. What struck Jay even more than what Ella had just done was the realization that overtook Azalea’s eyes when xe seen what xe did, blinded by xyr anger.
“Aricka! Come on!” He heard Harry shout, taking Aricka by the hand. 
Jay fully realized the situation, and ran to Azalea, putting his arm on xyr shoulder. 
“C’mon, we gotta go find the others.” 
Snapping out of xyr internal dilemma for a moment, xe nodded, following him out of the sapphire smokescreen. 
Together, hero and Isle child alike ran to the safety of their dorms to regroup.
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Descendants Canon: Prologue
(The Auradon royal cousins/Auradon Jr Council)
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(Top to bottom: Ben Florian, Chad and Aricka Charming, Sebastian White and Audrey Rose.)
Our story begins with an iPad being flipped to a book, with the title Descendants. A young girl’s voice can be heard narrating; and this is what she says…
“Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends.” She laughs. “Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.”
The iPad shows pictures of a decrepit wasteland; with rundown buildings, rotting trees and little to no food to be seen. “This is my hood. No magic. No wi-fi. No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, you're about to meet us. But first, this happened…”
In the United States of Auradon, several teens gathered in a secret meeting room in Château de Bête, where they had been planning a special proclamation since they were 12. The teens gathered were:
Crown Prince Benjamin Alexandre Florian I of the United States of Auradon.
Crown Prince Chadwick James Charming of Sardinia, and his twin sister, Crown Princess Aricka Claire Charming of Charmington.
Crown Princess Audrey Rae-LynnRose of Auroriaand Ulstead, and fill-in heir of the Moors.
Crown Prince Sebastian Alistair White of Hanover, and his little sister, Crown Princess Emma White of Misthaven.
Prince Doug Crystalsmith of Stonehaven.
Future General of Xiangyang, Li Lonnie.
Sultan in training Aziz Jaliyl Ababwa of Agrabah.
Crown Princess Ruby Eliana Fitzherbert of Corona.
Future Head Fairy Godmother Jane LaFae of Auradon.
Crown Princess Melody Daniels of Atlantica and Westerly Kingdom.
Genie-in-Training Jordan Dahlia Fadel of Agrabah.
And the twins of Enchancia, Crown Princess Amber Rhiannon and Prince James Declan Winslow.
They were the future of Auradon after all. They had to be better than their parents when it came to providing equal opportunities for everyone who deserved them.
“Alright,” Ben addresses his future council. “Tomorrow is my final fitting for the coronation. I will also be announcing our first official proclamation to my parents. We all know which children we want to invite over. Do we all have our papers pleading those children’s cases?”
Aricka Charming, acting as Ben’s secretary in the moment, accepted the papers being passed forward and handed them to Ben, who slotted them into a briefcase next to him. “Thank you, Aricka,” he says, smiling gratefully at her. “Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s review the children I’ll be mentioning to my parents tomorrow.” He clears his throat. “I selected Mal Bertha; daughter of Maleficent. The daughter of the Mistress of all Evil deserves a chance to be good if she wants to be, and to have opportunities to be safe and in an environment where she can relax for once.”
“Jay Scheherazade. His mother knew he was kidnapped by his father when the barrier went up, and she’s been petitioning Auradon and Agrabah to rescue him for years, this is the least we can do for her.” That was Aziz. “That and nobody deserves to grow up with that man as a sperm donor.”
Audrey went next. “It was difficult for me to decide but after what our teams found out I believed the best choice was for me to pick Princess Evelyn Grimhilde. She has committed no crime against Auradon so her royal status should be respected and validated, and I know for a fact anyone living with someone like the EQ needs a chance to be free.” Jane and Aricka squeezed Audrey’s shoulders, knowing what she was implying.
Then Chad spoke, “I selected Carlos de Vil, because he has been at the mercy of that cruel woman for years, who knows what she did to him, we all know what she tried doing to the Radcliffe family. Anita and Roger also have expressed an interest in adopting him if he wanted them to. We would just have to be careful in exposing him to any kind of dog, big little or in between.” He looks at his notes. “He has a cat, maybe we could look into making the cat his emotional support animal.”
Aricka spoke up after her twin, “We all know I’ve been having dreams lately… dreams about a boy who is my True Love…” they all nodded. “I’m choosing Harry Hook, as he is the boy in my dream. However. My official reasoning for selecting him is that he has sisters as well, and in order for them to come they need to see that Harry is good, and I know he is. In my dreams he is nothing but sweet and kind and earnest, but he hides it under a mask of anger and rage and vengeance. If we get him away from his father’s influence he should thrive.”
“I’ve selected Uma Nautica, daughter of Ursula. She is a fierce leader and Ariel has also expressed an interest in getting to know her cousin, as Ursula is Ariel’s aunt. Melody and I both chose her as our pick, as she is from the Wharf side of the Isle and would know which of those children we should bring over as well.” That was Jane.
Lonnie was next, “I selected the only VK who was given special permission to leave the Isle six months out of the year to live with her stepmother Persephone; Aricka Kore Page. She will be able to help us help her fellow VKs acclimate and adjust to being in Auradon as she knows more of how things work over here, and she can also aide in the selection processes.”
“I chose Azalea Ixoria,” Sebastian White drawls, having sent Lonnie one of his dazzling white smiles, as Aricka Kore Page was also his girlfriend. “Daughter of a florist turned royal jeweler for the Queen of Hearts, one of the lesser villains on the Isle.”
Then came the one they were all most anxious to mention. “I have chosen Gilbert Legume,” Doug says. “Son of Gaston. Belle of all people should feel sympathetic for him, she knows just how toxic Gaston was, and we can use her sympathy to convince her to help us help Gil. He’s just a child, he deserves a chance. Just like any of them.”
They all nod, knowing they would have to have Gil be mentioned last, hating that he might be the only not able to be included this first wave just because he was born to Belle and Adam’s worst enemy.
“We can’t worry about that right now,” Ben pushes on. “We simply must make the proposal and then mention the children we want to come over in the first wave. These kids are the main players on the Isle. If we get the leaders over here: they can help us help their crew. We can get them to see that good really is worth it all.”
Murmurs of assent are heard, Jane Darling dutifully taking notes of the proceedings. “After the VK Isle Reformation Proclamation has been in place for a while, we will then move on to the Magical Creatures and Persons Act, allowing those born with magic or those who have been chosen to learn magic to be allowed to practice their arts in peace, much like the Northuldra in Arendalle do, or the people of Camelot.”
“We can restore the Moors to its original beauty,” Audrey says, remembering her mother’s stories of how beautiful it had once been.
“And we can work on getting homes for the VKs who were orphaned or who don’t want their villain parent to be their parents anymore,” Aricka added.
“Hear, hear,” Chad said. “We already have several parents interested- including Lathyn Baker; mine and Aricka’s aunt Anastasia’s husband. He’s eager to have his 19 year old son, Anthony, back home.”
“So it’s settled,” Ben says, and suddenly they could all see a glimpse of the future king he was to be. “I will make our proclamation known to my parents, and after that we will begin working on invitations for the future transfer students.”
They dispersed with hugs and plans to meet up for homework finalizations or for meals or just to hang out together, and Ben went to his own room to prepare for the most nerve wracking conversation of his life.
