#the Auradon jr royal council
Descendants Canon: Prologue
(The Auradon royal cousins/Auradon Jr Council)
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(Top to bottom: Ben Florian, Chad and Aricka Charming, Sebastian White and Audrey Rose.)
Our story begins with an iPad being flipped to a book, with the title Descendants. A young girl’s voice can be heard narrating; and this is what she says…
“Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends.” She laughs. “Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.”
The iPad shows pictures of a decrepit wasteland; with rundown buildings, rotting trees and little to no food to be seen. “This is my hood. No magic. No wi-fi. No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, you're about to meet us. But first, this happened…”
In the United States of Auradon, several teens gathered in a secret meeting room in Château de Bête, where they had been planning a special proclamation since they were 12. The teens gathered were:
Crown Prince Benjamin Alexandre Florian I of the United States of Auradon.
Crown Prince Chadwick James Charming of Sardinia, and his twin sister, Crown Princess Aricka Claire Charming of Charmington.
Crown Princess Audrey Rae-LynnRose of Auroriaand Ulstead, and fill-in heir of the Moors.
Crown Prince Sebastian Alistair White of Hanover, and his little sister, Crown Princess Emma White of Misthaven.
Prince Doug Crystalsmith of Stonehaven.
Future General of Xiangyang, Li Lonnie.
Sultan in training Aziz Jaliyl Ababwa of Agrabah.
Crown Princess Ruby Eliana Fitzherbert of Corona.
Future Head Fairy Godmother Jane LaFae of Auradon.
Crown Princess Melody Daniels of Atlantica and Westerly Kingdom.
Genie-in-Training Jordan Dahlia Fadel of Agrabah.
And the twins of Enchancia, Crown Princess Amber Rhiannon and Prince James Declan Winslow.
They were the future of Auradon after all. They had to be better than their parents when it came to providing equal opportunities for everyone who deserved them.
“Alright,” Ben addresses his future council. “Tomorrow is my final fitting for the coronation. I will also be announcing our first official proclamation to my parents. We all know which children we want to invite over. Do we all have our papers pleading those children’s cases?”
Aricka Charming, acting as Ben’s secretary in the moment, accepted the papers being passed forward and handed them to Ben, who slotted them into a briefcase next to him. “Thank you, Aricka,” he says, smiling gratefully at her. “Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s review the children I’ll be mentioning to my parents tomorrow.” He clears his throat. “I selected Mal Bertha; daughter of Maleficent. The daughter of the Mistress of all Evil deserves a chance to be good if she wants to be, and to have opportunities to be safe and in an environment where she can relax for once.”
“Jay Scheherazade. His mother knew he was kidnapped by his father when the barrier went up, and she’s been petitioning Auradon and Agrabah to rescue him for years, this is the least we can do for her.” That was Aziz. “That and nobody deserves to grow up with that man as a sperm donor.”
Audrey went next. “It was difficult for me to decide but after what our teams found out I believed the best choice was for me to pick Princess Evelyn Grimhilde. She has committed no crime against Auradon so her royal status should be respected and validated, and I know for a fact anyone living with someone like the EQ needs a chance to be free.” Jane and Aricka squeezed Audrey’s shoulders, knowing what she was implying.
Then Chad spoke, “I selected Carlos de Vil, because he has been at the mercy of that cruel woman for years, who knows what she did to him, we all know what she tried doing to the Radcliffe family. Anita and Roger also have expressed an interest in adopting him if he wanted them to. We would just have to be careful in exposing him to any kind of dog, big little or in between.” He looks at his notes. “He has a cat, maybe we could look into making the cat his emotional support animal.”
Aricka spoke up after her twin, “We all know I’ve been having dreams lately… dreams about a boy who is my True Love…” they all nodded. “I’m choosing Harry Hook, as he is the boy in my dream. However. My official reasoning for selecting him is that he has sisters as well, and in order for them to come they need to see that Harry is good, and I know he is. In my dreams he is nothing but sweet and kind and earnest, but he hides it under a mask of anger and rage and vengeance. If we get him away from his father’s influence he should thrive.”
“I’ve selected Uma Nautica, daughter of Ursula. She is a fierce leader and Ariel has also expressed an interest in getting to know her cousin, as Ursula is Ariel’s aunt. Melody and I both chose her as our pick, as she is from the Wharf side of the Isle and would know which of those children we should bring over as well.” That was Jane.
