#Army jawan information to Pakistan
Army jawan trapped in honeytrap of two Pakistani women, arrested for espionage
Army jawan trapped in honeytrap of two Pakistani women, arrested for espionage
Jaipur Army Jawan Honey Trap: The Intelligence team of Rajasthan Police has arrested an Indian Army jawan on charges of spying. It is accused of sending army information to Pakistani agents. It is being told that it used to send information and videos related to the Indian Army to the women of Pakistan. Therefore, the intelligence team of Rajasthan has arrested this jawan in the case of…
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born2battle · 4 years
Experiences in High Altitude Area ---- Joshimath Sector
      Soon after the conclusion of the Surrender Ceremony, we received urgent instructions from Gen S H F J Manekshaw, the COAS specifying that the POWs must be treated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions of 1949.These were amplified in terms of specific guidelines to be implemented at all levels.It was emphasised that the status of the Pakistan Army which had surrendered had now changed from Enemy to POWs. All Units & Formations were assigned their new responsibilities for various PW Camps. Consequently, our Regiment was given the task for PW Camp of Pakistan Artillery Brigade in Rangpur. Next day, we began the process of taking charge of their guns & equipment, ammunition, vehicles, stocks of rations & fuel and other military hardware.In addition, the accounting & protection of the prisoners was also our main responsibility.
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      Meanwhile, the euphoria of our magnificent victory as a result of the blitzkreig joint operations continued in all the Units.Our Regiment began the celebrations by conducting a Havan in the Unit Mandir. It was an act of obeisance which acted as a spiritual chord among the troops. This was followed by special Sainik Sammelan addressed by the Commanding Officer.This event held on a monthly basis provided the opportunity for the jawans to raise any issue of concern and put across their suggestions to the Battery Commanders & the Commanding Officer.It also enabled monthly review of tasks & allotment of subsequent tasks / introduction of new welfare measures.Sainik Sammelan concept has proved to be a useful method of interaction, motivation and effective man management.In this special Sainik Sammelan, our CO complimented each and every member of the Jat Balwan parivar for his dedication in achieving the ultimate mission, in an exemplary manner.He also announced the promotions and gave awards for top performers of each Trade, during the last three months.The same day, we organised an entertainment programme & Bara Khana for the whole Regiment.The programme had dance,drama & popular Ragini session put up by our talented artists.This was another method of informal interaction and team bonding within the JATs. I personally learnt quite a lot about man management from all the three events on this special day of celebrations.Besides, I felt delighted to be baptised in War & accepted with open arms, by my new Fauji family.
     Next day, our CO held a conference of all Officers & JCOs and instructed us to prepare a summary of events in the last two months, as also the lessons learnt at each stage.These would be essential for compilation of War Diary for Regimental History.Thereafter, we were grouped into smaller teams to recapitulate each event & record the critical aspects. Our Team of all the GPOs and the JCOs at the Gun End summarised the following key learnings: ----------            
Speedy deployment and ammunition supply proved crucial.
Fire plans had to be modified based on the situation.  
Accurate fire support was the critical battle winning factor. 
Team work was most important ingredient for success.      
Leaders accomplished their mission by setting the example.
     Simultaneously, we completed all the maintenance tasks pertaining to our Guns,Vehicles,Communication equipment and other stores.All of us also got the chance to refresh and rejuvenate, after one month of intense operations. In the last week of Dec, our CO received his posting order, as expected after two years of Command.He was regarded as a Father figure by all of us & was given an emotional farewell on 15 Jan 1972. Thereafter,we were intimated the plans for move of the POWs to PW Camps to be established in India.This movement was to be organised by trains from different stations in Bangladesh to several destinations in India.Our Regiment was responsible to provide the escort and protection till the departure of the prisoners who were in our PW Camp.This task was completed meticulously by the end of the month.
     Thereafter, the Regiment de-inducted and reached our peace location at Binnaguri.We began the process of settling down in our accommodation which had been locked down for almost four months.Maintenance of the Office buildings, Living barracks,Cook houses, MT & Gun sheds, Ammunition dump, Quarter Guard and the Officers Mess had to be completed on priority.PT and Games also commenced simultaneously.In mid Feb, we were surprised to receive the Move Order for the Regiment to move to Joshimath in Garhwal region & concentrate at Raiwala ( nearest Railway Station ) by 30 Apr.The instructions also specified that we will be equipped with a new equipment produced indigenously ----- 75/24 Pack Howitzers for which a Conversion training will be organised at Raiwala.
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     I was curious to learn about the entire process of move of the Regiment. The Officiating CO organised the Regiment into three parties ;--- the Advance party, the Main body & the Rear party. Each party was explained the outline plan & allotted the tasks to be done at the new location.Requisition was placed for Special trains for move to Raiwala.The Advance party led by a Battery Commander, with representatives of each Battery, left by mid March, since they had to be acclimatised at Joshimath, before taking charge at further locations in high altitude areas.The Main Body boarded the Special train which was placed at the railway siding on 15 Apr. Interestingly, the composition of the Train was customised to include passenger coaches,military kitchens, covered wagons & open rakes.The Regiment was given a farewell Bara Khana by other Artillery Regiments in Binnaguri , just before the departure. It took us seven days to reach Raiwala, after a memorable journey, interspersed with planned halts for every meal (meals were prepared by our cooks in the military kitchen). 