~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~
Ben assembled his council again, and when they all met in the secret room as usual they were met with a very exuberant and excited Prince Benjamin. “So,” he begins with a wild grin on his face. “Who’s ready to finalize the preparations for our new guests?”
@letsgofoletsgo thank you for always letting me borrow Azalea-!
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The Charming-White family
1) Her Royal Majesty, Queen Snow Fiona White of Misthaven
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2) His Royal Highness, Prince David Joshua Josiah Charming of Hanover
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3) His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Sebastian Alastair White of Hanover
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4) Her Royal Majesty, Princess Emma Ruth White of Misthaven
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5) His Royal Highness; Prince Neal David Nolan of Hanover
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The Florian Family
His High and Most Royal Highness; King Adam Gregory Leopold Byron Florian
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Her Most Gracious and Beautiful Majesty, High Queen Belle Rosalie Catherine Florian
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His Royal and Most Innocent Highness, Crown Prince Benjamin Alexandre Florian I
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Her Royal Highness, Princess Lyra Hope Florian
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Descendants Canon Chapter Three: orientation
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Top to bottom: Ben, Aricka Charming, Aricka Kore Page, and Mal Bertha Page.
“Welcome to the Sensory Lab,” Ben says, guiding the council and the new students into a room painted in soft, muted colors, with several foreign items to the VKs but familiar to the council. Aricka C ushered Harry over to a weird looking chair that was shaped like a bag and squished when he sat down in it, but Aricka was grinning as she wiggled to get comfortable in hers, and Harry, though he couldn’t say anything obvious to the princess from his dreams, did trust her, so he also decided to settle and get comfortable. He felt Aricka press something into his hands and looked down to see a rainbow cube, and when he flipped it, it formed another cube. It intrigued him, and he began flipping it and twisting it to find out what else it would do.
Ben guided Mal to a purple chair, smiling assuringly at the leader of the Core Four, as she sat and crossed her legs and her arms in a defensive posture. Chad did the same for Evie, only he settled her in the sensory swing, which delighted the bluenette; it was her color after all, and she settled quickly.
Doug guided the smaller boy he had been coaxing past the Beast statue to a plush chair, that was red in color, and handed the nervous teen a fidget dodecagon, and set a weighted blanket beside him.
The Agraben teen who had been standing in front of Mal so protectively found a chair by the door and sat, crossing his arms and glaring at everyone. The green haired teen also sat by the door, but closer to the boy in the chair than the exit.
Aziz helped the aqua haired teen to a soft chair that was teal colored and showed her how to recline it if she wanted.
Sebastian didn’t even pretend, he tugged Aricka Page into the room, lead her over to a chair and sat before he tugged her down into his lap, needing her close after just a few months of being deprived of her.
And last but not least of the VKs Gil bounced in and saw Aricka C and Harry and darted over to them, which earned him a smile from Aricka and an eye roll from Harry.
Lonnie began passing out papers as Chad took over, “As Ben said, welcome to Auradon! My name is Prince Chadwick Charming of Sardinia; an a fun fact about me is that I have a twin sister named Aricka-! She’s sitting over there by the pirates.” Aricka waves shyly again. “I’m here to explain the papers you’re all receiving. The first one Lonnie should be giving you is a copy of the schedule for orientation today. I always work best when I have an idea of what to expect, so we came up with this schedule for you all.” He pauses to let them all glance over the schedule.
“The next packet is a survival packet! We know we can’t begin to understand what you all went through on the Isle, but one thing we do understand is how difficult navigating high school is. The packet has a map of the school; a list of times for when classes are open or closed; and a map of central Auradon as a kingdom.” The VKs perused this packet, before Chad continued. “The next should be an example class schedule. You guys will get your own schedules before school starts Friday, but first we need to make sure you all get where you need to be best accommodated. So, later on today we will be having you guys take an assessment and aptitude test. The test will measure your strengths and weaknesses and help us determine what grade level you should be in to help you flourish here in Auradon. It doesn’t mean you’re dumb or weak or anything like that, it just means you’ve been focused more on survival than knowledge, which is fair given your experience.”
Sebastian cuddled Aricka Page even closer at this, the smoke-blue haired princess melting into his hold. Aricka C subtly nudged Harry; who reciprocated the touch.
“You’ll also have a list of all the classes Auradon Prep offers along with said extracurriculars and electives,” Chad went on. “For example, I’m in tourney and the drama clubs, and my sister is in the drama club, the battle of the books club, and the glee club. Each elective and extracurricular has an explanation of how it works; how to stay in the club: and the qualifications needed to be in the club. Same as your regular classes.” He relaxes his posture. “On that note, I’m handing it over to our future king, Benjamin. Ben.” Chad bows respectfully before making his way over to sit by Aricka, his back against her legs as she ran her fingers through her brother’s hair.
“Thank you, Chad,” Ben says as he shuffles his papers and clears his own throat. “I’m going to reiterate Chad and welcome you all once again to Auradon Prep. I’m truly glad all of you are here. I’m going to go over the actual rules we have here at Auradon Prep but first I want to stress this, you guys are safe here. Your parents are trapped behind a barrier that can only be broken by magic, and the magic needed for that purpose is under tight lock and key and heavily warded. Only those with permission are allowed in and out of the Isle, so you can relax here. It might take some time but I sincerely hope you come to enjoy Auradon.”
Here is where Carlos raises his hand. “Um- I’m Carlos- are you sure my mom can’t escape-?” He asks quietly. Aricka C heard the purple haired teenager growl and saw the Agraben by the door scowl and clench his fists.
“No, Carlos, she can’t escape, but if she ever does, I can guarantee you that she won’t come near you. In fact,” Ben makes a note. “Aricka C, you and Carlos come visit me in my office after orientation and we can have a conversation about ensuring his safety here at Auradon Prep.”
Aricka nods, “Jane should be there too, shouldn’t she?” Ben nods: adding to that note.
“Jane; you as well.” The Light Fae nods willingly, moving to sit by Carlos as a form of comfort.
The purple haired teen raised her hand. “What’s your angle with this?”
Ben raises an eyebrow but expected this question; clasping his hands behind his back he answers carefully. “My council and I were 12 years old and discovered a gross amount of misdeeds made against the Isle. There was no structure; they were just throwing anyone who threw a crime onto the Isle with no plan for reform or rehabilitation. That was before we discovered you all. The fact that our parents either didn’t know you existed or they just ignored you was a heinous crime against you all. As future king it is my job to protect my citizens, and you are all my citizens. It’s my job to protect you all, to make sure you get an equal opportunity to grow and thrive and have a chance to be good and to be part of our kingdom.” He shuffles more paper. “On that note, I am proclaiming you all officially Central Auradon refugees, and will have the proper paperwork here tomorrow for you all to go over and sign. This will make you refugees, survivors of a malicious crime. From there you’ll have rights of a citizen of Auradon and will get the respect and support you’ve always deserved.”
The girl blinks, clearly shocked by his response but trying not to show it. “.. I’m Mallory. Call me Mal. Leader of the Core Four.”
Ben allows a smile, pleased by this progression. “Call me Ben. I’m here to answer any and all questions, or you can ask any member of my council. Raise your hand if you’re on my council.”
The kids in the room that weren’t the new students raised their hands, and the kids all glanced around, likely memorizing faces, Ben assumed.