Lonnie was next, “I selected the only VK who was given special permission to leave the Isle six months out of the year to live with her stepmother Persephone; Aricka Kore Page. She will be able to help us help her fellow VKs acclimate and adjust to being in Auradon as she knows more of how things work over here, and she can also aide in the selection processes.”
“I chose Azalea Ixoria,” Sebastian White drawls, having sent Lonnie one of his dazzling white smiles, as Aricka Kore Page was also his girlfriend. “Daughter of a florist turned royal jeweler for the Queen of Hearts, one of the lesser villains on the Isle.”
Then came the one they were all most anxious to mention. “I have chosen Gilbert Legume,” Doug says. “Son of Gaston. Belle of all people should feel sympathetic for him, she knows just how toxic Gaston was, and we can use her sympathy to convince her to help us help Gil. He’s just a child, he deserves a chance. Just like any of them.”
They all nod, knowing they would have to have Gil be mentioned last, hating that he might be the only not able to be included this first wave just because he was born to Belle and Adam’s worst enemy.
“We can’t worry about that right now,” Ben pushes on. “We simply must make the proposal and then mention the children we want to come over in the first wave. These kids are the main players on the Isle. If we get the leaders over here: they can help us help their crew. We can get them to see that good really is worth it all.”
Murmurs of assent are heard, Jane Darling dutifully taking notes of the proceedings. “After the VK Isle Reformation Proclamation has been in place for a while, we will then move on to the Magical Creatures and Persons Act, allowing those born with magic or those who have been chosen to learn magic to be allowed to practice their arts in peace, much like the Northuldra in Arendalle do, or the people of Camelot.”
“We can restore the Moors to its original beauty,” Audrey says, remembering her mother’s stories of how beautiful it had once been.
“And we can work on getting homes for the VKs who were orphaned or who don’t want their villain parent to be their parents anymore,” Aricka added.
“Hear, hear,” Chad said. “We already have several parents interested- including Lathyn Baker; mine and Aricka’s aunt Anastasia’s husband. He’s eager to have his 19 year old son, Anthony, back home.”
“So it’s settled,” Ben says, and suddenly they could all see a glimpse of the future king he was to be. “I will make our proclamation known to my parents, and after that we will begin working on invitations for the future transfer students.”
They dispersed with hugs and plans to meet up for homework finalizations or for meals or just to hang out together, and Ben went to his own room to prepare for the most nerve wracking conversation of his life.
~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~
Ben assembled his council again, and when they all met in the secret room as usual they were met with a very exuberant and excited Prince Benjamin. “So,” he begins with a wild grin on his face. “Who’s ready to finalize the preparations for our new guests?”
@letsgofoletsgo thank you for always letting me borrow Azalea-!
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
Hey, so like how you read the new guide book, what I’m not understanding is that Maleficent, Hades, Ursula, Hook went to Merlin academy but not Cruella and the others…what makes it more confusing is that the author is saying that it’s connected. No, it’s not! This book made it more confusing than ever! And don’t get me started with the book kids not being involved. But my main question is, where’s Audrey’s granddad, Stefan? Did Descendants purposely kill him? Not the new guide book but is it just me or is Descendants is weird about anything related to Mulan?
"It's all connected." Oh, it's all connected alright, it's connected in the style of this:
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Aka everything is ready to break apart any minute and knowing Descendants love for adding more bullshit that doesn't make sense with the timeline and lore of Descendants, it might just do that some point.
And in reference to Stefen....I guess still alive? I honestly don't know, they can't even be bothered to cast Audrey's parents, let alone her granddad, so like....we just got Leah as the only family these films acknowledge for Audrey, and Aurora and Phillip in the diary, aka Descendants damage control when people asked where the fuck her parents were when she was dying.