      At Raiwala, we set up a tented Camp in an area suitable for Conversion training.The Guns & the Instructors in Gunnery had been assembled from various Units holding 75/24 Pack Howitzers.  An intense capsule of two weeks was conducted, both during day & night, before we proceeded for practice firing in Asan Ranges near Dehradun. On return, we got ready to move immediately to Joshimath.This movement was along a mountainous road and  the convoy time was about 12 hours.At Joshimath, we were received by our Advance Party who briefed us about the process of acclimatisation. We spent two weeks at Joshimath itself, when we were given comprehensive briefings, at the Brigade HQ, about our operational role at the LAC (Line of Actual Control), deployment areas & terrain briefs. We were also explained about special aspects of defensive operations in high altitude areas ( over 10,000 ft ) which we would further  practice in conjunction with affiliated Infantry Battalions. Snow clothing & equipment was also issued to all personnel. Next day, each Battery moved to its allocated deployment  area located on a different axis, while the Regiment HQ remained in Joshimath , adjacent to the Mountain Brigade HQ.I was inter-posted from Romeo Battery to Papa Battery,to give me the opportunity to acquaint myself with the jawans of another sub-unit within the Regiment.This proved beneficial in the long run. 
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    Lt Col R P Chadha joined the Jat Balwan family & took over as the new Commanding Officer on 13 Jul 1972. He carried out familiarisation visits to all the Battery locations and was impressed with the state of operational preparedness.He exhorted all of us to face the challenges of terrain, climate & enemy resolutely.We were also advised to complete the winter stocking, in proper bunkers in each gun position, latest by end Sep.On 01 Aug, we celebrated our Raising Day in respective locations, at an altitude of 10,000 ft !! It was yet another memorable experience.
    Thereafter, we attended collective training with the Gurkha  Battalion for a duration of one month. All of us noticed the traits and  behaviour pattern of the Gurkhas, well known for their bravery historically. I  really liked their genial nature and their persistence while accomplishing any task.The Khukri was their special possession & martial arts was a favourite pastime.At the end of training, they invited us for their Bara Khana celebrations, when we observed some of their rituals .On completion of collective training, I requested for Annual Leave since I had not gone home ever since reporting in the Regiment one year ago. My CO sanctioned my leave for a duration of 45 days so that I could report back before the beginning of snowfall.This time, I proceeded to Aurangabad where my father was transferred recently.
    I returned after well deserved leave & reported to the Adjutant at Joshimath. I had to undergo acclimatisation again before moving to my Battery location.I was thrilled to see the snow covered peaks in the Himalayas for the first time. The ambient temperature had dropped to minus 5 degrees Centigrade already.Some of the roads/tracks were covered with snow but our Gun pits were still clear of snow.The winter stocking had been completed as per the SOP. A Helipad had been constructed in  close vicinity of our Gun position, to enable evacuation of casualties in case of any emergency. We used this helipad for a grand celebration of Diwali, in first week of Nov.I was told that every festival was celebrated in the Balwan family jointly ---- in a Home away from Home!! As expected,the intensity of snowfall increased in Dec/Jan and the temperature plunged to minus 20 degrees Centigrade, due to the wind-chill factor.We took extra precautions to maintain our fitness during these extreme conditions ---- wearing of winter clothing,use of Bukharis/ kerosene heaters, snow clearance around the bunkers, regular jogging & games such as Volleyball & Basketball, snow skating etc.We improvised the process of obtaining water by melting the snow in diesel barrels.This water was then used for cooking,washing & bathing purposes. The electric supply was provided by the generator but was restricted only to the CP, living bunkers and cook house. There were several occasions when the road movement was disrupted due to land slides, which had to be cleared by the Border Road Organisation. Air drop of supplies had to be resorted in some remote areas.The situation improved only in Apr, when Badrinath shrine opened after a closure of nearly six months. I availed the opportunity to visit the Temple before the rush of pilgrims.Incidentally, Badrinath was just 45 kms from Joshimath.
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   On 12 Jun, I got a call from the Adjutant asking me to report urgently at Regiment HQ next morning. I thought about the possible tasks which may be assigned to me but could not guess any likely task at this short notice. I left my Battery location at the sunrise, so as to reach Joshimath in time.I reported to the Adjutant who took me to the TIGER immediately. I was ordered to Take Post & the CO gave me a total surprise by putting on the rank of a Captain on my uniform.This was the first step on the ladder, on completion of two years of service on 13 Jun 1973.Every promotion is important but the very first promotion had greater significance!! Later in the evening, I hosted the promotion party in the Officers Mess.Next day, I gave a separate party to all the jawans of my Battery.
     In the last week of Sep,, I was detailed to attend Regimental Signal Officers Course & had to report at  MCTE,Mhow on 25 Oct.The short notice was a challenge since I did not have much time for pre- course training,which would have provided a good start during the Course. However, I put in extra efforts to grasp all technical aspects taught as per the curriculum & finally attained Alpha grading. I returned to Joshimath after two months, with renewed confidence and was appointed the Signal Officer responsible for all  communication aspects.This implied that I would be posted as the RSO in the Regiment HQ and remain at Joshimath .We celebrated the New Year eve around the camp fire & resolved to further improve our professional standards in 1974.
     In Mar, my CO detailed me for leading a Trekking expedition to Hemkund Sahib, located at an altitude of 4600 metres. The Trek had a total of 30 jawans , with representatives from all the sub- units. The Trek commenced from our Regiment HQ & had a brief halt at Govind Ghat. The next part was trekking upto the Base Camp at Ghangaria, which was 14 km away.Then ,we had a night halt & began the steep climb of 6 km upto the Gurudwara. It was an exhilarating  experience to be cherished as as we paid our respects at this famous shrine. By next day, we were back at Joshimath, full of Josh & lovely memories. 
