#Arika Lee
penguins-united · 1 year
Books read in 2022!!
rereads are italicized, favorites are bolded
1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
2. Boxers by Gene Luen Yang
3. Saints by Gene Luen Yang
4. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
5. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
6. Immortal Poems of the English Language by Oscar Williams
7. Soldier’s Home by Ernest Hemingway
8. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
9. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix by JK Rowling
10. The Dead by James Joyce
11. Soldiers Three by Richard Kipling
12. The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
13. Richard iii by William Shakespeare
14. Balcony of Fog by Rich Shapiro
15. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
16. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
17. I have no mouth and I must scream by Harlan Ellison
18. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
19. The moment before the gun went off by Nadine Gordimer
20. The importance of being earnest by Oscar Wilde
21. A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway
22. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
23. Rules for a knight by Ethan Hawke
24. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling
25. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
26. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
27. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins
28. Highly Irregular by Arika Okrent
29. The Green Mile by Stephen King
30. The Swan Riders by Erin Bow
31. The King’s English by Henry Watson Fowler
32. The Truelove by Patrick O’Brian
33. The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
34. The Wine-Dark Sea by Patrick O’Brian
35. The Commodore by Patrick O’Brian
36. An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott
37. Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neill
38. The Disaster Area by JG Ballard
39. The Tacit Dimension by Michael Polanyi
40. Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan
41. The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh
42. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
43. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
44. The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
45. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
46. The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
47. A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
48. Thick as Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner
49. Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
50. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
51. Confessions of St. Augustine by St. Augustine of Hippo
52. Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
53. The Yellow Admiral by Patrick O’Brian
54. Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre
55. The Russian Assassin by Jack Arbor
56. The ones who walk away from Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin
57. Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling
58. The Iliad by Homer
59. The Treadstone Transgression by Joshua Hood
60. The Hundred Days by Patrick O’Brian
61. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead by Tom Stoppard
62. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
63. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
64. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Pearl, and Sir Orfeo (unknown)
65. Persuasion by Jane Austen
66. The Outsiders by SE Hinton
67. Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville
68. The Odyssey by Homer
69. Dead Cert by Dick Francis
70. The Oresteia by Aeschylus
71. The Network Effect by Martha Wells
72. All Art is Propaganda: Critical Essays by George Orwell
73. This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar
74. The Epic of Gilgamesh (unknown author)
75. The Republic by Plato
76. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
77. On the Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
78. Ere the Cock Crows by Jens Bjornboe
79. Mid-Bloom by Katie Budris
80. Blue at the Mizzen by Patrick O’Brian
81. 21 by Patrick O’Brian
82. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
83. Battle Cry by Leon Uris
84. Devils by Fyodor Dostoevsky
85. The Uncanny by Sigmund Freud
86. The Door in the Wall by HG Wells
87. Oh Whistle and I’ll Come to You My Lad by MR James
88. The Birds and Don’t Look Now by Daphne Du Maurier
89. The Weird and the Eerie by Mark Fisher
90. Blackout by Simon Scarrow
91. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
92. No Exit and Three Other Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre
93. The Open Society and its Enemies volume one by Karl Popper
94. Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
95. The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
96. The Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease
97. The things they carried by Tim O’Brien
98. A very very very dark matter by Martin McDonagh
99. The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A Hayek
100. The Lonesome West by Martin McDonagh
101. A Skull in Connemara by Martin McDonagh
102. The Beauty Queen of Leenane by Martin McDonagh
103. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
104. The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
105. The Shepherd by Frederick Forsyth
106. Things have gotten worse since we last spoke and other misfortunes by Eric LaRocca
107. Each thing I show you is a piece of my death by Gemma Files
108. Different Seasons by Stephen King
109. Dracula by Bram Stoker
110. Inker and Crown by Megan O’Russell
111. Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis
112. Killers by Patrick Hodges
113. The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett
114. The Rise and Reign of Mammals by Stephen Brusatte
115. Any Means Necessary by Jack Mars
116. The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche
117. In A Glass Darkly by J Sheridan le Fanu
118. Collected Poems by Edward Thomas
119. The Longer Poems by TS Eliot
120. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
121. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
122. The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
123. Choice of George Herbert’s verse by George Herbert
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arikelee · 4 years
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Tokyo Love 2019
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ourbalancedlife · 4 years
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Fantasy for Adults: reading recommendations 
Jade City by Fonda Lee
JADE CITY is a gripping Godfather-esque saga of intergenerational blood feuds, vicious politics, magic, and kungfu. The Kaul family is one of two crime syndicates that control the island of Kekon. It's the only place in the world that produces rare magical jade, which grants those with the right training and heritage superhuman abilities. The Green Bone clans of honorable jade-wearing warriors once protected the island from foreign invasion--but nowadays, in a bustling post-war metropolis full of fast cars and foreign money, Green Bone families like the Kauls are primarily involved in commerce, construction, and the everyday upkeep of the districts under their protection. When the simmering tension between the Kauls and their greatest rivals erupts into open violence in the streets, the outcome of this clan war will determine the fate of all Green Bones and the future of Kekon itself.
Queen of the Conquered by Kacen Callender
An ambitious young woman with the power to control minds seeks vengeance against the royals who murdered her family, in a Caribbean-inspired fantasy world embattled by colonial oppression. Sigourney Rose is the only surviving daughter of a noble lineage on the islands of Hans Lollik. When she was a child, her family was murdered by the islands’ colonizers, who have massacred and enslaved generations of her people—and now, Sigourney is ready to exact her revenge. When the childless king of the islands declares that he will choose his successor from amongst eligible noble families, Sigourney uses her ability to read and control minds to manipulate her way onto the royal island and into the ranks of the ruling colonizers. But when she arrives, prepared to fight for control of all the islands, Sigourney finds herself the target of a dangerous, unknown magic. Someone is killing off the ruling families to clear a path to the throne. As the bodies pile up and all eyes regard her with suspicion, Sigourney must find allies among her prey and the murderer among her peers... lest she become the next victim.
Half a King by Joe Abercrombie
Betrayed by his family and left for dead, Prince Yarvi, reluctant heir to a divided kingdom, has vowed to reclaim a throne he never wanted. But first he must survive cruelty, chains and the bitter waters of the Shattered Sea itself - all with only one good hand. Born a weakling in the eyes of a hard, cold world, he cannot grip a shield or swing an axe, so he has sharpened his mind to a deadly edge. Gathering a strange fellowship of the outcast, he finds they can help him more than any noble could. Even so, Yarvi's path may end as it began - in twists, traps and tragedy...
The Record Keeper by Agnes Gomillion
The Record Keeper is a visceral and thrilling near-future dystopia examining past and present race relations. After World War III, Earth is in ruins, and the final armies have come to a reluctant truce. Everyone must obey the law—in every way—or risk shattering the fragile peace and endangering the entire human race. Although Arika Cobane is a member of the race whose backbreaking labor provides food for the remnants of humanity, she is destined to become a member of the Kongo elite. After ten grueling years of training, she is on the threshold of taking her place of privilege far from the fields. But everything changes when a new student arrives. Hosea Khan spews dangerous words of treason: What does peace matter if innocent lives are lost to maintain it? As Arika is exposed to new beliefs, she realizes that the laws she has dedicated herself to uphold are the root of her people's misery. If Arika is to liberate her people, she must unearth her fierce heart and discover the true meaning of freedom: finding the courage to live—or die—without fear.
The Women's War by Jenna Glass
In a high fantasy feminist epic, a revolutionary spell gives women the ability to control their own fertility—with consequences that rock their patriarchal society to its core. When a nobleman’s first duty is to produce a male heir, women are treated like possessions and bargaining chips. But as the aftereffects of a world-altering spell ripple out physically and culturally, women at last have a bargaining chip of their own. And two women in particular find themselves at the crossroads of change. Alys is the widowed mother of two teenage children, and the disinherited daughter of a king. Her existence has been carefully proscribed, but now she discovers a fierce talent not only for politics but also for magic—once deemed solely the domain of men. Meanwhile, in a neighboring kingdom, young Ellin finds herself unexpectedly on the throne after the sudden death of her grandfather the king and everyone else who stood ahead of her in the line of succession. Conventional wisdom holds that she will marry quickly, then quietly surrender the throne to her new husband…. Only, Ellin has other ideas. The tensions building in the two kingdoms grow abruptly worse when a caravan of exiled women and their escort of disgraced soldiers stumbles upon a new source of magic in what was once uninhabitable desert. This new and revolutionary magic—which only women can wield—threatens to tear down what is left of the patriarchy. And the men who currently hold power will do anything to fight back.
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
Tomorrow, on the beach, Baru Cormorant will look up from the sand of her home and see red sails on the horizon. The Empire of Masks is coming, armed with coin and ink, doctrine and compass, soap and lies. They'll conquer Baru’s island, rewrite her culture, criminalize her customs, and dispose of one of her fathers. But Baru is patient. She'll swallow her hate, prove her talent, and join the Masquerade. She will learn the secrets of empire. She’ll be exactly what they need. And she'll claw her way high enough up the rungs of power to set her people free. In a final test of her loyalty, the Masquerade will send Baru to bring order to distant Aurdwynn, a snakepit of rebels, informants, and seditious dukes. Aurdwynn kills everyone who tries to rule it. To survive, Baru will need to untangle this land’s intricate web of treachery - and conceal her attraction to the dangerously fascinating Duchess Tain Hu. But Baru is a savant in games of power, as ruthless in her tactics as she is fixated on her goals. In the calculus of her schemes, all ledgers must be balanced, and the price of liberation paid in full.
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sugar-splenda · 4 years
the four and a half people this fandom consists out of can probably handle your take, please, proceed with the hot take on the plot
Buckle up folks, you have opened my pandora box and now I won’t stop talking until I destroy Taylor’s Hero complex. 
This is a very personal take coming from someone who got too invested in this series and literally has no chill so please don’t take this at heart.
The difference between Taylor and the rest of the characters in the lifeline games is that Taylor has never been alone because you’re there to hold their hand during the worst time of their life. You could say its the same with the rest of the gang but it isn’t. 
Arika had her worst time when she was a literal child and it’s only been downhill from there until she meets you. Alex might not have been through literal hell and back but he was very affected by having to be the support of his sisters during his childhood and Wynn literally got attacked by greened-puppet-ape-thing and experimented against her will before she contacted the lifeline and even then she had to PUT DOWN HER OWN SISTER. T2 was alone through the whole events of the Taylor games until they got greened. Adams is a special case that I will be putting aside because this rant is mostly about Taylor.