“Alright… now for the rules…”
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Descendants Canon Chapter Two: The Jr Council Finishes Preparations
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Gifs top to bottom: Aricka Charming, Doug Crystalsmith, Ben Florian, Aziz Ababwa, and Chad Charming.
The days flew by fast leading up to the arrival of the first wave of transfer students. Thus, the Auradon Jr Royal Council was up to their ears in paperwork and finalizations such as:
Dorm assignments- each VK would have an Auradon student who would help them acclimate to their new environment and how things worked
The placement tests the VKs would take as soon as they were settled in their dorms.
Basic schedules for each transfer student, which would be completed once they selected their electives and language classes.
Preparations for all immunizations and physicals the kids would need, because who KNOWS how messed up the immune systems of a VK was.
The week went by in the blink of an eye and before anyone could believe it, it was Friday morning and the day the VKs would be arriving at Auradon Royal Preparatory School. Aka Auradon Prep.
The Jr Royal Council was assembled on the front steps in a certain way, as pertaining to their royal statuses:
Jane stood by her mother, who was standing to the left and two steps behind Ben and Audrey, who had made it to the final rounds of the selection process for the future ruler of the United States of Auradon.
Chad and Aricka stood behind them, Sebastian, Emma and Doug on either sides of them as Cinderellasburg/Charmington/Sardinia, Hanover and Stonehaven were very close allies.
Aziz, Jordan, Lonnie and Ruby were together, Aziz escorting Jordan and Ruby, Lonnie being her free spirited self, as Northern Wei, Agrabah and Tangletown were allies.
And bringing up the rear was James and Amber as the youngest of the council.
The band was playing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,” one of Aricka’s personal favorites, as the limo rolled in. The council moved as one, descending the steps in tandem to reach the limo as it pulled to a stop.
Chad put his free hand over his sister’s, patting it twice to soothe them both, as he raised his hand to wave regally, arm over his head, a firm strong wave to the school and to the limo. Aricka was a bit shyer, as was her public persona, raising her hand and wiggling her fingers slightly, a beatific smile on her face. The duo had earned their nickname of “The Charming Twins,” rightfully.
The limo rolled to a stop and the door opened to reveal the new students-
The first one out being Aricka Kore Page, who immediately broke protocol and ran to Aricka Charming and the girls embraced eagerly. “I’m back-!” She cried and Aricka C beamed.
“Oh I know it was only four months but I missed you-!”
Next came a purple haired teen, immediately followed by an ebony haired boy, who crossed his arms and stood in front of the smaller teen protectively. Right after the tan boy exited the car, a royal blue haired beauty emerged, wearing royal blue head to toe wearing a heart charm necklace, with a tiny coronet in her hair.
The next duo was a teal haired beauty and-
Aricka Charming gasped softly, as she knew the next student - it was Harry. He was even more handsome in the real world, pale skin, striking blue eyes accentuated by a smokey eyeshadow, and he wore the familiar yet unfamiliar red pirate coat and hat. He scanned the assembled teens, and when those eyes met hers, he froze momentarily, before relaxing just as quickly.
Next came two more teens, who went and stood by the purple haired teen. One had black and white hair, and was wearing black and white clothing head to toe with pops of red accents. The other was fair, wearing mostly black gothic style clothing, with a green emerald pendant necklace around her neck, and her green hair fell around her shoulders in waves.
And the last one was a boy wearing bronze colored clothes, with a bandana over his head, with few curly blonde strands peeking through. He had a relaxed smile on his face and he was looking around himself in awe.
Once all the teens were out and assembled, Ben addressed them. “Welcome to Auradon Prep,” he says, walking down the line and shaking all their hands. “I’m Crown Prince Benjamin Florian, and it is an honor to finally be meeting all of you. It is my sincerest wish and hope that today marks the beginning of a new era for our kingdom. I’m sure you’re all tired and hungry from your trip here, so if you’ll follow myself and my council we’ll show you the bathrooms, get you some snacks and then begin your orientation!”
Ben offered his arm to the purple haired teen, who glanced at it dubiously before allowing it, and he began guiding the VKs into the school.
Chad did the same to the blue haired girl, who flushed a bright red before willingly accepting the offer, and Doug offered his to the teal haired pirate, who rolled her eyes but also accepted. Sebastian was already joyously reuniting with his girlfriend, who kept an arm around his back and he kept his around her shoulders.
Aricka Charming was startled when someone cleared their throat next to her, and she turned to see Harry standing there. “Shall we, my pretty?” He asks, and offers her his own arm as the other princes had. She blushes and nods, slipping her hand through the crook of his arm, putting her free hand on top of it, and they all made their way into the school together.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Descendants Canon: Meet the Notorious Nine
(Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Gil, Harry, Azalea and Aricka Kore Page.)
(CW: heavily implied child abuse.)
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Aricka Kore Page was good at observing. She was queen of the shadows after all. They were her domain, her birthright as daughter of Hades. Her smoke-blue hair and cobalt blue eyes were a dead giveaway as to her her father is, and her pale skin and vicious cackle was a dead giveaway as to her mother.
Right now, she was observing Gaston Jr and Trois, who were arguing loudly over something, and she crept closer to further eavesdrop.
“I should be the one to shoot it down, I saw it first.
“No, I’m older. I deserve the pride of shooting a Bore-adon limo down,” Jr growled. Her blood ran cold at that statement.
An Auradon limo- a MARKED Auradon limo- on the Isle of the Lost-?! The last time they were there they were investigating the kidnapping of a prince from one of the kingdoms. The prince was never found but if he’d been a baby then they never would’ve. The person who did the deed would’ve hid their tracks way too well for them to find him.
Breath in her throat, she scampered through the shadows to the Dragon’s Den. Her twin sister’s domain. Here, Aricka was a mere lackey, not a princess, but that was just as she liked it. She would defer to her twin’s rules anytime she wanted. She chucked the largest rock she could at the “Falling Rocks” sign and as a soon as the stairs were low enough she leapt up and took them two at a time.
She tripped on the last step and fell into the meeting area of the room, startling Evie and Carlos who were also there with Mal. She scrambled to her feet, “Mal-!” She panted. Hand over her chest to regain her breath. “Jr-Trois- Auradon limo- HERE-!”
“Easy, Aricka,” Evie guided her to the ratty couch in the Dragon’s Den, where they both sat down. “Slow down and catch your breath. Then tell us what you saw in the shadows.” Carlos moved to get Aricka’s favorite item in the Den- a soft ratty, holey purple blanket that didn’t smell like mold or seawater, but instead Evie had sprayed it with a liquid that smelled nice. She’d called it lemon verbena. It smelled like the sunshine Aricka loved seeing in Auradon.
If a limo was here that could only mean that Ben had successfully convinced his parents to agree to the VK Isle Reformation Proclamation.
“Mal…” she says, once she could breath without panting. “I heard Gaston Jr and Trois talking about shooting down an Auradon limousine- if they were correct and they saw a limo here on the Isle-,”
“Then that reformation plan you mentioned when you got home was agreed to.” Mal says, crossing her arms. “Which means we need to plan. Carlos, Evie, go to the Junk Shop and make up and excuse to drag Jay from his dad’s grip and grab Azalea when you do.” She turns to her twin. “You and I are going to the docks to grab Uma Gil and Harry. They’ll leave Jonas and Desiree in charge of things while we talk. Meet back here when you get them, E and Carlos.”