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    Thereafter, we participated in local training exercises in Apr/ May, in our respective locations. We left for Dehradun in first week of Jun, for Annual Practice Camp including practice firing which was conducted in Asan Ranges .This activity has tremendous importance in the Regiment of Artillery and is a final test of all training in the Training Year.The Regiment returned to its operational locations by mid Jul. We celebrated yet another Raising Day, in our traditional style on 01 Aug. Soon thereafter, we received the move order for the move of the Regiment back to Binnaguri ----- much to our  surprise, since we had moved to Joshimath from the same location two years ago!! Move was to be completed by 30 Sep 1974.By coincidence, our CO also received his posting order at the same time.He was given a farewell by each Battery due to dispersed deployment & a final emotional send off from Joshimath on 07 Sep 1974.
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i am kind of shocked that i didn't see anything regarding the pulwama terror attack in india. for those who don't know what recently happened, here:
there was a suicide bombing attack on a CRPF convoy in the Pulwama region of Jammu and Kashmir, on 14th February 2019. (CRPF is the Central Reserve Police Force.) this suicide bombing killed at least 40 CRPF paramilitary troopers. the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammad has claimed responsibility.
a 78 vehicle convoy was escorting more than 2500 CRPF jawans from Jammu to Srinagar. ("jawan" is a term we use for a soldier in our army)
a 20 year old has been identified as the suicide bomber, Adil Ahmed.
this was the deadliest terror attack witnessed in 3 years of Kashmir's insurgency.
on Thursday, the JeM bomber rammed his SUV loaded with 350 kg of explosives into one of the buses, carrying 35-40 troopers. more than 40 jawans lost their lives, and many others who are injured, continue to battle for theirs.
this surprise attack left the nation in shock and anger. it was all we talked about, it is all we still talk about. it doesn't sit well with us, at all, that a terrorist killed people from our army, our jawans.
now Kashmir is already an area of high political and military tension. the situation in Kashmir has been tense since 2014 and there have been several deadly attacks on soldiers. in the last 5 years in J&K, there has been a 93 per cent rise in death of security personnel. Pulwama region has been witnessing regular terror attacks in the past five years.
data shows that between 2014 and 2018, there has been a sharp rise in terror activities including attacks. (176% jump in terror attacks in Pulwama.)
The heinous incident has united all political parties across the country while leaders from all over the world have condemned the dastardly attack; the United States even went on to the extent of warning Pakistan to not harbour terrorism.
the aftermath of this crime, the political outcry has been witnessed by us all. the entire Opposition stands in solidarity with the security forces and government.
support and condolences have poured in from countries around the world. over 45 countries including the US and China reacted to the dastardly attack on CRPF jawans.
(pls feel free to reblog with more information about this.)
(i summarised it from: https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/pulwama-attack-2019-everything-about-jammu-and-kashmir-terror-attack-on-crpf-by-terrorist-adil-ahmed-dar-jaish-e-mohammad-1457530-2019-02-16)
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greport2018 · 3 years
Nayak Jitendra Kumar Son of Sehore died in Helicopter Crash
Nayak Jitendra Kumar Son of Sehore died in Helicopter Crash
Ichhawar area jawan Jitendra Kumar Verma has also died in the army’s MI helicopter accident. 13 people, including CDS General Bipin Rawat and his wife Madhulika, lost their lives in the accident near Coonoor town in Tamil Nadu in the afternoon. ALSO READ: Bipin Rawat died in a helicopter crash, Pakistan Army also expressed grief According to the information, 13 people have been confirmed dead…
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lahoreherald · 3 years
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Samina Alvi advocates for data-driven policies to combat the growing prevalence of breast cancer
An information session on breast cancer took place in Ivan e-Sadar, Islamabad, to raise awareness of this disease and steps to combat it at an early stage.
Doctors give detailed presentations to help women understand the causes, symptoms, treatment, and importance of early diagnosis of the disease.
They say Pakistan has the highest breast cancer rate in Asia, with about ninety thousand women diagnosed each year.
First Lady Samina Alvi, who was the main guest in the case, called for the proper data collection on diseases in the country so that comprehensive data-based policies on prevention and treatment can be adopted.
She urges women to look for early signs of illness rather than waiting for it to get worse.
Emphasizing the government’s determination to promote women in all walks of life, the first lady said the government plans to launch a vocational training program for women that will provide them with jobs.
She said that through Ehsaas Kifalat, Kamyab Jawan, and other similar programs, the government had made it easier to repay loans for women interested in starting their own businesses.
Read Also: Pakistan Army wants to benefit from German expertise: COAS
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shahid121 · 4 years
Two More Army Jawans Involved In Data Breach
Two More Army Jawans Involved In Data Breach
Two More Army Jawans Involved In Data Breach UDHAMPUR: After one of the Army soldiers, hailing from Amritsar district of Punjab posted in Northern Command, was arrested for leaking sensitive information to Pakistan’s army, the authorities are investigating two more jawans of Northern Command headquarters data breach in which Pakistan drug racket is also under scanner. Reliable sources said two…
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dpr-lahore-division · 4 years
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
No.1973 /QU/Zahid
LAHORE, December 10:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has condemned the politicisation of COVID calamity by the PDM and regretted the opposition is holding meetings while people are catching this virus.
In a statement, the CM stated playing with the lives of the people is no politics but sheer impassiveness. The nation will never forgive the opposition over its irresponsible attitude in the wake of a second corona attack. This pandemic has affected the whole world but fails to dent the opposition, he added. The CM advised the people to follow necessary precautionary measures and remain confined to their homes to remain safe from this virus. Similarly, they should also follow the policy of social distancing, he added.
No.1974 /QU/Zahid
LAHORE, December 10:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar went to the residence of former caretaker chief minister Mian Afzal Hayat in Dinga area of Gujrat and offered Fateha for the departed soul. He condoled with the heirs and paid tributes to the services of late Mian Afzal Hayat adding that he was a patriotic Pakistani as well as a man of principles. I am deeply saddened over his death and pray to Almighty Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal peace, he added.