For what they tell us, Tay has a stable family with two siblings, loving parents and a cat who support them and are likely devastated by their disappearance. Don’t get me wrong, this is great, fantastic even. But they haven’t experienced the despair that being alone in a stressful situation brings to one or how it affects one’s reaction patterns later in life.
Considering the situation T2 had been put in, it is reasonable that they’ll look for a way to feel in control of the situation when they never had a say on what happened to them. The crash was not their fault and couldn’t control it, the greening of the White Star’s crew was out of their control, hell, the whole ordeal of their own greening was out of their hands. Torturing the greens was likely more about feeling in control of the situation and finally having an outlet for the extreme emotions they had been put under the past couple of weeks and less about gaining actual information about the hive.
(@pekasairroc and I actually were discussing this claim the other time and she pointed out that the time frame of the events doesn’t really make sense so it might have been a way to justify where they got the knowledge of the Tipler Cylinder, but the dialog sounded too passionate to be a lie, so while I think it actually happened, if it was a lie, it must have been a fantasy they really wanted to fulfill and by consequence a “winning my other’s self trust” card.)
This is why I dislike the “this doesn’t sound like you” option, because Tay is too alienated(pardon the pun) from the effects of loneliness (Not the survivor’s guilt, I’ll touch that in a bit) to understand where T2 is coming from.
Now, as for the Mari Lee’s plotline. Fuck Mari Lee and her unborn baby, Tay. You can’t fucking promise that woman that you’ll keep her safe you cannot know that! I understand the need to protect others but Taylor had a family to return to. Mari Lee did too, probably, but I don’t care about her, I don’t know her. I didn’t spend three days keeping her alive. I’m invested in Taylor’s survival not on this random woman who you introduced and probably reminds Taylor of Colby who I also don’t care about because I never meet her like we meet them!
I hate how everyone seems to be after Taylor and they just go willingly sacrificing themselves for everyone. I’m pretty sure this is either an AWFUL case of hero complex or very concerning survivor guilt. The first one makes me personally angry and wanting to strangle them while strapping them to the escape pods and actually making sure they do it right (if you take that option Taylor actually dies. The game actually encourages the player to feed Taylor’s martyr actions, and the second one makes me want to cry for personal reasons I won’t disclose.
This game is called Lifeline, you’re supposed to keep Taylor alive, but it slaps you in the face escalating the conflict to the point where going home is almost impossible (We will not mention Bad Astronaut here, that game did not happen and you cannot convince me otherwise.) and then punishing you if you’re not feeding Taylor underlying issues.
It is another way to try to control the situation they’re at, being reckless and trying to mend their perceived failures (or the injustices they have witnessed and suffered)
If you let Mari Lee die, Taylor just gives up. Nothing you say (limited choices) will convince them to keep fighting. I understand is demoralizing but to me it felt like Mari was just an objective and not a person, you know? I know Taylor probably blamed themselves when the greens are at fault and whatever but seriously. Taylor. SERIOUSLY!? THAT’S WHY YOU GIVE UP? it makes me want to slap them into action and shove something up T2′s— I’m composed you asked for this don’t come after me I will scream.
I just personally don’t understand how, if Taylor is in their right mind, they wouldn’t take any opportunity to get back home. Unless their regular life is actually very unhappy I do not SEE how anyone wouldn’t fight with teeth and nail to get back home. I would kill to go back to a home like that.
So the only logical conclusion to me is that they’re not in their right mind. And that they need help but the lifeline is fueling their reasoning that they must be the hero of the situation with those choices. It is not healthy and while I understand its a game and the Doylian answer is that the plot had to advance to the desired direction, the watsonian is fucking depressing.
Anyway TLDR: Through the game you feed Taylor with a bunch of hero “the greater good” talk to the point where they cannot conceive themselves as being “selfish” and actually trying to survive to see their family.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
10-64K Jenkins - Cody Saintgnue
Aashi Stone - Naomi Scott
Aayan Shaw - Jackson Rathbone
Abilene Wagner - Natalie Portman
Ace Chase - Sebastian Stan
Ace Spade - Taron Egerton
Adam Elliot - Leland Chapman
Addi Valiant - Allison Scagliotti
Addie Brewster - Idda Van Munster
Ae Chihu - Wooshin
Agent London Clark - Chris Evans
Agent Peter Burke - Tim DeKay
Agron - Dan Feuerriegel
Aiden Wright - Dean O’Gorman
Akkeri kom Podakru - Alex Høgh Andersen
Alana Meridian - Ksenia Solo
Alaric Saltzman - Matthew Davis
Alastair York - Jai Courtney
Alec Lightwood - Matt Daddario
Alec MacDowell - Jensen Ackles
Aleda Kingsleigh - Dove Cameron
Aleks Lubomirski - Bartosz Gelner
Alex Avanyu - Avan Jogia
Alex Fierro - Avan Jogia
Alex Rider - Alexander Ludwig
Alex Taylor - Richard Harmon
Alex Wright - Richard Harmon
Alf Tungri - Will Peltz
Alfred Pennyworth - Sean Pertwee
Alice Rula - Madeline Brewer
Aline Penhallow - Arden Cho
Alix Kirkland - Daniel Sharman
Allanon - Manu Bennett
Amber Amberjack - Dom Sherwood
Ambrose Spellman - Chance Perdommo
Amity - Elizabeth Gillies
Anand Morrígu - Sean Maguire
Anastasia Cloe - Eiza Gonzalez
Anders Johnson - Dean O'Gorman
Andreas Vasilescu - Luke Camilleri
Angel Eyes - DJ Cotrona
Angie Landers - Tatiana Maslany
Anjisnu - Kim Coates
Anya Price - Gina Rodriguez
April Hare - Theo James
Arawen Annwn - Stuart Reardon
Archie Andrews - Kat McNamara
Archie Andrews - KJ Apa
Ardal Cody - Kendall Schmidt
Arika Longan - Harry Shum Jr
Arrow kom Boudalankru - Tatiana Maslany
Arsena Larken - Zendaya Coleman
Art Gremellion - Daniel Gillies
Arthur - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ash Houndsworth - Sean Teale
Atticus Bane - Will Tudor
Atticus Philo - Grey Damon
Austin DeSantos - Ludi Lin
Avery Durin - Aaron Paul
Axe kom Boudalankru - Aiden Turner
Azmodeus - Landon Liboiron
Baby Collins - Ansel Egort
Baby Driver - Ansel Elgort
Baby Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Balance Grant - Charlie Hunnam
Bane - Tom Hardy
Barclay Kirby - Zane Holtz
Bard Sinclair - Cameron Monaghan
Barnabé Klausen - Bradley Soileau
Baron Remi Goldwyn-Mayer - Michael Fassbender
Barren Guilderson - Iwan Rheon
Bart Putnam - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Bas Norsewood - Sam Steele
Bash de Poitiers - Torrance Coombs
Bax Adamson - Finn Roberts
Bea Cres - Bill Skarsgard
Bea Porter - Rachel Skarsten
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohen
Bellami Blake - Shay Mitchell
Bellamy Blake - Bob Morley
Belle Amanita - Freeman Agyeman
Ben Bartlett - Jensen Ackles
Ben Fringe - Matt Daddario
Ben Hargeeves - Justin H Min
Ben Kilmartin - Jacob Elordi
Benjamin Heritage - Kellan Lutz
Bent Williams - Tom Payne
Bertie Cooper - Will Tudor
Berto Vega - Jai Courtney
Betsy Shrivatsa - Dichen Lachman
Betty Cooper - Lili Reinhart
Big Grant - Travis Fimmel
Bika kom Azgeda - Michael Eklund
Billy Barton - Brandon Flynn
Billy de Lauro - Cody Christian
Billy Hargrove - Dacre Montgomery
Billy-Ray Sanguine - Michael Fassbender
Bishop Smith - Jack Falahee
Black Hat - Karl Urban
Blade Hood - Grace Phipps
Blaise Caelia - Joe Manganiello
Bliss - Matt Daddario
Bo - Henry Cavill
Bo Grimm - DJ Cotrona
Bobby Mercer - Mark Wahlberg
Bobo Del Rey - Michael Eklund
Bod Chayton - Booboo Stewart
Bosse Ljung - Anson Mount
Bothain Gladstone - Skeet Ulrich
Bowyn Coke - Ian Bohen
Brad Coleman - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
Brennan Mulwray - Victor Webster
Brian O'Connor - Paul Walker
Briar Eglantine - Evan Ross
Briar Jones - India Eisley
Bridget Barker - Natalie Dormer
Brigid Nic Dagda - Kaya Scodelario
Brodie Reston - Jordan Connor
Bunnymund - Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes
Burke - Michael Fassbender
Burn Milburn - Chris Wood
CA Cupid - Dove Cameron
Caden Lovell - Keiynan Lonsdale
Cai Ryers - Cody Saintgnue
Caine Dunbar - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cairns West - Alexander Skarsgard
Cal August - Aaron Jakubenko
Caleb Danvers - Steven Strait
Calleigh Rousseau - Sammi Hanratty
Cam Thompson - Max Thieriot
Capp Hertz - Mchine Gun Kelly
Captain Barbie Barbara - Mike Vogel
Captain Dutch Deadwood - Anson Mount
Captain Harriet Hook - Emeraude Toubia
Captain Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp
Captain Jim Kirk - Chris Pine
Captain Mal Reynolds - Nathan Fillion
Captain Steve Rogers - Chris Evans
Cara - Allison Scagliotti
Carl Gallagher - Ethan Cutkosky