Nah, not just you- I mean, they straight up have Lonnie not even named a Chinese name but an American/German/Latin name, let alone name her older brother....Shang Jr....despite how in China, its seen as taboo to name your child after a relative. Plus Lonnie's first hairstyle and what Mal's spell does to it in film....yeah to say Descendants may have a overall issue with any character of color is an understatement, especially as in Rise of the Isle of the Lost, you get the elder of Stone City...being named Charlie. And then you get to Mulan and Shang...who...I guess could be ruling China????? I do not know??? Because in Rise of the Isle of the Lost, Lonnie is called 'the imperial favorite daughter'- and like, its not like Descendants would be the first to do this with Mulan, Queen's Council also did it, but like???? This gives more vibes Descendants believes everyone or at least a large chunk of characters should be royals...given how the guide book alone is called royals and villains.... But like, besides that, we don't get to see them, we know Mulan's a good mom, that's about it- and for some reason despite her existence (alongside other female leads in Disney films), sports in Auradon, mainly ROAR, is limited to boys only??? How the actual flying fuck- And like, even when Lonnie gets on ROAR team (cause yes ballsy to tell Mulan's daughter no after she just proved shes good with a sword), we don't know if other girls got on it beyond maybe Chloe I guess??? And Lonnie says wait till she tells her mom but Lonnie did NOTHING to get on the damn team, she just got made captain by Jay cause loophole and that's it, so how is this a proud moment to tell Mulan???
Like keep in mind Descendants disrespects A-LOT of canon Disney characters anyway, but the Mulan disrespect in particular is just...really bad.
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chrmiing · 3 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓’𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌  ⎯  over twenty years ago the war against villainy was defeated by the kingdoms who had imprisoned all those who had wronged them onto a small wasteland half a world away from their reality. after the war had finished and the kingdoms started to settle many of the lands moved towards an alliance of sorts, forming the united kingdoms of auradon. naucris was one of these lands falling in line bending the knee to the ‘noble’ king adam who had led the charge in war efforts and now would oversee leadership of the lands.
with bending the knee came new lines to follow, naucris royalty was now more of a formal cosmetic than a role, everything within their kingdom had to go pass king adam before anything could be done. it was a restriction the southern kingdom was unfamiliar with initially but grew adjusted too. the lack of hands on work meant the king and queen could be more with their people, promote a strong and united front to their people. that was their duty now and they done it well.
the charming dynasty continued on, with their children joining the line. a crown prince who would one day be the appearance of the bloodline and required to be that strong and stable face his father was. when chad (christopher jr.) was born he wore that prince title ever so proudly, for a long time he was ‘prince chad’ the valiant. always wanting to play that knight in shining armour to princesses, coming in and protecting them against any ill will. yet as he got older the novelty of his title wore off, he grew to understand that ‘prince’ was merely just a cosmetic and he wouldn’t actually ‘rule’ as much as be a political front. 
sitting on a throne with little responsibility of his own kingdom was seeming ever more a golden cage and not one he wanted to be trapped in for the next fifty years. chad wanted to make a difference in the kingdoms and he couldn’t see how he could do that as a mere cosmetic. he was not politically gifted nor particularly inspiring to his people.
at aged 18 he decided to make a decision that would change the course of his life and affect his own people greatly. after talking with the naucris council he had decided to abdicate his position in the royal lineage leaving his sister to be crown princess to follow something that he could truly put his heart into. giving up his title of prince, chad was instead sought a knighthood and became sir christopher a knight of the seventeen kingdoms. he swore his sword to his best friend and king ben, swearing his allegiance and fealty to the kingdoms.
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Teaser to Triumph Games
Okay, so maybe I will go through with the Hunger Game AU for Descendants. I thought I’d tease it up a bit more and see if anyone had any opinions or comments. Here is part of two scenes labeled by the year. I’d appreciate any comments or feedback, lol:
October 1992
“You cannot be serious, Adam,” Aurora fumes turning to look at the older king before switching her gaze to his quiet wife. “Belle, you can’t tell me you support this.”
The French Queen opens her mouth, but a pat from Adam has her closing her mouth and Aurora frowns. Helplessly, Aurora scans the rest of the council room feeling Phillip’s hand come to rest on her lower back coaxing her to settle down. It does little to dissuade Aurora, hazel orbs piercing her fellow rulers—Jasmine matches her gaze headstrong, as do Mulan and Tianna, but Duke Weselton sneers in her direction and Prince Florian and Prince Charming glare while Ella and Snow shrink away. Megara clears her throat, but Hercules shakes his head and pulls her away despite the Grecian woman’s glare.
“This is inhumane,” states Aurora, sinking back into her seat at the silence of the room. Suddenly she feels so much wearier than any eighteen year old should ever feel. Glancing at Adam again Aurora frowns, she can see the lines around his eyes—the markings of sleepless nights marring a twenty-eight year old’s face. The weight settling in her shoulders as she takes into the lack of arguments from the rest of the ruling monarchs. Despite it all, she pushes forth: “You asked us to come under your reign for the betterment of our nations, not to imprison part of our population.”