With plans in motion, the four teens went about their respective tasks.
Fifteen minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were assembled in Mal’s carefully hidden Dragon’s Den:
Demigoddess Fae Mallory Bertha Page, eldest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter to Lady Persephone of Olympus.
Demigodess Fae Aricka Kore Page, youngest daughter of Maleficent and Hades, legally adopted stepdaughter of Lady Persephone.
Future vizier in training Jadir Ali, son of Jafar and an unknown mother.
Princess Evelyn Rose Grimhilde, daughter of Lady Regina Grimhilde and Graham Humbert, Regina’s Huntsman.
Super genius Carlos Oscar de Vil, son of Cruella de Vil and William Cecil Clayton.
Captain AND Princess Uma Adira Nautica-Facilier, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Draven Facilier.
First mate Harold Everett Hook, son of Captain James Hook and Queen Narissa.
Master-at-Arms Gilbert Castor Legume, son of Gaston Legume and Paulette Dupont.
Azalea Ixoria, daughter of Hyacinth and an unknown father.
“Right,” Mal says. “The day Aricka said would come has come. Uma, I trust your crew is ready for a seamless transition from your rule to a crew mate of your choice?”
“I selected Jonas, son of Razoul and Mother Gothel, for temporary Captain and Desiree, daughter of Shan Yu and an unknown mother as First Mate,” Uma says.
“For Master-at-Arms I picked Bonnie, daughter of Evelyn Deavor and Arthur Harrow,” Gil added.
“Hadie is taking over the shadows while I’m gone”, Aricka said, knowing that she would go by default to help whoever was going to Auradon.
“Ginny Gothel and Hermie Bing are in charge of our turf whilst we’re away,” Mal adds. “The orphans have been moved into the basements of Bargain Castle, Uma’s Fish and Chip Shoppe, and the various ships we have in our control.” It wasn’t the best solution but it was the only one they had. “Harry, does your older sister know which children are moving onto her ship?” The eldest Hook sibling had procured the Arabella when she was 16, five years prior. She had a fine crew she’d carefully accrued over her rule as captainess, and when Mal had first proposed this manner of action she was the first to join the force.
“Aye,” the first mate drawled. “She’s cleared all the space she could, just waiting for the signal.”
“Uma, your crew ready for new crew members?” Mal confirmed. The teal-and-aquamarine haired captain nods.
“Jonas, Bonnie and Desiree know that they are to let any orphan child who says the code onboard. If they don’t know the code they have to vet them carefully, but if they pass the test they may also be sent aboard.” They would never turn a child away unless they tried something like actively murdering a crew member or one of the main Notorious Nine members, but they still had to be cautious in their actions.
Mal nods. They knew Auradon would pull the key players off the Isle first, to get a feel for things, so they’d been preparing for this day even though it seemed like a crap shoot.
Now that it was here nobody really liked the idea of leaving their turf so exposed, but it was for the good of the kids on the trash heap of a “home” they lived on that they would go.
“Aricka. We have an idea of how things will work thanks to you, but we still have to make sure we don’t meet their expectations. They want us to be evil, so we need to blend in as much as possible. This is where your expertise comes in. You will have to guide us through the social aspect of everything along with Evie, and make sure we don’t make a spectacle of ourselves,” Mal says, locking eyes with her sister. The sapphire-haired princess nods, having expected this.
“Jay, you Harry and Gil are on bodyguard duty. You’re the three strongest looking guys we have, and they’ll be expecting you to be ruthless and mean. So while you are the muscle you’re also to be kind and earnest and you need to each find a hobby that doesn’t purely rely on your strength.”
“Does this mean I can’t play Tourney?” Gil seemed genuinely upset about that notion, and Uma was quick to assuage it,
“No, Gil, you just need another hobby that shows how much of a good person you can be, like drawing or making jewelry or something.”
“Harry, you can join my sewing business I’ll be starting in Auradon,” Evie offered quietly. “We can say that once you get settled in Auradon you realized you didn’t just like sewing basic repairs but you had an eye for fashion as well. Once you get comfortable as a tailor you could start your own shop, and we could be allies in that regard.”
Harry blinks at this, considers, then shrugs. “Might as well, Blueberry,” he says, which was as close to an agreement they would get from him.
“Jay, use your parkour abilities to join some dance classes, show the perfect prissy Auradon kids how the Isle does dance,” Aricka Page says, teasing her allies for how they addressed her mainland friends.
Jay considers this, knowing Aricka would have been able to find classes that fit all their strengths and personalities. “Yeah, that could work… great suggestion Aricka,” he says and offers a hand for her to high five. The shadow princess smiled brilliantly at the Agraben, and reciprocated, interlocking their fingers and shaking their hands.
(It was no secret that Jay had a huge soft spot for her, her having been the one to discover the true atrocities his father committed against him, and had dragged him to her dad one night when it was particularly bad.)
“This has to work, guys. Our parents will likely make us try to get the wand or something to break the barrier down, but we have to play the long con, which means no stealing the wand. We have to be smart and vicious and ruthless but loyal.” Mal looks around the Den. “Head back to your respective parents. They’ll expect us to be oblivious so act like nothing is amiss.” The crew assembled nods their understanding. “Disperse. Meet at Bargain Castle with your parents when Maleficent assembles us.”
Thirty minutes later, the well named Notorious Nine were shuffled into an expensive looking limo marked with the Auradon royal crest.
The time had come for a new era.
Whether it was for better or for worse was yet to be seen…
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @tsundere-selfship @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge
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Rise of the Descendants Character Profiles: Mal
(Trigger warnings: medical discussions of malnutrition, child abuse, insomnia, and mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and the discussion of Mal potentially having adhd.)
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General Information:
Name: Mallory Cassandra Page
Age: 12-19 (gonna so some flashback stuff in this series so-)
Eye color: green with flecks of gold
Hair color: purple-royal blue ombré
DOB: December 31
Height: 5’2
Weight: 100 lbs
Physical Information:
Ms. Page displayed stunted growth, decreased energy levels, revealed several contusions and lacerations from past abuse, amongst a few broken bones, including the carpus, Achilles tendon, and ACL. The most recent injury being a finger fracture on the left hand, which was immediately treated with a splint and instructions to take acetaminophen for the pain.
Ms. Page also admits to being unable to sleep if she was at her mother’s castle due to a fear of her abuse, after which she stopped answering our questions until we changed the subject. Seeking referral for a sleep insomnia and sleep deprivation test, perhaps prescription of a melatonin supplement would be prudent.
Ms. Page shows clear signs of malnutrition, which needs to be addressed with the following treatments:
By having a healthier, more balanced diet, eating "fortified" foods that contain extra nutrients, snacking between meals, having drinks that contain lots of calories, getting supermarket deliveries at home, and a prescribed iron supplement. Will send her a note saying she is allowed to eat and drink in class when needed, as per her dietary needs.