Carlos DeVil - Cameron Boyce
Carny South - Finn Jones
Carol Danvers - Brie Larson
Casi Riqui - David Castaneda
Cassidy - Joe Gilgun
Cassie Diaval - Lindy Booth
Castle Baxter - Jon Bernthal
CC Clair - Claudia Lee
Cerise Hood - Marie Avgeropoulos
Champion Barrow - Tyler Posey
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Charlie Stephenson - Willa Holland
Chase Collins - Sebastian Stan
Chase Stein - Dom Sherwood
Chef Daniel Addams - Christian Kane
Cheka kom Trikru - Blair Redford
Chelle Reilly - Sonequa Martin-Green
Cherry Cash - Colin O'Donaghue
Cheryl Blossom - Madelaine Petsch
Cheshire Liddell - Sebastian Stan
Chess Cat - Harry Shum Jr
Chev Arthur - Jason Statham
Chibs Telford - Tommy Flanagan
Chic Smith - Hart Denton
Chief Osprey - Tyler Posey
Choi Trio - Jeonghan
Chris Argent - JR Bourne
Chryso Brach - Hart Denton
Chuck Hansen - Rob Kazinsky
Chul Bora - T.O.P
Ciaran Byrne - Skeet Ulrich
Ciel Quinn - Hale Appleman
Cinda Wocky - Lucy Hale
CJ Hook - Kat McNamara
Clark Griffin - Austin Butler
Clarke Griffin - Eliza Taylor
Clary Helstrom - Tyler Blackburn
Clint Barton - Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell
Clove Sageseed - Jonathan Whitesell
Coco Cash - Dave Franco
Cody Pine - Logan Lerman
Col. Basher Moran - Michael Fassbender
Cole Higgins - Monty Geer
Colonel Jack O'Neill - Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch
Colonel John Sheppard - Joe Flanagan
Colossus - Danila Kozlovsky
Connor Angel - Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs
Connor Kent - Robbie Amell
Connor MacManus - Sean Patrick Flanery
Conrí Faolán - Cole Sprouse
Coop Lachlan - Dacre Montgomery
Cooper Rose - Konstantinos Laios
Copper kom Yujleda - Kristin Stewart
Corbin kom Ingranronakru - Shane West
Costin Comescu - Scott Eastwood
Cotton Thistle - Hansol Vernon Chwe
Countess Marishka Tepes - Kiara Glasco
Court Silver - Richard Harmon
Crawford Leather - Charlie Weber
Crina Demetra - Lyndsy Fonesca
Cyneric Ashworth - Nick Bateman
Daci Larken - Tammin Sursok
Dag Ryden - Daniel Di Tomasso
Daisy Diaz - David Castro
Dalia kom Azgeda - Sophie Turner
Damon Salvatore - Ian Somerhalder
Daniel Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Danihel Ranger - Alexander Calvert
Dante Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Daria Sabriel - Jaimie Alexander
Darien Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Darius Sabriel - Samuel Larsen
Darko Pover - Dom Sherwood
Darling Charming - Eliza Taylor
Darya Ryden - Meghan Ory
Daryl Dixon - Norman Reedus
Daya Kitchell - Zendaya Coleman
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds
Dean Winchester - Jensen Ackles
Death of the Endless - Summer Glau
Deck Chelios - Joe Manganiello
Declan Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Declan Harp - Jason Momoa
Del Clover - Jordan Connor
Delia Midford - Allison Scagliotti
Delirium of the Endless - Hayley Williams
Delta - Clive Standen
Denny Toombs - Greyston Holt
Deputy Avi Callahan-Constantine
Derek Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Des Carter - Frank Grillo
Desire of the Endless - Ruby Rose
Det. Kee Cavanagh - Tom Hardy
Detective Ainsley Mansfield - Christian Kane
Detective Danno Williams - Scott Caan
Detective Danny Messer - Carmine Giovinazzo
Detective Dyson Thornwood - Kris Holden-Reid
Detective Javan Bengal - Michael Fassbender
Detective Konstantinos Cruz - Colton Haynes
Dew DeWitt - Francois Arnaud
Diana Derrick - Brooke Williams
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot
Diego Hargreeves - David Castañeda
Dirk Gently - Samuel Barnett
Dmitry Kelso - Jay Ryan
Doc Holliday - Tim Rozon
Doc Holliday Jr - Matt Daddario
Domino - Keira Knightley
Dot Baum - Becky G
Doug Reston - Joe Manganiello
Dr Bones McCoy - Karl Urban
Dr Gryphon Trent - Chris Hemsworth
Dr Hank McCoy - Nicholas Hoult
Dr Harley Quinn - Hart Denton
Dr Hart Hansen - Tom Mison
Dr House - Hugh Laurie
Dr Jake Stone - Christian Kane
Dr Jill Holtzmann - Kate McKinnon
Dr Johann Stein - Richard Harmon
Dr Juneau Moone - Dane Dehaan
Dr Lane Reston - Skeet Ulrich
Dr Paddy Doyle - Andrew Scott
Dr Palmer Isley - KJ Apa
Dr Pamela Isley - Natalie Dormer
Dr Sindri Vidarr - Dane Dehaan
Dr Trick Grimsby - Ian Bohen
Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton, Miles Heizer
Drak kom Trishanakru - Alexander Dreymon
Draki Astarot - Troye Sivan
Dru Vritra - Santiago Segura
Dsimu Runihura - Michael Fassbender
Durant Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Dusty Djura - Kat Dennings
Dwalin, Son of Fundin - Graham Mac Tavish
Eames - Tom Hardy
Eddie Brock - Tom Hardy
Eddy Williams - Adam G Sevani
Edric Lange - Anthony Mackie
Eggsy Unwin - Taron Egerton
Eight - Bob Morley
Eira Candace - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Eirlys kom Azgeda - Kit Harington
Eli Barros - David Castaneda
Elijah Mikaelson - Daniel Gillies
Eliot Spencer - Christian Kane
Eliot Waugh - Hale Appleman
Elise Gerard - Troian Bellisario
Elodie Kerstoph - Abbey Lee
Emerson Topper - Zach McGowan
Emery - Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković
Emma Austin - Scout Taylor Compton
Enzo Ferris - Brock O’Hurn
Enzo St John - Michael Malarky
Erik Lehnsherr - Michael Fassbender
Erin Strife - Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd
Ethan Connors - Derek Theler
Evan Bilingham - Daniel Gillies
Evan Williams - Dan Stevens
Evgeni Shankarov - Paul Wesley
Evie Weiss - Max Schneider
Exy Enger - Caitlin Stasey
Eyes Auriemma - Rob Raco
Fabien Mariani - Bob Morley
Faith Firenze - Zoey Deutch
Faith Zora - Arielle Kebel
Falco LaPointe - Francois Arnaud
Fangs Fogarty - Drew Ray Tanner
Faolan Finn - Shawn Mendes
Faraday Jones - Chris Pratt
Farmer Quentin - Vin Diesel
Father Daine - JR Bourne
Father Gothel - Kim Coates
Father Robert King - Gabriel Macht
Felix Mosley - Jade Hassouné
Fergus Carter - Cole Sprouse
Fey Sprite - Natalia Dyer
Fi Kapua - Jungkook
Filarion Gaelin - Chanyeol
Fili, Son of Dis - Dea O'Gorman
Finn Collins - Thomas McDonell
Finn Liebrecht - Charlie Carver
Finnlee Camdyn - Hart Denton
Fionn Collins - Nina Dobrev
Fitz Luck - Lucas Till
Five Hargreeves - Aiden Gallagher
Five Voelkel - Dan Feuerriegel
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke - KJ Apa
Flick Fawkes - Lindsey Morgan
Flint Gladstone - Rob Raco
Flynn Addams - Norman Reedus
Flynn Rider - Jared Padalecki
Foma Comescu - Armie Hammer
Ford Waters - Jon Bernthal
Foster - Jade Hassouné
Fox Asterphilos - Michael Fassbender
Fox Tempest - Harry Shum Jr
Frank Castle - Jon Bernthal
Frank Martin - Jason Statham
Frazer Parkes - Zane Holtz
Fred Walter - Ellen Page
Freddie McClair - Luke Pasqualino
Freya Mikaelson - Riley Voelkel
Friday Ginger - Bradley Cooper
Garnet Porter - Danielle Harris
Garrett Burroughs - Amadeus Serafini
Gem Topaz - Jade Thirlwell
Geniy Kirova - Danila Kozlovsky
Geo kom Ingranronakru - Christian Kane
Geo Tyson - Christian Navarro
Gideon Kirkland - Nate Buzolic
Gil LeGume - Dylan Playfair
Ginger Breadhouse - Vanessa Morgan
Gladys Jones - Morena Baccarin
Gleb Mychajlovich - Luke Guldan
Glenn Dixon - Robert Buckley
Grace Zora - Claire Holt
Griffin - Jamie Bell
Gus Speedle - Jesse Metcalfe
Gwaine the Younger - Will Tudor
Ha Minsu - Yongguk
Haf kom Podakru - Clive Standen
Haihefa Roan kom Azgeda - Zach McGowan
Haiplana Rowan kom Azgeda - Olga Kurylenko
Han Seong-Jin - Seo In Guk
Han Seoul-Oh - Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon
Handsome Rob - Jason Statham
Hannibal King - Ryan Reynolds
Harley Keener - Ty Simpkins
Harp Wilson - Ashley Rickards
Harper - Gordon Michael Woolvett
Harry Addams - Sharlto Copley
Harry Hook - Thomas Doherty
Harry Osborn - Alex Høgh Andersen
Harvey Kinkle - Ross Lynch
Hayley Gold - Alberto Rosende
Hazel Haven - Kyle Gallner
Heave - Brock O’Hurn
Heda Lex kom Trikru - Greyston Holt
Heda Lexa kom Trikru - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Hendrix Mars - Odiseas Georgiadis
Henry Greyson - Brenton Thwaites
Henry Mikaelson - Richard Harmon
Herc Hansen - Max Martini
HG Graham - Jaime Murray
Hiram Lodge - Mark Consuelas
Hope Zora - Penelope Mitchell
Hush kom Azgeda - Tasya Teles
Hyde Jackson - Lucas Till
Ian Gallagher - Cameron Monaghan
Ianto Mumbles - Idris Elba
Iefan Mumbles - Idris Elba
Illyiad Barakan - Johnny Strong
Indigo Basile - Will Tudor
InDo Montoya - Cole Sprouse
Ink Marburg - Stephen James
Isaac Lahey - Daniel Sharman
Isias Apgar - Kim Coates
Issac Lawson - Luke Evans
Iva Malone - Stephanie Bennett
Ivo Ramsey - Keegan Allen
Izzy Swango - Matt Ryan
Jace Lightwood - Dom Sherwood
Jack Frost - Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery
Jack Morton - Jake Manley
Jacob Finnegan - Ian Bohen
Jade Jordan - Hailee Steinfeld
James Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Janet McCullogh - Emma Roberts
Jannick Boden - Robert Sheehan
Jareth the Goblin King - Brett Dalton, David Bowie
Jarvis Huish - Jake Abel
Jason Schuchard - Logan Henderson
Jason Todd - Bob Morley
Jasper Jordan - Devon Bostick
Jax Harley - Ricky Whittle
Jax Lewis - Noel Fisher
Jay Abanazar - Booboo Stewart
Jazz Hills - Nick Jonas
Jean Morau - Eliza Dushku
Jefferson - Sebastian Stan