SACM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan was also present.
No.1975 /QU/Zahid
LAHORE, December 10:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar strongly condemned the unprovoked firing by Indian army along the line of control (LoC) and paid tributes to the two martyred jawans. He extended sympathies to their heirs and said that martyred jawans are heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the country. The CM said that unprovoked firing by the Indian army is a highly condemnable act and the aggressive designs of the Indian army are a serious threat to the regional peace. India should not remain in any confusion as the Pakistan Army has the fullest capability to thwart any Indian aggression, he said. India has crossed all limits of brutality in Occupied Kashmir and the international community should take notice of continued firing by the Indian army, concluded the CM.
LAHORE, December 10:
Special Assistant to CM on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan has termed the PDM a gang of discarded elements with no vision or sense of direction.
In a statement, she said the corrupt PDM elements have started making hue and cry as the fear of failure of the upcoming meeting has frightened them. The opposition first spread corruption virus and now they are spreading coronavirus to play with the lives of the people, she said. The PDM is bent upon making the people a victim of their politics. It is regrettable that the opposition is following the anti-Pakistan agenda as its politics has met its logical end, she added.
The number of corona patients has reached to 61155 in Lahore while 3265 have died in Punjab. 446 confirmed cases have been reported while 23 died during the last 24 hours, concluded the SACM.
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born2battle · 4 years
Tenure in Peace Station @ Dhrangadhra
     The Regiment settled down in the new location at Dhrangadhra before the Republic Day 1983. Thereafter, our Recce group consisting of the CO, all Battery Commanders and selected JCOs/ NCOs proceeded for op area familiarisation in Munabao -- Gadra -- Barmer sector. It was a novel experience to visit the areas close to the International Border. Munabao is the last railway station on the Indian side while Khokhrapar is the last station on Pakistan side. The railway line connecting both these stations, which are 10 kms apart, was in a state of disuse.. We faced several challenges peculiar to desert terrain during our op recce. The biggest problem was vehicle & foot movement on desert tracks & across sand dunes, without any landmarks for navigation. Setting up of a Base camp for our Recce party was equally difficult due to shortage of potable water, frequent sandstorms and temperature variations during day & night. However, the optical illusion due to the mirage effect was a soothing experience. 
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    We returned after the desert orientation of three weeks. Thereafter, our CO planned & conducted an intensive orientation training for the remaining personnel. It helped us in preparation for the Annual Practice Camp which was scheduled in May just before the onset of the monsoons. The Camp was scheduled in Tikkar Field Firing Ranges in the Little Rann of Kutch, in close proximity to Dhrangadhra. The Rann gets submerged in sea water during the monsoons. Hence, all firing practices had to be completed before the rainy season. These Ranges are famous for the Indian Wild Ass Sanctuary. 
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      In Apr, the result of the Staff College Exam was declared which was a big disappointment for me. I felt so disheartened since I had not made it in the merit list although I had qualified in the exam. It took me lot of time to accept this reality because I could not reconcile with this failure. On introspection, I resolved to take a mental break and bounce back in my next attempt for this prestigious Course. Sanjivani as well as Team 98 proved to be my pillars of strength at this critical stage in my career. I assured myself with the adage -----” Never let success get to your Head, Never let failure get to your Heart.”
       We moved to Tikkar Ranges where we faced different challenges in the very first Practice Camp, in the Rann of Kutch, due to the peculiar nature of the soil. The deployment areas had to be selected on relatively firm ground. The gun pits could not be dug due to the sub- soil water level. There were additional problems during the firing because the spades of the gun got embedded due to the recoil force. Consequently, there were inaccuracies in engagement of targets which posed a safety hazard. All vehicle movement had to be done by the compass bearing method. Interestingly, on one occasion, we had to fire star shells continuously, to illuminate the route for guiding the movement of the COs Party over a distance of 10 kms, from the gun position to the observation post.
     We returned after the Camp and got busy with the preparations for the Raising Day celebrations. This year, these celebrations were on a grand scale because of completion of 20 glorious years since raising. Soon thereafter, Lt Col Jagir Singh who had received his posting order earlier, moved out after handing over the charge to Lt Col PK Lama in mid Aug 1983. I was detailed to accompany the new CO for briefing him in the op area at Munabao. 
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    Meanwhile, we took over our  permanent  accommodation which was quickly converted by Sanjivani from a new ‘House’ into a new ‘Home’. Ultimately, we could open up all our bags and baggage, which had been packed  so meticulously, before moving out from NDA. Hence, we could organise  a Study Room for myself and an exclusive Play Room for Ashvini & Nandini, on priority. I commenced my preparations for the Staff College exam in right earnest, with a stronger resolve. 
     Life in a Peace Station, though peaceful was always active, due to a variety of competitions, not only for the officers & jawans but also for their families. Our “Chhore” excelled in all the sports competitions which enabled maintaining a high state of morale always. All the amenities in the Cantonment such as Shopping complex, Open air Cinema hall , Army School & the Military Hospital enhanced the quality of life. Celebration of  all the festivals by the Regiments, as per the class composition of the jawans was a major attraction. These activities organised centrally in the Cantonment, created  a vibrant celebratory mood throughout the year due to the festivals such as Kite festival, Pongal, Holi, Baisakhi, Onam, Navratri (the most popular festival in Gujarat) and ofcourse Diwali ---  which was celebrated with a fabulous illumination & fireworks display. 
            My First Impressions about the Balwan Family...