“They have caused unimaginable suffering amongst us all!” Naveen exclaims and Tianna winces at the loudness of her husband. The Prince chest heaves in exhaustion and it takes all that Aurora has in her not to shout back at the man. “This is taking pity on them.”
“I agree with Prince Naveen,” nasally Duke Weselton intervenes and this time the blonde scoffs in the back of her throat. His hair is plated back, suit pristine with gems and stich work only the wealthy could dream of affording. It nauseates the blonde at the utter lack of sense the Duke carries and blatant hypocrisy he spews. “They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.”
“Should you join them?” spits Aurora crossing her arms and taking pleasure in the bristling of the older man. “We all know you’re not exactly a poster-image for a hero or good citizen.”
“That is enough Aurora,” quiets Queen Ingrith next to her son and Phillip offers a squeeze on his wife’s waist as an apology. “The Duke speaks the truth and you may not be aware of the full extent of these crimes. I support King Adam’s decision and we all should.”
Clearing his throat the King Beast stands his posture rigid. Taking a deep breath, Adam sweeps across the room eyes boring into Aurora’s. Slowly he speaks: “We are a land of democracy. A country of many nations; we all have a voice. Let’s put it to a vote, we’ll start with House of Cinders.”
Prince Charming and Princess Ella glance around skittishly and Aurora’s heart cracks when Ella avoids her gaze.
Charming clears his throat and nods: “We agree to the terms, we stand behind House of Beast.”
Adam nods, shoulders slacking a bit before continuing: “House of Li.”
Mulan faces Shang, a silent understanding passing between them before Mulan opens her mouth to speak. “We abstain from participation.”
The drone endures down the line of remaining rulers and as each one answers, the fissures in Aurora’s heart break open. Auradon nation of many, but controlled by seventeen houses and led by one man casts the future—a future held by ancestral beliefs. Standing again, Adam nods his head as he recites the ending vote.
“It is decided,” says Adam, his eyes locking onto the sheet of paper with the final tally. “The houses who abstained from answering and forfeit their vote are the following: House of Li, House of Atlantica, House of Kingsleigh, and House of Pan. The houses who denounce the proclamation are: House of Frost, House of Olympia, House of Smith, House of Agrah, House of Radcliffe, and House of Moors.”
Aurora matches Adam’s glare despite the pit growing in her chest—the vote still against her. Breaking away to look around, the princess nods in gratitude for those who stood in solidarity with her and thanks them for their attempt. Sultana Jasmine nods minutely, Aladdin offering a pained twist of lips, Anita sobs quietly and Roger does his best to comfort her, the others offer saddened looks Aurora does her best to ignore them.
“Those in favor of the proclamation,” reads Adam, voice projecting across the room, “House of Beast, House of Cinders, House of Maldo, House of Blanche, House of Ulstead, House of Trenches, and House of Fae. Seven to six—the proclamation will go through.”
“You’re bringing people back from the dead, Adam,” Aurora growls, throwing her last futile attempt for a change. “You’re using dark magic to rebirth them only to imprison them in a land of no magic. How does this make us any better than their unspeakable acts?”
“Phillip,” Ingrith mutters, nails tapping the table. “Control your wife.”
July 2013
Despite the thick fog englobing The Isle of the Lost the crisp horns ring through the heavy layer. Children and beggars alike scatter to darker corners—seeking cover. The singular large screen that hangs above the Isle’s Court in the main square comes to life. The Auradon Crest proudly on display—a countdown appearing underneath marking forty-seven hours fifty-nine minutes and fifty-eight—fifty-seven—fifty-six (and so on).
From the top of the Bargain Castle, a group of teenagers glower at the square, dread filling the pit of their stomachs. The horns dim to distant rings, but the echo plays out inside all of their ribcages. It shakes them to their cores as they trickle back inside—each falling into a place around the crumbling room.
Turning with the knob, Carlos curses quietly—nimble fingers working quickly to procure an image on the decades old television. Behind him Freddie hovers watching the youngest boy fiddle with wires, taking a knee when Carlos shifts to offer her a better view.
Jay leans against the decaying counter, eyes honing in on the monitor. “Who do you think will be chosen this year?”