Jem Fenrirson - Michael Fassbender
Jensen Ames - Jason Statham
Jensen Slick - Stephen Dorff
Jeremy Gilbert - Steven R McQueen
Jerry Lucas - Sam Heughan
Jess Gambino - China Anne McClain
Jett McCreighton-Hill - Cole Sprouse
Jia Nix - Justin H Min
Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Jimmy Malone - Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge
JJ Jenkins - Megan Fox
Joaquin DeSantos - Rob Raco
Joe Addams - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joe McAlister - Colin Ford
Joel Bissainthe - Andy Biersack
Joel Gregory - Benedict Cumberbatch
Joel Shmishlyaev - Ash Stymest
John Avanyu - Karl Urban
John Constantine - Matt Ryan
John Mbege - Keiynan Lonsdale
John Murphy - Richard Harmon
John Silvini - Ryan Reynolds
John Vaako Grimm - Karl Urban
Johnnie Cooper - Tom Ellis
Johnny Jaqobis - Aaron Ashmore
Johnny Law - Vincent Ventresca
Jojo Cash - Chris Pine
Jon Byers - Charlie Heaton
Jon Snow - Kit Harington
Jonah Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jones Templeton - Brock Kelly
Jordan Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jory Kulkarni - Tyler Hoechlin
Jostus kom Sankru - Brock O’Hurn
JR Murphy - Richard Harmon
JT Jones - Bill Skarsgard
Jughead Jones - Cole Sprouse
Juice Ortiz - Theo Rossi
Jukebox Jones - Hannah Marks
Julio Richter - Diego Boneta
Jumpcut Jones - Dylan Sprouse
Kacey Patton - Dylan Sprouse
Kade Arcino - Zachary Quinto
Kaede Oshiro - Sehun
Kai Anderson - Evan Peters
Kai Parker - Chris Wood
Kaios Godfrey -Bill Skarsgard
Kaleb Westphall - Daniel Sharman
Kara Kaa - Eiza Gonzalez
Karolina Dean - Virginia Gardener
Kaya Carter-Reston - Dove Cameron
Kayla Doll - Emily Browning
Kaylee Sanderson - Gal Gadot
Kelly Benton - Darya Goncharova
Kelly Pryor - Brandon Larracuente
Kensington Banning - Will Tudor
Kenzo Malikov - Kim Heechul
Keri Graves - Marie Avgeropoulos
Kerry Holt - Richard Armitage
Kesa Brandt - Tom Hardy
Kevin Keller - Casey Cott
Ki Tilo - KJ Apa
Kid Loki - Cole Sprouse
Kili, Son of Dis - Aiden Turner
Killian Salvatore - Scott Caan
Kim Hart - Naomi Scott
Kincaid Jericko - Victor Webster
King Aim Dagonet - Jordan Connor
King Asnee Ambrocio - Choi Min Ki
King Beem - Jordan Connor
King Ben French - Mitchell Hope
King Christoph Henderson - Henry Cavill
King Lionel Reginus - Jason Momoa
King Papi Palma-Picarzo - Rob Raco
King Ragnar Lothbrok - Travis Fimmel
King Rey Bolivar - David Castro
King Rí - Joseph Morgan
King Rook Smith - Thomas Doherty
King Rory Reagan - Richard Madden
King Sigourney Algernon - Francois Arnaud
King Tru I Tania - Clive STanden
King Vlad Tepes III - Luke Evans
Kingsley Hopkirk - Kris Holden-Ried
Kintsu Kuroi - Jhope
Kisa - Eiza Gonzalez
Kit Barton - Luke Mitchell
Kit Corwin - Rob Raco
Kit Pryde - Dylan Sprayberry
Kit Rook - Colin Ford
Kito Jewel - Kit Harrington
Kitt Banning - Dom Sherwood
Kitten Byrne - Kit Harington
Kitten Kirk - Chloe Grace Moretz
Kitty Cheshire - Alyssa Claire Joynson
Kitty Kole - Kay Victoria
Klaus Mikaelson - Joseph Morgan
Knight Jack Knave - Dom Sherwood
Kol Mikaelson - Nate Buzolic
Kona Leilani - Dacre Montgomery
Kostia kom Trikru - Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John Kamen
Kostin kom Trikru - Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway
Kozik - Kenny Johnson
Kristoff of Arendelle - Chris Hemsworth
Ku Yejun - Jaejoong
Kuba Kowalski - Antoni Porowski
Kurgan Reina - Daniel Gillies
Kyda kom Trishanakru - Josefin Asplund
Kyle Bathory - Jake Manley
Kyra Badd - Alexa Davalos
L Lawliet - Ken'ichi Matsuyama
Lace Rainer - Jason Ralph
Lachlan Camdyn - Reilly Dolman
Lady/Lord Lara Croft - Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy
Lán Sé Límíng - G-Dragon
Lanta kom Trishanakru - Harry Shum Jr
Lara Montgomery - Shelley Hennig
Lark Malone - Chloe Bennet
Laveau McQueen - Richard Harmon
Lavrenty Comescu - Mike Vogel
Lee Christmas - Jason Statham
Lee Druitt - Brett Dalton
Leigh Trace - Christian Slater
Leith Camdyn - Will Tudor
Lena Crighton - Hannah John-Kamen
Leon Strong - Johnny Strong
Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller
Leone O'Ray - Dylan Sprouse
Levi Livingston - Jackson Rathbone
Lexington Wallander III - Travis Fimmel
Lia Santiago - Eiza Gonzalez
Liam Dunbar - Dylan Sprayberry
Liander Tybalt - Harry Shum Jr
Libby Tazzno - Mollee Gray
Light Yagami - Tatsuya Fujiwara
Lightfingers Bourne - Colin Ford
Lilah Sanderson - Danielle Campbell
Lily Highsmith - Crystal Reed
Link Fawkes - Thomas McDonell
Link, Last of the Hylians - Austin Butler
Lip - Jared Padalecki
Lip Trembuey - Reilly Dolman
Lissa Anderson - Jessica Lu
Logan - Hugh Jackman
Logan Cale - Michael Weatherly
Lola Locorant - Eiza Gonzalez
Lolli Baxter - Vanessa Morgan
Lonnie Li - Dianne Doan
Lord Albrecht Holmes - Tom Hiddleston
Lord Marshall Richard B Riddick - Vin Diesel
Lorelai Vierra - Lana Parilla
Loren Knowles - Shannon Kook
Lorna Lexington - Emma Dumont
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti - Tasya Teles
Louisa Giroux - Danielle Campbell
Loullabelle Jones - Allison Scagliotti
Lt. Col Switch McKenna - Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly
Lt. Col. Anders Fontaine - Chris O'Donnell
Lt. Faceman Peck - Bradley Cooper
Lucien Judith - Michael Johnston
Lucifer Morningstar - Tom Ellis
Lucilla Nike - Charlize Theron
Lucius Philo - Kellan Lutz
Luke Castellan - Jake Abel
Luke Collins - Zak Henri
Luke Dusk - Mark Pellegrino
Lupe Lito - Miguel Ángel Silvestre
M’Ari Walker - Ksenia Solo
Macallan - Shawn Mendes
Mack Wilson - David Guintoli
Maddie Moreau - Sarah Hyland
Maddy Trevor - Bella Thorne
Madrigan Hatter - Landon Liboiron
Mae Coombs - Lili Reinhart
Maeve Aella - Phoebe Tonkin
Magnus Bane - Harry Shum Jr
Magpie TwoSpirit - Ruby Rose
Magret Spector - Vanessa Morgan
Maj. Ty Fontaine - Stephen Amell
Mak Timoti - Wentworth Miller
Makena Kysely - Colton Haynes
Malachai - Nicholas Hoult
Mangjol Ji-Tae - Minhyuk btob
Marc Wilder - Avan Jogia
Marcus Addams - Kim Coates
Marcus Berry - Godfrey Gao
Margo kom Sankru - Natalie Dormer
Marie Thompson - Meryl Streep
Mark Hobb - Jensen Ackles
Marley McCaffrey - Skeet Ulrich
Martin Rowdy - Michael Eklund
Mary Qazi - Sofia Boutella
Marzio Altamura - Jimmy Quaintance
Mathew Paterson - Tom Holland
Matilda Zolnerowich - Sygin
Matt Jeevas - Luhan
Matt Murdock - Charlie Cox
Mattie Brightley - Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy
Maven King - Diego Barrueco
Maz Lorne - Charlotte Best
McCorrigan Holmes - Tilda Swinton
Mekhi Kennedy - Bill Skarsgard
Mel Putnam - Jackson Rathbone
Meliorn - Jade Hassouné
Merlin Emrys - Colin Morgan
Merrick Finn - Dylan O'Brien
Mi Se-Yeon - Jimin
Mick Sweeney - Pablo Schreiber
Mickey Finn - Callum Blue
Mickey Milkovich - Noel Fisher
Midge Conlon - Colin Ford
Midge Klump - Nick Robinson
Mikael Whistler - Wentworth Miller
Mike Plisskin - Colin Ford
Miles O’Shaughnessy - Robert Sheehan
Miller Petroff - Mike Vogel
Million Pearce - David Castro
Milos Toplaski - Tommy Flanagan
Mim Fayette - Katie McGrath
Minka Vodnik - Olivia Wilde
Mira Bellami - Victoria Justice
Misty Lombardo - Adelaide Kane
Mitchell - Aiden Turner
Monroe Lorenzo - Michael Malarky
Moose Mason - Cody Kiersley
Morbid Kitchell - Machine Gun Kelly
Morgan Julius - Landon Liboiron
Morrigan Wallace - Lena Headey
Morrison Wallace - Tommy Flanagan
Ms. America - Gina Rodriguez
Murphy MacManus - Norman Reedus
Murtagh Reston - Thomas Doherty
Natalia Miller - Ashleigh Murray
Nate Spooner - Toby Hemmingway
Nathan Miller - Jarod Joseph
Nathaniel Barton - Grant Gustin
Natshana kom Trishanakru - Chai Hansen
Nell Reba-Barnes - Steve Howey
Neptune Hollins - Noah Centineo
Nia Bradbury - Andy Biersack
Nic Janson - Troye Sivan
Nick Agave - Dom Sherwood
Nick Scratch - Gavin Leatherwood
Nick St North - Kris Kristofferson
Nico DiAngelo - David Mazouz
Nico Minoru - Lyrica Okano
Nico Prentís - Cody Saintgnue
Nicolai Duchamps - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nik Ellis - KJ Apa
Nile Gwynnne - Nate Buzolic
Nix Arthur - Charlie Hunnam
No Preston - Max Riemelt
Noah Johnson - Mitchell Hope
Nolan James - Norman Reedus
Nonna Narrington - Caleb Landry Jones
Note Scofield - Cameron Boyce
Nova - Adam Lambert
Nysse Hamilton - Dayana Melgares
Nyx Greymark - Nyané Lebajoa
Oaklee Zaharis - Marie Avgeropoulos
Oddmund Bodilson - Brett Dalton
Oli Delfino - KJ Apa
Ong Minjae - Sehun
Onyx Frost-Haddock - Cole Sprouse
Opie Winston - Ryan Hurst
Orin Suelita - DJ Cotrona
Orion Hunter - Jai Courtney
Os Avanyu - Oscar Jaenada
Owen Anton - Devon Sawa
Owen Grady - Chris Pratt
Owen Palomino - Sean Patrick Flanery
Oz Keen - Cody Christian
Patricia Llewelyn - Scout Taylor-Compton
Paul Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Paul Tristan - Nick Jonas
Paul Trubel - Miles Heizer
Paw Cavanaugh - Alisha Wainwright
Peg Simon - Joe Manganiello
Peilani Salvatore - Jason Momoa
Pen Carpenter - Hale Appleman
Percy Jackson - Cole Sprouse
Pern Sorrows - Colin Morgan
Perry Avanyu - Drew Fuller
Peter Hale - Ian Bohen
Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Peter Quill - Chris Pratt
Peter Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Peyton Bennett - Dove Cameron
Philip Pearson - Reilly Dolman
Pike - Milo Ventimiglia