     I along with both my young daughters, Ashvini ( age 2.5 years ) & Nandini ( age 3 months ), reached Dhrangadhra in May 1983. We were allotted a temporary accommodation consisting of two rooms and an open balcony which was converted into a small kitchen, screened by a tarpaulin on the outer side. I had to immediately cope with this challenge of settling down in this restricted space, with only the essential items. I was helped by the support system of the Fauji family while adjusting with my new neighbours in the new environment. The Jat Balwan Family proved to be my extended family. The COs wife was considered as the mother in the Regiment. Under her guidance, we learnt to share the responsibilities of looking after all the families in the Regiment. 
     Family Welfare Centre established in the Unit was the hub of all activities. We held meetings with the families every month and heard about their problems/ difficulties so as to find quick solutions. We organised few competitions and cultural programs on the occasion of various festivals. We also carried out visits to their accommodations and advised them about improving hygiene and sanitation of their premises. Coaching classes were also conducted for the children whenever required. All these activities enabled establishing a bond of friendship and mutual trust.
     My husband was a Battery Commander and was responsible for about 150 Jawans of Papa Battery. I was responsible for looking after the welfare of  about 70 families. I learnt to interact with the families informally during the Barakhana, Fauji Mela and various festivals. It gave me a lot of satisfaction when the families and specially the children were happy and satisfied. It is true that the Jawans perform their duties efficiently only when the their families are being looked after adequately. The system of Family Welfare worked so smoothly at all levels in the Regiment since the wives of the officers performed their duties whole-heartedly with a smile.
     The winter season was the period of collective training in the deserts. We participated in exercises with the Infantry Battalions & refined our SOPs for operations in the desert terrain. Thus, we improved our technical proficiency gradually in each exercise. Our BC & OP parties practised their role while patrolling the sand dunes on camel back, which certainly was not an easy ride. Our Gunners also refined the movement and deployment drills for the Guns in the desert terrain.
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     In Jan 1985, I received the much awaited and eagerly expected news about the result of Staff College exam. This time , my name was in the competitive merit list of Top 20 achievers, who had secured Distinction. I felt extremely delighted as it was yet another step on the ladder of success. I thanked the Almighty for his divine blessings & looked forward to moving to Wellington for the prestigious Staff College Course, by end of the year.
      It was time for Lt Col P K Lama to move out on completion of two years. He was given a memorable farewell  as he handed over the Flag to Col R S Gill in mid Sep 1985. I felt so lucky to have served under three COs, in three years in the same location. It was an invaluable experience to observe & learn the unique style of command of each Commanding Officer. I was really impressed with their different styles of leadership, different motivation techniques, different man management concepts while maintaining their focus towards Pursuit of Excellence, which inspired the Jat Balwans towards ---” Jazbaa Jeet Ka” !!
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technicalwords · 4 years
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Indore Physical Academy Height ...  0:48 NOW PLAYING || Indian Army Defense || Bipin Rawat.....||  INDIAN Army Talent • 17M views 8 months ago Subscribe, Share Like.  4:23 NOW PLAYING Army Successful Story | Dil De Diya Hai Jaan Tumhe Denge | Indian Army Real Story| Dooars Films Vlog  Dooars Films Vlog • 11M views 1 month ago Army Successful Story | Dil De Diya Hai Jaan Tumhe Denge | Indian Army Real Story| Dooars Films Vlog For Business Enquiry- ...  20:40 NOW PLAYING The fouji || real heroes || INDIAN ARMY SPECIAL  Pandu Gang • 11M views 11 months ago This short film is made on the content of indian army so please watch and share this short movie. location - RATANGARH ...  13:24 NOW PLAYING FILLING PROUD INDIAN ARMY || देश का सैनिक || ARMY SPECIAL VIDEO || BHAI BHAI KA PYAR || ATTRI HUNGAM  Attri Hungama • 9.7M views 6 months ago About this video इस वीडियो के माध्यम से बताया गया है कि फौजी की होली कैसी होती है हम सभी अपनी ...  14:29 NOW PLAYING INDIAN ARMY VS PAKISTAN FIGHT - Rohitash Rana  Rohitash Rana • 9.3M views 6 months ago Hello Guys This Video is purely for entertainment. Our motive is not to hurt anyone sentiments so plz enjoy this video and do not ...  1:01 NOW PLAYING Title: Dance+5 | Raghav's army tribute  StarPlus 8.3M views 10 months ago Independence is not free, it costs soldiers! Watch Raghav pay tribute to the bravery of our Indian Army. #DancePlus5, Tomorrow at ...  5:41 NOW PLAYING Indian Army Medical Test in Hindi Full Video Live Army Rally Bharti Ground News 2019 Information  Goal Achievers 8.2M views 11 months ago Indian Army Open Rally Bharti News army medical test in hindi Live from ground information army rally bharti live in hindi news ...  4:09 NOW PLAYING Height कम होने पर Indian Army कैसे Join करें 9770678245  Indore Physical Academy Satyadhi Sharma Classes • 7.4M views 9 months ago Jai Hind dosto namskar sathiyon Kabhi aapki height kam hai matlab 165 CM se kam hai ,to aap tension n le Aap bhi foji bn ...  18:13 NOW PLAYING Indian army selection  PLAN B TAMIL • 7M views 10 months ago PLAN B TAMIL INDIAN ARMY PHYSICAL SELECTION IN TAMILNADU, CUDDALORE army selection army selection army ... 4K  3:22 NOW PLAYING Indian Army Lieutenant punched Chinese Major ,इस जवान ने एक मुक्के में चीनी मेजर को धूल चटाई |Hindi  SHIVALIK JOURNAL 6.4M views 4 months ago Indian Army Lieutenant who punched Chinese Major on the Face at Sikkim Clash #LieutenantpunchedChineseMajor ...  1:59 NOW PLAYING Indian Army and Chinese Army  Tenzin Sayen • 6.4M views 8 months ago Chinese army barking like street dogs..  0:58 NOW PLAYING ⚔️Indian Army tik tok running status ||🇮🇳🌍🏆🥇Tik tok girls hard motivation for girls (part = 1)  Goal Indian Army • 6M views 7 months ago Indian army ki taiyari tik tok running motivation video. Hello friends m Thakur Vikas Chauhan aapke liye Indian army running ki ...  