Mental Health Information:
When Ms. Page wasn’t being asked questions or being spoken to by myself or another nurse, she seemed to be daydreaming or not focused on anything in the room she was in. She’s highly sensitive to sudden loud noises, showed an extreme sensitivity to the feeling of the paper on her legs, and had a constant scowl on her face during the procedures. She kept her mouth closed most of the time unless she answered questions and then when answering was short tempered and uneasy. Unless everything was explained to her she was easily upset and didn’t want to proceed, but once we took the time to explain exactly what was happening and what she settled down and let us do what we needed to.
Ms. Page showed several signs of anxiety during our procedures; at one point we had to fetch her twin sister to come calm her down enough to continue with her checkup. The twins seem to be able to read each other’s faces with a glance; and the twin sister was easily able to soothe Ms. Page enough to help her answer our questions.
Overall diagnoses
Fractured finger
Prescriptions for today:
Ensure nutritional shakes
Iron supplement
Acetaminophen for fracture
Melatonin gummies
Qelbree for ADHD
Zoloft for anxiety
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Cinderella Snapped (Alt Version)
This is an alternate version of the fic I wrote that takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘s Reverse!Descendants au, specifically my version that includes Azalea. This version doesn’t include the song, so here’s the link to the og if you want to read it. That being said, hope you enjoy!
Upon cresting the stairs, Aricka peered around the corner cautiously. A dark, decrepit hallway expanded before her, the wallpaper peeling and floorboards splitting. A musty scent lingered in the air, as many of the windows had been boarded up in a crude fashion. The only light that entered was through small cracks that were scattered along the walls and ceiling. 
Aricka stepped into the hall, wincing as the floor creaked under her feet. Aricka treaded carefully along the hall, unable to shake the uneasy feeling welling in her stomach. Her eyes darted around, scanning her surroundings for any sign of danger. The silence was almost deafening, her own heart and stuttering breaths ringing in her ears. Eventually, she approached the door at the end of the hall. Stopping in front of it, she paused before she entered. Debating with herself at this final passage, only her own speculation aiding her at what awaited her on the other side. Taking a breath and gathering her courage, Aricka placed her hand on the knob, opening the door. 
She was greeted with a somewhat small room, a table with three banged up chairs on her left, and what appeared to be the remains of a counter and some cabinets on her right. On the far side of the room was a dingy coffee table, above it an open window. Next to it was a couch, threadbare and stained; with Azalea lounging on it. 
“‘Bout time you got here.” Xe said.
“Azalea, what is this place?” Aricka asked. 
Xe took a drag of the cigarette in xyr hand, the sunlight illuminating the smoke. “It’s my own little corner of town. Place’s been run down for years, so I figured it was a perfect spot.” 
“But… Mal lets you live in the castle, why would you want to come here?” 
“Sometimes a guy just wants to smoke a cig in peace.” Xe shrugged. “Look, I know it's a bit different than the luxury rooms and king sized beds you bunch are used to, but having a hidey hole can be beneficial in more ways than you think.” 
“Okay…” she stepped closer to xem, taking in the room. “So then, why did you ask me to come here?” 
“As you might’ve guessed, I don’t bring people up here too often.” Azalea flicked xyr cigarette into the ashtray sitting on the coffee table. “But, I figured this would be a good place to talk.” 
“Talk?” Aricka turned to xem. “I thought you were going to teach me more about how to be a villain?” 
“Oh, I still intend to teach you. But you’re already familiar with what I have in mind.” Xe rose from the couch, slowly approaching her. 
She raised a brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The thing is Aricka, you’ve done well in our time together. You don’t learn the ways of these streets overnight, but you’ve picked it up fast enough. However, you still have one flaw.” 
Xe was a few feet away from her, emerald eyes glaring daggers. 
“You still hold back. You’ve yet to truly break free” 
“What? But, I’ve done everything you’ve told me- you said yourself that I’ve been doing well!” 
“And you have been. But you ever stop and wonder why I’m doing this for you? Why Mal brought you all to the Kingdom of Malice?” 
Aricka couldn’t bring herself to answer, almost dreading what Azalea was to say. 
“Because the world that your parents made isn’t the happily ever after they had you think it was.” 
“It’s not- What are you talking about?” 
“Your gaggle may not realize it, but we’re doing you all a favor. We’re helping you see the potential that your parents locked away in a golden prison.”
“But your parents were the villains, they were the ones to take over!” 
“And your parents force you to be their prim, proper puppets.” Azalea almost snarled the last word. “They dress you up in what they want you to wear, and marry you off to whoever would benefit them.” 
Aricka froze. What xe described, this fake fantasy that everyone was happy after the fairy tale, but was just propping up a ruse to save face, 
That was her life back home.
“How… How could you know what life was like for us?” 
“Because it's the same story every time. The guy gets the girl, all the problems fade away, and they ride off into the sunset together.” Xe began pacing around the room, hands gesturing to his description. “Sounds nice for the ending of a storybook, but if you want anything outside of this ‘perfect’ little status quo they invented, it's out of the question.” 
“The isle may have been stifling, but it was safe. We had no other choice.” 
"Maybe so. But has it ever occurred to you that the ones keeping you safe weren't so perfect themselves? Have you ever truly taken a look in that mirror you praise, to see the ruse your parents puppet you with? They don’t consider anything beyond their fairytale happy endings that they’ve been blinded by, because to them, that’s all there is. To them, that’s all your life ever will be.” 
“But… Why would you care what happens to us? Why go through all this trouble just for the AKs?” 
Azalea turned to her. “Because we’re not like our parents.”
Confusion returned to Aricka’s face. “But- you still have the barrier up around the isle.” 
“I can’t control what Mal does; but I can control what I do. I can control what I wear, who I love, what I do. I can control my life, Aricka, and so can everyone else. That’s what we claimed for ourselves, that’s what this kingdom stands for. Our lives aren’t defined by a storybook, and yours shouldn’t be either.”
Aricka’s mind was racing, everything Azalea said made sense, but how could it be true?
“It’s just… My life used to seem so perfect when I was younger… We were the heroes of the story, we were supposed to be the ones with the happy ending!” 
"Don't you get it Clarice?” Xe raised xyr voice. “This is why we brought you here, to free you from their grip. In this town, we can be whoever we want to be, and it starts by stepping out of the image our parents forced us into. It starts with us!"
“But why us? Why bother with me? What is this worth to you?!”
"It's worth your future, my future, the future for all of us! Your parents kept you in a prison, but you didn't notice ‘cause it was plated in gold- just like all their other trinkets."
Clarice stared blankly, trying to process the whirlwind of thoughts in her head. Azalea watched her. 
“We brought you here to free you. We brought you here to reinvent who you are, outside of their untouchable image."
She bites her lip, hard enough to bleed. “I still have a sister back on the isle. Alexandra. She needs us. Chad and I. Otherwise she’s doomed. I can’t let my mother-!” 
Aricka seemed in disbelief of the words coming from her own mouth, heart sinking upon the realization.
“Azalea, I can’t let Alexa be trapped in that stuffy life.”
Xyr lips curved into the hint of a smirk. “Exactly.”
“But I can’t- I can’t be evil. I can’t kill someone. I can’t make- I can’t purposely hurt someone.” She sputtered. “That’s not who I am.”
"Then don't be. We're trying to break you out of a death grip that's been around your neck your whole life, not force you into another one."
This seemed to puzzle Aricka. “Isn’t that what villains do? Hurt people, take what they want without caring about anyone else?”