Pitch Black - Jude Law
Pixie Trix - Lena Scissorhands
Poe McCreary - Ruby Rose
Prali Kus - Sendhil Ramamurthy
Prince Alby Escamillia - Bob Morley
Prince Ali Ababwa - Avan Jogia
Prince Arthur Pendragon - Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Prince Babylas French - Tom Holland
Prince Dubh of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Fin Bratomil Leonidus - Jamie Campbell Bower
Prince Fionn of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Greyson Rutherford - Robbie Kay
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - Max Martini
Prince Hung Tae-Hee - TOP
Prince Kieran of the Wild Hunt - Nils Kuiper
Prince Kory Westergaard - Eddie Redmayne
Prince Mee-Dee Pendragon - Dom Sherwood
Prince Rapunzel - Jensen Ackles
Prince Tobias Morei - Pedro Aurelian
Princess Amberle Elessedil - Poppy Drayton
Princess Anna of Arendelle - Karen Gillan, Molly C Quinn, Miranda Otto
Princess Beth of Crims - Adelaide Kane
Princess Evie Grimhilde - Sofia Carson
Princess Merida of DunBroch - Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink
Princess Ruby Henderson - Adelaide Kane
Princess Shuri of Wakanda - Letitia Wright
Professor Charles Xavier - James McAvoy
Professor Chuck Marks - Joe Manganiello
Professor Dai Ignotus - Frank Grillo
Professor Hartley Badeau - JR Bourne
Prudence Night Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Pubert Addams - David Mazouz
Pugsley Addams - Cole Sprouse
Q-ee Quire - Aaron Yoo
Quade Reeves - Froy Gutierrez
Queen Becci Doherty - Lucy Hale
Queen Elsa of Arendelle - Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron
Queen Juno Smith - Ariana Grande
Queen Lyria of Leah - Vanessa Morgan
Queen Rosalee Lette - Taylor Momsen
Queenie Scarlett - Bailey Jay
Quentin Coldwater - Jason Ralph
Quentin Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quentin Quire - Machine Gun Kelly
Quinlan Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quinn Dolan - Richard Harmon
Race Tabytha - Christopher Gorham
Rachel Summers - KJ Apa
Radley Finch - Stephen James
Radovan Zivkovic - Tom Hardy
Rainy Bright - Osric Chau
Raiven Reyes - Avan Jogia
Raleigh Beckett - Charlie Hunnam
Ran-Mao - Brianna Hildebrand
Randall Carpio - Adam DiMarco
Raphael Santiago - David Castro
Ratchet Rosston - Cher Lloyd
Raven Reyes - Lindsey Morgan
Ravi Enrico - Robert Sheehan
Ray Mantle - Ross Butler
Rayner Pope - Seth Gabel
Reggie Mantle - Charles Melton
Rei Kawahara - Dichen Lachman
Reid Garwin - Toby Hemmingway
Rell Hartfield - Chloe Bennet
Remus Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Rev. Jesse Custer - Dominic Cooper
Revolver - Lucas Till
Rex Rexford - Daniel Sharman
Ric Road - Gustaf Skarsgard
Richard Amore - Adam Levine
Richie Brooks - Andrew Scott
Richie Gecko - Zane Holtz
Rick Hobb - DJ Cotrona
Riko Velli - Niko Pepaj
Riley Barrick - Luke Bilyk
Rina Dust - Kat McNamara
Rip Finley - Arthur Darvill
River Green - Ezra Miller
Robert Lockshood - Taron Egerton
Robin Downes - Cole Sprouse
Robin Locksley - Colin Ford
Rocket Jameson - Alberto Rosende
Rogue - Jacob Elordi
Rogue - Victor Webster
Roman Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Roman Mercer - Avan Jogia
Roo Carter - Luanna Perez
Rory Harker - Cole Sprouse
Ros Carman - Emeraude Toubia
Rosco Domitan - Tommy Flanagan
Rose Parker - Sasha Lane
Rosie Dainty - Sarah Hyland
Ruairí Gunnrarr - Sean Patrick Flanery
Rune kom Azgeda - Jason Momoa
Rusty Ryan - Brad Pitt
Ryl Lytvynenko - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Ryl/Lyra Connors - Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden
Sadie Rosati - Jon Kortajarena
Saiya Erembour - Kiernan Shipka
Sam Lee Fisher - Kiersey Clemons
Sam Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Samael Abigor - Tom Hardy
Sameen Shaw - Sarah Shahi
Samira Avanyu - Rihanna
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu - Theo Rossi
Santa Muerte - Riae Suicide
Sassy Caitsidhe - Asa Butterfield
Schrödinger Cat - Godfrey Gao
Scorpius Malfoy - Troye Sivan
Scott Canterbury - Nate Buzolic
Scott McCall - Tyler Posey
Scott Summers - Tye Sheridan
Scout - Richard Harmon
Scud Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Sean Gallagher - Dane Dehaan
Seb Reid - Toby Hemmingway
Seb Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Sebastian Michaelis - Jared Leto
Sebastian Morgenstern - Will Tudor
Sébastienne Morgenstern - Dove Cameron
Seth Gecko - DJ Cotrona
Severin Moran - Michael Fassbender
SFC Bob Brown - Scott Foley
Sgt. Axel Miller - Jonathan Scarfe
Sgt. Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan
Sgt. Cougar Alvarez - Oscar Jaenada
Shalimar Fox - Victoria Pratt
Shalimar Rose - Emeraude Toubia
Shane Kilmartin - Noah Centineo
Shelby Kiyaya - Jason Momoa
Sheriff FP Jones - Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherry Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sicario Montoya - David Castaneda
Sigla kom Podakru - Katheryn Winnick
Silas Kyle - Charles Melton
Silas Prince - Avan Jogia
Sim Chunho - Kiseop
Simon Bellamy - Iwan Rheon
Simon Cooper - Grant Gustin
Simon Jogia - Rami Malek
Simon Lewis - Alberto Rosende
Sinclair Lorentz - Aidan Turner
Siobhan Mbege - China Anne McClain
Siobhan Murphy - Lyndsy Fonesca
Sion Brass - Wentworth Miller
Sir Percival of Albion - Tom Hopper
Sky Vance - Dylan O'Brien
Sol Whitecrest - Nadia Hilker
Song Xieren - Xiao Meng
Sonnie Smythe - Dane Dehaan
Sophie Brightborn - Kat McNamara
Soubi Agatsuma - T.O.P
Sparkle Soleil - Virginia Gardener
Spot Conlon - Bill Skarsgard
Spring Heeled Jack - Jordan Connor
St.John Allerdyce - Aaron Stanford
Staff sergeant Jake Stingman
Stan Rotor - Machine Gun Kelly
Steffen Dumah Vigo - Aaron Stanford
Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
Steve Hopper - Tyler Hoechlin
Steve McGarrett - Alex O’Loughlin
Stiles Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Stirling Argent - Joel Kinnaman
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Sue Cash - Jeremy Renner
Suk Hyun-Woo - Jin Young
Suk Jung-Hee - Kim Jaejoong
Suk Pyong-Ho - Hong Bin
Sully Harper - Norman Reedus
Sunny Magnum - Ash Stymest
Sweet Pea - Jordan Connor
Syl Maier - Alex Watson
T-Bag - Robert Knepper
Takeshi Kovacs - Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee
Takuya Rain - Jung Ji Hoon
Tali Bell - Stirling Knight
Talia Trent - Arden Cho
Tara Blackfeather - Taylor Momsen
Tara Orlov - Ksenia Solo
Teasaidh Addams - Aidan Turner
Teddy Altman - Alexander Ludwig
Teddy Lupin - Noah Centineo
Terry Jasper - Dwayne Johnson
Tex Malcolm - Dave Franco
Theo Abbott - Evan Crooks
Theo Crain - Kate Siegel
Theo Putnam - Lachlan Watson
Theo Raeken - Cody Christian
Thomas Addams - Jensen Ackles
Thomas Teller - Travis Fimmel
Thor Odinson - Chris Hemsworth
Tig Trager - Kim Coates
Tiger O’Hanigan - Sebastian Stan
Tihomir Bosko - James Marsters
Tim Blaise - Ben Barnes
Tim Drake - Cole Sprouse
Time Thorin - Brock O'Hurn
Tinkerbell - Dove Cameron
TK Bell - Emilia Clarke
Toby Cavanaugh - Keegan Allen
Todd Brotzman - Elijah Wood
Tokala Ramirez - Raphael Alejandro
Tolly Nichols-Dix - David Castro
Toly Sorrows - Cam Gigandet
Tommy Conway - Jensen Ackles
Toni Topaz - Vanessa Morgan
Tonio Oliver - Luke Pasqualino
Tony Parker - Dom Sherwood
Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr
Tony Stonem - Nicholas Hoult
Tony Topaz - Keiynan Lonsdale
Tori Markham - Maggie Q
Torrance Green - Parker Hurley
Trace Georgia - Shiloh Fernandez
Tracy Rose - David Gandy
Travis Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Trevor Holden - Jared Abrahamson
Treyu kom Sankru - Charlie Hunnam
Tribute Jones - Thomas Doherty
Tristan Gaheris - Bradley James
Tulip O'Hare - Ruth Negga
Uma Scylla - China Anne McClain
Unity Candor - Dom Sherwood
Urban Candor - Theo James
Uriah Reyes - Peter Gadiot
Urumi Bello - Ben Barnes
Valentine Morgenstern - Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten
Van Torrence - Max Martini
Vanya Hargreeves - Ellen Page
Vanya Kalantarova - Theo Rossi
Vasily Kalanatrova - Ksenia Solo
Vel Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Ven Kuznetsov - Zane Holtz
Venus Van Dam - Walton Goggins
Verity - Ekilateral
Verity James - Cole Sprouse
Verna Piette - Victoria Campbell
Verona Lodge - Michael Trevino
Veronica Lodge - Camilla Mendes
Vex - Paul Amos
Victor Mancha - Alberto Rosende
Viktoriya Nadedja - Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno
Vilko Rosenfeld - Tyler Hoechlin
Vivien Tancredi - Taissa Farmiga
Vogel Rowdy - Osric Chau
Vu Inlustris - Matt Lanter
Walden Sommers - Dylan Sprayberry
Walker Simon - Adam Levine
Warren Avanyu - Steven Strait
Warren Fafner - David Gandy
Warren Peace - Steven Strait
Wart Addams - Evwan McGregor
Waverly Earp - Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Wednesday Addams - Camila Mendes
Weiryn Cernonnus - Adam Copeland
Wes March - Avan Jogia
Will Herondale - Andy Biersack
Willow Queen - Katie McGrath
Win Palencia - Frank Grillo
Witchita Nichols-Dix - Jared Padalecki
Woda kom Floukru - Joe Manganiello
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Max Riemelt
Wood Woodley - DJ Cotrona
Wyatt Halliwell - Wes Ramsey
Wysteria - Aaron Stanford
Xander Harris - Nicholas Brendan