0:31 NOW PLAYING New indian army best sratus 2020  Chaitu Creation • 5.9M views 1 month ago Use Headphones Better quality Sonud🤗❤ 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤LIKE COMMENT SHARE ...  27:55 NOW PLAYING Fire Power of India & China | Power Of Chinese Army | Compare Indian & Chinese Army | Military Power  Khan GS Research Centre • 5.2M views 3 months ago Indianarmy #MilitaryPower #FirePowerofIndiaChina About Coaching:- Teacher - Khan Sir Address - Kisan Cold Storage, Sai ...  9:29 NOW PLAYING 🇮🇳Indian Army Tayari TikTok Video | Best Motivational Song #Indian #Army #BSF #CRPF #NCC #TikTok 🔥  IND8D • 4.9M views 3 months ago Indian Army Tayari TikTok Video | Best Motivational Song Indian army taiyari video Indian army best taiyari tik tok video Indian ...  12:48 NOW PLAYING The Real Hero | Indian Army | Ahana Goyal  ahana goyal 4.8M views 2 months ago This video is all about INDIAN ARMY that how a JAWAN'S Family and Specially his wife survive critical situation like a HERO.  2:00:32 NOW PLAYING New Indian Army full Movie Hindi 2020  New Gujarati & Hindi Movies • 4.7M views 5 months ago subscribe #youtube #like #youtuber #follow #sub #youtubechannel #share #comment #youtubers #love #music #linkinbio ...  9:37 NOW PLAYING Indian Army - The Untold Story ( Republic Day Special Video)  Lokesh Raj • 4.6M views 7 months ago indianarmy #deshprem #realsoldier #commando #deshbhaktivideo #republicdayspecialvideo.  10:21 NOW PLAYING Indian Military Power ⚔️ The HIGHEST BATTLEFIELD co
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Money, honey traps and ideology: Why people like Davinder betray trust - india news
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The arrest of deputy superintendent of police Davinder Singh for helping terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir has once again brought to focus what happens when a law officer goes to the other side. There are 20 lakh odd police officers in 29 states/Union Territories and close to 25 lakh army and central paramilitary personnel across the country other than reserve forces and central intelligence and investigation agencies who take an oath to be truthful to the Constitution and play a role of primary shield from any threat to India when they join services. Pakistan’s spy agency ISI and the terror groups it harbours often manage to penetrate this shield - either through money, honey traps (when officers are lured through women) or other means. A senior intelligence official said that they haven’t come across cases like DSP Davinder Singh, where a serving officer was caught with terrorists, but there are many other cases in J&K when former police officers joined the terror ranks or worked for ISI. Last year, around the time when Article 370 was being abrogated by the government, weapons of around 250 SPOs (special police officers) were taken away after indications that some of them may join terror groups. One of the most famous scandals involving the jawans — the Samba Spy case between August 1978 and January 1979, in which 50 jawans who served in the 169 Infantry Brigade and its subordinate units at Samba, 40 km from Jammu on the international border, were arrested on charges of spying for Pakistan at the instance of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (MI). Those arrested included a Brigadier, three Lieutenant Colonels and a number of Majors, Captains, Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs), Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and personnel of other ranks, plus 11 civilians who had worked in the Samba sector. In July 2018, a BSF head constable Abdul Rasheed was arrested by Delhi Police for trading secret and confidential information with ISI. More recently, seven sailors based in Vishakapatnam were arrested last month for passing on critical information to Pakistan after being entrapped on social media by Pakistani agents posing as women. Official cited above said there are hundreds of instances in last 70 years - be it insurgency in the north east, J&K militancy or Maoists’ affected states - when police officers, army or paramilitary forces have betrayed their country either for money, ideology or because of threat to their families from the terrorists. “Usually the officers/jawans caught in the past shared classified information or helped any terrorist when they either left the service or were not on the job. In the cases of honey traps, they shared information without realising that it could be misused,” the officer added. Indian army and paramilitary forces have often come up with directions for their personnel on the use of social media and certain apps purportedly run by Pakistanis, Chinese or terror groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda, asking them to be careful. Another intelligence officer said that “there is a need to routinely have motivational exercises within the armed forces and police to remind them of their duty and to make sure they don’t move away from it. In the age of social media, it is very difficult to keep an eye on every Jawan or police officer but discipline is necessary and strictest action should be taken against traitors”.The second officer added that officers like Davinder Singh should be taught a “tough lesson”. Read the full article
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Army destroys 3 terror camps in PoK, six to ten Pakistan soldiers dead
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Current Affairs Six to ten soldiers of the Pakistan Army were killed and three terror camps destroyed in a retaliatory action by the Indian Army opposite the Tangdhar sector in Jammu & Kashmir, Army chief General Bipin Rawat said on Sunday.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of an event, he said another terror camp was severely damaged in the action by the Indian forces and the retaliation had caused substantial harm to the terror infrastructure across the Line of Control (LoC).
ALSO READ: G Kishan Reddy joins BSF jawans for Diwali celebrations in Guwahati
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was briefed about the retaliatory action, the Army chief said. “Ever since the abrogation of special provisions (for Jammu & Kashmir), we are getting repeated inputs about infiltration by terrorists from across the border,” he added.
“So far, according to the information available with us, 6-10 Pakistani soldiers have been killed and nearly as many terrorists,” General Rawat said, adding that more information on terrorist casualty was being obtained...Read more.