“Clayton is unbearable,” Harry groans, plopping himself next to the oldest boy. “He would be better off dead. My bet is on him and hopefully Scar.”
“The adults are dwindling,” Uma chimes in, braids swaying as her gaze hardens. “Anyone above ten is fair game. We saw that with Anthony and Mei Lei.”
The room sobers at the names. At the echoes that accompany the weight of those lost.
“I don’t understand how a land full of heroes can convince themselves that this is a good idea,” hisses Mal, watching how the cracked screen flickers an image of King Adam, Queen Belle, Prince Ben, and Fairy Godmother over a burning ember. Behind them a royal blue banner waves against the sky, bold letters painting the number thirteen in gold.
Evie hums from her spot against the wall, lipstick slipping into her pocket. She eyes the group critically—sensing how they all turn to look at her. Mal may have been the gang’s de facto leader, but Evie was the second in command and the oldest of them making her in some cases the wisest. 
Swallowing, thickly the older girl toys with the hem of her skirt—mulling over the words in her head. “It gets rid of threats while providing entertainment and painting them as victors. In a sadistic way its genius.”
“Fuck, I get it with some of our folks,” Freddie huffs, “but they’re letting kids in it too.”
“It’s not like we’re innocent,” sighs Carlos, falling back onto his heels as sound begins to pour from the busted speakers. “Or that they would even care.”
Without further ado our Auradon Hero to honor his ascent to the throne Prince Benjamin.  
Mal’s lip curls in disgust and Uma’s brow quirks. Jay and Harry chuckle lowly at the nervous glint playing out across the Prince’s gaze. There’s a pause from the screen and unconsciously the teenagers draw themselves closer to one another.
Now for the remaining tributes …
Collectively, the tenseness in their shoulders diminishes. Four more spots, there was hope.
“Well there’s one at least, mate,” whistles Jay bumping his shoulder against Harry. The pirate nods hesitantly, but his heart hammers. Three spots left.
“Three more to go,” Uma whispers, fingers twitching on the hilt of her sword. Mal’s shoulders draw up and Evie glances out the balcony. 
“We should head to the square,” Carlos murmurs, drawing to a stand, his hand settling on the scabbard attached to his left hip.  “The guards are bound to start appearing and we just fixed the door.”
Deftly they rise and begin to trickle out, sticking to the shadows each armed. Evie’s trusted bow swung behind her shoulder hand interlinking with Mal’s for a moment before letting it fall away. Projected across the dome of the Isle Fairy Godmother’s voice carries out continuing to drone.
The Court Square draws closer and despite only one slot remaining the heaviness of the situation dawns on all of them. At the forefront lines of guards in blue decorate the steps of the only building not riddled in graffiti or broken windows. Behind them on the platform a hologram of the Royal Family alongside Fairy Godmother stand looking over the growing crowd. 
“Now for the last tribute,” Fairy Godmother begins hand reaching into the chalice in front of her. The older woman’s eyes sadden and her voice embraces an empty echo. Reluctantly, she clears her throat. “Drizella Tremaine Jr.”
The chatter seemingly stops and Dizzy’s piercing cry shatters the noise of the Isle. Freddie’s arms wrap around Celia feeling her younger sister begin to shake in sobs. Carlos pales considerably and Jay’s hand slips from his sword while Harry swallows and Uma turns to look for the girl. Mal’s mouth hangs in horror turning to face Evie (knowing that the older girl would do anything for the youngest Tremaine).
“E, no—“
But Mal’s pleas fall on deaf ears, because before she knows it there’s a loaded bow. An arrow knocked back that misses the Auradon Guard (just barely) who drags a wailing ten-year-old to the stage over the fifth stand. Loading a second arrow—the guards raise their own weapons pointing them to the daughter of the Evil Queen.
“Well it appears that this is a first. A willing participant in place of another. Evelyn Grim daughter of the Evil Queen (defeated in the tenth annual game) will take Drizella’s place. Thus, it is with our great honor to announce the thirteenth annual Triumph Games. Where five Villains will be picked at random against each other and one champion from Auradon to survive. May the odds forever be in your favor.
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Descendants Canon Chapter Two: The Jr Council Finishes Preparations
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Gifs top to bottom: Aricka Charming, Doug Crystalsmith, Ben Florian, Aziz Ababwa, and Chad Charming.