Xav Tanner - Richard Harmon
Xavier Nichols-Dix - Bill Skarsgard
Ya Min-Ki - Kan F.Cuz
Yara Preston - Armie Hammer
Ygraine Artio - Depika Padukone
Young Fred Andrews - KJ Apa
Yuki Musume - Freya Tingley
Yukio Hamada - Shiori Kutsuna
Zac Nicwood - Joseph Morgan
Zana Trembuey - Carlson Young
Zane Gallo - Andrew Lee Potts
Zarina Dust - Clara Paget
Zarina Tintagel - Holliday Grainger
Zeb Avenue - Chris Hemsworth
Zef Doe - Evan Peters
Zeke Benton - Manu Bennet
Zhu Bái - Park Soo Young
Zhu Jiāháo - Leo
Zhu Zhēn - Niel
Zin Kuznetsova - Dove Cameron
Zo Cezoram - Hale Appleman
Zuck Florentine - Luke Evans
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gailbean · 5 years
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We completed something special, and so we celebrated! . . To everybody at @paramountnetwork @paramounttv @anoncontent @innovativeartists @rodesfishburne, Romeo, Arika, John Lee, David, Jeff, Neema, Karen, Elodie, Junie & Libby....from the bottom of my heart, thru the corners of my smile, a million thank you's! ❤GB https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IrI2LAjrs/?igshid=qvok9h44ukkl
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mikanseimikansei · 5 years
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去年、素晴らしい体験をさせてもらった全感覚祭。 今年は東京会場(印旛日本医大 HEAVY DUTY)で参加します!! 入場&フードフリーというとてつもない試み。 マヒトさんのステートメント、ぜひ全感覚祭のサイトから見てみてくださいね🌐 全感覚奮い立たせて楽しんじゃうぞ〜〜🦚 #repost @mahitothepeople_gezan ・・・ 全感覚祭のEXBITION ARTISTと9/21大阪の第一弾発表です。 ‪全感覚祭19‬ ‪NEW AGE STEP‬ ‪TOKYO&OSAKA‬ ‪EXHIBITION ARTIST‬  ‪赤鹿麻耶 @mayafactry  安野谷昌穂 @masahoanotani  ARIKA @arika_dx  UNDERCOVER @undercover_lab  UNDERCOVER PRODUCTION @undercover_production  池野詩織 @ikenoshiori  伊波英里 @eri_inami  WHIMSY @whimsysocks  UMMMI. @_____81  LVDB BOOKS @lvdbbooks  沖真秀 @mashuoki  オートモアイ @auto_moai  ohiana @ohiana_summerangel  Ka na ta @kanatadesign  cannabis @cannabis_tokyo  河村康輔 @kosukekawamura  北山雅和 @ktymmasakazu  草野庸子 @yoko.kusano  倉科直弘 @kurabokurabo  ‪K’s CLUB (黒木雅巳 & TOKO) @masami1988 @toko_._the_._hikari  小指 @koyubim  CoKIN (Colliu & SKIN) @colliupero  Goro Kosaka @56kosaka  佐伯慎亮 @shinryosaeki  THE M/ALL @the_mall2019  Studio Last Chance (Tai Ogawa+Misa Sugata) @tai_ogawa @misa33ogw  ソノダノア @noasonoda  Takako Noel @takako_noel  田巻裕一郎 @hart_yuichiro  チーム未完成 @mi_kan_sei  途中でやめる @tochudeyameru  TOMMY (BOY) @tommy_okutomi  とんだ林蘭 @tondabayashiran  NAZE @naze.989  ‪野田祐一郎 @yn0da  はちこのはな @the.blend.osaka  BIEN @bien_jap  PURX @purxinfo  Beauty spot in ペフ @pe_hu_ @purevoyage_  flotsambooks @flotsambooks  VOYAGE KIDS @voyage_kids  MA1LL @ma1llmatic  my ceramics @ff_fujimurafamily  もっと!!いい状態! from自治区! @mottoiijoutai  山谷佑介 @yusuke_yamatani  山本製菓 @yamamoto_seika  YUKI FUJISAWA @yuki__fujisawa  UC EAST @uceast193  吉本真大 @photograph_masa  YOSHIROTTEN @yoshirotten  Lee (asano+ryuhei) @asanoryuhei   ‪HP‬ ‪zenkankakufes.com‬ 📷 @ikenoshiori  ‪#全感覚祭19‬ ‪#全感覚祭‬ #全感覚祭19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B099K8UjhVV/?igshid=aup0vynpx2w4
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savetimelesshq · 6 years
Helicopter Update
Clockblockers! My dear, dear Clockblocker family! You guys! <3
We have made so much progress these past few days. I can not express how proud I am of all of you for rallying SO HARD for this SDCC helicopter campaign. Do you know how fabulous you are!? YOU’RE AWESOME! So much to talk about! Where do I start!? 
First of all! As of the time of this writing, we have raised $13,800 and have secured the final upgrade available in our plane tiers (including GoFundMe fees).
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Which means the next upgrade we get pushes us into helicopter territory. HELICOPTERS YOU GUYS! We are so close! 
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We are $3,700 away from getting a helicopter! I know that still sounds like a lot. Especially since we only have one more day left to raise the funds (deadline is 11:59 PM PST on 7/8). BUT, we’ve made this much progress in 24 hours once already, so I know we can do it again! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, let me explain.
On the 4th of July, Matt Lanter some how stumbled across a tweet about our GoFundMe campaign (https://www.gofundme.com/clockblockers-fight-2-savetimeless), and he tweeted about it.
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At the time we were sitting somewhere under $6,000. That exposure gave us a HUGE push and we raised thousands over the next 24 hours. By July 5th, we had pushed passed $10,000.  We’ve slowed down a bit since then, but continued chipping away at our goals. I know if we rally, we can make one final push to get that helicopter! We know what we’re fighting for and we’re not going to go down without giving this everything we’ve got! Plus, our rep at AirAds is wonderful and completely on our side. He’s told me that as long as his work load continues to allow for it, if we are close to reaching a higher goal, he could see about getting us an extra day or two. So keep donating and spreading the word. Let’s make the next 24 hours REALLY count. In other exciting campaign news, we added a way for clockblockers to donate via PayPal (https://paypal.me/pools/c/85WdlLnMfk). 
We also obtained a press release about the campaign that we’ve been sending out to various outlets.
Matt Carter wrote an article and tweeted about us:
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You can check out the full article here: https://cartermatt.com/315528/timeless-fans-fight-helicopter-banner-comic-con/ 
Here is an excerpt in which he mentions our Go Fund Me:
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Arika Lisanne Mittman, one of the timeless writers, retweeted the article after a clockblocker shared it:
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The fabulous Joseph Lee Anderson, one of the talented season 2 guest stars on Timeless, also gave us a signal boost after a clockblocker’s request:
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Let’s keep this momentum, clockblocker family. I believe in us. I know we can do this! Helicopter San Diego Comic Con up, Clockblockers! 
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kuroari23 · 2 years
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I posted 1432 times in 2021
21 posts created (1%)
1411 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 67.2 posts.
I added 743 tags in 2021
#gundam - 221 posts
#political - 85 posts
#tmr - 71 posts
#cat - 61 posts
#ali project - 61 posts
#yes - 61 posts
#arika takarano - 53 posts
#important - 44 posts
#goddess - 43 posts
#the queen - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i don't want to sound offensive (that's not my intention) but this isn't something that should happen in (anywhere) the first world (or what
My Top Posts in 2021
So, Flay Allster gonna die soon, right?
1 notes • Posted 2021-01-11 01:49:51 GMT
I started Gundam SEED, let’s see why many people hate it.
Btw I just finished Gundam 00 so...going from that to SEED is...well, the animation isn’t great but I’ll get used to. (It feels a bit mean to compare when a-Sunrise spent A LOT of money on 00 to make it look like that b-there’s a remastered SEED version
1 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 01:30:17 GMT
*me trying to call God after Camil woke up, looked at me, did some movements like the child in The exorcist and went to sleep again-
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 01:00:20 GMT
I may (will) take the 2 final exams of this semester next week. So....yes, I won't die but I'll sure cry.
At least one is about a foreign language (English, not suicidal enough to try any other) so I'll read some stuff starting tomorrow.
And there's this one where...10PM me sending a message to the group to know how the final is going to be like. We have half of the info.
3 notes • Posted 2021-06-25 01:46:45 GMT
Cross out what you’ve already read. Six is the average.
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Harry Potter series - JK Rowling
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Bible - Council of Nicea
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell
His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Little Women - Louisa M Alcott
Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Middlemarch - George Eliot
Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
Bleak House - Charles Dickens
War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
See the full post
5 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 01:24:21 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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choreographique · 7 years
Ohad Naharin is one of the most sought after choreographers in the world and the man behind the movement method Gaga, practiced by dancers as well as non-dancers. MAX was created for his own company, the Israeli Batsheva Dance Company, in 2007. GöteborgsOperans Danskompani is the first other company to be allowed to perform this masterpiece. With its contrasts of intense speed and absolute stillness it’s a beautifully crafted work. 