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india24x7news-blog · 5 years
Befitting Response to Pakistan On Border, another Pakistani soldier killed by Army.
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Islamabad, ANI: The Indian Army has given yet another befitting reply to the Pakistan Army along the border. The Indian Army has killed another Pakistani soldier in a cross-border firing. The Pakistani Army said on Friday that a day earlier, another Pakistani soldier was killed in a shootout between India and Pakistan in a ceasefire violation. Pakistan Army spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor, in a tweet, himself informed that another Pakistani soldier had been killed on the border.
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The Indian Army has given yet another befitting reply to the Pakistan Army along the border. -India 24x7 News Let me tell you, earlier on Thursday, the Indian Army had killed three Pakistani soldiers in firing on the border. In this way, India has killed 4 Pakistani soldiers on the border in the last 24 hours. Army responds to 'Pak' plans On the day of Independence Day on Thursday, the Pakistan Army once again showed its nefarious plans on the border. Army sources said that the same day Pakistani Army violated ceasefire in Uri and Rajouri sector. The Pakistani Army opened heavy fire in the Krishna Valley sector of Poonch in violation of the ceasefire. On this, the Indian army killed three jawans of the Pak army and retaliated several enemy bunkers. Apart from this, there are reports of injuries to many soldiers of Pakistan, besides there are reports of injuries to many soldiers of Pakistan. However, sources in the Indian Army have denied claims made by Pakistan that five Indian soldiers were also killed in ceasefire violations near the Line of Control. Let us tell you that the ceasefire violation was done by the Pakistani Army when India was celebrating its 73rd Independence Day. The Indian Army gave a befitting reply to the unsafe firing by Pakistani soldiers. India has always urged Pakistan to respect the 2003 ceasefire arrangement between the two countries, but Pakistan never descends from its nefarious antics and keeps on firing across the border for days to come. Ceasefire violation increased The Pakistani army has increased ceasefire violations for the last several days. On the day of 15 August, Pakistan violated the ceasefire in the KG sector in the tail of Jammu and Kashmir. Apart from this, ceasefire violations were carried out by Pakistan in Uri and Rajouri in which three Pakistani soldiers were killed. Even before this he has violated ceasefire. By this, Pakistan probably wants to attract the attention of the world to Kashmir. Now Pakistan wants to play the Victim Card after eating at the United Nations and is trying to attract the attention of the international community at least by the movement on the border. Significantly, after the Modi government's decision on Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan is restless. After removing the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir, from the Prime Minister of Pakistan to the Army Chief and all the leaders are now talking about war. Regarding Kashmir issue, Pakistan is trying to pressure India in every way. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said recently that if there is a war with India, then we are fully prepared for it. Due to this, Pakistan has increased the army on its eastern border. At the same time, fundamentalist organizations in Pakistan have taken to the streets against the Modi government's decision on Jammu and Kashmir. In many cities of Pakistan including Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi, rallies were taken out against the decision of the Modi government. Parliament approved the bill to change the Article 370 giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir and the bill to divide the state into two union territories. After this, with the approval of the President, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh became two separate Union Territories which would come into existence on 31 October. Read the full article
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u4u-voice · 5 years
Rajnath Singh pays tribute to soldiers at Dras war memorial ahead of Operation Vijay anniversary
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KARGIL: Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visited the Kargil War Memorial in Dras in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday and paid tributes to the Indian soldiers killed during the Kargil war. The Union Minister is also scheduled to inaugurate two bridges in Kathua and Basantar later in the day. Singh had taken to Twitter to inform about his day-long trip to Jammu and Kashmir in the morning. "Leaving New Delhi for Drass on a day-long visit to J&K. Shall visit the Kargil War Memorial to pay tributes to the fallen soldiers. I shall also be visiting Jammu region where two bridges built by BRO at Ujh in Kathua and Basantar in Samba will be dedicated to the nation," Rajnath tweeted. https://twitter.com/rajnathsingh/status/1152444029667176448 Singh had taken to Twitter to inform about his day-long trip to Jammu and Kashmir in the morning. Rajnath's visit to the memorial comes days ahead of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Operation Vijay by Indian Army. The Kargil war was fought between India and Pakistan between May and July 1999 in the Kargil district of Kashmir and along the Line of Control (LOC). During the war, the Indian Army evicted Pakistani intruders and succeeded in recapturing the Tiger Hill and other posts as a part of Operation Vijay. The Indian soldiers had secured this victory after a three-month conflict that led to a loss of lives from both sides with the Indian side losing nearly 490 officers, soldiers, and jawans. In order to commemorate India's win in the war, the Kargil Vijay Diwas is celebrated every year on July 26. A host of events have been organised and a few major ones are lined up to mark the 20 years of the conflict. “Brave soldiers of the Indian Army had overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, hostile terrain, weather, and a determined enemy occupying dominating heights, to win the Kargil War with the help of the Indian Air Force, which gave air support to the Army,” the Defence Ministry said on Friday.   Read the full article
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Pakistan violated the ceasefire 1248 times along the Line of Control (LoC) in the last six months, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said in a reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on Monday.The Minister in his reply to a question by BJP leader Vijay Pal Singh Tomar also informed that four Army jawans were killed in these ceasefire violations by Pakistan.Appropriate retaliation to the ceasefire…
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aarcee321 · 5 years
Indian Armed Forces or Orphan
Indian Armed Forces are a very useful, convenient and user friendly device. Use them whenever, for whatever .... and whichever way the nation wants and kick them, dump them....and humiliate them at will.