“Well, not all of us. Like I said earlier, we’re not like our parents. Yes, our kingdom has a scary name and we’re not as strict about… Much of anything, but we’re not truly evil. We just value self autonomy in a way that makes people like your parents mad. Makes ‘em feel threatened, realizing we've wormed our way out of their grip.” Xe looked out the window. “Admittedly, the shoddy infrastructure is a byproduct of Maleficent’s rule.” 
She pondered xyr words, looking back at xem with wide eyes. “You… You really are trying to help us.” 
“That’s the idea. But we can’t help you if you don’t accept it.” 
She stood in silence for a few moments. “... I want to talk to Mal. I want her to know I chose being a VK over being some perfect prissy princess.”
A pleased smile spread across Azalea’s face, eyes slightly narrowed. "That's all I needed to hear. I'll let her know to expect you."
Xe returned to the couch, plunking down as xe retrieved another cigarette.
“So, what am I supposed to do now?” 
"You, my dear, can do whatever you like. Go, stay, it's up to you. But remember, in the Kingdom of Malice, one's fate is up to the individual, not anyone else."
Azalea lit the cigarette in xyr hand, studying the sunset as he put it to xyr lips. Aricka just stood for a moment, contemplating what she had learned. Turning to leave, the new perspective of her childhood was unfurling in her mind, memories replaying as she pieced together the reality of it all. 
Perhaps those in the Kingdom of Malice weren’t so malicious after all. 
Perhaps those on the Isle of The Fallen, the ones who were framed as the benevolent heroes, weren’t as picture perfect as they made themselves out to be.
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Cinderella Snapped
This fic takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘s Reverse!Descendants au, specifically my version that includes Azalea. This was inspired by the structure of her song fics, so I wanted to try one of my own. I hope I did it justice!
Also, I made a version without the song if you want to read that
Upon cresting the stairs, Aricka peered around the corner cautiously. A dark, decrepit hallway expanded before her, the wallpaper peeling and floorboards splitting. A musty scent lingered in the air, as many of the windows had been boarded up in a crude fashion. The only light that entered was through small cracks that were scattered along the walls and ceiling. 
Aricka stepped into the hall, wincing as the floor creaked under her feet. Aricka treaded carefully along the hall, unable to shake the uneasy feeling welling in her stomach. Her eyes darted around, scanning her surroundings for any sign of danger. The silence was almost deafening, her own heart and stuttering breaths ringing in her ears. Eventually, she approached the door at the end of the hall. Stopping in front of it, she paused before she entered. Debating with herself at this final passage, only her own speculation aiding her at what awaited her on the other side. Taking a breath and gathering her courage, Aricka placed her hand on the knob, opening the door. 
She was greeted with a somewhat small room, a table with three banged up chairs on her left, and what appeared to be the remains of a counter and some cabinets on her right. On the far side of the room was a dingy coffee table, above it an open window. Next to it was a couch, threadbare and stained; with Azalea lounging on it. 
“‘Bout time you got here.” Xe said.
“Azalea, what is this place?” Aricka asked. 
Xe took a drag of the cigarette in xyr hand, the sunlight illuminating the smoke. “It’s my own little corner of town. Place’s been run down for years, so I figured it was a perfect spot.” 
“But… Mal lets you live in the castle, why would you want to come here?” 
“Sometimes a guy just wants to smoke a cig in peace.” Xe shrugged. “Look, I know it's a bit different than the luxury rooms and king sized beds you bunch are used to, but having a hidey hole can be beneficial in more ways than you think.” 
“Okay…” she stepped closer to xem, taking in the room. “So then, why did you ask me to come here?” 
“As you might’ve guessed, I don’t bring people up here too often.” Azalea flicked xyr cigarette into the ashtray sitting on the coffee table. “But, I figured this would be a good place to talk.” 
“Talk?” Aricka turned to xem. “I thought you were going to teach me more about how to be a villain?” 
“Oh, I still intend to teach you. But you’re already familiar with what I have in mind.” Xe rose from the couch, slowly approaching her. 
She raised a brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The thing is Aricka, you’ve done well in our time together. You don’t learn the ways of these streets overnight, but you’ve picked it up fast enough. However, you still have one flaw.” 
Xe was a few feet away from her, emerald eyes glaring daggers. 
“You still hold back. You’ve yet to truly break free” 
“What? But, I’ve done everything you’ve told me- you said yourself that I’ve been doing well!” 
“And you have been. But you ever stop and wonder why I’m doing this for you? Why Mal brought you all to the Kingdom of Malice?” 
Aricka couldn’t bring herself to answer, almost dreading what Azalea was to say. 
“Because the world that your parents made isn’t the happily ever after they had you think it was.” 
“It’s not- What are you talking about?” 
“Your gaggle may not realize it, but we’re doing you all a favor. We’re helping you see the potential that your parents locked away in a golden prison.”
“But your parents were the villains, they were the ones to take over!” 
“And your parents force you to be their prim, proper puppets.” Azalea almost snarled the last word. “They dress you up in what they want you to wear, and marry you off to whoever would benefit them.” 
Aricka froze. What xe described, this fake fantasy that everyone was happy after the fairy tale, but was just propping up a ruse to save face, 
That was her life back home.
“How… How could you know what life was like for us?” 
“Because it's the same story every time. The guy gets the girl, all the problems fade away, and they ride off into the sunset together.” Xe began pacing around the room, hands gesturing to his description. “Sounds nice for the ending of a storybook, but if you want anything outside of this ‘perfect’ little status quo they invented, it's out of the question.” 
“The isle may have been stifling, but it was safe. We had no other choice.” 
"Maybe so. But has it ever occurred to you that the ones keeping you safe weren't so perfect themselves? Have you ever truly taken a look in that mirror you praise, to see the ruse your parents puppet you with? They don’t consider anything beyond their fairytale happy endings that they’ve been blinded by, because to them, that’s all there is. To them, that’s all your life ever will be.” 
“But… Why would you care what happens to us? Why go through all this trouble just for the AKs?” 
Azalea turned to her. “Because we’re not like our parents.”
Confusion returned to Aricka’s face. “But- you still have the barrier up around the isle.” 
“I can’t control what Mal does; but I can control what I do. I can control what I wear, who I love, what I do. I can control my life, Aricka, and so can everyone else. That’s what we claimed for ourselves, that’s what this kingdom stands for. Our lives aren’t defined by a storybook, and yours shouldn’t be either.”
Aricka’s mind was racing, everything Azalea said made sense, but how could it be true?
“It’s just… My life used to seem so perfect when I was younger… We were the heroes of the story, we were supposed to be the ones with the happy ending!” 
Azalea chuckled. “Oh princess, you still don’t get it, do you?” 
With a snap of xyr fingers, xyr emerald necklace began to glow, and the room suddenly faded to black. Aricka looked around frantically, trying to find Azalea who had disappeared without a trace. 
“Once upon a time there was a princess
Waiting for a boy to give back her shoe
Suck it in, suck it in, be a wife in a blue dress
The prettiest piece of property the land ever knew”
Turning around, a glowing green figure stood behind her. It looked like a young prince, initially smiling warmly at her- until she found herself yanked around by him, a green collar appearing around her neck as he tugged her along. 