DANCERS FROM GÖTEBORGSOPERANS DANSKOMPANI: Jim De Block, Takuya Fujisawa, Mai Lisa Guinoo, Janine Koertge, Valerija Kuzmica, Dan Langeborg, Fan Luo, Micol Mantini, Pascal Marty, Waldean Nelson, Anna Ozerskaia, Dorotea Saykaly, Ekaterina Shushakova, Ján Špoták, Satoko Takahashi, Lee-Yuan Tu, Arika Yamada, Joseba Yerro Izaguirre
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arikelee · 6 years
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2018 Osan
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vietnamesebeauty · 4 years
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Đếm ngược The Game Awards, đi tìm tựa game hay nhất thế giới năm 2019 -
Theo dự kiến, sự kiện The Game Awards 2019 sẽ diễn ra vào sáng ngày 13/12 tới đây.
Đến hẹn lại lên, giải thưởng danh giá nhất năm của ngành công nghiệp game thế giới là The Game Awards đã chính thức trở lại. Tại sự kiện năm nay, với sự xuất hiện của nhiều gương mặt mới, The Game Awards 2019 hứa hẹn sẽ mang đến nhiều bất ngờ thú vị. Sau đây, mời các bạn đến với những hạng mục đề cử đáng chú ý nhất của năm nay.
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Game hay nhất năm
Control – Remedy Entertainment/505 Games
Death Stranding – Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment
Resident Evil 2 – Capcom
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – FromSoftware/Activision
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Bandai Namco/Sora Ltd./Nintendo
The Outer Worlds – Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division
Game đang phát triển tốt nhất
Apex Legends – Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts
Destiny 2 – Bungie
Final Fantasy XIV – Square Enix
Fortnite – Epic Games
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – Ubisoft
Game có cốt truyện xuất sắc nhất
A Plague Tale: Innocence – Asobo Studio/Focus Home Interactive
Control – Remedy Entertainment/505 Games
Death Stranding – Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment
Disco Elysium – ZA/UM
The Outer Worlds – Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division
the game awards 2019
Game Mobile hay nhất
Call of Duty: Mobile – TiMi Studios/Activision
Grindstone – Capybara Games
Sayonara Wild Hearts – Simogo/Annapurna Interactive
Sky: Children of Light – Thatgamecompany
What the Golf? – Tribland
Game hành động hay nhất
Apex Legends – Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts
Astral Chain – Platinum Games/Nintendo
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Infinity Ward/Activision
Devil May Cry 5 – Capcom
Gears 5 – The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios
Metro Exodus – 4A Games/Deep Silver
Game phiêu lưu xuất sắc nhất
Borderlands 3 – Gearbox/2K Games
Control – Remedy Entertainment/505 Games
Death Stranding – Kojima Productions/Sony Interactive Entertainment
Resident Evil 2 – Capcom
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – Grezzo/Nintendo
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice – FromSoftware/Activision
Game nhập vai hay nhất
Disco Elysium – ZA/UM
Final Fantasy XIV – Square Enix
Kingdom Hearts III – Square Enix
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – Capcom
The Outer Worlds – Obsidian Entertainment/Private Division
Game thể thao hay nhất
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – Beenox/Activision
Dirt Rally 2.0 – Codemasters
eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 – PES Productions/Konami
F1 2019 – Codemasters
FIFA 20 – EA Sports
Game trực tuyến nhiều người chơi hay nhất
Apex Legends – Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts
Borderlands 3 – Gearbox/2K Games
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Infinity Ward/Activision
Tetris 99 – Arika/Nintendo
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – Massive Entertainment/Ubisoft
Game thủ xuất sắc nhất
Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf (Immortals, Fortnite)
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (SK Telecom T1, League of Legends)
Luka “Perkz” Perkovic (G2 Esports, League of Legends)
Oleksandr “S1mple” Kostyliev (Natus Vincere, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Jay “Sinatraa” Won (San Francisco Shock, Overwatch League)
Đội game xuất sắc nhất
Astralis (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
G2 Esports (League of Legends)
OG (Dota 2)
San Francisco Shock (Overwatch League)
Team Liquid (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Theo dự kiến, sự kiện The Game Awards 2019 sẽ diễn ra vào sáng ngày 13/12 tới đây. Thông tin về kết quả giải thưởng sẽ được chúng tôi cập nhật sớm nhất trong bản tin sau. Mong các bạn chú ý theo dõi.
Theo GameK
Xem chi tiết tại: Việt Giải Trí với bài viết Đếm ngược The Game Awards, đi tìm tựa game hay nhất thế giới năm 2019
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Check Out JAM Project's 20th Anniversary Album All-Song Preview
Four days prior to its CD release in Japan, five-member anison unit JAM Project posted a ten-minute all-song preview for their 20th-anniversary album "The Age of Dragon Knights" on Lantis' official YouTube channel. The 15-song album is set to be released as their sixth original album in Japan on January 1, 2020, two years and two months after the previous fifth album "TOKYO DIVE" in October 2017.  
  The internationally popular unit was formed on July 17, 2000, and has released 70 singles, five original albums, and 13 best albums. Also, "JAM Project 20th Anniversary Complete BOX" including 21 CDs and three Blu-rays will be available on the same day.
    Album "The Age of Dragon Knights" all-song preview:
     JAM Project current members:
Hironobu Kageyama (58) 
Masaaki Endoh (51) 
Hiroshi Kitadani (50) 
Masami Okui (51) 
Yoshiki Fukuyama (55)
        The album's lead track "The Age of Dragon Knights" MV:
  CD jacket:
  Song list:
  1. "-overture - to the next era" (composed/arranged by Yuki Kajiura)
2. "The Age of Dragon Knights" (written by Hironobu Kageyama & Masami Okui/composed ny Kageyama)
3. "ROCK Gojyushi" (written by Kishow Taniyama/composed&arranged by Massaki Iizuka)
4. "HERE WE GO!" (written by atsuko/composed by atsuko/KATSU)
5. "GENESIS" (written by Masami Okui/composed by Hiroshi Kitadani)
6. "Ryujou" (written by Arika Takarano/composed&arranged by Mikiya Katakura)
7. "Shout" (written by Masami Okui/composed by Yoshiko Fukuyama)
8. "Freaking out! Fukkatus no Oi! Punk-" (written&composed by Hironobu Kageyama)
9. "Homeward bound" (written by Hironibu Kageyama&Serena Lee/composed by Ricardo Cruz)
10. "Giant Swing" (written by KOHSHI/composed&arranged by TAKE) - from FLOW
11. "KINGDOM of 'J'" (written by Aki Hata/composed&arranged by Shiho Terada)
12. "Hagoromo Debsetsu -Ryu to Tennyo no Ai Monogatari-" (written by Masami Okui/composed&arranged by R・O・N)
13. "Returner -Fukkatsu no Legend-" (written&composed by Hironobu Kageyama)
14. "Are U Ready? -TATAKWAknight!" (written/composed by Masaaki Endoh)
15. "flags" (written&composed&arranged by Makoto Miyazaki) 
    Meanwhile, the five members' solo works have been available on major streaming services since December 25.
      Source: JAM Project official website 
  Copyright 2019 JAM Project, Lantis
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Sekiro Wins GOTY at The Game Awards 2019; Full Winners List Revealed
December 12, 2019 11:41 PM EST
Sekiro ended up taking the big prize for Game of the Year, and inside you can find the full list of winners from The Game Awards 2019.
For the fifth year in a row, The Game Awards has returned to honor the biggest achievements in the gaming industry within the past year, and after several hours of awards, reveals, and surprises, the big winners of the night have officially been unveiled, including the winner of its coveted Game of the Year prize.
At the conclusion of The Game Awards 2019, the big prize for Game of the Year ended up going to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, making for a surprise upset against some of its competition for Game of the Year, including Resident Evil 2, Death Stranding, and more. Sekiro also won the award for Best Action/Adventure Game at The Game Awards.
In terms of other ceremony’s other big wins, Death Stranding also fared well with award wins for Best Game Direction and Best Performance for Mads Mikkelsen, while Disco Elysium also walked away with the most awards at 4 wins for Best Narrative, Best Independent Game, Best RPG, and the Fresh Indie Game Award.