Nation is use to seeing the Armed Forces at Raj Path on 26 Jan and when all systems of governance fail or the situation is far beyond the IAS types. But when it comes to paying the Armed Forces, these are the same IAS types, the bureaucrats, who decide as to how much (less) to pay to the Armed Forces and more often what they dole out is the lowest among all those who don uniform of some kind. The latest fashion in the CAPF is to wear combat dress even in National Capital, New Delhi.
Does the nation take pride in paying lowest to their best. And if that is what the nation likes to then sooner than later, better ones will commence gravitating towards Khaki, will not be surprised, if they are not already. Because if you give peanuts, you will get monkeys.
Pakistan is a realty and threat it possess is as much real. No amount of strategic and diplomatic manoeuvering and victories can assure safe borders and peace and safety within borders.
When commercial boom swept the country off it's feet, able and competent youth in larger numbers queued up at corporate doors for high paying jobs. It this flight of competent job seekers which caused huge shortages in the officer rank then and this shortage is only increasing.
And who will pay the price for this worrisome scenario?
The British legacy of bureaucratic system, to which Patel had called "steel frame", has got horribly corroded over the years and for it's survival, it doesn't mind weakening the Armed Forces. In fact, it does so as part of their duty. And it is ensuring it in a cunning and systematic manner by keeping the Armed Forces poorly paid so that better portion of youth doesn't join the Armed Forces.
It suits the bureaucrats to keep the army understrength and accumulate wickedly programmed saving.
But what will happen against China as China is no Pakistan. And it will not be Doklam every time, it can indeed be 62 once again. Then in 62, China was not what it is today militarily or economically. It's military might has made even US to sit-up. But it is sad that our bureaucrats are trying their best, aided by corrupt politicians to keep the Armed Forces in 62 mode.
If Indian democracy is allowed to quibble and stall acquisition of state of art weapons or pocket huge kick backs from defense deals then unthinkable becoming a possibility is very real. Nehru's lack of foresight allowed Tibet to be swallowed by China and the whole world including the Big Brother kept watching mutely. I something remotely similar happens with India, it will be India who has to take a call.
Acquisition of weapons, the best available in the world, should not be and can not be made hostatege to dirty dance of democracy. If need be acquisition processes be overhauled and systems be evolved de novo. Why can a Honourable Supreme Court Judge not be made part of acquisition processes. When there can be Honourable Supreme Court monitored investigations, there can and should be Honourable Supreme Court monitored acquisition as well.
The other part of the complex problem of matters militay is the man behind the machine; convincingly proved during the IAF air raid at Blakot; Abhinandan and so many other air warriors along with Army and Navy we're fully ready to go in. Surgical strike by Indian Army was a clockwork precision job. Just imagine the horrendous situation of a few serious injuries and deaths during surgical strike. Yes, there would have been no requirement of proof as some Pappus and political have been demanding.
The government therefore needs to take good care of lakhs of other Abhinandans. If Indian Armed Forces are left at the mercy of bureaucrats for deciding their pay, perks and pensions; who perpetually suffer from inferiority complex; neat surgical strike or Balakot may become a fictional happenings.
Just for information of readers, a DIG of ITBP or a DRDO guy in Leh is better paid than an Army Brigadier. No issue. If that is what their cousins in civvies, the IAS want then from now on in case of a face off with China and Pakistan, let ITBP & BSF bear the brunt. Why screw the Army in no-go situations.
Recently discovered that in case of death of a constable of a CPO while in combat, the widow is entitled retention of accommodation till the age of superannuation of the constable or the rank the CPO guy was holding while he got killed fighting. On the contrary, an army Jawan's widow is allowed retention just for enough time to pack her bags.
Today all CPO ranks are addressed as Jawans, though this terminology was and is meant for Army soldiers only. Media does greater harm to the prestige of the Armed Forces by loosely making a mocktail of terminologies, wonder due to lack of knowledge, deliberate ignorance or due to some well thought shenanigans.
Revision of OROP pensions abhorringly diluted to every five years (ORFP) from proposed every year revision seems to not only having been out on back burner or in a deep freeze, but appears to have been a quite burial. Din of general elections has given added elibai to the government for adding delays and inaction.
Those who win medals for the country are taken care of in most extraordinary manner.
Shouldn't the Armed Forces who win battles and wars for the country be also?
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pinkvilla · 6 years
EXCLUSIVE: Ishqbaaaz's Mansi Srivastava on Surgical Strike 2.0: This kind of response was needed at the moment
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On Tuesday morning, the whole nation woke up to the news of surgical strike by the Indian Air Force on in different locations in Pakistan. It was a retaliation for the Pulwama attack on February 14 which led to the loss of lives of more than 40 Indian CRPF jawans. The surgical strike by IAF is done against the terror launchpads at three different locations in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, across the Line of Control.  This is the second surgical strike on Pakistan. The first one was conducted in 2016 after the URI attacks which killed 20 Indian army men.
Ishqbaaaz fame Mansi Srivastava was asked about her views on the surgical strike 2.0. The actress told Pinkvilla, "I am glad, our heroes have returned safely. The kind of response we have given was really needed at the moment. India is proud of our heroes for their bravery and so am I. You cannot say, there won't be more attacks on us, but we would be stronger to fight back and destroy the terrorism of its roots."
The government of India has released an official statement regarding the surgical strike.  Foreign Secretary, Vijay Gokhale has released an official statement which mentions, "Credible information was received that JeM was attempting other attacks in the country. A pre-emptive strike became important. India struck the biggest camp of JeM in Balakot.” He further said, “India is firmly and resolutely committed to taking all measures to fight the menace of terrorism. This non-military pre-emptive action was targeted specifically at JeM camp. The selection of the target was also conditioned by our desire to avoid civilian casualties."
Also Read: Surgical Strike 2.0: Kapil Sharma salutes the Indian Air Force post air strikes on Terrorist camp in Pakistan
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