“She waited and she waited for the guy to show
But she didn't know that after midnight
He was busy in her stepsister's bed
So Cinderelly said, ‘Plot twist’"
The prince and collar disappeared, a trail of magic twisting in their wake. Aricka then saw him reappearing in front of Azalea, the two nearly leaning in for a kiss until xe whisked him away.
“I don't need no prince to save me
I'm a goddamn CEO
Don't call me "Baby", equal pay me
Snow White said you tried to kiss her
So I'll just buy a new glass slipper and,”
Throwing an outstretched arm into the air, Azalea conjured a storm of magic around the two of them. Green-tinted fires of xyr fury encircled them, receding briefly to show Snow White in a similar luminous fashion to the prince from earlier, then to Azalea holding a fake slipper.  
“Burn your castle down
And kids, that's how Cinderella snapped”
The fire returned, now engulfing the scorched remains of a castle. Azalea stood by Aricka as they witnessed the blaze, before snapping xyr fingers and quelling the fire. 
“When the smoke cleared, every girl in the whole land
Woke the fuck up and started making demands”
Azalea reappeared from the smokescreen, smirking at Aricka as xe raised a finger, channeling magic around xem. 
“Rapunzel shaved their head so there was nothin' to climb on
Jasmine made out with Mulan
Sleeping Beauty sued the dude who kissed her while she was asleep
And Ariel was confident without any feet
Tiana went and got a biomedical degree”
As xe walked, xyr magic depicted the princesses xe described. 
“And Beauty realized that she was the Beast”
Now staring at Aricka, xyr eyes seemed sharp and foreboding, almost in an otherworldly manner.
“I don't need no prince to save me
I'm a goddamn CEO
Don't call me "Baby", equal pay me
Snow White said you tried to kiss her
So I'll just buy a new glass slipper and
Burn your castle down
And kids, that's how Cinderella snapped”
Similar to before, Azalea lit a blaze around them, the flames echoing the rage in xyr voice- before it faded to black once again.
He said, "Cindy, sweetie, don't be so emotional
You're always so emotional
It's fine to be controllable"
The prince from earlier reappeared, talking down to Aricka with a condescending smile, before he revealed himself to be Azalea in disguise. 
“If I'm emotional, that'd be the reason for you to address me
While you're on your knees in the scary event
That I get too emotional during your trial
So watch how you're speaking”
Xe then began walking towards her, staring her down like a predator circling in its prey.
“'Cause while you were sleeping around every weekend
And using your power to pray on the weakest”
Just a few feet from her, xe showed various scenes of higher ups abusing their power, taking the wealth for themselves and leaving those poorer to a cruel fate. 
“I studied your own legislation all season
And last I checked, cheating is treason”
Almost as if planned, Azalea looked to Aricka and smirked; it seemed the message had finally gone through. 
“I don't need no prince to save me
I'm a royal CEO
Don't call me "Baby", equal pay me”
Now Aricka was the one singing her dismay, Azalea’s green flames following her in her wake. 
“Snow White said you tried to kiss her
So I'll just buy a new glass slipper and”
Surrounded by xyr fires, Azalea had a wild grin as xe followed Aricka in their shared fiery destruction. 
“Burn your castle down
And kids, that's how Cinderella snapped”
Regaining herself, Aricka found herself in a brief dance with Azalea, ending with xem dipping her as xe stared triumphantly back. 
Returning to the abandoned room and breaking away from xyr grip, Aricka stared blankly, trying to process the whirlwind of thoughts in her head. Azalea watched her. 
“Now do you get it? This is why we brought you here, to free you from their grip. In this town, we can be whoever we want to be, and it starts by stepping out of the image our parents forced us into. It starts with us."
She bites her lip, hard enough to bleed. “I still have a sister back on the isle. Alexandra. She needs us. Chad and I. Otherwise she’s doomed. I can’t let my mother-!” 
Aricka seemed in disbelief of the words coming from her own mouth, heart sinking upon the realization.
“Azalea, I can’t let Alexa be trapped in that stuffy life.”
Xyr lips curved into the hint of a smirk. “Exactly.”
“But I can’t- I can’t be evil. I can’t kill someone. I can’t make- I can’t purposely hurt someone.” She sputtered. “That’s not who I am.”
"Then don't be. We're trying to break you out of a death grip that's been around your neck your whole life, not force you into another one."
This seemed to puzzle Aricka. “Isn’t that what villains do? Hurt people, take what they want without caring about anyone else?”
“Well, not all of us. Like I said earlier, we’re not like our parents. Yes, our kingdom has a scary name and we’re not as strict about… Much of anything, but we’re not truly evil. We just value self autonomy in a way that makes people like your parents mad. Makes ‘em feel threatened, realizing we've wormed our way out of their grip.” Xe looked out the window. “Admittedly, the shoddy infrastructure is a byproduct of Maleficent’s rule.” 
She pondered xyr words, looking back at xem with wide eyes. “You… You really are trying to help us.” 
“That’s the idea. But we can’t help you if you don’t accept it.” 
She stood in silence for a few moments. “... I want to talk to Mal. I want her to know I chose being a VK over being some perfect prissy princess.”
A pleased smile spread across Azalea’s face, eyes slightly narrowed. "That's all I needed to hear. I'll let her know to expect you."
Xe returned to the couch, plunking down as xe retrieved another cigarette.
“So, what am I supposed to do now?” 
"You, my dear, can do whatever you like. Go, stay, it's up to you. But remember, in the Kingdom of Malice, one's fate is up to the individual, not anyone else."
Azalea lit the cigarette in xyr hand, studying the sunset as he put it to xyr lips. Aricka just stood for a moment, contemplating what she had learned. Turning to leave, the new perspective of her childhood was unfurling in her mind, memories replaying as she pieced together the reality of it all. 
Perhaps those in the Kingdom of Malice weren’t so malicious after all. 
Perhaps those on the Isle of The Fallen, the ones who were framed as the benevolent heroes, weren’t as picture perfect as they made themselves out to be.