For a recap of The Game Awards 2019, you can find the full nominees list below, with the winners of each category in bold:
Game of The Year
Control (Remedy/505 Games)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Bandai-Namco/Sora/Nintendo)
Resident Evil 2 (Capcom/Capcom)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software/Activision)
The Outer Worlds (Obsidian/Private Division)
Best Game Direction
Control (Remedy/505 Games)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Resident Evil 2 (Capcom/Capcom)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software/Activision)
Outer Wilds (Mobius Digital/Annapurna)
Best Narrative
A Plague Tale: Innocence (Asobo/Focus Home)
Control (Remedy/505)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Disco Elysium (ZA/UM)
The Outer Worlds (Obsidian/Private Division)
Best Art Direction
Control (Remedy/505)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Gris (Nomada Studio/Devolver)
Sayonara Wild Hearts (Simogo/Annapurna)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software/Activision)
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Grezzo/Nintendo)
Best Score/Music
Cadence of Hyrule (Brace Yourself Games/Nintendo)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Devil May Cry 5 (Capcom)
Kingdom Hearts III (Square Enix)
Sayonara Wild Hearts (Simogo/Annapurna)
Best Audio Design
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Infinity Ward/Activision)
Control (Remedy/505)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Gears 5 (The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios)
Resident Evil 2 (Capcom)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software/Activision)
Best Performance
Ashly Burch as Parvati Holcomb, The Outer Worlds
Courtney Hope as Jesse Faden, Control
Laura Bailey as Kait Diaz, Gears 5
Mads Mikkelsen as Cliff, Death Stranding
Matthew Porretta as Dr. Casper Darling, Control
Norman Reedus as Sam Porter Bridges, Death Stranding
Games for Impact
Concrete Genie (Pixelopus/SIE)
Gris (Nomada Studio/Devolver)
Kind Words (Popcannibal)
Life is Strange 2 (Dontnod/Square Enix)
Sea of Solitude (Jo-Mei Games/EA)
Best Ongoing Game
Apex Legends (Respawn)
Destiny 2 (Bungie)
Final Fantasy XIV (Square Enix)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft)
Best Independent Game
Baba Is You (Hempuli)
Disco Elysium (ZA/UM)
Katana ZERO (Askiisoft/Devoler Digital)
Outer Wilds (Mobius Digital/Annapurna)
Untitled Goose Game (House House/Panic)
Best Mobile Game
Call of Duty: Mobile (TiMi Studios/Activision)
GRINDSTONE (Capybara Games)
Sayonara Wild Hearts (Simogo/Annapurna)
Sky: Children of Light (Thatgamecompany)
What the Golf? (Tribland)
Best Community Support
Apex Legends (Respawn/EA)
Destiny 2 (Bungie)
Final Fantasy XIV (Square Enix)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft)
Best VR/AR Game
Asgard’s Wrath (Sanzaru Games/Oculus Studios)
Blood & Truth (SIE London Studio/SIE)
Beat Saber (Beat Games)
No Man’s Sky (Hello Games)
Trover Saves the Universe (Squanch Games)
Best Action Game
Apex Legends (Respawn/EA)
Astral Chain (Platinum Games/Nintendo)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Infinity Ward/Activision)
Devil May Cry 5 (Capcom/Capcom)
Gears 5 (The Coalition/Xbox Game Studios)
Metro Exodus (4A Games/Deep Silver)
Best Action/Adventure Game
Borderlands 3 (Gearbox/2K)
Control (Remedy/505 Games)
Death Stranding (Kojima Productions/SIE)
Resident Evil 2 (Capcom)
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Grezzo/Nintendo)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software/Activision)
Best RPG
Disco Elysium (ZA/UM)
Final Fantasy XIV (Square Enix)
Kingdom Hearts III (Square Enix)
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (Capcom)
The Outer Worlds (Obsidian/Private Division)
Best Fighting Game
Dead or Alive 6 (Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo)
Jump Force (Spike Chunsoft/Bandai Namco)
Mortal Kombat 11 (NetherRealm/WBIE)
Samurai Showdown (SNK/Athlon)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Bandai Namco/Sora/Nintendo)
Best Family Game
Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Next Level Games/Nintendo)
Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo EPD/Nintendo)
Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo EPD/Nintendo)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Bandai Namco/Sora/Nintendo)
Yoshi’s Crafted World (Good-Feel/Nintendo)
Best Strategy Game
Age of Wonders: Planetfall (Triumph Studios/Paradox)
Anno 1800 (Blue Byte/Ubisoft)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Intelligent Systems/Koei Tecmo/Nintendo)
Total War: Three Kingdoms (Creative Assembly/Sega)
Tropico 6 (Limbic Entertainment/Kalypso Media)
Wargroove (Chucklefish)
Best Sports/Racing Game
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled (Beenox/Activision)
DiRT Rally 2.0 (Codemasters)
eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020 (PES Productions/Konami)
F1 2019 (Codemasters)
FIFA 20 (EA Sports)
Best Multiplayer Game
Apex Legends (Respawn/EA)
Borderlands 3 (Gearbox/2K)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Infinity Ward/Activision)
Tetris 99 (Arika/Nintendo)
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (Massive Entertainment/Ubisoft)
Fresh Indie Game
ZA/UM for Disco Elysium
Nomada Studio for Gris
DeadToast Entertainment for My Friend Pedro
Mobius Digital for Outer Wilds
Mega Crit for Slay the Spire
House House for Untitled Goose Game
Content Creator of the Year
Jack “Courage” Dunlop
Benjamin “Dr. Lupo” Lupo
Soleil “Ewok” Wheeler
David “Grefg” Martínez
Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek
Best Esports Game
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Valve)
DOTA2 (Valve)
Fortnite (Epic Games)
League of Legends (Riot Games)
Overwatch (Blizzard)
Best Esports Player
Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf (Immortals, Fortnite)
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (SK Telecom, League of Legends)
Luka “Perkz” Perkovic (G2 Esports, League of Legends)
Oleksandr “S1mple” Kostyliev (Natus Vincere, CSGO)
Jay “Sinatraa” Won (SF Shock, Overwatch)
Best Esports Team
Astralis (CS:GO)
G2 Esports (LOL)
San Francisco Shock (OWL)
Team Liquid (CS:GO)
Best Esports Event
2019 Overwatch League Grand Finals
EVO 2019
Fortnite World Cup
IEM Katowice 2019
League of Legends World Championship 2019
The International 2019
Best Esports Coach
Eric ‘adreN’ Hoag (Team Liquid, CS:GO)
Nu-ri ‘Cain’ Jang (Team Liquid, LOL)
Fabian ‘GrabbZ’ Lohmann (G2 Esports, LOL)
Kim ‘Kkoma’ Jeong-gyun (SK Telecom T1, LOL)
Titouan ‘Sockshka’ Merloz (OG, DOTA2)
Danny ‘Zonic’ Sørensen (Astralis, CSGO)
Best Esports Host
Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere
Alex “Machine” Richardson
Paul “Redeye” Chaloner
Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez
Duan “Candice” Yu-Shuang
December 12, 2019 11:41 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/sekiro-wins-goty-at-the-game-awards-2019-full-winners-list-revealed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sekiro-wins-goty-at-the-game-awards-2019-full-winners-list-revealed
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serieouslymovieing · 6 years
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Dexter (TV Series) (2006)
Título original    Dexter (TV Series)
Año    2006
Duración    50 min.
País   Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
Dirección   James Manos Jr. (Creator), John Dahl, Steve Shill, Keith Gordon, Marcos Siega, Ernest R. Dickerson, Romeo Tirone, Michael Cuesta, Tony Goldwyn, S.J. Clarkson, Stefan Schwartz, Robert Lieberman, Nick Gomez, Tim Hunter, Michael Lehmann, Holly Dale, Alik Sakharov, Adam Davidson, Jeremy Podeswa, Brian Kirk, Milan Cheylov, Seith Mann, Michael C. Hall
Guion    Jeff Lindsay, James Manos Jr., Scott Buck, Tim Schlattmann, Lauren Gussis, Karen Campbell, Jennifer Yale, Melissa Rosenberg, Scott Reynolds, Wendy West, Manny Coto, Daniel Cerone, Jace Richdale, Clyde Phillips, Kevin Maynard, Charles H. Eglee, Arika Lisanne Mittman, Drew Z. Greenberg, Chip Johannessen, Adam Fierro, Jim Leonard
Música    Daniel Licht
Fotografía    Romeo Tirone, Jeff Jur, Martin J. Layton, Alan Caso, Terry Stacey
Reparto    Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Carpenter, James Remar, David Zayas, C.S. Lee, Lauren Vélez, Desmond Harrington, Julie Benz, Christina Robinson, Preston Bailey, Keith Carradine, John Lithgow, Erik King, Geoff Pierson, Julia Stiles, David Ramsey, Colin Hanks, Jimmy Smits, Peter Weller, Mark Pellegrino, April L. Hernandez, Courtney Ford, Jonny Lee Miller, Christian Camargo, Daniel Goldman, Jaime Murray, Evan George Kruntchev, Jason Manuel Olazabal, Rick Peters, Tasia Sherel, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Valerie Cruz, Edward James Olmos, Mos Def, Rya Kihlstedt, Josh Cooke, Billy Brown, Aimee Garcia, Yvonne Strahovski, Charlotte Rampling, Sean Patrick Flanery
Productora    Emitida por Showtime; The Colleton Company / John Goldwyn Productions / Clyde Phillips Productions / Devilina Productions
Género    Serie de TV. Intriga. Drama | Policíaco. Crimen. Asesinos en serie
Sinopsis    Serie de TV (2006-2013). 8 temporadas. 96 episodios. Dexter es un forense especializado en análisis de salpicaduras de sangre en el Departamento de Policía de Miami. También es un fiel novio, un divertido padrastro, un hermano confidente y ―para algunos― un freak de la sangre. Pero además, Dexter es un psicópata que, al terminar su turno en la comisaría, busca a criminales cuestionables para saciar su particular moral y los mata: Dexter es un asesino en serie. El único que desde su infancia lo conoció realmente fue su padre adoptivo, Harry Morgan, quien le dio la educación y el modus operandi con el que lleva a cabo sus crímenes (o su particular justicia). Al darse cuenta de que el instinto asesino de su hijo era imposible de evitar, decidió educarlo para sacar provecho de su particular sed de sangre y aportarle un código de actuación denominado «el código de Harry», enfocado a perseguir y eliminar a aquellos asesinos que habían conseguido eludir la acción de la Justicia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Premios    2012: 1 Nominación Emmy: Mejor actor drama (Hall)    2011: 5 Nominaciones Emmy: Incluyendo mejor serie drama y actor (Hall)    2010: 2 Emmy: Mejor dirección y actor invitado (Lithgow). 8 nominaciones    2010: Globos de Oro: 3 nominaciones, incluyendo mejor actor (Hall) y serie drama    2010: Satellite Awards: 2 nominaciones, a mejor actor (Hall) y serie drama    2009: Satellite Awards: Mejor actor secundario (Lithgow). 3 nominaciones    2009: 2 Globos de Oro: Mejor actor (Hall) y actor secundario (Lithgow). 3 nom.    2009: 3 Nominaciones Emmy: Serie drama, actor (Hall), actor invitado (Smits)    2008: 5 Nominaciones a los Emmy, incluyendo serie drama, actor (Hall)    2008: Globos de Oro: 2 nominaciones, serie TV drama y actor TV drama (Hall)    2008: Nominada Premios BAFTA TV: Mejor serie internacional    2008: Satellite Awards: Mejor serie drama. 3 nominaciones    2007: 3 Satellite Awards: Mejor serie drama, actor (Hall) y actor sec. (Zayas)    2007: 2 Emmy. 3 nominaciones    2007: Nominada Globos de Oro: Actor serie TV drama (Hall)    2006: Nominada Globos de Oro: Actor serie TV drama (Hall)    2007: American Film Institute (AFI): Top 10 - Mejores Programas de TV del año    2006: American Film Institute (AFI): Top 10 - Mejores Programas de TV del año    2009: Satellite Awards: Mejor actor secundario (John Lithgow)    2006: Satellite Awards: Mejor actriz secundaria (Benz). 3 nominaciones    2011: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Drama    2010: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Mejor serie de TV - Drama    2009: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Drama    2008: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Drama    2007: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Nominada a Mejor serie de TV - Drama    2011: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nom. Mejor guión en episodio Serie-Drama    2010: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nominada a Mejor guión en Serie-Drama    2009: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): Nominada a Mejor guión en Serie-Drama    2008: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): 2 nominaciones inc. Mejor guión en Serie-Drama    2007: Sindicato de Guionistas (WGA): 2 nominaciones inc. Mejor guión en Serie-Drama    2011: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): 3 nominaciones incluyendo mejor reparto drama    2010: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): 3 nominaciones incluyendo mejor reparto drama    2009: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): mejor actor (Hall) Serie TV Drama. 3 Nominaciones    2008: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): 2 nom., mejor reparto drama y mejor actor (Hall)    2007: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): nominada a mejor actor (Serie TV - Drama) (Hall)    2006: Sindicato de Actores (SGA): nominada a mejor actor (Serie TV - Drama) (Hall)
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