The days flew by fast leading up to the arrival of the first wave of transfer students. Thus, the Auradon Jr Royal Council was up to their ears in paperwork and finalizations such as:
Dorm assignments- each VK would have an Auradon student who would help them acclimate to their new environment and how things worked
The placement tests the VKs would take as soon as they were settled in their dorms.
Basic schedules for each transfer student, which would be completed once they selected their electives and language classes.
Preparations for all immunizations and physicals the kids would need, because who KNOWS how messed up the immune systems of a VK was.
The week went by in the blink of an eye and before anyone could believe it, it was Friday morning and the day the VKs would be arriving at Auradon Royal Preparatory School. Aka Auradon Prep.
The Jr Royal Council was assembled on the front steps in a certain way, as pertaining to their royal statuses:
Jane stood by her mother, who was standing to the left and two steps behind Ben and Audrey, who had made it to the final rounds of the selection process for the future ruler of the United States of Auradon.
Chad and Aricka stood behind them, Sebastian, Emma and Doug on either sides of them as Cinderellasburg/Charmington/Sardinia, Hanover and Stonehaven were very close allies.
Aziz, Jordan, Lonnie and Ruby were together, Aziz escorting Jordan and Ruby, Lonnie being her free spirited self, as Northern Wei, Agrabah and Tangletown were allies.
And bringing up the rear was James and Amber as the youngest of the council.
The band was playing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,” one of Aricka’s personal favorites, as the limo rolled in. The council moved as one, descending the steps in tandem to reach the limo as it pulled to a stop.
Chad put his free hand over his sister’s, patting it twice to soothe them both, as he raised his hand to wave regally, arm over his head, a firm strong wave to the school and to the limo. Aricka was a bit shyer, as was her public persona, raising her hand and wiggling her fingers slightly, a beatific smile on her face. The duo had earned their nickname of “The Charming Twins,” rightfully.
The limo rolled to a stop and the door opened to reveal the new students-
The first one out being Aricka Kore Page, who immediately broke protocol and ran to Aricka Charming and the girls embraced eagerly. “I’m back-!” She cried and Aricka C beamed.
“Oh I know it was only four months but I missed you-!”
Next came a purple haired teen, immediately followed by an ebony haired boy, who crossed his arms and stood in front of the smaller teen protectively. Right after the tan boy exited the car, a royal blue haired beauty emerged, wearing royal blue head to toe wearing a heart charm necklace, with a tiny coronet in her hair.
The next duo was a teal haired beauty and-
Aricka Charming gasped softly, as she knew the next student - it was Harry. He was even more handsome in the real world, pale skin, striking blue eyes accentuated by a smokey eyeshadow, and he wore the familiar yet unfamiliar red pirate coat and hat. He scanned the assembled teens, and when those eyes met hers, he froze momentarily, before relaxing just as quickly.
Next came two more teens, who went and stood by the purple haired teen. One had black and white hair, and was wearing black and white clothing head to toe with pops of red accents. The other was fair, wearing mostly black gothic style clothing, with a green emerald pendant necklace around her neck, and her green hair fell around her shoulders in waves.
And the last one was a boy wearing bronze colored clothes, with a bandana over his head, with few curly blonde strands peeking through. He had a relaxed smile on his face and he was looking around himself in awe.
Once all the teens were out and assembled, Ben addressed them. “Welcome to Auradon Prep,” he says, walking down the line and shaking all their hands. “I’m Crown Prince Benjamin Florian, and it is an honor to finally be meeting all of you. It is my sincerest wish and hope that today marks the beginning of a new era for our kingdom. I’m sure you’re all tired and hungry from your trip here, so if you’ll follow myself and my council we’ll show you the bathrooms, get you some snacks and then begin your orientation!”
Ben offered his arm to the purple haired teen, who glanced at it dubiously before allowing it, and he began guiding the VKs into the school.
Chad did the same to the blue haired girl, who flushed a bright red before willingly accepting the offer, and Doug offered his to the teal haired pirate, who rolled her eyes but also accepted. Sebastian was already joyously reuniting with his girlfriend, who kept an arm around his back and he kept his around her shoulders.
Aricka Charming was startled when someone cleared their throat next to her, and she turned to see Harry standing there. “Shall we, my pretty?” He asks, and offers her his own arm as the other princes had. She blushes and nods, slipping her hand through the crook of his arm, putting her free hand on top of it, and they all made their way into the school together.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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