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Zale and Aricka Charming or Aricka Page👀👀👀👀👀👀
( @arickaandherfictionalothers )
I’ll go with Aricka Charming in the Rise of The Descendants Au
*Upon first meeting Aricka, Azalea was rather hesitant. Given xyr situation and general view of the AKs, xe wasn’t ready to trust her right away
*However, xe did appreciate what she and Ben were doing for the isle, even if xe wouldn’t admit it
*The months went by, and the first stage of their plan was rolling out smoothly. In this time, Aricka began to bond with some of the VKs, and even gets through to Mal eventually
*Seeing this, Azalea began to trust Aricka more about her intentions; along with a newfound sense of curiosity
*During one of her visits, xe approaches her and strikes up a conversation
*Aricka tells xem about what she and Ben have been doing to try to help the isle kids, this time Azalea outwardly thanking her for doing so
*She also tells xem about how she’s been getting along with xyr friends, spending particular time around the pirates
*The two talk more, and become proper friends
*Some time passes, and Aricka bonds further with the VKs- especially Harry, which Azalea catches onto
*The two hang out the night before Aricka is to go back to Auradon
*This is when Aricka confides in Azalea about her and Ben’s larger plan to get the VKs off the isle, building up to the reformation proclamation
*When she mentions that they just need the approval of King Adam, Azalea becomes skeptical
*Xe trusts Aricka, but not the rest of Auradon; especially the royalty. Xe still held xyr preconceived notions of Auradionians
*Azalea tells her bluntly that xe’s willing to help her with their plan, but it's up to her and Ben to get his parents with the program
*Additionally, xe wouldn’t go anywhere without Jay or xyr other friends. Aricka made sure to take note of this, and assures xem that they’ll do everything they can to keep them together
*With a mutual understanding, Azalea thanks her again for her efforts, and wishes her luck 
*Once the VKs are sent to Auradon prep, Aricka is one of the few AKs xe is comfortable around
*She makes sure that they settle in well and acclimate, and helps them ease into the different environment 
*Azalea gained a newfound appreciation for her as she went out of her way to help the VKs; which is why xe felt so compelled to defend her when she fought with Ella
*From then on, Aricka was seen as part of Mal’s gang, and Azalea’s protective nature extended to her
*In general, Azalea doesn’t sugarcoat things with Aricka, but would fight tooth and nail to defend her
*She’s the first person outside of Mal’s gang that xe confided in about xyr relationship with Jay, and her understanding of how important he is to xem inspired a respect for her
*They almost have a sibling like relationship, giving each other advice and support when needed
*They also both have a profound appreciation and respect for Evie, helping her with her fashion endeavors and generally supporting her
*When Aricka first started crushing on Harry, xe encouraged her to confess to him, supportive of their relationship
*Jay and Harry still have their rivalry in this canon, though somewhat more friendly. They mostly get along due to Azalea and Aricka being friends, but they do enjoy showing off in front of them
Send me an ask if we selfship in the same media and I'll write some friendship hcs with our s/is
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Parent’s Day Part 2
This is a fic that takes place in @arickaandherfictionalothers‘ Rise of The Descendants AU. Since this fic is my character’s perspective in this scenario, I’ve used/edited some of the dialogue from her original fic, which you can read here. You can also read part 1 of my fic here. Hope you enjoy!
The kids retreated into the Charming twin’s dorm. Mal and Evie took to warding the room, Azalea helping them magically seal the door. Afterwards, the former two tended to Aricka, while Azalea joined Ben, Jay, and Doug in discussing how to keep everyone in the room safe until the noise died down.
“I think we should be alright for now since we have the magical seal.” Doug noted. 
“But what if someone tries to force their way in? You know, like Ella for example?” Jay argued. 
“Anyone who isn’t a student or staff member of the school can’t enter the dorms without proper permission.” Ben interjected. “Between that and our extra measures, we should be safe.” 
“Even if someone does weasel their way in, I’ll be on guard-” Azalea sparked xyr pendant, before xe stopped, a forlorn expression on xyr face. Jay took note of this. 
“In any case, we should focus on making sure Aricka is okay.” Ben said. 
This seemed to snap Azalea out of it for the time being. “He’s right.” 
Xe walked towards Aricka, followed by Jay. Kneeling down, xyr heart broke at her teary face.
“Hey, how are you doing?” Xe asked with a gentle tone.
“I- just…” Aricka tried to articulate her thoughts against her bubbling emotions. “I can’t believe she hit me,” she whispered. “She’s never hit me before.”
“And if she knows what’s good for her she never will again.” Jay said.
“Yeah. We’re here for you Aricka, we’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens to you again.” Azalea affirmed. 
“I’m going to have protection bracelets made for you and Chad; if she tries anything you’ll just have to activate the beam and we can teleport to you or vice versa.” Mal swore.
“Same here princess, you and all the hero kids, you’re all getting some form of a protection charm.” Uma added.
“I want one for Aricka Page.” Seb White suddenly spoke up. “She can handle herself, but it would make me feel better. Knowing we can find each other.”
“We can make that happen.” Azalea assured. “Everyone in this room has done so much to help us, it’s the least we can do. I’ve learned a thing or two about magical jewelry from my mom, I might be able to work something out.”
“Indeed.” Evie said. “Azalea and I will make sure that all of you get something of ours to ensure everyone knows you’re under our protection.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Jay said. 
Aricka then turned to be comforted by Gil. Jay was glad to see that his friend had caring friends to support her, and wanted to be there for her as much as they did. However, his focus shifted to Azalea. He had never seen xyr magic so wild before, and with how it connected to xyr emotions, he could only imagine what xe was feeling.
“Hey, you alright?” He said, walking up to xem. “Your magic- It looked like it was really intense.”
Azalea sighed. “I don’t know. Everything happened so fast, I just… Don’t know.” 
Jay’s brows furrowed in concern. “C’mon, let’s go sit.” 
He brought xem over to the corner of the room, sitting with xem on a small sofa. 
“I’ve… Never lost control of my magic like that before.” Azalea explained. “I didn’t even know what I was doing until Evie called out to us.” 
“You’re still new at your magic, it's natural to slip up now and again. Besides, you were only trying to protect Aricka, you didn’t mean to hurt anyone.” Jay reasoned. 
“But I could have!” Xe cried. “What if Evie didn’t intervene, what if I lost control of the fire and I made everything worse-” 
“Hey.” He grabbed xyr hands. “You didn’t. You were trying to help your friend, and you did.” 
“But… What if the other Auradon kids are scared of me because of it? What if no one trusts me because of my magic?”
Azalea’s eyes drifted off as xe spiraled further into xyr imagination. However, they were brought back to Earth by Jay’s voice. 
“Azalea, look at me.” He squeezed xyr hands. “I trust you. Mal and the others trust you. Everyone who knows you for who you are trusts you. If anyone is scared by a little magic burst, they’re not worth your time.”
Xe smiled faintly at his words. “Thank you Jay. It means a lot to hear that.” 
“Of course Zales.” He put an arm on xyr shoulder. “I’m here for you, nothing’s gonna change that.” 
Relief washed over xyr face as xe looked into his eyes. “Love you Jay.”
“Love you too.” 
He drew xem closer to his chest, placing his chin on the top of xyr head. “We’re gonna get this figured out, don’t worry.” 
The two just cuddled for a bit, gentle reassurances whispered as they focused on comforting the other. However, all were interrupted when, without warning, the door opened.
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
This May marks the two year anniversary of me getting into Descendants. While I don’t have anything relating to my selfships to share for it, I did want to give a shoutout to three friends of mine who are fellow Descendants selfshippers. I appreciate y’all so much, and I wanted to let you know!
@arickaandherfictionalothers: From the time we met, I’ve always loved your selfship aus! They’re always so intricate and creative, and I always love hearing about them. And I love having Azalea and Aricka as friends, having s/is from the same source know each other and become friends is always hella fun to me. It's also been super fun to use your aus with my characters!
@macgyverwife: Emily my beloveeeeed. Descendants stuff aside, you’ve been one of my oldest selfship mutuals, and you’ve always been super sweet and fun to talk to. I can tell Harry loves you dearly, he’s been by your side all these years and wouldn’t change a thing.
@hadesgoddess: When I think of Hades' partner, I think of you Rose! You give this badass aura that I really admire. Can tell that’s why Hades fell so hard for you, too; he may not always show it, but you’ve got him wrapped around your finger!
I’m so glad I’ve met all of you, and I cherish the memories we have together <3
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